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Diary of a Season 2024-25

We are coaching for Girls Hockey Calgary again. It starts this weekend with a pre season conditioning camp for the various age groups. u13-U15-U18. I have been asked to prepare five practices for the two older groups. Each practice has a warm up, SAG game or transition game, full ice pass and shoot, full ice game situation drill and a full ice game and four finish with a fitness skate. I will attach the pdf at the bottom.

Practice One U15-U18

15. Balance and edges.
10’ Overspeed
12’ Two pass at each net
13’. Machine gun
15’ Russian scrimmage
10’ Fitness skate - dot. Middle. Dot. Boards x 2

Practice Two

12’ Zig zag 4 options.
15’ Games of quick transition at each net
13’ Multiple pass and 1-1
15’ power play game
10’ Poddy 1-1, 2-1, 2-2, 3-2
10’ Ladder skate

'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
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GHC Pre-season Camp Practices 3-4

Practice Three

10’ Transition skate shooting
15’ Three 5’ games 4-4 or 5-5. Pass to your D at pont to be on offense.
13’. Dizzy
15’ Full ice 5-5. At least one pass each zone.
10’ angling
12’ Fitness. Speed scoring x 2

Practice Four

10’. Give and go shots
15’ Krusel 2-2 or 3-3 each end and middle.
12’. Small horseshoe 1-0 and 2-0
8’ 3-0 Tomas NZ Regroup
7’ 3-0 regroup. 3-2 other way.
13’. Continuous 2-2 and 3-2
10’. F - D400 - 1-1 x 2 x 2 – Pro

'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
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GHC Pre-season Camp - Practice 5

Practice Five

10’. A300 Skating and Puck Handling Warmup - U15 G
10’ B4 - 1-0 Outside-Middle Shots Czech U17
15’ One net Kings Court Games x 3 on - Modified rule of two pass.
10’ Read the rush. 1-1 or 2-2 or 3-1
10’ 3 one net games. Choose between 1-5 players 15’ full ice 5-5 game
10' D200 - 3-3 Game - Change on Their Own
10' D100 Full ice 5-5 game

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Our season has started. Ran three conditioning practices Thursday.

Today tryouts started. 140 players trying for 3 teams. Those who don’t make it play in a lower division.

We play 5-5 games, no drills. Our coaching staff watches the game and then meet during the flood and do an overall ranking then watch the next game and repeat. After two games we submit our ranking and the executive lets the players know if they are invited back to the next evaluation games. We start with 8 teams, then 6, then 4 and then the three coaching staffs meet with the chairman and we draft three teams. We play against the top teams in our Province.

Tonight and Sunday 8 teams play and we rank them in the 4 games.

T-Th we cut 2 teams and we evaluate them 3 games each night.

Friday-Sat 4 teams play 2 more games each. We watch and rank them.

Sunday morning we draft our 3 teams in a snake draft. Straws for draft order then a snake draft by position. 1-2-3-3-1-2-2-3-1-1-2-3 etc.

Each team a few extra players to make final decisions on after a few ex games, then name our 18 skaters and 2 goalies. Late cuts are affiliates.

I think this format gives every player a fair chance.

Watched 4 games tonight. 12 more to go.

Cut down to 6 teams who played two games each then to 4 teams who played on each.

Had a draft with the three teams choosing from the final four teams. We no have 15 F, 8 D, 3 G and will practice and play exhibition games to get down to 12 F, 6 D, 2 G. The players not chosen will be our affiliates.

'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
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U15 Black Practice Plan - 09-03-24

First practice of the season. We have 15 F, 8 D, 3 G and must get down to 12-6-2. We do fitness testing tonight, practice Thursday and I am using a long ice time to introduce team play instead of an ex game, We play an exhibition game on Sunday. Started with 3 goalies but one was sick and left. .

U15 Black Practice Plan Date: 09-03-24 Time: 8:45-10:00 Arena: Max Bell - Bracko
Lines: Notes:15 F – 8 D – 3 G
Divided white and dark
Goalies at one end with coaches 20’
A200 - Big Moves Puckhandling Jim
B600 - Tomas Nzone Continuous Regroup
B6 - 1 High 1 x 2 Low Shooting
B6 - 1 High 1 x 2 Low Shooting
Two Games of Quick Transition x 2
D100 – Full Ice Game of 5-5 – 45” shifts
Team cheer in middle
Parent meeting 15’ - short meeting to introduce staff, explain philosophy and see who wants to be managers.

Fire Black U15 Practice Plan : 09-06-24
Time: 18:45-20:00 Arena: Fr. Bauer
Lines: 15 F - 8 D - 3 G
B6 - Pass-Agility-Zig-Shoot x 2
C6 – Pardy’s 1-1 to 3-2
D1 One Pass in Each Zone
DT100 - Continuous 2-1 to 3-2 - U15
T2 - Breakout Sequence - Wally Kozak
D100 – Power Play Game – All Situation
Team Cheer

'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
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Fire Black U15 Practice Plan 09-07-24
Time: 15f:15-19:00 Arena: Rocky Ridge
Lines: 15 F - 8 D - 3 G:
60’ outdoor magnetic board
Small horseshoe
Murdoch dice defense
Score vs passive 2-1-2
Controlled 5-5 scrimmage
Forecheck walk through
5-5 with dump in and freeze whistle
Jim power play intro one end
Emily and Mila pk in one end
Specialty team sequence
PP game – one defender in nzone
Cheer in middle
Meet with parents

Played an exhibition game and lost 3-5. They played night before and made their cuts, so had their team. We sat 6 of our better players and still need to cut 2 D, 3 F, 1 G. Practice twice this week then play two more ex games Sat-Sun and have to have our roster completed by 17 th. .
Fire Black Practice Plan-: 09-10-24 Time:
20:15-21:30 Arena: Crowchild
Lines: 15 F, 3 G, 8 D
A300 – Cut backs
B6 - Machine Gun - 2 Pass x 2-Shot
B600 - Continuous 3-2 Regroup -add dump ins
DT400 3-3 Krusel Battling Game
C2 - Rexi 1-1, 2-2 – Gap Control
T2 - B202 - Four Chamber Attack
D1 One Pass in Each Zone

* Cut one G, 2 F, 1 D after practice. Now have 2 G, 13 F, 7 D and must cut one more F and one more Dwho we will make decisions on after our Saturday game.

'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
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Location: Calgary, Canada
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Fire Black Practice Plan - 09-12-24
Time: 19:15-20:30 Arena: Fr Bauer
Lines:13F – 2 G – 7 D
Notes: Kaylin with goalies 20’
B6 - 3 Shots, 3 Zig zags, 3 Shots
B202 - Luhowy Passing
C500 1-1 - Race for Puck - Protection Battles
B6 - 2-0 x 2 Cross Pass x 3
C3 - Breakout, Regroup, Attack 3-2 x 2
B5 - Angling Along the Boards
DT100 - Continuous Game of 3-2 to 5-5
Team Cheer

Almost down to our roster. Need to drop one F and one D. Play Saturday to decide. Really close..
Played two games on the weekend. Beat Okotoks Raiders 2-0 and Fire Red 2-1 in OT. Individual and team defense if good. We make the passes but only complete about 50% of them. Getting players to look and pass is the hard part. We need to get better at passing and receiving and that will be our focus in a lot of our practice drills and games. 6 practices and 2 games in the next 11 days. So pretty busy.
Fire Black Practice Practice Plan - 09-16-24
Time: 20:00-21:15 - Bowness Arena: Bowness
Lines:12 F – 6 D – 2 G :
A200 - Big Moves Warm up – with shots - cutbacks
B200 Overspeed with a Pass - U18 F
B6 1-0, 2-0, 3-0 Small Horseshoe
C1-C600 1-1 - Slovakia U20
D4 Two Pass Game x 2 – 4-4 - 5-5 - Rules: only forehand passes then added you must make an escape move.
B6 - 2 Cross and Drop - Regroup - 3-0 – Carolina
E1 Change on the Go with Pass Shootout

* Did lots of passing starting with only top hand and rolling puck heel to middle and top hand moving away from body. Showed haw the puck will stop when it hits the blade that is square. Grandson Aidan helped as all other coaches couldn't make it.

'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
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Fire Black Practice Plan 09-18-24
Time: 18:00-19:15 Arena: Rose Kohn
Lines: 10 F-2 G – 6 D
D1 Puck Ringette Tennis Ball game
B6 - 2 Pass-Double Zig-Shot x 3 x 2
B4-B6 - Quick Up x 2 - Point Shot
T3 - Defensive Skating – Toe Caps Face Attacker –
T2 1-3-1 PP Rotation
T4 - Penalty Kill 1-3 Sweep Rotation
T2-4 - Specialty team Sequence
D100 -Pp scrimmage 1 ‘ each
D100 - Full ice 2” game
Team Cheer
* Players caught on to pp and pk really quickly. Passing was much better and pace was high. Two forwards were sick.
Fire Black Practice Plan:- 09-21-24
Time: 13:30-14;30 Arena: Crowchild
Lines:11 Fk-6 D - 2 G
B4 - 1-0 Outside-Middle Shots- Czech U17
D4 Two Pass - Rules only forehand passes, must make an escape move
B600 - Continuous 2-2 Regroup
T2 – D4 - Torpedo 6-5
D100 – 6-6 – One Defender In Neutral Zone
D100 – Power Play Game – All Situation
Team Cheer
Parent Meeting in coach room – team play

Played Airdrie Friday night and won 3-0. Have a run of 10 periods with only one goal scored against us. Play them again Sunday.

'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
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Fire Black Practice Plan - 09-23-24
Time: 18:00-19:00 Arena: ECTAS
Lines 12 F 6 D 2 G
2’ Cutbacks and moves
B6-600 Flow -Breakout 2 F Shoot - D Point Shot
28’ Goalies at one end D other end
T1 - A500 - D Breakout Options - Cassie
F Passing in middle - Mila
B202 - Passing in 4 Groups
T2 - 5-0 Breakout Options Routine
DT400 - Perry Pearn Game Rotation – 5-5
DT100 - 2-1 to 3-3 and 2-2 to 4-4 With Tag-up
Butterfly conditioning skate
Team cheer in middle

Played Airdrie again on Sunday. Had a bad first period and were behind 0-1. Got outshot 9-6 and we had no shots from the slot. Second period played a lot harder. Outshot them 17-3 and only gave up 2 shots in third. Tied game 2-2 late in third and won in a shootout.
Fire Black Practice Plan Date: 09-24-24 -19:00-20:00
Arena: Crowchild
Lines: 12 F- 6 D -2 G Notes:
A300 Moves at the dots
One Timer Shots x 4
C3 Reijo 1-1 Both Sides - Gap Control - Defense No Stick
D100 – Game of 3-3 – No Dump Ins
Two Net – 2-0 x 2 Shootout
E1 Rebound Game

Parent Meeting: I went over all of our team play with the parents, so they know how we want to play Quite a few played a lot of hockey and many who didn't appreciate the information. Also went over player expectations.

'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
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Fire Black Practice 09-26-26
Fire Black Practice Plan -: 09-26-26
Time: 19:30 - Arena: ECTAS
Lines: 12 F - 2 G - 6 D
B6 – Double Zig zag-Agility Skate and Shoot – U15 G
B600 - Continuous 2-2 Regroup – Tomas - U18 F
T2 Spread Power Play 2 Below Goal Line
T4 Penalty Killing 2 Short vs the Spread PP
T4 Penalty Kill Two Short vs. Diamond or Umbrella
T2-4 - Power Play-Penalty Kill Sequence
D100 - Full ice game with rule there must be at least one pass made in each zone. Change on their own.

Team cheer
Meet in room a few minutes to talk about the tournament this weekend. Up to four games.

* Our Firestarter tournament starts this weekend. Teams from our league and Saskatchewan. We get three games, two vs. Sask teams and could get another two in playoffs if we go to the finals. This practice works on two short situations and now we have covered most situations that happen in a game.[/[/color]i]
Game One. Friday played Prince Albert, Saskatchewan. Won 1-0. First period was a saw off with 6 shots each. We were really good in second and outshot them12-3, still 0-0. Third was more back and forth outshooting them 13-10 and scoring one on a PP putting in a rebound. Passes 104, Shots 31-19. We played a really gritty game. Two games on Saturday.
Game before us Fire White lost to another Saskatchewan team 7-2. One player scored all of their goals. About 5'10" and really skilled.
Game 2 we won 5-0 vs Okotoks. One player got three goals. We played well.
Game3 played well but lost 4-6 vs. Swift Current. Took too many penalties.
Game 4 we played the team with the girl who scored all 7 goals in a previous win for them .The team we beat 1-0 beat this team 4-3on Saturday. It was a really close game. Tied 3-3 and our goalie who was having a strong game went to clear a dribbler into the corner and missed the puck and it slid into our net. We pulled the goalie late and their star scored her only goal into an empty net. Could have won both our last two games with a little luck and some better play in our zone.
Next practice in three days. the four games really showed us what we are good at and what we need to work on. We are in another tournament in Kelowna October 11-14 and our season starts after that.

Fire Black Practice Plan 10-01-24
Time: 18:00-19:30 Arena: Village Square
Lines: 12 F 6, D, 2 G
B300 - Butterfly with Big Moves
B500 - 3 Spoke Passing
G - B6 Four Spot Shooting
B6 - 2 Cross and Drop - Regroup - 3-0 - Carolina
C6 - 1-1 to 2-2, 2-1 to 3-3, 2-2 to 4-4 - Pro Forwards
A300 - one timers x 4
T4 – B5 - Low F Support D in Corner – Pro
D100 - Russian Scrimmage - 1-1 to 5-5 College M
E1 – Shootout Race from Dots
Team Cheer in Middle

*Tournament showed we need to work on passing skills and low defensive 1-1 technique to avoid penalties. We also need our D to use deception when taking point shots.

'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
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Location: Calgary, Canada
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Fire Black Practice Plan 10-03-24
Time: 16:15-17:45 Arena: Crowchild
Lines: 2 G, 6 D, 12 F
B6 - Pass-Agility-Zig-Shoot x 2 - U15 G
F - Overspeed Skate with Tight Turn –
D4 Two Pass Game x 2 – 4-4 - 5-5
G o 30’ - Marlene with goalies
T2 - Breakout Sequence
DT400 3-3 Krusel Battling Game
C6 – Poddy’s 1-1 to 3-2
DT100 – Continuous 2-2 to 4-4
D100 – 3-3 Full Ice Game
Team Cheer

Tonight we went through the breakout options starting with one D and one F. Progressed to 1D-2F then 3F then 2D-3F. Worked on good habits like shoulder check, F face puck and open up, C low and slow, Wide W slash across. D sid tight turn, counter, wheel, D to D, reverse. Goalies worked with Marlene at the other end. On zig zag the D did two sets of transition skating and two of backwards with puck. F did one each of transition, backward, Crosby, quick hands and feet. Two pass rule was you must make and escape move before you pass or shoot.
Need to work on communication, creating 2-1's, good playing habits.

Fire Black Practice Plan 10-05-24
Time: 18:30-19:45 Arena: Bowness
Lines:11F – 2 G – 6 D Notes:
A300 - Cutbacks
D1 Full Ice All Play - U18 F – 3 puck game
B300 - Tschumi Around the Clock One Touch Passing
B6 – Dizzy - Timing Around Circles
Goalies with Kaylin
T2 Overload PP Rotation
T4 Low Press PK Rotation
D100 – PP PK Scrimmage - Player in Neutral Zone
E1 Speed Scoring 2-1 to 2-2
Team Cheer in Middle

Most teams we play use an overload or slot set PP. Against this we use a low press that gives a low 3-3 and the 2-1 is at the point. If we are using a 1-1-2 pk vs a 1-3-1 or Diamond PP we rotate into this when they pass to the half boards at the hash.

The F rotation is the same if they get the puck to the mid point. This makes both PK rotations flow into each other with one effective vs. 2 point players and the other vs. one at the mid point

'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
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Registered: 06/25/08
Posts: 3585
Location: Calgary, Canada
Last Edited Friday, October 04 2024 @ 04:59 AM GMT
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Fire Black Practice Plan - : 10-06-24 10-08-24

Time: 19:00-20:15 Arena: ECTAS
Lines:2G, 12F, 6D
Russian Big Moves
Jursino2-0 Passing
Pass – 1-1 Regroup with F – 1-1
Carolina 2-0 – 3-0
C600 - Neutral Zone Regroup - Attack 3-2
T4 - F3 Mirror-Backpressure - F1-F2 Backtrack
D100 – 5-5 Full Ice Regroup Game
E1 – 5 Puck Shootout Contest
Team Cheer in Middle

Busy day with the team party and pumpkin decorating contest. Skill focus is still on passing and receiving as well as playing with tight gaps on D. Team play focus is to get wide winger slashing and stretching. Every team we play pinches on both sides and the stretching forward makes them cautious and drives them off the line.
When we forecheck we want 2 in deep and F4 mirroring and doesn't join the forecheck but in good shooting position if we win the low battle and checks the player getting the first low pass wither to the C or W. She then back pressures she puck carrier. And fills for the weak side D on a pinch. To our forecheck only works if F3 does her job.
Diagram of the C600 1-1 isn't quite right as we started with D wheel and F slash across. We could have increased it to a 2-11.

Fire Black Practice Plan -: 10-08-24
Time: 18:00-19:15 Arena: Village Square
Lines: 12F, 2G, 6D
A300 - Moves at dots
B6 - 3 Shots, 3 Zig zags, 3 Shots
D4 - Two Pass - Only Forehand Passes and Escape Move Kaylin Goalies at one end
T2 - Bob Johnston PP game vs 1-3-1
T2 - Bob Johnston PP game vs Low Spread
C3 - 1-1 Both Sides - Gap Control - D with no sticks
D100 - 3-3 One Pass in Each Zone No Dump Ins
E1 - 10 Shot Shootout
Cheer in middle

Last practice before we leave on Thursday morning for the 8 hour drive to the tournament in Kelowna. We play first game at at 8:30 on Friday morning. Won the tournament last year. It looks like they brought in stronger teams this year, so will be a big challenge.

Jim's hearing got tied up in court so he couldn't make practice to work on the power play. I changed the last half and we did the Bob Johnston PP game with both power play groups 1-3-7 and Low Spread. We also played full ice 3-3 with no dump ins and man on man defense. We ended practice with a 10 puck shootout.[/[/color]i]

T2 - Bob Johnston PP Game. - Low Spread PP - U15 G
Tuesday October 15, 2024
Great trip and tournament in Kelowna.

Thanks to all the parents who organized the food, bus etc. I hope you have recovered from the wine tour.

We got to see the girls play both strong and weak teams and the most impressive stat is we only gave up 5 goals against in six games. Our goaltending was very strong, defensive zone play was solid and the most important factor was how hard we put back pressure on the puck carrier. Most teams just started dumping the puck in because we had two checkers on the puck carrier.

It is very encouraging that our puck carrier usually looks and makes the right pass. We still have to get a lot better making good passes and receiving them while skating at full speed.

We had F3 mirroring the play most of the time and when we did our forecheck was really effective. This allows us to pinch on the weak side, close the gap on the strong side and F3 is usually wide open for a pass in the quiet zone near the dot. We go in trouble when we didn't have an F3.

Most of the time our D played tight gaps forcing them early on breakouts and defending the their blue, red and our blue line. Again when we were passive and backed in it gives time and space and they got scoring chances on us.

Our penalty killing was strong in our zone. We still have to implement how we play in the neutral zone. We also have to practice how to go to the point to block shots.

Our power play had good control and we need to shoot from inside the dots. We really need to work on our D to peek, fake, skate at the blue line so they can get shots past the first checker.

Most of our success is because we made them play faster than they wanted. We were on the puck so fast and battled so hard that they really struggled making plays.

I think the two tournaments show we can compete with anyone. I told the girls my mantra is 3 or more goals for and 2 or less goals against results in having a successful team. That is our target for every game.

We start our season this weekend vs. Lethbridge there and perennial top team Red Deer here.

Let the games begin.

'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
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Registered: 06/25/08
Posts: 3585
Location: Calgary, Canada
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Fire Black Practice Plan: -10-17-24

Focus on pass and receive, tight gaps, puck support, 1-1 skills .Shot blocking, D shooting

Fire Black Practice Plan Date: 10-17-24
Time: 16:00-17:30 Arena: Henry Viney
Lines: 10 F, 6 D, 2 G
Puck Handling – Cutbacks - Marlene work with goalies
B6 - 3 Shots, 3 Zig zags, 3 Shots
B600 - Continuous 2-2 Regroup – Tomas - Marlene work with goalies
D4 Two Pass
B6 1-0, 2-0, Small Horseshoe
B6 Point Shots – Shot Blocking
C3 Reijo 1-1 Both Sides - Gap Control
C6 Regroup x 2, 1-1 and 2-1
D100 – Full Ice Game of 3-3
Lots of ups and downs in our game last night in Lethbridge.
First period neither team was great but they were making passes and we weren't.. Got outshot 13-10 and both teams scored 2 goals.
Second period we played really well and dominated, outshooting them 13-6 and scoring 2 but gave up a late goal and led 4-3.
Third period we looked exhausted and gave up 4 goals, mostly on giveaways that they took advantage of. Outshot us 17-10 for a 36-33 edge in the game.
I think we are still a little worn out from 6 games in 4 days and I hope all the players take it easy today and drink lots of fluids and get a good sleep before we play Red Deer who is always a very strong team.
Hockey is a game of energy. We have two forwards injured and are down to 3 lines which made it hard to keep up the constant pressure on the puck like we did in Kelowna. When you are tired you make mistakes in judgement and execution.
Great thing about sport is that every game has it's own story. Last night was a sad one for us but it has ended.
Sunday we can write a new and happier story.

Game vs. Red Deer, Outshot them 15-5 in first but their goalie stoned us and 0-0. Outshot them by 5 in second, no goals and they got a lucky one that bounced off a shin pad and in. Third was pretty even and they scored a PP goal on a walk in. Three of our 4 pk F are injured and there was confusion on the rotation low which allowed a clear lane to the net. They also go an empty netter.
Outshot them 35-23 and that reflected the play. Our strongest overall game of the year. Passing stats were way up and we did everything but put the puck in the net.
Saturday bus 3 hours north to play Leduc and then on to Edmonton.
Practice T-Th with fitness W and go watch a AHL game F in a private suite one of the parents has.[
Fire Black Practice Plan -10-22-24

Time: 18:00-19:15 Arena: Village Square
Lines:12 F, 7 D, 2 G

G - 20' Kaylin with both goalies
B202 - Chaos and Goalie Warm-up - C U18 F
D1- Puck Dog
B6 - Machine Gun - 2 Passes x 2 Timing and Shots
T2 - 1-3-1 Diamond Power Play
T4 - Penalty Kill 1-3 Sweep Rotation
T2-4 - Overload PP vs Low Press Overload PP at one end
T2-4 - Power Play-Penalty Kill Sequence Power Play Game Full Ice

Rotated players from PK to PP and PP to PK. Jim reviewed the PP and both the overload and 1-3-1 have three options to use instead of all options. Tom taught the Low Press PK. Lots of puckhandling at start of practice and Kaylin, Emily, Mila, worked with the goalies.

'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
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Registered: 06/25/08
Posts: 3585
Location: Calgary, Canada
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Fire Black Practice Plan - 10-24-24
Time: 16:15-17:45 Arena: Crowchild
Lines: 12 F-6 D--2 G
B6 - Passing 2-0 and 3-0 Wide. Middle. Wide Lanes
D4 Two Pass - Must make and escape move, goals on one time shots
B6 - 3 Shots, 3 Zig zags, 3 Shots
T2 - 5-0 BO - Wide Wing Slash - Stretch
T2 - 5-0 BO - W Box Out Chip - Wide W Slash – Stretch
DT100 Continuous 2-2 With Tag-up – Pro
B 5 1-2-3-4-5 passes each zone
D4 1-1-1 Battle Game
6 on 5 game – one defender in nzone
Cheer in middle

Weekend Games
First game in Leduc vs North Central we played really well for 47 of 60'. Got a 4-0 lead in the first period. Goalie wasn't making stops she should have and giving out big juicy rebounds. They changed goalies and came out hard in the second and were out competing us. I called a time out to get us refocused and we played well after that. Won second period 1-0 and third 1-0 for the 6-0win. Outshot them 30-18 and completed 111 passes.

Our forecheck was too much for them to handle and we moved the puck really well.

Second game vs the 4-0 Edmonton Black was probably our best game of the year. We totally dominated the first period but they got a late goal in a scramble in front. Shots 16-11. Had a slow start to the second and then picked it up. We got a goal on a nice pass 7-14 and great finish. They got another winning a 1-1 rush and scoring. Outshot them 14-7 but the goalie stoned us and we missed the net on some great chances. Third period maybe best period of the season. Outshot them 13-5 and tied it on a great shot by 3 to tie it 2-2. Shots 43-25 after 60'. 112 completed passes. They got the only 2 shots in OT and scored when we turned it over tin the neutral zone and the girl cut hard to the net and made a great shot to win in for them.

2 GA in 2 regulation games is great.

Hockey is a funny game because we played great vs. Red Deer and even better vs. Edmonton but lost both. If we play like that the hockey gods will even things up.

Games showed the breakout practice we did really helped. Our specialty teams were good. Eliminated the confusion on coverage on walk outs. We got lots of scoring chances of the PP. We rotated many new players into the pp and pk. Our passing and receiving were better but still need a lot of work. Angling was much better as well. Not many fly byes.

Coaches are really proud of the girls for competing so hard.

Fire Black Practice Plan Date: 10-29-24 - 18:00-19:15 Arena: Village Square
Lines: 11 F 6 D 2 G - one injured D got dropped making a TicToc video.1 F no contact jersey
A300 Puck Handling vs. Defender Warm-up
C600 - Multiple One Touch Passes 1-1 x 2
B200 Overspeed with a Pass - U18 F
C5 - Dump-in 3-2 – Pro
T2 - C6-C600 - Regroup x 3 - 3-2 - U15 G
T2 - Practicing the 1-3-1 Diamond Power Play Pro
T2 D100 Overload Power Play - Pro
T2-4 - Power Play-Penalty Kill Sequence
Cheer in middle

Players plan their Halloween costumers after practice for our tournament on Thursday. three teams of 6, 1-3, 2-3, 1-2, three 20' games.

'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
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Registered: 06/25/08
Posts: 3585
Location: Calgary, Canada
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Fire Black Practices 10-31-24 - 11-05-24 - 11-02-24

Fire Black Practice Plan Date: 10-31-24 - Arena: Max Bell
Halloween Tournament
Lines: 3 teams of 6 Players
B2 - Transition Skate Shooting - College F
B4-B6 - Continuous Pass and Shoot Pro W
D100 - Three Team 6 Game 3-3 Tournament
E1 Change on the Go with Pass Shootout

Everyone dressed up in costumes. Girls teams - Refs - Chipmunks - Minnions Played each other 2 x 10' games and finished with a shootout.

11-02-24 8:45: - Great Plains
B6 - 3 Pass-3-Shots-Agility Skate x 2 - 3 Shots
B6 - 2-0 x 2 Cross Pass x 2 - Finland U20
T2 - 5-0 BO - Wide Wing Slash - Stretch
T2 - 5-0 BO - W Box Out Chip - Wide W Slash –Stretch - Pro
DT100 Continuous 2-2 With Tag-up – Pro
D202 – Two Thirds Ice Game with Jokers Behind Nets

Before practice the parents and coaches met to create a Mission Statement with Wally and Craig from GHC.

Wally Kozak ran the Mission Statement exercise with the parents. I think it is an important thing to do to get everyone on the same page.

One hour practice after with Emily, Cassie and me. Jim is in New York for a week. Everyone in our league pinches on the strong side so we worked on breakout options that stretch the zone and force their D off the blue line or they give up breakaways.
We added indirect passing to the 2-0 drill so players know bouncing it off the boards either behind or sometimes in front of the receiver is a good option to avoid giveaways. The 2/3 ice game with a regroup to a player behind either net demands good puck protection and passing skills, players to get open and passer to get the puck to them. We play Sunday and then next Friday, Saturday, Sunday in Lethbridge, practice Tuesday, Thursday and do fitness Wed, so lots of hockey this week.

Game vs Airdrie
We did a lot of things well on offense and scored 6 goals and a lot of things poorly getting 4 GA. Our goal going into every game is 2 or less GA and 3 or more GF.
Our passing wasn't as good with 84 completed passes compared to our last two games of about 110 and best game of 133. A little too much 1 on 5 hockey instead of moving the puck to someone in better position.
We outshot them 44-25 which is consistent with our last two games of 30-18 in a 6-0 win and 43-27 in our OT loss last weekend.
Eye contact is critical between passer and receiver. Example was Flames first shift vs. Oilers last night. They made two blind backhand passes at the start of the game and the puck was in their net after 20". So every level of hockey has the same principles.
We need to get better at our individual defensive skills to be a great defensive team. Fly byes are when you swing to the puck carrier and swoosh your stick at the puck and keep skating. Now everyone has to adjust because you lost your 1-1 and they now have a one player advantage. We did this a lot in the game.
We did a lot of good things on offense, especially hitting the net with our shots and putting in some hot rebounds.
We will work on these things at practice. This weekend we play three good teams and need our A game to be successful. We have shown that when we play hard with good habits we con compete with every team.

Fire Black Practice 11-05-24

Date: 11-05-24 Time: 18:00-19:15 Arena: Village Square
Lines: 10 F - 2 G - 7 D
Puck Handling around the body
B6 - Machine Gun - 2 Passes x 2 Timing and Shots
C6 - Rush Recognition x 2 – U18 F T2 -
B5 - F Take Rim-1-0, 2-0
B5 - D to D Hinges - U17
B2 - D to D Options x 4 - Point Shots - U17
B5 - Breakout Reps - Czech U20
T2 - B5 - Triangle - F1 Pass Behind F2 - F3 – Shoot
DT400 Game of Quick Transition
D100 - Power Play Game
Team cheer in middle circle

'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
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Fire Black Practice Plan 11-07-24
Fire Black Practice Plan -: 11-07-24
Time: 16:00-17:30 Arena: Henry Viney
Lines:10 F, 7 D, 2 G :
Partner pass 2 pucks at once.
B2 - Shot-Pass-Shot x 3 x 2 x 2 – Pro
D1 - Two Puck Game - U15 G
B600 - Tomas 2-2 NZ RG-Forecheck - Breakout
B4 - Cross and Drop Sequence – College M
T4 - 5-5 Contain-Pressure Defensive Zone overage
E1 – Shootout Race From Dots
D100 - Russian Scrimmage - 1-1 to 5-5
Showcase weekend in Lethbridge
All 14 teams were in Lethbridge and played three games each with the northern divisions teams playing teams from the southern division to save on travel
Game one vs St Albert. Good team. First 1-2 Second 1-3 then scored two to make it 3-3. Third 4-3
Lloydminster Saturday.
Game two. 1-0 after second and score 4 in third for a 5-1 win. Four pp goals. First time for that. Next game Sunday vs Edmonton.
Game three played one of our best games of season. Outshot them 44-21 but lost 1-2 in SO.
Team played really good defense only allowing 5 GA in three games. We scored 10 GF with 5 in one games.
We need to improve our angling skills with a few players still doing fly byes and turning toe caps away from the puck carrier making them easy to beat 1-1. Defensive 1-1's were good for the most part. Got beat about 4 times looking at the puck or getting caught flat footed.
We have trouble scoring against good goalies who stop the first shot. We need to get better at screen and tipping, getting players to crash the net for rebounds and a player driving to the net without the puck for a bang in or rebound.
Our Dzone review worked well and we clogged up the slot well and blocked a lot of shots. Our coverage overall was very good.
We have lost three games now where we were the much better teams outshooting and out chancing both Edmonton teams and Red Deer. We have to continue being a very good defensive team and finding different ways to score goals.
Onward and upward.

Fire Black Practice Plan -11-12-24
- 18:00-19:15 Arena: Village Square
Lines: 11 F, 6 D, 2 G

B6 - Passing 2-0 and 3-0 Wide. Middle. Wide Lanes
B6 - 2 Pass-Double Zig-Shot x 3 x 2 – U15 G
B6 - Breakout 2 F Shoot - D Point Shot
G - Goalies with Kaylin
PP 1 then PP2 with Jim – Mila 10’ each
B300 - Tom Passing and puck protection skills.
T2-4 - Power Play-Penalty Kill Sequence
T2 B6 3-0 Attack Options - Offensive triangle.
E1 – Two Shot Shootout
Cheer in middle

Players were very tired and sluggish from the 3 game weekend. Introduced the PP to two new groups. Spent a lot of time on the wrist pass. Players hit the puck with top hand close and are very inaccurate. Wrist pass with no noise both backhand and forehand.

'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
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Location: Calgary, Canada
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Fire Black Practice 11-14-24

Time: 16:15-17:45 Arena: Crowchild
Lines: 13 F, 6 D, 2 G
B300 - Tschumi Around the Clock One Touch Passing
B6 Jursi Skate-Pass-Shoot
B6 - 2 Cross and Drop - Regroup - 3-0 – Pro
D4 Two Pass – U15 Boy’s
T3 – Defensemen Skating One– Wally Kozak
T3-C2 - 1-1 Surfing - U18 M
T4 - 4-5 Penalty Kill - Low Press
D400 Game - Random Numbers - U15 G
D100 - Specialty Team Scrimmage - Player in Neutral Zone
D1-D100 Two Second Game Team
Cheer in Middle

It was a good practice for pace and learning. First 30' focus was on wrist passes with no slapping and hands away from body. Three drills. Then we played a two pass game where they could only use wrist passes and had to face the play. Defensive skating with toe caps facing the opponent was the next teaching point and we practiced it with 1-1 angling and checking drills. We broke into PP and PK groups. Emily played a one zone game with the PP group and I reviewed the Low Press PK walking through the various situations. Game of 5-5 with one defender in Nzone simulates a 5-4 PP at each end was next and we ended with a 3-3 game with rule you can only have puck max 2". This causes close support and the puck carrier to look around.
Play two games on weekend. First vs. Airdrie who won two last weekend and second Fire Red who have won most of their games so far. So two tough opponents.

Game against Airdrie we couldn't have played much better. Got 51 shots to their 24 but needed a late goal to win 2-1. Goalie had to make a few really good saves to preserve the win. Next game against Fire Red was much closer. We dominated first and led 2-1, they were all over us the second with hard pinching on both sides and outshot us 16-4 but we scored two and led 4-1. Third was pretty even and we got the only goal to win 5-1. Our goalie was really solid. All our goals were on great shots. We are in second place of 14 teams. Lead league in PP%, second in PK and have the fewest penalty minutes. Play top team on Friday then fourth place team Sunday.

Fire Black Practice Plan - 11-19-24

Time: 18:00-19:15 Arena: Village Square
Lines: 11 F, 6 D, 2 G Notes:
A300 Moves at Dots – Cutbacks
D4 x 2 - Clear Zone - Scissors - U15 G
B600 - Tomas 2-2 NZ RG-Forecheck - U18 M
DT400 - Pass to Point on Transition – Pro
G – Goalie's with Kaylin
B6 Skate and Shoot from Three Lanes
T2 - Breakout Sequence - Wally Kozak – College
C6 - 1-1 to 2-2, 2-1 to 3-3, 2-2 to 4-4, 3-2 - 5-5 RB
100 - Russian Scrimmage - 1-1 to 5-5 College
Team cheer

'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
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Location: Calgary, Canada
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Fire Black Practice Plan 11-21-24

Date: 11-21-24 Time: 20:15-21:30 Arena: Max Bell
Lines:12 F, 7 D, 2 G
B6 - 2 Pass-Double Zig-Shot x 3 x 2 – U15 G
T2 - 5-0 - Tomas - Continuous Breakout Options
PP 2 Jim - Overload PP1 Jim 1-3-1
T2 - Bob Johnson 10 Second Power Play Game Gr. 2, Sweep PK Group 1
C6 - 3-2 to 5-5 F backcheck and D join rush
C3 Reijo 1-1 Both Sides - Gap Control
B300 - Tschumi Around the Clock One Touch Passing
E1 Change on the Go with Pass Shootout
Team Cheer in centre circle

In zig zag they had to carry puck only on backhand, face far end, Crosby turn and skate backwards. On Continuous breakout we shot on goal or rimmed so goalie had to handle the puck. 3 F and 2 D. Practice 1-1-2 sweep pk vs the 1-3-1 PP and did the Johnson 10" game vs the overload. In the 3-2 the D join next rush and F have to come back and it becomes a 5-5. 1-1 both side with no stick helps the D maintain body focus. Around clock passing with no noise using wrist and not slap passes. About ever third game we end up in a shootout, so practices it at the end of practice. Play first place Red Deer on Friday night and Okotoks on Sunday.
Lost 0-2 to Red Deer. They are a very good team. We started slow and gave up too many chances, mostly because we didn't receive good passes and they bounced off our stick to them. Second half of the game we played well and got some great scoring chances but either missed net of goalie stopped them . Score reflects the game. They were 2-0 better than us. We need to play the whole game like the last 30' and we can come out on top.
Strange game vs Okotoks. We didn't show up for the first period But Ella scored on a great one timer under crossbar stick side. Got outshot 14-6 and lucky to be tied 1-1. Talked about it between periods. Second we were better and shots were 13-13, still tied 1-1. We scored on a PP, Ella again at start of third. We took over the game, outshooting them 16-6 and scored two more. Game shots recorded by Cam 35-33.
We have played really goo def3nse and got great goaltending only giving up 5 GA in our last 4 games and only below 2 a game in our games in Lethbridge. This gives us a chance in every game. Our motto is give up 2 or less and score 3 or more. When we do this we usually win. Our pp has been scoring and pk only gave up one but taking too many penalties last few games. Bad changes and body checking. We need to fix that.

Fire Black Practice Plan - 11-26-24

Time: 18:00-19:15 Arena: Village Square
Notes: 12 F - 2 G - 6 F - One affiliate F and one D
A300 x 2-Skating and Puck Handling Warm-up - Shots
B6 - 1 High 1 Low Shooting x 2 - Pro
B6 - Machine Gun - 2 Passes x 2 Timing and Shots
B2 - Coach Pass - D Drag-Shoot - Screen
T2 B6 3-0 Attack Options – Pro
T4 – Penalty Kill Rotation - Bob Johnston Game
T2 D100 Power Play
T2-4 - Power Play-Penalty Kill
D100 – Power Play Game – All Situation
3’ - Team Cheer
Goal was to work on passing, receiving skills, PP, middle drive and offensive triangle, D deception for point shots and to move north south quicker on our attack.

'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
'Enjoy the Game'
Registered: 06/25/08
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Location: Calgary, Canada
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Fire Black Practice 11-28-24 - 12-03-24

16:00-17:30 Arena: Henry Viney Lines:12 F-7 D-2 G

A300 - Stickhandle Proprioceptive Overload - Pro
B6 1-0, 2-0, 3-0 Small Horseshoe – U18 F
B6 - 2 Pass-Double Zig-Shot x 3 x 2 – U15 G
B200 Overspeed with a Pass - U18 F
C6 1-1 to 2-2 – 2-1-3-3 - 2-2 - 4-4 D Join F Backcheck
T3 – Continuous Angling Along the Boards
D100 – 4-4 One Pass in Each Zone
E1 - Shootout Race with a Tight Turn -
Cheer in middle

Good fast paced practice. Puck handling and catch and release shot at full speed. Agility skating with D two laps backward and two transition skating, F fast hands and feet, Crosby turns, D join rush and F backcheck, angling skills, puck support and awareness with the puck and then a 1-1 shootout race.

Two games this weekend. Saturday vs. Fire Red we were leading 2-1 after the second but gave up three goals in the third and lost 2-4. We looked really flat. Only made 75 passes and were second to the puck all afternoon. They were flying wanting to avenge the 5-1 game we beat them a few weeks ago. Season series 1-1.

Sunday we played Airdrie and were much better 125 passes and we were on our toes. Had a 3-0 going into the thrd but gave up 2 goals and won 3-2. Until this weekend we have been the stronger team in the third most games.

This week we will change up the pp and pk units to complete the rotation so everyone has had a chance at each. In the new year we will have pp and pk groups based on how they did the first four months when they got the opportunity. So basically the players will decide who plays even, shorthanded and with the advantage.

Next weekend on the road with an 8 hour bus ride to Grande Prairie on Friday and an early afternoon game Saturday then travel to Sherwood Park, stay there overnight and play a late afternoon game Sunday, then back to Calgary.

Fire Black Practice Plan -12-03-24

Time: 18:00-19:15 Arena: Village Square
Notes: Passing, puck handling, specialty teams, puck support
A200 - Chaos Puck Handling - Youth
B6 – Dizzy - Timing Around Circles - College F
B6 - 2 Cross and Drop - Regroup - 3-0 – Pro
B6 - Carolina 2-0 RG - 3-0 Attack - U15 G
D4 Two Pass – U15 Boy’s
PP 1 then PP 2 Jim PK 1 then PK 2 Tom - Emily
T2-4 - Power Play-Penalty Kill Sequence – Pro
Team Cheer

'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
'Enjoy the Game'
Registered: 06/25/08
Posts: 3585
Location: Calgary, Canada
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Fire Black Practice Plan -12-05-24

Time: 16:15-17:40 Arena: Crowchild
Notes: skating, passing, shooting, point shots, shot blocking, scissors, tight gaps, transition
A300 Puckhandle and Cutbacks – Partners
B2 - Shot-Pass-Shot x 3 x 2 x 2 – Pro - Slapshots
B600 - Multiple One Touch Passes – Pro
B6 - 2 Pass-Double Zig-Shot x 3 x 2 – U15 G
C6 Regroup x 2, 1-1 and 2-1 – Pro
D100 – Full Ice Game of 3-3
D4 Clear Zone to Attack - Scissors
DT100 Continuous 2-1 to 3-3 and 2-2 to 4-4 -Tag-up
Team cheer

Skills practice with lots of touches. On drills they have done before players start the next rep on their own with no coaches whistle. That requires they stay engaged. Long road trip to Grande Prairie then Sherwood Park this weekend.

Two games on the weekend. We travelled to Grande Prairie where we had to stay an extra night because the highway was closed because of ice. Bussed 5 hrs to Sherwood Park the next day.
Shots per period vs GP were 9-11 - 9-6 - 11-5 Game 29-22. we made just over 100 passes. First period they came out hard and both teams scored twice. Second we started taking over and won 2-1. Third we controlled the play and scored twice. Three of our goals were on the power play. We started controlling the slot at both ends. We made 100whick is lower than average for us. Outscored our mistakes giving up 4 GA which is not a recipe for success in most games BUT each game has it's own story.

Game two in Sherwood Park. Shots by period 10-5 - 11-1 - - 14-6 - Game 35-12. They are one of the weaker teams in the league. We protected our slot really well. I can't recall ever giving up only 1 shot in a period. In first we had too much individual play and scored 2. We really improved our D_D and up and creating chances on the rush and below the goal line. We scored two more. Third we were strong again scoring three. We got two PP gaols for 5 on which weekend which is great. On onw of the pp goals all 5 attackers touched the puck and then made a cross ice pass to the slot and we scored. We made 133 passes, a season high.

If we move the puck like this we will be like the 2018 Provincial Champs Emily played on. Carla McLeod the U of C c HC who now coaches Ottawa was watching to recruit and said to me after the game. 'Your team passes better than the national team.' I'm sure it was an exaggeration but we are practicing to reach the level where players move with the puck and pass to players in a better position n the ice than them.

That is how the game is played at the levels our players aspire to. I met with each player on the trip and every one of them said their goal is to play at the top level.

The best thing we do is defend. We had an F3 all weekend and this allowed the D to play tight gaps and pinch on wide rims. Back pressure was great and after the first period vs. GP we didn't give up much from the slot.
getting better is a process that takes 'Deep Practice" meaning every time you focus on playing with good habits, not just do the drill I recommend all players and parents read 'The Talent Code' by Daniel Coyle and he explains how the brain works to acquire skills and game understanding and gives great examples from places that develop elite athletes.

Cassie attended such a place in PEI where Allan Andrews had a program that developed players from a young age and many are now among the best in the world. i.e. Canada's team in Four Nations Cup. Crosby, McKinnon, Marchand. Cassie did pretty good as well.

Allan was a member of our 'No Dead Sharks' coaching group that meets online once a month until his passing a few months ago. It includes coaches from around the world. Wally organizes it.
Fire Black Practice 12-10-24

Time: 18:00-19:15 Arena: Village Square
Lines: 12 F - 8 D - 2 G
: Kaylin goalies 20’
A200 Russian Olympic Coach Teaches Puck Handling
B600 - Continuous 3-2 Regroup – Tomas
B6 - Machine Gun - 2 Passes x 2 Timing and Shots
D1 One Pass in Each Zone
DT100 Continuous 2-1, 2-2 - Pro
T2 - Power Play Walk Through at Each End
T2-4, D4 – Reilly Team Play Rotation
Team cheer in middle

'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
'Enjoy the Game'
Registered: 06/25/08
Posts: 3585
Location: Calgary, Canada
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Fire Black -Practice Plan - 12-12-24

Time: 16’00-17:30 Arena: Max Bell
Notes:12 F - 7 D - 2 G
A3-300 - Agility - Balance - Edges - Pro
B6 - 2 Pass-Double Zig-Shot x 3 x 2 – U15 G
B6 - 2-0 x 2 Cross Pass x 2 - Finland U20
D4 Two Pass – U15 Boy’s
C6 - 2-1 D Join Attack F Backcheck
D100 Two Second Game - College
E1 Change on the Go with Pass Shootout - U18 F
Team Cheer

All the players and one affiliate F were there. Teaching skill theme was the jab turn Puck support and the D joining the rush and F backchecking were the teaching points for team play.

Saturday's game vs. Fire Red was a see saw for possession. We were the best team first ten minutes and scored first shift. Red pinched on both sides next thirty minutes and we couldn't get out. Reese was solid in the net and kept us in the game. Third period we made changes to the lines and D pairings plus changed our breakout to just chip puck out and we were the best team in the third and skated to a 4-2 Win.

Our discipline was great only taking one penalty to their six. We didn't score on the PP but they killed the momentum they had by having to spend so much time on the pk.

We have to get better on the breakout by doing things a lot quicker with D to D passes and up as well as D skating hard between dots and moving the puck right away. The wide rim is also effective vs strong side pinches. Red forces you to play fast and it was good after playing the last three games vs. teams that don't pressure very much
We will be missing one F and one D for our practices and games vs. White and Okotoks.

'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
'Enjoy the Game'
Registered: 06/25/08
Posts: 3585
Location: Calgary, Canada
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Practice Video U15 Girls

A200 Puck Handling - U15 G

A200 - Edges and Balance-Shoot in 4 Lanes - U15 G

A300 - Skating and Puck Handling Warm up - U15 G

B2 - Partner One Timers x 4 - U15 G

B2 - F - D2 - F Screen - D2 Shoot - D1 Box Out - U15 G

B2 - Transition Skate Shooting - U15 G

B2 – Point Shots-Scissors-Shot Block-D Miss Checker-Screen – U15 G

B4- Multiple One Touch Passes and Shot - U15 G

B4-B600 - NZ Pass x 2-Delay-Shoot- D Shoot – U15 G 2

B5 - Monkey in Middle - U15 Girls

B5 - Machine Gun x 2 - U15 G

B6 - 2-0 Skate Between Dots - Pass Wide - U15 G

B6 - 2-0 x 2 Cross Pass x 2 - U15 G

B6 - Carolina 2-0 - 3-0 - U15 G - 2

B6 - 2 Pass-Double Zig-Shot x 3 x 2 – U15 G

B6 - Carolina 2-0 - 3-0 - U15 G

B6 - Machine Gun - 2 Pass x 2-Shot - U15 G

B6 - Timing Around Circles – Dizzy - U15 G

B6 - Dizzy Timing Around Circles and Shot - U15 G 2

B6 - Pass-Agility-Zig-Shoot x 2 - U15 G

B6 - Jursinov Continuous 2-0 x 2-Shot - U15 G

B6 - Small Horseshoe - U15 G

B6 - Small Horseshoe - One Hand Reception - U15 G

B6 - Double Zig zag - U15 G

B200 - Overspeed with Pass and Shot - U15 G

B600 - McDavid Linear Crossover-Passes-Shot - U15 G

B600 - Tomas Nzone Continuous Regroup - U15 G

B600 - One Touch x 3-Stretch Pass-Shot - U15 G

B600 D Regroup x 2 Point Shot - U15 G

B600 - Tomas Neutral Zone Regroup 3 F - U15 G

C3 1-1 each side. Defense sticks turned over. Both touch blue line first.

C2 - 1-0, 2-1, 3-2 - U15 G

C3 - Double Regroup - 3-2 - U15 G

C3 - 1-0 - 2-1 - 4-2 - U15 G

C3 - 1-1 - 2-1 - U15 G

C5 - One D Breakout Options - 1-1 Back - U15 G

C5 - Puck Protection - Individual Defense - U15 G

C6 – Poddy’s 1-1 to 3-2 – Wally - U18 F

C6 - Point Shot-Screen-Box Out-Block Shot - U15 G

C6 1-1 Static Start - U15 G

C6 - 2-1 with a Back Checker - U15 G

C6 - 1-1 x 2. Gap control- U15 G

C6 - 1-1 to 2-2. D join rush and F backcheck - U15 G

C6 - 2-1 to 3-3 f backcheck D join rush - U15 G

C6 - 2-1 D Join F Backcheck - U15 G 2

C6 - BO - RG 1-1 - U15 G

C6 - BO - RG 1-1 - U15 G – 2

C6 - Point Shot-Screen-Box Out-Block Shot - U15 G

C202 - 1-1 D No Stick - U15 G

C202 - 1-1 Steer-Surf-Finish - U15 G

C500 - 1-1 Puck Battles - U15 G

C600 - Multiple Passes 1-1 - U15 G

D1 - Two Puck Game - U15 G

D1 - Shinny - All Play - U15 G

D4 - Half Ice - Clear Zone - 3 Pass - U15 G

D4 - Clear Zone to Transition to Offense - U15 G

D4 x 2 - Clear Zone - Scissors - U15 G

D4 - Two Pass - Must Make Escape Move - U15 G

D4 - Two Pass p Must Make Jab Turn - U15 G

D100 - Game-One Pass Each Zone - U15 G

D100 - Two Second Game - U15 G

D100 - Power Play Scrimmage x 2 x 3 - U15 G

D100 - Russian Scrimmage - U15 G

D100 - PP game 5-4 each end - U15 G

D100 - 6-5 each end - U15 G

D100 - 3-3 - U15 G

D100 - Power Play Game 1-1 to 5-5 - U15 G

D200 - Game of 3-2-1 Pucks - U15 G

D202 - 4-4 Regroup with Joker - U15 G

D400 - Two nets on goal line- U15 G

D400 - Give and Go to Join the Attack – U15 G

D500 - Four Games of Keepaway - U15 G

DT100 - Continuous 2-2 - 3-2 - U15

DT100 - Continuous 2-1 - U15 G

DT100 - Continuous 2-2 - U15

DT100 - 3-2 to 5-5 - U15 G

DT100 - 2-2 Offense Gets Point Support - U15 G

DT100 - Backchecking Game 2-2 - U15 G

DT100 - 2-2 Backchecking Game - U15 G

DT100 - Backchecking Game 2-2 - U15 G

DT400 - 4-4 Perry Pearn - U15 G

DT400 - Krusel Battling Game 2-2 - U15 G

DT 400 - Krusel 2-2 Low Battles Pass to Point - U15 G - 2

DT400 - 1-1 D gets support 1-2 - U15 G

DT400 - Quick Transition 2-2 - 3-3 - U15 G

DT400 - 2-2 Game of Quick Transition – U15 G

DT400 - 4-2 x 2 power Play Game - U15 G

E1 - 2-0 x 2 Shootout Race - U15 G

E1 - Ten Puck Shootout with a Pass - U15 G

E1 - 10 Puck Shootout with Pass - U15 G 2

E1 - Race and Shoot - U15 G

G - Circuit - Goalie - Skills - Team Play – U15 G

G - Goalie training and Skating 12-05-23

T1-3 - D100 - Power Play Game - 1-1 to 5-5 - U15 G

T2 - D100 - PP Game 5-5 - One Defender in NZ - U15 G

T2 - 5-0 Breakout-Attack x 3 - Cassie - U15 G

T2 – Pass Back Pressure – Fake Inside Go Outside – Cassie – U15 G

T2 - Tomas Continuous BO - U15 G.

T2 - Tomas Continuous BO - U15 G 1

T2 - Tomas Continuous BO - U15 G 2

T2 - B600 - Continuous 2-2 Breakout - U15 G

T2-B600 - Tomas NZ 3-2 Regroup - U15 G

T2 - RG - Attack Options 5-0 - U15 G

T2 - B202 - Four Chamber Attack - U15 G

T3 - D with no stick - U15 G

T3 - C5 – Steer – Angle – Finish – Score – U15 G

T2-4 – High Press PK vs Overload – U15 G

T4 - Review Low Press PK

'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
'Enjoy the Game'
Registered: 06/25/08
Posts: 3585
Location: Calgary, Canada
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Fire Black Practice Plan - 12-17-24

Time: 18:00-19:15 Arena: Village Square
Lines: 12 F – 6 D – 2 G

A200 – Puckhandle with tight jab turns on whistle
A200 Big Moves _ Russian Warm-up with shots
B600 - Multiple One Touch Passes
B600 - Continuous 3-2 Regroup – Tomas - U18 F
20’ Kaylin with Goalies
DT400 - Krusel Battling Game 3-3 - U15 G
10' B6 - Pass to Point-Screen-Block Shot - D Deception - U15 G
T4 - 4-5 Penalty Kill vs Umbrella
T2 – 1-3-1 Power Play
T2-4 - Power Play-Penalty Kill Sequence – Pro Team Cheer

Fire Black Practice Plan - 12-19-24

Time: 16:00-17:30 Arena: Henry Viney
Lines:12 F 7 D -2 G

B6 - 2 Pass-Double Zig-Shot x 3 x 2 – U15 G
Player - Choice-Multiple Pass - Machine Gun or Dizzy
D4 – Two Pass – Goals on give and go
Players Choice – Tomas - Carolina
C6 - Continuous Jursinov 1-1's
C6 - 1-1 to 2-2, 2-1 to 3-3, 2-2 to 4-4 – 3-2 to 5-5
D100 – Power Play Game – All Situation
E1 - Speed Scoring

Team Cheer
Good practices this week. Lots of passing, shots, checking skills and game situations. Rotated new players into the power play and penalty kill. Two players have gone to Hawaii so we are bringing up two forwards to play on the weekend. We have 7 D and one is gone, so the other six will play.

We have had a good first four months, winning the Kelowna tournament and and top three in the league standings only getting outplayed in two of our losses. We are top three in goals for, goals against, least penalty minutes and if they put all our pp goals in we rank near the top in that category as well.

Players have all had the chance to show their skill, grit and dedication the first four months. Our regular season ends mid February and we will make decisions based on what we have observed so far on more permanent lines, specialty teams, D pairings etc. when we come back after Christmas.

Lloyd got the Provincials so the weaker Northern division will have three teams and the Southern division two teams in the Provincials, So we have a big challenge in front of us and we have the players to do it.

2-1 vs. Fire White
Dominated first two periods outshooting them 16-7 and 23-6 but were behind 0-1 until Kinsley scored on a pass from behind, then Brooke scored on an individual rush with one second left in second period to give us a 2-1 lead. They had a good push in the third and shots were even at 11-11. Hannah made two great saves on Ainsley in the last minute to preserve the win.
We need to stop at the net for rebounds and protect the slot when it is 6-5. Both teams played very well. Our passing execution was really good. About 100 passes completed and very few missed passes.
White has some really fast forwards who burned us wide and walked in alone on Hannah. We have to back pressure better and D keep them to the outside. Probably better forwards than Fire Red but mostly play 1-5 hockey. Their D had a lot of trouble with our forecheck.

Game vs. Okotoks Raiders also a 2-1 win. Missing 2 D and 1 F, so moved Ashley to D and dressed two affiliate forwards. We weren't very sharp and got outshot and gave up more than 30 shots which we don't usually do. Hannah golied them and we found a way to win.

'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
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Registered: 06/25/08
Posts: 3585
Location: Calgary, Canada
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Fire Black Practice Plan -:01-02-25

Time: 16:15-17:45 Arena: Crowchild
Lines: 2 G – 6 D – 9 F Notes:
A200 - Russian Big Moves Sequence
B600 - One Touch x 3 and Shot - Slovakia U20
A300 - Moves at dots and cutbacks.
C6 – Pardy’s 1-1 to 3-2 – Wally - U18 F
D100 Two Second Game - College
D400 Game - Random Numbers - U15 G
D202 – Two Thirds Ice Game - Jokers Behind Nets
E1 - Two Shot Shootout - Czech Youth
Sprint Skating
Team Cheer

First practice since Dec. 19. 3 F 1 D 1 G missing because of spring team tryouts. They should have tryouts in their season, not outs. Didn't do team play with players gone. Planned a practice with a lot of touches and game situations and finished with a short fitness skate. We play the two other Calgary teams this weekend.

It showed that we haven't had a full team at practice since mid December.

Fire Red plays a heavy game taking the body and crashing the net. We were the better team first period. Second was even and third was our worst period of the season. Our D zone coverage was really poor and we looked confused. We still had a chance late in the game but couldn't get the tying goal. They lost to Southern Alberta on Sunday.

Fire White is more skilled and faster than Red. Beat Red Deer on Saturday. The game was basically even the first two periods and we dominated the third outshooting them 14-4 but didn't score and missed the net a lot on our great chances. We shot ourselves in the foot by not managing our stick and took a hit to the head and tripping along with slashing the goalie. Ainsley scored two pp goals. Our pk was not stopping on pucks or doing defensive skating effectively. A few times didn't cover the point on pinches and they got some 2-1's. Outshot them 38-24 but you have to score some goals.

Our mantra is 2 or less GA and 3 or more GF. We did the first part not counting the EN goal.

Lots of good things happened in game two 110 passes, good 1-1 coverage and our D zone was much better.

All of these things are fixable and we will practice them to get back to the way we played in December winning 6 straight. The league is so close that it is the team that plays the right way and has discipline who usually comes out on top. Talent in the three Calgary teams is basically even.

Fire Black Practice Plan - 01-07-25
Time: 18:00-19-15 Arena: Village Square
Lines:13 F – 7 D – 2 G

A300 Individual moves and cutbacks
B6 - 2 Pass-Double Zig-Shot x 3 x 2 – U15 GF
B600 One Touch x 2 - Diagonal C U18 W
C3 - 1-1 and 2-1 x 2 – Pro
DT400 - Two Net Game - C U18 W
T2-4, D4 – Reilly Team Play Rotation
F – Conditioning skate
Team cheer

'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
'Enjoy the Game'
Registered: 06/25/08
Posts: 3585
Location: Calgary, Canada
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Fire Black Practice Plan - 01-09-25 - 01-14-25

Time: 16:00-17:30 Arena: Max Bell

G - Kaylin with goalies
A300 – Individual Moves - Cutbacks
B202 - 4 x 2 Chaos Overspeed – College
D5 Keepaway Contests
B6 1-0, 2-0, 3-0 Small Horseshoe
B2 - Defense Individual Skill and Partner Drills
C6 - Continuous Jursinov 1-1's
DT100 - Continuous 2-2 No Positions
D100 – Power Play Game – All Situation
F - D100 Two 1 on 1 Games at Once

One game last weekend vs. Southern Alberta. They have 2 of the top 4 scorers in the league and beat us las game with 3 pp goals. We changed our pk to a high press rotating into a diamond and shut down their pp and won 2-1 with a shorthanded goal. Very intense game.
Fire Black Practice Plan -: 01-14-25
Time: 16:15-17:30 Arena: Village Square

Notes: Focus is individual and team offensive skills.
A300 - Moves at dots, tight turns, partner attack triangle.
B500 Overspeed 2-0 With a Pass
T2 - Breakout Sequence - Wally Kozak
T2 - Continuous 5-0 x 3 - Cassie
T2 - 3-0 Middle Lane Drive – Offensive Triangle x 2
B2 Point Shots - Give-Go-Shoot - Russian U20
DT400 Quick Transition Game F 3-3 D 2-2
D100 Full Ice 5-5
Cheer in middle

'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
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Registered: 06/25/08
Posts: 3585
Location: Calgary, Canada
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Fire Black Practice Plans - 01-16-25 - Fire Black Practice Plan - 01-21-25

Time: 16:00-14:30 Arena: Henry Viney
Lines: 4 lines, 6 D, 2 G
A300 - One Touch Warm-up - Slovakia - 3-3 game in each zone.
B6 - Machine Gun - 2 Passes x 2 Timing and Shots
B600 Regroup x 2 - Hinge 2-0 U 18 F
C6 – Pardy’s 1-1 to 3-2 – Wally - U18 F
1-3-1 pp
PK - High press to Diamond Pk
T2-4 - Power Play-Penalty Kill Sequence
D100 One Pass in Each Zone - U15 F
Cheer in middle

We now have set lines, pp units and pk units. Players were really engaged in the practice and demonstrated a high level of skill with speed.
Two hard games on the weekend that both went into OT. It was a fast game against Fire White. Coaches know them well as 7 players played for us the last two seasons and many more came to our summer camp. We came back twice to tie it and in OT they iced it, ref hand up then didn't blow whistle. Other ref was in front of our door and our third player couldn't get on the ice. Bad sequence of events for us and they scored into an empty net with Reese thinking the whistle would blow.
We had lots of chances where we missed the net but that can be fixed. Girls competed really hard. Outshot them 37-28

Next game vs. Okotoks we looked really tired the first half and were getting outshot 16-10. It was only 15 hours after the White game and it took a while for our players to start skating and battling but we took over the game in the second half. They got a pp goal where they picked our penalty killer and knocked her down allowing the LD to walk in and snipe on into the top corner. We go 4 breakaways that were stopped. So we had enough chances. Outshot them 38-31.

We usually end up with shots above 35 and give up about 10 less. Have to focus on hitting the net and putting in rebounds. Next weekend two tough games vs. Red Deer late Friday night and White on Sunday.
Go Fire Black.

Video of OT in Okotoks.
https://www.facebook.com/share/v/15Ygq7HYnE/ .
Fire Black Practice Plan - 01-21-25
Time: 18:00-19:15 Arena: Village Square
Lines:4 lines, 5 D, 2 G
20’ Kaylin with goalies

A300 – Individual Moves
B202 - 4 x 2 Chaos Overspeed
D5 – Keepaway Contest x 3 – Forehand Pass
D4 - Two Pass Game with only Forehand Passes
B600 - Multiple One Touch Passes
T3 - C202 - 1-1 Angling
C6 - 1-1 to 2-2, 2-1 to 3-3
D1-D100 Two Second Game
Captains meet with coaches
Video sent to everyone, players and parents on playing with good habits.

Please watch.


'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
'Enjoy the Game'
Registered: 06/25/08
Posts: 3585
Location: Calgary, Canada
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Fire Black Practice Plan - 01-23-25

Time: 16:15-17:45 Arena: Crowchild
Lines: 12 F 5 D, 2 G

A200 – Jim Big Moves – Shots 4 Lines
B6 - 2 Pass-Double Zig-Shot x 3 x 2 – U15 G
B6 - Carolina 2-0, 3-0 Weave – College
C3 Reijo 1-1 Both Sides - Gap Control - RB Pro
T2 - Power Play one End with Jim 10’ x 2
T2 - Bob Johnson 10 Second Power Play Game
T4 - 5-4 Penalty Kill Review - High Press into a Diamond
DT400 3-3 Krusel Battling Game - Pro W
D400 Two Net Game 4-2 x 2 - Pro W
E1 - Relay Race Shootout 1-0, 2-0
Team Cheer in middle
Fire Black Practice Plan - 01-28-25

Time: 18’00-19:15 Arena: Village Square
Lines: Wear Power Play PK Colours
A300 Tight Turns-3 Hard Strides – Moves at Dots
A300 - Partner Pass and Check – Cassie
B6 - Timing Around Circles - College F
T3-C2 - 2-2 Surfing - U18 M
DT400 Quick Transition Game - U15 B
T2 Spread Power Play 2 Below Goal Line - Pro
T2 D400 – Diamond 1-3-1 Power Play - Pro
T4 - 4-5 vs Low Spread PP
T4 – High Press Rotation
T4 – 3-5 PK vs Spread PP
D100 – Power Play Game – All Situation
Team cheer in middle circle

'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
'Enjoy the Game'
Registered: 06/25/08
Posts: 3585
Location: Calgary, Canada
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Fire Black Practice Plan - 01-30-25

Time: 16:00-17:30 Arena: Max Bell
Notes: 12 F - 6 D - 2 G

A300 - Moves at dots and cutbacks Partner puck protection and Cassie take away and box out
B6 – 3 Shots, 3 Passes, 3 Zig-Zags, Shots
D4 x 2 - Two Pass – Only FH – One scissor
T2 - Skills for C Low and Slow Breakout – Pro
C6 – Pardy’s 1-1 to 3-2 – Wally - U18 F
C6 - Willy 1-1 to 2-2 – Pro
T2 - B6 - 3 Breakout-Attack-F Cycle up and Drop to D
D100 – 3-3 – No Dump-ins
Team Cheer
We had a really strong game in Lethbridge. We had 8-19-8 shots by period for 35and gave up 6-6-11 for 23. We made 115 passes and only had one power play where we scored the first 10 seconds. We took zero penalties. First time we were here they scored about 3 power play goals. Ref was the only one in the rink who thought their goal went in and the go pro behind the net showed it hit cross bar and post. So really bad luck for Reese who was really solid in goal for us.

The girls practiced really fast this week and it transferred to the game. We hit the net on our shots and lots of players were driving to the net instead of ending up in the corner. That made a huge difference.

I met with the six girls I didn't get a chance to talk with on our Red Deer trip, so we have had fire sides on the way to Kelowna, Grande Prairie and the last two road trips. Again parents did a great job having Taco's in a bag after the game.

Two weekend with four games left and then playoff start with 2 of 3 series where we either play Airdrie or Okotoks in the first round.
Fire Black Practice Plan -: 02-04-25
Time: 18:00-19:15 Arena: Village Square

A300 – Moves, tight turns, stick lift and box out
B6 - 1 High 1 Low Shooting x 2 – Pro
B4-B6 - Continuous Pass and Shoot Pro W
B2 Point Shots - Give-Go-Shoot - Russian U20
T4 Dallas D zone walk through
C3 - 3-0 - 3-1 - 3-2 Contest - U18 F
D100 Two Second Game - College
Team Cheer

Practice was cancelled because of mechanical problems at the arena.

'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
'Enjoy the Game'
Registered: 06/25/08
Posts: 3585
Location: Calgary, Canada
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Fire Black Practice Plan - 02-04-25
Time: 18:00-19:15 Arena: Village Square

Notes: Practice Cancelled because Zamboni down.

A300 – Moves, tight turns, stick lift and box out
B6 - 1 High 1 Low Shooting x 2 – Pro
B4-B6 - Continuous Pass and Shoot Pro W
B2 Point Shots - Give-Go-Shoot - Russian U20
T4 -Dallas D zone walk through
C3 - 3-0 - 3-1 - 3-2 Contest - U18 F
D100 Two Second Game - College Team
Cheer in middle
Fire Black Practice Plan - 02-06-25
Time: 16:99-17:30 Arena: Henry Viney
Notes: 5 skaters and 1 golie sick or injured

25’ – Kaylin with Goalies Puck Handling, tight turns, stick lift and box out.
B6 - 1 High 1 Low Shooting x 2 – Pro
B300 - Around the Clock One Touch Passing
B500 – Puck Protection Keepaway
D2 - Four Station – goalie, 3-3 Keepaway
B2 - Up-Across-Cross Pass-Shoot – Belfry
C3 Reijo 1-1 Both Sides 2-2 One Side - Gap Control
C3 - 3-0 - 3-1 - 3-2 Contest - U18 F
DT400 Two Net Game 4-2 x 2 - Pro W
E1 - 2-0, 3-0 x 2 SO Game
Team cheer in middle

Only one practice this week with the Tuesday practice cancelled. One goalie and 5 skaters were either sick or injured and missed practice. We played two days later vs. Okotoks, who we beat the previous three meeting. We were very sluggish and lost 0-2. They got two 5-3 pp's in the last five minutes and finally scored on one. We had a pretty good third but the penalties prevented us from pulling the goalie for a 6-5. One F, one D, one G couldn't play and many probably shouldn't have played and had no energy. We don't play well when we don't practice as we could see the first few games after the Christmas break. We have booked 4 more practice ice times before the playoffs.
The loss means we probably play Okotoks in the first playoff round. They play hard and every game so far has been close.

'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
'Enjoy the Game'
Registered: 06/25/08
Posts: 3585
Location: Calgary, Canada
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Fire Black Practice Plan - 02-11-25
Time: 18:00-19:15 Arena: Village Square
Lines: 2 G, 6 D, 13 F

D4 – Game at Each End
B6 - Machine Gun 2-0 x 2
DT400 - 3-2 x 2 – Defend – Attack Rotation
B600 - Tomas Neutral Zone Regroup 3 F - U15 G
T2 - Tomas Continuous Breakout
D100 – Full Ice 2” Game
E1 - Ten Puck Shootout with a Pass
Team cheer in middle
Fire Black Practice Plan - 02-12-25
Time: 18:45-20:00 Arena: Great Plains
B2 - Transition Skate Shooting
D4 - Ringette Each End Clear Zone to be on Offense
C500 Puck Protection 1-1 Battles – Pro
C3 - 15 Goal 3-0 3-1, 3-2
DT400 Half-ice Transition Game of 1-1 – 2-1
C600 - Multiple Passes 1-1 - U15 G
E1 – Shootout Race From Dots
Team Cheer

'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
'Enjoy the Game'
Registered: 06/25/08
Posts: 3585
Location: Calgary, Canada
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