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Some coaches have written to say this like this section in other seasons; so I still put my plans and game summaries here again this season. It is also a good way for me to keep track of what I have done in practice.. This is also a way for me to demonstrate how the ABC method of coaching combines drills, small area games, full ice games, tournaments and transition games to practice the skills, good habits and the ability to read the play and make positive decisions.

I prepare my practices with TC whiteboard and make the diagrams and then use their practice template by copying and pasting from the pdf's I make of practice drills and games. I then send the pdf to my asst. coaches and myself so that we all have a digital copy to refer to. In the last six months I have converted my video to a format that can be seen on smart phones, tablets, desktops and laptops. Most of my exercises have a short video demonstration to jog the memory if needed.

The basic philosophy of the program is outlined in our first coaching manual that you can see with Adobe Reader using this link. http://www.hockeycoachingabcs.com/filemgmt/index.php?id=104
Team so far.

I have one goalie, three forwards and three defense returning to my U18 female team. there are two teams in Calgary and we play in the Provincial League with ten other teams. I am also coach of a combined tournament team that is going to Stoney Creek for a 64 team tournament the weekend after Labour Day. We have already chosen this team and it has most of the better players who are trying out now.

Last week was a conditioning camp and the evaluations started two days ago. We have had two sessions so far. There is a goalie evaluation on Tuesday and games Fri., Sat., Sunday followed by a draft.

I understand the draft is the same as in other seasons. You must protect at least 6 players and can only protect 8. We draw straws for the first pick and the winner choses to pick first or second. The order is 1-2-2-1-1-2-2-1 and then if a team protected less than 8 players and the other team protected more the team with less gets up to two more picks to make the number taken even. The order then changes to 1-2-1-2 until everyone has chosen 20 skaters and 3 goalies. We practice for a week and then name 17 skaters and 2 goalies and the ones not chosen are named affiliates and play in the league below.

So the job now is to rank all of the players and draft the ones you like.

The other team has 10 returning skaters and can only protect 8 of them. Two D and 8 F. They have 0 goalies returning. They have to decide who to leave off their protected list of 8.

Two of my graduating players are on their way to play for Universities in the east, one in Nova Scotia and one in PEI. Another was already at university and has a try-out. My top scorer was recruited by a few colleges but chose to go to the university in Victoria where they don't have a varsity team. My graduating goalie is going to an American Prep School to do the graduate year and play.

The majority of the new players are forwards and the huge need is for defensemen, espectilly for the other team. There are only 8 new defense trying out.and over 25 new forwards. It is strange how things go.

Last year there were a lot of D. Two of my D graduated, two D and one F are going to sports schools and one moved. Last year I had extra D and this year we need to add at least 3. I have the strongest goalie and need to choose one more. I am at a disadvantage as the three coaches on the other team all coached U15 in the last two years and know the players. One benefit is we are watching them through new eyes without prejudice but know little about their character.

These players take their hockey seriously. From last years team they have moved all over Canada and the USA. PEI, Nova Scotia, British Columbia, Saskatchewan, Warner AB, Eastern USA.

Girl's go to sports schools so they can train and be on the ice every day and these schools recruit them relentlessly promising they will get scholarships. (all of my players from the last two seasons have been offered positions on varsity teams so it is really a neutral decision; they do play in more tournaments but we play in three and are scouted during the season. If you are good they will find you and since I was a college and university coach for 16 years I have a lot of connections. (When I resigned my college coaching position to go to Austria I had the highest winning % and most career wins. So I do have some credibility with them) Anyway it is hard to fight against the perception that you must go to a sports school or you won't get a scholarship)

To improve our program we added one practice to give us 2 x 90 minutes and 1 x 75 minutes per week and are going to the tournament in Stoney Creek to give the players more exposure to Eastern Colleges. We also do dryland training. They can do everything on campus at a sports school and that is an advantage but they have to move away from home and the cost is between $30-45 000 per year. Our program is 20% of that cost.

Like I said. They take it seriously.
I asked my returning players to get together and rank who they consider to be the top 20 players trying out. They did and sent me the list Wednesday night. There are games F-S-Sun followed by the draft. I have protected my goalie and have to send a list of 6-8 protected players in.

'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
'Enjoy the Game'
Registered: 06/25/08
Posts: 3558
Location: Calgary, Canada
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The last two weeks have been really busy. The Calgary players interested in trying out for U18 F had a week of conditioning camp and then 5 scrimmages. the team traveling to the Stoney Creek tournament also had a try-out and I am coaching that team.

Last night we had our draft after the last scrimmage. We had a lottery for the first pick and the other team won so the draft goes 1, 2-2, 1-1, 2-2 1 and then there is an equalization round where a team that protected less players gets to catch up. We are allowed to protect between 6-8 and I protected 6 of 7 and they protected 7 of 10 returning players. the problem is that after this round it starts alternating 1-2, 1-2 and if you chose second you could end up the 1 team getting 3 picks in a row if they protected 6 and you 8. The way it worked out they to pick after us but not extra picks.

One player I really like scored 4 goalies and got robbed by the goalie twice and I was sure they were going to pick her first but instead they chose a player we had ranked 4th> I got two picks and took the best two offensive players. It ended up that we got 5 of the 6 players we ranked at the top. So that was perfect for us.

We now have 20 skaters and 3 goalies must get down to 17 and 2 in two weeks. the players we cut are our affiliates.

It is quite complicated but the process works as well as any evaluation I have been part of.

We stert with a practice tonight and then I have two in a row tomorrow. the tournament team and then my team. Lots of my players are on the tournament team as well.

I have to get a manager, treasurer and get the parents together. I sent out an order for reverisible practice jersey's about 5 minutes ago.

In the season our week will go like this. M-off-ice spin class on bikes, t-90' on ice, wed. 75" on ice, Th day off, Fri. 90" on ice, Sat-game, Sun. Game. So it will be busy until some time in March and with the team we just pickde we have a chance to go farther.

'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
'Enjoy the Game'
Registered: 06/25/08
Posts: 3558
Location: Calgary, Canada
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We are going to use the 2-1-2 with a pinch when the puck goes side to side.


-we never pinch on the strong side.

-we always pinch when the puck moves to the other side as in a D to D or Rim.

-F1 is on the puck

-F2 is in the middle reading double team, D to D or pass to the C.

-F3 locks on their wing on the boards.

-When the puck moves to the other side on a rim, wheel or D to D then D2 on the puck side slides across covering their C and filling for D1 when she pinches. F3 covers the mid point, F2 pursue and F1 skate out hard through the middle. This means that D take the 1-1 if they chip it by and not F's.

-D1 stays in on the forecheck and cycle and D2-F3 hold the point.

-if the puck rotates back to the original side then F3 pinches down and F2 pursue while D1 and D2 go back to where they started.

-This style creates a lot of physical and mental pressure on the opposition and requires great fitness, skating ability, angling skills, and situational awareness skills. It puts pressure on the coaching staff to develop 'Complete Players.' who have the ability to succeed in all three game situations.
1-Loose puck

All 4 Game Playing Roles
1- Play with the puck.
2- Support away from the puck.
3- Checking the puck carrier.
4- Covering away from the puck.

Skill needed to play this system is the ability to count to 5. 1-2-3-4-5

Using this system means everyone must learn to play the point and take a 1-1 etc. The D must learn how to be up on the rush and cycle. So all the skills of hockey are needed. I will update the diagram.

'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
'Enjoy the Game'
Registered: 06/25/08
Posts: 3558
Location: Calgary, Canada
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Practice Plan
Date: 26-08-13 Time: 16:00-17:30 Venue: ECTAS

Warm –up and then instruction on the 2-1-2 Forecheck with a pinch when the puck goes
To the other side.

10 min.
A2 Skating Warm-up for Edges and Balance
Key Points: Good players can move in all directions efficiently because they and use all edges and have great balance on the ice. Routines for skating, puck handling, shooting and passing are efficient ways for a coach to quickly review the foundation skills and allow the players to get a lot of reps and improve at their own rate.
Description: A2 Formation - Players start at one end and skate to the other end. - inside edges - out and in using a snowplow. - inside edges - sculling one leg at a time on the inside edges. - outside and inside edges - slalom with the skates together and a good knee bend. - balance and edges - one length of the ice on each leg. Repeat the same sequence but skate Backward. http://hockeycoachingabcs.com/mediagallery/media.php?f=0&sort=0&s=20110726073836113 The same warm up with 12-14 year olds. http://hockeycoachingabcs.com/mediagallery/media.php?f=0&sort=0&s=20110423080435937

10 min.
B6 Chaos 3-0 Pass and Shoot
Key Points:
Give a target, pivot to face the puck all the time; use forehand passes and backhand only when passing forward.
1. Three players leave from each end.
2. Each group passes one puck in nzone.
3. On the whistle player with the puck shoot.
4. Other two players save ice and get a pass from the corner and shoot. a few seconds apart.

15 min. walk through
T4 2-1-2 Pinch on a Wide Rim
Key Points:
The middle D get to the puck as or before it is being received.
1. F1 make contact and skate thru the middle when the puck is rimmed.
2. F2 pressure the pass receiver.
3. F3 cover original strong side point.
4. D1 pinch down on pass receiver.
5. D2 slide across and fill in behind the pinching D2.
6. D1 stay in and join F1 and F2 on the cycle while F3 stays at the mid point.

15 min.
Walk through with a coach and 10 players at each end.

15 min.
T2-4 Controlled Scrimmage
5 on 5 with dump ins at each end and freeze on the whistle.

10 min.
E1 D200 Shootout Game
Key Points:
As soon as there is a rebound or goal the defender pick up the puck and attack the other way.
1. Coach dumps the puck in and players race for it.
2. Puck carrier try to score defender defend.
3. On rebound or goal defender attack other way.
4. Shooter must get outside of the blue line.
5. When teammate onside then first player in the line backchecks.

Post practice comments.
Good introductory practice to the way we play. After met in an empty locker room and everyone introduced themselves and I talked about what qualities a good team has.

'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
'Enjoy the Game'
Registered: 06/25/08
Posts: 3558
Location: Calgary, Canada
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Flyers Practice Plan, Date: 27-08-13 Time: 20:30-22:00 Venue: ECTAS

10 min.

Big moves warm up with shots.

8 min.
B500 Overspeed 2-0 with a Pass

Key Points:
Players must challenge themselves out of their comfort zone. Make as many moves as possible and continue until they have shot and looked for a rebound. Take the pass and shoot right away without over handling.

1. Line up along boards on one side.
2. Players 1 and 2 start on the goal line.
3. Players 3 and 4 leave and make moves at top speed.
4. Coach whistle every 7" and they players attack the net.
5.Closest attacker give and go with 1 or 2.
6. Second closest do a tight turn then give and go with 1 o 2.
7. With only one goalie go one way only.
8. After passing return to the back of the line.

12 min.
Two pass tournament 2 games x 2.

20 minutes
Go over together and then half at each end with defenders stick upside down.
T4 Teaching Defensive Zone Coverage 2-1-2

Key Points:
Tie up sticks in the slot, keep sticks in the passing lane and shin pads in front of the
When doing man on and box behind closest player is aggressive from the inside to the
outside body on body and stick on the puck.

Teach defensive zone coverage by giving the offense 45 seconds to score.
A. Play a tight box and one in the low slot area. Players can only move a few strides but
stay in a tight 2-1-2 formation.
B. Closest defender pressure the puck right away while teammates form a box behind.
When the puck is passed away drop to a corner of the box or take the player to the net.
If the offense has three attackers cycling on one side D2 must move to that side and F2
drops to the hash marks to cover the front of the net.

20 min.
DT100 Continuous 1-1 to 3-2
Key Points:
New players don't leave the line-up until the puck enters the offensive zone.
On dump outs no one change but go back and regroup with the same players. Changes occur when the puck is over the offensive blue line or controlled over the defensive blue line.

1. Attack 3-2 with D getting support from 3 F's and F's from 2 D.
2. Defending F1 support low to make it a 3-3 and F2-F3 cover the point.
3. New offensive D's join and play point.
4. On transition attack 3-2 thru nzone.
5. Continue flow with new O and D support.
-Continue the flow of 3-2 in nzone and 5-5 at each end.
-Dump-ins and regroups can be added.


7 min.
D200 Angling game

Key Points:
Checkers create an angle on puck carrier and take away their time and space with body on body and stick on the puck.

1. D200 lineup outside blue line.
2. On whistle carry the puck behind the net and checkers leave and create good angles.
3. Play 20-30 seconds.
4. Puck carrier can try to come out short side.
5. Keep score. Play to a certain score and losing team do something like push ups. Play a short series.


6 min.
D200 Straight on Angling Game

Key Points:
Both teams go behind their net on the whistle.
Defenders close the gap and maintain the defensive side.

D200 Straight on Angling Game
1. Teams are lined up behind blue line.
2. On the whistle each team skates behind their net.
3. Attackers try to score and defenders gain a tight gap and D side.
4. Play a cross ice game for 20-30"
5. On whistle pass to coach and the other team is on offense first.
6. Play from 1-1 to 3-3 also using odd man situations.


7 min.
E1 Two Goal Relay Race

Key Points:
Work on shooting one timers and scoring on rebounds. Good habits like face the puck, give a target with the stick on the ice. Limit of 2 passes before each shot.

A. 1 and 2 attack 2-0 on opposite net.
B. Pass and shoot to score.
C. Get a new puck from 3 or 4 after scoring.
D. Score a second goal.
E. After the second goal race back to the blueline and touch 3 or 4 with stick on shin pad.
F. Team to score most goals in certain time wins.
This is the same game but the nets are cross ice instead of at the blue line. Bnefit is that the wide shots stay in play.


Post practice comments: It is great to have 20 skaters. It is the only time we can do a continuous 3-2 and the players have enough recovery time. It also enables many things at each end that I could do with college or pro teams but can't do with minor hockey teams because there are less than 20 skaters.

'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
'Enjoy the Game'
Registered: 06/25/08
Posts: 3558
Location: Calgary, Canada
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Flyers Practice Plan Date: 28-08-13 Time: 16:30-18:00 Venue: ECTAS

Shoot, puck handle, pass, power play

12 min.
Russian Big Moves

Introduce moves following fake shots and the Crosby. Line up in four lines and finish with a shot from the lane. Coach demonstrate move to be practiced. Separate the movement of the upper and lower body and have big moves.

8 min.
B202 Pass to All Players

Key Points:
Give and go pass. Give a target and make eye contact before passing.

1. Blues start with half on each blue line.
2. Reds weave around in the middle.
3. Red pass to each blue player.
4. Alternate sides each pass.
5. Switch every 30".
*Compete to see who makes the most passes.


10 min.
B202 Neutral Zone Regroup 1-0 and 2-0 - Pro

Key Points: Start by exchanging the puck and always face the puck when pivoting for the return.

1. Players face each other and regroup in the neutral zone 1-0 then 2-0 and then attack. Start with exchanging the puck and then the breakout pass.
2. On the 2-0 practice chipping by the D to enter the zone or simply enter 2-0 with crosses.
3. You can add defense by having the shooter go out and defend the next attack.
4. When just shooting follow the rebound then circle back for the rebound from the next shooter.


30 min.
Power Play Options: Overload to a Diamond

Option One:
Set up at the hash and attack the seam between the D and F.
-If no one plays you skate thru and shoot or pass back door to the F or the D coming down.
-If the D plays you cycle low and keep going for a give and go and if that isn't there become the low option.
-Original low player attack the seam again.

Option Two:
-If the F plays you pass to the point and the low player moves in front to screen.
-If the point player can get to the middle move into a 1-3-1 Diamond and the weak side D skate down to the middle slot between the hash marks.
-In the Diamond we have 4 triangles for one timers, a middle one timer opition.
-If the puck is loose always outnumber the defenders and start the same sequence.

RULES and READS -When you get the puck either you or the puck moves. No standing still.
-If the weak side D comes down to back door the weak side F slide back. Look for defenders staring at the puck and move into the passing seams behind them.
-Create 2 on 1's. -Short passes that only beat one defender. * Progress to a high cycle.

D100 12 min. 6 min. pplay each team.

T2-4 D100 Power Play and Penalty Kill Scrimmage

Key Points:
Practice the full ice power play vs penalty killers. Controlled scrimmage style with coaches shooting the puck in and stopping the play. Short passes, get the puck behind the defense, and quick feet are the keys.

1. Divide the team into two groups and everyone takes a turn at the power play and penalty kill.
2. In this video the breakout is 3 coming up the ice with one in each lane and a stretch man in at the red line and far blue lines.

http://hockeycoachingabcs.com/mediagallery/media.php?f=0&sort=0&s=20090806144407276 is the video link.

10 min.

D100 Full ice 3 on 3 scrimmage.

8 min.
E1 Rebound

Key Points:
Make quick shots and one timers and goalie read the play.

1. Players line up on both side in the slot with one shooter at the top.
2. Play games to 5 between the goalie and shooter.
3. If the goalie freezes the puck or it hits the boards behind or at the side the goalie gets a point.
4. Players get a point by scoring a goal on a shot or rebound. Only one pass is allowed.
5. Shooter stays if he scores and players rotate if there is no goal.


Post practice comments:
It didn't run as I had planned because my asst. coach couldn't get to practice. I changed things and gave the players more responsibilty and added a 4-4 and 5-5 scrimmage instead of some drills early. We also did two 1/2 ice power play games once where the defending teams must carry the puck out to the red line and then turn back to go on the power play and the defending team has one F stay in the nzone to create a 4-5 at each end. This gave them a lot of reps on the power play. and was probably a better practice than I had planned. Some really good skill for U18 girl's.

'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
'Enjoy the Game'
Registered: 06/25/08
Posts: 3558
Location: Calgary, Canada
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Flyers Practice Plan Date: 03-09-13 Time: 19:15-21:15 Venue: Rose Kohn

Penalty killing 4-5, High press and diamond

10 min.
B6 – 3 Shots, 3 Zig zags, 3 Shots

Key Points:

3 Leave from diagonal corners about 2" apart, skate around circle then shoot, get a pass from
the other corner, skate 3 zig zags betweeen the blue line and the top of the cricles the fill the 3
lanes and shoot.


1. Make sure to leave about 2 seconds between shooters so the goalie has time to get set.
2. Follow the shot for a rebound before getting the pass.
3. Do skills while zig zagging 3 times such as;
a, carry the puck with the hands and feet moving all the time.
b. carry the puck only using the forehand side of the stick.
c. only use the backhand side of the stick.
d. transition skate facing the far end forward to backward to forward.
e. skate backward.
f. 360 degree turns.


8 min.
B6 Jursi Skate-Pass-Shoot

Key Points:

This is a drill that Russian Olympic coach Vladimir Jursinov used when I was coaching with him in Austria. The goal is to get players to practice passing and shooting while they skate. Puck handling-passing-shooting should be seamless.

1. A and B skate down the ice in passing while skating.
2. A is on the inside and continues on with a shot while skating.
3. B pivots facing the puck and continues the other direction passing to C.
4. B shoots and C partners with D the other way.
# This can be done in tandem on both sides of the ice.


6 min.
B500 Defensive Side with Stick on the Puck

Key Points:

Player checks from the defensive side with the stick always on the attackers stick. Keep the stick on the ice when going side to side.


1. Two players work together one of offense one on defense.
2. Half rest half actice on the whistle.
3. Practice about 5" and alternate.
4. Start with no puck with offense shielding with the body defender stick on stick.
5. Progress to using a puck.


20 min.
D400 Penalty Killing Practice

Key Points:
Closest player must pressure the puck in straight lines from the net out. Skate back when the puck is passed. Stick on the ice in passing lanes and stick on the puck when checking. Do not get tied up. Block shots.


1. A powerplay and a penalty killing unit at each end of the ice.
2. The coach passes in a puck from the line or from a face off dot.
3. Controlled scrimmage where everyone stops on a whistle.
4. If the puck is frozen, a goal or it is cleared put in a new puck.
5. After about 45 seconds do the same thing from the other end while the pp and pk units switch at the original end.


15 min. – Play a Game to 3.

T2-4, D4 – Reilly Specitalty Team Game

1. 5-5 at each end with one defensive player in the neutral zone making it a 5-4.
2. Start green on pp vs. white on pk at one end. On a goal, frozen puck or shot down the ice the green get ready to pk and the white the pp.
3. The other end starts with the white on the pp first.

*The play rotates from end to end.

15 min.
D100 Specialty Team Scrimmage

Defending team leave one player in the nzone.

7 min.
E1 Two Shot Shootout

Key Points

Players should come in and make a hard move and shoot. The general rule on a breakaway is if the goalie is out far deke and if he backs in shoot.

1. Teams lines up across from each other and the pucks are in the middle circle.
2. One player from each team leaves and shoot at opposite ends.
3. The same players turn back and get another puck from the middle and shoot at the other end.
4. Continue until all the players have shot and keep score.
You can also decide the winner by saying the most goals in a certain time or the first team to 10 or another total wins.

- Players that score no goals do 2 laps, those who score one goal skate one lap and those who score on both shots zero laps.


Post Practice Comments:
Very active practice and the players understood the high press rotation. Lots of reps playing both the pp and pk for everyone. Good introduction and now we can work on the details.

'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
'Enjoy the Game'
Registered: 06/25/08
Posts: 3558
Location: Calgary, Canada
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Woke up at 4:15 this morning to take the 4 hr. flight to Hamilton. We are staying in a Holiday Inn in Oakville which is part of greater Toronto.

The team consists of players from the 2 Calgary teams. 16 skaters and 2 goalies. One of our better forwards is injured and that is why we have 16 instead of 17.

We have had a few practices together but not many so I just took the girl's outside to walk through the forecheck and penalty kill both one and two short. My team pressures the puck a lot more than the other team so it was a review for my players and a reminder for the rest.

We play two games Friday and two on Saturday. Games 1 to 3 is the seeding round and game 4 is an elimination game. You have to win that one to go on.

It is a huge 64 team tournament with lots of college scouts in attendance and a great opportunity for the players to be noticed. The systems we play are very aggressive and don't put a collar around anyone; so they have the chance to their stuff.

Should be fun.

'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
'Enjoy the Game'
Registered: 06/25/08
Posts: 3558
Location: Calgary, Canada
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We didn't win but played really well vs. great competition. We drew the two finalists from last years Ontario Championship. Lost 0-1 and 0-4. Tied our first game 1-1 and deserved better and tied game four 0-0 and lost in a shootout that we were leading 2-0. About 12 shooters before it was decided. We played great defense but didn't score. It is tough playing real teams that have systems when you haven't had time to really put things in place. I think a lot of the players showed well.

Now it is back to my regular team. We practice Tuesday and finally have an ex game on Thursday where I will make the final selections. We have to get down from 20 to 17 skaters. The season starts next weekend.

'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
'Enjoy the Game'
Registered: 06/25/08
Posts: 3558
Location: Calgary, Canada
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Back to my team.

Flyers Practice Plan Date: Sept. 10 SAIT

Themes: cut backs and stick on the puck, breakouts, middle drive.

8 min.
A200 Skating Warm-up for Edges and Balance with a Puck and Shot

Key Points:
Good players can move in all directions efficiently because they and use all edges and have great balance on the ice.Routines for skating, puck handling, shooting and passing are efficient ways for a coach to quickly review thefoundation skills and allow the players to get a lot of reps and improve at their own rate. Do these skating exerciseswith a puck.


A200 Formation in Four Groups
- Players start at one end in 4 lines and skate to the other end with a puck and shoot from their lane.
- inside edges - out and in using a snowplow.
- inside edges - sculling one leg at a time on the inside edges.
- outside and inside edges - slalom with the skates together and a good knee bend.
- balance and edges - one length of the ice on each leg.

Repeat the same sequence but skate Backward.


8 min.
B6 Pass and Replace x 2 – Pro

Key Points:
Turn facing the puck and time when to ask for the pass. Rebound and circle back to rebound for the next shooter.

A. 3 leave the corner and pass to 2 who turns to the outside and comes back for the pass.
B. 3 follow the pass.
C. 2 move into the middle and pass to 1 when he is ready for the pass.
D. 2 follow the pass.
E. 1 curl to the outside and back for a pass from 2 then skate in and shoot-rebound.
F. 1 curl back to rebound for 2.
G. 1 go to the corner to repeat the other way.


30 min.
Natalie at one end with goalies. 15 min.each.

10 min. Forwards and Defense
B500 Cut Backs and Escape Moves

Key Points:
Protect the puck with the body on offense. Cut back turning toward the boards. Defender stay lined up with the back of the inside shoulder and stick on the puck.

1. Leave on the whistle and practice cut backs, tight turns. Go to the net on the second whistle while the next players leave.
2. Two players leave and the second player stays on the D side with the stick on the puck and gives passive resistance.
3. This is a battle and the defender tries to get the puck. On the second whistle whoever has the puck go to the net.

*Without goalies both sides can go at once and with a goalie alternate sides. Players switch sides after doing both offense and defense.


10 min.
B5 Middle Drive and Cycle - 12 Seconds to Score

Key Points:
The player in the middle lane skate hard to the top of the goal crease. The two players in opposite wide lanes are about a quarter of a zone behind. Force the backchecker to make the proper decision.

1. Players leave from the red line.
2. R1 pass wide to R2 or R3.
3. R1 skate hard to the top of the goal crease and stop.
4. R2 and R3 follow in a second wave behind R1.
5. R3 pass across to R2 who one times the puck on net.
6. Play a rebound or a new puck shot by the coach and work together to score within 12 seconds from the start.
7. Next group repeat.
8. Create a contest to see how many goals they can score within the time limit.

10 min.
D400 - Middle Drive 3-3 - 10 Seconds to Score

Key Points:
Create intensity by only giving 12" for the offense to score. Attacking team uses the middle drive.

1. Start from the red line and attack 3 on 3.
2. Offensive team use the middle drive.
3. Attackers get 10 seconds to score.
4. Coach blow whistle if it takes too long.
5. On transition or whistle pass to the players at the blue line.
6. Team who was on offense now skate to the blue line and defend.

15 min.
B5 Murdoch Breakout Routine A and B

Key Points:
This is a good routine to use at the start of practice instead of just skating around the ice aimlessly.
- Work for 5-10 min. and get in a lot of reps.
- D shoulder check on the way to the puck.
- Forwards funnel through middle lane and watch puck before swinging up the boards.

Forwards and Defense
A. Coach shoots puck in and D gets the puck and passes to the wing who times his skating from inside to outside. D to W back to D and up to wing. Then repeat on the other side. All forwards take turns getting the pass on the wing.
B. Coach shoots the puck in and D skates back to get in while the wing times his skating from the middle to the outside lane.


The D drives the back of the net and stops and goes out the same direction making a counter pass to the wing, who returns the pass and gets another pass.Repeat on the other side.


8 min.
DT400 Active Jokers at Point

Key Points
Each team has two jokers at the point. Introduce the game allowing jokers to check jokers and then add that jokers can come in for one timer shots. This transition game creates three situations. In the first part the players at the point must get open and take a shot or make a pass. The defender practices covering the point. In the second part add that the jokers at the point can come in for a one timer shot


Part One: Each team has jokers at the point.
1. When defenders regain puck they must pass to the point to go on offense.
2. Jokers can shoot or pass.
3. Jokers can check the opponents Joker.

Part Two:
4.Jokers can jump in for one timer shots.
5. Defending joker should cover the attacking joker when he jumps in.


8 min.
E1 Change on the Go with Pass Shootout

Key Points:
Players should work on selling the fake, change of pace and making the goalie move first. The goalie must time his retreat into the net to keep good angles on shots and cover the goal line on dekes. Description: 1. Players are in the box and one puck on each blue line for every player.
2. Player from each team leaves the box and tries to score.
3. If they score they race to the box and touch the boards and then the next player can leave.
4. If they don't score they pass to the next player who comes out of the box.
5. Losing team do something for every goal they lose by.

*To make it realistic the goalie should practice starting from the goal line and coming out.


'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
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I haven't had a chance to work with the team because of the tournament team. We did our final cuts after an ex game on Thursday where I sat out 4 veterans and played the new goalie, a 1-2 loss. We started the season on Saturday and lost 0-4 and tied 1-1. This is the first practice of the season for the official team. We will chose captains tonight. I will ask each player to list 5 players they think would make a good captain and consider their opinion and the coaches opinion to make the choice. It is not a vote but I wouldn't want to chose captains that no players name as good candidates.
Our games showed that the player need good habits and have to play the game a lot quicker on offense and improve the passing skills. I only have 7 returning skaters and on returning goalie. Many new players have scored a lot in other leagues but need to get used to the faster pace and rough play in this league. We have good potential but need a LOT of practice.
Very embarrassing when the coach of the other team refused to shake my hand after the game and simply turned away and talked to the trainer. Luckily his players didn't see the poor sportsmanship. I don't recall that ever happening before.
Flyers Practice Plan Date: 16-09-13 Time: 17:45-18:45 Venue: ECTAS

Triple threat position, quick thinking, Passing technique, defend, attack, skating, Puck handling with loose shoulders.

10 min.
B6 or B4 Crossover Skating and Puckhandling

Key Points:

This is a great skating and puck handling warm up drill. Many variations can be used with the puck or in skating tasks. Do a different skill in each zone. Keep the feet moving it is crossover in large #8's and not tight turns. You can also do as a B6 and start out of opposite corners.


Cross Overs and Puck Handling Skills

Do figure 8's in each zone.
1. Quick hands and quick feet fwd
2. Skate backwards
3. Face the far end transition skate
4. Carry puck using only the forehand
5. Use only the backhand.


8 min.
B4, 2-0 Skate Inside and Pass Outside

Key Points

Skate to the big ice between the dots with the puck and pass to the outside. Pass and follow the pass taking the ice behind.


1. Line up in the C1 formation at the bluelines.
2. Two players leave from the front of each line and get a puck from the corner.
3. The first player skate inside the dot with the puck
and pass to the second player on the outside.
4. First player follow the pass and cross ‘taking the ice behind.’
5. The second player receive the pass and skate between the dots.
6. The second player now passes wide to the first player and follows the pass.
7. Shoot and rebound after one pass in the offensive zone.


20 min.
Goalies with Natalie
– last 5 min. send Alicia with team.

5 min.
B202 Pass to All Players

Key Points:

Give and go pass. Give a target and make eye contact before passing.

1. Blues start with half on each blue line.
2. Reds weave around in the middle.
3. Red pass to each blue player.
4. Alternate sides each pass.
5. Switch every 30".

*Compete to see who makes the most passes.


10 min.Focus on triple threat position. Bax work with Rendle on taking a pass first 5 min.

D202 Keep-away With Jokers on Line

Key Points:

Protect the puck, use fakes and change the type of passes and the situation.This is a great game to practice puck support, getting open,passing and puck protection.

1. Active players are in the middle.
2. Jokers are lined up along the blue lines.
3. Passes to Jokers are allowed.
4. Play even situations up to 3-3.
5. Vary the situations 2-1, 3-1, 3-2.
6. On whistle leave from one end and return to the line-up at the other end.
* Award one point for making 5 consecutive passes and keep score.


10 minutes – first 5 one game then each end.

DT400 1-1, 2-2, Support-Attack-Defend

Key Points:

Defending player stay on the defensive side. Supporitng player give a target for the pass and get into an open lane.


1.F1 attack D1 at each end. 2. Players line up on the boards with the first player in line D1 supporting the defense. 3. The coach can determine whether the supporting defender is passive or active. 4. On a turnover or a goal the breakout pass is made to the supporting defender from D1 to F2.. 5. Carry the puck to the red line or if the team has a full ice practice, carry the puck to the far blue line. 6. F2 Attack vs. the original attacker F1. Practice various situations.


10 min.
D1-D100 Two Second Game

Key Points:

Supporting players must give close support plus depth and width. Puck carrier must skate hard to open ice and use escape moves, drive skating and cut backs to create passing lanes.

*This game can be played full, cross, half ice. Great game for on ice awareness, passing skills and offensive support and defensive coverage.


1. Play full ice with either all the players on the ice at once or in shifts.
2. Players can be in possession of the puck for a maximum of 2 seconds.
3. Stress that when you get the puck the order of priorities should be:

A-Make a play.
C-Gain a zone.

3. When over 2 seconds the other team gets the puck (coach monitor).


7 min.
E1 Shootout Race 1

Key Points:

Players must have one skate on the dot at the start. No hooking or tripping. Skate to get D side and get the puck. *This is a great contest for puck protection, battling, scoring and a good anaerobic conditioning exercise. Keep score with one colour vs the other.


1. Players are lined up behind the face of dots at each end.
2. A player from each team race for the puck which the coach puts on the middle dot.
3. Protect the puck and try to score vs backchecking opponent.
4. Another puck on the dot and repeat the other way.


'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
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Location: Calgary, Canada
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Last practice we worked on passing technique and defensive 1-1's and emphasized they play in the triple threat position ready to move the puck right away. Today we will reinforce that concept. This is a totally new forecheck for most of the players so we will go through breakouts at one end and the offensive zone rotation at the other. The rest of the practice will be to compete.

Flyers Practice Plan Date: 17-09-13 Time: 17:15-18:30 Venue: Fairview

Breakout, forecheck, passing with vision Game situations, compete

8 min.
C2 1-2-3-4-5-5-4-3-2-1 Pass and Shoot Warm-up

Key Points:

Face the puck and pass on the forehand. Stay in each zone until all players have made a pass.


1. One then two then three then four then five players leave, one touch in the ozone, shoot, rebound.
2. Next sequence is 5-4-3-2-1 leave the other way.
3. All players make one pass in each zone.
4. In neutral zone skate figure 8's while facing the puck and making forehand passes.
*When there is only one player do a figure eight or touch both knees.


10 min. Rotate two teams after 5.
D4 Players Breakout before Attacking

Rule: face where you pass.

Key Points:

To transition from defense to offense all the players must come out over the blue line and stay on side when they turn back to attack.
The coach can designate modified rules for the game to work on either individual or team play skills.


1. One team attacks with the puck and tries to score.
2. The defending team must breakout over the blueline and then turn back and attack.
*Individual skills can be worked on. i.e.
-Skating-only backward skating allowed.
-Team Play - goals come only on plays originating below the goal line.
-Individual Offensive skills - an escape move must be made when you get the puck.
- Individual Defense - sticks upside down until one shot is taken.

8 min. Walk Through options.
T2 - Breakout and Attack Sequence

Key Points:
Go through the breakout options with D to F's and D to D to F's. Far end attack from one side and then the other.

1. Coach dump the puck in and one unit break out x 5. Each time the first pass goes to a different player.
2. Pass to the coach when they get to the blue line.
3. After five breakouts attack the far end 5-0 and repeat with all five players getting a pass and a shot.
4. Cycle one side x 3 and then the other x 3.

12 min.
T2 - Breakout and Attack Sequence

Key Points:

Go through the breakout options with D to F's and D to D to F's. Far end attack from one side and then the other.


1. Coach dump the puck in and one unit break out x 5. Each time the first pass goes to a different player.
2. Pass to the coach when they get to the blue line.
3. After five breakouts attack the far end 5-0 and repeat with all five players getting a pass and a shot.
4. Cycle one side x 3 and then the other x 3.

9 min.
B600 Double Regroup Options

Key Points:

Regroup with each D and support from about a half zone away. Give a target and face the puck. Pass hard and always give strong side wall support and middle support.


1. Blue F1 leave and pass to F2.
2. Cross and regroup with Red D1 and D2
3. Red D1 hinge and Pass to D2.7
4. Red D2 pass to Blue F1 or F2.
5. Blue F's regroup with Blue D1 or D2.
6. Blue D's hinge and pass to Blue F.
7. Blue F's attack the far net vs either zero, one or two D.
*Options: vary the amount of F up to 3 or D up to 2. Add a dump in instead of a second regroup to work on breakouts or even a forecheck.


10 min.
DT100 Continuous 1-1, D Join Attack

Key Points:

The defender make a pass and jump into the play right away. The new defender has to realize that it is a late developing 2-1 and the attackers must make a play early before the defenders get support.


a. Start with #2 attacking vs #1.
b. #3 support on defense and #4 support the attack.
c. After a goal or a defensive breakout #3 attack vs #4.
d. The original defender #1 join the attack (#2 return to the lineup when the puck crosses the blue line.) This creates a 2-1 in the neutral zone.
e. #5 and 6 join the play after the attack crosses the blue line and actively play a 3-2. #6 play the offensive point position.
f. After a goal or breakout continue the flow with 5 vs 6 and 4 joining the rush.
You can run this game with all players playing F and D or if you have D joining the F could line up on one side and the D on the other side in the nzone.
Starting with a 2-1 and two players supporting the D and one the attack would make a 3-3 on the original attack and a 3-1 in the nzone and a 4-3 in the offensive zone.
Starting with a 2-2 attack and the offense getting support from 2 D and the defense from 2 F it would make a 4-4 on the original attack. One D joining the rush makes a 3-2 in the nzone and a 5-4 at each end. (D stay up on the attack)


6 min.
D200 2-2 Shoot Either Net – Flames

Key Points:

Quick reading the rush and change the point of attack. Need quick feet and quick thinking. Get defenders to commit then change direction. No reaching penalties.


1. Two teams on blue line with one at each half.
2. Play with only one puck in the playing area.
3. Players can score at either end.
4. Keep score.

*Alternative is to play from 1-1 to 5-5 with the same rule that you can score on either net.


6 min.
D200 With Players Joining After a Give and Go

Key Points:

Pass hard and get open for a return pass.


1. Players are lined up either in two lines or along the blueline.
2. Coach dumps the puck in to start the game of 1 on 1.
3. When player with the puck give and go passes to a team mate he can join the game.
4. Play for 45-60 seconds before starting a new game.
5. Coach shoot in a new puck if the original puck is dumped out or a goal is scored.
6. Play up to 3 on 3.

Keep Score – game to 3.

6 min.
E1 D200 Shootout Game

Key Points:

As soon as there is a rebound or goal the defender pick up the puck and attack the other way. Have players line up near the dot farthest away from their net so they backcheck.


1. Coach dumps the puck in and players race for it.
2. Puck carrier try to score defender defend.
3. On rebound or goal defender attack other way.
4. Shooter must get outside of the blue line.
5. When teammate onside then first player in the line backchecks.

It was a very good practice. The LW and RD didn't understand how offensive the forecheck we use is and were playing contain all of the time. We want them to pressure and be part of the attack on their side whenever possible. Contain when they have full control or it looks like they are going to get good control of a loose puck. The compete in the games was very good. I added both the F backcheck to the last few minutes of the transition game, so both the F and the D attacked and defended.

We named captains after the last practice. The team met after this practice and made a team covenant.

One of our parents is a photographer at NHL games. He did a photo show of our first three games. http://photoshare.shaw.ca/view/23375044752-1379550330-96253/233750

'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
'Enjoy the Game'
Registered: 06/25/08
Posts: 3558
Location: Calgary, Canada
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Flyers Practice 19-09-13

Tonight we have a 75 minute practice and will work with a U15 team that is coached by my assistant the last two seasons. They have their first game coming up and we have two on the weekend.


10 minute warm-up - Shots on net etc. like the pre-game. I want to make our warmup better with less standing around - so we will make some changes.

3 min. at bench for PK review.
- 10 min. 4 on 5

3 min. at bench for PP review
-10 min. 5 on 4

3 min. at bench 3 on 5 review
- 6 min. 3 on 5

3 min. at bench 5 on 3 review
- 6 min. 5 on 3

3 min. at bench 4 on 4 review
- 7 min. 4 on 4

3 min. at bench 5-5 review
- 8 min 5 on 5
The practice went as planned with the clock running and we moved from one situation to another. If we practice with this team again I want to combine teams so the game is more even. The U18 were too big and strong for the U15 team. We run the same systems so it would work. It would be nice to have another U18 team work with us to make the competition even. Maybe a U15 boy's high level team would work. When I coached the Pro women's team we did this with U16 AAA boy's and it worked out well as far as ability level. A lot of my first year players are the biggest on the team.

This is a great method to review all of the team systems for both teams. I first experienced this when I was asst.coach for the U of Calgary men's team and the Canadian National Men's team was based in Calgary. We would have these kind of team play scrimmages together. This scrimmage allows enough rest between shifts and the competition is better than always practicing with the same group.

'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
'Enjoy the Game'
Registered: 06/25/08
Posts: 3558
Location: Calgary, Canada
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Flyers Practice Plan Date: 23-09-13 Time: 19:15-20:45 Venue: ECTAS

Power play, point shots, passing, 3-0 options

7 min.
A300 Edges and Puck Handling with a Shot

Key Points:

Move the puck all around the body in two circles going opposite directions. Finish with a shot. Use all of the edges and big moves reaching as far as possible.


1. Dark group skate down half the rink with a puck and shoot from the middle and white group skate the opposite way and shoot on the other net.
2. Skate on all of the edges and use big moves by reaching the opposite. i.e. Skate left and reach as far as you can to the right.
3. The players skating down the middle finish with a shot and then get a new puck.
4. Exercises are done while zig-zagging in and out.
a. Forward skate and alternate on the front inside edges.
b. Backward skate and alternate on the inside edges.
c. Skate forward and cross-over alternating on the outside edges.
d. Skate backward and cross-over alternating on the outside edges.
e. Open hip turn each way.
f. Slalom and reach as far as possible with the puck the opposite way.


6 min.
B6 1-0, 2-0, 3-0 Small Horseshoe

Key Points:

This is a great timing drill with good flow for early in the practice. Pass hard and get your
top hand away from your body. Call for the pass. Give your stick and skates as a target.


1. Skate to the top of the circle and pass.
2. Continue and get a pass from the other end.
3. 2-0 first player passes and swings wide and second player skates into the middle
lane. Pass to the player in the middle.
4. Player in the middle one touch the puck up to the wide man. Stay onside.
5. Shoot and go for the rebound.
6. On the 3-0 the third player goes up the boards and enters as the high man. Add a
trailer pass to the high man as the first shot.


7 min.
B6 Point Shots

Key Points:

Skate forward inside the dot before pivoting to. Shoot low for a tip in or rebound. One time the second shot in option two. Hit the net. Everyone practice this skill.

Option One

a. One pass to two and then screen goalie.
b. Two drag and shoot.
c. One go to point for a shot then opposite corner.
d. Three pass to four then screen goalie.
e. Four drag and shoot.

Option Two

f. Two stay at the mid point and get a pass from four and shoot before rotating.


15 min. One goalie with Natalie.

Power Play Options: Overload to a Diamond

Option One:

Set up at the hash and attack the seam between the D and F.
-If no one plays you skate thru and shoot or pass back door to the F or the D coming down.
-If the D plays you cycle low and keep going for a give and go and if that isn't there become the low option. -Original low player attack the seam again.

Option Two:

-If the F plays you pass to the point and the low player moves in front to screen.
-If the point player can get to the middle move into a 1-3-1 Diamond and the weak side D skate down to the middle slot between the hash marks. -In the Diamond we have 4 triangles for one timers, a middle one timer opition.
-If the puck is loose always outnumber the defenders and start the same sequence. RULES and READS -When you get the puck either you or the puck moves. No standing still.
-If the weak side D comes down to back door the weak side F slide back. Look for defenders staring at the puck and move into the passing seams behind them.
-Create 2 on 1's. -Short passes that only beat one defender.
* Progress to a high cycle.

12 min. Other goalie with Natalie

TD400 Specialty Team Scrimmage

Key Points:

Rotation is Attack-Defend-Rest. Number the players so they know when to not defend. In even numbered situations you can require the defenders to breakout into the neutral zone before passing.


1. Power play attack vs 2 Fand 2 D.
2. Defenders ice the puck and rest.
3. Group waithing at far blue attack.
4. Original attackers now defend 1 short.
5. Goalies rotate in.
6. Create any situation by changing the number of attackers or defenders.
7. Even strength can also be practiced.

*Option is to have waiting players breakout from behind the goal line and do a pk forecheck.

15 min.
T2 B6 3-0 Attack Options – Pro

Key Points:

Go hard to the net without the puck with the stick ready for rebounds or deflections. Stop at the net. Shoot low to the far pad to create rebounds. Attack with speed. Read whether the defense gives you the ice behind or in front of you.


1. Line up in three rows at the goal like and start with a puck from one side.
2. Pass to the middle then the far wing.

Option 1

Pass middle-wide-shoot from the wing.

Option 2

Pass middle-wide-cross inside and pass wide and enter wide then shoot from the wing.

Option 3

Read the defense has backed in. Gain the zone then cross and drop. Wide wing to the far post and middle player trail.

Option 4

Cross and drop in neutral zone and then pass to the wide wing. Middle drive and shoot.


10 min.
D1 One Pass in Each Zone

Key Points:

Close support, skate to open ice with the puck, give a target.


1. Play full ice either in shifts or all on the ice at once.
2. There must be at least one pass made in each zone. If not the other team gets the puck.
3. Controlled scrimmage so everyone stop on the whistle for coach input.
4. With shifts in a D100 game pass back to the goalie on the whistle.


9 min.
D400 Transition Game of Low Battles with Point Support

Key Points:

Great game to practice cycling, going to the net, screening, tipping, point shots, shot pass, one timers on offense. On defense you have the low zone coverage and communication skills. As well as individual techniques like sealing the stick to the outside, tying up sticks, boxing out, switching, all from the defensive side.


1. One team is lined up behind each faceoff dot. From one to tree players leave at a time.
2. The next player in line plays the joker at the point and must pass or shoot within a second. Defenders do not check the joker as he can’t go in and score.
3. The coach dumps the puck in or shoots on net and the teams race for the puck. Whoever gets the puck can shoot right away.
4. When the defending team gets the puck they must pass to their joker at the point to transition to offense.
5. If the puck is shot out of the zone the coach passes to the non offending joker.
6. Play 20-30” and on the whistle the players pass to the coach and skate hard out of the zone before the coach shoots a new puck in.


8 min.
E1 Gambling Shootout

Key Points:

Simulate a real shootout by placing the puck on the dot and the player starting on the whistle and the goalie not moving until the player touches the puck. Get the goalie used to shootout skating.


1. One player at a time shoots.
2. Simulate a real shootout with the same rules.
3. Players bet and go to one side if they think a goal will be scored and the other side if they think save.
4. Players who bet wrong must skate across and back.
5. Alternate ends.


'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
'Enjoy the Game'
Registered: 06/25/08
Posts: 3558
Location: Calgary, Canada
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Flyers Practice Plan Date: 25-09-13 Time: 18:30-19:45 Venue: SAIT

Angling, puck handling, skating, pp, pk, Breakouts, situations 1-1 to 2-2 Scoring, transition

8 min.
A2 Russian Puck-Handling Warm-up with Shots

Key Points:
This can be done every time players go on the ice to expand their muscle memory. The point of these exercises is to increase the size of the reach with the stickhandling moves, and to separate the upper and lower body. This is one of the most important exercises a player can do to develop puck handling skills. All the moves can also be practice off ice with various kinds of balls and pucks.

• From the A2 formation, players skate down the ice in 3 or 4 groups; practice big moves with the puck. One player leave and the next player go when he/she gets past the top of the circle. Finish with a shot from your lane no closer than the hash marks.

. Go one way then the other and do a different skill each time.

10 min.
C2 Angling 2-1 Wally

Key Points:
Defender create an angle from inside to cut the ice in half, deflect the play wide, angle at the back of the inside shoulder with the stick on the puck and finish. Second checker mirror from a little behind.


1. Coach shoot the puck across the ice on the attacking teams half or dump it softly.
2. Red 1 race for the puck and attack the Blue net.
3. Blue 1 and 2 tag up at the blue line then arc slightly behind the puck carrier to cut the ice in half.
4. Blue 1 close the gap approaching toward the back shoulder with body on body and stick on the puck.
5. Blue 1 rub out Red 1 and Blue 2 pick up the puck.
6. Blue 1 and 2 attack the other way while Red 1 back checks.
7. Repeat with Blue 3 on offense vs. Red 1-2.
* This can also be done as a 1-1 drill to teach the concepts of angling - deflect-steer-angle-finish with body on body and stick on the puck.


15 min.
T2-4 Team Play Practice Rotation

Key Points:

Practice various situations at each end. One vs. pressure and one no pressure. Switch roles when the puck goes to the no pressure end. Review any team concept.


1. Practice game situation at one end.
2. Shoot the puck down on a turn over or after a certain time.
3. Practice 5-0 for 60".
4. Shoot puck down to first group who have rotated.

12 min.
C3 Breakout 5-0, Regroup 5-0, Attack 3-2

Key Points:

One stretch, one middle support and one wall support.


Breakout 5-0, regroup 5-0, attack 3-2.

One stretch, one middle support and one wall support.
1. F dump in the puck and breakout 5-0.
2. Regroup with the D at the other end.
3. Attack 3-2 vs original D.
4. Repeat with new F breaking out with 2nd D.

13 min.
DT100 Total Hockey: Continuous 1-1 to a 3-2

Key Points:

The support can be either passive or active. Once the new players are in the neutral zone the original players go back to line, unless a regroup is added.


1. DT100 formation along the boards in the nzone.
2. Start with a 1-1 and when the puck crosses the blue line each player gets support from the lineup on the boards.
3. Various situation up to a 3-2. i.e. A 2-1 thru the nzone with the defender getting 2 and attacker 1supporting player makes a 2-1 in nzone and 3-3 at each end.

Change the supporting players to create various situations. Players learn to play in all situations offensive and defensive situations. The game can also be played using designated positions.


10 min.
DT500 - 1-1 to 3-3 Nets Back to Back - U18F

Key Points:

Quick transition from offense to defense with puck protection the emphasis on offense and defensive side with the stick on the puck on defense.


1. Nets are back to back in one zone.
2. Extra players are jokers who are around the defensive net ready for a pass to go onto offense.
3. Start with 1-1 and progress up to a 3-3.
4. On transition to offense the defender pass to a joker who attacks the opposite facing net.
5. The offensive player defends when they lose the puck.
6. Keep score.
7. Add the option to pass to jokers.
8. Coach pass to non offending joker is the puck goes out of play or after a goal.


7 min.
E1 Two Goal Relay Race

Key Points:

Work on shooting one timers and scoring on rebounds. Good habits like face the puck, give a target with the stick on the ice. Limit of 2 passes before each shot.


A. 1 and 2 attack 2-0 on opposite net.
B. Pass and shoot to score.
C. Get a new puck from 3 or 4 after scoring.
D. Score a second goal.
E. After the second goal race back to the blueline and touch 3 or 4 with stick on shin pad.
F. Team to score most goals in certain time wins.


This is the same game but the nets are cross ice instead of at the blue line. Bnefit is that the wide shots stay in play.

September 30 th Update

The CIS put on a university tournament with 3 teams from Eastern Canada and 3 from the west. They invited the 11 teams in our league and one British Columbia team to play at the same time. We played one game per day Fri-Sat-Sunday. The university teams also played. There was a banquet with all of the teams mixed together and then a dessert after which was in a large meeting room and the universitles had tables with information on their programs. The rules are very different from the NCAA. There is no 'Letter of Intent' that locks a player to a school. It is open season until you attend class. The graduating 96 born players are the target for CIS and not the 97-98 born that the NCAA schools are after. (they tied up the 96 born last year or the year before.)

We have really struggled scoring goals (6 GF in 7 games, 12 GA) as the travel team put me behind teaching team play etc. and we only had one ex game. We finally got everything in place last week where my players understand the even strength and specialty teams and I am getting to know the 11 new players.

We won our first game 2-0, tied game two 0-0 and beat an undefeated team that is averaging over 5 GF and less than 1 GA per game 3-2 on a power play goal with 8 seconds left. The weekend put us back in the mix in the league standings. All of the games were league games and count in the standings.

This week we finally start our regular practice rotation and sping class. It goes. Monday spin, Tuesday and Wednesday 90 minutes on ice, Thursday off, Friday 75 minutes on ice. Saturday and Sunday games. Now that the team play is in place we will focus on 'Skills' and 'How to Play the Game' and review team play Friday.

'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
'Enjoy the Game'
Registered: 06/25/08
Posts: 3558
Location: Calgary, Canada
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We finally start our regular rotation of practices of two 90 minute and one 75 minute practices per week. On Tuesday I will focus on skating, individual skills and habits plus games with modified rules that stress How to Play. Today we will do skating and puck handling skills to warmup and then we will have a tournament white vs. dark and have half ice, full ice games and a full ice transition game and rebound. The players will skate a lot, get a lot of touches, practice good habits and it should be fun and very tiring.

Flyers Practice Plan Date: 01-10-2013 Time: 16:00-17:30 Venue: Max Bell 2

Game situation, playing in triple thread Position, quick decisions, cycling, dump-in, Retrieval, forecheck, skating balance and Edges, puck support

10 min.
A2 Skating Warm-up for Edges and Balance

Key Points:
Good players can move in all directions efficiently because they and use all edges and have great balance on the ice. Routines for skating, puck handling, shooting and passing are efficient ways for a coach to quickly review the foundation skills and allow the players to get a lot of reps and improve at their own rate.

Description: A2 Formation

- Players start at one end and skate to the other end.
- inside edges - out and in using a snowplow.
- inside edges - sculling one leg at a time on the inside edges.
- outside and inside edges - slalom with the skates together and a good knee bend.
- balance and edges
- one length of the ice on each leg.

Repeat the same sequence but skate Backward. http://hockeycoachingabcs.com/mediagallery/media.php?f=0&sort=0&s=20110726073836113

The same warm up with 12-14 year olds. http://hockeycoachingabcs.com/media.php?f=0&sort=0&s=2011042308043593

10 min.
B6 – 3 Shots, 3 Zig zags, 3 Shots

Key Points:

3 Leave from diagonal corners about 2" apart, skate around circle then shoot, get a pass from the other corner, skate 3 zig zags betweeen the blue line and the top of the cricles the fill the 3 lanes and shoot.


1. Make sure to leave about 2 seconds between shooters so the goalie has time to get set.
2. Follow the shot for a rebound before getting the pass.
3. Do skills while zig zagging 3 times such as;
a, carry the puck with the hands and feet moving all the time.
b. carry the puck only using the forehand side of the stick.
c. only use the backhand side of the stick.
d. transition skate facing the far end forward to backward to forward.
e. skate backward.
f. 360 degree turns.


14 min. 2 games 7’ each. Tournament: Keep Standings
Game One: D4 Two Pass Game with only Forehand Passes Game Two Player must take at least 3 Strides before a shot or pass.

Key Points:

This game causes a few things to happen. Transition from puck carrier to pass support, checking the puck carrier to covering away from the puck happen very quickly. The puck carrier must use pivoting, escape moves and puck protection skills to pass on the forehand and everyone must face the puck and give a target.


1. Players must stay inside the blueline and if they puck goes out the other team gets it.
2. Before scoring the offensive team must make at least two passes.
3. When the defenders regain the puck they must make at least two passes before a shot.
4. Make rules with skills for skating, shooting, passing or good habits.
In this game the rule is that you can only pass on the forehand. If a player does a back hand pass the other team gets the puck.


8 min.
DT4 Each Team Pass to Joker at Point

Key Points:

Player at the point must get open for a pass and quickly make a play. Defender get on the defensive side to block a shot and stay with the point man if he carries the puck.


1. One zone game and each team has one or two jokers at the point.
2. To transition to offense you must pass to the point.
3. Progression is to add the rule that all goales must come from point playes such as shots, tip-ins, redirects, shot passes, screen, rebounds. This causes the players at the point to skate and get the puck through and the player covering to stay defensive side and block shots and passes.


Rotate Teams

8 min.
D4 - Goals Must Originate Below Goal Line

Key Points:

Players learn to protect the puck, pass to themselves off the boards or back of the net and use the net for puck protection. Also change the point of attack. Defenders must see the puck and the player they are covering and goalie must look over their shoulder and move side to side.


1. Play game situations from 1-1 to 5-5.
2. Situations 3 on 3 or less the players must keep the puck below the top of the circles.
3. To start an attack the puck must be moved below the goal line.
4. When the defenders get the puck they have to get it deep below the goal line before they can score.

10 min.
D1 One Pass in Each Zone

Key Points:

Close support, skate to open ice with the puck, give a target.


1. Play full ice either in shifts or all on the ice at once.
2. There must be at least one pass made in each zone. If not the other team gets the puck.
3. Controlled scrimmage so everyone stop on the whistle for coach input.
4. With shifts in a D100 game pass back to the goalie on the whistle.


10 min.
D1-D100 Two Second Game

Key Points:

Supporting players must give close support plus depth and width. Puck carrier must skate hard to open ice and use escape moves, drive skating and cut backs to create passing lanes.

*This game can be played full, cross, half ice.

Great game for on ice awareness, passing skills and offensive support and defensive coverage.


1. Play full ice with either all the players on the ice at once or in shifts.
2. Players can be in possession of the puck for a maximum of 2 seconds.
3. Stress that when you get the puck the order of priorities should be:
A-Make a play.
C-Gain a zone.
4. When over 2 seconds the other team gets the puck (coach monitor).

10 min.
T100 Continuous 2 on 2 with Dump-ins - Rule: offensive team must dump and chase.

Key Points:

Forwards cover D and D cover F's. One D should join the attack to create triangles. Defenders play tight gaps and attackers create 2 on 1's on the rush.


1. Forwards line up on one side and defense on the other.
2. Start with a 2 on 2 attack F1 and F2 vs D1 and D2.
3. When the puck enters the zone defensive F1 and F2 support D and attacking team D1 and D2 support F's.
4. Play 4 on 4 in the zone.
5. If the puck is dumped out with no possession the offensive team regroup and attack again.
6. The supporting players who joined the play now go 2 on 2 in the other direction.
7. F2 - F3 support D1 and D2 and D3 and D4 support attacking F1 and F2.


8 min.
E1 Rebound Game

This is a scoring contest that seems to be loved by players of all ages everywhere in the hockey world.

Key Points:

Make quick shots and one timers and goalie read the play.


1. Players line up on both side in the slot with one shooter at the top.
2. Play games to 5 between the goalie and shooter.
3. If the goalie freezes the puck or it hits the boards behind or at the side the goalie gets a point.
4. Players get a point by scoring a goal on a shot or rebound. Only one pass is allowed.
5. Shooter stays if he scores and players rotate if there is no goal.


By far the most effective practice of the season so far. The games with rules for skills, team play concepts and good playing habits are such a good method to focus on things and put them into game situations. We had the White Angels vs. the Dark Vaders. Two points for a win and one for a tie. I recorded the points after each game. I think my asst. coach has gone home to have a heart attack. He used to play for me in college. We had 15 skaters because two players were sick so he had to play the entire practice. I stopped the play once in a while to make coaching points but overall it flowed by itself.

'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
'Enjoy the Game'
Registered: 06/25/08
Posts: 3558
Location: Calgary, Canada
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Flyers Practice Plan Date: 02-10-13 Time: 20:15-21:45 Venue: Norma Bush


Pass, skate, shoot, puck handle, 1-1, 2-1, 3-3,, 2-2, 4-4, 5-5 offense, defense, puck support, awareness, triple threat position, 270 degree vision.

10 min.
A300 Edges and Puck Handling with a Shot

Key Points:

Move the puck all around the body in two circles going opposite directions. Finish with a shot. Use all of the edges and big moves reaching as far as possible.


1. Dark group skate down half the rink with a puck and shoot from the middle and white group skate the opposite way and shoot on the other net.
2. Skate on all of the edges and use big moves by reaching the opposite. i.e. Skate left and reach as far as you can to the right.
3. The players skating down the middle finish with a shot and then get a new puck.
4. Exercises are done while zig-zagging in and out.
a. Forward skate and alternate on the front inside edges.
b. Backward skate and alternate on the inside edges.
c. Skate forward and cross-over alternating on the outside edges.
d. Skate backward and cross-over alternating on the outside edges. jursi
e. Open hip turn each way.
f. Slalom and reach as far as possible with the puck the opposite way.


8 min.
B6 Jursi Skate-Pass-Shoot

Key Points:

This is a drill that Russian Olympic coach Vladimir Jursinov used when I was coaching with him in Austria. The goal is to get players to practice passing and shooting while they skate. Puck handling-passing-shooting should be seamless.


1. A and B skate down the ice in passing while skating.
2. A is on the inside and continues on with a shot while skating.
3. B pivots facing the puck and continues the other direction passing to C.
4. B shoots and C partners with D the other way.
# This can be done in tandem on both sides of the ice.


8 min.
B6 Chaos NZ Overspeed with Regroup-Pro

Key Points:

Players skate as fast as possible weaving through each other in the middle. Try various moves and dekes with the head up. No whistles, instead the players make five passes in the neutral zone and then shoot.


1. Players line up against the boards at the top of the circle.
2. On the whistle skate into the nzone and make moves at top speed.

A. Skate in and shoot then rebound.
B. Skate to far blue line then in and shoot.
C. Pass to opposite line then skate and shoot

Other options:
1-Circle back for rebound.
2-Give and go with a player on the goal line.
3-Defend 1-1 vs. the next second shooter.
4-Screen and tip for next shooter.


8 min.
C3-B600, 1-1 x 2

Key Points:

Hard passes and face the puck always giving a target. D should get a tight gap as soon as possible.


1. F1 from each side pass to their D1.
2. D1 pass to D2 on the same side.
3. F1's swing to the other wide lane after passing.
4. D2's pass to the F1's
5. F1's attack vs D1's on the other side.
6. F2's pass to D2's to repeat drill.


12 min.
DT100 Continuous 1 on 1 D - Join Attack F Backcheck then Continous 2-1, F and D join, then Continuous 2-2 (this makes a 5-5 at each end when the D join and F backcheck)

Key Points:

Forwards cover D and D cover F's. One D should join the attack to create triangles and one forward backcheck. Play tight gaps and attackers create 2 on 1's on the rush. Play 5-5 at each end.


1. Forwards line up on one side and defense on the other.
2. Start with a 1 on 1 attack Blue F1 vs. Red D1.
3. When the puck enters the zone defensive Red F1 support Red D1 and Blue D1 support Blue F1.
4. On transition Red D1 join new attack and Blue F1 backcheck.
5. If the puck is dumped out with no possession the offensive team regroup and attack again.
6. Red F1-D1 now go 2 on 2 in the other direction vs. Blue D1-F1. 7. Blue F2 support Blue D1- F1 and Red D3 support attacking Red F1-D1. 8. This rotation continues with a 3-3 in each zone.


14 min.
D100 Scrimmage with Extra Players on Bench 3 on 3 – One pass each zone

Key Points:

Play a full ice game with the extra players on the bench. Change on the whistle or on their own. Pass back to the goalie when changing on the whistle.


1. Play from 1-1 to 6-5.
2. Change of the whistle or players change on the go.
3. Keep score.
4. If no face-offs then scoring team touch the red line before checking.

8 min.
D200 3 on 3 With 3 Pucks

Key Points:

-Players can only shoot when the goalie is ready.
-No empty net goals.


1. Players line up outside the blue lines.
2. Coach shoots in 3 pucks.
3. Players race for pucks and battle to score and defend.
4. Hustle out of the zone on the whistle and play 20-30 seconds only.
5. Leave the puck in the net after a goal is scored.
6. Coach shoots in another puck when a goal is scored.
7. Count the pucks in the net after to determine the winning team.


8 min.
D200 Start 1-1 up to 3-3

Key Points:

Players must continually recognize the situation from 1-1 to 3-3. You can pass to any teammate in the line-up. Situations 1-1, 1-2, 2-3, 1-3, 2-1, 2-2, 3-2, 3-3 must be solved by the player.


1. Each game starts with player 1 from each team. Only one puck is used.
2. Up to 3 players on each team can play.
3. Puck carrier can pass to any teammate on the blue line. A successful return pass allows them to join.
4. Play about 30" shifts and then pass to your player 1 who stats 1-1. Another option is to pass to the goalie or simply leave the puck and the new players race for it.
5. Keep score and add rules like only backhand passes, etc.

7 min.
D200 Straight on Angling Game

Key Points:

Both teams go behind their net on the whistle. Defenders close the gap and maintain the defensive side.


D200 Straight on Angling Game

1. Teams are lined up behind blue line.
2. On the whistle each team skates behind their net.
3. Attackers try to score and defenders gain a tight gap and D side.
4. Play a cross ice game for 20-30"
5. On whistle pass to coach and the other team is on offense first.
6. Play from 1-1 to 3-3 also using odd man situations.


7 min.
E1 D200 Shootout Game

Key Points:

As soon as there is a rebound or goal the defender pick up the puck and attack the other way.


1. Coach dumps the puck in and players race for it.
2. Puck carrier try to score defender defend.
3. On rebound or goal defender attack other way.
4. Shooter must get outside of the blue line.
5. When teammate onside then first player in the line backchecks.


'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
'Enjoy the Game'
Registered: 06/25/08
Posts: 3558
Location: Calgary, Canada
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We had 90 min. practices the last two nights. One of my goalies put out three ribs sneezing and can't play for awhile and my affiliate goalie can't make it so both were full ice one goalie practices. I will post the second session here and attach the pdf. of both practices. The first practice starts close to when school ends and about a third of the team arrives 15 min. late because the traffic is bad and they come from all over the city. Calgary is one of the larges land area cities in the world because most people here live in houses with a yard. So many players have to travel a long way to get to practice from school.

Flyers Practice Plan Date: 09-10-13 Time: 20:15-21:45 Venue: Norma Bush
Angling, battling, breakouts, regroups, 3-3, point shots, transition, decisions, doing eveything while skating, cycling, playing safe in the red zones above the circles.

10 min.
B5 Breakout 5-0 with Point Shot

Key Points:

Coach calls the various options, up, across, wheel, reverse.
Each line go one direction then dump into the other end or alternate ends.

1. Players skate in nzone then coach dump in
2. D make a D to D or D to F pass and follow the play.
3. All forwards touch the puck on the rush and shoot. then screen, tip and one timer position.
4. Coach pass to D who skate across line and pass to partner who shoots or shot pass.

12 min. 6’ with delay and 6’ with low cycle and point pass.
B600 Regroup, 3-0, Delay, Point Shot - Pro W

Key Points:

Skate hard and give a target. Pass and shoot while moving. D keep the head up when shooting. Do a tight turn on the delay.


1. Four D stand on the dots at each end and forwards on each side in the neutral zone.
2. F1 from each side regroup with the D at their end.
3. F2 from each side come down the boards to post up then join F1.
4. D1 pass to D2 at each end.
5. D2 pass to F1 in the middle lane and follow the attack to the point.
6. F1 pass to F2 who enters the zone wide while F1 goes to the net hard.
7. D1 at the opposite ends give passive resistance to F2.
8. F2 delay at the hash marks and pass to the point and go to the net.
9. D2 skate between the dots and shoot while F1 screens. 10. F1 and F2 play out the first rebound.

*Option One: Have a time limit for the drill and create a competition who can score the most and which goalies stop the most. *Option Two: Instead of standing at the dots have the D skate to the top of the circles and chocktow turn back and then hinge before passing to F1.


10 min.
DT400 Support-Regroup-Hinge-Attack-Defend

Key Points:

New players give defenders support from the top of the circles as if they were wingers. If the puck is carried above there they can.


1. Red 1-2 attack Blue 1-2.
2. Blue 1-2 defend.
3. Pass to Blue 3-4 after a turnover or goal.
4. Blue 3-4 breakout the other direction.
5. Red 1-2 follow the play as defenders
6. Blue 3-4 regroup with Red 3-4.
7. Red 3-4 hinge at least once.
8. Red 3-4 pass to Blue 3-4.
9. Blue 3-4 attack vs Red 1-2.
10. Red 3-4 follow attack to support Red 1-2.
11. Blue 5-6 move to nzone ready to regroup with Red 3-4.

Continue this rotation of support-regroup-hinge-attack-defend.

12 min. Hinge and then add dump in’s and breakout.
B600 Double Regroup Options

Key Points:

Regroup with each D and support from about a half zone away. Give a target and face the puck. Pass hard and always give strong side wall support and middle support.


1. Blue F1 leave and pass to F2.
2. Cross and regroup with Red D1 and D2
3. Red D1 hinge and Pass to D2.7
4. Red D2 pass to Blue F1 or F2.
5. Blue F's regroup with Blue D1 or D2.
6. Blue D's hinge and pass to Blue F.
7. Blue F's attack the far net vs either zero, one or two D.

*Options: vary the amount of F up to 3 or D up to 2. Add a dump in instead of a second regroup to work on breakouts or even a forecheck.


10 min.
DT400 Game of Quick Transition

Key Points:

The resting players attack right away when they get a pass and the original attackers must communicate and cover one attacker each.


1. Offensive team attacks 3 on 3. It can be 1-1, 1-2, 2-1, 2-2 or 2-3 also if the coach wants to practice these situations. Up to 5-5 is possible.
2. On transition to offense the defenders pass to their teammates waiting behind the blue line.
3. Attack right away (don’t have to wait for teammates to get onside in this game.)
4. Original attackers now defend and communicate with each other on how to stop the attack.
5. After a goal the defenders is allowed to pass to the new attackers.


10 min.
C2 Angling 2-1 Wally

Key Points:

Defender create an angle from inside to cut the ice in half, deflect the play wide, angle at the back of the inside shoulder with the stick on the puck and finish. Second checker mirror from a little behind.


1. Coach shoot the puck across the ice on the attacking teams half or dump it softly.
2. Red 1 race for the puck and attack the Blue net.
3. Blue 1 and 2 tag up at the blue line then arc slightly behind the puck carrier to cut the ice in half.
4. Blue 1 close the gap approaching toward the back shoulder with body on body and stick on the puck.
5. Blue 1 rub out Red 1 and Blue 2 pick up the puck.
6. Blue 1 and 2 attack the other way while Red 1 back checks.
7. Repeat with Blue 3 on offense vs. Red 1-2.
* This can also be done as a 1-1 drill to teach the concepts of angling - deflect-steer-angle-finish with body on body and stick on the puck.


10 Min.
DT400 3-3 Perry Pearn Game Rotation

Key Points:

This game allows the coach to focus on the attack or defending deep in the zone. You can play this game in situations from 1-1 to 5-5. It is a great rotation to practice specialty teams if you have 3 lines because it gives the players some rest and they alternate between pp and pk (one F would leave the zone) The defenders have to clear the zone with control of the puck. With situations over a 3 on 3 I would move the resting players back to the far blue line.


1. Players line up within a stick length of the red line if you have 2 groups or only ½ ice; otherwise behind the red or far blue line.
2. Three players attack three defenders.
3. Defenders must carry the puck out of the zone before passing to team waiting team mates.
4. Three new players attack vs the original offensive players.
5. Keep score, implement skill (only forehand passes) or team play rules (goals originate from below the goal line).


10 min.
DT400 3-3 Krusel Battling Game - ProW

Key Points:

Battle for loose pucks, screen the goalie, shot passes, cycle, man on man, tie up sticks, tip, low zone play.


1. Line up with the face-off dots and 1 to 3 players race for a loose puck on the whistle.
2. Pass to the point to transition to offense.
3. Point player must shoot or pass within 2 seconds.
4. If a point pass goes out the other pointman gets the puck.
5. Either leave the puck in the zone or pass to the coach on a whistle.


8 min.
E1 Shootout Race a With Tight Turn

Key Points:

Players must skate hard and battle for net side body position. Player who wins the puck must protect it and the checker fight for defensive side without taking a penalty. They should play any rebound in the slot.


1. Players start behind the blue line dots and race around markers near the red line.
2. The coach passes a puck in the centre near the blue line.
3. Two players battle to get the puck and score.
4. Continue the battle while one attacks and one defends.
5. Play any rebound directly in front of the net.
6. One group vs. the other and keep score.


Parent meeting room 3 or 4.
Topic Season so far.
Answer questions.

'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
'Enjoy the Game'
Registered: 06/25/08
Posts: 3558
Location: Calgary, Canada
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Flyers Practice Plan Date: 11-10-13 Time: 16:00- 17:15 Venue: Max Bell 2

Pre game practice; focus on battling and man On man coverage as well as attacking the NET.

A2 Skating Warm-up for Edges and Balance

Key Points:

Good players can move in all directions efficiently because they and use all edges and have great balance on the ice. Routines for skating, puck handling, shooting and passing are efficient ways for a coach to quickly review the foundation skills and allow the players to get a lot of reps and improve at their own rate.


A2 Formation - Players start at one end and skate to the other end. - inside edges - out and in using a snowplow. - inside edges - sculling one leg at a time on the inside edges. - outside and inside edges - slalom with the skates together and a good knee bend. - balance and edges - one length of the ice on each leg. Repeat the same sequence but skate Backward.


The same warm up with 12-14 year olds. http://www.hockeycoachingabcs.com/mediagallery/media.php?f=0&sort=0&s=20110423080435937

Start with just puck handling overspeed and then 2-0 passing x 2.
B202 Passing Overspeed

Key Points:

Always face the puck and make as many passes as possible. On the whistle pass early to the player below the goal line. Hit the net and look for the rebound from the second shooter. Give a target.


1. Two red and two blue leave from the line.
2. Make 5 passes then attack and pass low and back to the other attacker who shoots.
3. On the whistle player with the puck give and go with a player below the goal line and shoot.
4. Second player get a pass from the side then give and go low and shoot.
5. On the same whistle two new players from each colour leave from the line.
6. After the shot become a passer near the net.
7. Low passers return to the line up.


10 min.
B600 Double Regroup Options

Regroup with 3 F. First 3-0 then 3-1 with dump in to start.

Key Points:

Regroup with each D and support from about a half zone away. Give a target and face the puck. Pass hard and always give strong side wall support and middle support.


1. Blue F1 leave and pass to F2.
2. Cross and regroup with Red D1 and D2
3. Red D1 hinge and Pass to D2.7
4. Red D2 pass to Blue F1 or F2.
5. Blue F's regroup with Blue D1 or D2.
6. Blue D's hinge and pass to Blue F.
7. Blue F's attack the far net vs either zero, one or two D.

*Options: vary the amount of F up to 3 or D up to 2. Add a dump in instead of a second regroup to work on breakouts or even a forecheck.


T2-4 D400 Attack and Dzone-Detroit

10 players at one end focusing on the forecheck and 7 at the other the power play.

Key Points:

Practice the forecheck, offensive entry wide and dump in. defensive zone coverage, breakouts.


1. Players start from the neutral zone.
2. Do some reps starting with the C dumping the puck in and forecheck.
3. Switch to the C pass to the W who gains the zone and then pass back to the point.
4. The coach can focus on any part of the attack or defense.
5. Alternate ends and the resting group switch from offense to defense for the next rep.
6. A progression into a game is for the defensive team to break out into the nzone and all touch the red line then attack the original offensive group.


15 min.
DT400 3-3 Krusel Battling Game - ProW

Key Points:

Battle for loose pucks, screen the goalie, shot passes, cycle, man on man, tie up sticks, tip, low zone play.


1. Line up with the face-off dots and 1 to 3 players race for a loose puck on the whistle.
2. Pass to the point to transition to offense.
3. Point player must shoot or pass within 2 seconds.
4. If a point pass goes out the other pointman gets the puck.
5. Either leave the puck in the zone or pass to the coach on a whistle.


10 min.

Individual work and face-off practice

'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
'Enjoy the Game'
Registered: 06/25/08
Posts: 3558
Location: Calgary, Canada
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We had two 90 minute practices. There were 16 skaters and two goalies at each. The second practice the goalie coach had one goalie the first 40 minutes, so we did skills, team play and team play scrimmage and Full Ice games for puck support and skills.

I am changing our forecheck to a hard 1-2-2 trap where the closest player pressures hard and we push the puck to the side. I am also changing our dzone so the wingers go low and the C covers the strong side point. Eventually it will be 1-2-3-4-5 after they get used to it.

We have a practice Friday and then a two game road trip on the weekend.

I have attached pdf's of the practices.

'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
'Enjoy the Game'
Registered: 06/25/08
Posts: 3558
Location: Calgary, Canada
By: Likes:

Lots of skill work with puck handling, passing and battling. We go on the road this weekend for two games.

Flyers Practice Plan Date: 18-10-13 Time: 16:15-17:40 Venue: HV

Puck handling, passing, battling, skating Breakouts, regroups, scoring

8 min.
A500 – Keep-away Inside Circle - Sweden 1

Key Points:

Protect the puck by shielding it with the body. Use head and shoulder fakes and escape moves.


- Alternative A - 3 to 6 players are inside a circle with one puck each.
- On the whistle they play keepaway with their puck and try to knock the other players pucks out of the circle.
- Last player in the circle wins.
- Alternative B is to stay in the circle and steal other players pucks when you lose your puck and the player with the last puck wins.


B6 – 3 Shots, 3 Zig zags, 3 Shots

Key Points:

3 Leave from diagonal corners about 2" apart, skate around circle then shoot, get a pass from the other corner, skate 3 zig zags betweeen the blue line and the top of the cricles the fill the 3 lanes and shoot.


1. Make sure to leave about 2 seconds between shooters so the goalie has time to get set.
2. Follow the shot for a rebound before getting the pass.
3. Do skills while zig zagging 3 times such as;
a, carry the puck with the hands and feet moving all the time.
b. carry the puck only using the forehand side of the stick.
c. only use the backhand side of the stick.
d. transition skate facing the far end forward to backward to forward.
e. skate backward.
f. 360 degree turns.


10 min.
B6, 2-0 – Pro

Key Points:

Face the puck at all times. Give a target. The player who enters the offensive zone take the shot.


A. Players start in the four corners.
B. 1 pass to 2.
C. 2 regroup with 3 at the other end.
D. 3 pass to 1 in the middle lane.
E. 1 and 2 shoot and rebound.
F. 3 and 4 follow and 4 pass to 3.
G. 3 regroup with 5.
H. Continue this flow end to end.


12 min.
B600 Double Regroup Options

Key Points:

Regroup with each D and support from about a half zone away. Give a target and face the puck. Pass hard and always give strong side wall support and middle support.


1. Blue F1 leave and pass to F2.
2. Cross and regroup with Red D1 and D2
3. Red D1 hinge and Pass to D2.7
4. Red D2 pass to Blue F1 or F2.
5. Blue F's regroup with Blue D1 or D2.
6. Blue D's hinge and pass to Blue F.
7. Blue F's attack the far net vs either zero, one or two D.
*Dump in and breakout, 5-0 3-2 back.


10 min.
C3, 3-0, 3-1, 3-2 - Total Hockey

Key Points:

Attack with a middle drive and speed. Hit the net and drive for rebounds. Only allow one pass on the 3-0. Attack with speed and make plays early while defenders delay the attack.


1. One group on each side in the neutral zone.
2. Everyone attacks and defends.
3. Play rebounds until a goal or the puck is behind the net or outside the dots.
4. Coach pass new puck if a goal is scored.
5. One defender follow the rush on 3-0 and two follow the 3-1 rush.
6. Keep score.


DT400 Kibyuk Small and Smaller Area Games at Once

Key Points:

Set one net up on the goal line below the face-off dot facing up ice and the other net facing the corner just inside the circle. The game is continuous and thecoach shoot in a new puck on a goal.


A. Blue 1 and 2 attack Red 1 and 2 in the corner and Blue 3 and 4 attack Red 3 and 4 from the red line.
B. Coach whistles and Red 1 and 2 carry the puck out to the red line and attack the other net vs. Blue 3 and 4.
C. Coach shoots in a new puck and Red 5 and 6 attack vs. Blue 1 and 2 in the corner. Red 3 and 4 return to the line.
Option: Vary the number of players from 1 to 3 and switch up who starts on offense half way through the game.


E1 D200 Shootout Game

Key Points:
As soon as there is a rebound or goal the defender pick up the puck and attack the other way.

1. Coach dumps the puck in and players race for it.
2. Puck carrier try to score defender defend.
3. On rebound or goal defender attack other way.
4. Shooter must get outside of the blue line.
5. When teammate onside then first player in the line backchecks.


5 min. Dside and controlling sticks.

All players in zone 8 white and 8 green.

One coach white and one green at the point. White coach has puck the green find a man and cover from dside and control the stick. Opposite with green.

Start with coaches passing to each other and then play a game where the players pass to the point to go onto offense. Man on man defense.

8 min.
Go over defensive zone face-off coverage.

'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
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Registered: 06/25/08
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Flyers Practice Plan Date: 22-10-13 Time: 16:00-17:30 Venue: Max 2

Good habits, bearing down, focus, passing Taking passes, back check, D join rush Battling, quick decisions, rebounds, stopping At the net, 270 degree vision

10 min.
A200 Russian Puck-Handling Warm-up with Shots

Key Points:

This can be done every time players go on the ice to expand their muscle memory. The point of these exercises is to increase the size of the reach with the stickhandling moves, and to separate the upper and lower body.
This is one of the most important exercises a player can do to develop puck handling skills. All the moves can also be practice off ice with various kinds of balls and pucks.

• From the A2 formation, players skate down the ice in 3 or 4 groups; practice big moves with the puck. One player leave and the next player go when he/she gets past the top of the circle. Finish with a shot from your lane no closer than the hash marks.
. Go one way then the other and do a different skill each time.
• Reach forward while down on 1 knee, reach back as far as you can.
• Give the puck forward and take it back with the toe of the stick.
• Place hands close together and reach sideways each way as far as possible.
• Practice head fakes and shoulder drops, and move the puck quickly to the other side of your body.
• Do high step-overs, when you step with your right foot to the left, reach as far as possible to the right with the puck, step with the left foot to the right and reach as far as possible to the left with the puck.
• Reach back as far as you can with the puck, turning the upper body so you are looking behind you as you skate in the opposite direction. Do the same the other way.
• Do 3 or 4 crossovers to the left and reach as far as possible to the right with the puck, then cross over to the right and reach as far as possible to the left with the puck. Reach back as far as you can with the puck, turning the upper body so you are looking behind you as you skate in the opposite direction.
• Single fake by practicing a small fake one way, then quickly pull the puck across your body to the other side.
• Double fake by giving a small fake one way, then quickly pull the puck across your body to the other side. Immediately bring it back.
• Put the puck behind you and pass it up into your skates from 1 side, then the other.
• Have the puck in front of you and pass it back to your skates and up to your stick, then off the outside of each skate and to your stick.
• Reach back on the forehand, then quickly pull the puck across your body.
• Skate backwards with the puck after pivoting to the right and do the same after pivoting left.
• Slide sideways, pushing about 4 or 5 times with the inside skate and gliding on the outside skate. Fake passes and shots while skating like this.
• Pivot a complete circle to the left and then to the right.
. Fake a slapshot and go around opponent on the backhand side.
. Fake a slapshot and go around opponent on the forehand side.
. Fake a slapshot and then do a backhand tight turn around opponent.
. Fake a slapshot and reach out like you are going around the opponent on your forehand and then pull the puck quickly to your backhand and go around opponent.

Any move can be practiced in this method.


10’ Ringuette
D1 Full Ice All Play

Key Points:

Everyone plays shinny style.


1. All play at the same time.
2. Use a puck or multiple pucks, ball or balls.
3. When the goalie freezes the puck the attackers back up behind the hash marks.
4. When a team scores they must touch the red line before checking.

Ringuette rule is that you must pass over each blue line. We put the sticks upside down.

10’ 5 min. 2 pass with tennis ball and 5 min. with racquet ball. After 5’ the players stay in the same place but switch the type of ball. Promotes Soft Hands.
D4 Two Pass

Key Points:

Description: 1. Players must stay inside the blueline and if they puck goes out the other team gets it. 2. Before scoring the offensive team must make at least two passes. 3. When the defenders regain the puck they must make at least two passes before a shot. 4. Make rules with skills for skating, shooting, passing or good habits.


6’ deep practice discussion.
Both coaches point out that players must focus to get better. We all agreed to strive for a 10% improvement in everyone.

14 min. B600 3 pass and shot 1-0 then 2-0
B600 Pass x 3 Stretch Pro W

Key Points:

Pass and shoot while skating. Adjust the body and stick to take bad passes. Follow the shot for a rebound and stop at the net. Hit the net.


A. Players at the 4 blue lines.
B. Leave from diagonal corners and 1 give and go pass to 2.
C. 1 pass to 3.
D. 3 pass to the other 1 stetching at the far blue line.
E. Both 1's shoot.
F. Follow for a rebound and stop at the net.
G. Repeat with 4's passing to 3.
Options: rebound for next shooter. Pass to next shooter, screen and tip.


15’ DT100 Continuous 1-1 with F backcheck and D join then 2-1.
DT100 Continuous 1 on 1 D - Join Attack F Backcheck

Key Points:

Forwards cover D and D cover F's. One D should join the attack to create triangles and one forward backcheck. Play tight gaps and attackers create 2 on 1's on the rush. Play 5-5 at each end.


1. Forwards line up on one side and defense on the other.
2. Start with a 1 on 1 attack Blue F1 vs. Red D1.
3. When the puck enters the zone defensive Red F1 support Red D1 and Blue D1 support Blue F1.
4. On transition Red D1 join new attack and Blue F1 backcheck
5. If the puck is dumped out with no possession the offensive team regroup and attack again.
6. Red F1-D1 now go 2 on 2 in the other direction vs. Blue D1-F1.
7. Blue F2 support Blue D1- F1 and Red D3 support attacking Red F1-D1.
8. This rotation continues with a 3-3 in each zone.


10 min.
D200 Tight 2 on 2 Pro W

Key Points:

Make quick decisions and play with good habits. Face the puck, tight turns, stick on the ice, give and go, quick passes and shots, protect the puck, rebound, block shots.

1. Place one net on the goal line and the other at the top of the circle.
2. Players leave from the side.
3. Play situations 1-1 to 3-3 with 20-30" shifts.
4. Play the same puck on the whistle by either leaving it or passing to a teammate coming on.
5. Keep Score.

Give and go to add new players, Jokers behind offensive, defensive or both nets, Jokers on the side, passing rules such as goals must be on give and goes, etc.


DT500 Nets Back to Back with Jokers
10’ D200 nets back to back 4-4 with jokers all around.

10 min. Play at one end instead of in the middle.

DT500 Nets Back to Back with Jokers

Key Points:

Jokers can only have the puck 1 second and then must pass or shoot. You can add that they must move sideways or back when they get the puck.


Place the nets back to back at the red line. -Half the team play and half are jokers. Shifts 30"- 60”. -When the team gets the puck on defense they must pass to a joker before they can score. Jokers can move around on the perimeter.
If you have only one goalie then it is a great conditioning - skating drill for the goalie to play for both teams and skate around to the other goal.


10 min. D200 4-4, jokers behind nets and on each side.
DT200 Active Jokers - Side and Ends

Key Points:

Quick passes and shots are needed. Face the puck in an athletic ready position. Protect the puck.


1. Half of each colour play and half are jokers.
2. Each team have a joker behind the net and on each side.
3. Jokers can shoot or pass but not join the play.
4. Jokers can check jokers.
5. Switch every 30" and use the same puck.
6. To transition to offense the team must pass to a Joker.

Option: Switch Jokers and Players of the team that is scored on.

'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
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Location: Calgary, Canada
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Flyers Practice 23-10-13

I had Gaston Schaeffer come in to do a skating practice. It was nothing less than fantastic. He worked with the players for 80 of the 90 minutes.

- edges warm-up and explanation of using weight transfer and good posture to skate efficiently.

- the forward stride creating tension on the ice with an arc and sideway push to full extension. Good knee bend and posture.

-backward stride side to side with the toes slightly in NO C CUTS as they are very inefficient.

-1-1 no puck defense start at blue line and forward at the bottom of the circle. Race to the far blue line. This is to show the D that they don't need this big of a head start.

-D move up to the top of the circle and the same thing.

-Add a puck and do a 1-1 both sides leave vs. no goalie. (I gave important points to the D of where to line up, maintain D side, how to hold the stick, heading to the near post and not mirroring the zig-zag skating of the attacker, etc.)

-Alternate sides with a goalie and the D start facing the boards starting with about 3 cross-overs and then striding only, no cross-overs and two skates on the ice at all times.

-Chocktow front to back turn technique and then 1-1 with D skating in from the blue line and then chocktow back.

-I finished with the speed scoring drill that I have posted on the site.

'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
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Location: Calgary, Canada
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Flyers Outdoor Practice 24-10-13

I cancelled the Friday on-ice practice and replaced it with an off-ice session at an outdoor rink with boards and a cement pad. 1/3 of my team was going to a Brad Paisley concert and both goalies would have missed.

We started with stick handling. I had tennis, wiffle, baseball, rubber, racquet, etc. balls. The players moved around the middle zone handling the balls and then exchanged them so they had to manipulate a different weight and size. We then passed to each other by exchanging the various balls while moving.

I set up three nets, 2 across from each other and one at the red line. Each net had a team of 5 players. We used a baseball sized wiffle ball with a plastic bag stuffed inside. This causes the ball not to bounce and gives it a little more weight. It is a great ball to use on cement or pavement as it slides better than other balls and you can handle it without is sticking to the surface. The players defend their own net and can score on the other two. One player stayed in goal. We played a game to 5.

Next we played 8 on 8 on two nets across from each other. The idea was to create less time by having everyone play at once.

The last game was 4 on 4 on two nets across from each other and the other 4 players were jokers spread around the edges of the playing area. Jokers can shoot or pass but not run onto the court.

We finished with some relay races where they had to pass a hockey glove to the next line. The groups were across from each other across the neutral zone lined up behind the blue line. We did forward, striding sideways and piggy back relays.

Zero games on the weekend and I used the time to drive 9 hours to my sisters near Penticton and drop off my camper. The drive back was good until the last 2 hours when we drove into a snow storm. Beautiful drive through the mountains.

O - A100 Ball Handling – Outdoor

Play a cross court game of 4-4 with jokers behind each net and on the sides. Jokers can only pass or shoot. Rotate each minute.


O - DT200 4-4 Jokers on Sides – Outdoor

Handle various types and sizes of balls. Weave in and out through players. Exchange ball.


O D500 3 Net Game

Each team defends one net and can score on the other two nets. When a goal is scored the other teams must back off and allow the defending team to start an attack. Keep score.


'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
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Location: Calgary, Canada
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Flyers Practice Plan Date: 29-10-13 Time: 16:00-17:30 Venue: Max Bell 2

Conditioning, shoot, pass, edges, Quick feet, breakouts, transition

10 min.
A3 Skating Edges and Balance Warm-up - Kazakstan W

Key Points:

Skate forward, backward, pivot, Good to just go around when backward.


1. Player lead or the coach call out the technique.
2. Skate forward and backward.
3. Striding, crossovers, transition forward to backward, backward to forward.
4. Side to side smooth transition.


10 min.
A3 Quick Feet Conditioning Skate

Key Points:

Player should keep their feet moving all the time. Coach move the pattern around the rink so you don't break the ice and ruin it for the next group.


1. Players leave in small groups with at least a 1:4 work rest ratio.
2. Skate a lateral S pattern do they turn both right and left.
3. Sprints should be less than 10 seconds.
4. Can also be done with pucks.


10 min.
F Conditioning skate with a shot.

Leave when the player is around the other circle.
Add – shoot, rebound, give and go.
Add – shoot, rebound and then defend 1-1 vs. next shooter.

10 min.
C2 1-2-3-4-5-5-4-3-2-1 Pass and Shoot Warm-up

Key Points:

Face the puck and pass on the forehand. Stay in each zone until all players have made a pass.


1. One then two then three then four then five players leave, one touch in the ozone, shoot, rebound.
2. Next sequence is 5-4-3-2-1 leave the other way.
3. All players make one pass in each zone.
4. In neutral zone skate figure 8's while facing the puck and making forehand passes.

*When there is only one player do a figure eight or touch both knees.


10 min.
B6 Jursi Skate-Pass-Shoot

Key Points:

This is a drill that Russian Olympic coach Vladimir Jursinov used when I was coaching with him in Austria. The goal is to get players to practice passing and shooting while they skate. Puck handling-passing-shooting should be seamless.


1. A and B skate down the ice in passing while skating.
2. A is on the inside and continues on with a shot while skating.
3. B pivots facing the puck and continues the other direction passing to C.
4. B shoots and C partners with D the other way.
# This can be done in tandem on both sides of the ice.


10 min. Tom with D and Daryl with G’s.
B Skills Warm up Finnish U17

Key Points:
This is a great way to warm everyone up at the start of a practice. Defense do the various breakout options and read where the pressure is coming from. Pass the puck back to the coach and move thru everyone. Forwards pass with good technique and eye contact. Goalie coach work on technique and rebound control.


A. Defense work with two doing breakout options vs one forechecker.

B. Forwards lines of 3 work in the neutral zone.

1 - Stationary pass with eye contact.
2 - Pass while moving always face puck.
3 - #8 around partners give and go.
4 - Keepaway 2-1 in four areas.
5 - Two lines move and pass to other two lines on the blue line.
6 - Two lines of 3 pass while skating on one side of the neutral zone.
C. Goalies work with coach at one end.


15 min.
DT400 2-2 then 3-3

DT400 Support-Regroup-Hinge-Attack-Defend

Key Points:

New players give defenders support from the top of the circles as if they were wingers. If the puck is carried above there they can.


1. Red 1-2 attack Blue 1-2.
2. Blue 1-2 defend.
3. Pass to Blue 3-4 after a turnover or goal.
4. Blue 3-4 breakout the other direction.
5. Red 1-2 follow the play as defenders
6. Blue 3-4 regroup with Red 3-4.
7. Red 3-4 hinge at least once.
8. Red 3-4 pass to Blue 3-4.
9. Blue 3-4 attack vs Red 1-2.
10. Red 3-4 follow attack to support Red 1-2.
11. Blue 5-6 move to nzone ready to regroup with Red 3-4.

Continue this rotation of support-regroup-hinge-attack-defend.

10 min.
DT400 Perry Pearn 4-4 Game Rotation from far blue line.

Key Points:

This game allows the coach to focus on the attack or defending deep in the zone. You can play this game in situations from 1-1 to 5-5. It is a great rotation to practice specialty teams if you have 3 lines because it gives the players some rest and they alternate between pp and pk (one F would leave the zone) The defenders have to clear the zone with control of the puck. With situations over a 3 on 3 I would move the resting players back to the far blue line.


1. Players line up within a stick length of the red line if you have 2 groups or only ½ ice; otherwise behind the red or far blue line.
2. Three players attack three defenders.
3. Defenders must carry the puck out of the zone before passing to team waiting team mates.
4. Three new players attack vs the original offensive players.
5. Keep score, implement skill (only forehand passes) or team play rules (goals originate from below the goal line).


5 min.
Individual shooting etc.

'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
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Registered: 06/25/08
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Location: Calgary, Canada
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Flyers 30-10-13 Practice Plan Date: Time: Venue: Norma Bush Lines:

Notes: Skills practice
Pass, shoot, skate, 1-1, 2-2, 3-3, backcheck, puck support

10 min.
A300 x 2 Skating and Puck Handling Warm-up with Shots

Key Points:

Do various moves with the puck and finish with a shot.


One group rotate clockwise and the other counter clockwise.
1. Do various skating moves with the puck.
2. Big moves all around the body, in the skates, through the legs etc.


3 min.
A300 - Tight Turn and Three Hard Strides

Skate around the ice with a puck and on the whistle turn toward the boards and take 3 quick strides in the opposite direction and then easy until the next whistle.

8 min.
B600 One Touch and Shoot Warm up

Key Points:

Pass hard with a wrist or snap pass. Receiver give a target and keep the stick square to the puck with the hands away from the body.


Players are lined up at the four behind the bluelines in the B600 Formation. Coaches can stand just inside the bluelines so the players must fake and go around.

1. Give and go with the player at the next blueline.
2. Go inside or out after reading the coaches position.
3. Shoot in stride without coasting and follw the shot for a rebound.
4. Option is to stay and tip or screen the next shot or circle back for a rebound from the next shooter.
5. The opposite line makes the first pass and shoot on the other net.

B600 Double Cross and Pass

Key Points:

Make hard passes. Players should face the puck.


A. Player 1 pass to 2 and cross behind.
B. Player 2 pass to player 3 and exchange lanes crossing with player 1.
C. Player 3 pass across ice to player 4.
D. Player 4 pass across ice to player 1.
E. Players 1 and 2 attack 2-0.
F. Player 3 pass to player 4 who repeat the other way 3-4, 4-1, 1-2, 2-3, attack.

1. Practice shoot ins and recovery by shooting in from the neutral zone and bounce to the wing or
fire it wide on the short side so it comes to the player on the other side of the net.
2. Rebound. After the attack circle back and time it so you are looking to score on the rebound as
a second wave when the next two shoot.
3. Game situations: one player skate out to the blue line and defend 2-1 vs the next attackers or
both players meet the next attack and play a 2-2.
4. One timer practice: after the shot and rebound both players stand behind the goal line on either
side of the net and give and go with the next two attackers who one time the pass.
5. Combine any of these options;i.e. one passes from the goal line on a 2-1.


8 min.
C3 Rejo 1-1 Both Sides - Gap Control

Key Points:

The defender needs to get within a sticklength of the attacker before the blueline. Attacker should try moves, dekes, fakes, change of pace, shooting beside the D's foot. Both F's and D's should take turns defending and attacking.


1. Attacker and defender both skate from the middle back to their blueline.
2. Attacker turns and goes 1-1 vs defender.
3. Done on both sides of the ice alternating direction.
4. Could do 2-1, 1-2, 2-2.


15 min.
DT400 1-1, 2-2, Support-Attack-Defend

Key Points:

Defending player stay on the defensive side. Supporitng player give a target for the pass and get into an open lane.


1.F1 attack D1 at each end.
2. Players line up on the boards with the first player in line D1 supporting the defense.
3. The coach can determine whether the supporting defender is passive or active.
4. On a turnover or a goal the breakout pass is made to the supporting defender from D1 to F2..
5. Carry the puck to the red line or if the team has a full ice practice, carry the puck to the far blue line.
6. F2 Attack vs. the original attacker F1. Practice various situations.


DT100 Backchecking Transition Game

Key Points:

Attack quickly and the defender tie up the stick on the rebound then look for the puck.


Full ice game with the defenders getting support. New attackers have to get the breakout pass inside their zone. This works on quick passes and attack or the backchecker catches up. The backchecker must tie up sticks on the rebound and don't allow a second shot. The attacker must be quick and follow the shot. Defender make a breakout pass to the supporting player in the high slot.


15 min. 3 on 3 – one pass each zone
D100 Scrimmage with Extra Players on Bench

Key Points:

Play a full ice game with the extra players on the bench. Change on the whistle or on their own. Pass back to the goalie when changing on the whistle.


1. Play from 1-1 to 6-5.
2. Change of the whistle or players change on the go.
3. Keep score.
4. If no face-offs then scoring team touch the red line before checking.

10 min.
D200, 3-2-1 Pucks

Key Points:

-Players can only shoot when the goalie is ready.
-No empty net goals.
-Situation continually changes as goals are scored and players have to read odd and even man numbers.


1. Players line up outside the blue lines.
2. Coach shoots in 3 pucks.
3. Players race for pucks and battle to score and defend.
4. Leave puck in the net after a goal and play with 2 pucks then 1 puck.
5. Pass pucks remaining to teammates on whistle.
4. Hustle out of the zone on the whistle and play 20-30 seconds only.
6. Count the pucks in the net after to determine the winning team.

*Option is to pass to teammates on the blue line. Another option is to skate behind the nets to start.


10 min.
D200 2-2 Shoot Either Net – Flames

Key Points:

Quick reading the rush and change the point of attack. Need quick feet and quick thinking. Get defenders to commit then change direction. No reaching penalties.


1. Two teams on blue line with one at each half.
2. Play with only one puck in the playing area.
3. Players can score at either end.
4. Keep score.

*Alternative is to play from 1-1 to 5-5 with the same rule that you can score on either net.


10 min.
E1 D200 Shootout Game

Key Points:

As soon as there is a rebound or goal the defender pick up the puck and attack the other way.

1. Coach dumps the puck in and players race for it.
2. Puck carrier try to score defender defend.
3. On rebound or goal defender attack other way.
4. Shooter must get outside of the blue line.
5. When teammate onside then first player in the line backchecks.


'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
'Enjoy the Game'
Registered: 06/25/08
Posts: 3558
Location: Calgary, Canada
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This is the Tuesday practice that focused on competing and tonight's focus is breakouts and I have a former NHL defenseman coming to teach about breakout reads. I will attach both pdf's.

Flyers Practice Plan Date: 05-11-13 Time: 16:00-17:30 Venue: Max Bell 2

Battle, compete, stop and start, defensive Side, attack, defend

10 min.
A200 Skating Warm-up for

Edges and Balance with a Puck and Shot

8 min.
D4 Two Pass

Must be at least 3 strides with the puck Key Points: My favorite game to warm up the players at the start of practice. The quicker they make the passes after regaining the puck the more scoring chances they produce.

1. Players must stay inside the blueline
and if they puck goes out the other team gets it.
2.Before scoring the offensive team must make at least two passes. 3. When the defenders regain the puck they must make at least two passes before a shot.
4. Make rules with skills for skating, shooting, passing or good habits.


10 min.
C3 Double Regroup 2-1 - Pro :

Key Points

Give a target for the passes, face the puck, pass while skating, make the first pass early on the 2-1, D co-operate with the goalie to make it a 2-2 and don't allow a second play late. Slide outside the post if a pass across is the only play.


1. Players line up along the boards on both sides in the neutral zone.
2. Start with F1 and F2 one touch passing with D1.
3. F's skate through the neutral zone and regroup with D2.
4. F's attack 2 on 1 vs. D1. 5. F3 and F4 repeat by one touch passing with D2 and regrouping with D3. *If there are at least 8 D you could use this sequence and have two 1 on 1's at the same time in opposite directions.


12 min.
C3 Low 2-2-Regroup-2-2 and 3-2 Pro-W

Key Points:

Forwards use quick give and goes, protect the puck. D communicate, play the 2 on 2 man on man and the 3 on 2 with one 2-1 and one 1-1.


1. Start with 2 D on each blue line and the F's in the corners.
2. Both D go into the zone and defend a 2-2 vs. the forwards out of each corner.
3. Coach spot a puck for the 2 D in the neutral zone and the original forwards regroup with them.
4. Original D follow and defend the 2 on 2 attack.
5. The second set of D go to the other end and restart the sequence defending a 2 on 2 out of the corner.

*Make this drill more game like by having the D playing the low 2-2 or 3-2 pass to the 2 D waiting in the neutral zone if they break up the play. The coach only put in a new puck on a goal or if the goalie freezes the puck. Then start the regroup in the neutral zone.


10 min.
T2-4 Low 3-2 Pro-W

Key Points:
D must decide whether to pressure or contain, always from the defensive side. Forwards create space and time by skating and passing quickly while using give and goes and changing the point of attack in a triangle. D read where the most dangerous attacker.

1. This can be done at either one or both ends.
2. Start with the 3 F's passing the puck around the top of the circles and the 2 D in front of them.
3. A forward shoots and the 3 on 2 starts.
4. Give the attackers a time limit to score in order to create urgency.
5. Next line of forwards get in position for a breakout pass from the D.
6. A goal, time running out or a breakout ends the drill.


8 min.
B6 1-1's from the Corner

Key Points:

This is a drill the Russian Olympic coach Vladimir Jursinov used. You can do 2-1 and 2-2 as well. Stay D side stick on the puck, body on body and keep a tight gap within a stick length.


1-1's from the corner
1. Defender 1 skate to the opposite corner and defend vs attacking player 2.
2. On the whistle player 2 now skates to the opposite corner and defends vs player 3.
3. Player 3 will try to score and then defend vs player 4 and continue this flow.


10 min.
C3, Low 2-2 F from Corner

Key Points:

Forwards must attack on the whistle with speed and protect the puck. Defenders must play from the net side and communicate. Play about 5-10 seconds.


Practice the offensive and defensive skills of a 2-2 with the forwards wide and starting from deep in the corners and attacking from below the goal line. The D has to communicate while seeing the puck and their man. Forwards protect the puck, cross and fight for rebounds.


10 min.
D200 Small Area Battling Game

Key Points:
Players always have a role to play in the transition between game situations and must think quickly and use good technique.

1. Put the nets facing each other about 10 metres apart. Play from 1-1 to 3-3 including odd man situations. Extra players wait at one side.
2. Coach pass a puck in and the players battle and try to score.
3. Take 20 second shifts,
4. Keep score.
5. Coach shoot in a new puck on a goal or if the puck is shot out of the zone.
6. Focus on the players battling with good habits and quick decisions.
7. Race out when the time is up and leave the puck in play (option is to pass to a teammate who is first in line.)
8. Nets can be close to the boards or in open ice.


10 min.
E1 Shoot Until You Score Race 1-0, 2-0, 3-0

Key Points:
Players should attack quickly, pass early, shoot to score.

1-Place one puck on the bluelines for each player on the bench according to the largest team.
2. One player leaves from the bench and must keep shooting until a goal is scored.
3. Scoring player skate hard to the bench and touch the boards with the stick and a player joins him/her and they attack 2-0.
4. Repeat after a goal and attack 3-0.
5. All three players rush back and touch the boards and then repeat.
6. The team that scores all the pucks first wins.

'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
'Enjoy the Game'
Registered: 06/25/08
Posts: 3558
Location: Calgary, Canada
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My asst. coach was watching his son play at the U of Mass. so I was by myself, so I didn't do a detailed plan for him, just an outline for me. This was a Friday practice before the weekend games. I will attach the Tuesday and Wednesday practice pdf. below. I had Terry Johnson come out again on Wednesday evening to review what he did last week and to give a few cue's for playing defensive 1-1 and 2-1. Again he was very good. If you search his name there is video of him telling how to play those situations. The link to TJ's 1-1, 2-1, etc. is http://www.hockeycoachingabcs.com/forum/viewtopic.php?showtopic=5586&topic=5586#5586 it takes you to a posting in drill section 10 and the next one is the 2-1.

Flyers Practice Plan Date: 08-11-13 Time: 16:00-17:15 Venue: Max 2

Defensive zone coverage. Power Play

10 min.
Russian big moves and agility skate with the puck.

10 min.
D4 - two pass three hard strides.

30 min.
T4 - Defensive Zone Coverage

Break into green, white, red units of 5.
Two groups work on dzone with coach and one by themselves on the power play.
Take turns defending 5-5 with sticks upside down and control the scrimmage.

15 min.
Three team scrimmage 5-5 and then 5-4.
Dump in on the 5-5 to practice the forecheck, breakouts under pressure and dzone coverage.
PPLay enter any way they want.

15 min.
Change on the go shootout x 2.

'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
'Enjoy the Game'
Registered: 06/25/08
Posts: 3558
Location: Calgary, Canada
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I broke down the video of our 3-2 win on Sunday and here is what I recorded and planned for the next practice.

The D did a good job on the breakouts but the F's don't take the passes well. When the D pass to each other behind the net they tend to rim instead of bounce it off the backboard and then they have to dig it off the wall which allow the checker to get there. Forwards tend to stand still instead of break and lots of passes are in the feet.

We played an ex game vs. a team from BC and won 7-2 and then beat St. Albert 3-2. Our defense is good when they adjust their gap and we take sticks in the slot pretty good so the goalies usually need to make only one save. We make the game much harder than it needs to be because of give-aways.

I watched the video of our last game and we got the puck 262 times and made plays 93 times but gave the puck away with bad passes, missed passes, panic rims 169 times. This means we keep giving it away, getting it back, then giving it away again. It resemble ping pong more than hockey (a pro game has an average of 180 possessions and Mud says if you make plays 65% of the time you usually win) We are making plays 36% of the time.

Games to Teach the Game

I scrapped my practice plan and did games all practice. Half ice games where they needed to use good habits. So a skill for each game and tried to have them continue that skill and add another.

I changed the rules of the game about every 5-8 minutes.
-First skating games. Skates on the ice scootering and then only backward skating.
-Escape Moves -make a tight turn before you can pass or shoot, skate backward with the puck facing the play.
-Three hard strides when you get the puck.
-Shoulders must face the play before passing (over half their passes tend to be backhand and blind). On the backhand you see only 90 degrees when you face the play you are in a strong 'triple threat position' and see 270 degrees. More information equals better decisions. (think of how Crosby always gets into a balanced triple threat position)
-Crosby turn (heel to heel).

The whole concept is to treat the puck as a friend and not as a hand grenade. To see as much of the rink as possible. Give close support. Use escape moves. Skate to open ice away from pressure. Force the opponent to commit one way and then go the other way. etc.

We then played full ice with everyone playing with the rule that there must be at least one pass in each zone (they usually try 1 on 5 and only pass when they run out of room) and then added goals only count after a give and go.(they tend to pass and watch instead of pass and go)

The players enjoyed it and it was one of the most productive practices of the year. (I stopped the play to point out things like puck support or why getting into a position where you can't see the ice makes the game very difficult.)

I find they have the basic skills but very little game understanding. If you learn by going around pylons for 5-10 years I guess we can't expect much more.

We will continue on the same theme at tonight's practice but add some passing drills.

I really like the USA Hockey Development Model which is basically copying what the Europeans and soccer have been doing for years. Smaller areas, smaller nets, (should be lighter black pucks which are shaved down a little) Cross-ice games. Lots of pucks for skills drills with lots of reps. You can't expect creative decision makers on the ice if you only practice robotically.

Juhani Wahlsten and I have been promoting this model for 30 years. It is nice to see the Americans catch on that 'if you are going to learn a game you must play the game.' Our country has been stuck on this 'whole part whole model' since the 80's but they don't realize that the 'whole is the game'. It isn't to teach drills and hope that somehow this will translate in to learning 'how to play the GAME'. (the drill and practice model was thrown out of the educational system in the 70's and replaced by Whole Learning)

Maybe in another 30 years. Who knows.

'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
'Enjoy the Game'
Registered: 06/25/08
Posts: 3558
Location: Calgary, Canada
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We have done two practices based on the decision making stats I gathered and need good habits like protecting the puck, looking around before we get the puck, close support, taking three hard strides to open ice either straight or with escape moves, protecting the puck on the boards with the body, getting the puck off the boards to the big ice. etc. I will paste last nights practice and attach the last two.

Flyers Practice Plan Date: 22-11-13 Time: 16:00-17:15 Venue: Max Bell 2

Goal is making good decisions the first two Seconds with the puck. Escape moves, Triple threat position, taking 3 hard strides To open ice, cutting in, protecting the puck, Close support.

One Goalie Practice.

15 min. Go through all the big moves and skating and balance exercises.

A300 x 2 Skating and Puck Handling Warm-up with Shots

Key Points:

Do various moves with the puck and finish with a shot.


One group rotate clockwise and the other counter clockwise. 1. Do various skating moves with the puck. 2. Big moves all around the body, in the skates, through the legs etc.


5 min.
A300 Tight Turns-Three Hard Strides-Shot

Key Points:

Tight turn towards the boards and take three hard strides. Shoot while skating.


1. All of the players have a puck and skate around the rink.
2. On the coaches whistle turn towards the boards and take three hard strides and then slow up.
3. Next whistle tight turn toward the boards and go the other direction.
4. Shoot at both ends.

8 min.
A200 Chaos Puck Handling

Key Points:

Make moves, protect the puck, go hard on the whistle. Designate moves, add pucks, play keepaway, use ball, multiple pucks, etc.


1. Carry a puck and protect it while skating in random directions. Stay in the zone.
2. Go hard for about 5" on the whistle and slow down on the next whistle.
3. Coach designate the move to be practiced, i.e, tight turn when you approach someone.
4. Exchange pucks-pass with eye contact.
5. Spread pucks around which also must be avoided.
6.Keepaway-coach take a puck away every 10".



10 min.

T1 Demonstration of protecting the puck on the boards with the body.

Partner work battling for the puck on the boards and protecting it.

10 min.
D400 The Best Player Win Game 1 on 1 on 1 Battles

Key Points:

-Battle hard for the puck.
-Protect the puck.
-Get a shot and fight for the Rebound.


1. Players line up outside the blueline. They can be in 3 teams and keep score or just everyone vs
2. Coach fires the puck in and whoever gets the puck tried to score vs the other two.
3. If another player gets the puck he tries to score; including rebounds.
4. On whistle pass back to the coach and race out.
5. 20-30 second shifts.

15 minl
DT400 Game of Quick Transition

Key Points
The resting players attack right away when they get a pass and the original attackers must communicate and cover one attacker each.


1. Offensive team attacks 3 on 3. It can be 1-1, 1-2, 2-1, 2-2 or 2-3 also if the coach wants to practice these situations. Upt to 5-5 is possible.
2. On transition to offense the defenders pass to their teammates waiting behind the blue line.
3. Attack right away (don’t have to wait for teammates to get onside in this game.)
4. Original attackers now defend and communicate with each other on how to stop the attack.
5. After a goal the defenders is allowed to pass to the new attackers.


10 min.

Individual shooting practice.

'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
'Enjoy the Game'
Registered: 06/25/08
Posts: 3558
Location: Calgary, Canada
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