Play 3-3 in the one end with the offense trying to score and defense defending and then making a breakout pass.
1. Black 1-2-3 attack Red 1-2-3 from the far blue line.
2. Black 4-5-6 follow the play into the zone above the circles.
3. On a goal, frozen puck or change of possession Black 1-2-3 pass to Black 4-5-6.
4. Black1-2-3 return to the line at the far blue line.
5. Black 4-5-6 skate with the puck to the far blue line and turn back.
6. Red 1-2-3 follow the play into the neutral zone.
7. Black 4-5-6 attack Red 1-2-3.
8. Red 4-5-6 follow to the top of the circle to support.
* Great game with only one goalie or a goalie working with the coach at one end.
* Play this transition game from 1-1 to 5-5 with even numbers like 3-3 or vary the situation like 3-2 then 2-3.
* Have modified rules to practice individual or team skills. i.e. Goals only count on one touch shots or there must be three passes made before shooting.