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B2 - D Evasive Skating - F Take Pass - Shot - U17 M

B2 - Coach Pass-Shoot While Skating-Screen - U17 M

Key Points:
F Skate into the middle lane, take a pass from C and shoot while skating. No dusting off the puck.

1. F1Skate around pylon into middle.
2. Coach pass.
3. F1 Screen after shooting
4. F2 repeat on other side.
3.F1 skate and shoot with no stickhandle.

B2 - Coach Pass-Shoot While Skating-Screen - U17 M

B2 - D Get Puck-Evasive Skating-Shoot - U17 M

Key Points:
D agility skate forward and backward to the middle of the ice and shoot while skating.

1. D1 skate and pick up a puck alone boards.
2. Backward skate to blue line.
3. Skate into mid ice and shoot.
4. D2 repeat on other side.

B2 - D Get Puck-Evasive Skating-Shoot - U17 M

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C3 - 2-1 with Backcheck - 4-2 Back - U17 M

Key Points:
Practice starting with a 2-1 with backchecker then a new F join and Defender join the 4.2 the other way.

1. F1-F2 cross and attack D1 full ice.
2. Highest player from last rush backcheck.
3. On whistle F3 start a rush the other way.
4. D2 - D3 defend a 4-2 vs. R1-F2-F3-D1.
5. Play out the 4.2 until the whistle and F4-F5 Start next 2-1 and F3 backcheck.

C3 - 2-1 with Backcheck - 4-2 Back - U17 M

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G - 1-1 Deceptive Skate - Agility - Shoot - U20 M

Key Points:
A Protect puck, change shooting angle and take a shot.
B Do two cutbacks then skate to slot, change shooting angle and release.
C - Hard fake, cutback shoot.


1. F1 is chased by F2.toward blue line.
2. F1 fake and tight turn toward net.
3. Push puck in or out to change angle then shoot.

1. Skate two cutbacks .
2. Change the shooting angle at obstacle.
3.. Shoot
4. Follow shot for rebound.

- Skate
- Fake
- Tight turn
- Change the shooting angle
- Shoot
- Follow shot for rebound

G - 1-1 Deceptive Skate - Shoot - U20 M

G - Agility With Puck -Skate In Shot - U20 M

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O - Youth Off-ice Training

O - In Season Off ice Exercises for Strength and Balance – Finland Youth

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T1 - B5 - Rim FH-BH - Walk out Shot or Pass to F3 - U17 M

Key Points:
Set up stations with forwards at each end and D in the neutral zone.

1. Coach pass to F in corner.
2. F do two cutbacks and attack net-shoot.
3. Coach rim puck. F1 take puck off boards and pass to F2 who shoots.

Defense work on hinging options.

1. Same sequence as A but add F2 pressure F1 on boards.
2. F1 pass under pressure to F3 who shoots.

T1 - B5 - Rim FH-BH - Walk out Shot or Pass to F3 - U17 M

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T2 - PP Rugby Breakout and 1-3-1 - U20 M

Key Points:
Four playes come back for Rugby controlled breakout. One player stretches.

1. Point man skates back tor the puck.
2. Bumper, net front swing one way flanks to wide lanes, net front stretch.
3. Attack net to score.
4. Win loose puck battle and set up 1-3-1 or any other PP option.

* Critical that you try to score on the rush and then outnumber defenders in the loose puck battle and then set up your power play.

T2 - PP Rugby Breakout and 1-3-1 - U20 M

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T2-4 - 5-0 PP-Bump Back BO - 5-4 - U20 M

Key Points:
Combine walk through breakout and PP setup. Progress to faceoffs in each zone.

1. Power play do an unopposed breakout.
2 Four penalty killers wait in their end.
3. Gain zone and do a 5-4 pp.
4. Start a controlled scrimmage with faceoffs.
5. Coaches give input before faceoffs.
6. Start with faceoffs in all zones.

T2-4 - 5-0 PP-Bump Back BO - 5-4 - U20 M

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T3 - Stick on Stick-Free Hand on Lower Back-Pin - C U18 F

Key Points:
Stick is on the ice and on the puck. Toe caps always point at the attacker. Team is preparing to go to the world championships (which they won) and focus is teaching offensive players defensive details.

1. Players watch coach demonstate.
2. Coach mirror attacker with to cap facing attacker..
3. Sick on stick.
4. Free hand on attackers lower back.
5. Pin attacker on boards.

T3 - Stick on Stick-Free Hand on Lower Back-Pin - C U18 F


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B2-B5 - Pass to Point - Drag-Shoot - U17 M

Key Points:
Forward get puck spotted by coach and pass to the point. Bounce pass is better to avoid turnovers. Point man skate between dots and shoot.

1. Coach spot puck deep.
2. F1 retrieve puck and pass to D1 at p4. int.
3. D1 skate between dots and shoot.
4. Repeat on other side with F2 pass to D2.
1. Coach spot puck deep.
2. F3 retrieve puck and drive skate behind the net to other side.
3. F3 pass to D3 at the point.
4. D3 skate between dots and shoot.
5. Repeat other side with F4 passing to D4.

B2-B5 - Pass to Point - Drag-Shoot - U17 M

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C3 - 1-1 x 2 - 2-1 - C U18 F

Key Points:
Protect the puck and then go to the net vs a passive checker. Checker stay net side with the stick on the puck. Tie up F2's stick after shot.

1. F1 at each end protect the puck with cut backs.
2. F2 Mirror from defensive side with stick on puck.
3. F1 go to the net and shoot, F2 follow.
4. F3 protect puck vs F4 other side.
5. F3 go to the net creating a 2-1 vs F2.


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D202 - 3-3 Coach Pass New Pucks - U17 M

Key Points:
Play 3-3 and coach pass in a new puck when out of play or after a goal. Players create offensive triangles, picks, screes abd scissors to create time and space for a shot.

1. Three players from each team race for the puck spotted by the coach.
2. Coach spot a new puck when out of play.
3. Change on the whistle every 30:"
4. Pass to teammate on the change.
5. Keep score.

D202 - 3-3 Coach Pass New Pucks - U17 M

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DT202 - 3-3 Regroup with Defensive Jokers - C U18 F

Key Points:
Regroup with your D before you can attack. D pass and join rush but must return behind goal line on a loss of possession. Implement modified rules to focus on specific skills.

1. Move nets up to the top of the circles
2. Each team has two Jokers below there goal line.
3. On a turnover you must pass to a Joker.
4. Joker can carry the puck and pass.
5. Joker join the rush while his team possesses the puck.
6.Joker return below goal line when his team loses the puck.


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G - Goaltending Technique - U20 M

Coaches work with U20 goalies on technique.

G - Blocker Side - U20 M

G - Carry-Draw-Shoot - U20 M

G - Goalie - U20 M

G - Goalie Movement - U20 M

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T2 - 5-0 PP Instruction-Walk Through - NZ RG-Rugby BO - U20

Key Points:
Practice one touch passing in slot set then do two breakouts, Finish with a 1-3-1 power play with one touch passing.

1. Start with one touch passing in the slot set formation.
2. Whistle then rotate into 1-3-1 for one shot.
3. Whistle do a neutral zone regroup.
4. Attack in rugby formation 4 across.
5. Run one 1-3-1 power play.
6. Breakout from far end with two stretch players wide.
7. Rugby wtih 4 across in neutral zone.
8. Run one more 1-3-1 with a shot.

T2 - 5-0 PP Instruction-Walk Through - NZ RG-Rugby BO - U20

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T3 - 1-1 Puck Protection-Stick on Stick - C U18 F

Key Points:
Blue protect the puck with cutbacks, red mirror blue with stick on the puck and toe caps forward. Pin on the whistle with free hand pushing lower back, knee between legs and stick wrap.

1 - Blue protect puck with cutbacks.
2. Red mirror blue with toe caps forward.
3. Red keep stick on ice and on blue stick.
4. On whistle red pin blue to boards, free arm on lower back, stick on puck in front.


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T4 - 5-5 Dzone Start in Each Corner - 5-5 - Regroup - Play - U18

Key Points:
Defenders shrink the zone and outnumber the attackers low. Shrinking the zone starts if the attacker with the puck is facing the boards, then the defenders collapse toward the corner.

1. Start in the corner with red in possession.
2. Defenders shrink the zone.
3. D1 check puck, F1 support D1, D2 close support for D1-F1.
4. F2 cover red F3 and F3 cover net front.
5. Walk through in the other corner.
6. Coach spot puck for a Nzone Regroup.
7. Red attack Blue 5-5 and play until whistle.

T4 - 5-5 Dzone Start in Each Corner - 5-5 - Regroup - Play - U18 M


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T2-4 - BO 5-3 - RG - 3-2 - 3 Forecheck - U20 M

Key Points:
Breakout vs three forecheckers. Turn back at far blueline and attack 3-2. On whistel forecheck 3-5 at the far end.

1. Three Red forwards forecheck 5 Blue.
2. Blue Breakout then turn back and attack vs. original 2 D.
3. Play out the 3-2 in original end.
4. On whistle 3 blue F's forecheck 5 reds in the far end.
5. Repeat the other direction with the reds.

T2-4 - BO 5-3 - RG - 3-2 - 3 Forecheck - U20 M

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A200 - Fake-Get Puck-X-overs-Shot-Chaser - U17 M

Key Points:
Peek, deke, go. Stick and body fake then pick up loose puck. Drive D to inside inside then going wide outside.

1. B1-R1 peek, deke, pick up loose puck on boards.
2. Skate fake to inside then outside in front of each coach.
3. Shoot and follow the shot for a rebound.
4. Skate back through the middle to the other line.
5. Add B2- R2 chase for the loose puck.

A200 - Fake-Get Puck-X-overs-Shot-Chaser - U17 M

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B4 - D-D - 3-0 x 2 - Point Shot - U17 M

Key Points:
Practice hinging D to D, Pass to either F. Attack 2-0 and shoot. F get puck from corner then pass to point and go to net. D drag and shoot.

1. F1 pass to D1.
2. D1 hinge with D2 and pass D to D2
3. D2 Pass to either F.
4. F1 - F2 attack and shoot
5. Closes F get a puck in corner and pass to D1.
6. D1 drag and shoot.


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C5 - 1-1 to 2-2 - U17 M

Key Points:
Puck battle 1-1 in one corner, then other corner and then a 2-2 in the slot.
F1 and F2 protect the puck and drive to the net..
D1-D2 stay on the defensive side with a close gap and control attackers sticks in the slot.

- F1 vs D1 battle for a puck coach spots in tcorner.
- F1 drive to the net with the puck.

- F2 and D2 battle for a puck in opposite
- F2 take puck to net vs. D2

- F1-D1 support F2-D2 from net front and play 2-2.

C5 - 1-1 to 2-2 - U17 M

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C5 - 1-1 to 2-2 - U17 M

Key Points:
Puck battle 1-1 in one corner, then other corner and then a 2-2 in the slot.
F1 and F2 protect the puck and drive to the net..
D1-D2 stay on the defensive side with a close gap and control attackers sticks in the slot.

- F1 vs D1 battle for a puck coach spots in tcorner.
- F1 drive to the net with the puck.

- F2 and D2 battle for a puck in opposite
- F2 take puck to net vs. D2

- F1-D1 support F2-D2 from net front and play 2-2.

C5 - 1-1 to 2-2 - U17 M

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D400 - 2-2 - Two Nets in Corner - C U18 F

Key Points:
Battle for the loose puck. Protect puck, Give close support with picks screeens and scissors. Defenders stay on net side and cover one skater each,

1. Two nets are on the circle.
2. Red and blue players line up alsong boards.
3. Coach shoot puck into corener and R1-R2.compete with B1- B2 for the puck.
6. Kep score.
5. Play 20" then rotate
4. Coach spot new puck if first is out of play.

D400 - 2-2 - Two Nets in Corner - C U18 F

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DT400 - 2-2 With 3 Offensive Jokers - C U18 F

Key Points:
Play 2-2 and blue has three Jokers supporting them in a triangle at point and on sides. Blue can pass to Jokers who can pass or shoot.

1. Five Blue attack.
2. Two Blue on inside play 2-2 vs two Red.
3. Blue can pass to Jokers who either pass or shoot.
4. If Red gets possession they can score.
5. Compete for loose pucks.
6. Coach spot a new puck if it goes out of zone.
7. Play 30" shifts.
8. Keep score.

DT400 - 2-2 With 3 Offensive Jokers - C U18 F

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G - B2 - Give-Go-Shoot - U18 M

Key Points:
Pass and break for a return pass. Shoot without dusting off the puck. Add fakes like a puch up or pull in to change teh angle.

A. 1 pass to coach and skate for a forehand pass.
B. Coach pass to 1 who is breaking hard.
C. 1 skate toward net and shoot.
D. 1 follow shot for a rebound.

G - B2 - Give-Go-Shoot - U18 M

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T2 - F1-F2 Scissors - NZone RG x 2- 5-1 - U20 M

Key Points:
Do a scissors in one corner then attack 3-7. Regroup in the neutral zone and attack 5-1 twice. Repeat at other end.

1. F1 get puck, cycle up boards then down.
2. F2 down on inside pick up scissors pass.
3. Three F attak 3-1 vs. D1.
4. D2-D3-F1-F2-F3 regroup attack 5-1 vs. D1.
5. Regroup again and attack vs. D1.
6. Blue repeat scissors at the other end.
7. Regroup and attack 5-1 twice.

T2 - F1-F2 Scissors - NZone RG x 2- 5-1 - U20 M

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T3 - Angle Alternate Sides by Surfing 1-1 - Pass 2-0 - C U18 F

Key Points:
Angle the puck carrier by surfing forward, steer to the boards and then approach back of shoulder, inside leg in front and skate through the puck carriers hands then seal then off with your body.
To avoid collisions like in the video start from deep in the corner.

A. Blue 1 angle check Red 1 along boards.
B. Blue 1 take the puck and skate into neutral zone.
C. Give and go pass with Red 2.
D. Blue 1 Shoot.
E. Red 2 skate to net for rebound.
F. Red 2 angle Blue 2 in opposite corner
G. Red 2 go out to give and go with Blue 2.
H. Repeat one side to the other.

T3 - Angle Alternate Sides by Surfing 1-1 - Pass 2-0 - C U18 F

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T4 - Penalty Kill 1-3 Sweep Rotation - U18 M

Key Points:
Strong side forward F1 sweeps down from point coverage to forcing the attacker on the half wall while denying pass back to point with stick. F1 will stay on offensive D1 if he skates across blueline and sweep if puck goes low again on opposite side.
This is the first part of this penalty kill. F2 will switch with F1 if the puck is passed back to the mid point.

1. F1 cover point and deny D-D pass.
2. F1 forece F at half boards-stick deny pass to point.
3. F1 stay on D if he skates into the middle.
4. F1 pressure F at hash if puck is passed down.
5. PK rotate into a Low Press when puck is at the hash.

T4 - Penalty Kill 1-3 Rotation - U18 M

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B4-B6 - 2 F-1D - Skate Circle - F1-F2 Shoot - D Point Shot - U17

Key Points:
Two forwards from diagonal corners skate around the circle with a puck and shoot from the near lane then the far lane. One D skate backward then forward aroung circle to blue line. Coach pass to D sho makes a deceptve move to get shot past a checking F1.

1. F1- F2 leave from diagonal corers and skate around circle with a puck.
2. F1 shoot from near lane and F2 skate wide to far lane and shoot.
3. D1 Skate backward then forward to the point.
4. Coach pass to D1 and F1 go out to block the shot.
5. D1 use deception to get she shot past F1 and on the net.
6. FF4=D2 repeat.:

B4-B6 - 2 F-1D - Skate Circle - F1-F2 Shoot - D Point Shot - U17 M

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B6 - Machine Gun - 2 Pass x 2-Shot - U15 G

Key Points:
Two Cross ice passes at each end. 1 skate across neutral zone for a pass and go in and shoot. 2 Skate around circle, get a pas then go in and shoot.

A. 1 and 2 pass across ice to 3-4
B. 1 and 2 skate across into the neutral zone.
C 3 and 4 pass across to 5-6
D. 5 pass to 1 and 6 to 2.
E. 1 skat down and shoot.
F. 2 skate around middle circl, get pass from 6, skate down and shoot. .

B6 - Machine Gun - 2 Pass x 2-Shot - U15 G

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C5-600 - Deceptive Skating and 1-1 - U17 M

Key Points:
F1 use deceptive skating with head, stick and body fakes whike the next forward fF2 ollows him into the corner. Pick up the puck and attack the far end 1-1.. F2 now skate out around the pylon and go for a puck placed by the coach while F3 follow.

1. F1 skate out around pylon ghen go for the puck spotted by a coach either side.
2. F2 follow F1 until he skates up ice.
3. D1 skate into zone to close gap and defend 1-1 vs F1.
4. F2 skate around pylon and go for a puck spotted by a coach and F3 follow.
5. D2 either side close gap and defend a 1-1.

C5-600 - Deceptive Skating and 1-1 - U17 M

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