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The IIHF or International Ice Hockey Federation is in charge of hockey world wide. They now have a site for coaches. I was just sent an invitation because of going to the conference in Germany last month and all participants get a one year membership. I think the fee is ten dollars a year.
http://www.hockeycentre.org is the address.

They have drills etc. plus development programs along with video of presentations at the seminars they hold during world championships. I am watching one by Pierre Page on the history and the future of hockey right now.

It is a worthwhile site for anyone serious about coaching any level.

'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
'Enjoy the Game'
Registered: 06/25/08
Posts: 3558
Location: Calgary, Canada
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It is a very impressive website; well organized and systematic with progressions that make sense to an old man like me. It appears that they addressed every topic imaginable. Based on the dozen or so chapters that I have read, they do it in an in-depth and concise manner as well. I have contacted them to find out exactly how much their Membership Fee is in terms of US Dollars. If it is only ten bucks then it would be worth joining just to listen to the Coaching Seminars. Thank you, Tom, for sharing this resource. All you guys should check it out too. I'll bet that you will be happy that you did so.

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I will be signing up tomorrow and spending the next month catching up on all the new material. Thanks for the heads up.

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Registered: 02/24/10
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There are so many good talks from the various coaching conferences sponsored by the IIHF. I have been to about half the ones listed and hearing them for a second time or else seeing the ones from the conferences I couldn't get to is the best way I know of to stay up to date in the game. They are given by coaches who are active at the highest levels.

I recommend listening to Mike Johnson's talks. He was with Crawford in Van, LA, St. L and now coaches Portland. He was a university teacher and is a great presentor. Most of the speakers are really good and worth the time it takes to listen to them.

Yesterday I listened to Mike and Bjorn Kinding and the day before Pierre Page who is also very good. They all have spoken at multiple conferences.

'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
'Enjoy the Game'
Registered: 06/25/08
Posts: 3558
Location: Calgary, Canada
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Unless I read this wrong, the price listed is 305 Euro... Which is a lot. Is there another area were just I can sign up without the whole team? Any help on this would be appreciated. Thanks.

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At the conference they said it was ten dollars a year for a coach. I would contact them if I were you. that is a lot of money they are asking.

I checked the site and it seems like they are pricing it per team. 300 Euros is almost $400. It seems that companies and organizations are trying to price everyone out of the game. $350 sticks (production cost $28), huge fee for coaching material.

My daughters organization just increased the hockey fee from about $600 for an 8 year old to $1000 and now she doesn't know if they will put the little guy in hockey and there is no way they will have his younger daughter start. The other organization in the same rink, with better ice times is still the old fee.

'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
'Enjoy the Game'
Registered: 06/25/08
Posts: 3558
Location: Calgary, Canada
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At the time they have the material for teams and clubs. The will have the service open for private users in future. At least that is the case here with the finish version of Hockey Centre.


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Kai, that is good to hear because when they announced the site at the Heidelberg conference in May it was supposed to be a nominal fee for coaches. I hope they get the english version affordable soon.

'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
'Enjoy the Game'
Registered: 06/25/08
Posts: 3558
Location: Calgary, Canada
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