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  (Read 13961 times)  

Here are examples of how to practice the forecheck, dzone coverage, ozone play, breakouts and conditioning skate.

They are in the Video section under drills.

D400 Forecheck and Dzone Coverage

D1 Controlled Scrimmage

C3 Breakout vs the Trap

A2 conditioning skate focusing on quickness and agility

'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
'Enjoy the Game'
Registered: 06/25/08
Posts: 3549
Location: Calgary, Canada
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OK lets talk about this "C3 Breakout vs the Trap".

It says 3 guys deep, one stretch, and one in the middle. To beat the trap you want to go D to D and up weak side. That’s the way I teach it. You use back diagonal positioning for the D so when you go D to D its not straight across.
But what is the stretch for? To back the D off and create space for that weak side regroup (beat trap)?

I love these videos! They are very helpful
Thanks Tom

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Everyone in North America teaches wide D to middle D and up the boards. This system has width low and two stretch players who are hitting wholes at top speed and catch the trapping team flat footed. You can always regroup and also go wide and up.

The one forechecker shouldn't be a problem and u can always dump and chase if they really defend the blue line.

It is much more dynamic than the way NHL teams do a controlled breakout vs the trap.

The other breakout drill is vs 2 forecheckers.

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the video section now has many more games

'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
'Enjoy the Game'
Registered: 06/25/08
Posts: 3549
Location: Calgary, Canada
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What section? Im having a hard time keeping track ha! I need to get organzied

EDIT: The skating section is the updated one right?
Jursinov! Awesome

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Wow lots of updates!

Transition Games updated! Lots of them

and Small Area and Full Ice Games

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I have added a lot of videos. I have a lot of raw video that I took while coaching last year. I am editing it. Also when this site got hacked I put a lot of the video back but there were problems with the uploading so I stopped doing it. Dwight has fixed that problem so now I am putting back a lot of the video that was on the site before.

There will be some new video in a lot of the categories.

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I took a lot of practice video because I was coaching with people who had been recruited from around the hockey world and I felt privilaged to watch their practices. I use movie maker to take out drills and games from practices. It is tedious and time consuming and if nothing else will be a quick reference for me to remember what | saw these top coaches do to teach the same things in various ways.

Their approach isn't always the way I would do things but has worked well for the coaches that I filmed. After all they have been invited and paid well to coach these practices.

I didn't have any problems filming the sessions. One Swede didn't want his practices to be videod so I didn't.

I hope the coaches who use this resouce benefit from it. I don't make any money for doing this and could simply have a practice file for myself. I think; "why not share the ideas I have been lucky enough to experience." I think the better practices will help the young players, so it is a win - win situation. I am not looking to go anywhere from this. I have been to Europe and told them I can't be away from my family that long anymore.

So anyway it is what it is and that is all.

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Tom I found the site with you on it . I got confused with the whole hockeycoach .com thing . I'm so glad to be on the best site on the web !! Thanks for all you do . Those videos are awesome .

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