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Daily Drill Section Three – Table of Contents


T4 - 2-2-1 Pressure Forecheck - RB Pro

Key Points:
Overload the strong side and pinch on the weak side.

2-2-1 Pressure Forecheck

The first player forces the puck carrier.
1. Force player up the boards.
2. Pressure pass to wall.
3. Pressure D to D pass and quick up middle.
4. Pinch on a Rim
5. Support from strong side also lock on the middle forward if high in the slot..

B. On a wide Rim
1. Skate hard back thru middle
2. Pursue puck
3. Cover middle point.
4. From pre pinch position pressure boards
5. Support pinching 4 from point.



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T4 2-2-1 Forecheck - Puck Behind the Net – RB Pro

Key Points:
A turnover in the offensive end results in a scoring chance about 25% of the time while a nzone turnover gets a scoring chance about 10% and a rush from the defensive zone less than 5% of the time. So a passive trap may prevent goals against but doesn't create near as many scoring chances.

Pinch comes from both sides.
On possession overload the puck side with weak side back door option.

2-2-1 With Puck Behind the Net
1. Force from original puck side.
2. Pressure first low pass to other D.
3. Pre pinch position on original puck side.
4. Pre pinch position on weak side.
5. Support from point and mirror the puck side
B. Overload Strong Side on Possession
1. First 3 low players cycle and go to net.
2. # 4 support from high slot and go back door
3. #5 Support from strong side point.



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DT100 - Transition Game of Support, Defend, Attack U18 F

Key Points:
This is a great full ice transition game to practice offense and defense in all three zones. I have done this the last 2 practices with my team and my skills group. The coach can decide what to focus on each time you do it. Instead of stopping the game talk to the players when they come back to the line. You can do this from 1-1 to a 3-3. I will put a modification that adds other nuances to the game at another date.

Point men only get one second with the puck to shoot or pass. Defenders cover the low players and ignore the pointmen.

A. 1 and 2 attack vs a and b and are supported on the blueline by 3 and 4 The pointmen cannot go farther than the top of the circle. When the puck goes to the point a and b control te sticks of 1 and 2.

Attackers cycle, screen, tip, drive the net. Defenders work on low coverage and B.O.

B. When a and b breakout over the blueline 1 and 2 are finished and there is a 2 on 2 in the nzone with a and b attacking 3 and 4.
C. After the puck crosses the blueline c and d support a and b from the point.




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DT100 - Defend-Attack with Regroups - U18 F

Key Points:
Attacking team regroup with the new supporting players on the coaches whistle.
Supporting point men stay at the point and only get the puck for one second before passing or shooting. they defend the breakout. Coach may or may not whistle.

This is a great progression from the original transition game in the last posting.

1. 1 offense attack vs 2 on defense.
2. Attackers get support from teammates 2.
3. Breakout and attack 2-2 vs supporting point men.
4. If the coach blows the whistle regroup with 3 who follow the play.
Continue with 2 new players supporting each rush.
6. #3 follow the play and supports from the blueline.
7. Try to score vs the 2 the original defense.

Options:The coach may blow the whistle to indicate a regroup. The offensive players pass back to the supporting players. They now line up behind the blue instead of red line. They may do a D to D or pass to the original players who should be on the wall and in the middle or maybe switching. Defenders must keep tight gaps instead of simply backing in.

If there is a turnover the defenders attack the other way vs the new supporting players.




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B4-B6 Pass and Replace - RB Pro

Key Points:
Pass hard, face the puck, move your feet, call for the pass, give a target.

1. Get a pass from 2 and return pass
2. 2 skate to big ice and pass to 1
3. 1 skate down, shoot and follow the shot
4. 2 skate into nzone and give and go with 3
5. Repeat on both sides.




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DT400 - 3 on 3 Attack-Defend-Breakout-Rest - U18 W

Key Points:
Create offense by cycling, crossing etc. and play man to man defense. To add more intensity play a timed game and keep score or play to a certain amount of goals. i.e. first team to 3 wins.

3 players attack and 3 defend (it could be any number or odd man situations)

The attacking team tries to score and the defending team must get it over the blue line in complete possession or the attack continues.

If the puck is dumped out it is a loose puck and the offense can regain it or defense make the pass.
Offsides are called and the other team gets the puck. Defenders stay inside the blue line when the transition pass is made.

The players on the defending team wait for the puck in the neutral .zone. If there is one game going on wait behind the red line. If two games or a half ice practice then wait within a stick length of the red line.

Rule modifications can be added in order to create situations. i.e. dump and chase, only forechand passes, only one timers etc.

Have tournaments during practice. The 2-2 example needs 16 players for 4 teams of 4. Rotate extras in. Great way to create competition and maybe decide who dresses for the next game if you have extras.

This is a great transition game to practice cycling, low zone coverage and use all of the individual offensive and defensive skills of hockey.

DT400 – Perry Pearn 3-3 U18 F

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B600 Warm up 1-0, 2-0

Key Points:
Pass hard, face the puck. Shoot, rebound and circle back to play rebound on the next shot.

a. C3 - F pass to D, give wall support, D to F who skates in and shoots and rebound.

B. C3 with 2 D 1 F's. F pass to D who go D to D and to F. Shoot and rebound next shot.

C. 2 on 0. F pass to far D. D to D while F's support boards and one comes across.

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B500 Agility Skating

Key Points:
Keep the feet moving in a good balance position.

A. Skate to the dot and then laterally and back etc. Always face the far end.
Finish with a shot.
-Can also be done with a puck.

B. Skate facing the far end while exchanging pucks with 2.
Go both ways.
You can finish with a shot.

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B6 Big Horeshoe 2-0 - Pro

Key Points:
Skate in arch's to gain speed. Give a target and call for the pass.


Big Horseshoe
Same thing happens on both sides
1 leaves from opposite corners skating in an arch for a pass.
2 passes to one and they exchange the puck.
#1 shoots at each end while 2's gets a pass from 3's and go down the ice 2 on 0.
=keep this flow on each side.




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D6 Games - Two Full-Ice Games at Once - Youth

Key Points:
Use one net at each end and rink dividers make is safer but not necessary. In Europe they ofter lie down boards 4x4 to divide sections of the ice. (hollow inside and easy to store)

When you play full lenght of the ice you can use every game you would on the entire rink.

Using one quarter ice games at each end allows you to do skill and transition games.

Full length drills and games are all possible.




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B6 Double Cross and Drop

Key Points:
Leave the puck instead of passing it back into the players skates.
All go one way and then the other way.

Line up at one end on each side of the ice.

1 pass to 2 they skate outside the dots and cross and drop in the middle, outside the dots, gain the blue line and cross and drop, then shoot or make a diagonal pass and shoot.

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C1 1-1 Defensive Technique

Key Points:
Defender keeps D side and attacker pivots up and down the boards

1. Players line up just outside the blue line.
2. The player on the inside skates up and down the boards protecting the puck
3. The defender mirrors the attacker on Dside.
5. Defender stays Dside with stick on the puck and body on body, eyes on the chest.
4. On the whistle the attacker tries to score.
5. On the whistle repeat from the other side and original players switch sides.


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B6 Neutral Zone Skate and Shoot

Key Points:
Carry the puck 3 times between blue and red lines.

1. Half the team in diagonal corners and not behind the net. Leave when the first player gets to the blue line.
2. Pivot 3 times between the red and blue lines, vary the type of skating and puck handling.
3. Skate in and shoot hard.
4. Follow the shot for a rebound.
5. Circle back and go for a rebound on next shot.
6. Go to the open corner.

*Add variations like carry puck only on forehand or backhand, face one way and only, pivot at each line, backwards etc.You could also start with a pass from second in line.

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B4 Pass and Replace Flow - RB Pro

Key Points:

Pass hard, face the puck, move your feet, call for the pass, give a target.


1. Get a pass from 2 and return pass
2. 2 skate to big ice and pass to 1
3. 1 skate down, shoot and follow the shot
4. 2 skate into nzone and give and go with 3
5. Repeat on both side.

There is a video of a European pro team doing this drill at:




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DT100 Total Hockey - Continuous 1-1 to a 3-2

Key Points:
The support can be either passive or active.
Once the new players are in the neutral zone the original players go back to line; unless a regroup is added.

DT100 formation along the boards in the nzone.

Start with a 1-1 and when the puck crosses the blue line each player gets support from the lineup on the boards. Various situation up to a 3-2. i.e. A 2-1 thru the nzone with the defender getting 2 and
attacker 1supporting player makes a 2-1 in nzone and 3-3 at each end.

Change the supporting players to create various situations.
Players learn to play in all situations offensive and defensive situations.
The game can also be played using designated positions.



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T2 – T4 Team Play Practice Buildup

Key Points:
Play from 5-0 to 6-5

1. Practice with no resistence and then send in players to create resistence.
2. You can practice even or odd man and with the goalie pulled.
3. Use this technique to practice skills like cycling and add defenders.

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T4 - Teaching Dzone Coverage 2-1-2

Key Points:
Tie up sticks in the slot, keep sticks in the passing lane and shin pads in front of the puck.
When doing man on and box behind closest player is aggressive from the inside to the outside body on body and stick on the puck.

Teach defensive zone coverage by giving the offense 45 seconds to score.

A. Play a tight box and one in the low slot area. Players can only move a few strides but stay in a tight 2-1-2 formation.

B. Closest defender pressure the puck right away while teammates form a box behind. When the puck is passed away drop to a corner of the box or take the player to the net. If the offense has three attackers cycling on one side D2 must move to that side and F2 drops to the hash marks to cover the front of the net

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B6 Pass, Agility Skate, Shoot, Rebound

Key Points:
Groups of 3 leave from diagonal corners, switch corners each time so the skating direction varies.

1.One player from each corner leaves.
2.Take a pass from the far corner and shoot and follow the shot for a rebound.
3. Get another pass.
4. Weave 3 times from blue to top of circles
5. Fill near,middle and wide lanes aftercrossing red line with the puck.
6. Shoot and follow the shot for a rebound.
7. Circle back and go in with next shooter and rebound.

Vary the kind of weave skating, Call for passes, Do one rep in overspeed. Can start with only skate and shoot.


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My women's team practiced with a midget AAA boy's team and Wally Kozak ran this game with many variations for about 20 minutes. The players loved it and worked really hard.

D200 Multiple Puck Games

Key Points:
-Players can only shoot when the goalie is ready.
-No empty net goals.
-Hustle out of the zone on the whistle and play 20-30 seconds only.
-Pass extra pucks to coach on the whistle.

1. Players line up outside the blue lines.
2. Coach shoots in 3 pucks.
3. Players race for pucks and battle to score and defend.

Game Variations:
a. Shoot in a new puck on a goal.
b. Leave goals in the net and join team mates until only one puck is left.
c. Players can shoot on either net.
d. Send from 1 to 3 players to play. ie. 2 on 3 and coach put 2 pucks into play.

D200 - 3-3 with 3-2-1 Pucks - College W


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T2 Stretch Pass from the Dzone

Key Points:
Make sure the D have full control with their toe caps facing up ice before flying the zone.

A. D1 to F3 back to D1 and stretch to F1.

B. D1 skate up the ice and pass to D2 in the middle. D2 pass hard to the stretching F1.

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E1 - D200 Shootout Game - U18 F

Key Points:
As soon as there is a rebound or goal the defender pick up the puck and attack the other way.

1. Coach dumps the puck in and players race for it.

2. Puck carrier try to score defender defend.

3. On rebound or goal defender attack other way.

4. Shooter must get outside of the blue line.

5. When teammate onside then first player in the line backchecks.




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T4 Back Pressure

Back pressure allows the D to really play a tight gap on the attacker and stand up on him if you have an angle. The forward coming back can pick up the loose puck or a chip behind. Also if the attacker delays he is skating into the back pressure.

Some teams only back pressure thru the nzone and then peel off. I think it is best to create the defensive 2-1 and only peel off if you are out numbered. Creating offensive and defensive 2-1's is the key to the game.

Key Points:
D1 play a good gap and F1 pursue from behind. If it is an odd number situation where another attacker is not covered then F1 and D1 communicate and F1 pick him up.

1. D1 play a 1-1 with the puck carrier from the D side.

2. D2 play the second attacker in the middle or wide lane.

3. F1 pursue the puck carrier from the inside if possible.

4. F2 come back to cover the trailer.

5. F3 come back to the mid slot.

After the attack F1 stay in the zone and play the low 3-3.

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C3 Breakout Regroup Attack 3-2 - Pro

Key Points:
One stretch, one middle support and one wall support.

Breakout 5-0, regroup 5-0, attack 3-2.

One stretch, one middle support and one wall support.

1. F dump in the puck and breakout 5-0.

2. Regroup with the D at the other end.

3. Attack 3-2 vs original D.

4. Repeat with new F breaking out with 2nd D.


Red Bull Pro

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B5 Breakout 5-0 with Point Shot

Key Points:
Coach calls the various options, up, across, wheel, reverse.

Each line go one direction then dump into the other end or alternate ends.

1. Players skate in nzone then coach dump in

2. D make a D to D or D to F pass and follow the play.

3. All forwards touch the puck on the rush and shoot. then screen, tip and one timer position.

4. Coach pass to D who skate across line and pass to partner who shoots or shot pass.

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F - Conditioning Skate - RB Pro

Key Points:
D pivot and F start and stop

The D skate hard to the far blue then power turn backward to the blue and mohawk to get a puck from the corner, take it to the blue line, walk the line and shoot from the point.

A. Forwards skate blue line to blue line stop and start x1 and x2, then blue to red in order x1, x2, x3. do 2 sets facing one way when they stop. You can add a shot after.

** In the video section there are demonstrations of many drills focusing on skating for conditioning and agility.**




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E1 10 puck 2-0 shootout

Key Points:
Allow only one or maybe two passes before shooting. Place 10 pucks on the goal line or less if you don't have much time.

1. Players are on the bench and can't leave until the scorers get within one stick length of the gate.

2. Race back to the bench hard to simulate changing on the fly.

3. Next two players go and pick up another puck from he blue line.

4. Goalie can shoot the puck away but keep it in the zone.

5. Losing team do something like skate or push ups for each goal they lose by.



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C3 1 on 1 Both Sides

Key Points:
Tight gap for D
Attack with speed and go for the rebound

Drill is done on both sides; opposite direction

1a. F1 get a pass from F2 on whistle

1b. D1 get a pass from D2

2a. F1 shoot and skate into a pass from D1

2b. D1 pivot then pass to F1 and close the gap

3. F1 attack D1 1 on 1

4. Finish the play by fighting for the rebound.

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C3 1 on 1 to a 3-2 Flow

Key Points:

Create many situation up to a 3-2.

1. From 1 to 3 forwards exchange puck with D1.

2. Regroup with D2

3. Attack vs D1

4. New forwards pass to D2 while D3 replaces D1

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D200 Cross Ice Games with Jokers

Key Points:
Jokers can only pass or shoot and cannot join the attack. Defenders don't check the jokers but cover the pass receivers. To make it more gamelike the jokers must move when they get the puck instead of just standing there.

Play cross ice with the extra players lines up on the sides.

Game One
Jokers behind the offensive net must be passed to before shooting. Great for give and go as well as one timer practice.

Game Two
When the defending team gets the puck they must regroup with the jokers behind their net. Use one or two jokers and practice the breakout. Jokers may pass to each other.

Game Three
Jokers on the side can be passed to and must return the pass or shoot. This is great for puck support as well as the defenders covering pass receivers.



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B Anaerobic Skills Practice

You can do this using a few activities at a time as a circuit or do one activity at a time with a small group.

Key Points:
Players skate hard in all activities. Quick feet, no gliding.

Small Group Anaerobic Skills Practice

1. Skate with the puck avoiding pucks and making many direction changes. Finish with a shot after doing each circle. 5" between whistles.

2. Play a 1-1 cross ice tournament of 45" games. Lines on the boards are the goals.

3. Exchange pucks, passing, making moves, touch knees, 1 puck, 2 pucks, pivot, etc.

4. The iron cross. Forward-stop, left-stop, forward--stop, right-stop, back and take a shot.

5. Skate around the circle passing 3 times each way then shoot.

6. This is a practice I ran the other night with a small group. I don't have room on the diagram but we had 5 skaters and finished with a game of 2 on 2 in one zone and the extra player was a joker. When you regained the puck you have to regroup with the joker before scoring. Players rotate as the joker for a rest.

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