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D400 Goalies Face Opposite Directions
D400 Goalies Face Opposite Directions
Key Points:
Play all 4 Game Playing Roles with intensity.
1. Player with the puck.
2. Players supporting the puck carrier.
3. Player checking the puck carrier.
4. Players covering away from the puck.
Constant transition between roles+ offense, defense, loose puck.
1. Play 2 on 2 for 20 seconds.
2. Leave the puck in the zone on a whistle.
3. Players must clear the zone before the next players come on.
4. Each team shoots on only one net.
5. Keep score.
6. Add modifies rules that require certain skills to be used.

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Views 4065
Media ID 20101221142814546 
Tuesday, December 21 2010 @ 07:28 PM GMT
  • Currently 0.00/5
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Uploaded By: TomM  


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Media ID 20101221142814546  
Date Tuesday, December 21 2010 @ 07:28 PM GMT
Comments 0
Views 4065
Keywords game, nets face opposite way
Uploaded By TomM
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