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At the end of each season I put together all of the drills and games that have been posted on this site. There are over 800 practice ideas from all over the hockey world. The material ranges from coaching youth hockey to the highest level of professional. The pdf's have descriptions, diagrams and most have short video demonstrations.The S - Skill Technique consists of short video clips demonstrating good technique.

Titles of the Booklets

A - Skating and Individual Skills

B - Skills Done in Groups or with a Partner

C - Situation Drills 1-1 to 6-5

D - Games to Teach the Game using Full Ice and Small Areas

DT - Transition Games

E - Shootouts and Contests

F - Fitness Skating

G - Goaltending

O - Off-ice Training

T - Team Play

S - Skill Technique - Video Demonstration of Skills

I will post them as I put the booklets together.

Austrian Ice Hockey Association Program

Three ABC of International Hockey coaching manuals that Juhani Wahlsten (Turku, Finland and IIHF Hall of Fame coach/player) and myself produced for the Austrian Ice Hockey Association. They are in German and part of their national development program.


Drill of the Week Booklet - this is a large pdf. with practice drills, favorite books and quotations by high level coaches from all over the world. . Many coaches who come to this site have asked that I post this update. This booklet has 133 submissions with 4 drills each along with the quotations and recommended books, so it is 547 pages. Click the link below to get access to this material in the files section of this site.


Many mobile devices can't load such a big pdf, so if you go to my One Drive the materials are posted separately.
They are titles DWC 10-11, DWC 11-12, DWC 13-14 and there are 133 files. The link is:


'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
'Enjoy the Game'
Registered: 06/25/08
Posts: 3558
Location: Calgary, Canada
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A - Skating and Individual Skills Booklet

This booklet has links to skating programs from various countries and a lot of instruction featuring Dr. Gaston Schaeffer.

There are also a lot of skill drills for puck handling, shooting and other individual skills.

'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
'Enjoy the Game'
Registered: 06/25/08
Posts: 3558
Location: Calgary, Canada
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B - Partner and Group Drills

Drills to practice individual offensive skills like passing, shooting, individual defensive skills like angling and checking, team offensive skills like breakouts, team defensive skills like low defensive zone coverage.

There are 199 drills in the booklet now.

Partner work on checking, passing and receiving, flow drills. Offensive and defensive skills 1-0,2-0, 3-0, 4-0, 5-0. Regroups, dump-ins, breakouts, etc..

'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
'Enjoy the Game'
Registered: 06/25/08
Posts: 3558
Location: Calgary, Canada
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C - Situation Drills 1-1 to 6-5

C Formation Drills work on game situations such as 1 on 1, 2 on 1, 1 on 2, Regroups. C drills have attackers trying to score vs. defenders.

I just notice that the wrong video link is on one of the drills. Here is a link that works.

C2, 2-1 on Rush then from Cycle - Sweden


For some unknown cyber space reason the off ice training booklet was loading instead of the C - situation drills. I have uploaded the proper pdf..

The first few are coded B which is my mistake but they are situation drills and belong in C.

'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
'Enjoy the Game'
Registered: 06/25/08
Posts: 3558
Location: Calgary, Canada
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Thank you Tom!!! Great material.

Thanks Peter. Hundreds of hours of work have gone into putting this material together. It is suitable for all ages.

Beginners - A-B-D-E

Once they can skate and handle the puck with control. - A-B-C-D-E basic team play - T

When they are able to play situations and need to learn to read the game and do everything at top speed. - A-B-C-D-DT-E-F-T

G - goattending practice is for all levels that have a regular goalie.

The Drill of the Week practice ideas are from high level youth, college and pro coaches. Many of their games and drills can be used at younger levels but this material is designed for high level teams.

The thing about hockey is that you always have to work on your A - skating and puck handling skills, you just do everything faster. You also continue to do B - partner and team drills. The C - game situation drills are more of the focus for skilled players. Games - D are suitable for all ability levels. The T - team play instruction is direct teaching by the coaching staff is is a big focus at the high levels and should only be a small part of youth hockey. The DT - Transition games are the best way to practice skills at high speed and to work on game situations because only one puck is used and any situation can be focused on. These are not popular in North America but they are the most effective way to practice situations and team play.

Every level can use the E - shootouts and contests and the F - fitness skating doesn't need to be used much if the practices are high tempo. They are still important to use to focus on quickness and agility.

The O - off-ice training is important, especially if the players don't cross train with other sports, which is the best way for young players to develop athleticism.

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D - Games to Teach the Game

This is the most important section of these booklets with practice ideas. Sometimes coaches forget that we are practicing a game and the best way to practice something is to actually do it.

I remember taking French in school and we did much the same thing as most coaches do in practice. We learned words and phrases but never spoke to anyone. Conversational French was not a practice method. When we do nothing but drills in practice it is the same thing. You learn 'part-part' but never the whole. In this country they talk about 'whole-part-whole learning' and then develop national programs where they think it means learn the whole drill, then part of the drill and back to the whole drill. The mistake is the 'game is the whole' the drills are the parts.

I am going on a vacation to Paris in May and unfortunately my three years of learning with the 'part-part' method has resulted in me only understanding some words and phrases but I have zero ability to speak French. That is what happens to most of our players. They have skills but not a very good idea of how to use them effectively.

These games use the entire rink or various parts of the rink. Lots of modified rules are used so the players have to perform the skills under game pressure and transition between the four game playing roles 1-with puck, 2-support puck, 3-chek puck carrier, 4-cover away from the puck and the three game situations 0-loose puck, 1-offense, 2-defense. Full ice and small area games are used. There are video examples from youth, to European pro to NHL.

Some of the games repeat but the rules are a little different or else the video is of NHL or International players playing the game and then the same game with youth players.

The two themes of the ABC's of International Hockey are:

"Enjoy the Game"

"The Game is the Greatest Coach"

'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
'Enjoy the Game'
Registered: 06/25/08
Posts: 3558
Location: Calgary, Canada
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DT - Transition Games Booklet

Transition games can be designed to work on the Game Situations that you do in C drills or to create full ice or SAG game like situations that a coach works on with the T - Teaching the Game exercises.

Transition Games use only ONE PUCK and players change on the go to create the game situation from 1-1 to 6-5. Erkka Westerlund, this years Finnish Olympic Coach (Bronze) and also the 2006 Olympic Coach (Silver) spent six months with Hockey Canada in Calgary and produced a booklet and video on Transition but it never got much traction here. I am starting to see some transition games in practice but they are usually with passive support.

In my opinion they are the best way to practice game situations with the benefit that they 'run themselves' and free the coaches to talk with players as they return to the line-up. It is also easy to have proper w/r ratios by simply calculating how many players divided by the numerical situation.

'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
'Enjoy the Game'
Registered: 06/25/08
Posts: 3558
Location: Calgary, Canada
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E - Shootouts and Contests

A great way to end practice is with a contest of some kind or a shootout. They can be used at any other time as well.

The first booklet is to links about shootouts. Open the pdf. and click on the title for a description and it will also have a link to the video, diagram and pdf.. If you just want to watch the video example click on the video link.

The 2014 has the diagrams, descriptions and links.

'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
'Enjoy the Game'
Registered: 06/25/08
Posts: 3558
Location: Calgary, Canada
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O - Off Ice Training

This booklet has examples of circuit training as well as training in a gym and outside.

'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
'Enjoy the Game'
Registered: 06/25/08
Posts: 3558
Location: Calgary, Canada
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T - Team Play - Tactical Training

This section is focused on how a coach teaches team play tactics. There is a lot of direct coaching and most of it is with pro or high level teams. Controlled scrimmages, drills with a lot of coach input are shown. Most of the examples are from pro or international teams.

T1 - Teaching individual offensive skills.
T2 - Teaching team offense.
T3 - Teaching individual defensive skills.
T4 - Teaching team defense.
T2-4 Offense vs. defense in a controlled scrimmage setting, either full ice or at one end.

'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
'Enjoy the Game'
Registered: 06/25/08
Posts: 3558
Location: Calgary, Canada
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G - Goaltending and Skating for Fitness and Agility

The goaltending booklet shows various coaches from all levels around the world working with the goalies.

Skating Fitness and Agility

This booklet gives links to skating exercises for conditioning, quickness and agility.

'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
'Enjoy the Game'
Registered: 06/25/08
Posts: 3558
Location: Calgary, Canada
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These pdf booklets have about 1000 drills and games that I posted. The booklets are coded according to our organizational coding method so that they can be found.

The basic guideline is:

A - skating and individual skills.

B - partner skills such as passing or checking technique,s well as flow passing drills 1-0,2-0, 3-0, 4-0, 5-0 where you finish with a shot on net.

C - Drills where attackers are trying to score vs. defenders.

D - Games - full ice, cross ice, one zone, multiple zones.

DT - Transition games where you work on the same skills as in the C and D sections but there is one puck, no whistles and the players rotate in giving either passive or active support.

E - Shoot-outs and contests.

F - Fitness skating for agility, quickness and aerobic and anaerobic conditioning.

G - Goaltending skills.

O - Off-ice conditioning or skill work.

T - Team play. Work on either

0 - Loose puck situations.

1 - Team Offense
Role 1-Player with the puck.
Role 2-Players supporting the puck.

2 - Team Defense
Role 3 - Player checking the puck carrier.
Role 4 - Players covering away from the puck.

'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
'Enjoy the Game'
Registered: 06/25/08
Posts: 3558
Location: Calgary, Canada
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S - Skill Technique - Video Clips on Technique - Sweden

This booklet has a great scope and sequence in a logical progression to teach hockey skills. 95% of the clips are from Sweden but I added a few from Finland and Russia to complement to material.

I a coach or organization used the topics for these video clips as a guideline you would offer a program that covers all of the basic skills and situations up to 3 on 3.

I have put English sub titles on the videos because only coaches Sweden, Finland and a few others understand Swedish. If I made some big mistakes let me know what clips and what corrections are needed and I can edit them again.

Great job Swedes!!!!

'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
'Enjoy the Game'
Registered: 06/25/08
Posts: 3558
Location: Calgary, Canada
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