B6 Chaos NZ Overspeed with Regroup-Pro
B6 Chaos NZ Overspeed with Regroup-Pro
Key Points:
Players skate as fast as possible weaving through each other in the middle. Try various moves and dekes with the head up. Whistle about every 7 seconds.
1. Players line up against the boards at the top of the circle.
2. On the whistle skate into the nzone and make moves at top speed.
3. One player from each line leave on whistle
A. Skate in and shoot then rebound.
B. Skate to far blue line then in and shoot.
C. Pass to opposite line then skate and shoot
Other options:
1-Circle back for rebound.
2-Give and go with a player on the goal line.
3-Defend 1-1 vs. the next second shooter.
4-Screen and tip for next shooter.