T2 - B4 - 3-0 BO - D Trailer – Pro
T2 - B4 - 3-0 BO - D Trailer – Pro
Key Points:
The defenseman jump up into the rush as the trailer. One forward go hard to the net and the other pass back to the D for a shot. A coach give passive resistance to the rush when they enter the zone.
1. Players leave from the middle circle toward each end.
2. Coaches shoot a puck into diagonal corners.
3. D1 go back for the puck and make a breakout pass to F1 or F2.
4. Attack 3-1 vs. a coach who gives passive resistance.
5. F2 middle drive, F1 pass back to D1 from the wide lane, D1 shoot.
6. Repeat from each side.