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Hello fello coaches,

This year will be my first opportunity to run an Atom/Squirt tryout. I have some ideas, but I was wondering if anyone could help me with ideas to drills and what to tell the coaches to look for while they are picking their teams.

Thank you.


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At this age, no matter if they are AAA or In House, the kids just want to play - don't go overboard with 'concepts' just yet.. Not to ignore your actual questions, but the best thing that you can do is take the time to look each youngster in the eye, smile, and get to know them. As for drills, keep everyone involved with Small Area Games. Read the first few chapters of The ABC's of Hockey. Do not segregrate the players according to talent - they will know it immediately. Let the kids enjoy the 'process'; the final product tends to take care of itself at the younger ages.


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I watched my 7 yr. old grandson's skill session / tryout yesterday. They were in 4 groups and rotated between pylon drills. He may have moved for 5 minutes total and the rest of the time stood in line waiting and listening and watching coaches.

Those 4 groups of 5 could have been doing skills all the time. Each player with a puck in this sequence.
-skill practice mirroring a coach,
-partner practice
-SAG with a modified rule to practice the skill in game condition.

This would have changed the session from 10% activity to at least 80% and changed the FUN and Fitness and Skill Development x 10.

Kid's don't learn by listening and standing in nice lines. They learn by doing and moving and PLAYING.

We are teaching a GAME so "let them play"

'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
'Enjoy the Game'
Registered: 06/25/08
Posts: 3539
Location: Calgary, Canada
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Thank you gentlemen,

We have 89 kids trying out, we split them into two groups - roughly 45 kids per ice session, one hour ice per. 9 goalies and 80 skaters.

I agree with keeping the players moving - we will be playing plenty of SAGS games and stations. Will keep you posted, and would love to hear from others about their experiences, what worked for them and what did not. Any information would be appreciated.

Thanks again - Iceman

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