T2 - B600 - RG-D-F-Stretching F – 2-0 – D Shot - Pro.m4v
T2 - B600 - RG-D-F-Stretching F – 2-0 – D Shot - Pro
Key Points:
Take three hard strides when you get the puck, Move the puck quickly up ice and follow the pass. D shoot at waist level so it can be tipped.
1. Start from diagonal bluelines.
2. On the whistle the coach or F1 pass back to D1.
3. F1 quickly stretch pass to F2 leaving from the far diagonal blue line.
4. F2 attack and shoot while F1 follow.
5. D1 skate to the original point and get a pass from F3 and shoot.
6. F1-F2 at each end screen and tip the shot from D1.
7. Repeat with coach or F3 passing to D2 at each end.
*Make the drill more game like by having D1 defend F4 on the next stretch pass.