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Jasper Hockey/Skating Camp, Elite Prep Camp, Coaching Clinic
I am throwing out the idea of having a coaching symposium while I am in Jasper with Gaston and Curtis Brackenbury a former NHL player and coach. The camp starts July 22 and goes the entire week.

I could do some hockey presentations in a class setting and get Curtis to do some and Gaston to talk about skating. Coaches could watch or join the on ice sessions and we could have one on ice per day. I would give each coach our coaching manual and a 16 GB flash drive with over 500 drills and games, plus hockey material from around the world on it.

The costs could be the same as it is for the hockey players. Coaches could stay at camp grounds, hotels or at the dorm below the recreation centre. I camp and then eat at the recreation centre as Shirley cooks the greatest meals ever.

I will attach last years brochure. Jasper is a Canadian National Park with lots of outdoor recreation and beautiful scenery. I go for a bike ride in the mountains every day and usually camp and have a fire at night. We also have a tradition of having one fancy meal at a local Swiss restaurant.

Let me know if there is any interest. Even if a few coaches came it would be a good time

'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
'Enjoy the Game'
Registered: 06/25/08
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Location: Calgary, Canada
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I am considering adding a low key but high information and interactive coaching symposium to our annual summer hockey/skating camp in Jasper National Park.

When the coaches get there we can tailor the discussions to what they want and give practical on ice and off ice material to help the coaches. Myself, Gaston (Olympic skating coach/ Dr. of Body Mehanics and Curtis Brackenbury a former NHL player/asst. coach for Edmonton and consultant for the Black Hawks who trains pro players and prospects.

More info in the posting above.

If there is interest there is still time to make adjustments to our ice requirements etc..

Promise it will be the BEST coaching symposium ever. For Coaches by Real Coaches.

'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
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Registered: 06/25/08
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Location: Calgary, Canada
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Before I let this thread die and fade away I would like to hear if there is any interest in the kind of coaching clinic I am proposing for Jasper.

If you don't think it is a good idea comment on that as well.

'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
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Registered: 06/25/08
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Location: Calgary, Canada
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I have been to Jasper and it is a fantastic place. Very scenic; particularly for tourists if they haven't spent time in mountainous areas.

Overall, I think it is a great idea to host a coaching clinic but perhaps scheduling it in Calgary is a better idea as then it is easier (less expensive) for those who aren't local to fly into a city with a major airport and tons of accommodation / transportation options at all budget levels. It also cuts down on travel time - once you get off the plane, you are there... no more lengthy travel required. (Human nature: embracing the easiest path...!)

I decided against attending the TGfU conference north of London, England this summer for those very reasons (additional logistics including the proximity in time to the start of the Olympics) as it increased the costs and ate up an additional day getting in and a day getting out of England. Instead, I am going to save up to attend the 2014 gathering in New Zealand as I want to go back there to visit a friend too!

M.Ed (Coaching)
Ch.P.C. (Chartered Professional Coach)
Game Intelligence Training

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Dean, that is the only time that Gaston, Curtis and I will be together and also there are all the facilities there and a very inexpensive place to sleep and eat if cost is an issue. Other dates or venues aren't possible.

If I flew in I would land in Calgary and maybe tour a day or so and then take a day to drive to Banff and spend a few hours looking around, go for a swim in the hot springs, then on to Lake Louise and have lunch there, continue onto highway 93 for an amazing drive up and down the mountain pass to the Columbia Ice Fields, spend some time there and then the 90 minute drive to Jasper.

If I have a child who plays hockey then he/she would participate in the skating/hockey camp and I would participate in the coaching clinic. Otherwise just do the coaching sessions. If I had a figure skating child then he/she could be with Gaston, who was Swiss Champions, Olympic coach, feature skater for Ice Capades and Holiday on Ice, not to mention his Doctorate in Body Mechanics and my child could get World Class instruction for 13 sessions in 5 days.

I will be a lot smarter by then as well. I am attending the the IIHF symposium this May in Helsinki and I am sure the Finns have a lot to teach me and then I can share in Jasper.

Coaches who attend will even get a certificate saying they are certified in the Hockey Coaching ABC method level one.

'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
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Registered: 06/25/08
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Location: Calgary, Canada
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A new idea has come up for our week in Jasper.

I was just on the phone for 30 minutes with a coach from Jasper who wants us to offer a pre training camp week for older boy's trying out for junior of elite U18. The idea is to go one 75 minute on ice just before supper, skating in the early morning before work x 3 and 3 dryland sessions (they just finished a great training facility attached to the rink). The cost is minimal at $200 per player for the coaching plus the ice and gym cost which will be about $1000 total for the week/amount of players. So between $300-400 per player for 5 hockey practices, 3 skating sessions, 2-3 off ice sessions.

So if anyone has a 16-20 year old who wants to be trained by myself, Gaston and Curtis before going to tryouts it is available. We would max it at 20 skaters and 2 goalies. The focus will be on doing everything at top speed with attention to detail - pro level training. (all three of us have coached pro players)

Accomodation etc. is similar to the day camp and proposed coaching clinic.

Just throwing out ideas here guys. As you can see we won't be making much money but since we are there to coach we might as well coach.

'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
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Registered: 06/25/08
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Location: Calgary, Canada
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I ran the ideas about adding a coaching clinic and an elite prep camp by Gaston and he likes the idea. One thing he doesn't think will work is to have adults staying in the same dorm and the kid's. I can see his point. So the coaches will have to stay at hotels, hostels or camp but still can eat at the rec centre.

Deniz Ince who coaches in Turkey has let me know that about 6 youth players from there will be attending the Jasper camp. That should be fun for everyone. I am going to see if it is possible for them to stay with local families to improve the cultural experience; if not they can stay in the dorm.
A typical day is;
- breakfast at the rec centre.
- one hour on ice alternating skating or hockey.
- 75 minute break.
- second on ice session.
- lunch and a break.
- third on ice session.
- dryland training outside focusing on the core.
- dinner
- swimming.
Wednesday morning they go white water rafting on the Athabasca River and have two on ice sessions in the afternoon. So they get 14 on ice sessions 5 off ice, in 5 days.
There is a program in Calgary that gives 20 ice sessions and 10 off ice session over two months and charges $1200 per player and another that charges $1700 per player and both are very drill based.

I came back from Austria in 2009 and watched my grandson after his first year of hockey. He was walking on the ice and pushing the puck. I have taken him to this camp for 3 summers now and it was sad to see his teammates struggle with inefficient skating strides and poor puck handling technique while he flew by everyone and scored the last 6 goals of their season this year because he has learned good body mechanics in skating, puck handling and shooting. I think it is critical to get good mechanics as early as possible otherwise when you practice bad mechanics 'you get very good at being very bad' and have a limited ceiling on how much improvement you can make. It is like having an oblong tire on a car. No mater how much you work on the motor you will never be as fast as the car with the round wheels.

I see this in players all of the time. They push back too much when skating or they are bottom hand dominant with the stick and can only handle the puck efficiently on one side. Worst is the segmentation that happens from drill only practices. Players learn to do everything in isolation, i.e. they over stick handle and have to pause and coast before they can pass or shoot. They must dust the puck off when they get it before they can pass or shoot, etc.

Instead they need a proper sideways motion in their stride and passing and shooting are simply an extension of the stick handling motion (no tip off). They need big moves all around the body and the skating agility to be able to go in every direction very quickly.

All of these things require EFFICIENT technique and at the same time they are learning that they need to learn how to apply it in game situations vs. players who want to take the puck away from them.

That is my tirade for today.

'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
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Registered: 06/25/08
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Location: Calgary, Canada
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I just registered for the coaching symposium in Helsinki May 11-13 during the IIHF World Championships. It includes all of the sessions plus tickets to two games each evening. I found a good price for the flight $1250 which is $400 cheaper than anything else I saw. Calgary-London-Helsinki, May 8-16.

There is a Youth Symposium the week before but I can only afford one.

It gives me a chance to meet with Juhani Wahlsten and Kalle Kaskinen in Turku which is a few hours away by car. In Turku I stay with Juhani in his Sauna Hotel. He puts a mattress in the Sauna. There is a host hotel in Helsinki. The league I coach in will pay the conference fee with the agreement that I give a seminar on the ideas I pick up there.

Coach Deniz Ince from Turkey is going to meet me there as well.

Should be a good hockey experience.
Another coach is going to join us in Jasper. Doug Blaney is a fantastic skater and coaches skating. He is going to come on the ice to help and to pick up some ideas about coaching hockey and skating. He will be a great addition.

'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
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Registered: 06/25/08
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Location: Calgary, Canada
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This morning I start working with former NHL player Morris Lukowich doing skill camps for youth hockey players. It is called Maximum Goal Scoring. I am on the ice with U14 and then U12 players. We have discussed what he wants stressed during the sessions and he has the older groups off ice while I am on the ice with two university players.

I also start again with a U16 female player who I worked with for a few months during the season. She ended up scoring lots and was brought up to a U18 as an affiliate when they needed someone and scored there as well. We are on the ice together for a 60 minute private session once a week. Lots of skills at top speed. I also really am focusing on her being able to one time the puck on the forehand and backhand on both sides of the ice. I pass as hard as I can to her with both good and bad passes and she has to be able to adjust to get her shot off and on the net.

We also do lots of stickhandling and passing. I take my 4 small nets on the ice and they are good obstacles and targets for shots. She is going to be a prospect for the National Team in a year or two.

'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
'Enjoy the Game'
Registered: 06/25/08
Posts: 3558
Location: Calgary, Canada
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