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It appears that the hockeycoach.com bulleting board is gone. Coaches can discuss topics here. I contributed to the old board for about ten years and thousands of coaches from all over the hockey world used to frequent it and contribute.

Maybe we can do the same thing here.

'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
'Enjoy the Game'
Registered: 06/25/08
Posts: 3549
Location: Calgary, Canada
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Hi Tom

I am with going to be here lurking and reading and posting from time to time. All the best.

Coach for Success

Registered: 06/01/09
Posts: 2
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hopefully when the season cranks up again the board will become active.

'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
'Enjoy the Game'
Registered: 06/25/08
Posts: 3549
Location: Calgary, Canada
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first there was the disappointment of losing the original site in June. already there is growing evidence that this is becoming the place to go for honest, open information; for good natured yet well informed sharing, and for the continual supporting of each other - each other being coaches who know that teaching the great game is a life long process. this rebirth is so cool, isn't it ? it's like the rarely experienced story of when the 'good guy' wins.

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Great to see this site up and running again with many contributors!!! Looks like a keeper!!! Good work Tom!!!

Registered: 12/27/08
Posts: 5
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I like having one board. Seems like we move around a lot. I liked that board but when I go to it now its Mike Hartmans board

I cant stand Mike, Im sure he is a good guy now but I played mens league with him right after he was with Winnipeg. He was such a jerk and broke my buddies arm with a slash. Its mens league!
So now that he wants to be a coach and whatnot doesnt appeal to me.

sorry, Ill never bring it up again

My point is I LOVE this board and the work you do Tom

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I concur with the rest of the guys. This quality 'product' will nurture itself and become a frequented site once again.

Registered: 06/05/09
Posts: 14
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I am hoping this board will be a place where coaches from around the hockey world can once again have a place to share ideas. The season is getting close.

My son went for an interview to coach a AA midget team tonght. It will be interesting to see if they select him. He was my asst. for two seasons and spent last year teaching in Japan.

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with experience like that how could they not take him as an asst?

Registered: 07/26/09
Posts: 4
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Well they didn't chose him. Someone that has coached 25 years was selected instead.

This morning I was approached by a women's semi pro team and asked if I am interested in being their head coach. I said I was interested; so I may be doing that. There are only 3 teams in the league now. Edmonton, Minnesota and Strathmore. Two teams are out because of the travel expenses.

Should be interesting. I told the we would be playing a form of super aggressive Torpedo if I coach.

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That must be a great Midget AA team! Sorry to hear he didnt get it.

Womens hockey is really going. But wow thats some travel right there! How many games they play?

I have a full time job and coach US college as a second job. Id love to find a way to make hockey my main job. Keep dreaming Ballgame

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Edmonton is a 3 hr drive and they fly to Minnesota so that is ok. I can look up some old college friends there. I went to the twin cities with the U of Calgary men's team in the early 90's. We played the U of Minnesota on a tour. I had a good visit then.

I don't know much about the league. Three teams have folded because of costs and not enough sponsors. It is too bad the women don't have enough teams to play for after college. There is a National Championship vs teams in the east. Cities are a lot closer together in Ontario and Quebec and that means a lot less travel expense.

The Oval Extreme folded. They were also in Calgary and had a lot of national team players. I don't know if the ones not on this years Olympic team want to play for this team or not. Everyone works on this team so there is only one or two practices a week.

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