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I don't remember ever coaching in a 0-0 game before. I probably have but the memory is gone like my skating speed.

Friday night was a good game. The shots were 8-8 after one period and we were really tight. We ended up with a 31-21 advantage in shots and had strong second and third periods but couldn't score. My goalie who hasn't played since getting a concussion last month was really good as was theirs.

Sunday we got lots of chances and gave few away but lost 2-1. A bad give away resulted in a breakaway and the winning goal against. They only got 17 shots and half of them were on two long 5-3 pplays.

If anyone has the magic formula to start scoring again I am all ears. 2 goals on our last 92 shots. Lost 2-1 shots 30-22, Tied 0-0 shots 31-21 , lost 2-1 shots 31-17. Shots 92-60 and the shot total reflects the zone play. We are playing very well. So we have scored 2 goals in the last 92 shots which must reflect lack of confidence because we had a stretch of ten games averaging between 3-6 goals a game. Giving up an average of 20 shots a game and 4 GA in 3 games shows we are playing very good team defense.

Playoff start on Thursday vs another Calgary team.

We practice Monday, Tuesday, team get together Wed. play Thurs, practice Fri. game Sat and if needed Sunday.

'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
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I started with this skating exercise as the warm up to about sixty percent of our practices this year. At first only a few players could do one leg without a puck. Now they can all do the exercises with a puck and finish with a shot. I missed the first few so I got some players to demonstrate the beginning ones like snowplow, scull and slalom.

I am proud that they worked at doing these exercises because they are not easy.


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Funny how playoffs can change the intensity level. We won our first playoff game 7-1 and had fewer shots than the last three games where we scored a total of 2 goals on 95 shots. We also gave up 28 shots which is about 9 more than usual. A player who got 1 goal all year got 2 tonight.

It is only one game but a good start.

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Game two was really hard fought and they were desperate not to get eliminated. 0-0 after one and 1-1 after two. They popped a pass thru the middle in the third and got a breakaway and scored on a nice deke-shelf. We got 2 breakaways and missed the net.

Series 1-1.

Game three. We led 1-0 after an even first period. They socred two in the second, both of the faceoff. We got one in the last minute of the second so 2-2 after two. We had a pplay going into the third and our player who go the first two goals tipped a shot from the point and we scored in the first minute. Our D went coast to coast and scored, then we got another on a rebound. They pulled the goalie and we got another. 6-2 final. We killed 2 long two short situations and our goalie stopped a penalty shot by the leagues top scorer.

Next week we start a best of five series with the top team. We were 1-3 with them in the season.

The story I told at hockey this morning wasn't about winning the series but what happened at the start of the third period.

The best of three series was tied 1-1 and the game 2-2. Losing teams season was over. There team was late coming onto the bench and my team was there with about a minute on the clock. A song the girl's all knew blasted over the sound system and every player spontaneously started singing along and dancing to the music. I looked at my assistant coaches and said 'only in Girl's Hockey', smiled and waited for the opposition to get there. They came onto the bench white faced and tense. 30" into our power play we scored and a few minutes later our captain who had scored one goal all season walked through their entire team, deked the goalie and scored.

Only in Girl's Hockey.

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We start a best of five series vs Red Deer, a city 90 minutes north of Calgary on Saturday. Away and home and possible 3 games next weekend. They won our division and them and Edmonton have the most talent. This team has been together for years and has 5 players in the top 30 scorers. We have one but the team we just beat had 4.

We were 1-3 with them during the season. Last time lost 3-4 and had a goal disallowed that everyone in the arena but the ref saw go in the net. The linesman even tried to convince him it was in.

We only have 9 forwards and 6 D and one forward is out for sure with a concussion and another couldn't hold her stick at Tuesdays practice because of a hyper extended wrist. I don't know if she can play or not.

Since switching from the Tsunami to the Pounce we have cut our goals down from 2.5 to 1.5 GA. Per game. The Tsunami is Total Hockey and great for players to learn to read and react during the season. Now that winning is the only way to continue on we switched to the Pounce. It is the system I used in colllege and the players roles are defined.

It looks the same with 2 forecheckers, lock on the strong side wall, pinch on the weak side but the C RW are offensive forwards, LW defensive forward, RD offensive defense and LD defensive defenseman. The players are in positions that suit their skill set.

Practiced the 5-3 and 3-5 for 30 minutes our last practice. Last game we had two 1:45 ones against us and killed both. Today's practice we will review our systems for 30 minutes and the other 45 minutes will be fast paced.

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What precipitated the shift from the Tsunami to the Pounce?

Would you ever consider maintaining the Tsunami throughout the year instead of switching it up?

How many games does your team have under it's belt using each?

M.Ed (Coaching)
Ch.P.C. (Chartered Professional Coach)
Game Intelligence Training

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Dean as I said in my posting.

"Since switching from the Tsunami to the Pounce we have cut our goals down from 2.5 to 1.5 GA. Per game. The Tsunami is Total Hockey and great for players to learn to read and react during the season. Now that winning is the only way to continue on we switched to the Pounce. It is the system I used in colllege and the players roles are defined.

It looks the same with 2 forecheckers, lock on the strong side wall, pinch on the weak side but the C RW are offensive forwards, LW defensive forward, RD offensive defense and LD defensive defenseman. The players are in positions that suit their skill set."

Basically our goals against was too high to be successful in the playoffs and that is why I decided to switch.

We played the Pounce the last 4 games of the season so the players were familiar with the system. Defensively we were good but didn't score much but it gave the players two weeks to get used to the Pounce. We got 14 GF and 5 GA in the first three games of the playoffs vs a high scoring team. We need a GA of 2 or less and a GF of 3 or more to continue on. I used the Pounce my five years of coaching college because there the job is to win and we won over 70% of our games and were in the finals 4 of the 5 years. So it an effective way to play if the main goal is to win and that is the entire point of the playoffs.

We don't have enough talent to play 'Total Hockey' and be successful in the playoffs. The Tsunami is Total Hockey. The Pounce has my best scorers getting most of the scoring chances and my best defensive defenseman playing the 1-1's on the strong side and assigns who is F3. The Tsunami is great for developing players but it takes ten years to become a complete player. Everyone has improved a lot and they all are good enough to play in the league now, which wasn't the case early in the season but if we don't win the season is over.

We are going into a series vs a team they have kept together for three years to take a run at a National Championship; so we need structure and to maximize our players strengths. Maybe it is the right move, maybe it is wrong but it is the kind of decision you have to make and then believe in.

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Excellent rationale and thanks for clarifying your decision. I wondered if your depth of hockey sense / skill level was a limiting factor in deciding between continuing with the Total Hockey approach vs more of an assigned system.

Have you ever started with the Pounce and switched to the Tsunami?

Would you ever consider keeping the Tsunami for the year - or does it depend entirely upon the depth of hockey sense of the team?

M.Ed (Coaching)
Ch.P.C. (Chartered Professional Coach)
Game Intelligence Training

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Dean if all the players have the hockey sense and skill level to handle all of the offensive and defensive tasks successfully then Total Hockey is a superior way to play because it is based on 1-2-3-4-5 in relation to the puck or to your net. It takes more than 7 months for everyone to be able to handle a defensive 1-1 or 2-1 and that is the kind of situation every player will be in if you play Total Hockey.

I was surprised when I spent the year in Salzburg to find that Pierre Page was using the exact same system as I had used for the last five years coaching college. His goal was to move towards more Total Hockey and he probably would have come up with the Tsunami.

The two practices this week had every player in all of the offensive and defensive situations and every player working on every offensive and defensive skill. So the development in practice continues but in the game our best defensive players will be defending almost all of the attacks and our most skilled offensive players will be in deep forchecking and leading the rushes. This gives us a better chance to achieve the 2 or less GA and the 3 or more GF in the playoffs and will give us a shot at pulling an upset.

So we play things like this 2-2 transtion game where all the player end up in all 4 Game Playing Roles. When I coached my son's teams 2 years of bantam and 2 of midget I had them long enough that we played total hockey with a 2-1-2 and a pinch on a wide rim. I had them long enough to develop the skills and we won about 80% of our games. So my preference is Total Hockey BUT my reality is to put the players in situations where they have the best chance to succeed.

I think most coaches are in the same situation.


'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
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Once again, excellent points in your response. It depends on where your players 'are' as to how long it would take to completely embrace Total Hockey; unfortunately we as coaches often only work with close to the same people for a season (7 months - the hockey season) - sometimes two seasons - before sweeping changes to the core personnel... and then it's back to (almost?) square one, depending on turnover!

Total Hockey is not something that can be successfully implemented, understood and executed in a short time frame. It is a philosophy that first the coach and his / her staff need to come to terms with; then they try to infect the players. It could take as long as 4 years or more... and which coach has that luxury?

Nice to hear that all players get a chance to play all roles / all four O and D principles in practice even though you are 'specializing' your team system for playoffs. It's not like they will 'forget' Total Hockey by moving away from the Tsunami; but this is giving your players the best platform for success. That is good coaching!

My preference would also be to play Total Hockey but as you say, most (99.9%?) of the coaches out there are in this situation!

Continued good luck against Red Deer.

M.Ed (Coaching)
Ch.P.C. (Chartered Professional Coach)
Game Intelligence Training

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We travelled to the division winning Red Deer home rink and played game one. We didn't have much going and they were laying in wait for us for two weeks. Tied 0-0 after one, they got a 5 on 3 and scored on it in the second and got another in the third when their D walked in upobstructed and scored. I pulled the goalie with 1:30 left and we got a lot of chances and they cleared the puck from deep in their end and it went right in the middle of the net and they beat us 3-0.

Game two was in Calgary and was a tale of two games. We outshot them in the first 12-7 and got two goals. We came out back on our heels in the second and stood around collapsing on top of our goalie and they got 4 goals in 8 minutes. We got a late goal to make it 3-4. They dominated and outshot us 16-4.

The girl's again danced to the Katy Perry song as they came out in the third. We had a really solid period but were behind 3-4. I pulled the goalie with 1:20 left and we had a power play. We scored with 50 seconds left to tie it 4-4. We outshot them 14-8 in the third.

About 6 minutes into the overtime one of our left wingers let a rocket go up into the top corner and we won 5-4. We oushot them 6-0 in overtime.

When we play with the drive to create scoring chances we are very good and when we play tense with a fear of losing we are very bad.

We practice Tuesday and Thursday and then play in Red Deer Friday, Calgary Saturday and if needed back to Red Deer.
http://www.hockeycoachingabcs.com/filemgmt/index.php?id=102 is a video of the third period and some of the OT until the battery when dead.

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Tuesday we had a quick paced practice that focused on skills and regroups. We also did a 3-3 2/3 ice transition game while one goalie worked with Nat the goalie coach. A full ice continuous 1-1 and then 2-1 kept the pace up. As coaches we just wanted them to play with good angles and gaps on defense and close support and north south play on offense. The D worked on shooting from the point and the forwards on cutbacks and going to the net. We finished with a 2 shot shootout.

Tonight we will focus on Team Play review. I will find out if my top scorer is ready to go. She was cross checked in the head. They have two players out with suspensions for head shot major penalties tomorrow.

As coaches we are focusing on the players believing in themselves. At the beginning of the season we weren't as good as this veteran team but now we are. The best of five series is tied 1-1 with up to 3 games this weekend.

'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
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Playoff series two - second weekend.

Played a really hard away game and came out on top 3-2. First period 0-1, second 3-1, final 3-2. Shotclock said 43-28 shots for us. They had two players out who were suspended for head shots and they play today.

It really helped us having a full line up of 3 sets of 5 as the player who sat last weekend with a concussion scored one, blocked a big shot and back checked to save a goal. Our top scorer who we worried may have gotten a concussion from the head shots was ok and scored our first goal. We now lead the 3 of 5 series 2-1.

Got back late about 11:30 and the game today is 2:30 at our home rink which is Olympic size.

I have attached the phrase that will be on our dressing room wall.

We watched Miracle on Ice on the bus back. They were in the middle of the game vs the Soviets when we were about a minute away from the arena, so I had the bus driver stop at the top of the hill before going down to the parking lot and we didn't move until "Do you believe in miracles."

'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
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Won 2-1 today. First period 0-1 shots 6-14 they were all over us and our goalie kept us in the game. They could have been leading 4-0 because we just watched. Second period 2-1 we scored on a penalty shot and a power play, and third period 2-1, shots 28-27 at the end of the game.

I don't know if the ref got out of the arena safely. The opposition fans were not happy but we were.

'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
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Just went through the scoresheets for the first 2 rounds of the playoffs. Won 2 games to 1 in round one and 3 games to 1 in round two. The lines won't line up when I save so I will attach a pdf.

PP+ Pk- E+ E- EN
2 1 5 Game one - 7-1

1 2 Game two - 1-2

1 1 5 1 Game three - 6-2

1 1 1 Game Four - first game of best of five - 0-3

2 3 3 1 Game Five - 5-4 in OT

1 1 2 1 Game Six - 3-2

1+1PS 1 Game Seven - 2-1 - Series win 3-1
+9 -7 +16 -6 -1EN

So we are +2 on specialty teams and +10 at even strength. This shows me that our Pounce forecheck is producing results and the dzone at even strength is giving up less than a goal a game. 24 goals for in 7 games is above our goal of 3 a game and 16 is 2 goals against higher than our goal of 2 or less GA per game.

Now we play a team that we were basically even with in our seasons series and tournament play this year. Starts this weekend. We will have two on ice and one off ice practice.
I have my manager track the shots and show me at the end of each period. He includes the +/- as well. On each shot he puts the shooters number where they shot from and circles it if it is a goal. I am including the one from our last game. (we scored one of our two goals on a penalty shot)

'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
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Great way to document and provide the 'evidence' of how the system is working for you Tom! It is gratifying to have one's decision 'bear fruit' - particularly in the playoffs! I will have to look at your game schedule to see if I can catch a game. I watched the Edge girls play POE last Saturday and it was a terrific game... the Edge won in O/T. Great skills and pace.

Dean, we are not sure who we play but the series will start Saturday. There was a protest launced and Alberta Hockey may reward the series to the Bruins. I don't know why. The only thing I can think would cause this is if you used an ineligible player or affiliate. Otherwise we play the first two games vs Medicine Hat in their home rink.

M.Ed (Coaching)
Ch.P.C. (Chartered Professional Coach)
Game Intelligence Training

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We had two one 75 and one 90 minute on ice practice and one off ice session with 30 minutes of spin on the bikes and 30 minutes of core and flexibility.

We really focused on skills in the on ice sessions. Lots of passing, puck handling and shooting. While the goalies worked with Natalie we played variations of keepaway with passing rules. The Luhowy passing sequence facing each other is a good neutral zone drill to get lots of passing with balance exercises like touching both knees added.

We played games like two pass in one zone with rules such as; only one second with the puck and another game was you have to make an escape move before passing.

Three man weave stressing skate to the inside and pass to the outside and the middle drive.

Transition game of 1-1 with a sequence of support, breakout, attack, defnd, rest. Two games went on at the same time at each end. A full ice transition game of 2-2 with the offense getting support at the point. The point players can't go in past the top of the circles and they can only have the puck for one second before a pass or shot. Attackers screen, tip and defenders box out and seal the sticks to the outside.

We worked on some power play options vs high pressure as well.

Pracitce one we ended with a change on the go shootout and tonight we played rebound for 6 minutes.

We play at Medicine Hat Saturday and Sunday afternoons and then two in Calgary on Friday and Saturday and if needed back to Medicine Hat Sunday.

It should be fun. Both teams skate well and work hard.
The picture is of my team with the Turkish National Team Captain Deniz Ince

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We travelled 2.5 hours for game one of the southern division best of five final. Medicine Hat won their last series 3-2 in double ovetime. They lost the first two games and won the final three. We lost our first game and won the last three.

Like last series we lost 0-3. 0-0 after one, 0-2 after two and in the third they blocked a point shot on our power play and got a breakaway and scored to win 0-3. They deserved the win and won about 60% of the loose pucks. Basically out competed us.

We bused home and go back tomorrow for game two.

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We played really hard and the shot sheet says 31_24 for us in shots but we lost 4_5. We deserved better. My player who is leading in playoff scoring got smoked with three minutes to go and just sent me a text that the x ray shows a sprained and not broken ankle. That was two away games. The next two are home and the fifth on the road.

This week on ice Monday, spin and plyo Tuesday, Wed off, Thurs on ice friday, Saturday, Sundays games.

'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
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There was confusion on the date of the Spin Class and no instructor was there. The players took control and instead of going home they warmed up with a few laps around the track, did core exercises with each player leading one and then Kiera, an assistant captain took the leader bike, mike and music and led a 30 minute spin session.

F - Spin Class on Exercise Bikes – U18 Girl’s – Player Led

Key Points:
Work the various aerobic and anaerobic energy systems and pay attention to the work/rest ratio.

Players take turns sprinting on the bikes. They are in groups and play Rock – Paper – Scissors to choose which group goes next.


'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
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You have to love leadership!!

Stay healthy and all the best towards the team's Championship.


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Iceman, I couldn't help it but when I read your comment a tear came to my eye.

All a coach can ask for is players who care.
We have three games this weekend to keep going. This team was written off at the start because we have five players who played the level below last year and two who were put on waivers from last year team. We are the only Calgary team still in the playoffs. Last series we won the last three games vs. the first place team. Now we have to do the same vs. the second place team.

Playoffs are great to show character and determination.

I was looking though some pictures and saw a document with the coaches I was with in Austria; so have attached it.

'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
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We had a one hour practice last night to prepare for the second half of our 3 of 5 series. We are behind 0-2; so must win all 3. The goal was to review everything and play at a quick pace.

March 15 Practice – one hour

A200 Balance and Edges with a Shot

D4 Two Pass
With 14 skaters it was 3-3 at one end and 4-4 at the other.

B600 2-0 with 2 Shots

B600 Double Regroup Options
1- Double regroup and attack 2-0.
2- Double regroup with the second a dump in - breakout - attack 2-0.
3. Doulbe regoup with the second a dump in - breakout - attack 2-1.

TD400 Team Play Review
We used this rotation for 5-5 and specialty teams. On the 5-5 they had to dump in the puck to practice the forecheck and dzone coverage. After attacking the new defending team must come up and touch the red line and then go back.

TD400 Specialty Team Scrimmage
Key Points:
Rotation is Attack-Defend-Rest. Number the players so they know when to not defend. In even numbered situations you can require the defenders to breakout into the neutral zone before passing.
1. Power play attack vs 2 Fand 2 D.
2. Defenders ice the puck and rest.
3. Group waithing at far blue attack.
4. Original attackers now defend 1 short.
5. Goalies rotate in.
6. Create any situation by changing the number of attackers or defenders.
7. Even strength can also be practiced.
*Option is to have waiting players breakout from behind the goal line and do a pk forecheck.
TD400 Specialty Team Scrimmage.jpg
TD400 Specialty Team Scrimmage.pdf

E1 Game of Rebound

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Losing our top player who was leading the playoffs in scoring was too much for us and the team played hard but they just had too much talent in the end and move on to the Provincial finals vs Edmonton. The winner of that series plays the winner of British Columbia and that winner moves on to the Canadian Championships in Prince Edward Island.

It was a great group of players, coaches and parents to work with and I really enjoyed this season. We went far beyond anyones expectations by beating the first place team in the second round. We didn't have enough top end players to afford to lose our best player who may be the best one in the league.

A motion has been approved by the Calgary association to have one elite team and two development teams in the AAA league next season. They believe that we are losing a lot of top players to sports schools because the talent pool isn't deep enough to have 3 competitive AAA teams. They want on team that can do well in major tournaments and deep enough to go to the Canadian Championships.

It isn't a final decision yet.

'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
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Tough luck losing your best player and the series. It sounds like your team overachieved though.

Interesting discussion surrounding the number of AAA midget teams. Since I was involved with GHC several years ago, I have thought that the current structure doesn't work. It is not a self-supporting structure. Too many flagship teams at the top and not enough teams below them to support the structure (3 AAA midget teams; only 2 AAA bantam teams; and a handful of A bantam and A midget teams).

The structure needs to built with a larger development foundation and a leaner elite top.

I don't know how many girls are enrolled in Calgary at the various levels so I don't know if they have the numbers, but perhaps a structure similar to this: 4 bantam B and 4 bantam A; 2 bantam AAA; 4 midget B and 4 midget A; 2 midget AAA teams. This would give a good number of development teams (plus house league for any levels not mentioned here) while providing a self-supporting structure.

I know Edmonton only has 1 AAA midget team (with one AAA bantam team in their city) - not sure of A and B midget teams there. What are your thoughts? You are more in touch with GHC than I.
Dean I think we were 2 F and 2 D away from being a legitimate contender to go to the Canadian Championship.

Competition Anxiety may be the touhgest thing to coach. You get them to a high level of skill and then some players can't perform even close to their skill level because the situation paralyzes them.

It doesn't matter though. It was an honour and a privilege to work with this group of players. A coaches dream.

M.Ed (Coaching)
Ch.P.C. (Chartered Professional Coach)
Game Intelligence Training

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