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T1 - Scoring - One Timers-Tip-Screen – Pro
T1 - Scoring - One Timers-Tip-Screen – Pro
Key Points:
Hit the net with shots. Screen on shots from the mid-point and kick out a little farther for a shot pass or tip on shots from the side. Get the stick back early on one timers. One the forehand side stop the puck then shoot. Have the head up to get the shot pass the blocker.
1. Coach in the corner pass cross ice for one timer shots.
2. Coach shoot or pass from the mid-point.
3. One player screen and one player at the top of the circle on each side.
4. Player in front screen, tip and go for a rebound on point shots.
5. Player in front kick out a few metres when the puck is passed to the sides.
6. Players on the sides make a shot pass to the player in front.
7. Take five shots and rotate.
8. Skate from the red line to the far blue line twice then go down and shoot.

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Views 1971
Media ID 20170602104355914 
Friday, June 02 2017 @ 03:43 PM GMT
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Uploaded By: TomM  


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Media ID 20170602104355914  
Date Friday, June 02 2017 @ 03:43 PM GMT
Views 1971
Keywords one timers, screen, tip, kick out, shot pass, rebound, quick feet
Uploaded By TomM