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As you can see a donate button has been added to the site.


Dwight created and maintains the site voluntarily as a favour to me and coaches who use the site. It costs him $60 a month in fees to use the servers. He pays this out of his pocket.

It makes it easy for someone to order the ABC coaching books.

I am going to a Youth Hockey conference in May during the World Championships in Germany. I will share the ideas I get here and I need help with the costs given that I am living off a pension.

So it is completely optional to donate. It all depends whether the coaches value the site and want to keep it going. I probably spend ten hours a week doing the diagrams etc. for the daily drill and have spend hundreds of hours preparing and uploading the videos etc.

'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
'Enjoy the Game'
Registered: 06/25/08
Posts: 3549
Location: Calgary, Canada
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I have received a total of one $10 donation so far to help fund the site.

I am no longer going to post the pdf of the drills and games but when I have posted 100 I will stop for this season and then make a pdf book with all of the drills and games.There are about 75 posting as of today so I will do the book at the end of February.

I use ABCDET coding because it organizes the material
A skating with and without the puck
B individual and partner skill practice without opposition.
C game situation as 1-1 etc. where you are trying to score vs opponents.
D. game
E shootouts and contests
T team play T2 offensive, T4 defensive (as in the 4 playing roles)

Coaches who donate $25 or more to the site or order books will be emailed the pdf book when I am done. I am going to make a folder with the email addresses from the paypal notifications I am sent. Don who made the first donation will be sent one as well.

As of today there have been 528 000 hits this year on this site so it is obvious that coaches are coming here.

'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
'Enjoy the Game'
Registered: 06/25/08
Posts: 3549
Location: Calgary, Canada
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Thanks Tom,

I donated to your cause today.....tried to earlier in the week, but then had some issues with my paypal account that I hadn't used for years, and then had to go on the road with the team. I finally figured out I could just donate without signing in when I got back.

I'm sorry to hear you won't be posting to the site any more. I'm sure it takes a lot of time to put everything on-line, and it really sounds like you are discouraged at this point. I can assure you I've appreciated everything you've put up here.

Thanks again for sharing your expertise.


By: Likes:

Dman, I am still going to post the daily drill but not in pdf form. I will post the text and the diagram like I did before the last two weeks when I also posted them in pdf form.

I am at about 75 drills and when I get to 100 it will be the end of February and most of the coaches will be done or just ending their season. At that time I am going to put all of the 100 postings in pdf form and send the pdf drills booklet to everyone who has donated or bought a book.

It is good for me as well because most of the postings are my favorite drills and games or things I have just thought of and doing a daily post motivates me to draw the diagrams or add text to existing ones.

The main point is that it costs money to rent servers and for the site name. The second thing is that by me going to the youth conference I can pick up great things they are doing in Europe and share them. Most coaches who come here coach youth hockey. I can always learn and I am sure the coaches who frequent this site can as well and new ideas are good.Idea

'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
'Enjoy the Game'
Registered: 06/25/08
Posts: 3549
Location: Calgary, Canada
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