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By: Likes:
  (Read 5912 times)  

I learned something new yesterday and thought I'd share.....It's not new material really, but a simple way to have a few different fore checking systems without complicating things too much. The info comes from Jack Parker, long time coach at Boston University.

The Three forechecks:
1) Triangle +2
2) Inverted triangle +2 (or left wing lock)
3) Passive inverted triagle +2 (or 1-3-1)

Key points:
-F1 & F2 always forecheck in "I" formation, one behind the other
-By changing the role of the 3rd forward (usually left wing) from covering middle to covering board side wing you can switch between two different looks quickly and easily
-The final passive option is used when defense is top priority (last few minutes of a game or period)

Attached are diagrams of the first 2. I'll make another post and attach the third.

By: Likes:
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