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By: Likes:
  (Read 6663 times)  

Hello Everyone,

I'm looking for some help from other coaches. I will be coaching a team this year that will be very small from a numbers perspective - 10 - 13 players. We have yet to have our tryouts.

I have two questions:

1. Should I go real small 10 (big drop off from 11 - 13) or 12 and get my centers out every other shift.

We are a birth year 99/00 team.

2. The other question I have is that I have two sets of parents that "HATE" each other....I have teams that parents maybe don't get along but NEVER to this degree.

Looking for some insight if anyone has ever had this situation and how it was resolved?

Thanks to everyone in advance for their responses!

Greatly appreciated!

By: Likes:

How many games do you play? And what level? A, AA, AAA?
If everyone can play your level or has the potential to get better I would take as many as you can. If you play 40 ish game going every other shift will kill your players.
Also then you’re in a situation where if someone gets hurt it really affects the team.

Your level of play will help me give better feedback.
But I don’t see any way you could play 40+ games with 2 lines. Im sure its been done before but you're open to other issues them

As for the parents. I would have a meeting with them and tell them both what you expect. They don’t have to like each other, but you don’t want any issues that could affect the team. When at the rink they need to act professional

By: Likes:

I used to hand out a Code of Ethics, one for players the other for parent. If you would care to read it I can email it to you. I doubt that it will act as a panacea in this case, but it may set the stage for your face-to-face meeting with them. Simply put, these adults do not have the right to make the kids and the other families uncomforatble. Good luck - it sounds very unpleasant.

By: Likes:

I got a few emails this week saying the diagrams and pdf's on my skydrive don't open. I have used about 4 computers and they work on them. Do any other coaches have this problem??

By: Likes:

Hmmh, somehow the name of those files have extra characters at the beginning and at the end of the fle name? I mean that there are pdf's like this _file.pdf_ on your SkyDrive???

Registered: 10/01/08
Posts: 34
Location: Finland
By: Likes:

Thanks for the great responses. We are a AA squirt state bound team. We will play 45 – 55 games and with probably 6 tournaments.

Ok , so here is a follow up question…..What are everyone’s thoughts on taking 8 Fs where I can get my best two players out every other shift vs. 9 fs?
I plan to take 4 D and they will play every other shift.

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