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I am hearing that we need some really good players for our team the Strathmore Rockies of the WWHL. It is a chance for ladies who have finished college or univeristy or are not on the National Team anymore to continue to play a high level of hockey. It is the only women's league that has a National Championship.

Any top level female players who want to try out are welcome.

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Are US players welcome?

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I know a few USA Olympic players were on teams down east so I don't know of any reason they can't play in our league.

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how does women's hockey differ from men's ? from my view it is similiar to tennis in that the strokes are the same but the ball is hit with less pace. i am preparing for a coaching stint with a UWHL team (Philadelphia Area) this coming spring and really look forward to it. It appears that using a 2F, 2C and 1D format would be highly effective and a lot of fun.

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I coached college women for 5 years and this is what I noted.

Like u say about tennis the game is more about finesse than power. The women do team play better than the men because they are better at following instructions. The goaltending is above the shooting. Most women shoot off the outside foot which takes far too long and of course the arm strength isn't the same but there are lots of women who can shoot hard.

The women work very hard and are usually very good skaters. Most want to put the puck in the top corner which produces few rebounds.

Generally it is the same game with women playing instead of men. U just can't finish checks as hard.

The 2-2-1 can work at any level. The Czech team Salzburg beat had a line of former NHL players who were good in the NHL. Take away time and space and u caouse turn overs at every level. Bowmn used a version of it to win cups in Detroit and Pitts. The left wing lock. The version they play in Salzburg is a much more aggressive version than what he used. (Tarasov wrote about the concept in the 50's)

I used a 2-2-1 in college that I called the Pounce. It was a more contain for the midfielders. I like the more aggressive one now that I have seen it.

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