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  (Read 5972 times)  

Has anyone used any of Ludek Bukac's Variable Goal Training methods? Seems interesting.


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I got his video sent to me about two years ago.

I have done the drills when doing individual or small group work with players. The goals cause the players to keep their heads up and to make hard moves.

It is a useful method.

'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
'Enjoy the Game'
Registered: 06/25/08
Posts: 3539
Location: Calgary, Canada
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Tom - I would be very interested in viewing this particular video. Is there a way for you to post it on your web site ? Many thanks !

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Can't post it Pops. It is copyrighted and may be availble thru Amazon. Luduk and his son produce a lot of video material. He used to be the coach of Czecholslovakia and won a few world championships vs the Soviets in the 70-80"s.

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I finally received the VGT video. Some great stuff. Very valuable for teaching puck control in game context.


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