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By: Likes:
  (Read 3229 times)  

I'm trying to get my team to understand Offense off the Rush, where you drive the net, and, should we not score, Offense generated from down low plays ( cycling, give and go, clearing ice, etc)

Here is one game I've been using with good results.


Forwards with pucks at Half-boards, two groups, one in each end. Defence in two groups, at bluelines on strong side (ie on the same side as the F's)


Two forwards (F1 and F2) from one end attack one Defender (D1) 2 vs 1 for the length of ice. Object is to get a shot off the rush. After shot, Coach blows whistle to activate a forward from the near half-board (F3) to take puck below goalline and join original forwards in a 3 vs 1 situation.

After the 3 on 1 plays out, Coach blows whistle and F3 moves to support F4 at half-board for a 2 vs 1 rush against new defenceman.

The game continues in this manner. This is the basic game. A number of variations can be included, such as having D1 initiate the break-out and join the rush; adding backcheckers; etc.

A really enjoyable game I thought I'd share.



By: Likes:

Here's a great drill to start practice with.

Two Touch and Outside Entry.


Four lines of players at each of the blueboards ( bluelines against the boards)


Kitty-corner lines go together.
1's Skate across bluelines and two touch pass with 2's. (Get pass and return)
1's swing up ice while 2's skate across blueline with puck.
2's pass to 1's from opposite end, who are driving outside lane.
1's continue for shot, while 2's now two touch with next in line 1's.
Drill continues in this manner.

A great skill drill that works on an outside entry while warming up the goalies.

A variation is to have 2 pass the puck back to the line he came from, forcing 1 to come across so as to offer close support, before driving the net for a shot.

A drill like this really gets everyone's attention to start practice.


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