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I have done this diary of a season for several years. I am back coaching Midget U18 AAA girls hockey. I just found out that we are going from 3 to 2 teams in Calgary. We only have two Bantam U15 teams supplying the three teams which would be ok since there are 3 years of Midget and two of Bantam. Problem we have is there are two sports schools that many players go to. The Edge which is a day school in Calgary and Warner which is a residential campus. They both have High School Varsity and JV teams. This year 8 of our top players are moving to these schools. I guess they get daily practice and dryland and parents think they have a better chance to get scholarships.

I don't know if I agree as 5 of my 6 graduating players have been approached by college programs, one grade 12 is going to a prep school in Ohio and the other still has to finish grade 12 but was drafted by Team Alberta in the CWHL.

I have requested that we move from 2 and sometimes 3 practices a week to 3 and sometimes 4 a week. We also did dryland one night a week last season and I plan to continue that.

So I think there is enough talent to have 2 teams in Calgary that have a chance and can show well at tournaments and attract attention to the players. Edmonton has only one team and has won the last five years. Red Deer was the best team during the regular season last year but we pulled off a huge upset and beat them in 4 games in a best of five series. Edmonton represented our Province Alberta and finished third in the National Championships. (We caught lightning in a bottle for two weekends)

Everything starts Aug. 13 with a week of conditioning camp, a week of tryouts and then a draft to disperse the players from the team that was dropped and the graduating Bantams and the season opener the first weekend after Labour Day. Last year our first league game was Sept. 7.

I will report on what we are doing at practice and whether it was good or not and take some video of us doing some drills, games or shootouts.

'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
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Registered: 06/25/08
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Location: Calgary, Canada
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Hi Tom
I am in Stockholm with my NAA u 21 women's team . Very pleasant experience . Women's hockey is MUCH better than I thought . Love the spirit and compete . The Finnish team has 3 national players . Swedish team is talented as well .
Good luck this year . Will try to get to your game up here vs Thunder ( new coach this year !)

Smac, sounds like fun. I took the Mount Royal Womens Team there 6 years ago and played the top teams in Finland and a select team in Stockholm. The level of hockey there is very good. We went at Christmas time but you are getting the warm weather. I had it arranged to take my WWHL team to Stockholm and train with one of the clubs there but my players couldn't get the time off or wanted to go to beaches on their vacation; so it never happened.

A little advise. If you play in rinks with only one gate in the players box have all five go out the same door. There was one rink like that in Finland.

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Lol , we have a one door bench ! Interesting changes for sure . Some jump over .
Heading to Prague Monday for "open " women's tourney .
The old town of Prague is great. Charles Bridge the clock and some of the most beautiful women in the world.

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It all starts on Saturday. I meet with the coach of the other Calgary team. We have gone from 3 to 2 teams and I am the only returning coach. Leah Copeland was the captain of the U of Alberta and has coached for a few years before returning to Calgary. We are going to meet to plan who runs which practices the next three weeks.

Week one: a conditioning camp for 5 days. There will be two 75 min. sessions per night with 25 in each session. Some of the better players are practicing with a group that is going to a tournament on the east coast in the USA, so they won't be in the conditioning camp.

Week two and three is the tryouts. There are 9 practices and that is followed by a draft. Last year we could protect 8 skaters and one goalie. There is a meeting Sunday morning to decide how we are going to disperse the players from the suspended team. I have suggested we divide the city into two regions to make it easier for the players to get to and from practice and avoid going thru the middle of the rush hour traffic. I don't think they are going that way. We usually practice right after school and Calgary is one of the largest land area cities in the world because most people live in single dwelling houses with yards, so it is really spread out.

So the teams will be in place by the end of August. I guess we have to start so early by Canadian standards because there is a National Championship and the playoff to get there take so long.

I talked with the coach of the Edge sports school and we agreed to have some specialty team scrimmages together once we are both organized.
The national U22 and U18 womens teams have been having a selection camp the last week at Canada Olympic Park as well as the womens teams from Norway and Kazakstan. I have watched a lot of the practices and took clips of many of the practices. I really enjoyed the Kazakstan practice. They have a few good players but overall are pretty weak with some looking like they haven't played a long time. The coaching style is very different with drills combined with a lot of controlled scrimmage where the coach stops the play and corrects things. The Canadian practices have been more like a hockey school with simple drills, circuits and skill instruction. They have intra squad games every nigh for the evaluation.

'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
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Registered: 06/25/08
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Location: Calgary, Canada
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We have conditioning camp next week. Two sessions per night with 25 skaters in 2 groups of 12-13 skaters and 2 goalies. 75 minute practices Monday to Friday. I plan the M-W-F (first one Friday).

I have attached my practice plan and hope we can accomplish it. They will get lots of skating, passing, shooting and game situation and with the high volume of activity they will be tired.

I have sent the plan to my staff and the other head coach.

'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
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Registered: 06/25/08
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Location: Calgary, Canada
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We had our first night of practice and I ran both sessions. There were 25 skaters in the first and 21 in the second. A girl from Italy is practicing with us and thought she could do both sessions but she skated so much in the first one that she was too tired to do two.\\

As usual I made a few changes to the plan. We had a 2-2 and 3 - 3 quick transition game at each end instead of the 5-5 and 6-6 skill games. Ice time one it was two 3-3 games and ice time two one of each. We also added a 3-2 to the transition game. The first session we played 5-5 and they changed on their own and the second was 4-4.

I was pleasantly surprised at the skill level of the new players trying out. We should be ok.

'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
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Registered: 06/25/08
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Location: Calgary, Canada
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This is my practice plan for tonights two ice times in our pre-season conditioning camp.
GHC U18 Conditioning Camp
Practice Plan
Date: Aug. 15, 2012 Time: 6 and 7:30 pm Venue:
Lines: Notes:
Goal is to skate and pass with lots of touches And to play in many game situations.
Groups of 24 and 21. Both with 2 goalies.

10 minutes

A2 Skating Warm up-Edges and Balance Position
Key Points:
Be in a good athletic positon with the knees bent, back upright and lead with the chest and head up. Use all of the edges.
Description: Exercises use the inside and outside edges, proper body position both forward and backward as well as a one skate exercise that requires a good balance position and use of all of the edges.

10 min.
B6 Pass and Replace x 3
Key Points:
Pass while skating then turn and face the player who is passing to you. Shoot before the hash marks and follow the shot for a rebound.
A. 1 pass to 2 and follow the pass and turn and face 5 for a pass.
B. 2 pass to 3 and follow the pass.
C. 3 pass to 4 and follow the pass.
D. 4 skate in and shoot-rebound- go to the corner.
# Do 2 or 3 minutes from each side. Alternate task by requiring backhand or saucer passes or a move before passing , etc.

10 min.
B500 Overspeed 2-0 with a Pass
Key Points:
Players must challenge themselves out of their comfort zone. Make as many moves as possible and continue until they have shot and looked for a rebound. Take the pass and shoot right away without over handling.
1. Line up along boards on one side.
2. Players 1 and 2 start on the goal line.
3. Players 3 and 4 leave and make moves at top speed.
4. Coach whistle every 7" and they players attack the net.
5.Closest attacker give and go with 1 or 2.
6. Second closest do a tight turn then give and go with 1 o 2.
7. With only one goalie go one way only.
8. After passing return to the back of the line.

10 min.
B5 Loose Puck Battles
Key Points:
-Players should protect themselves while going into the corners. Don't skate straight in toward the
-Contact each other before getting the puck to gain position.
-Protect the puck with the body and use quick strides to escape.
-Attack with a good move and defend with tight gaps.
Players are lined up across the red line and the coach or coaches in the middle with pucks. One
team to each side of the coach.
1. The coach dumps the puck into the corner and the first player on each line races to get the
puck, then the coach dumps a puck into the other corner and the next players race to the puck.
2. Whichever player wins the battle in the corner skates out over the blueline and thru the middle
circle then attacks the original end while the other player defends. This happens at both ends of
the ice.
3. As soon as the rush is over another puck is dumped into the corner.
4. Situations like 2-1, 2-2, 3-2, 3-3 can also be used.

13 min.
DT400 Perry Pearn Game Rotation
Key Points:
This game allows the coach to focus on the attack or defending deep in the zone. You can play this game in situations from 1-1 to 5-5. It is a great rotation to practice specialty teams if you have 3 lines because it gives the players some rest and they alternate between pp and pk (one F would leave the zone) The defenders have to clear the zone with control of the puck. With situations over a 3 on 3 I would move the resting players back to the far blue line.
1. Players line up within a stick length of the red line if you have 2 groups or only ½ ice; otherwise behind the red or far blue line.
2. Three players attack three defenders.
3. Defenders must carry the puck out of the zone before passing to team waiting team mates.
4. Three new players attack vs the original offensive players.
5. Keep score, implement skill (only forehand passes) or team play rules (goals originate from below the goal line).


15 min.
D100 Two Second Game
Key Points:
Players must switch right away from offense to defense to loose puck and constantly change roles from, 1-puck carrier, 2-puck support, 3-check puck carrier, 4-cover away from the puck.
1. Play a full ice game of 3-3, 4-3, 4-4, 5-4, 5-5, 6-5 with the extra players on the bench.
2. Play 45" shifts and pass back to your goalie when the coach whistles for a change.
3. Players can only have the puck for 2" and must make a play, gain a zone or shoot.
4. Possession from first touching the puck for over 2" leave the puck for the other team.
5. Encourage talking, facing the puck, always give a target.
*Don't blow the whistle if they have started shooting. Start time when the goalie gets puck. Keep score and losing or winning have a consequence.
Below is an example of a two second game but with only one goalie.

E1 Change on the Go with Pass Shootout Key Points: Players should work on selling the fake, change of pace and making the goalie move first. The goalie must time his retreat into the net to keep good angles on shots and cover the goal line on dekes. Description: 1. Players are in the box and one puck on each blue line for every player.
2. Player from each team leaves the box and tries to score.
3. If they score they race to the box and touch the boards and then the next player can leave.
4. If they don't score they pass to the next player who comes out of the box.
5. Losing team do something for every goal they lose by.
*To make it realistic the goalie should practice starting from the goal line and coming out.

'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
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Registered: 06/25/08
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Location: Calgary, Canada
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The players were doing the exercises so well on Wednesday night that I added the Finnish U17 passing warm-up after the pass and replace drill. The two goalies worked with my asst. coaches for 10 min. while we did it.

B Skills Warm up Finnish U17

Key Points: This is a great way to warm everyone up at the start of a practice. Defense do the various breakout options and read where the pressure is coming from. Pass the puck back to the coach and move thru everyone. Forwards pass with good technique and eye contact. Goalie coach work on technique and rebound control.


A. Defense work with two doing breakout options vs one forechecker.

B. Forwards lines of 3 work in the neutral zone.

1 - Stationary pass with eye contact.

2 - Pass while moving always face puck.

3 - #8 around partners give and go.

4 - Keepaway 2-1 in four areas.

5 - Two lines move and pass to other two lines on the blue line.

6 - Two lines of 3 pass while skating on one side of the neutral zone.

7- I added 3-3 keepaway with original groups playing each other. They kept score by getting one point for making 5 passes in a row.

C. Goalies work with coach at one end.


'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
'Enjoy the Game'
Registered: 06/25/08
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Location: Calgary, Canada
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I was just putting our practice schedule into my phone. I was wondering where a few of the arenas are so I looked up the webiste for Calgary Arenas. http://www.hockeycalgary.ca/arena I count 66 indoor hockey rinks. We have at least three times that many outdoor rinks. Wow.

Our tryout week starts tonight. Two 90 minute ice times run by other coaches while we watch. The players are in 4 teams of about 15 and practice together and scrimmage while we evaluate. Sun, Mon. Tues, Fri. Sat and a prospect game on Sunday followed by a draft.

We are going from 3 teams to 2 so after the second practice we have a dispersal draft of the defunct teams players and will pick up 5 each. After Tuesdays practice we turn in the names of 6-8 skaters from our last years team along with those new players picked up in the dispersal draft. We have 6 returning skaters and 2 returning goalies but can protect only one.

Players are chosen for the Prospect Game on Sunday night followed by a draft. Draft order is by lottery. The draft goes 1-2, 2-1, 1-2, 2-1, 1-2 and then if one team protected less players than the other they chose one or two players and then the draft continues with the other team. We then get 30 minutes right after the draft to make trades

We chose 20 skaters and 3 goalies who try out (along with 2 affiliate players who don't try out). We have to cut down to 17 skaters and 2 goalies after that.

So the next week is to try to make sure that the players who deserve to make this level are selected. This is their Jr. A as they go to university right out of this league. In boy's hockey the players usually play a few years of junior first.

'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
'Enjoy the Game'
Registered: 06/25/08
Posts: 3558
Location: Calgary, Canada
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Last night Leah Copeland ran a very good first tryout session. There were two practices with the group divided into 4 teams and each practice was 90 minutes long.

http://www.hockeycoachingabcs.com/mediagallery/media.php?f=0&sort=0&s=20120820095218907 is a five minute video clip of most of the drills and games.
- warm up skate and pass and battle.
- passing and shooting.
- 1-1
- cross ice 2-2 x 2
- cross ice 1-1 and pass to add players x 2
- nets back to back 4-4 x 2
- full ice 4-4

'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
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Registered: 06/25/08
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Location: Calgary, Canada
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Finished up two weeks of conditioning camp and then tryouts with a prospects game tonight. We had protected the max of 8 players and them 7. We had to draft 20 skaters and 3 goalies.

We got 4 of the top 6 D in our rankings and the 2 and 4 top forwards. We had the first choice in the goalie draft and ended up with our goalies from last year plus a tryout one. We have a few weeks to choose 17 skaters and 2 goalies. Our season starts Sept. 15.

I picked a D first overall and then they took the two top forwards. I took forwards 3 and 4. They took a D and a F and I took 1 D and then the picks alternated. We ended up with 7 players who tried out for D and 5 who tried out for forward.

So now there is competition for the 5 forward and 3 D spots. We have to keep the 8 players we protected 5 F and 3 D.

This is a perfect group for the Tsunami and I had that in mind when drafting.

I am waiting to have the phone numbers sent so I can inform the players they are now Flyers.

First practice is tomorrow then Wed. Thurs and the long weekend off.

'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
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Registered: 06/25/08
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Location: Calgary, Canada
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We have our first practice tonight. We will start with defensive zone coverage.

Aug. 26 Flyers Practice Plan Aug 26

Date: Time:6:30-8 Venue: ectas

Dress in team colours
Dzone focus

10 min.

A2 Skating Warm up-Edges and

10 min.B6 – 3 Shots, 3 Zig zags, 3 Shots


10 min.

20 minutes
T4 Teaching Defensive Zone Coverage 2-1-2

12 min.
Continuous 2-2, 3-2 All play F and all play D

one colour on each side.

DT100 Continuous 3-2

10 min
B Skills Warm up Finnish U17


13 min.
T2 T4 D100 Shinny All Play

7 min.
E1 Shootout Race 1 Key Points Players


Finish with a team meeting in the empty dressing

The practice went well. We accomplished what I wanted which was to introduce protecting the slot and everyone covering one player.
We introduced ourselves as coaches and then went around the room and everyone said who they were, where they played last season and one thing they would like to accomplish. All the players can play at the U18 AAA level and the sad thing is that I have to cut 4 of them in a few week. We now have 20 skaters and 3 goalies and can only carry 17 and 2. They will go to A level and be our affiliates unless the other team picks them up.

'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
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Registered: 06/25/08
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Location: Calgary, Canada
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Our system is going to be 'Total Hockey', the players will have Home Positions where they start at the faceoff but will have to be able to play Every Position. This means that every player must be able to skate forward and backward, to make passes, take passes, cover low, cover the point, be in on the attack, backcheck, recognize who to cover. etc. Big challenge for the coaches is to teach All Skills to All the Players.
The players will be challenged to become Complete Players.
Flyers Practice Plan Date: Aug. 29, 2012

Time: 4-5:30 Venue: ECTAS

Theme of the practice is breakouts. Fitness and player evaluation in game situations.

Missing 2 D and one F in USA tournament.

10 min.
A200 Skating Warm-up for Edges and Balance with a Puck and Shot


10 min.
D4 Two Pass


10 min.
B6 1-0, 2-0, 3-0 Small Horseshoe


5 min.
B5 Murdoch Breakout Routine A and B


5 min.
B5 Murdoch Breakout Routine C and D

5 min.
B5 Murdoch Breakout Routine E and F


12 min.
D100 Two 1 on 1 Games at Once


8 min.
E1 Rebound Game


15 min.
D100 Total Hockey 1-1 to a 3-2


8 min.
E1 Gambling Shootout


2 minutes – get pucks – meet in the middle.

'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
'Enjoy the Game'
Registered: 06/25/08
Posts: 3558
Location: Calgary, Canada
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Flyers Practice Plan
Date: Aug. 30 Time: 5-6:30 Venue: ECTAS
Lines: Notes:
16 players Theme is the offensive triangle.
Skill – Big moves with the puck and pass while skating and one timers.

15 min.
A200 Big Moves _ Russian Warm-up
Increase the size of the moves by reaching as far as possible with the puck. Separate the movement of the upper and lower body by skating away from the puck. Players must be able to handle the puck under control around and through their body.

10 min.
B6 Jursi Skate-Pass-Shoot
Key Points:
This is a drill that Russian Olympic coach Vladimir Jursinov used when I was coaching with him in Austria. The goal is to get players to practice passing and shooting while they skate. Puck handling-passing-shooting should be seamless.

10 min.
D4 Two Pass Game with only Forehand Passes
Key Points:
This game causes a few things to happen. Transition from puck carrier to pass support, checking the puck carrier to covering away from the puck happen very quickly. The puck carrier must use pivoting, escape moves and puck protection skills to pass on the forehand and everyone must face the puck and give a target.

15 min.
T2 – B5 Offensive Triangle
Start with 2 players and the pass to the far post then 3 players and the flat triangle.
B5 Cross and Drop Sequence
Key Points:
Players are inside the middle circle. Two players skate around and cross and drop then 2 from the other group leave.
Leave the puck when dropping and the second player skate behind. Return to line from the wide lanes to avoid collisions.

20 min.
T2 - D100 – 4 on 4 – Controlled Scrimmage.
Play a 4-4 with the players changing on their own.
-Focus is the offensive triangle. Third player must join the play at the top of the triangle.
-Freeze on the coaches whistle.

10 min.
B500 One Timers
Key Points:
Square up for the shot and have the stick back as the pass is being made. Follow through with the whole body to the net and the lead knee pointing to the target.

10 min.
E1 Change on the Go with Pass Shootout Key Points: Players should work on selling the fake, change of pace and making the goalie move first. The goalie must time his retreat into the net to keep good angles on shots and cover the goal line on dekes. http://www.hockeycoachingabcs.com/mediagallery/media.php?f=0&sort=0&s=20120415181657595

'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
'Enjoy the Game'
Registered: 06/25/08
Posts: 3558
Location: Calgary, Canada
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This is a 90 minute ice session. I still have 20 skaters and 3 goalies. 3 skaters were at a tournament in New Hampshire last week which was our first week of practice. I want to review the dzone and the 2-0, 3-0 attack options that they missed and take advantage of the ability to do 5-5 full ice with a continuous 3-2 where the players must recongnize coverage. We also have to make decisions on 3 more skaters and one goalie to get down to 17 and 3.
Practice Plan
Date: Sept. 4, 2012 Time: 7:00 pm Venue: Southland
Lines: Notes:
20 skaters and 3 goalies Teaching Point:
Review teaching points from last week. Transition game to review dzone and attack.
Dzone coverage Identify coverage 1-2-3-4-5
Net drive of F2
Offensive triangle
10 min.
B4 Crossover Skating and Skills
Key Points:
This is a great skating and puck handling warm up drill. Many variations can be used with the puck or in skating tasks.
Do a different skill in each zone. Keep the feet moving it is crossover in large #8's and not tight turns. You can also do as a B6 and start out of opposite corners.
15 min. Review 2-0 and 3-0 Net Drive+ Flat Triangle.
B5 Cross and Drop Sequence
Key Points:
Players are inside the middle circle. Two players skate around and cross and drop then 2 from the other group leave.
Leave the puck when dropping and the second player skate behind. Return to line from the wide lanes to avoid collisions.
20 min. Total
T2-T4 Defensive Zone Coverage or Offensive Zone Attack
Practice Tom one zone and Sean in the other.

Key Points:
It is a combined man to man – zone defense. Tight man to man on the player with the puck and any player in the slot. Zone defense with the head on a swivel, stick in the passing lane and a Man-You-Puck triangle to stay aware of your man. If someone loses a 1-1 then the support player plays a 2-1 defending the puck carrier and his man.
10 minutes
D400 Transition Game of Low Battles with Point Support
Key Points:
Great game to practice cycling, going to the net, screening, tipping, point shots, shot pass, one timers on offense. On defense you have the low zone coverage and communication skills. As well as individual techniques like sealing the stick to the outside, tying up
sticks, boxing out, switching, all from the defensive side.
15 minutes DT100 Continous 2-1 to 3-3, 2-2 to 4-4, 3-2 to 5-5 in the defensive zone.
Focus on Dzone coverage entering the zone and covering one player each man on man and zone.
8 D and 12 F
5 Min.
DT100 Continuous 2-1
Key Points:
New players don't leave the line-up until the puck enters the offensive zone. On dump outs no one change but go back and regroup with the same players. Changes occur when the puck is over the offensive blue line or controlled over the defensive blue line.
5 min.
DT100 Continuous 2 on 2
Key Points:
Forwards cover D and D cover F's. One D should join the attack to create triangles. Defenders play tight gaps and attackers create 2
on 1's on the rush.
5 min.
DT100 Continuous 3-2
Key Points:
New players don't leave the line-up until the puck enters the offensive zone. On dump outs no one change but go back and regroup with the same players. Changes occur when the puck is over the offensive blue line or controlled over the defensive blue line.
10 Min. Everyone Rotate Shooting and Screen
B6 Point Shots
Key Points:
Skate forward inside the dot before pivoting to. Shoot low for a tip in or rebound. One time the second shot in option two. Hit the net. Everyone practice this skill.
8 min.
DT400 Active Jokers at Point
Key Points
Each team has two jokers at the point. Introduce the game allowing jokers to check jokers and then add that jokers can come in for one timer shots.
This transition game creates three situations. In the first part the players at the point must get open and take a shot or make a pass. The defender practices covering the point. In the second part add that the jokers at the point can come in for a one timer shot
2 min. Pucks, Summary, team in middle

'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
'Enjoy the Game'
Registered: 06/25/08
Posts: 3558
Location: Calgary, Canada
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Flyers Practice Plan Date: Sept. 6, 2012 Time: 20:15 - 21:30 Venue: WMP

19 players – one coach will have to participate to make 4 groups of 5.
- Themes – stick on the puck
- Tsunami Forecheck 2-1-2 with a pinch on the Weak side.

10 min.
A200 Russian Puck Handling – Fake Shots and Finnish with a Shot

12 min. Rotate after 6 min.
DT400 1-1, 2-2, Support-Attack-Defend

10 min.
B500 Defensive Side with Stick on the Puck

25 Minutes: Tsunami 2-1-2 Forecheck
T4 - TSUNAMI Forecheck 2-1-2 Wide Pressure

Tsunami – First 10 minutes walk through with everyone then one group at each end.
T2 – T4 Team Play Practice Buildup

Second 10 minutes
T4 - Teaching the Forecheck

15 min.

D100 ControlledScrimmage 45” shifts – pass to goalie on the whistle.

- Rule – dump the puck in at the red line and do the Tsunami forecheck.

3 min.
Players get the pucks
Meet in the middle
Players gather together.

The players did the Tsunami very well. I had to change the instruction to one end because one of the players had her wisdon teeth out and missed and another got sick and had to leave. I had coaches play during the scrimmage so we could have two lines. The players said it is very hard to get out of the zone against such a hard forecheck.
I cut down to 17 skaters and 2 goales at the end of practice. First practice with the official team tonight. I have to plan it later as my appointment at the bank is in 35 minutes.

'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
'Enjoy the Game'
Registered: 06/25/08
Posts: 3558
Location: Calgary, Canada
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This is Friday nights practice. I was busy all day and didn't have time to post it. Now the players all have a pretty good understanding of what we do in the powerplay. It is a lot easier to teach specialty teams if you have at least 20 skaters. We broke into three groups.
Flyers Practice Plan Date: Sept. 7, 2012 Time:17:15-18:30 Venue: Fairview
Power play instruction.
16 skaters in 3 groups.
Slot set to a 1-3-1
Breakout regular controlled.

7 min.
B2 Transition Skate Shooting

8 min.
C1, 2-0 Skate Inside and Pass Wide

15 min.
DT400 Ali, Bobbi-Jo Two Net Game

13 min.
T2 Power Play Instruction

15 min.
T2 Kingston Rotation

12 min.
TD400 Specialty Team Scrimmage

5 min.
E1 Shootout 2 Shots

2 min.

Get pucks and summary.
Parent meeting.

'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
'Enjoy the Game'
Registered: 06/25/08
Posts: 3558
Location: Calgary, Canada
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We have a 2.5 hour slot and tried to get a game but every team was busy so we are having a two part practice. First part is skills and go over our one short pk rotation. Second part is a tournament.
Flyers - Practice Plan - Date: Sept. 8, 2012 Time: 19:30-22:00 Bowness
16 skaters and 2 goalies in 2 groups of 8
Team picture
Go over one short pk. Second half play a tournament and keep track of wins.
I changed the practice around quite a bit and this is what I substituded.

First Half

15 min. Team Picture -10 minutes instead

10 min.
A2 Balance and Edges no puck.

Vets lead.

10 min.
A200 Big Moves with a shot. - Two one zone games of 2 pass instead and switched teams halfway.

10 Minutes
Intro to penalty Kill on board and demo.

15 min.
Walk Through Pk -we spent 25 minutes. Our pk is much more aggressive than the players are used to.
Part Two

15 min.
Flood the ice.

Go over pk rotation in the dressing room during the ice flood.

Tournament White Vs Dark All wins count in team total.

15 min.
TD400 Specialty Team Scrimmage - this was going so well that I spent 20 minutes scrimmaging 5-4 but instead of on one net we did a full ice 5-5 with the last forward back staying in the nzone so it was 5-4 at each end.

15 min.
2 games 6’ each. I replaced these two games with a game of 4-4 at each end. They played 10 minutes the first game the rule was 'there must be at least 3 strides to open ice before you can shoot or pass' We switched teams around and then played another ten minute game where you had to make an escape move before they could pass or shoot. I demode some escape moves. They really worked at these games. I have attached a diagram of the D4 game.

15 min.
White vs Dark – Keep Score We didn't do this one (next practice)
C3 – 3-0, 3-1, 3-2 for 12’

10 min.
Keep Score with white shooting at one end and dark at the other.
B500 One Timers


Losing team one circle for every point they lost by. --I added after shooting go to between has and there could be a one touch to there and a one touch shot.

10 minutes. Individual skill practice. Players work on what they want to focus on and coaches help them. Didn't have time for this.

Get pucks.
Cheer in middle circle

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We will finish the big ideas on team play tonight and cover killing penalties 2 short vs one and two players at the point. I also have attached our league schedule which starts this weekend.
Post practice comment.
We did everything but the double cross and drop drill. I have only 4 returning skaters and it took a little longer to got through the pk and I had them do the scrimmage longer. A few times I stopped the scrimmage to correct big mistakes. I also changed the shootout so 2 races were happening at once. Two coaches passed the puck and the players raced from both bluelines and turned at the red line. You don't need pylons. They switched ends after racing so the practices turning both ways.
My asst. coach was late and pretty shook up when he got there. A girl was killed crossing the above ground subway tracks about 15 seconds in front of him. He saw her under the train and called the emergency number and told the driver not to move the train. Pretty traumatic.
Tonight we will have an off ice session at an outdoor rink and use it to review and play a little ball hockey. Next week we will start spin class on bikes. The place we went last year has moved and increased the price from $150 to $250 a session; so I am in the process of finding a new venue to train.

Flyers Practice Plan
Date: Sept. 11, 2012 Time: 18:30 SAIT
Lines: 17 skaters 8 D, 9 F, 3 G
Theme is the two short pk
Ind. Skills - Shooting – passing – one touch
Situations 3-0, 3-1, 3-2

8 min.
A300 Puck Handling Moves With a Shot

8 min.
B6 One Touch x 3 and Shoot

12 min
C3 15 Goal 3-0 3-1, 3-2

10 min – Walk Through
Penalty Killing 2 Short vs the Spreador Overload Power Play

10 min.
T4 Penalty Kill Two Short vs Diamond or Umbrella

10 minutes
D100 Specialty Team Scrimmage

9 min.
B600 Double Cross and Pass

7 min.
E1 Shootout Race – Sweden Checking 1

1 min. get pucks and cheer in centre

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Tonight we had an off ice practice on an outdoor rink. It was a really nice evening and we started at 7. The sun was going down by 8 and it was chilling off. The players enjoyed it. We did some shooting, puck handling and passing and then we played two games. The first was 4-4 and 5-5 with 2 minute shifts but if you were scored on the other line replaced you. The second game had the waiting players as jokers behind the nets and on the sides the rule was you had to pass to at least one joker before scoring.

Flyers Outdoor Skill Training

U18 Girl's Team practices outside.
1. Wrist shots.
2. Slap shots.
3. Puck-handling.
4. Passing.
5. Games.


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Flyers Practice Plan Date: Sept. 13, 2012

Time: 20:00 Max Bell 2
17 skaters 2 G

Hinge, cycle, breakout options, cut backs,Goalie technique

7 min.
B6 – 3 Shots, 3 Zig zags, 3 Shots
Key Points:
3 Leave from diagonal corners about 2" apart, skate around circle then shoot, get a pass from the other corner, skate 3 zig zags betweeen the blue line and the top of the cricles the fill the 3 lanes and shoot.

10 min.
DT400 Active Jokers at Point
Key Points
Each team has two jokers at the point. Introduce the game allowing jokers to check jokers and then add that jokers can come in for one timer shots. This transition game creates three situations. In the first part the players at the point must get open and take a shot or make a pass. The defender practices covering the point. In the second part add that the jokers at the point can come in for a one timer shot

20 min.
B Defensemen Breakout and Forward Attack Skills
Key Points:
Defense do the various breakout options and read where the pressure is coming from. Forwards work with their lines on cycle and and goalies with coach.

8 min.
B600 Double Cross and Pass
Key Points:
Make hard passes. Players should face the puck give a target and keep their feet moving.

10 min.
B600 Regroup, Hinge, Quick Up-Detroit
Key Points:
Hinge and push the puck up the ice quickly. Strong side F stretch and weak side give middle support.
We will change the drill a little and have everyone playing F and D

10 min.
D1 Controlled Scrimmage
Key Points:
Change on their own and practice the Tsunami and the Break out under pressure.

10 min.
E1, 2 on 0 Shootout Race
Key Points:
Work on shooting one timers and scoring on rebounds. Good habits like face the puck, give a target with the stick on the ice. We will change it a little by having the play continue and count the successes in a certain time.

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This practice went really well. 17 skaters and 2 goalies. It was 90 minutes long. We did some position specific drills and worked on offensive team play concepts like the breakout, power play, cut backs and going to the net and point shots.
Flyers Practice Plan Date: 14-09-12 Time: 18:45-20:15 Venue: Southland

FocusBreakouts, pp, shooting, goalie pass, Faceoffs, cutbacks, D join play

10 min.
A200 Skating Warm-up for Edges and Balance with a Puck and Shot

Key Points:
Good players can move in all directions efficiently because they and use all edges and have great balance on the ice.
Routines for skating, puck handling, shooting and passing are efficient ways for a coach to quickly review the
foundation skills and allow the players to get a lot of reps and improve at their own rate. Do these skating exercises
with a puck.

10 min.
G-B600 Goalie Pass and 1-0 U22

Key Points:
Hit the net so the goalie can make the save and then make a breakout pass. Give good targets on the wall and time with the other side so goalies have time to pass between shots.


20 minutes Two 10’ Games 2-2
DT400 Perry Pearn Game Rotation
Key Points:
This game allows the coach to focus on the attack or defending deep in the zone. You can play this game in situations from 1-1 to 5-5. It is a great rotation to practice specialty teams if you have 3 lines because it gives the players some rest and they alternate between pp and pk (one F would leave the zone) The defenders have to clear the zone with control of the puck. With situations over a 3 on 3 I would move the resting players back to the far blue line.

12 min.
B600 Regroup, Hinge, Middle D Rush

Key Points:
Middle D comes late as a second wave and lead the rush.

12 min. Kingston Power Play Rotation
Rotate pp-breakout-pp-rest.

Key Points; Practice the power play options with a shot every 3".

10 min.
C3 Breakout 5-0, regroup 5-0, attack 3-2

Key Points:
One stretch, one middle support and one wall support.

10 min.
Individual Practice
D at with Sean Shots from the point:

B7 Face-off Practice-Washington

Key Points:
Watch the puck all the time. Read what the other player is going to do by how they hold the stick and where their team mates are. Practice winning clean and scrambling the draw.

B500 Cut Backs and Escape Moves

Key Points:
Protect the puck with the body on offense. Cut back turning toward the boards. Defender stay lined up with the back of the inside shoulder and stick on the puck.

7 min. E1 Rebound
Key Points:
Make quick shots and one timers and goalie read the play.

'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
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I brought in some famous international coaches to talk about team play and I have sent the links to my team for review.

Flyer Team Play Video:

Girl’s and parents who are interested, at great expense I brought in some famous international coaches to talk about team play. I have also attached a pdf on penalty killing principles.


Famous Finnish Coach Mikko talks about defensive zone coverage. First 7 minutes using a white board and then he uses a 3 dimensionsl magnetic board.


Tsunami Forecheck:Jaroslav a famous coach from the Czech Republic shows how you can forecheck aggressively using the concepts of Total Hockey. 1-2-3-4-5 read and react.


Three dimensional description of Tsunami.


Penalty killing principles vs a power play with 2 players at the point.


NHL Coach Killing vs a Diamond 1-3-1 Use Fall under. We will probably only see the umbrella and then the second F can be on one side and the D on the other side goes out.


Take care,

Coach Tom
I didn't send below to my team but added it here.

I was searching the videos for the team play ones and came across some material I did when I first started this site. It brought back some good memories of some of the great kid's I have coached over the years.

I did the first video in 1998 when I was coaching an 85 born spring team. I had them for 2 years with the agreement that we practiced a lot and only played a few tournament.

The parents agreed and we had 10 weekends where we had 2 x 90 minute practices each Sat. and Sunday andwe played one ex game and two tournaments in the 12 weeks. We finished the first weekend of July so they had the summer off. This also allowed them to play other sports. So in two springs I had them on the ice for 120 hours of practice, which is time to accomplish something.

It is probably the group I am most proud of coaching. Every player but one made at least Jr. A and four of the forwards are still playing pro.

Aaron Lee – played NCAA at Alaska and is the all team leading scorer for the Rio Grande Killer Bees. He just went to Germany to play.

Ryan Duncan – won Hobey Baker at North Dakota, his 5’ 6” 160 lbs. doesn’t appeal to the NHL. He played last year in the AHL and this year has returned to the Red Bulls in Austria.

Jeremy Colliton – won a World U20 Championship with the famous 04 Canadian Team and has been up and down between the NHL Islanders and their AHL team.

Mason Raymond – went to U of Minn. Duluth and then onto the NHL Vancouver Canucks where he has been in a Stanley Cup final and played for Canada in the IIHF Worlds.

Mason and Ryan are the two smallest guys in the transiton video. Mason grew late to 6’ but Ryan never had the big growth spurt.

Team Play Whiteboard Talk
Tom Molloy goes over team play concepts.

Continuous 1-1

Continuous 2-1

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Wanted to review all of the team play and teach face-off alignment. Fifth day in a row and we play our first game of the season Sunday, so it was a good time for an instruction practice that wasn't too intense. We polled the team asking each one to give us 4 players they thought would be good captain. It wasn't a vote but we want to make sure the players the coaches think would be the best captains are mentioned. I wouldn't want to pick a captain that no one mentioned. Coaches and players were on the same page and we announced the captain and 3 asst.

Following practice the players had a babeque and and the team met to form a 'Team Covenant'. This is one of the most important things a team can do. They set the goals and the rules themselves and we will refer to it if there are any problems in the next six or seven months. (I have attached an example from Bob Murdoch's pro team in Germany)

I have never started a season with zero exhibition games before. We play a team that won 7-5 last night and has two sisters that are already committed to university hockey for next year and got 3 points each last night.
Result: Lost 2-3. but played well for our first game of the season. We only have 4 returning skaters and they have 10 and were a top team last year. We outshot them 36-25 but didn't finish our chances. One of my returning F's got 11 shots and one goal. They got the winner with about 4 minutes left. 5-5 we each socred one, 5-4 each one and 5-3 they scored. We have 9 F and 8 D, so I played one pair of D on wing and rotated a centre with them each period. I just rolled the lines until the last 2 minutes.

We have to get everyone into the game situations so we have to bite the bullet instead of having pp and pk units. Ideally everyone will be able to play all even and odd situations by the end of the season. In elimination situtations like playoffs or tournaments I will do more bench coaching. We have 6-97born, 6-96 born and 5-95 born skaters and only 4 returning skaters, so we are young.

This week we have M-off, T-on ice practice, W-spin class, Th-on ice, Fri.-on ice, Sat-away game, Sun-home game. So it is pretty busy.
Flyers Practice Plan Date: 15-09-12 Time: 14:00-15:15 WMP
8 D, 9 F, 2 G
Review system play. Backcheck take sticks.
Low dzone play Puck handling, crossovers, passing, shooting

10 min.
B6 or B4 Crossover Skating and Puckhandling


10 min.
B6 Chaos 3-0 Pass and Shoot


10 min. Review
T4 TSUNAMI Forecheck 2-1-2 Wide Pressure

10 min.
D400 Penalty Killing Practice


10 min.
D1 Controlled Scrimmage
Key Points:
Team play, face-offs, freeze play,


10 min.
DT100 Backchecking Transition Game


10 min.
D400 Transition Game of Low Battles with Point Support


7 min.
E1 Change on the Go with Pass Shootout


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We did all of the drills and games. Sean had the D do some drag - shoot and screen shots while I worked on a puck protection keepaway game plus talked about left handers shooting on the stick side. I also showed them how to keep the puck in front in the triple threat position and take a quick snap shot from there. Girl's tend to wind up way too much and shoot off the outside foot. This takes way too long. Instead inside foot, puck in front, snap and follow the shot.

Some scoring hints I gave; 1. avoid shooting across the goalies body (the puck has eyes), 2. Shoot where the goalie is coming from and not where they are going. 3. always follow your shot. 4. if you don't have a good shot then shoot 5 hole. 5. Always hit the net, don't let the goalie off for free. 6. Shoot with feet moving. 7. Keep the puck in the triple threat position without stickhandling it unles you are trying to change the angle.

In the DT4 transition from defense to offense we did a 1-1 and 2-2 and then repeated them but added back pressure on the 1-1 to make it a 1-2 and in the 2-2 backpressure as far as the dots so the defenders were in a tight box like we play against in games and the attackers have to do everything quickly in a small space. Very good game.

Tonight we have our first bike spin class.
Flyers Practice Plan 9-18-12 Time: 17:15-18-30 Venue: Fairview - 75 Minutes
Shoot, pass, 1-1, carry the puck to open ice, Defense shooting, puck protection

8 min.
B6-Dean 1 High 1 Low Shooting


8 min.
B202 - 3 on 0 Neutral Zone Passes


12 min. Two Games
D4 Transition Defense to Offense


12 min.
Forwards in Neutral Zone Goalies at one end
D200 Keepaway U22


Defense at one end
B2 Point Shots - Canada U20 (or similar shooting drill)


10 min
D200 Multiple Puck Games
Key Points:
Wally Kozak ran this game with many variations for about 20 minutes. The players loved it and worked really hard.
-Players can only shoot when the goalie is ready.
-No empty net goals.
-Hustle out of the zone on the whistle and play 20-30 seconds only.
-Leave extra pucks in the zone on the whistle and coach shoot in pucks to make it 3.
1. Players line up outside the blue lines.
2. Coach shoots in 3 pucks.
3. Players race for pucks and battle to score and defend.
4. Leave puck in nets after goals. Play with 3-2-1 pucks as they are scored.

9 min.
D100 Two Second Game
Key Points:
Players must switch right away from offense to defense to loose puck and constantly change roles from, 1-puck carrier, 2-puck support, 3-check puck carrier, 4-cover away from the puck.
1. Play a full ice game of 3-3, 4-3, 4-4, 5-4, 5-5, 6-5 with the extra players on the bench.
2. Play 45" shifts and pass back to your goalie when the coach whistles for a change.
3. Players can only have the puck for 2" and must make a play, gain a zone or shoot.
4. Possession from first touching the puck for over 2" leave the puck for the other team.
5. Encourage talking, facing the puck, always give a target.
*Don't blow the whistle if they have started shooting. Start time when the goalie gets puck. Keep score and losing or winning have a consequence.

9 min.
D100 45 sec. shifts and pass to goalie on whistle.

Rule: you must gain a zone before passing and only one pass allowed in offensive zone.

6 min.
E1 Two Shot Shootout


1 min. get pucks and meet in middle.

'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
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The practice went really well. All 17 skaters and 2 goalies were there along with one affiliate D. That gave us enough to do the Reilly game with 9 players at each end. I learned the game from Gene Reilly when he was asst. coach with Maine men's team. He was in Austria coaching the Red Bulls with me as well.
We went through the 5-4 and 4-5, 5-3 and 3-5 with the D playing forward and some F playing D. The way the draft went the other team kept taking forwards and left D who we ranked high on our list. We ended up with 8 D and 9 F. So we play 2 differenvt D at forward each game and each period double shift one C to give us 4 lines and 3 sets of D.

The D weren't really clear on playing F on specialty teams and that was a big focus. We have only one returning D. (one D from last year is playing F. We had to make her a D last year because we were short of D.)

Another focus is to be able to one time the puck and we spent a lot of time on that skill and added partner passing and shooting at the boards.

On the 3-0 weave then regroup one D always jumped up as the 4th man and we passed on the forehand to that D who shot. We always want 4 on the attack.

The players loved the last cross ice game we played where the coaches sent out 1-2-or 3 players. We added the rule that if the team was outnumbered they could pass to the linep-up and that player could join them (up to 3 players).
Flyers Practice Plan Date: 9- 20-12 Time: 17:00-18:30 Venue: Southland
Defense learn the pk as low and high players 4-5 and 3-5
Beakout and regroup One timers Read situations

10 min.
A200 Skating Warm-up for Edges and Balance with a Puck and Shot


10 min.
B202 Breakout Pass and Shooting Warm up


17 min.
T2-4 D400 Specialty Team Practice


13 min.
T2 D400 Reilly Team Play Practice Rotation

10 min.
B6 3-0 Weave With D Regroup

8 min.
B500 One Timers at each end
Add: Rebound for the next shooter.


7 min.
B5 Cross and Drop Sequence – One Timers


10 min.
D200 Cross Ice Uneven Situations


Pucks and cheer in centre circle

'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
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The kind of letter a coach loves to get.

Our captain from last year walked on to the tryout at Queen's University and just found out that she made the team. Nice girl and a good player. They hadn't really seen her because it is along way from Calgary.

She sent us this email.

We had 5 players graduate from high school and now 4 have made university and college teams (another D at St. Francis Xavier and 2 F at colleges in the ACAC). Two other players still have to finish high school (they should be able to play in our league). Three players who could have come back have gone to three different sports schools. So we only have 4 skaters and both goalies back.
Hi Tom and Sean,

I hope you guys had a relaxing summer and your season is off to a great start. I just wanted to thank you guys for all your help last year with talking to coaches and being my references for university teams. I wanted to let you know that I tried out for the Queen's Varsity Women's team and as luck would have it a spot opened up and I made the team. I just wanted to say thank you for your dedication and support to myself and the team last year, it was greatly appreciated. My dad watched the first Flyers game and said the team is looking good. Queen's will be playing in the Lethbridge invitational the same weekend that Flyers are in Lethbridge I believe, so I will most likely see you there. Good luck with the season and I hope to see you soon!

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Flyers Practice Plan Date: 21-9-12 Time: 17:15-18:30 Venue: Fairview
Breakouts, scoring, situations, Passing

10 Min.
C2 1-2-3-4-5-5-4-3-2-1 Pass and Shoot Warm-up


10 min. Goalie at one end with Natalie Skaters in Nzone
5 min.
A200 Chaos Puck Handling


5 min.
B202 Pass to All Players


15 min.
D – one end with Sean and Kevin on Breakouts
F – other end with Tom and Tom – Scoring

5min. - Forwards
A300 Shoot-Rebound-Walk In-Walk out - Swedish U20


5 min. - A500 - Gretzky Move and Shot - Sweden 3

12 min
C3 15 Goal 3-0 3-1, 3-2

10 min.
DT100 Continuous 2 on 2


7 min.
E1 Rebound Game

10 min.
D200 Cross Ice Uneven Situations

1 min. gets pucks and meet around circle for team cheer.

'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
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Went to Red Deer for the first game of the weekend. We got there 45 min. before the game because the bus broke down while leaving the bus barn and they had to get another one. The drive didn't know how to work the air conditioning so it was like a sauna the entire 2 hour trip. Usually 90 min. but there was road paving going on as well.

We played really hard and won 4-1. They got 2 breakaways on really bad changes and another when our D fumbled a puck at the blue line. Other than that we were solid. 1 for 2 on the pplay and killed all the penalties. Shot clock said 55-27 for us but I have a coach record each shot and where and his total was 36-18 which I think is what happened.

The Tsunami is working great but our F3 has to cover the point on a wide pinch all the time. Right now it is only happenind about half the time.

Play game two Sunday morning.
http://www.ammfhl-hockey.ca/division.aspx?lgid=0&did=1833&p=divisionrosters is a link to the league site. Clicking on Schedule gives game results.
Red Deer came out flying and really pinching. They scored on a power play and then another so led 2-0. We were giving the puck away standing still trying to make passes. We kept saying carry the puck, move your feet, make a play and we settled down and scored the next 5 to witn 5-2. Outshot them 37-29.

This was our first game in our home rink and it is one metre shy of Olympic size. We never practice there. It took a while to get used to the bigger ice and they have lots of players who can fly with the puck.

Next week a tournament with all the teams in the league. The games count in the standings and there is a CIS University tournament at the same time. The idea is to give the players exposure to the university coaches. It is in Lethbridge which is about 2 hrs. south of Calgary.

We practice Tuesday where I have Gaston coming to do 45 min. of skating at the start of practice. Wed. is spin on the bikes, Thursday practice and games Friday and Sunday.

One of my centre's got a concussion so I am sure she is out for a while.
Just watched the game video http://www.hockeycoachingabcs.com/filemgmt/index.php?id=114 and a few things we will focus on.
- skate to open ice as soon as you get the puck and pass while skating.
- Skate with the puck between the dots and pass wide instead of skate wide and pass to the middle.
- Eliminate the Stare, whith all defenders watching the puck and find who you cover then head on a swivel.
- Get defensive side before reaching in and focus on defending from D side and tight gap.
- F3 stay on original side on a weak side pinch and fill the weak point.

Our work ethic was great and pressure was relentless. Now we have to manage the puck better.

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Flyers Practice 09-25-12 Time: 20:21:30 Blunden

Skating and Controlling the slot.

45 min.
A2 Skating Mechanics Taught by Dr. Gaston Schaeffer

8 min.
B6 1-0, 2-0, 3-0 Small Horseshoe

1. Skate to the top of the circle and pass.
2. Continue and get a pass from the other end.
3. 2-0 first player passes and swings wide and second player skates into the middle
lane. Pass to the player in the middle.
4. Player in the middle one touch the puck up to the wide man. Stay onside.
5. Shoot and go for the rebound.
6. On the 3-0 the third player goes up the boards and enters as the high man. Add a
trailer pass to the high man as the first shot.

20 min
DT 2-4 Gaining Position in the Slot

Key Points:
Offensive players fight for offensive side and to keep their stick free and defensive players fight for defensive side and to control the attackers sticks.
1. All players are in front of the net in two colours.
2. Start with the coach calling red offense and they try to get open and the blue cover them and control their stick.
3. Progress to 2 coaches at the point. One on each team. When they pass the players change roles o to d and d to o.
4. Play a game where the defenders must pass to their coach at the point to be on offense.
5. Offensive coach can shoot or pass.
5. Everyone stays within the dots and below the top of the circles. DT 2-4 Gaining Position in the Slot.jpg
DT 2-4 Gaining Position in the Slot.pdf

8 min
DT400 Active Jokers at Point

Key Points
Each team has two jokers at the point. Introduce the game allowing jokers to check jokers and then add that jokers can come in for one timer shots.
This transition game creates three situations. In the first part the players at the point must get open and take a shot or make a pass. The defender practices covering the point. In the second part add that the jokers at the point can come in for a one timer shot
Part One: Each team has jokers at the point.
1. When defenders regain puck they must pass to the point to go on offense.
2. Jokers can shoot or pass.
3. Jokers can check the opponents Joker.

Part Two:
4.Jokers can jump in for one timer shots.
5. Defending joker should cover the attacking joker when he jumps in.


7 min. E1 Shootout.

Goalies Choice of shootout

'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
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Posts: 3558
Location: Calgary, Canada
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