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How many coaches have watched players receive a pass in a game situation , only to be stripped of the puck before he can react ?
How many times have you said , this team seems to be a step behind all the time ? But they have talent , I just don't understand why we can get anything going before the opposition is in our face.

I caught a few games this past weekend of younger players age 10-11 years old. Both teams were very talented skill wise , but one team was always that step behind.

I asked myself why this was happening ? The more I watched one team had their heads up reading the play "vision". The other team was always looking at the puck and reacting only when the puck was on their stick. They were standing still watching and waiting for the puck to come to them." Poor vision" but skilled hockey players.

Part of my team rules when I used to coach was about this .
- " NEVER get caught in a game where we only react . (if so we are a step behind.) Dictate the game as much as possible with speed and good decisions (reading the play). If you force the opposition to be in a constant reacting mode , you are controlling the game flow. More times then NOT you will have the chance to WIN."

But how important is it for a coach to have good practice's where you make players think , keep them moving , change things up so players don't know the out come of the drill. ? Games?

Once again I went back to Tom's book ( Hockey Coaching ABC's - Book 2) He has a great section in his book talking about this topic. Every time I read this book I learn more in depth about the game phase's and players roles. I am starting to understand the pl;ayers roles depending on the 3 game phases. Dean I will get there !!

How do other coaches teach the skill of read and react, ?
Is it important that the players first understand and have a basic team structure ?
Can coaches enhance the skill of read and react ?
Might sound like a simple natural learning skill , but is there an art to good coaching to develop such a skill ?
Will a good practice help with teaching this read and react skill.?
Any question's or comments for new coaches to read and learn from ? Experienced coaches also ?


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Quote by: RookieCoach


But how important is it for a coach to have good practice's where you make players think , keep them moving , change things up so players don't know the out come of the drill. ? Games?

Once again I went back to Tom's book ( Hockey Coaching ABC's - Book 2) He has a great section in his book talking about this topic. Every time I read this book I learn more in depth about the game phase's and players roles. I am starting to understand the pl;ayers roles depending on the 3 game phases. Dean I will get there !!

How do other coaches teach the skill of read and react, ?
Is it important that the players first understand and have a basic team structure ?
Can coaches enhance the skill of read and react ?
Might sound like a simple natural learning skill , but is there an art to good coaching to develop such a skill ?
Will a good practice help with teaching this read and react skill.?
Any question's or comments for new coaches to read and learn from ? Experienced coaches also ?


RK, you are on the right track. GAMES will enhance read and react abilities! How else will you do this? I haven't found a way... after spending 43 years in the game!

Let the game teach the game. Keep score. Accountability. Rinse and repeat.

If we "play" games and keep track of the score, why don't we do more of this in practice? Make practice resemble the game - as close as we can? If we don't, we are de-training...! Silly drills!

The man with the puck is important, but the people supporting him are even more important.

There is an art to coaching. It comes with experience (which comes from making mistakes and learning from these mistakes) and a depth of understanding about the game to structure the environment - such that it is most conducive to improving the current level of your team - and is a stepping stone towards your ultimate goal(s) for the season.

M.Ed (Coaching)
Ch.P.C. (Chartered Professional Coach)
Game Intelligence Training

"Great education depends on great teaching."

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Here is a Read and React drill. I've applied the "opponent" to different break out drills. Some times pressure at the loose puck or then take some options away.


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