C600 - 4-0 Regroup - 3-0 - 3-2 x 2 – Pro
Key Points:
Middle D jump up to take the shot on the first rush. Attack with speed and support from all three lanes.
1. Start with a neutral zone regroup F1-F2 with D1-D2.
2. F1-F2 attack the net and the middle D join and shoot the trailer pass.
3. F3 start a 3-2 rush with F1-F2 vs. D1-D2.
4. D3-D4 follow and get a new puck to regroup with D1-F2-F3 in the neutral zone.
5. F1-F2-F3 attack 3-2 vs. D1-D2 a second time.
6. Repeat with F4-F5 regrouping with D3-D4.