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Flyers Practice Plan 19-01-13 Time: 14:00-15:15 Venue: WMP

11 skaters and 2 goalies, stick on puck Defensive side, back check, D join attack, Shoot, puck protection, skating, pp-pk

8 min.
B6 – 3 Shots, 3 Zig zags, 3 Shots

Key Points:
3 Leave from diagonal corners about 2" apart, skate around circle then shoot, get a pass from the other corner, skate 3 zig zags betweeen the blue line and the top of the cricles the fill the 3 lanes and shoot.

1. Make sure to leave about 2 seconds between shooters so the goalie has time to get set.
2. Follow the shot for a rebound before getting the pass.
3. Do skills while zig zagging 3 times such as;
a, carry the puck with the hands and feet moving all the time.
b. carry the puck only using the forehand side of the stick.
c. only use the backhand side of the stick.
d. transition skate facing the far end forward to backward to forward.
e. skate backward.
f. 360 degree turns.


15 min.
Sean – Kevin - Defense drills.
Tight gap and moving the feet to shoot.

Tom – Tom Forwards
8 min.
B500 Puck Protection 1-1 Battles

Key Points:
Protect the puck with the back. Get defender to reach or straighten their knees.

A. 1 on 1 battle and go to the net.
1. Place the puck on the dot and race for it from the circle on the whistle.
2. Play 1-1 and -protect the puck and go to the net and try to score on the whistle.
B. 1-1 Battle with passes to Jokers.
1. Race for the puck on the middle dot.
2. Battle 1-1 protect the puck and pass to Jokers.
3. Go to the net on the whistle.
Number the players and alternate from one circle to the other to give enough rest and allow only one shot on goal at one time. Play the 1-1 battle with no passes first and then add passes to jokers allowed. With 4 players rotate. 1-4, 2-3, 2-4, 1-3, 3-4 1-2. Do the same sort of rotation with more players.
Move to doing puck protection along the boards.

7 min.
B6 Puck Protection and Stick on Puck

Key Points:
Attacker protect the puck by making tight turns and shielding it with the body. Defender maintain net side and stick on the puck.

1. Coach dump the puck into the corner.
2. Offensive player protect the puck for 5".
3. Defensive player stay net side with stick on the puck.
5. On the whistle attacker try to score.
6. Alternate corners.

10 min. Sean – DT Nets back to back game

5 min.
B500 Defensive Side with Stick on the Puck

Key Points:
Player checks from the defensive side with the stick always on the attackers stick. Keep the stick on the ice when going side to side.

1. Two players work together one of offense one on defense.
2. Half rest half actice on the whistle.
3. Practice about 5" and alternate.
4. Start with no puck with offense shielding with the body defender stick on stick.
5. Progress to using a puck.


12 min.
T2-4 D400 PK and PP Rotation-Detroit

Key Points:
PK outnumber the PP on loose pucks in the corner. PK skate in straight lines. Always one pk denying the mid point and one in front. PP change the point of attack when outnumbered. Rotate the mid point player to the middle or the back door.

1. Start with everyone in position on the pp and pk.
2. If pk gets the puck start the pplay again from a different spot.
3. On the pplay either the puck or the player moves.
4. PK always lead with the stick on the puck and in passing lanes.
5. PP always give at least two easy outlets.
6. PP give low support when puck on half wall.
7. PK cut the ice in half and force passes that must beat two defenders.
8. Work at each end 30-60" rotate on whistle.
*Game situation: defenders shoot puck to other end.


Do this at one end only and rotate.

8 min.
DT100 Continuous 1 on 1 D - Join Attack F Backcheck

Key Points:
Forwards cover D and D cover F's. One D should join the attack to create triangles and one forward backcheck. Play tight gaps and attackers create 2 on 1's on the rush. Play 5-5
at each end.
1. Forwards line up on one side and defense on the other.
2. Start with a 1 on 1 attack Blue F1 vs. Red D1.
3. When the puck enters the zone defensive Red F1 support Red D1 and Blue D1 support Blue F1.
4. On transition Red D1 join new attack and Blue F1 backcheck
5. If the puck is dumped out with no possession the offensive team regroup and attack again.
6. Red F1-D1 now go 2 on 2 in the other direction vs. Blue D1-F1.
7. Blue F2 support Blue D1- F1 and Red D3 support attacking Red F1-D1. 8. This rotation continues with a 3-3 in each zone.


The pdf has the original plan but we modified it because only 11 skaters were there, mostly defensemen so I let them practice longer.
Sunday game was vs. the top team in the Northern division. We had 8 F and 4 D. Our captain came when the game started and played half the game then went back to her math tutorial. Our three top scorers and a top D were missing. 0-0 after one, 0-2 after two and they got two goals in the last three minutes to win 0-4. We did a lot of good things on defense but created zero offense. Last time we tied 1-1 and zero penalties. This time zero penalties in the game again. Exams are still on until the end of the month and we have another one game weekend coming up. We are hoping to have our whole team back next week.

'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
'Enjoy the Game'
Registered: 06/25/08
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In Calgary there are over 500 men who play +55 hockey in arenas around the city. Each group has 2 or 3 ice times during the day per week from the start of October until the end of March. The usual format is to play games to 5 and then the goalies switch ends and you start at 0-0 again and keep track of wins. Players find the arena that has their skill level and then everyone enjoys it. The group I play with goes M-W-F and consists of shift workers like Fireman, retired Mounties, Farmers, retired Teachers, retired Pro Hockey Players and guys who own their own business and can make their own schedule.We have over 50 in our group and consistently 3 lines and 5 or 6 D per team show up. We divide the two dressing rooms into white and blue before going on the ice, so you never know who you are playing with or against.

Here is the commisioners message:

Commissioner’s Message – January 2013

When I opened the door into Optimist Arena, the first ice time after the holidays, I could already hear laughter coming from the Blue dressing room far down the hall. As I entered the room, the usual suspects were already sharing sarcastic one-liners, bad jokes, and tall tales that no rational person would endure. The calendar had flipped over, but nothing had changed; thank goodness. It was forty-five minutes before our scheduled ice-time and the cramped change area was already full of mostly unemployed, border line seniors eager to resume their hockey careers.

Later in the week, at Crowchild Friday Hockey, my team managed to win the third game in a best of three series we had begun in December. Unfortunately, we had lost the first two games. Of course, our guys decided it should really be a best of five, or a best of seven—whatever it would take to earn fleeting bragging rights.

So at mid-season, the great cultures established in our individual rinks continue to flourish. Happy New Year. I hope good health allows you to enjoy all the benefits of playing 55+ hockey in 2013.

Keith Worthington

'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
'Enjoy the Game'
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Location: Calgary, Canada
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We expected 11 or 12 skaters and 14 were there. Two missing, one with an exam and the other is recovering from ear reconstruction and can start practicing next week. I shortened a few things and added a low zone 3-3 transition game.

Flyers Practice Plan 22-01-13 Time: 16:00-17:30 Venue: Max Bell 2
Reviewing 3-0 triangle and inverted triangle. 3-1, 3-2 on offense and defense. Shooting technique, scoring, Facing the play with the puck.

10 min.
B5 Individual Shooting Technique with coach assistance.

B500 Individual Skills
Key Points:

Divide the ice into stations and practice individual technique. The coach can focus on skills for various players.

1. Coach pass to defenseman who moves and shoots at the red strpe on the boards.
2.Player agility skate with turns and pivots then get a pass.
3. Saucer pass with a partner.
4. Play rebound with the goalie. - last five min. of this practice.


10 min.
D4 Two Pass Game with only Forehand Passes
Key Points:
This game causes a few things to happen. Transition from puck carrier to pass support, checking the puck carrier to covering away from the puck happen very quickly. The puck carrier must use pivoting, escape moves and puck protection
skills to pass on the forehand and everyone must face the puck and give a target.

1. Players must stay inside the blueline and if they puck goes out the other team gets it.
2. Before scoring the offensive team must make at least two passes.
3. When the defenders regain the puck they must make at least two passes before a shot.
4. Make rules with skills for skating, shooting, passing or good habits. In this game the rule is that you can only pass on the forehand. If a player does a back hand pass the other team gets the puck.


10 min full team drill.
Set up will be our normal 2 on 2 continuous

Start with a 2 on 2 green on d white on 2 green f follow for support 2 white d also follow Green d pass to green f Green f regroup with white d in neutral zone White d pass back to green d regroup again and send green f on 2 on 2 with white D.
So basically our 2 on 2 continuous with a double regroup. I would like to see the f on the second regroup stretch. Could also do this 3 on 2.

10 min sections
First do a skate pass shoot drill I have done with the d where we run through 4 options at the point.
Shoot to score
Shoot for rebound
Shot pass
Shot off boards

10 min.
SAG in circle a game of keep away
where you need to
stay d side on whistle attack net d play a one on one
back to the net then have a shot from the point with a
net battle

10 min.
C3 Horse Shoe 2-1 x 2 – Pro

Key Points:
Make good passes. Give a target and play with quick feet. Defense create a good gap as early as possible and forwards attack with speed. 2-1 Attack Rule: One high-one low-one fast-one slow.

1. D in diagonal corners and F diagonal blue lines. F1 and F2 skate across toward D1. The drill happens at each end.
2. D1 pass to F1 who one touches to D1.
3. D1 pass to D2 in line who returns the puck.
4. D1 pass to either F1 or F2
5. D1 skate across to defend vs. F1 and F2 who left from the other end.
6. F1-F2 attack 2-1 vs. D1 from the other end.
7. The drill goes at the same time from each end.


15 min. Focus on Teaching Each situation for about a
minute, then do it and teach next in 5 min. segments.
C3, 3-0, 3-1, 3-2 - Total Hockey

Key Points:
Attack with a middle drive and speed. Hit the net and drive for rebounds. Only allow one pass on the 3-0. Attack with speed and make plays early while defenders delay the attack.

1. One group on each side in the neutral zone.
2. Everyone attacks and defends.
3. Play rebounds until a goal or the puck is behind the net or outside the dots.
4. Coach pass new puck if a goal is scored.
5. One defender follow the rush on 3-0 and two follow the 3-1 rush.
6. Keep score.


Added DT400 Transition game with Low Battles of 3-3 for 10 minutes.
DT400 Krusel Low Battles - Point Support

E1 Shoot Until You Score Race 1-0, 2-0, 3-0

Key Points:
Players should attack quickly, pass early, shoot to score. Goalies up.

1. Place one puck on the bluelines for each player on the bench team.
2. One player leaves from the bench and must keep shooting 3. Scoring player skate hard to the bench and touch the boards joins him/her and they attack 2-0.
4. Repeat after a goal and attack 3-0.
5. All three players rush back and touch the boards and then 6. The team that scores all the pucks first wins.

'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
'Enjoy the Game'
Registered: 06/25/08
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Location: Calgary, Canada
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Last week of exams and my 4 captains were all missing; so 12 skaters and 2 goalies. We are going to play a contain Pounce 1-3-1 forecheck this weekend and we worked on that to prepare for the playoffs if we are in front or playig a team with a lot more talent than us. The only difference is that the LW and RD stay above the W on their side and pressure passes. We still force hard with the C and RW who enter the zone in an I in the middle with 1 forcing the puck inside to out and 2 covering the middle lane and pressuring the first pass. It is the way I coached it at college.
I added a shootout game instead of a second nets back to back game. Losing coach had to do push ups in the last two games. I also moved the Jokers to below the goal line instead of the point, as it was only 3-3 at each end and then changed that rule to goals must come from plays below the goal line. So on transition the puck had to go low. This promotes cycling, walk outs, passes behind and low Dzone coverage.

Flyers Practice Plan 24-01-13 Time: 17:15-18:45 ECTAS

Pounce contain 1-3-1 Forecheck Power Play 1-1’s, 2-1, 2-2, compete, shoot, breakouts

8 min.
A300 x 2 Skating and Puck Handling Warm-up with Shots

Key Points: Do various moves with the puck and finish with a shot.

One group rotate clockwise and the other counter clockwise.
1. Do various skating moves with the
2. Big moves all around the body, in the skates, through the legs etc.


8 min.
B6 One Touch x 3 and Shoot

Key Points:
One touch pass. Firm stick and follow through at the target. Both line move all the time.

B6 from diagonal corners down each side of the ice. Start with one player at each line and one extra behind.
A. 1 skate and give and go with 2.
B. 1 give and go with 3.
C. 1 give and go with 4.
D. 1 go in and shoot-rebound and become 5.
E. 2-3-4-5 keep moving forward after each pass.
Continue this flow from each side and then move to the other side and change directions.


9 min.
DT4 Each Team Pass to Joker at Point

Key Points:
Player at the point must get open for a pass and quickly make a play. Defender get on the defensive side to block a shot and stay with the point
man if he carries the puck.

1. One zone game and each team has one or two jokers at the point.
2. To transition to offense you must pass to the point.
3. Progression is to add the rule that all goales must come from point playes such as shots, tip-ins, redirects, shot passes, screen, rebounds. This causes the players at the point to skate and get the puck through and the player covering to stay defensive side and block shots and passes.


15 min.
D with Sean and Kevin-Goalies Nat-F Tom B Skills Warm up Finnish U17

Key Points:
This is a great way to warm everyone up at the start of a practice. Defense do the various breakout options and read where the pressure is coming from. Pass the puck back to the coach and move thru everyone. Forwards pass with good technique and eye contact. Goalie coach work on technique and rebound control and playing walk outs.

A. Defense work with two doing breakout options vs one forechecker.

B. Forwards lines of 3 work in the neutral zone.
1 - Stationary pass with eye contact.
2 - Pass while moving always face puck.
3 - Skate around partners give and go.
4 - Keepaway 2-1 in four areas.
5 - Two lines move and pass to other two lines on the blue line.
6 - Two lines of 3 pass while skating on one side of the neutral zone.
C. Goalies work with coach at one end.


10 min. Everyone play both F and D. Total Hockey
DT100 - 1 on 1 - D Join Attack and F Backcheck

DT100 Continuous 1 on 1 D - Join Attack F Backcheck

Key Points:
Forwards cover D and D cover F's. One D should join the attack to create triangles and one forward backcheck. Play tight gaps and attackers create 2 on 1's on the rush. Play 5-5 at each end.

1. Forwards line up on one side and defense on the other.
2. Start with a 1 on 1 attack Blue F1 vs. Red D1.
3. When the puck enters the zone defensive Red F1 support Red D1 and Blue D1 support Blue F1.
4. On transition Red D1 join new attack and Blue F1 backcheck
5. If the puck is dumped out with no possession the offensive team regroup and attack again.
6. Red F1-D1 now go 2 on 2 in the other direction vs. Blue D1-F1.
7. Blue F2 support Blue D1- F1 and Red D3 support attacking Red F1-D1.
8. This rotation continues with a 3-3 in each zone.


20 min.
Pounce 1-3-1 Hard Trap Forecheck
– LW and RD
– C-RW Pressure
– LD support on Puck Side
I want the LW and RD to be part of the forecheck on the attack. The LD is always on the strong side. Usually the C plays low in the dzone with the two D using man on and a box behind. If the LW ends up back there they switch after the initial rush. I also want back pressure all of the time. My truth of hockey is.
- 2 in deep
- only pinch on the strong side when positive you will get the puck.
- lock the strong side boards on breakouts with the LW on one side and the RD on the other.
- 3 forecheck on the strong side. Left side the lw, c, rw and Right side the C-RW and RD.
- Backpressure all the way to the net.
- always tight gaps. -
angle off the back shoulder with the stick on the puck.
- check from the defensive side always.
- always 4 on the attack.
- tight 3 man triangle and a D high on the rush to the net.
- shoot when inside top of circles unless someone is wide open.
- always give the puck to someone in better position than you and keep it if you are in the best position.

Example of my college women’s team vs. U of Calgary at the Olympic Oval
– international size ice. I now start with a 1-3-1 with either the RW or C 1 and 2 deny the pass up the middle and then force the first pass.


A video of an explanation of the system I gave to my team at the Olympic Oval 2 hours before the game. We used white tape to make a rink on the floor and we went over the system.


Some clips of the Forecheck with my U18 Female team.


8 min. – Nets at one end back to back.

- pass to jokers to go on transiton to go on offense.

8 min.
D200 With Players Joining After a Give and Go up to 3-3

Key Points:
Pass hard and get open for a return pass.

1. Players are lined up either in two lines or along the blueline.
2. Coach dumps the puck in to start the game of 1 on 1 to 3-3 (one coach send out 1 to 3 players on each team.)
3. When player with the puck give and go passes to a team mate he can join the game.
4. Play for 45-60 seconds before new players come in. Players must skate behind their net to start the shift. Player with the puck pass to a teammate coming on when the whistle blows.
5. Coach shoot in a new puck if the original puck is dumped out or a goal is scored.

6 min.
E1 D200 Shootout Game

Key Points:
As soon as there is a rebound or goal the defender pick up the puck and attack the other way.

1. Coach dumps the puck in and players race for it.
2. Puck carrier try to score defender defend.
3. On rebound or goal defender attack other way.
4. Shooter must get outside of the blue line.
5. When teammate onside then first player in the line backchecks.


'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
'Enjoy the Game'
Registered: 06/25/08
Posts: 3549
Location: Calgary, Canada
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We were awful the first ten minutes and were outshot 6-0 and fell behind 0-1. We got out competed for every loose puck. We then woke up and won the period 2-1. We ended up winning 6-2 by outplaying them in the war zones at each end. The shots ended about 30 each and we got one pplay goal.

The adjustments to the Pounce worked really well after the players got used to everything. I switched the D around and it took a while for them to get used to their new roles.

We were still missing our top scorer and a top D but everyone should be back for the two games coming up next weekend.

'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
'Enjoy the Game'
Registered: 06/25/08
Posts: 3549
Location: Calgary, Canada
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I was doing a private lesson with one of my players who I worked with even before she was on the team; so I kept the 4 small nets on the ice and we used them as obstacles on point shots and then I showed the players a move and they practiced it each way around the nets and then took a shot.

I was impressed in the private session as the player was able to handle 5 different types of balls skating around the ice. A real nervous system overload exercise. Last spring she was doing two.

This was one of the best practices we have had this year. Our captains are all back and we had 15 skaters, only missing one who has a knee injury.

We did the Czech 3-3 drill with back checking and then turned it into a transition game where two forwards on one team and a defenseman on the other gave passive support above the dots. When the original attack ended the defender passes the puck up to the new forwards who attack 2-1 vs. the new D and the original attacking forwards back check and the original defending D joins the rush making it a 3-3. The original defenders leave back to the line and 2 new F and 1 new D give passive support above the circles. I liked it much better as now I could coach instead of be a traffic cop, the defenders have to finish the play and make a breakout pass and the attackers work together to score. Most drills leave out the most important segment which is to win rebounds and get scoring chances on offense and to breakout on defense. The drill was good to isolate the situation but it is logical in my mind to make the play complete.

Two 1-1's at once is a great conditioning game. One coach has to focus and warn players if it looks like there is a collision coming as not all have their head up.

Flyers Practice Plan Date: 29-01-13 Time: 16:00-17:30 Max Bell 2

Breakouts, conditioning, shootouts Backchecking, overspeed, passing, shooting Start with 5 minutes of Partner Shooting.

10 min.
A300 Edges and Puck Handling with a Shot

Key Points:
Move the puck all around the body in two circles going opposite directions. Finish with a shot. Use all of the edges and big moves reaching as far as possible.

1. Dark group skate down half the rink with a puck and shoot from the middle and white group skate the opposite way and shoot on the other net.
2. Skate on all of the edges and use big moves by reaching the opposite. i.e. Skate left and reach as far as you can to the right.
3. The players skating down the middle finish with a shot and then get a new puck.
4. Exercises are done while zig-zagging in and out.
a. Forward skate and alternate on the front inside edges.
b. Backward skate and alternate on the inside edges.
c. Skate forward and cross-over alternating on the outside edges.
d. Skate backward and cross-over alternating on the outside edges.
e. Open hip turn each way.
f. Slalom and reach as far as possible with the puck the opposite way.


10 min.
B5 Murdoch Breakout Routine All Options

Key Points:
This is a good routine to use at the start of practice instead of just skating around the ice aimlessly.
- Work for 5-10 min. and get in a lot of reps.
- D shoulder check on the way to the puck.
- Forwards funnel through middle lane and watch puck before swinging up the boards.

Wings and Defense
A. Coach shoots puck in and D gets the puck and passes to the wing who times his skating from inside to outside. D to W back to D and up to wing. Then repeat on the other side. All forwards take turns getting the pass on the wing.
B. Coach shoots the puck in and D skates back to get in while the wing times his skating from the middle to the outside lane.
The D drives the back of the net and stops and goes out the same direction making a counter pass to the wing, who returns the pass and gets another pass.Repeat on the other side.


8 min.
B202 Passing Overspeed

Key Points:
Always face the puck and make as many passes as possible. On the whistle pass early to the player below the goal line. Hit the net and look for the rebound from the second shooter. Give a target.

1. Two red and two blue leave from the line.
2. Make as many passes as possible in 7".
3. On the whistle player with the puck give and go with a player below the goal line and shoot.
4. Second player get a pass from the side then give and go low and shoot.
5. On the same whistle two new players from each colour leave from the line.
6. After the shot become a passer near the net.
7. Low passers return to the line up.


10 min.
D100 Two 1 on 1 Games at Once

Key Points:
One coach should watch that the players won’t collide. It is important to look behind and for the player with the puck to skate away from oncoming players. This is a great game for 1-1 and conditioning.

1. Players line up along the boards one group on each side of the red stripe.
2. One player of each team leave every 15”.
3. Coach blow whistle each 15” and players play for 2 whistles (30”)
4. Pass to a teammate when the second whistle blows.
5. Only two pucks on the ice and get the puck out of the net after a goal.
6. After scoring touch the red line before defending.
7. Keep score.


15 min.
Team Breakout Practice
D1 Full Ice 3 Team Scrimmage

Key Points:
Give close support to the ball or puck. Defending team create speed through the neutral zone after the breakout. New defending team identify coverage when the attackers enter the zone.

Three teams play full court or full ice.
1-Red attacks vs Green at one end.
2-Green breaks out and attacks vs. Black waiting at the other end.
3-Black breaks out and attacks Red.
4-Green rests at the original end.
5-Black attack vs. Green.
They keep this rotation and play a game up to 5. Start another game at 0-0 but switch who they attack first i.e. now Green attacks Red and Red attack vs. Black and Black vs. Green. This rotation can be used to practice team play at full strength and power play and penalty kill.


10 min.
C3 Continuous 3-3 Czech U17

Key Points:
Attack with speed. Defenseman communicate who the forwards should cover. Quickly change from offense to defense. Tie up sticks in the slot. D join the rush.

1. Start with BF1, BF2, BD1 in defensive position.
2. RD1 skate between dots to the big us and pass to RF1 or RF2 and follow the attack.
3. Blue players F1-F2-D1 defend the 3-3 rush.
4. Coach whistle when rush finished.
5. D2 start a new attack the other way while original attacker Red F1-F2-D1 defend.
6. Continue this 3-3 flow end to end.

** This flow can be continued in a one puck transition game with no whistles starting with passive then active support.


12 min. Rotate Teams.
D4 Clear Zone to Attack

In this game all players must get onside and skate over the blue line before they turn and attack the same net. Play 4-4 with the rules.
Game One - players must face the play when passing and after scoring one goal you can't score again until all have scored.
Game Two - Rotate teams and players must make an escape move when the get the puck.


'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
'Enjoy the Game'
Registered: 06/25/08
Posts: 3549
Location: Calgary, Canada
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Flyers Practice Plan - 31-01-13 Time: 17:15-18:45 - ECTAS

Power Play, backchecking, D join rush Transition, goalie instruction, puck handling, 4 game playing roles scoring

7 min. – Tom, Kevin one end each
D4 Two Pass – Swiss U20

Key Points:
My favorite game to warm-up the players at the start of practice. The quicker they make the passes after regaining the puck the more scoring chances they produce. This video shows the Swiss U20 Team playing 2 Pass as a warm-up.

1. Players must stay inside the blueline and if they puck goes out the other team gets it.
2. Before scoring the offensive team must make at least two passes.
3. When the defenders regain the puck they must make at least two passes before a shot.
4. Make rules with skills for skating, shooting, passing or good habits. So the game is a template to either use as itself or modify rules to cause the players to do skills or moves within a game situation.


8 min.
B202 Breakout Pass and Shooting Warm up

Key Points:
Make hard passes and the forward give a target.

Options: The forward could give and go with the D after the initial pass. F could also rush the D so he has to shoot by the defender.

Done on both sides of the ice at the same time on the coaches whistle.
1. The D's pass to a F's cutting across the ice.
2. The F attacks and shoots then rebounds then screen for the point shot.
3. The D follows the play gets a pass from the forward and shoots.

Video: http://hockeycoachingabcs.com/mediagallery/media.php?f=0&sort=0&s=20090901074924530

10 min. Natalie - Goalie Instruction at far end.
DT 400 Continuous Game of 2 on 2

Key Points:
Allow the attackers to cross the blue line before leaving. Sequence is Support-Attack-Defend-Breakout-Rest

1. Players line up behind the blue lines on each side.
2. Offensive 1 and 2 attack vs defenders 1 and 2
3. Defenders 3 and 4 leave and the support the defense from the top of the circle.
4. Offensive 1 and 2 must attack with speed.
5. After a goal, frozen puck or breakout pass 3 and 4 skate to the far blue line and turn to attack the original offensive 1 and 2.
6. Two players leave to support the defending team.
7. Continue this flow.


12 min. Tom G, Kevin K pp. each end.
T2 Kingston Power Play and Team Play Rotation

Key Points:
Practice options where every player gets a shot. Begin with a rotation attacking the seam between the D and the F and read what they give. If the D forces then the low play is available, if the F forces then the point is open. If the pk box is passive then there is a 2-1 at each corner, a 3-2 on each side and seams between players to attack. Force the pace by taking a shot by a different player every 3 seconds. Coach in each zone

- Line A at one end practice attack options.
- Line B at other end practice attack options. Both walk through pp 5-0.
- Line C in middle passing practice.
- On whistle line A dump the puck to the other end and breakout returning to the original end while group C replace group B at the far end and group B pass in the neutral zone.
- Repeat with group C breaking out and back and group B switch with group A who move to the middle.


10 min. - 2 coaches join and make it a 4-4
DT100 Continuous 3-3 With Passive Support

Key Points:
New players give passive support above the circles but can take the puck if it is loose or the offense cycles too high, just like a F covering the point would. The key for the offense is to quickly attack and the defenders to communicate on coverage.

1. Players line up in the neutral zone with D on one side and F on the other.
2. Begin with a 3-3. Two RF and one RD attack vs. opposition two BF one BD.
3. Defending team has two BF follow and support from the top of the circles.
4. Attacking team have one RD support from the blue line.
5. On a frozen puck, goal or take away the defenders pass to one of the BF above the circles.
6. Attack 2-1 vs. the R defenseman.
7. Original two RF backcheck and original BD join the 2 F on the attack.
8. Original two RF return to the line-up.
9. Play 3-3 in the zone.
10. Two new RF from defending team and one BD from attacking team give passive support after the puck enters the offensive zone.
11. Continue this flow.


10 min.
DT100 Backchecking Transition Game

Key Points:
Attack quickly and the defender tie up the stick on the rebound then look for the puck.

Full ice game with the defenders getting support. New attackers have to get the breakout pass inside their zone. This works on quick passes and attack or the backchecker catches up. The backchecker must tie up sticks on the rebound and don't allow a second shot. The attacker must be quick and follow the shot. Defender make a breakout pass to the supporting player in the high slot.


8 min.
D200 3 on 3 With 3 Pucks - Kevin shoot in pucks.

Key Points:
-Players can only shoot when the goalie is ready.
-No empty net goals.

1. Players line up outside the blue lines.
2. Coach shoots in 3 pucks.
3. Players race for pucks and battle to score and defend.
4. Hustle out of the zone on the whistle and play 20-30 seconds only.
5. Leave the puck in the net after a goal is scored.
6. Coach shoots in another puck when a goal is scored.
7. Count the pucks in the net after to determine the winning team.


8 min.
D200 2-2 Shoot Either Net – Flames

Key Points:
Quick reading the rush and change the point of attack. Need quick feet and quick thinking. Get defenders to commit then change direction. No reaching penalties.

1. Two teams on blue line with one at each half.
2. Play with only one puck in the playing area.
3. Players can score at either end.
4. Keep score.

*Alternative is to play from 1-1 to 5-5 with the same rule that you can score on either net.


7 min.
D200 With Jokers at Both Ends

Key Points:
Regroups and give and goes are stressed.

Each team has a Joker at each end. You must regroup with your defensive joker when you gain possession on the puck and pass to the offensive joker before shooting.
A. Coach dumps in puck. Play 20-30"
1. On possesion regroup.
2. Make breakout pass.
3. Pass to low offensive joker.
4. Get open for a pass.
5. Try to score. On each turnover you must regroup.


10 min.
E1 One Goal Relay Race

Key Points:
Work on shooting one timers and scoring on rebounds. Good habits like face the puck, give a target with the stick on the ice.

A. 1 attack 1-0 on opposite net.
B. Pass and shoot to score.
C. Get a new puck from 2after scoring.
D. After the goal race back to the blueline and touch 2 with stick on shin pad.
F. Team to score most goals in certain time wins.
Weekend games. We played the team we will play in the semi finals in three weeks. They are in third and us in second. We both have a first round bye. They have a pretty good team with one of the top three players in the league. She is always dangerous. We played the Pounce the first game and the Tsunami the second. Both games we outshot them about 30-20 but lost the first 2-1 and won the second 5-1. They have a lot more trouble when we really pressure them. I switched who played RD with our more offensive D in the second game.
I will attach the shot and +/- charts from our last 4 games. We were 2-2. The game vs. Edmonton we were missing all of our captains and were not competitive.

'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
'Enjoy the Game'
Registered: 06/25/08
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It was a good session and the focus was on individual offensive drills. I took video of Seans two activities and will post a link when I prepare them. I had a good meeting with Digit Murphy, the coach of the Boston Blades after practice. She came and watched the ice time.
Flyers Practice Plan Date: 05-02-13 Time: 16:00-17:30 Venue: Max Bell 2

Individual offensive skills using drills and Games. Passing, shooting, skating, Puck handling.

8 min.
D1 Shinny – Russian U20

Key Points:
Everyone plays at once. No offsides and no rules accept good sportsmanship. Great for developing puck handling skills and recovery after a hard practice.



10 min. 5 no puck and 5 puck and a shot.
A300 Edges and Puck Handling with a Shot

Key Points:
Move the puck all around the body in two circles going opposite directions. Finish with a shot. Use all of the edges and big moves reaching as far as possible.

1. Dark group skate down half the rink with a puck and shoot from the middle and white group skate the opposite way and shoot on other net.
2. Skate on all of the edges and use big moves by reaching the opposite. i.e. Skate left and reach as far as you can to the right.
3. The players skating down the middle finish with a shot and then get new puck.
4. Exercises are done while zig-zagging in and out.
a. Forward skate and alternate on the front inside edges.
b. Backward skate and alternate on the inside edges.
c. Skate forward and cross-over alternating on the outside edges.
d. Skate backward and cross-over alternating on the outside edges.
e. Open hip turn each way.
f. Slalom and reach as far as possible with the puck the opposite way.


5 min.
B202 Puck Handling and Shooting

Key Points:
Make hard fakes both ways, fake shots, tight turns. Have quick feet. Cross the blue line and either shoot or pass and shoot. Add variations after shooting.

1. Players line up behind the blueline; coach in the middle.
2. On the whistle leave from diagonal lines and make hard fakes around the coach.
*Add other variations such as a shot pass.


6 min.
B202 Nzone Regroup 1-0 and 2-0

Key Points:
Start by exchanging the puck and always face the puck when pivoting for the return.

1. Players face each other and regroup in the neutral zone 1-0 then 2-0 and then attack. Start with exchanging the puck and then the breakout pass.
2. On the 2-0 practice chipping by the D to enter the zone or simply enter 2-0 with crosses.
3. You can add defense by having the shooter go out and defend the nextattack.
4. When just shooting follow the rebound then circle back for the rebound from the next shooter.


10 min. Sean individual offensive skill drill

10 min.
Sean ind. Offensive skill game.

7 min.
D4 Baggo - Czech U20 (each end)

Key Points:
Face the puck. Get open for a pass and give a target. Goals on one timer shots.

1. Offensive team must pass within one second.
2. Goals must be on one timers.
3. If the puck goes outside of the zone the other team gets it.
4. On transition to offense there must be at least one pass before you can shoot.


8 min. – Greens switch ends.
DT400 Game of Quick Transition

Key Points:
The resting players attack right away when they get a pass and the original attackers must communicate and cover one attacker each.

1. Offensive team attacks 3 on 3. It can be 1-1, 1-2, 2-1, 2-2 or 2-3 also if the coach wants to practice these situations. Up to 5-5 is possible.
2. On transition to offense the defenders pass to their teammates waiting behind the blue line.
3. Attack right away (don’t have to wait for teammates to get onside in this game.)
4. Original attackers now defend and communicate with each other on how to stop the attack.
5. After a goal the defenders is allowed to pass to the new attackers.


12 min. 2 x 6 min. games
DT400 Perry Pearn Game Rotation

Key Points:
This game allows the coach to focus on the attack or defending deep in the zone. You can play this game in situations from 1-1 to 5-5. It is a great rotation to practice specialty teams if you have 3 lines because it gives the players some rest and they alternate between pp and pk (one F would leave the zone) The defenders have to clear the zone with control of the puck. With situations over a 3 on 3 I would move the resting players back to the far blue line.

1. Players line up within a stick length of the red line if you have 2 groups or only ½ ice; otherwise behind the red or far blue line.
2. Three players attack three defenders.
3. Defenders must carry the puck out of the zone before passing to team waiting team mates.
4. Three new players attack vs the original offensive players.
5. Keep score, implement skill (only forehand passes) or team play rules (goals originate from below the goal line).


6 min.
B500 One Timers

Key Points:
Square up for the shot and have the stick back as the pass is being made. Follow through with the whole body to the net and the lead knee pointing to the target.

1. One leave the line and get a pass from 2 on the off wing and shoot.
2. Two leave after passing and get a pass from three.
3. Continue this rotation and progressively increase the speed of the passes.


8 min.
E1 Shootout Race – Each End

Key Points:
Players must skate hard and battle for net side body position. Player who wins the puck must protect it and the checker fight for defensive side without taking a penalty. They should play any rebound in the slot.

1. Players start behind the blue line dots and race around markers near the red line.
2. The coach passes a puck in the centre near the blue line.
3. Two players battle to get the puck and score.
4. Continue the battle while one attacks and one defends.
5. Play any rebound directly in front of the net.
6. One group vs. the other and keep score.


'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
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Registered: 06/25/08
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Location: Calgary, Canada
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Flyers Practice Plan Date: 7-02-13 Time: 17:15-18:45 Venue: ECTAS

Offensive team play. Middle drive, regroups Puck handling, passing, breakouts, penalty shots

6 min.
B6 or B4 Crossover Skating and Puckhandling

Key Points:This is a great skating and puck handling warm up drill. Many variations can be used with the puck or in skating tasks.Do a different skill in each zone. Keep the feet moving it is crossover in large #8's and not tight turns. You can also do as a B6 and start out of opposite corners.

Cross Overs and Puck Handling Skills
Do figure 8's in each zone.
1. Quick hands and quick feet fwd
2. Skate backwards
3. Face the far end transition skate and go in for a shot.
4. Carry puck using only the forehand
5. Use only the backhand.
6. Heel to heel turns facing the inside and finish with a shot.


6 min.
C1 Breakout-Attack-Breakout 1-0 or 2-0

Key Points:
Time the support to be available when passer gets control of the puck. Give a target, call for the pass, skate to the big ice inside the dots when you get the puck.

A. At both ends player 1 shoot, rebound and pick up a puck from the corner.
B. Player 2 be available for a breakout pass from the middle or the boards. It could two players one in the middle and one on the boards.
C. Player 1 pass to player 2.
D. Player 2 go down and shoot on the net and rebound.
E. After shooting player 2 get a new puck from the corner and make a breakout pass
on the other side of the ice for either a 1-0 or 2-0 rush.
*Option: Player 2 could regroup with 1 before attacking.


8 min.
B5 Double Cross-Drop-Pass-Shoot Options

Key Points:
Cross over skate, leave the drop pass as still as possible. Pass quickly. Going to the net for a bang in or practicing a one timer from the high slot is also easy to do.

Option One: Double Drop-Pass-Shoot
-R1 skate around circle and cross-drop to R2
-R 2 gain the blue line and cross-drop to R1.
-R1 either shoot or pass to R2 who shoots.
- Add after shooting the give and go pass with the next two players. i.e. 1 pass to you and you pass to 2 who shoot.
- Add that after the shot the player who did not shoot skate out and defend a 2-1 vs. the next two players.

10 min.
B5 Regroup 3-0, Middle Drive-Pro

Key Points:
Defense move quickly and hinge the pass up the middle. Pass hard. Centre give the stick and skates as a flat target. Middle drive hard to the net.

1. All the players are inside the middle circle.
2. Red D1get a pass from a Red F2.
3. Red D hinge and pass D1 to D2.
4. D2 pass to F2 supporting in the middle.
5. F2 pass to F1 on the strong side.
6. F1 gain blueline and pass wide to F3.
7. F2 middle drive skating hard to the net.
8. F3 shoot and all crash the net for a rebound.
9. Blue repeat in the other direction.


15 min.
D100 – 4 on 4 Scrimmage

Key Points:
Divide the team into two groups of 8 and play 4 on 4 stressing the middle drive.

1 . LD play defense and all others forward. 3 D each team.
c. 4 on 4 each team and then a 3' time out.
e. Coaches agree on a situation they want to focus on.


10 min.
D100 Transition Game with Defense Joining the Attack

Key Points:
The defender make a pass and jump into the play right away. The new defender has to realize it is a late developing 2-1 and the attackers must make a play early before the defenders get support.

a. Start with #2 attacking vs #1.
b. #3 support on defense and #4 support the attack.
c. After a goal or a defensive breakout #3 attack vs #4.
d. The original defender #1 join the attack (#2 return to the lineup when the puck crosses the blue line.) This creates a 2-1 in the neutral zone.
e. #5 and 6 join the play after the attack crosses the blue line and actively play a 3-2. #6 play the offensive point position.
f. After a goal or breakout continue the flow with 5 vs 6 and 4 joining the rush.

You can run this game with all players playing F and D or if you have D joining the F could line up on one side and the D on the other side in the nzone. Starting with a 2-1 and two players supporting the D and one the attack would make a 3-3 on the
original attack and a 3-1 in the nzone and a 4-3 in the offensive zone. Starting with a 2-2 attack and the offense getting support from 2 D and the defense from 2 F it would make a 4-4 on the original attack. One D joining the rush makes a 3-2 in the nzone and 5-4 at each end. (D stay up on the attack)

10 min.
DT100 Backchecking Transition Game with a Regroup in the Neutral Zone

Key Points:
Attack quickly and the defender tie up the stick on the rebound then look for the puck.

Full ice game with the defenders getting support. New attackers have to get the breakout pass inside their zone. This works on quick passes and attack or the backchecker catches up. The backchecker must tie up sticks on the rebound and don't allow a second shot. The attacker must be quick and follow the shot. Defender make a breakout pass to the supporting player in the high slot.

Add the attackers turn back and regoup with the defenders who passed them the puck and then continue the attack vs the original attackers. It is best to start with the original transtion game and then add regroup if the coach whistles. The backeckers should race back to defensive side and then play good gaps.


15 min. Sean 2/3 ice and Natalie at one end with goalies. One goalie at a time.

Sean: A game where half the whites and half the green pass in the nzone while the other half waits along the boards in one end. On the whistle whoever has the puck attack and the opposite colour in the zone defends. Continue this flow until all players are in the zone. Defenders stay with their man and play man on man defense. The play should continue until the whistle blows.
Variation: Players in the neutral zone play keepaway and whomever has the puck on the whislte attack.
I tooo a video and will attach.

10 min. Regulation Shootout
Player start on the whistle and the goalie starts on the goal line.
Count how many each team scores.
It is important for the goalies to get used to starting from the goal line and the shooters to wait for a whistle to prepare for shootouts and penalty shots.

'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
'Enjoy the Game'
Registered: 06/25/08
Posts: 3549
Location: Calgary, Canada
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Flyers Practice Plan Date: 09-02-13 Time: 17:45-18:45 Venue: Village Square

Lines: Notes:
3-7-11, 19-17-18, 5-15-12,
5-4, 14-16, 2-8
Breakouts, pp, pk, offensive skills.

6 min.
B6 – 3 Shots, 3 Zig zags, 3 Shots

Key Points:
3 Leave from diagonal corners about 2" apart, skate around circle then shoot, get a pass from the other corner, skate 3 zig zags betweeen the blue line and the top of the cricles the fill the 3 lanes and shoot.

1. Make sure to leave about 2 seconds between shooters so the goalie has time to get set.
2. Follow the shot for a rebound before getting the pass.
3. Do skills while zig zagging 3 times such as;
a, carry the puck with the hands and feet moving all the time.
b. carry the puck only using the forehand side of the stick.
c. only use the backhand side of the stick.
d. transition skate facing the far end forward to backward to forward.
e. skate backward.
f. 360 degree turns.


5 min.
B5 1-0 Outside-Middle Shots- Czech U17

Key Points:
Keep skating, give a target and pass hard and pass while moving. Hit the net and follow the shot. Rebound for the next shooter.

1. All players and pucks are in the middle.
2. One player leave from each side.
3. Player 2 pass to player 1 who circles between the red and blue line.
4. Player 1 skate in and shoot after the third pass.
5. After shooting player 1 circle back and rebound for the next shooter.
6. Alternate sides and player 3 leaves after the first pass.
7. Circle left and right so shots come from both in the middle and the outside lanes.

7 min.
B5 Murdoch Breakout Routine A to F

Key Points:
Defenseman Shoulder check on the way to read the forechecking pressure. Forwards read the play from the middle lane and time it so they are skating up the boards for the pass. If the forechecker follows you behind use the reverse.

Greens breakout and one end and Whites from the other. Half ice and return the puck to the coach.
A-B are breakouts with one D. Go, wheel, reverse to F, counter.
C. Coach dumps the puck in and the D gets in and drive skates hard to the back of the net and up the ice between the dots. Pass D to W to D to W.
D. Coach dumps the puck in and the D gets it and drive skates to the back of the net to draw the forechecker then passes back off the boards to the other D who has called reverse from the front of the net. D2 passes to W to D2 to W and out.

B5 Full Ice Breakout-One D

B5 Breakouts With 2 D

10 Kingston Team Play Rotation

Power play at one end 5-0 and pp vs. pk at other. Rotate each 4 min. Sean and Kevin focus on pk, Tom G on pp.

6 min.
D1 Full Ice 3 Team Scrimmage

Key Points:
We have 3 lines of 5 players. Give close support to the ball or puck. Defending team create speed through the neutral zone after the breakout. New defending team identify coverage when the attackers enter the zone.

Three teams play full court or full ice.
1-Red attacks vs Green at one end.
2-Green breaks out and attacks vs. Black waiting at the other end.
3-Black breaks out and attacks Red.
4-Green rests at the original end.
5-Black attack vs. Green.

They keep this rotation and play a game up to 5. Start another game at 0-0 but switch who they attack first i.e. now Green attacks Red and Red attack vs. Black and Black vs. Green. This rotation can be used to practice team play at full strength and power play and penalty kill. The team in the middle rotate the lw, rw and then C sitting out when they are killing penalties. They wait outside the blue line for a breakout pass to attack the other way.


10 min.
4-4 full ice. Stress middle drive and D to D.

Players change on their own.

5 min.
D200 Angling Game

Key Points:
Checkers create an angle on puck carrier and take away their time and space with body on body and stick on the puck.

1. D200 line-up outside blue line.
2. On whistle carry the puck behind the net and checkers leave and create good angles.
3. Play 20-30 seconds.
4. Puck carrier can try to come out short side.
5. Keep score. Play to a certain score and losing team do something like push ups. Play a short series.


5 min.
D200 Straight on Angling Game

Key Points:
Both teams go behind their net on the whistle. Defenders close the gap and maintain the defensive side.

D200 Straight on Angling Game
1. Teams are lined up behind blue line.
2. On the whistle each team skates behind their net.
3. Attackers try to score and defenders gain a tight gap and D side.
4. Play a cross ice game for 20-30"
5. On whistle pass to coach and the other team is on offense first.
6. Play from 1-1 to 3-3 also using odd man situations.

5 min.
E1 D200 Shootout Game

Key Points:
As soon as there is a rebound or goal the defender pick up the puck and attack the other way.

1. Coach dumps the puck in and players race for it.
2. Puck carrier try to score defender defend.
3. On rebound or goal defender attack other way.
4. Shooter must get outside of the blue line.
5. When teammate onside then first player in the line backchecks.

Had our final game of the regular season on the road vs. the top team in our division. It was hard fought. We tied it 1-1 with 2:30 left and they scored to win it a minute later. Shots 20-21. Either team could have won this one. We now have a bye next weekend. Tonight we did the post test on fitness and skills testing that we did for research at the U of Calgary. We did first test in October. This week practices. Monday-Tuesday- Wed spin class - Thurs - Friday - Sunday (a 2:45 long ice time and we will use the last 75 min.) The next week Tuesday-Thurs on ice practice and Wed Spin. Friday start the 3 of 5 round with a home game and away on Sat. The rest of the series is the next weekend - 3 games if needed.

'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
'Enjoy the Game'
Registered: 06/25/08
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Location: Calgary, Canada
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This was the first of 7 practices before we start the playoffs in two weeks. So the theme was offensive skill and game situation plus fitness that comes from a lot of skating.

Flyers Practice Plan Date: 11-02-13 Time: 20:00-21:15 Venue: Bowness

Shoot, pass, score, moves, puck support

10 min.
B202 Luhowy Puckhandling and Passing Circuit

Key Points:
Control the puck and “lock and load” when you carry the puck; meaningmove it from in front to your side. Keep a strong skating position with the knees bent and head up.

Line up behind the top of the circle with 2 or 3 players facing 2 or 3 players at the other end. Have between 2 and 4 groups depending on the number of players. A group of 4 is the smallest.
1. First player in each line skate towards the other line and pass to the far line.
2. Exchange pucks and pass to opposite line.
3. Skate to red line tight left turn and pass to original line.
4. Repeat but make a tight right turn.
5. Carry toward other player and head and shoulder fakes with legs wide then pass.
6. Alternate knee touches and pass to far line.
7. Carry the puck and do a lateral push to face the other player and exchange pucks.
8. Exchange pucks twice then pass to the far end.
*Other passes like backhands, saucer or moves like in the feet, toe drag can
be added.

6 min.
B6 Jursi Skate-Pass-Shoot

Key Points:
This is a drill that Russian Olympic coach Vladimir Jursinov used when I was coaching with him in Austria. The goal is to get players to practice passing and shooting while they skate. Puck handling-passing-shooting should be seamless.

1. A and B skate down the ice in passing while skating.
2. A is on the inside and continues on with a shot while skating.
3. B pivots facing the puck and continues the other direction passing to C.
4. B shoots and C partners with D the other way.
# This can be done in tandem on both sides of the ice.


10 min.
A200 Russian Puck Handling – and Finnish with a Shot

Key Points:
The idea of stick handling is to protect the puck from the opponent or to make him/her reach or straighten their knees and then go around them. Vladimir Jursinov is probably the most successful skills coach in the world. This Soviet and Russian Olympic coach has helped more than 65 players into the NHL from his teams. He leads a group of 15-20 years olds in a fake shot sequence. We also did big moves and separating the movement of the upper and lower body.

Players are in four lines and do multiple fake shots and moves, then finish with a shot.
. Practice Faking a slapshot with a hard back swing.
. Fake a slapshot and go around opponent on the backhand side.
. Fake a slapshot and go around opponent on the forehand side.
. Fake a slapshot and then do a backhand tight turn around opponent.
. Fake a slapshot and reach out like you are going around the opponent on your forehand and then pull the puck quickly to your backhand and go around opponent.
- Added fake inside then pull the puck to the inside near your feet and a little behind as you walk around opponent.
- Also practiced the puck in front of the toes cross ice in partners.


12 min.
D4 - one zone games of 4-4 and 3-3.

Good habit rules. i.e. Make escape move before a pass or shot, goals only can come on one timers. Only one pass allowed in the offensive end so you must score if you get a pass.

12 min.
D1, 3 on 3 Scrimmage

I had planned more activities but the 3-3 scrimmage was going so well and the players were working so hard that we did this for the rest of practice. The pdf has the original plan.

Change on their own. Games up to 3 goals. If you score then get the puck and go the other direction and the other team can't defend until they get to the red line.
Games ended. Green 3-0, White 3-0, White 2-1.

'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
'Enjoy the Game'
Registered: 06/25/08
Posts: 3549
Location: Calgary, Canada
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Hi Tom,

The attachments are not opening....can you help a brother out?

Thanks for all you do!

Iceman, I just clicked on a pdf and a video link above and they work for me. Have you updated your adobe reader. The videos are in wmv format and apple needs a program to run them.
I hope you solve the problem.

By: Likes:

Just a note: I was checking the Austrian hockey site to see how the Red Bulls are doing and noticed that one of my U17 - 93 born players had been named prospect of the year in the Austrian pro league. They listed the past winners and I noticed another player born in 92 that played on the same team won last year. So those two, an NHL Rookie of theYear, a Hobey Baker winner, 3 other world junior players and a few more NHLers are among the list of players that I have been one of the coaches who helped them along their way.
So don't worry. If they play a lot of games and transition games in practice instead of waiting in line it Will Not Ruin their carreer aspirations. It may even help them learn the game by playing the game.
A bit of a sarcastic comment but I still get weird looks and sometimes complaints when mothers watch my practices and see little Johnny having so much fun. Hockey and fun don't go together in many peoples view.

I put the first link in with the puck handling because Yashin demonstrates how the Russians learn to separate the movement of the upper and lower body. Juhani is running the session with the Russian Olympic coach Yursinov. These exercises make all of the difference in loosening the upper body. Most North American players are very tight in the upper body and follow the puck instead of the puck going one way and the body the other. Head and shoulder fakes are also incorporated. Later Finnish coaches lead young players in the exercises. This is one of the most important things I have learned working with these two IIHF Hall of Fame coaches.
Flyers Practice Plan Date: 12-02-13 Time: 17:15-18:45 Venue: Max Bell

Regroup, agility skating, puck handling, Fitness, team play, breakouts, goalie pass

10 min.
A2-A200 Puck Handling and Skating Practice from Finland

This is a video on the ABC site uner Puck Handlingwith agility skating
1. A200 formation and Yashin leads the big moves warm demonstrating the skill and the kid's follow.
2. A2 skating drills for balance and edge control.
3. A200 Russian Big Moves exercises. Pro player demonstrate the big moves and the players follow.

Key Points:
This practice was done at Juhani's hockey school in Mikkeli, Finland. It is beautiful lake country where he has his summer place. The focus is on Big Moves with Good Hard Fakes when puck handling. Many pro's including Yashin helped with his camps. Juhani is in the IIHF Hockey Hall of Fame and is a legend in Finland. Another IIHF hall of famer Vladimir Yursinov is the one who developed this big moves warm up. He is a Russian hockey legend as a player and coach. Between them they have developed about 70 NHL players.

In my coaching experience these puck handling exercises are the most effective way for players to develop good hands. They can be done off ice as well. Big moves and handling the puck all around the body with big fakes and protecting the puck with the body are the essentials to being a good offensive player.


10 min.
B6 Sean, agility skating, pass and shooting drill.


10 min.
DT100 1-1 then 2-2 with the attackers skating back before crossing the blue line.

- This causes the Defenders to transition skate back to forward to back.


15 min.
B5 Murdoch Breakout Routine A - B - C- D - E - F

Key Points:
This is a good routine to use at the start of practice instead of just
skating around the ice aimlessly.
- Work for 5-10 min. and get in a lot of reps.
- D shoulder check on the way to the puck.
- Forwards funnel through middle lane and watch puck before swinging up the boards.

Wings and Defense
A. Coach shoots puck in and D gets the puck and passes to the wing who times his skating from inside to outside. D to W back to D and up to wing. Then repeat on the other side. All forwards take turns getting the pass on the wing.
-Do this with all breakout options and both D.
-Add shoot at the goalie and he sets up the puck or passes to the D.


30 min.
D100 Game of 3-3
-players change on their own.
-play games to 3.
-after a goal the team that scores gets the puck and goes the other way. Defending team can’t check until they touch the red line.
-Second game is 4-4 with same rules.

10 min.
E1 Shoot Until You Score Race 1-0, 2-0, 3-0

Key Points:
Players should attack quickly, pass early, shoot to score. Goalies must battle and never Description:
1. Place one puck on the bluelines for each player on the bench according to the largest 2. One player leaves from the bench and must keep shooting until a goal is scored.
3. Scoring player skate hard to the bench and touch the boards with the stick and a 4. Repeat after a goal and attack 3-0.
5. All three players rush back and touch the boards and then repeat.
6. The team that scores all the pucks first wins.


5 min.
Individual shooting practice.


'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
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Flyers Practice Plan Date: 14-02-13 Time: 17:15 Venue: ECTAS

Battling, passing, shots, moves, regroup, 3 on 3

8 min.
D1 Two puck game

All players on the ice. Start with 2 pucks and when a goal is scored put in the other puck.
-another goal is scored it goes to one puck and they play a one puck game.
-team that scores two goals wins.

10 min.
Big moves and add going around the 4 small nets with fakes and finish with a shot.

7 min.
B6 1-0, 2-0, 3-0 Small Horseshoe

Key Points:
This is a great timing drill with good flow for early in the practice. Pass hard and get your top hand away from your body. Call for the pass. Give your stick and skates as a target.

1. Skate to the top of the circle and pass.
2. Continue and get a pass from the other end.
3. 2-0 first player passes and swings wide and second player skates nto the middle lane. Pass to the player in the middle.
4. Player in the middle one touch the puck up to the wide man. Stay onside.
5. Shoot and go for the rebound.
6. On the 3-0 the third player goes up the boards and enters as the high man. Add a trailer pass to the high man as the first shot.


10 min.
100 2 on 2 with Regroup

Coaching Comment
This is a great transition game to work on all four game playing roles in all three zones.

Key Points:
Move through the neutral zone quickly and create a 2 on 1. Defenders talk to identify coverage. Line up in D100 Formation along the boards behind the bluelines at each end. Continuous flow game. Keep score. Vary the situations 1-1 to 3-3.

1. Full ice attack 1 Offense vs 1 Defender.
2. Offensive players 2 follow the play and are jokers who can't skate in but must pass or shoot within 1 second. Defenders only cover the original attackers and tie up their sticks and box out.
3. After a goal or a breakout the defenders 1 attack the jokers.
4. Create an offensive 2-1 on a wide defender. If coach blows the whistle regroup with 3 who follow the play thru the nzone.
5. 1 finish the attack and try to score while 3 follow the play and support.

*Coach can change the situation from 1-1, 1-2, 2-1, 3-2, 3-3 or add a dump in to work on the forecheck or rules like goals must come from plays below the goal line to work on the cycle or low coverage.

20 min.
D100 – 3-3 Game
- Games to 3 goals.
- Scoring team get the puck and go the other way.
- New defenders must skate to blue line after a goal.


10 min. Shooting
Sean – Defenseman drill at one end. Point shots.
Tom – Forwards – snapshot.

8 min.
D200, 3 on 3 Game With No Passing

Key Points:
This game demands that the puck carrier dangle and beat the opponents with dekes, fakes, change of pace, pivots while teammates screen, pick and go for rebounds.

1. Play a cross ice game of 2-2 to 5-5.
2. Extra players line up along the blue line.
3. Shifts 20-30" and pass to teammate coming on on the whistle.
4. Coach put in a new puck on a goal.
5. Rule is NO PASSING.
6. Line mates support by setting screens and picks and going for rebounds.
7. Keep score.


8 min.
D200 Small Area Battling Game

Key Points:
Transition between the four game playing roles. 1-player with the puck, 2-player supporting on offense, 3-player checking the puck carrier, 4-player covering other offensive players. They are also transitioning between the three game situations
0-loose puck, 1-offense, 2-defense.
Players always have a role to play in the transition between game situations and must think quickly and use good technique.

1. Put the nets facing each other about 10 metres apart. Play from 1-1 to 3-3 including odd man situations. Extra players wait at one side.
2. Coach pass a puck in and the players battle and try to score.
3. Take 20 second shifts,
4. Keep score.
5. Coach shoot in a new puck on a goal or if the puck is shot out of the zone.
6. Focus on the players battling with good habits and quick decisions.
7. Race out when the time is up and leave the puck in play (option is to pass to a teammate who is first in line.)
8. Nets can be close to the boards or in open ice.


9 min.
E1 Rebound Game

This is a scoring contest that seems to be loved by players of all ages everywhere in the hockey world.

Key Points:
Make quick shots and one timers and goalie read the play.

1. Players line up on both side in the slot with one shooter at the top.
2. Play games to 5 between the goalie and shooter.
3. If the goalie freezes the puck or it hits the boards behind or at the side the goalie gets a point.
4. Players get a point by scoring a goal on a shot or rebound. Only one pass is allowed.
5. Shooter stays if he scores and players rotate if there is no goal.


'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
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At all of our practices we are now playing 3 on 3 with the players changing on their own and on a goal the scoring team gets the puck and attacks the other way. Defenders have to touch the red line before they can check. It has been a really good pace. We play games to 3 and sometimes a series 2 of 3. If players work hard and support the puck on offense and cover a player on defense then there isn't a better practice activity.
Flyers Practice Plan Date: 16-02-13 Time: 20:30-21:45 Venue: Henry Viney

Game situation, pass, shoot, skate Puck handle, D join rush, F backcheck

5 min.
A3 Puck Handling Nervous System

Key Points:
Keep the balls and pucks within a stick length and move them around the body. Stress rolling the wrists big moves.

1. Combine using up 2 pucks.
2. Partner pass two pucks at once.


6 min.
A300 Edges and Puck Handling with a Shot

Key Points:
Move the puck all around the body in two circles going opposite directions. Finish with a shot. Use all of the edges and big moves reaching as far as possible.

1. Dark group skate down half the rink with a puck and shoot from the middle and white group skate the opposite way and shoot on the other net.
2. Skate on all of the edges and use big moves by reaching the opposite. i.e. Skate left and reach as far as you can to the right.
3. The players skating down the middle finish with a shot and then get a new puck.
4. Exercises are done while zig-zagging in and out.
a. Forward skate and alternate on the front inside edges.
b. Backward skate and alternate on the inside edges.
c. Skate forward and cross-over alternating on the outside edges.
d. Skate backward and cross-over alternating on the outside edges.
e. Open hip turn each way.
f. Slalom and reach as far as possible with the puck the opposite way.


6 min.
B6 – 3 Shots, 3 Zig zags, 3 Shots

Key Points:
3 Leave from diagonal corners about 2" apart, skate around circle then shoot, get a pass from the other corner, skate 3 zig zags betweeen the blue line and the top of the cricles the fill the 3 lanes and shoot.

1. Make sure to leave about 2 seconds between shooters so the goalie has time to get set.
2. Follow the shot for a rebound before getting the pass.
3. Do skills while zig zagging 3 times such as;
a, carry the puck with the hands and feet moving all the time.
b. carry the puck only using the forehand side of the stick.
c. only use the backhand side of the stick.
d. transition skate facing the far end forward to backward to forward.
e. skate backward.
f. 360 degree turns.


18 min.
DT100 - 2 on 1 - D Join Attack and F Backcheck

Key Points:
This is a continuous 2-1 with one D joining the rush and the high F backchecking. Forwards enter the zone to support the defense and then attack and one backcheck.
Defense support from the point, defend and then join the attack. Coach can vary the number of F or D to create different situations in each zone.

1. Red F1 and F2 attack 2-1 vs blue D1.
2. Blue F1-F2 support D1, Red D1 support F1 and F2.
3. Play 3 on 3
4. On Transition Blue F1-F2 attack Red D1.
5. Red F1 Backcheck and Blue D1 join the rush.
6. Blue D2 and Red F3-F4 support when puck enters the zone.
7. Play 4 on 4 and continue flow.


45 min.
D100 Scrimmage Full Ice – Alternate Ends

Key Points:
Take short shifts and play with good habits. Move the puck to players in better position than you. On defense play tight gaps and everyone cover an attacker.

1. Play 3 on 3 with the extra players on the bench.
2. Scoring team get the puck right away and attack the other net. Defenders must rush back to the red line before they can check the players.
3. Keep score and play games to 3 and situations like of 2 out of 3 series.
4. If you have at least 16 players play some 4-4 or with at least 20 skaters 5-5 as long as the pace of the game is intense.


'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
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We had a 2:45 min. ice slot and I let Terry Johnson use the first half with his Pee Wee team. His two daughters play on the team. I only had one assistant so TJ stayed on the ice and helped with practice. Terry Is a former NHL defenseman who I coached at university with and has helped me with teams throughout the years. We had 13 skaters and one goalie on this holiday weekend practice.
Flyers Practice Plan Date: 17-02-13 Time: 13:15-14:30 Venue: Henry Viney

This is a one goalie practice and we will work on skills and game situations.

10 min.
A2 Russian Puck-Handling Warm-up with Shots While Working on Edges and Balance Exercises

Key Points:
This can be done every time players go on the ice to expand their muscle memory. The point of these exercises is to increase the size of the reach with the stickhandling moves, and to separate the upper and lower body. This is one of the most important exercises a player can do to develop puck handling skills. All the moves can also be practice off ice with various kinds of balls and pucks.

• From the A2 formation, players skate down the ice in 3 or 4 groups; practice big moves with the puck. One player leave and the next player go when he/she gets past the top of the circle. Finish with a shot from your lane no closer than the hash marks.
. Go one way then the other and do a different skill each time.

6 min.
B500 Overspeed 2-0 with a Pass

Key Points:
Players must challenge themselves out of their comfort zone. Make as many moves as possible and continue until they have shot and looked for a rebound. Take the pass and shoot right away without over handling.

1. Line up along boards on one side.
2. Players 1 and 2 start on the goal line.
3. Players 3 and 4 leave and make moves at top speed.
4. Coach whistle every 7" and they players attack the net.
5.Closest attacker give and go with 1 or 2.
6. Second closest do a tight turn then give and go with 1 o 2.
7. With only one goalie go one way only.
8. After passing return to the back of the line.


10 min.
B5 Murdoch Breakout Routine A to F with shot at far end.

Key Points:
This is a good routine to use at the start of practice instead of just skating around the ice aimlessly.
- Work for 5-10 min. and get in a lot of reps.
- D shoulder check on the way to the puck.
- Forwards funnel through middle lane and watch puck before swinging up the boards.
Shoot at the far end and then pass to the point for a shot.

Breakout with one D and a point shot.

Breakout with 2 D and a point shot.

10 min. Forwards
B500 Cut Backs and Escape Moves

Key Points:
Protect the puck with the body on offense. Cut back turning toward the boards. Defender stay lined up with the back of the inside shoulder and stick on the puck.

1. Leave on the whistle and practice cut backs, tight turns. Go to the net on the second whistle while the next players leave.
2. Two players leave and the second player stays on the D side with the stick on the puck and gives passive resistance.
3. This is a battle and the defender tries to get the puck. On the second whistle whoever has the puck go to the net.

*Without goalies both sides can go at once and with a goalie alternate sides. Players switch sides after doing both offense and defense.


Defense and LW – Point shots using 4 small nets. Shoot from spaces 0-1-2 after a pass from the point.

10 min.
T4 D400 - 2 on 2 Below the Goal Line

Key Points:
The attackers create scoring chances with speed, deception, give and goes, crosses and picks. Defenders must talk, stay net side, sticks in lanes and one the puck.

Start from the corners, one attacker with the puck and another come towards him below the goal line. 2 defenders are in front and must cover them. Keep track of goals vs the number of attempts. Play for 5-10 seconds.


10 min.
DT400 Support-Regroup-Hinge-Attack-Defend

Key Points:
New players give defenders support from the top of the circles as if they were wingers. If the puck is carried above there they can.

1. Red 1-2 attack Blue 1-2.
2. Blue 1-2 defend.
3. Pass to Blue 3-4 after a turnover or goal.
4. Blue 3-4 breakout the other direction.
5. Red 1-2 follow the play as defenders
6. Blue 3-4 regroup with Red 3-4.
7. Red 3-4 hinge at least once.
8. Red 3-4 pass to Blue 3-4.
9. Blue 3-4 attack vs Red 1-2.
10. Red 3-4 follow attack to support Red 1-2.
11. Blue 5-6 move to nzone ready to regroup with Red 3-4.
Continue this rotation of support-regroup-hinge-attack-defend.

10 min.
DT400 Transition Game of Low Battles with Point Support

Key Points:
Great game to practice cycling, going to the net, screening, tipping, point shots, shot pass, one timers on offense. On defense you have the low zone coverage and communication skills. As well as individual techniques like sealing the stick to the outside, tying up sticks, boxing out, switching, all from the defensive side.

1. One team is lined up behind each faceoff dot. From one to tree players leave at a time.
2. The next player in line plays the joker at the point and must pass or shoot within a second. Defenders do not check the joker as he can’t go in and score.
3. The coach dumps the puck in or shoots on net and the teams race for the puck. Whoever gets the puck can shoot right away.
4. When the defending team gets the puck they must pass to their joker at the point to transition to offense.
5. If the puck is shot out of the zone the coach passes to the non offending joker.
6. Play 20-30” and on the whistle the players pass to the coach and skate hard out of the zone before the coach shoots a new puck in.


10 min.
DT400 One Pass with Varying Numbers

Key Points:
Players must read the numerical situation and communicate. Attackers must quickly take advantage of either their scoring chances or the ability to pass to the line to add an attacker.

1. Teams line up outside the blue line.
2. A coach tells each team how go on the whistle.
3. Coach dumps the puck in to start.
4. On transition to offense there must be at least one pass before a shot.
5. Up to 4 players can be on one team.
6. Add players by passing to the player at the front of the line.
7. Play 30" and on the whistle pass to your line.
8. On a goal the coach shoots in a new puck.

*Add players by making a give and go pass to the line and that player joins the attack.

'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
'Enjoy the Game'
Registered: 06/25/08
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Location: Calgary, Canada
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Flyers Practice Plan Date: 19-02-13 Time: 16:00-17:30 Venue: Max Bell 2

Scoring, 2-1, passing, shooting, puck handle Regroup, 1-1, 2-1, middle drive, rebounds

7 min.
B6 Puck Handling Skills, Zig-Zag

Key Points:
Separate the movement of the upper and lower body by doing these exercises to loosen the shoulders.

1. Players line up in diagonal corners in the B6 Formation.
2. Skate in big arcs down the ice and perform different tasks with the puck. These are some examples but players can practice every possible move both forehand and backhand.
a. Keep the hands and feet moving quickly.
b. Skate arcs with the puck only on the forehand side of the blade.
c. Skate arcs with the puck only on the backhand side of the blade.
d. Do heel to heel glides one way then the other.
e. Fake passes then protect the puck.
g. Fake shots.

Finish with a shot at each end of the ice.


8 min.
B6 Pass and Replace x 3

Key Points:
Pass while skating then turn and face the player who is passing to you. Shoot before the hash marks and follow the shot for a rebound.

A. 1 pass to 2 and follow the pass and turn and face 5 for a pass.
B. 2 pass to 3 and follow the pass.
C. 3 pass to 4 and follow the pass.
D. 4 skate in and shoot-rebound- go to the corner.
# Do 2 or 3 minutes from each side. Alternate task by requiring backhand or saucer passes or a move before passing , etc.


8 min.
B600 2-0 Quick Ups

Key Points:
Have good habits with the shooter looking for a rebound. New attacker on the puck side should face the passer and player on the weak side cut across the ice and give a target. Move the puck up ice quickly and call for passes.

. #1 and 2 attack 2-0.
2. # 3 and 4 follow the attack up ice.
3. Shooter follow shot for rebound,
4. Other attacker get a new puck and pass to 3 or 4.
5. Repeat other way with shooter following the shot and the other attacker passing to 5 or 6.
6. Continue this flow.

8 min.
B6, 2-0, Regroup, 2-1 Back

Key Points:
Forwards pass to the outside and skate to the middle with the puck. Face the puck all the time. D pivot with the puck. D work with the goalie and only give away poor shots. Forwards attack with speed and make the first play early. One high one low; one fast one slow.

1. F1 and F2 leave from diagonal corners.
2. D1 leave from diagonal bluelines.
3. F's regroup with D in nzone.
4. F's skate to far blue-D follow.
5. F's turn at own blueline.
6. F's attack 2-1 vs. D1's.


14 min. Sean-Kev With Defense 6 and 5
Tom – Tom – F
- Middle drive 3-0
- 2-0 Shoot far pad for rebound.
- 2-0 passes from behind the net.

10 min.
Sean – everyone.

DT100 Read-Act to Situation 1-1 to 3-3

Transition game where the players must read the ever changing situations and act to make them even.


20 min.
D100 Scrimmage Full Ice – Alternate Ends

Key Points:
Take short shifts and play with good habits. Move the puck to players in better position than you. On defense play tight gaps and everyone cover an attacker.

1. Play 3 on 3 with the extra players on the bench.
2. Scoring team get the puck right away and attack the other net. Defenders must rush back to the red line before they can check the players.
3. Keep score and play games to 3 and situations like of 2 out of 3 series.
4. If you have at least 16 players play some 4-4 or with at least 20 skaters 5-5 as long as the pace of the game is intense.


10 min.
E1 Rebound Game

This is a scoring contest that seems to be loved by players of all ages everywhere in the hockey world.

Key Points: Make quick shots and one timers and goalie read the play. Description:
1. Players line up on both side in the slot with one shooter at the top.
2. Play games to 5 between the goalie and shooter.
3. If the goalie freezes the puck or it hits the boards behind or at the side the goalie gets a point.
4. Players get a point by scoring a goal on a shot or rebound. Only one pass is allowed.
5. Shooter stays if he scores and players rotate if there is no goal.


'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
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Registered: 06/25/08
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This is our last practice before play-offs so we went through team play situations like dzone face-offs and some ozone options. Practiced pp, pk and 6 on 5 as well as going through all of the breakout options. The three team scrimmage is a great way to practice team play when you have three lines. I blew the whistle when the puck got into one end and everyone stopped and we did face offs and reviewed the coverage. Then they play until I went through all three lines on both sides of the ice. For specialty teams we adjust by having the lw then rw then C stay outside the blue line so it is a 4-5 at each end. Two stay in nzone if it is a 5-3. Everyone practices the options in the Kingston Rotation and I want a shot every 3 seconds and the line goes through all of the options so all players get shots. Then one line breaks out - returns works on the pp again while the middle group switches with the group at the far end. So each line gets 2x2 min. of pp options and a pp breakout.
Flyers Practice Plan Date: 21-02-13 Time: 17:15-18:45 Venue: ECTAS

Breakouts, face-offs, skating, passing, Shooting, goalie instruction, 6-5, pp, pk,

8 min.
A2 Skating Warm-up for Edges and Balance

Key Points: Good players can move in all directions efficiently because they and use all edges and have great balance on the ice. Routines for skating, puck handling, shooting and passing are efficient ways for a coach to quickly review the foundation skills and allow the players to get a lot of reps and improve at their own rate.

A2 Formation - Players start at one end and skate to the other end. - inside edges - out and in using a snowplow. - inside edges - sculling one leg at a time on the inside edges. - outside and inside edges - slalom with the skates together and a good knee bend. - balance and edges - one length of the ice on each leg.
Repeat the same sequence but skate Backward.


The same warm up with 12-14 year olds.

8 min.
B6 1-0, 2-0, 3-0 Small Horseshoe

Key Points:
This is a great timing drill with good flow for early in the practice. Pass hard and get your top hand away from your body. Call for the pass. Give your stick and skates as a target.

1. Skate to the top of the circle and pass.
2. Continue and get a pass from the other end.
3. 2-0 first player passes and swings wide and second player skates into the middle lane. Pass to the player in the middle.
4. Player in the middle one touch the puck up to the wide man. Stay onside.
5. Shoot and go for the rebound.
6. On the 3-0 the third player goes up the boards and enters as the high man. Add a trailer pass to the high man as the first shot.


10 min.
B5 Murdoch Breakout Routine A to F - 1 and 2 D

Key Points:
This is a good routine to use at the start of practice instead of just skating around the ice aimlessly.
- Work for 5-10 min. and get in a lot of reps.
- D shoulder check on the way to the puck.
- Forwards funnel through middle lane and watch puck before swinging up the boards.

Wings and Defense
A. Coach shoots puck in and D gets the puck and passes to the wing who times his skating from inside to outside. D to W back to D and up to wing. Then repeat on the other side. All forwards take turns getting the pass on the wing.
B. Coach shoots the puck in and D skates back to get in while the wing times his skating from the middle to the outside lane. The D drives the back of the net and stops and goes out the same direction making a counter pass to the wing, who returns the pass and gets another pass.Repeat on the other side.


10 min.
DT100 Continuous 1-1, 2-1, 2-2

Key Points: New players don't leave the line-up until the puck enters the offensive zone. On dump outs no one change but go back and regroup with the same players. Changes occur when the puck is over the offensive blue line or controlled over the defensive blue line.

1. Attack 1-1 with D getting support from 1 F and F from one D.
2. Defending F1 cover the point.
3. New offensive D join and play point.
4. On transition attack 1-1 thru nzone.
5. Continue flow with new O and D support. -Continue the flow of 1-1 in nzone and 2-2 at each end. -Dump-ins and regroups can be added.


12 min.
T2 Kingston Power Play and Team Play Rotation

Key Points:
Practice options where every player gets a shot. Begin with a rotation attacking the seam between the D and the F and read what they give. If the D forces then the low play is available, if the F forces then the point is open. If the pk box is passive then there is a 2-1 at each corner, a 3-2 on each side and seams between players to attack. Force the pace by taking a shot by a different player every 3 seconds. Coach in each zone

- Line A at one end practice attack options.
- Line B at other end practice attack options. Both walk through pp 5-0.
- Line C in middle passing practice.
- On whistle line A dump the puck to the other end and breakout returning to the original end while group C replace group B at the far end and group B pass in the neutral zone.
- Repeat with group C breaking out and back and group B switch with group A who move to the middle.


15 min.
D1 Full Ice 3 Team Controlled Scrimmage – Face-off

Key Points:
Give close support to the ball or puck. Defending team create speed through the neutral zone after the breakout. New defending team identify coverage when the attackers enter the zone.

Three teams play full court or full ice.
1-Red attacks vs Green at one end.
2-Green breaks out and attacks vs. Black waiting at the other end.
3-Black breaks out and attacks Red.
4-Green rests at the original end.
5-Black attack vs. Green.

Stop on coaches whistle and do face-offs in each zone. They keep this rotation and play a game up to 5. Start another game at 0-0 but switch who they attack first i.e. now Green attacks Red and Red attack vs. Black and Black vs. Green. This rotation can be used to practice team play at full strength and power play and penalty kill.


15 min.
T2-4 D400 PK and PP and 6 on 5-One End Goalie Practice at other end.

Key Points:
PK outnumber the PP on loose pucks in the corner. PK skate in straight lines. Always one pk denying the mid point and one in front. PP change the point of attack when outnumbered. Rotate the mid point player to the middle or the back door.

1. Start with everyone in position on the pp and pk.
2. If pk gets the puck start the pplay again from a different spot.
3. On the pplay either the puck or the player moves.
4. PK always lead with the stick on the puck and in passing lanes.
5. PP always give at least two easy outlets.
6. PP give low support when puck on half wall.
7. PK cut the ice in half and force passes that must beat two defenders.
8. Work 30-60" rotate on whistle.
*Game situation: defenders shoot puck to other end.


15 min.
Regulation shootout starting on the whistle.

When I coached in the women's pro league the goalies told me that a real shootout is very different than when we do shootouts after practice when the players continually have breakouts. They wanted to practice like a penalty shot or shootout where they must be on the goal line and the player starts on the whistle. It allows them to practice how far to go out and time backing up at the right pace so they are deep in the crease on a deke and out for a shot. We did white vs. green with each shooting at one net and kept score.

'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
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Registered: 06/25/08
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Location: Calgary, Canada
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We played the first two games of the 3 of 5 series Friday and Saturday. I couldn't ask the team to play harder but sometimes the 'hockey gods' just are not with you. Our manager tracks the shots on rink diagrams and puts who shoots and from where. Goals are circled. So I know it is accurate because that is all he is doing.

Game one we period shots were 19-5, 13-5, 13-3 for a 40-13 total. They scored on a good shot following a turn over in the first. We attacked in waves but didn't score. They got an empty netter with 12 " left.

Game two was an away game with period shots 15-7, 9-5, 11-10. We both score one in the first. They got another in the second just after a pplay when the player coming on did not assume the role of the low supporting F. We didn't score any more and lost 2-1.

The last 3 games are next weekend so it will be a week to build confidence and get ready for winning one shift at a time.

What other situation can teach young people how to deal with adversity better than this.

'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
'Enjoy the Game'
Registered: 06/25/08
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Location: Calgary, Canada
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Quote by: TomM

We played the first two games of the 3 of 5 series Friday and Saturday. I couldn't ask the team to play harder but sometimes the 'hockey gods' just are not with you. Our manager tracks the shots on rink diagrams and puts who shoots and from where. Goals are circled. So I know it is accurate because that is all he is doing.

Game one we period shots were 19-5, 13-5, 13-3 for a 40-13 total. They scored on a good shot following a turn over in the first. We attacked in waves but didn't score. They got an empty netter with 12 " left.

Game two was an away game with period shots 15-7, 9-5, 11-10. We both score one in the first. They got another in the second just after a pplay when the player coming on did not assume the role of the low supporting F. We didn't score any more and lost 2-1.

The last 3 games are next weekend so it will be a week to build confidence and get ready for winning one shift at a time.

What other situation can teach young people how to deal with adversity better than this.

Sorry about the losses. My team was knocked out of our playoffs last night 4-3 after out shooting their opponent by 10. Our theme was also one shift at a time.

Sorry to read about your team Tony. One more practice tonight and then we have the weekend series to redeem oursleves.

Registered: 10/09/12
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Tuesday we worked a lot of low zone game situations, reviewed the middle drive and doing things quickly. Sean adapted his SAG game with two nets so the players had to read the multiple situations.

Flyers Practice: 26-02-13 Time: 16:00-17:30 Venue: Max Bell 2

Goals: Middle drive, goalie practice, skate, shoot, Puck handle, regroup, hinge, point shots, score

8 min.
A300 Edges and Puck Handling with a Shot

Key Points:
Move the puck all around the body in two circles going opposite directions. Finish with a shot. Use all of the edges and big moves reaching as far as possible.

1. Dark group skate down half the rink with a puck and shoot from the middle and white group skate the opposite way and shoot on the other net.
2. Skate on all of the edges and use big moves by reaching the opposite.
i.e. Skate left and reach as far as you can to the right.
3. The players skating down the middle finish with a shot and then get a new puck.
4. Exercises are done while zig-zagging in and out.
a. Forward skate and alternate on the front inside edges.
b. Backward skate and alternate on the inside edges.
c. Skate forward and cross-over alternating on the outside edges.
d. Skate backward and cross-over alternating on the outside edges.
e. Open hip turn each way.
f. Slalom and reach as far as possible with the puck the opposite way.

7 min.
B202 Pass to All Players

Key Points:
Give and go pass. Give a target and make eye contact before passing.

1. Blues start with half on each blue line.
2. Reds weave around in the middle.
3. Red pass to each blue player.
4. Alternate sides each pass.
5. Switch every 30".
*Compete to see who makes the most passes.

8 min.
DT400 Game of Quick Transition

Key Points:
The resting players attack right away when they get a pass and the original attackers must communicate and cover one attacker each.

1. Offensive team attacks 3 on 3. It can be 1-1, 1-2, 2-1, 2-2 or 2-3 also if the coach wants to practice these situations. Uptto 5-5 is possible.
2. On transition to offense the defenders pass to their teammates waiting behind the blue line.
3. Attack right away (don’t have to wait for teammates to get onside in this game.)
4. Original attackers now defend and communicate with each other on how to stop the attack. 5. After a goal the defenders is allowed to pass to the new attackers.


7 min.
B600 Regroup, Hinge, Quick Up-Detroit

Key Points:
Hinge and push the puck up the ice quickly. Strong side F stretch and weak side give middle support.

1. F1 skate and regroup with D1.
2. D1 skate to the middle and pass to D2 in the wide lane.
3. D2 quick up to F2 who stretches on the strong side boards.
4. F1 and F2 attack. Repeat the other way with F3 regrouping with D3.


20 min.Sean
DT400 Multiple Situations in Small and Smaller Area

Key Points:
This SAG goal is to practice READING Game Situations by constantly changing the situation from 1-3 on offense or defense at once. Set one net up on the goal line below the faceoff dot facing up ice and the other net facing the corner just inside the circle. The game is continuous and thecoach shoot in a new puck on a goal.

A. Blue 1 and 2 attack Red 1 and 2 in the corner and Blue 3 and 4 attack Red 3 and 4 from the red line.
B. Coach whistles and Red 1 and 2 carry the puck out to the red line and attack the other net vs. Blue 3 and 4. C. Coach shoots in a new puck and Red 5 and 6 attack vs. Blue 1 and 2 in the corner. Red 3 and 4 return to the line.

Vary the number of players from 1 to 3 and switch up who starts on offense half way through the game. 1-1, 2-2, 1-2, 2-2, 1-3, 2-3, 3-3, 3-2, 3-1


10 min.
DT400 Active Jokers at Point

Key Points
Each team has two jokers at the point. Introduce the game allowing jokers to check jokers and then add that jokers can come in for one timer shots. This transition game creates three situations. In the first part the players at the point must get open and take a shot or make a pass. The defender practices covering the point. In the second part add that the jokers at the point can come in for a one timer shot

Part One: Each team has jokers at the point.
1. When defenders regain puck they must pass to the point to go on offense.
2. Jokers can shoot or pass.
3. Jokers can check the opponents Joker.

Part Two:
4.Jokers can jump in for one timer shots.
5. Defending joker should cover the attacking joker when he jumps in.


10 min.
Goalies with Nat. – 1 G in net. Middle Drive on one net. Goalie at other.

B5 Regroup 3-0, Middle Drive-Pro

Key Points:
Defense move quickly and hinge the pass up the middle. Pass hard. Centre give the stick and skates as a flat target. Middle drive hard to the net.

1. All the players are inside the middle circle.
2. Red D1get a pass from a Red F2.
3. Red D hinge and pass D1 to D2.
4. D2 pass to F2 supporting in the middle.
5. F2 pass to F1 on the strong side.
6. F1 gain blueline and pass wide to F3.
7. F2 middle drive skating hard to the net.
8. F3 shoot and all crash the net for a rebound.
9. Blue repeat in the other direction.


10 min. Goalie practice at one end.
DT400 Support-Regroup-Hinge-Attack-Defend

Key Points:
New players give defenders support from the top of the circles as if they were wingers. If the puck is carried above there they can.

1. Red 1-2 attack Blue 1-2.
2. Blue 1-2 defend.
3. Pass to Blue 3-4 after a turnover or goal.
4. Blue 3-4 breakout the other direction.
5. Red 1-2 follow the play as defenders
6. Blue 3-4 regroup with Red 3-4.
7. Red 3-4 hinge at least once.
8. Red 3-4 pass to Blue 3-4.
9. Blue 3-4 attack vs Red 1-2.
10. Red 3-4 follow attack to support Red 1-2.
11. Blue 5-6 move to nzone ready to regroup with Red 3-4. Continue this rotation of support-regroup-hinge-attack-defend.

10 min.
E1 D200 Shootout Game

Key Points:
As soon as there is a rebound or goal the defender pick up the puck and attack the other way.

1. Coach dumps the puck in and players race for it.
2. Puck carrier try to score defender defend.
3. On rebound or goal defender attack other way.
4. Shooter must get outside of the blue line.
5. When teammate onside then first player in the line backchecks.


'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
'Enjoy the Game'
Registered: 06/25/08
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Location: Calgary, Canada
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This practice is to prepare for 3 games on the weekend. Lots of team play review.
Flyers Practice Plan Date: 28-02-13 Time: 17:15 – 18:45 Venue: ECTAS

Team play review: Forecheck, pp, pk, breakouts

6 min.
Russian big moves with a shot

8 min.
B6 3-0 Weave With D Regroup

Key Points:
-Skate with the puck to the big ice between the dots and then pass.
- Pass and follow your pass.
-Stay wide until you get the pass.

1. Half the forwards at each end in three lines behind the goal line with the D waiting at the bluelines. Whites at one end and Blues at the other.
2. Middle player start by skating toward the strong side and pass to the wing and follow the pass skating behind the new puck carrier.
3. Wing skate to the big ice between the dots and pass to the far wing then follow the pass.
4. Wide wing skate to the big ice and pass to the original centre who is now in the opposite wide lane.
5. The D is skating backwards thru the middle zone and the puck is passed back to him for a regroup the other direction.
6. On regroup one player supports on the strong side boards, one mirrors
the puck in the middle lane and one is in the wide lane.
7. D makes the pass and follow the attack into the zone.
8. The group at the other end leaves after the D passes up ice.

a. Add another D.

10 min. in one direction each D breakout once and then attack 5-0. Pass back to coach after first breakout. Green, white and Red Line.
B5 Breakout 5-0 with Point Shot

Key Points:
Coach calls the various options, up, across, wheel, reverse. Each line go one direction then dump into the other end or alternate ends.

1. Players skate in nzone then coach dump in
2. D make a D to D or D to F pass and follow the play.
3. All forwards touch the puck on the rush and shoot. then screen, tip and one timer position.
4. Coach pass to D who skate across line and pass to partner who shoots or shot pass.

15 min.
T4, 5-2 Forecheck and Regroup - Czech U17

Tsunami Review – Goalies at other end.
Start with 2 D who skate forward to the blue line and then backward. The coach dumps the puck in and 5 players forecheck vs. the 2 D and two coaches who are outlets along the boards. When the D pass to a coach, or on a goal the puck is dumped down to the far blue line where the attackers regroup and attack 5-2 and play until the attack is finished. Rotate so all the lines and D pairs practice.


20 min. one end pp review-other pp. vs. pk 5-4, 5-3.
6 min. each line.

T2-4 D400 Specialty Team Practice

Key Points:
Closest player must pressure the puck in straight lines from the net out. Skate back when the puck is passed. Stick on the ice in the passing lane. Communicate.

1. A power play and a penalty killing unit at each end of the ice.
2. The coach passes in a puck from the line or from a face off dot.
3. Controlled scrimmage where everyone stops on a whistle.
4. If the puck is frozen, a goal or it is cleared put in a new puck.
5. After about 45 seconds do the same thing from the other end while the pp and pk units switch at the original end.


12 min.
D1 Full Ice 3 Team Scrimmage – All Situations

Key Points:
Give close support to the ball or puck. Defending team create speed through the neutral zone after the breakout. New defending team identify coverage when the attackers enter the zone.

Three teams play full court or full ice.
1-Red attacks vs Green at one end.
2-Green breaks out and attacks vs. Black waiting at the other end.
3-Black breaks out and attacks Red.
4-Green rests at the original end.
5-Black attack vs. Green.

They keep this rotation and play a game up to 5. Start another game at 0-0 but switch who they attack first i.e. now
Green attacks Red and Red attack vs. Black and Black vs. Green. This rotation can be used to practice team play at full strength and power play and penalty kill.


18 min.
Individual work – face-offs, rebound,shooting passing etc.

'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
'Enjoy the Game'
Registered: 06/25/08
Posts: 3549
Location: Calgary, Canada
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Lost 2-3 in overtime. Went into third 1-0 but took 3 penalties in a row and they got 2 goals. We evened it up but couldn't score on our chance. They scored on a 5-5 goal where they won a 1-1 battle in front and got the rebound to score.

Lots of great effort. It was a hard fought series. They made a good adjustment with the pplay. and didn't take stupid penalties like they did all season. We only got 2 power plays to their 5. It was a evenly played game. The best one they played in the series.

I think the key was game one where we dominated and outshot them 41-13 but got shut out. Our confidence went down and theirs up. We only scored 3 goals in three games. Not many for 109 shots on goal after scoring 96 goals in 32 games which is a 3 goal a game average. Defensively we allowed them less than 2 GA (5 GA in 9 periods then a OT GA) a game which is our goal but we fell far short of the 3 GF per game that you need to win.

The team worked really hard and that is all a coach can ask for. You don't always win the games you should and you don't always lose the games you should.

Shot and plus/minus sheet is attached. They outshot us 4-2 in OT.

Video of Game One: http://www.hockeycoachingabcs.com/mediagallery/media.php?f=0&sort=0&s=20130302111133565

So that is it for the diary of the 2012-13 season.

'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
'Enjoy the Game'
Registered: 06/25/08
Posts: 3549
Location: Calgary, Canada
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I just read an article about this weekends CIS National Championship at the University of Toronto.

The U of Calgary is going as the second place team from Canada West. They have an older team with Team Canada captain Hayley Wichenheiser. They also have some former WWHL players who were named to the all star team. Amanda Tapp is a goalie who played for the Oval Extreme and when it folded played for me with the Rockies. Stephanie Ramsay made the first all star team D. She played for the Rockies as well. They recruited one of my forwards last season but she isn't eligible yet as she is still in high school because her parents started her a year later in school due to her late November birthday.

The good news for the Flyers is that two our our defense from last season are playing in the Nationals, one for Queen's and one for St. Francis Xavier. I think that is great.

We were very young this season with 6 skaters and one goalie who were first year, six skaters second year and only 4 skaters and one goalie third year. One already is in university, one F has committed to PEI, another forward has been in discussion with an NCAA school and a really good defenseman is deciding on a university in Halifax. It looks like the goalie is going to do a graduate year in a eastern prep school in the USA.

The sport school here go after our players and 19 or the top 30 are attending these really expensive places. $30-35 000 per year. I don't understand why they want to go to these places. The public system pays the teachers really well here and the standard of education is very high; so it is hard for private schools to match their pay and security . The advantage is extra ice time and going to high profile tournaments.

I am meeting tonight with the executive of our organization to dicscuss how we can increase the ice time for practice and chose our teams earlier so we can go to fall tournaments where the players can be seen by more recuiters.

We played two sports schools at the Notre Dame tournament this year. Lost 0-4 to one (two goals in the last 5 min.) and won 3-2 against the other. Give us 5 of those players who left us to play at these places and we would be as good as anyone. (We lacked natural goal scorers. We usually outplay and outshoot teams but we need a little less Swedish and a little more Finish)

There seems to be status in going to these sports schools but they put a big financial burden on the families. We want to give a comparable program for 1/4 of the cost.
We finished the season with two exhibition games vs. the Banff Academy which is a sports school The first game was tough. We had not been on the ice for two weeks. I let them just go out and play without structure and we struggle the first two periods. We reviewed the 1-3-1 Pounce Forecheck before the third and played even with them. The second game we only had eleven skaters but they were eleven of our best players. We played well and won 4-3 in a shoot-out.

One player is now committed to play at UPEI and another is going to Dalhousie. A graduating goalie is going to play her graduate year at a prep school in Pennsylvania and I don't know if our top scorer wants to play at university. She has been talked to by Union College but she wasn't at the Banff games so I don't know what happened with that. She is a really solid small player with great skills and a scoring touch. She led the entire league in playoff scoring 2011-12.

It will be a tough sell for us because people in this city have lots of money and they believe they can purchase excellence and the more money the spend the greater the result. They should really be focused on how dedicated their chlld is and how good is the coaching they will get.

Our job as an organization is to stop lamenting about losing players and to offer equal development opportunity at a fraction of the cost and four of the five schools they go to the high school gril's have to move away from home. So they can stay home as well.

'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
'Enjoy the Game'
Registered: 06/25/08
Posts: 3549
Location: Calgary, Canada
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