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'Total Hockey' was a concept that Tarasov talked about in the 50's. It is a fluid game where every player has the ability to play offense and defense in any of the positions. It is true 1-2-3-4-5 hockey where the player Reads their role in any game situation and has the skills and game understanding to Repond and make a good play in either an offensive, defensive or loose puck situation in all three zones.

I watched an NHL prospect camp yesterday and they had all of the forwards and defensemen playing an offensive and a defensive 3 on 2 in one zone. This is a great drill to practice the attacking and defending skills needed in that situation.

All or almost all NHL and high level teams now have the first forward back play the low 3-2 in the defensive zone. So defensively teams do play 1-2-3-4-5 though a F and D will switch if the D is one of the last two players back in the zone. Teams are partially there when it comes to offensive hockey. Most have one D joining the attack but they will switch with the F who covers the point instead of stay in on the forecheck.

The same thing happens when a D pinches. Instead of staying in and cycle they will return to the point and replace the F who has filled.

Most of these switches happen because coaches don't trust the F's to play the point and the D's don't have the offensive skills to be effective on the cycle and low offensive zone play. This switching takes away from the offensive game and is a reason why defensive team play is more advanced than offensive team play right now.

We have to change the way we practice so that all players can defend a 1-1, 2-1 etc. and understand how to play in all of the roles in all three zones. So instead of just the defensemen practicing 1-1's, 2-1's, 2-2's, etc. everyone must practice these situations on both sides of the puck.

So we need to develop 'Complete Players' before we can play 'Total Hockey.'

'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
'Enjoy the Game'
Registered: 06/25/08
Posts: 3539
Location: Calgary, Canada
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