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This was our first practice in a week. We played Friday and they cancelled our Thursday ice time. The team was tested by Hockey Canada on Sunday to set a baseline for concusiion evaluation. It was a very hard session with speed tests just skating and with a puck and then a form of the beep test on the ice where they had to do a down and back to the far blue line every 30 seconds x 6.

I am changing the forecheck a little to adapt to the talent on the team. It is a combo of the Tsunami, Pounce and 1-3-1 (aggressive and not passive). It is a trap like LA plays. I spent the first half of the season teaching and practicing Total Hockey. Like all teams I have some players who have incomplete skill sets. We will work on this during practice but the adjustment to the system will put the players in situations that they can succeed at with their current skill set and game understanding.

Yesterday I was at COP waiting for my class to arrive and some of the pro's were leaving after their ice time. I was talking with one 85 born who I do private sessions and is waiting for a contract and then another 85er (he is in some of the transition videos from when he was 12) came up and said hi. He plays for Vancouver now. We had a good visit and I aksed if his back is better. He said it isn't perfect but he can play. Too bad the school bus was ten minutes late or I would have introduced both of them to the students. It was nice seeing them. They are both very well mannered young men.

We will do our weekly one hour spin class on the bike Wednesday evening and practice on Thursday. I have had a few emails from university coaches who are coming to watch our weekend games. They are free now as it is exam time and no games are scheduled for most post secondary institutions from Sunday on.

Flyers Practice Plan Date:27-11-12 Time: 16:00-17:30 Venue: Max Bell

Intro to 1-3-1 Trap, passing, shooting, skate Quick support, breakouts, 1-1, 2-1, 2-2, 3-3, 4-4

10 min.
? A300 Edges and Puck Handling with a Shot

? Exercises are done while zig-zagging in and out.
o Forward skate and alternate on the front inside edges.
o Backward skate and alternate on the inside edges.
o Skate forward and cross-over alternating on the outside edges.
o Skate backward and cross-over alternating on the outside edges.
o Open hip turn each way.
o Slalom and reach as far as possible with the puck the opposite way.

10 min.
B5 Murdoch Breakout Routine 2-0 to 5-0

Key Points:
This is a good routine to use at the start of practice instead of just skating around the ice aimlessly.
- Work for 5-10 min. and get in a lot of reps.
- D shoulder check on the way to the puck.
- Forwards funnel through middle lane and watch puck before swinging up the boards.

8 min.
B6 Pass and Shoot While Skating

Key Points:
Most players have to coast before passing or shooting. In this exercise the players must keep their feet moving. It is important to keep the stick square to the puck and the hands away from the body.
1. Leave 2-0 from each corner and allow the players in front 2 or 3 passes before starting.
2. Pass while skating they can be one touch or two touch then pass.
3. Shoot before reaching the hash marks and rebound.
4. Switch sides with the inside player going to the outside when you go the other way.
5. Switch corners after a few minutes so the goalies get shots from the other side.

12 min.
B6 1 on 1 to 2 on 2 with Both Offensive and Defensive Support

There is a 1-1 at one end and on the whistle there is another 1-1 at the far end. The D jumps up to support the attacker and the F must backcheck. It becomes a 2-2.
Progress to a 2-1 which becomes a 3-3, a 3-1 or 2-2 which become 4-4 and a 3-2 which becomes a 5-5.

15 min.
1-3-1 Hard Trap Introduction

Key Points:
First forechecker pressure inside to outside. Second forechecker pressure the D to D pass and cover the C on if the D with the puck has control or passes to the wing.
1. C or RW are 1 or 2. One pressures the puck carrier and two support from the middle taking away the pass up the middle and pressure on a D to D or cover the C on a pass to the wing.
2. LW is a defensive forward who stays above the puck and covers RW.
3. LD is the defensive D on the puck side.
4. RD is the offensive D who pinches down the boards on their LW and stays in on the attack on the right side.
5. Player 1 (C or RW) come back through the middle and become F3 on a D to D or rim.

12 min.
Sean with D.
Tom Forwards cut backs.
B500 Cut Backs and Escape Moves

Key Points:
Protect the puck with the body on offense. Cut back turning toward the boards. Defender stay lined up with the back of the inside shoulder and stick on the puck.
1. Leave on the whistle and practice cut backs, tight turns. Go to the net on the second whistle while the next players leave.
2. Two players leave and the second player stays on the D side with the stick on the puck and gives passive resistance.
3. This is a battle and the defender tries to get the puck. On the second whistle whoever has the puck go to the net.
*Without goalies both sides can go at once and with a goalie alternate sides. Players switch sides after doing both offense and defense.

15 min.
D100 4-4 Two Second Game.
Players change on their own. If they carry it too long leave the puck for the other team on the whistle.

8 min.
Full Ice 2 v 0 Scoring Game:

-Play starts on whistle, both sides going at same time
-X1 & X2 race to score 2 goals vs O1 & O2
-After 1st goal X1 & X2 retrieve puck from far blue
-Both players must cross red line on regroup
-After 2nd goal players sprint back to cross red line
-First side to cross red line with 2 goals gets point

'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
'Enjoy the Game'
Registered: 06/25/08
Posts: 3549
Location: Calgary, Canada
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Great that his back is feeling better. Such a speedster and a joy to watch. (Very entertaining team to watch)

Speaking of the Nucks, I have a question with regards to Daniel Sedin and his passing ability (pass first mentality). (Obviously it doesn't hurt playing with his brother) I was wondering what your thoughts are to develop those types of players? I have a couple players (midget) who struggle scoring and have well above average passing skills. I have not tried to steer them one way or another with regards to the type of players they are but personally I think they would be better off becoming pass first kind of players. I have stopped short of giving them my opinion because I'm not really sure if it will screw them up or help them. Wanted your opinion first.

They both have the knack for finding the open player when they look for it and they do not have the knack for scoring. We have one player who could fall out of bed and put the puck in the net. Even when he screws up the shot he can find the back of the net. This goal scorer is a shoot first type of player and I'm just wondering if trying to get the other two players to think passing a lot more often when coming down the ice, would help them become better playmakers. (Right now they are both about 50/50 with what they look for when coming down the ice. They seem to make the right decision more often than not but sometimes I feel they would create more goals and scoring chances if they leaned towards 90/10 split towards passing/shooting.)

Red Wing Fan, that is a tough question. When breaking down the ice everyone should be moving the puck to a player who is in better position than them. Very seldom in higher levels of hockey does the player who crosses the blue line with the puck score the goal. This is when your passers should get the puck.
I would encourage them to be the 2 on 1 close support guy so they can get the puck and make plays in the offensive end, especially in the War Zone where there is very little time and space. Get them to be 270 degree players and try to face the play with their shoulders as much as possible so they see the play in front of them.

By: Likes:

Spin for an hour on the bikes last night. This is the last practice before two weekend away games.
We accomplished what we wanted to in practice. All the players had a chance to practice the forecheck. We have 8 D on the team so the left wing position is easy for them. F2 has to get used to first covering the middle in the slot and then going to D2 on a D to D pass instead of simply focusing on the second D.
The shootout game was really good. I have never done it before. It was intense and fun for the players.

Flyers Practice Plan Date: 29-11-12 Time: 17:15-18:45 Venue: ECTAS

1-3-1 Hard Trap, offensive skills, Defensive skills, passing, 1-1, 2-1, quick Support,

10 min.
A300 Edges and then Puck Handling with a Shot

Key Points:
Move the puck all around the body in two circles going opposite directions. Finish with a shot. Use all of the edges and big moves reaching as far as possible.

8 min.
B6 1-0, 2-0, 3-0 Small Horseshoe

Key Points:
This is a great timing drill with good flow for early in the practice. Pass hard and get your top hand away from your body. Call for the pass. Give your stick and skates as a target.
1. Skate to the top of the circle and pass.
2. Continue and get a pass from the other end.
3. 2-0 first player passes and swings wide and second player skates into the middle lane. Pass to the player in the middle.
4. Player in the middle one touch the puck up to the wide man. Stay onside.
5. Shoot and go for the rebound.
6. On the 3-0 the third player goes up the boards and enters as the high man. Add a trailer pass to the high man as the first shot.

15 min.
D100 Two Second Game

Key Points:
Players must switch right away from offense to defense to loose puck and constantly change roles from, 1-puck carrier, 2-puck support, 3-check puck carrier, 4-cover away from the puck.
1. Play a full ice game of 3-3, 4-3, 4-4, 5-4, 5-5, 6-5 with the extra players on the bench.
2. change on their own
3. Players can only have the puck for 2" and must make a play, gain a zone or shoot.
4. Possession from first touching the puck for over 2" leave the puck for the other team.
5. Encourage talking, facing the puck, always give a target.

15 min.
Sean D and LW

Tom RW and C
- Tight area skills.
- 1-1-1
- 1-1 box game in front.

12 min.
DT100 Continuous 1-1, 2-1

Key Points:
Forward gets support from a defenseman and the D gets support from a forward.
1. Forwards line up in the neutral zone on one side and D on the other on their offensive side of the red line.
2. Start with a 1-1 and the supporting players join the play when the puck enters the zone and play 2-2.
3. This is a game and not a drill, so no whistles. Original players leave when the puck is carried over the blue line and there is a 1-1 the other way with the players who supported.
4. If the puck is dumped out the players stay on and regroup.
5. Situations up to a 3-2 each way can be practiced with this flow.

15 min.
1-3-1 trap review

Sean – D and LW
Tom – RW and C
1-3-1 Hard Trap
Key Points:
First forechecker pressure inside to outside. Second forechecker pressure the D to D pass and cover the C on if the D with the puck has control or passes to the wing.
1. C or RW are 1 or 2. One pressures the puck carrier and two support from the middle taking away the pass up the middle and pressure on a D to D or cover the C on a pass to the wing.
2. LW is a defensive forward who stays above the puck and covers RW.
3. LD is the defensive D on the puck side.
4. RD is the offensive D who pinches down the boards on their LW and stays in on the attack on the right side.
5. Player 1 (C or RW) come back through the middle and become F3 on a D to D or rim.

10 min.
D1 Full Ice 3 Team Scrimmage with Dump In to Pracice 1-3-1

Three teams play full court or full ice.
1-Red attacks vs Green at one end.
2-Green breaks out and attacks vs. Black waiting at the other end.
3-Black breaks out and attacks Red.
4-Green rests at the original end.
5-Black attack vs. Green.

8 min.
D200 Cross Ice Uneven Situations

Key Points:
Play 1-2, 1-3, 2-3 to work on both offensive and defensive out number situations.
Stess good habits and moving the puck to a player in better position.
The coach can also implement modified rules to create situation. i.e. goals must come from one timers.
1. Coach shoots the puck in.
2. Coach calls 2-1, 3-2, etc.
3. Alternate advantage.
4. Play 20-30 seconds.
5. Keep score.
On the whistle either.
a. Pass the puck to the coach.
b. Pass to goalie who passes to a team mate coming on.
c. Pass to team mate coming on. You could also simply leave the puck.

7 min.
E1 D200 Shootout Game

Key Points:
As soon as there is a rebound or goal the defender pick up the puck and attack the other
1. Coach dumps the puck in and players race for it.
2. Puck carrier try to score defender defend.
3. On rebound or goal defender attack other way.
4. Shooter must get outside of the blue line.
5. When teammate onside then first player in the line backchecks.

'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
'Enjoy the Game'
Registered: 06/25/08
Posts: 3549
Location: Calgary, Canada
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Two games vs teams near Edmonton this weekend.
Game one: We came out flat and were outshot 14-4 in the first but they got nothing for it and it ended 0-0 after one. Second period we reversed it and outshot them 14-6 but it was still 0-0. Third we outshot them 10-8 and scored 2 and won 2-1.

The second game is about 30 minutes from here on the side of Edmonton. It is a big game for my third year players as two universities have contacted me are sending coaches to watch 2 F, 1 D and 1 G.It is a big month for graduating players because the universities suspend play during exams and the coaches have time to go and recruit. Next week we play in a high profile tournament at Notre Dame in Wilcox, Sask. We play 2 sports schools and a top AAA U18 team in our pool. I slways recruited this tournament when I coached intercollegiate.
Game Two Dec. 2 the focus was on the players getting themselves ready to compete by doing mental preparation. Game one we were not ready to play and got outshot by 10 shots in the first and then dominated the next two periods but were not sharp around the net. We haven't been scoring lately and though we still lead the league in GF our goals per game has dropped from 4 to just over 3. Our GA is better. We also have the least penalty minutes per game which really helps our GA.

We came out and played really well outshooting them 10-6 in the first but it was 0-0. We had a lot of great chances but didn't shoot well. In the second we swarmed them with a 21-7 shot advantage but it ended 1-1 with them scoring on a penalty shot called because a hand on the puck in the crease. We scored on a pplay In the third we outshot them 17-4 and scored 4 goals. One pp, two even and one empty netter. Final score was 5-1 and shots 48-17. We really worked our modified Pounce forecheck. I have tweaked it a little with the RW and C forechecking in a tandem i and the RD staying in on the attack on the right side and the LW on the left side. They tended to drop back after pinching. This way we outnumber the defenders 3-2 if they leave one D in front to the net which many minor hockey teams do. (they should have 2 D and 1 F play a 3 on 3 and the weak side F have net front coverage) So the Pounce in Soccer language has 2 strikers, 2 mid fielders and 1 sweeper. It starts as a 1-3-1 and if the first pass is D to D it is a 2-2-1. A real key is F2 is in the mid slot to cover a pass there first and then react to a pass D to D or D to W (where we pinch and trap)

There were two university coaches at the game and they were interested in some of our players.

We are gauranteed 5 games in 4 days at the Notre Dame tournament. We leave on Wednesday and 3 of the top teams in the tournament are in our group. Two sports schools and a really good team from Regina. It will be a great challenge for our young team. Maybe we can POUNCE on them before they can adjust.

'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
'Enjoy the Game'
Registered: 06/25/08
Posts: 3549
Location: Calgary, Canada
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Monday practice and we played two away games Sat and Sunday. The goal is to get lots of touches with the puck and compete. No instruction and lots of competition. Tuesday we will do lots of team play to get ready for a tournament with 5-6 games in 4 days.

Post practice comments: The practice went very well with the players competing hard. Lots of nervous system overload with multiple pucks and time restraints with the puck all in game situations.

Flyers Practice Plan Date: 03-12-12 Time: 18:30 Venue: SAIT
Practice Goals:
Cooperation, puck skills, passing, Competition, quick thinking, support

8 min.
Figure eight skate with a puck and shot.

One side F-B-Transition

Other side
-Only forehand
-only backhand
-heel to heel

8 min.
C2 1-2-3-4-5-5-4-3-2-1 Pass and Shoot Warm-up

Key Points:
Face the puck and pass on the forehand. Stay in each zone until all
players have made a pass.
1. One then two then three then four then five players leave, one
touch in the ozone, shoot, rebound.
2. Next sequence is 5-4-3-2-1 leave the other way.
3. All players make one pass in each zone.
4. In neutral zone skate figure 8's while facing the puck and making
forehand passes.
*When there is only one player do a figure eight or touch both knees.

10 min.
B600 2-0 Quick Ups

Key Points:
Have good habits with the shooter looking for a rebound. New attacker on the puck side should face the passer and player on the weak side cut across the ice and give a target.
Move the puck up ice quickly and call for passes.
. #1 and 2 attack 2-0.
2. # 3 and 4 follow the attack up ice.
3. Shooter follow shot for rebound,
4. Other attacker get a new puck and pass to 3 or 4.
5. Repeat other way with shooter following the shot and the other attacker passing to 5 or 6.
6. Continue this flow.

9 min.
C3 Reijo 1-1 Both Sides - Gap Control

Key Points:
The defender needs to get within a sticklength of the attacker before the blueline. Attacker should try moves, dekes, fakes, change of pace, shooting beside the D's foot. Description:
1. Attacker and defender both skate from the middle back to their blueline.
2. Attacker turns and goes 1-1 vs defender.
3. Done on both sides of the ice alternating direction.
4. Could do 2-1, 1-2, 2-2.

15 min.
D1-D100 Two Second Game

Key Points:
Supporting players must give close support plus depth and width. Puck carrier must skate hard to open ice and use escape moves, drive skating and cut backs to create passing lanes.
1. Play full ice with either all the players on the ice at once or in shifts.
2. Players can be in possession of the puck for a maximum of 2 seconds.
3. Stress that when you get the puck the order of priorities should be:
3. When over 2 seconds the other team gets the puck (coach monitor).

8 min.
D200 2-2 Shoot Either Net – Flames

Key Points:
Quick reading the rush and change the point of attack. Need quick feet and quick thinking. Get defenders to commit then change direction. No reaching penalties.
1. Two teams on blue line with one at each half.
2. Play with only one puck in the playing area.
3. Players can score at either end.
4. Keep score.
*Alternative is to play from 1-1 to 5-5 with the same rule that you can score on either net.

10 min.
D200 3 on 3 With 3-2-1 Pucks

Key Points:
-Players can only shoot when the goalie is ready.
-No empty net goals.
1. Players line up outside the blue lines.
2. Coach shoots in 3 pucks.
3. Players race for pucks and battle to score and defend.
4. Hustle out of the zone on the whistle and play 20-30 seconds only.
5. Leave the puck in the net after a goal is scored..

E1 D200 Shootout Game 1-1, 2-2
Key Points:
As soon as there is a rebound or goal the defender pick up the puck and attack the other
1. Coach dumps the puck in and players race for it.
2. Puck carrier try to score defender defend.
3. On rebound or goal defender attack other way.
4. Shooter must get outside of the blue line.
5. When teammate onside then first player in the line backchecks.

'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
'Enjoy the Game'
Registered: 06/25/08
Posts: 3549
Location: Calgary, Canada
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Last practice before going to the invitational tournament at Notre Dame. It looks like we are in a group with 3 of the strogest teams. Team play review practice.

Post Practice: very good tempo in practice. We have now covered all of the team play concepts by doing the 6 on 5 with goalie pulled. It fits in perfectly with the 1-3-1 Pounce. The 3 team scrimmage is the perfect way to practice team play when you have only 3 lines. It gives the players a rest and you can run it as a controlled scrimmage. Going into the tournament our focus we know we don't have the offensive skills of Sports schools which are U19 and we are U18. Our focus is to have better habits, angles, discipline. They get the offensive stars. One of my players twin sister who averaged over a goal a game as an underaged player last year in our league plays for Warner, who we play tomorrow and she is not their top scorer. We have to be really good in our end and forecheck them into the ground and make them play defense to have a chance.

Great challenge. It should be fun.

Flyers Practice Plan Date: 04-12 -12 Time: 16:00-17:30 Venue: Max Bell

Review team play, breakouts, regroup, One timers, D skills, quick thinking and close. Support, battle, back check, 6-5, 5-5, 5-4

8 min.
B6 – 3 Shots, 3 Zig zags, 3 Shots

Key Points:
3 Leave from diagonal corners about 2" apart, skate around circle then shoot, get a pass from
the other corner, skate 3 zig zags betweeen the blue line and the top of the cricles the fill the 3
lanes and shoot.
1. Make sure to leave about 2 seconds between shooters so the goalie has time to get set.
2. Follow the shot for a rebound before getting the pass.
3. Do skills while zig zagging 3 times such as;
a, carry the puck with the hands and feet moving all the time.
b. carry the puck only using the forehand side of the stick.
c. only use the backhand side of the stick.
d. transition skate facing the far end forward to backward to forward.
e. skate backward.
f. 360 degree turns.

12 min.
B600 Double Regroup Options

Key Points:
Regroup with each D and support from about a half zone away. Give a target and face the puck. Pass hard and always give strong side wall support and middle support.
3 F regroup with 2 D and dump puck in and breakout and attack 3-2.
Next group regroup in other direction.

15 min.
Sean Kevin with D

Tom – Tom with F – Attack triangle and one timers.


10 min.
D100 Two Second Game

Key Points:
Players must switch right away from offense to defense to loose puck and constantly change roles from, 1-puck carrier, 2-puck support, 3-check puck carrier, 4-cover away from the puck.
1. Play a full ice game of , 4-4
3. Players can only have the puck for 2" and must make a play, gain a zone or shoot.
4. Possession from first touching the puck for over 2" leave the puck for the other team.
5. Encourage talking, facing the puck, always give a target.

10 min.
DT100 Backchecking Game

Key Points:
Attack quickly and the defender tie up the stick on the rebound then look for the puck.
Full ice game with the defenders getting support. New attackers have to get the breakout pass inside their zone. This works on quick passes and attack or the backchecker catches up. The backchecker must tie up sticks on the rebound and don't allow a second shot. The attacker must be quick and follow the shot. Defender make a breakout pass to the supporting player in the high slot.

18 min. One min. explanation before each.

D1 Full Ice 3 Team Scrimmage

6 min. 1-3-1 forecheck

6 min. 5-4

6 min. Faceoff 6-5. Description then play.


10 min.
DT400 Transition Game of Low Battles with Point Support

Key Points:
Great game to practice cycling, going to the net, screening, tipping, point shots, shot pass, one
timers on offense. On defense you have the low zone coverage and communication skills. As well
as individual techniques like sealing the stick to the outside, tying up sticks, boxing out,switching, all from the defensive side.
1. One team is lined up behind each faceoff dot. From one to tree players leave at a time.
2. The next player in line plays the joker at the point and must pass or shoot within a second.
Defenders do not check the joker as he can’t go in and score.
3. The coach dumps the puck in or shoots on net and the teams race for the puck. Whoever gets the puck can shoot right away.
4. When the defending team gets the puck they must pass to their joker at the point to transitionto offense.
5. If the puck is shot out of the zone the coach passes to the non offending joker.
6. Play 20-30” and on the whistle the players pass to the coach and skate hard out of the zone
before the coach shoots a new puck in.

Description T2 6 on 5 with the Goalie Pulled
Key Points:
It is important to prepare your team for late in the game.
Always two on the loose puck. Seal off the boards.
6 on 5
First get the puck deep into the offensive end.
a.Make sure there are 2 on the puck
b. one player take away the wide rim.
c. one player behind net and one in front.- d
e. point player on the puck side. Keep it deep
1. Try to walk out and score after picks set.
2. Two players pick the defense.
3. Two players get into scoring areas.
4. defense mirror play and keep it deep unless there is a clear shot to the net.

7 min.
E1 Rebound Game

This is a scoring contest that seems to be loved by players of all ages everywhere in the hockey world.
Key Points: Make quick shots and one timers and goalie read the play.
Description: 1. Players line up on both side in the slot with one shooter at the top. 2. Play games to 5 between the goalie and shooter. 3. If the goalie freezes the puck or it hits the boards behind or at the side the goalie gets a point. 4. Players get a point by scoring a goal on a shot or rebound. Only one pass is allowed. 5. Shooter stays if he scores and players rotate if there is no goal.

'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
'Enjoy the Game'
Registered: 06/25/08
Posts: 3549
Location: Calgary, Canada
By: Likes:

Day One: We did the 7.5 hour drive and arrived in Regina at 9:30 losing an hour between mountain and central time and checked into a Holiday Inn.

We played Warner Sports School. Mikko Makela and ex NHL Finnish player is their coach. They are a U19 team and we are U18We They recruit players from all over and have 11 who play for their Provincial U18 teams. We have zero. So we were outmatched in offensive talent. After one the score was 2-0 for them and the shots 10-6, After two it was still 2-0 and they outshot us 10-6 again. They really attacked in the third outshooting us 18-6 and ended up winning 4-0.

I was proud of our effort, especially the individual defensive skills in stripping them of the puck. We turned the puck over way to much with poor passing. The higher pace created mental pressure and we hurried everything. The game showed our players that if they created good angles and have sticks on the puck you can check anyone.

Tomorrow a game at 8 in the morning vs. Regina and another at 18:00 vs St. Mary's a sports school from Manitoba.

The players are having a Ginger Bread House contest tonight and have dropped off the supplies in the coaches room for us to make on and enter it into the contest.

Coaching girl's is very different than coaching boy's.
Played Regina at 8 in the morning who are another top team. We played well defensively but created no offense and lost 2-0. They got an empty netter with .1 seconds left on the clock. We have to move quickly with the puck and make tape to tape passes if to create some offense. We play St. Mary's, another sports school at 6 pm.
St. Mary's scored off the opening faceoff 7 seconds into the game and again 1:44 in to lead 2-0. We competed hard to stop the bleeding and it was 0-2 after one and shots 8-14, We started playing really well and it was 1-2 after two with shots 11-9. In the third we scored on a pp and on an individual rush and won 3-2 shots 7-11 (they had a pp last two minutes) Total shots 27-34. Big win vs the tenth ranked sports school in NA.
Played Southeast a team that is leading our league. It is the fourth time this month. We are 1-1-1 with them. They came out hard and we were flat. They got ahead 2-0 and halfway thru the game we started to dominate and then allowed a goal on a 1 on 2 where both D went for the puck and we were behind 3-0. We again took over the third and scored 5 minutes in and again 12 minutes in. to make it 2-3. We got a pp and pulled the goalie halfway thru it with 1:30 left an but we got a penalty in a battle for the puck. They scored an empty netter a second after the horn went but the ref counted it.
The lesson was that when we play with good habits and good angles we are a good team and when we don't we are very average.
Tonight is a skills competition with 5 players from each team entered and tomorrow morning we play our 5th game in 4 days and then the long drive home.
Wind chill tonight will make it -30.
Very nice comment from one of the cleaning staff. She told me that this is team is one of the tidiest and well mannered teams they have ever had here.
Now that is what it is all about.
Started game 5 playing hard and then our goalie made a faux pas shooting the puck out on a dump in but partially fanned on it right to their only forechecker who shot it into an empty net. They got another even though we had about 60% of the play. Our 4th top scorer got her 5th goal of the tournament on a rap around to make it 1-2 in the second. We pulled the goalie again and didn't score on many chances. So we played well and rolled the lines in even, pp and pk. None of our top three scorers got a point. On the positive side we didn't allow a pp goal against in five games but we also scored none. If we went with pp units we may have got some goals. Outshot them 38-21 but only scored once. I am sure if we continue to double the other teams shots we will be ok.

Overall it was a great team experience. Everyone played equally and I saw that many players have grown to be able to handle the pk. Our Pounce 1-3-1 worked really well and we bottled every team up for whole shifts. Our goaltending was strong. Scoring went away for the week but that is how scoring goes sometimes.

We really have to work on the d to d and up to the c. Every team we play sends in two on the forecheck and has F3 high; then they pinch on the strong side. Going up the boards doesn't work against that. Pro teams don't pinch like that because chip outs create 2-1 situations. I remember coaching at U of Calgary and we beat the U of Alberta 7 times in a row by simply chipping the puck past the pinching D and then it trapped him and F3 creating 2-1's. They had to stop their signature pinch on us. We had the W go right up to the pointman and fired it to him and he simply chipped it to the nzone and the C and wide wing were off ot the races.

A great tournament for out team. We were competitive against 2 sports schools and the top team in Saskatchewan. Our organization had 19 of the top players go to sports schools this year, so to compete with them almost equally is huge. Maybe parents will save $30 000 of the $35 000 they pay to attend these schools and stay at AAA. Give us one line of the players we lost and I am sure we would have scored more goals. When we got used to the higher pace we showed we can skate with anyone and check any team. Individual offensive skills aren't quite as good. In three more months they will improve.

'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
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Registered: 06/25/08
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And sometimes we wonder why we go to all the trouble to be consistent, pro-active and meticulous in this business... the payoff is in being able to inspire your team from the bleakest spot of panic to an amazing performance. What a great growth experience for your crew!

Did you switch goalies @ 0-2?
I was tempted but I left the goalie in. She is a 95 born and I wanted to give her a chance to redeem herself in front of the college recruiters and she did that in spades.

Registered: 11/24/12
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This was the first practice after 5 x 60 min. stop time games in four days. Players had Monday off. It ended up being a great practice. It is right after school and not all players can be there on time. We were missing one D and 2 F for health and school reasons.

We worked on the slap shot and one timers. The D have pretty good slappers but the F are brutal at them. Some are pretty good at one timers but it is the same movement pattern and something that is generally weak in female hockey. Even the professional league women struggled with one timers. It is the skill that most PP are based on. We will have to put some time on it every week. Shooting is a skill players can practice on their own. So they are great skaters, pretty good wrist shots but only a few can do the snap shot well, good puck handling skills. Some are great at taking passes and some need work (even watching the Canadian U20 tryout yesterday many players struggles with taking hard passes on the back hand.) We angle really well with the stick on the puck and body on body, Our team defense is excellent, our forecheck is strong. Breakout decisions, making the first pass and scoring on our chances are our challenge. (we still lead our 11 team league in goals though).

The B5-B600 Quick ups x 2 - Latvia U20 drill was perfect for what we need in practicing wall support and quick ups. One goalie was 20 min. late so we changed the 2 pass game at each end to a 3-3 quick transition game at one end. John Kibyuk the father of my asst. coach Sean was in town to see his new grand daughter. He coaches Major Jr. in the Quebec League and has been National Champion Head coach 3 times at various levels like Allan Cup and CIS. He gave a ten minute talk to the girl's about what it takes to succeed as a player and as a team. It was very good.
We have spin class tonight and practices Th and Friday with two games on the weekend. So a busy two weeks.

The next big challenge is the Mac's Tournament in Calgary which starts on Boxing Day - Dec. 26. (for some of the female players their hockey goal is to play in the Mac's. the city really supports it and lots of fans attend the boy's and girl's games.)

Flyers Practice Plan: 11-12-12 Time: 16:00-17:30 Venue: Max Bell 2

Nzone regroup, point shots, screen, tip 1-1,2-2, 3-3, 2-1, balance and edges Puck handling, transition

6 min.
A3 Skating Edges and Balance

Key Points:
Skate forward, backward, pivot, Good to just go around when backward. Full speed 8's can be dangerous. A guy I play with collided with his best
friend doing the big 8 and his friend died as a result of hitting his head on the ice.
1. Player lead or the coach call out the technique.
2. Skate forward and backward.
3. Striding, crossovers, transition forward to backward, backward to forward.
4. Side to side smooth transition.

6 min.
A300 Edges and Puck Handling with a Shot

1. Dark group skate down half the rink with a puck and shoot from the middle and white group skate the opposite way and shoot on the other net.
2. Skate on all of the edges and use big moves by reaching the opposite. i.e. Skate left and reach as far as you can to the right.
3. The players skating down the middle finish with a shot and then get a new puck.
4. Exercises are done while zig-zagging in and out.
a. Forward skate and alternate on the front inside edges.
b. Backward skate and alternate on the inside edges.
c. Skate forward and cross-over alternating on the outside edges.
d. Skate backward and cross-over alternating on the outside edges.
e. Open hip turn each way.
f. Slalom and reach as far as possible with the puck the opposite way.

8 min.
D4 Two Pass Rules - forehand only and 3 strides

Key Points:
My favorite game to warm up the players at the start of practice. The quicker they make the passes after regaining the puck the more scoring chances they produce
1. Players must stay inside the blueline and if they puck goes out the other team gets it.
2. Before scoring the offensive team must make at least two passes.
3. When the defenders regain the puck they must make at least two passes before a shot.
4. Make rules with skills for skating, shooting, passing or good habits.

10 min.
B5-B600 Quick ups x 2 - Latvia U20

Key Points:
Forward face the puck and defense get between the dots before passing.
Do everything with the feet moving.
1 - F1 pass to D1.
2 - F2 get open on boards and get pass from D1.
3 - F2 give and go with F1.
4 - F2 pass to D1 on the other side.
5 - F2 get open for return pass from D1.
6 - F2 attack and shoot.
7 - D1 follow for a pass to the point.
8 - F2 get a puck from corner and pass to D1.
9 - D1 shoot while F2 screen.

15 min.
Sean-Kevin - D Shooting
Tom – Tom – F screen, tip, one timers.

8 min.
DT400 Active Jokers at Point

Key Points
Each team has two jokers at the point. Introduce the game allowing jokers to check jokers and then add that jokers can come in for one timer shots.
This transition game creates three situations. In the first part the players at the point must get open and take a shot or make a pass.
The defender practices covering the point. In the second part add that the jokers at the point can come in for a one timer shot
Part One: Each team has jokers at the point.
1. When defenders regain puck they must pass to the point to go on offense.
2. Jokers can shoot or pass.
3. Jokers can check the opponents Joker.
Part Two:
4.Jokers can jump in for one timer shots.
5. Defending joker should cover the attacking joker when he jumps in.

10 min.
D100 Transition Game of Support, Defend, Attack, Rest

Key Points:
This is a great full ice transition game to practice offense and defense in all three zones. I have done this the last 2 practices with my team and my skills group. The coach can decide what to focus on each time you do it. Instead of stopping the game talk to the players when they come back to the line. You can do this from 1-1 to a 3-3. I will put a modification that adds other nuances to the game at another date. Point men only get one second with the puck to shoot or pass. Defenders cover the low players and ignore the pointmen.
A. 1 and 2 attack vs a and b and are supported on the blueline by 3 and 4 The pointmen cannot go farther than the top of the circle. When the puck goes to the point a and b control te sticks of 1and 2. Attackers cycle, screen, tip, drive the net. Defenders work on low coverage and B.O.
B. When a and b breakout over the blueline 1 and 2 are finished and there is a 2 on 2 in the nzone with a and b attacking 3 and 4.
C. After the puck crosses the blueline c and d support a and b from the

10 min. 1-1, 2-1, 2-2
D100 Total Hockey 1-1 to a 3-2

Key Points:
The support can be either passive or active.
Once the new players are in the neutral zone the original players go back to line; unless a regroup is added.
D100 formation along the boards in the nzone.
Start with a 1-1 and when the puck crosses the blue line each player gets support from the lineup on the boards.
Various situation up to a 3-2. i.e. A 2-1 thru the nzone with the defender getting 2 and attacker 1supporting player makes a 2-1 in nzone and 3-3 at each end. Change the supporting players to create various situations.
Players learn to play in all situations offensive and defensive situations.
The game can also be played using designated positions.

10 min.
DT400 Kibyuk Small and Smaller Area Games at Once

Key Points:
Set one net up on the goal line below the face-off dot facing up ice and the other net facing the corner just inside the circle. The game is continuous and thecoach shoot in a new puck on a goal.
A. Blue 1 and 2 attack Red 1 and 2 in the corner and Blue 3 and 4 attack Red 3 and 4 from the red line.
B. Coach whistles and Red 1 and 2 carry the puck out to the red line and attack the other net vs. Blue 3 and 4.
C. Coach shoots in a new puck and Red 5 and 6 attack vs. Blue 1 and 2 in the corner. Red 3 and 4 return to the line.
Option: Vary the number of players from 1 to 3 and switch up who starts on offense half way through the game.

7 min.
E1 D200 Shootout Game: 1-1, 2-2, 3-3

Key Points:
As soon as there is a rebound or goal the defender pick up the puck and attack the other way.
1. Coach dumps the puck in and players race for it.
2. Puck carrier try to score defender defend.
3. On rebound or goal defender attack other way.
4. Shooter must get outside of the blue line.
5. When teammate onside then first player in the line backchecks.

'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
'Enjoy the Game'
Registered: 06/25/08
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Location: Calgary, Canada
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I was just driving by our community rink after Bike Spin Conditioning for my team. It is about 21:00 or 9 pm and -15 C or +5 F out. I took two pictures. The kid's are home but a few older guys were on the ice. The Christmas trees have lights in the background. They have a skating oval around the rink and a pleasure skating rink on the other side of the changing shack. I thought it was a good hockey scene.

There is a video of a shinny game going on during another winter day at the same rink.

'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
'Enjoy the Game'
Registered: 06/25/08
Posts: 3549
Location: Calgary, Canada
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Flyers Practice Plan Date: 13-12 -12 Time: 17:15 – 18:45 Venue: ECTAS

Power play, slap shot, hinge, point shots Passing,

15 min.
B Skills Warm up Finnish U17

Key Points:
This is a great way to warm everyone up at the start of a practice. Defense do the various breakout options and read where the pressure is coming from. Pass the puck back to the coach and move thru everyone. Forwards pass with good technique and eye contact. Goalie coach work on
technique and rebound control.
A. Defense work with two doing breakout options vs one forechecker.
B. Forwards lines of 3 work in the neutral zone.
1 - Stationary pass with eye contact.
2 - Pass while moving always face puck.
3 - #8 around partners give and go.
4 - Keepaway 2-1 in four areas.
5 - Two lines move and pass to other two lines on the blue line.
6 - Two lines of 3 pass while skating on one side of the neutral zone.
C. Goalies work with coach at one end.

10 min.
B5 Regroup Options and Shots Finnish U17

Key Points:
Face the puck at all times and give a target. Shoot while skating and follow for a rebound. Pass firmly. Done from both sides at once.
Two D and two F leave from the middle at each end.
1. D1 get a pass from the circle.
2. D1 hinge and up to D2.
3. D2 pass to F1 or F2 not covered by coach.
4. F1 pass to F2 who attacks and shoots.
5. D2 gets a new puck from the circle and passes to F1 who now attacks and shoots.
6. D2 follow attack and get a pass from F2 and shoots from the point while F1-F2 screen.

10 min.
D4 Two Pass – 4-4 Each End – Face Play Rule

Key Points:
The quicker they make the passes after regaining the puck the more scoring chances they produce. Trying to make the players vision 270 degrees.
1. Players must stay inside the blueline and if they puck goes out the other team gets it.
2. Before scoring the offensive team must make at least two passes.
3. When the defenders regain the puck they must make at least two passes before a shot.
4. Make rules with skills for skating, shooting, passing or good habits.

10 min.
C2, 5 on 3 BO - 5-2 Rush - Finnish U17
Key Points:
D move away from pressure and pass to the middle as much as possible. C swing laterally through the top half of the circle about a stick length behind the D. W's stay on the boards. F2 middle drive.
1. Coach dump in a puck and call how many forecheckers.
2. Blue offensive team break out 5-3 or 5-4.
3. In NZ rush is 5 on 2.
4. Attack with middle drive and D1 joining the rush.
5. Play 5-2 until the rush is finsihed.
6. Coach dump in a new puck and call out whether one or two forecheckers stay in.
7. Red forwards breakout with original Red D1 and D2.
8. Next blue forward line follow the attack and wait at the blue line for the coach dump in.

12 min.
T2 Kingston Power Play and Team Play Rotation

Key Points:
Practice options where every player gets a shot. Begin with a rotation attacking the seam between the D and the F and read what they give. If the D forces then the low play is available, if the F forces then the point is open. If the pk box is passive then there is a 2-1 at each corner, a 3-2 on each side and seams between players to attack. Force the pace by taking a shot by a different player every 3 seconds. Coach in each zone
- Line A at one end practice attack options.
- Line B at other end practice attack options. Both walk through pp 5-0.
- Line C in middle passing practice.
- On whistle line A dump the puck to the other end and breakout returning to the original end while group C replace group B at the far end and group B pass in the neutral zone.
- Repeat with group C breaking out and back and group B switch with group A who move to the middle.

13 min.
D100 Two Second Game

Key Points:
Players must switch right away from offense to defense to loose puck and constantly change roles from, 1-puck carrier, 2-puck support, 3-check puck carrier, 4-cover away from the puck.
1. Play a full ice game of 3-3, 4-3, 4-4, 5-4, 5-5, 6-5 with the extra players on the bench.
2. Play 45" shifts and pass back to your goalie when the coach whistles for a change.
3. Players can only have the puck for 2" and must make a play, gain a zone or shoot.
4. Possession from first touching the puck for over 2" leave the puck for the other team.
5. Encourage talking, facing the puck, always give a target.

10 min.
- 5 min.
- D partner with F to teach them the slapshot
and the last 5 min.practice one timers in partners, shooting against the boards.

B2 One Timers-Pro
Key Points:

Have the stick back early ready to shoot. Keep the stick in contact with the ice and in line with the target for as long as possible.
1. Player 1 pass to any of players 2-5.
2. Shooters try to one time the shot.
3. Shooter must adjust their position to get square to the puck.
4. Pass with different speeds and also make imperfect passes to force the shooter to adjust.

10 min.
E1 Shoot Until You Score Race 1-0, 2-0, 3-0

Rule Only ONE PASS
Key Points:
Players should attack quickly, pass early, shoot to score. Goalies must battle and never give up.
1. Place one puck on the bluelines for each player on the bench according to the largest team.
2. One player leaves from the bench and must keep shooting until a goal is scored.
3. Scoring player skate hard to the bench and touch the boards with the stick and a player joins him/her and they attack 2-0.
4. Repeat after a goal and attack 3-0.
5. All three players rush back and touch the boards and then repeat.
6. The team that scores all the pucks first wins.

'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
'Enjoy the Game'
Registered: 06/25/08
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Location: Calgary, Canada
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Post Practice Comment: We did a lot of passing at the start. I want to players to stay on the wings and not all get between the dots.

With 16 skaters it is a clumsy rotation. At the Notre Dame tournament we rolled the lines to evaluate where we are and saw. Very strong in goal, good individual and team defense, everyone can kill penalties, we need offensive skill on the power play.
We have 8 D and 8 F on the team. I moved one D to F early in the season because she is young and needs to get stronger to play in the corners and in front of the net. That still leaves us with 7 D. I have changed the lines to have our top 6 offensive forwards on two lines and they will also do the pplays. The other line has 3 first year players and on D plays F each game. So 4 skaters one the lines. We have 2 D that take turns playing either LD or LW. The coverted D is playing C and another RW. One F will rotate through LW-C-RW; much like a rotation when you have 5 D. This group of 4 will kill the first two shifts of all the penalty kills. This gives everyone equal ice time. In practice all the players practice the pp and pk.

Sean reviewed the pk with this group for 15 minutes while I added a few options on the pplay with the other two lines.

Two games this weekend; one home and one away. We haven't played a home game for 3 weeks.

We still sit in second in our division at 11-7-4. We lead the league in goals for and have the least penalty minutes per game. Out goals against has been very good the last ten games and at the Notre Dame tournament.
I am pleased with how we are developing. 9 of our 16 skaters are first year in the league and we only have 4 returning skaters.

One of our 95 born forwards was offered a scholarship to a university in the Maritimes. They want an answer before the Mac's tournament. So she has a big decision. I have four 95 born skaters and one 95 born goalie. All have talked with schools about playing intercollegiate hockey. That is the level we are striving to get the to.
Flyers Practice Plan 14-12-12

Time: 18:30- 19:45 Venue: SAIT

Focus on Defensive Team Play Passing, skating, shooting, dzone coverage Pk, pp, forecheck.

8 min.
A300 Edges and Puck Handling with a Shot

Key Points:
Move the puck all around the body in two circles going opposite directions. Finish with a shot. Use all of the edges and big moves reaching as far as possible.
1. Dark group skate down half the rink with a puck and shoot from the middle and white group skate the opposite way and shoot on the other net.
2. Skate on all of the edges and use big moves by reaching the opposite. i.e. Skate left and reach as far as you can to the right.
3. The players skating down the middle finish with a shot and then get a new puck.
4. Exercises are done while zig-zagging in and out.
a. Forward skate and alternate on the front inside edges.
b. Backward skate and alternate on the inside edges.
c. Skate forward and cross-over alternating on the outside edges.
d. Skate backward and cross-over alternating on the outside edges.
e. Open hip turn each way.
f. Slalom and reach as far as possible with the puck the opposite way.

6 min.
B202 Pass to All Players
Key Points:
Give and go pass. Give a target and make eye contact before passing.
1. Blues start with half on each blue line.
2. Reds weave around in the middle.
3. Red pass to each blue player.
4. Alternate sides each pass.
5. Switch every 30".
*Compete to see who makes the most passes.

6 min.
B6 Jursi Skate-Pass-Shoot

Key Points:
This is a drill that Russian Olympic coach Vladimir Jursinov used when I was coaching with him in Austria. The goal is to get players to practice passing and shooting while they skate. Puck handling-passing-shooting should be seamless.
1. A and B skate down the ice in passing while skating.
2. A is on the inside and continues on with a shot while skating.
3. B pivots facing the puck and continues the other direction passing to C.
4. B shoots and C partners with D the other way.
# This can be done in tandem on both sides of the ice.

6 min.
B6 3-0 Weave-Regroup at Far End
Key Points:
Principles: Pass while skating and then follow the pass and take the ice behind the puck carrier.. Fill the 3 lanes. Skate to the “big ice” between the dots when you get the puck. Pass to the outside lane, skate to the inside lane.
A. 1 pass to 2 and follow the pass.
B. 2 skate to the big ice, pass to 3, follow the pass taking the ice behind.
C. 3 pass back to one, follow the pass.
D. 1 regroup with 4 and 1-2-3 fill each lane.
E. 4 pass to 1 or 3 on the strong side.
F. 1-2-3 weave the same way and attack with a triangle and shoot at the oringinal end.
G. 4-5-6 follow and repeat the other way.

9 min.
B600 Double Regroup Options

Key Points:
Regroup with each D and support from about a half zone away. Give a target and face the puck. Pass hard and always give strong side wall support and middle support.
1. Blue F1 leave and pass to F2.
2. Cross and regroup with Red D1 and D2
3. Red D1 hinge and Pass to D2.7
4. Red D2 pass to Blue F1 or F2.
5. Blue F's regroup with Blue D1 or D2.
6. Blue D's hinge and pass to Blue F.
7. Blue F's attack the far net vs either zero, one or two D.
*Options: vary the amount of F up to 3 or D up to 2. Add a dump in instead of a second regroup to work on breakouts or even a forecheck.

15 min. 5 min. per line
Sean and Kevin review pk vs. a pp – pp at far end with Tom M.
T2 Kingston Power Play and Team Play Rotation

- Line A at one end practice attack options.
- Line B at other end practice attack options. Both walk through pp 5-0.
- Line C in middle passing practice.
- On whistle line A dump the puck to the other end and breakout returning to the original end while group C replace group B at the far end and group B pass in the neutral zone.
- Repeat with group C breaking out and back and group B switch with group A who move to the middle.

10 min.
DT400 1-1, 2-2, Support-Attack-Defend

Key Points:
Defending player stay on the defensive side. Supporitng player give a target for the pass and get into an open lane.
1.F1 attack D1 at each end.
2. Players line up on the boards with the first player in line D1 supporting the defense.
3. The coach can determine whether the supporting defender is passive or active.
4. On a turnover or a goal the breakout pass is made to the supporting
defender from D1 to F2..
5. Carry the puck to the red line or if the
team has a full ice practice, carry the puck to the far blue line.
6. F2 Attack vs. the original attacker F1. Practice various situations.

8 min.
D400 Transition Game of Low Battles with Point Support

Key Points:
Great game to practice cycling, going to the net, screening, tipping, point shots, shot pass, one timers on offense. On defense you have the low zone coverage and communication skills. As well as individual techniques like sealing the stick to the outside, tying up sticks, boxing out,
switching, all from the defensive side.
1. One team is lined up behind each faceoff dot. From one to tree players leave at a time.
2. The next player in line plays the joker at the point and must pass or shoot within a second. Defenders do not check the joker as he can’t go in and score.
3. The coach dumps the puck in or shoots on net and the teams race for the puck. Whoever gets the puck can shoot right away.
4. When the defending team gets the puck they must pass to their joker at the point to transition to offense.
5. If the puck is shot out of the zone the coach passes to the non offending joker.
6. Play 20-30” and on the whistle the players pass to the coach and skate hard out of the zone before the coach shoots a new puck in.

7 min.
E1 Rebound Game

This is a scoring contest that seems to be loved by players of all ages everywhere in the hockey world.
Key Points:
Make quick shots and one timers and goalie read the play. Description:
1. Players line up on both side in the slot with one shooter at the top.
2. Play games to 5 between the goalie and shooter. 3. If the goalie freezes the puck or it hits the boards behind or at the side the goalie gets a point.
4. Players get a point by scoring a goal on a shot or rebound. Only one pass is allowed. 5. Shooter stays if he scores and players rotate if there is no goal.

'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
'Enjoy the Game'
Registered: 06/25/08
Posts: 3549
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The last two league games before Christmas.

Saturday we were flat but the other team wasn't flying either. I have changed my line up to put a different player on left wing with my two top scorers. They haven't got a point for 6 games and something needs to change. A centre moved with them and the left wing, who is the third top point getter on the team to a line with my other two point getters. That gives us two lines that can score. I put a checking line of 3 F and one D together. Two D's take turns playing left wing alternate games. A coverted D is playing C with a RW and one forward goes through the line. The two scoring lines play the PP and the checking line the first two shifts of the pk. So the ice time works out equally.

The game ended 2-2 with the converted D scoring one and the LW I moved scoring the other. The shots were almost even with us outshooting them 28-25.
Sundays game was vs. a team we struggle against. There best player always gets points against us. I made another adjustment and put an offensively minded left shooting D on RD and her right handed shooting partner on LD. This enables her to be a bigger part of the offense and suits her personality more than being a defensive defenseman and puts her partner in a role that suits her style. I also made three units that played together.

It was 0-0 after one. Finally my top scorers clicked in and got two in the second to tie it 2-2. They started the third trying to break our forecheck by passing up the middle. F1 checker tipped the pass right to our F2 player in front and she scored with agreat top shelf shot 19 seconds into the period.
They tied it with their top scorer getting her third on a great shot pass tip. We got two more in the last half of the period and won 5-3. We dominated the last period like we often do. The spin on the bike for one hour each week really helps the recovery between shifts and we win most third periods.

It was nice to see the top two scorers get 3 goals and the other offensive line get two. So we go into the Christmas break at 60% with a record of 12-7-5. We are 3-1-0 in league play since we started using the 1-3-1 Pounce at the start of December. 14 GF and 7 GA in 4 games. It was very effective in the Notre Dame tournament where we were in the top grouping and pulled a major upset vs a sports school.

This week we practice Tues. spin class on the bikes Wed. practice Th. Friday we are having a family night with parents and siblings playing. I think I will also invite the alumni from last year. Practice Sat. and Sunday. Off the 24-25th and the annual Mac's Midget tournament starts of Dec. 26. I am going to ask Gaston to run a skating practice on Th. or Sat.

'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
'Enjoy the Game'
Registered: 06/25/08
Posts: 3549
Location: Calgary, Canada
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This was a very high tempo practice. We had 3 goalies and worked them into the games and drills. One goalie is always late at this practice because of school so it helped having 2 right away. I adjusted the times a little at the start to give 8 minutes for partner work on the slap shot and one times. I love the shootout game that we did at the end. We played 1-1, 2-2, 3-3 and kept score. We go the next 5 days in a row with Spin today, on ice Th., Fri., Sat., Sun. Friday we are having our family scrimmage and Saturday Gaston is doing a one hour skating session.

My captain and asst. coach were at a press conference yesterday. The Mac's Midget Tournament starts Dec. 26. http://www.macstournament.ab.ca/division.aspx?lgid=0&did=3687&p=standings&gtid=1331&sid=1094 There are 15 teams in 3 groups of 5 on the Girl's side and 25 teams in 5 of 5 on the boy's. It is fun for the players because every game has hundreds of fans and if you get into the playoff round thousands come and the Championship game is in the Saddledome. We have a chance if all cylinders are firing at the same time.

My captain committed to UPEI this week.

Flyers Practice Plan Date: 18-12-12 16:00-17:30 Venue: Max Bell
Theme: 2-1 decisions on offense and defense.

Puck handling, pass, 2-1, transition, 3-0 Regroup, shootout, games, one zone, cross-ice

10 min.
A300 Individual Puck Handling Practice

1. Handle two or three pucks at once never letting them get more than a stick length away.
2. Reach with one hand as far back and forward as possible.
3. Slalom to the right and reach with the puck to the left and visa-versa in order to separate the movement of the upper and lower body.
4. Repeat the same thing but this time skate and power away from the puck.
5. Move the puck from the stick to the inside and outside skate edges and back.
6. Bring the puck thru the skates on the forehand and backhand.
7. Hands close together and legs wide apart and use head and shoulder fakes.
8. Toe drag and move to the forehand and the backhand.
9. Fake a slapshot and accelerate to the forehand and backhand.
10. Handle two or three different kinds of balls around the body. i.e. tennis, racquet, hockey, Keep the balls within a stick length and under control.

10 min.
B500 Puck Protection - Dean

Key Points:
Shield the puck with your body. Protect the puck before checking another player.
- Faceoff circles are the battle zones.
- 5 or 6 players at each faceoff circle.
- 3 or 4 players handle a puck inside the circle while 2 or 3 wait outside the circle.
- Protect the puck and also knock the other players puck out of the circle.
- When eliminated rotate to the next clockwise circle to change opponents.
- Waiting player enter the circle when someone is eliminated.
- Put a time limit on the exercise.
-Those who move the fewest times are the winners.

10 min.
B6 Chaos 3-0 Pass and Shoot

Key Points:
Give a target, pivot to face the puck all the time; use forehand passes and backhand only when passing forward.
1. Three players leave from each end.
2. Each group passes one puck in nzone.
3. On the whistle player with the puck shoot.
4. Other two players save ice and get a pass from the corner and shoot. a few seconds apart.

10 min.
B6 D Shoot, 2-1, D Shoot

Key Points:
D drag the puck inside the dot before shooting. Forwards attack with speed. D deny the middle and cover the most dangerous play.
1. Players in the corners.
2. D1 get a pass from the corner and shoot.
3, D2 in the corner pass to the forwards and follow the 2-1 attack vs D1.
4. D2 get a pass from the corner and shoot while original F's screen vs D1.
5. Repeat the other way.

10 min.
B6, 2-0, Regroup, 2-1 Back

Key Points:
Forwards pass to the outside and skate to the middle with the puck. Face the puck all the time. D pivot with the puck. D work with the goalie and only give away poor shots. Forwards attack with speed and make the first play early. One high one low; one fast one slow.
1. F1 and F2 leave from diagonal corners.
2. D1 leave from diagonal bluelines.
3. F's regroup with D in nzone.
4. F's skate to far blue-D follow.
5. F's turn at own blueline.
6. F's attack 2-1 vs. D1's.

10 min.
DT100 Erkka Continuous 2-1 with Passive Support

Key Points:
Erkka Westerlund has coached the Finnish Olympic Team and been director of Finnish Hockey development. He is more or less the Father of Transition Games. They are now the logical progression from Flow Situation drills from 1-1 to 3-2.
1. Two white F's attack one black D 2-1.
2. When the puck enters the offensive zone 2 black F's and one white D follow the play and passively support from above the circles.
3. After a goal, frozen puck or turnover and breakout pass the new 2 F's attack the new D the other way.
4. This flow continues. It can be played from a 1-1 to a 3-2 with passive, active or a combination of passive and active support.

20 min.
D5 - Games of Two Pass with Jokers

Key Points:
Keep score in all of the games. Change where the jokers are and allow jokers to check jokers. Rotate on goals against. Rotate areas each game.
1. Play 1 one goal games and one cross ice game.
2. Require that 2 passes are needed before shooting and the jokers must be passed to.
3. Players don't check jokers but cover a man.
4. Jokers can pass or shoot but can't skate past the line.
5. Use passing rules like only forehand, skating rules as only backward or on one foot, quickness rules like only one second with the puck or good habit rules such as goals must be on one-timers.

10 min.
E1 D200 Shootout Game: 1-1, 2-2, 3-3

Key Points:
As soon as there is a rebound or goal the defender pick up the puck and attack the other way.
1. Coach dumps the puck in and players race for it.
2. Puck carrier try to score defender defend.
3. On rebound or goal defender attack other way.
4. Shooter must get outside of the blue line.
5. When teammate onside then first player in the line backchecks.

'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
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Post Practice Comments: 16 skaters and 3 Goalies.

In the warm up game they played 4-4 at each end and to transition to offense you had to carry the puck over the blue line and all get onside. We did skating rules. First they had to scull with blades always on the ice, next they could only slalom skate, then only backward skating and we finished with regular skating but playing the opposite way, i.e. left handers had to play right handed.

I took a minute at the start to show them the first 4 drills because we have done them before. In the 2-0 Jursinov passing we focued on passing and shooting while skating - no gliding. In the overspeed the focus was shoot while skating but take the pass first and get the head up. Coaches moved around in the partner slap shot practice and I stressed squaring up early and following through at the net in the one timer drill.

The 1-1 transition game with D joining rush and F backchecking ends up being a 3-3 at each end. If the defenders just dump it out the attacking players can regroup. We had 3 units of 5 for the 1-0, 2-1, 3-1-1 drills. Timing is crucial for the long pass and making the play early with speed is how the 2-1 works. 'One High One Low-One Fast One Slow' is the mantra of a 2-1.

We took time to go over the defensive 3-2. Even in the video the Danish U20 team is playing man to man on the first two attackers and allowing the trailer to walk in alone. We teach 'wide D takes the player to the net and the strong side D plays a 2-1 and jams a late trailer pass. The D did a pretty good job in the drill. The nets back to back and the shootout race were very competitive.

Flyers Practice Plan Date: 20-12-12 Time: 17:15-18:45 Venue: ECTAS


3 on 2 on offense and defense, Pass while skating, overspeed, scoring, Slapshot, one timers, back check, D join the rush

8 min.
D4 Transition Defense to Offense

Key Points
Defending player stay on the defensive side. Supporitng player give a target for the pass and get into an open lane.
1.F1 attack D1 at each end.
2. Players line up on the boards with the first player in line D1 supporting the defense.
3. The coach can determine whether the supporting defender is passive or active.
4. On a turnover or a goal the breakout pass is made to the supporting defender from D1 to F2..
5. Carry the puck to the red line or if the team has a full ice practice, carry the puck to the far blue line.
6. F2 Attack vs. the original attacker F1.

8 min.
B6 Jursi Skate-Pass-Shoot

Key Points:
This is a drill that Russian Olympic coach Vladimir Jursinov used when I was coaching with him in Austria. The goal is to get players to practice passing and shooting while they skate. Puck handling-passing-shooting should be seamless.
1. A and B skate down the ice in passing while skating.
2. A is on the inside and continues on with a shot while skating.
3. B pivots facing the puck and continues the other direction passing to C.
4. B shoots and C partners with D the other way.
# This can be done in tandem on both sides of the ice.

8 min.
B6 Chaos NZ Overspeed with Regroup-Pro

Key Points:
Players skate as fast as possible weaving through each other in the middle. Try various moves and dekes with the head up. Description:
1. Players line up against the boards at the top of the circle.
2. On the whistle skate into the nzone and make moves at top speed.
A. Skate in and shoot then rebound.

12 min. First 6 Slap Shot Practice with Partner
B5 Double Cross-Drop-Pass-Shoot Options
Key Points:
Cross over skate, leave the drop pass as still as possible.
Pass quickly.
Going to the net for a bang in or practicing a one timer from the high slot is also easy to do.
Option One: Double Drop-Pass-Shoot
-R1 skate around circle and cross-drop to R2
-R 2 gain the blue line and cross-drop to R1.
-R1 either shoot or pass to R2 who shoots.
Option Two: Pass Low and One Timer
-Repeat as in Option One.
-After second drop B1 pass to B3 or B4.
-B3 or B4 pass to B2 who one time shoots.
-B1 and B2 rebound then wait at goal line for a pass from B5.

12 min.
D100 Transition Game with D Joining the Attack and F Backchecking 1-1 and then 2-1

Key Points:
Many coaches have a 2 on 1 at one end and then another starts the other way with a new puck and the original players skate up the ice and join the play on offense and defense. This can be done in a transiton game.
* It is like the continuous 1-1 to 3-2 but the players get to be on both offense and defense.*
Use one puck and have the new players on offense at the blue line and the new D a little farther back then they can attack when passed to.
2. The players who just were on O now backcheck and the players on D join the rush.
3. When they enter the zone the new players skate to the blue and are passive until they get the puck.
4. The players who have only gone

12 min.
C3 1-0, 2-1, 3-2 Czech U20

Key Points:
Forward see the puck at all times. Make hard passes. One forward without the puck drive hard to the net. Look for rebounds. Attack with speed and hit the net.
1. Do this in five player units or 3 F and 2 D.
2. F1 leave and pass to D1 who hinges with D2 .
3. F1 get a stretch pass from D2.
4. F2 and F3 cross and drop and attack vs. D2 in the same direction.
5. F1-F2-F3 attack the other way vs. D1 while D2 backchecks.
6. Next group of 3 F and 2 D repeat in the other direction.

10 min.
C3 Continuous 3-2 - Danish U20

Key Points:
Attack with one in each lane with speed. Two players go hard to the net and one trail making a triangle. Fight for rebounds. Defenders delay the play and protect the middle. One D take attacker to the net and other D play a 2-1 on the puck side.
1. F1 leave and pass to F2 who skates up the middle while F1 and F3 cross to wide lanes.
2. F1-F2-F3 attack 3-2 vs. D1-D2.
3. The next group of 5 wait in the neutral zone to repeat in the other direction.
A. After the 3-2 is practiced start the next rush with the defenders making a pass to the forwards waiting above the circles.
B. Then progress to a Transition Game with the Red D defending vs. blue F and the D who makes the breakout pass join the rush making it a 3-3.

10 min.
D5 Nets back to back with jokers

Key Points:
Jokers can only have the puck 1 second and then must pass or shoot. You can add that
they must move sideways or back when they get the puck.
Place the nets back to back at the red line.
-Half the team play and half are jokers. Shifts 30".
-When the team gets the puck on defense they must pass to a joker before they can
score. Jokers can move around on the perimeter.
If you have only one goalie then it is a great conditioning - skating drill for the goalie to
play for both teams and skate around to the other goal.

10 min.
E1 Two Goal Relay Race

Key Points:
Work on shooting one timers and scoring on rebounds. Good habits like face the puck, give a target with the stick on the ice. Limit of 2 passes before each shot.
A. 1 and 2 attack 2-0 on opposite net.
B. Pass and shoot to score.
C. Get a new puck from 3 or 4 after scoring.
D. Score a second goal.
E. After the second goal race back to the blueline and touch 3 or 4 with stick on shin pad.
F. Team to score most goals in certain time wins.

'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
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Location: Calgary, Canada
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Last night we had our Family Game. My team plus fathers and brothers with about 30 players in all. It was a good time for everyone. The goalies played out and a F and D and a father played goal.

Today's practice is our last one before the Mac's Tournament that starts Dec. 26.

Post Practice Comments:
I shortened a few drills by a couple of minutes and added slap shots while moving for 4 minutes. One of the goalies got caught at a train stop and was 15 min. late and missed the shots in the first few drills. I also had them play a 3 team scrimmage with a 5-4 at each end. We re-arranged the lines a bit and the Power play practice and that scrimmag allowed them to play together for a while. We met after in an empty dressing room to go over preparing for the tournament on the 26th. We have no big injuries, more owwies and they get 3 days off for Christmas and their bodies should be fresh for the Mac's. I think we are as ready as we can be.

Flyers Practice Plan Date: 22-12-12 Time: 14:30-16:00 Venue: Ectas

Puck Handling, skating, Power Play, Penalty kill, War zone play, goalie pass, Situations, regroups, awareness

6 min. Without Puck
A3 Skating Edges and Balance Warm-up - Kazakstan W

Key Points:
Skate forward, backward, pivot, Good to just go around when backward. Full speed 8's can be dangerous. A guy I play with collided with his best friend doing the big 8 and his friend died as a result of hitting his head on the ice.
1. Player lead or the coach call out the technique.
2. Skate forward and backward.
3. Striding, crossovers, transition forward to backward, backward to forward.
4. Side to side smooth transition.

A2 Russian Puck-Handling Warm-up with Shots

Key Points:
This can be done every time players go on the ice to expand their muscle memory. The point of these exercises is to increase the size of the reach with the stickhandling moves, and to separate the upper and lower body
• From the A2 formation, players skate down the ice in 3 or 4 groups; practice big moves with the puck.

8 min. one game of each
A2 Puck Dog and Pass Dog

Key Points:
Encourage the players to use moves and fakes, change of pace and to protect the puck.
This game has the players line up at the end of the rink in the A2 formation. Each player has a puck. One player (who is 'it') is at the blue line and calls out 'British Puck-dog.' The players stickhandle the puck, trying to get to the end without being checked. If a player loses the puck, she becomes 'it' and is in the middle checking. The last player with a puck wins. Another option is Pass Dog where partners must make at least one pass in each zone and get to the other end without losing the puck.

8 min.
G-B600 Goalie Pass and 1-0 U22

Key Points:
Hit the net so the goalie can make the save and then make a breakout pass. Give good targets on the wall and time with the other side so goalies have time to pass between shots.
1. Red 1 and Blue 1 leave toward far end.
2. Goalie at each end pass to 2 on boards.
3. Blue 2 pass to Red 1 and Red 2 pass to Blue 1.
4. Blue and Red 2's skate to the other end for a breakout pass.
5. Blue and Red 1's shoot on net from top of circles.
6, Red 3 pass to Blue 2 and Blue 3 pass to Red 2.
7. Continue rotation and then switch side after a few minutes.

Add 4 minutes of shots.

10 min.
B5-B600 Quick ups x 2 - Latvia U20

Key Points:
Forward face the puck and defense get between the dots before passing. Do everything with the feet moving.
1 - F1 pass to D1.
2 - F2 get open on boards and get pass from D1.
3 - F2 give and go with F1.
4 - F2 pass to D1 on the other side.
5 - F2 get open for return pass from D1.
6 - F2 attack and shoot.
7 - D1 follow for a pass to the point.
8 - F2 get a puck from corner and pass to D1.
9 - D1 shoot while F2 screen.

8 min.
C2, 3-0, 3-1, 3-2 Pro

Key Points:
Forwards should attack with speed and defense play a tight gap.
1. Start with a 3-0 attack from one corner. All attacks are on the same net.
2. F3 skate back and get a puck from the original end.
3. D1 leave line and defend vs. F3.
4. F1 and F2 come back for another puck.
5. D2 defend a 2-1 vs. F1 and F2.
6. Repeat from the other end.

12 min. Kingston PP Rotation vs Red at one end.
- Line A at one end practice attack options.
- Line B and C compete at other end.
- On whistle line A dump the puck to the other end and breakout returning to the original end while group C replace group B at the far end and group B pass in the neutral zone.
- Repeat with group C breaking out and back and group B switch with group A who move to the middle.

Add 8 minute 3 team pp/pk scrimmage.

8 min.
D1 One Pass in Each Zone

Key Points:
Close support, skate to open ice with the puck, give a target.
1. Play full ice either in shifts or all on the ice at once.
2. There must be at least one pass made in each zone. If not the other team gets the puck.
3. Controlled scrimmage so everyone stop on the whistle for coach input.
4. With shifts in a D100 game pass back to the goalie on the whistle.
http://hockeycoachingabcs.com/mediagallery/media.php?f=0&sort =0&s=2011032414361323

7 min.
D400 Transition Game of Low Battles with Point Support

Key Points:
Great game to practice cycling, going to the net, screening, tipping, point shots, shot pass, one timers on offense. On defense you have the low zone coverage and communication skills. As well as individual techniques like sealing the stick to the outside, tying up sticks, boxing out, switching, all from the defensive side.
1. One team is lined up behind each faceoff dot. From one to tree players leave at a time.
2. The next player in line plays the joker at the point and must pass or shoot within a second. Defenders do not check the joker as he can’t go in and score.
3. The coach dumps the puck in or shoots on net and the teams race for the puck. Whoever gets the puck can shoot right away.
4. When the defending team gets the puck they must pass to their joker at the point to transition to offense.
5. If the puck is shot out of the zone the coach passes to the non offending joker.
6. Play 20-30” and on the whistle the players pass to the coach and skate hard out of the zone before the coach shoots a new puck in.

8 min.
E1 Rebound Game

This is a scoring contest that seems to be loved by players of all ages everywhere in the hockey world.
Key Points:
Make quick shots and one timers and goalie read the play.

1. Players line up on both side in the slot with
one shooter at the top.
2. Play games to 5 between the
goalie and shooter.
3. If the goalie freezes the puck or it hits
the boards behind or at the side the goalie gets a point.
4. Players get a point by scoring a goal on a shot or rebound.

Only one pass is allowed. 5. Shooter stays if he scores and players rotate if there is no goal.

'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
'Enjoy the Game'
Registered: 06/25/08
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Location: Calgary, Canada
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After having three days off for Christmas we started playing in the Macs Midget Tournament today.

The first ten minutes were not good but we got better as the game went on. First period 0-0, second we played well and scored on a power play to lead 1-0, the thrird was hard fought and we hung on for the 1-0 win.

Lots of fans on a very cold day. Tomorrow afternoon we play a team from British Columbia.

http://www.macstournament.ab.ca/division.aspx?lgid=0&did=3687 is the link for the tournament. and http://www.macstournament.ab.ca/division.aspx?lgid=0&did=3687&id=114142&p=gamesheet is the official game sheet record.
Game Two:
The story of two completly different games.

The first two minutes were even and then they threw a blind pass in front of our net and our D stuck out her stick and put it into the top corner. 0-1, We turned it over at their blue line and on the 2-1 our D went over to the pass receiver and gave the puck carrier a breakaway and she put a nice shot into the top corner, 0-2. They got a pp and a player walked off the boards and our D went straight at her and fished for the puck and got beat 0-3. All unassisted. They were on a 1-2 rush and our D backed almost into the crease and let her shoot 0-4.

We then woke up after they had 4 goals on 6 shots and totally dominated the rest of the game but their goalie stoned us. Shots at the end of the first 12-6, in the second 15-5 and in the third 15-0 for a 42-11 advantage but we only scored 1 and lost 4-1.

All the great defensive play from the 1-0 win the day before went out the window at the start of the game.

Now we need to beat the Manitoba team who is 2-0 and hope the team we beat yesterday can also beat them.

Game sheet: http://www.macstournament.ab.ca/division.aspx?lgid=0&did=3687&id=114161&p=gamesheet
Game Three:
This was a really good team we were playing. They won their first two games by 4 goals each.

It was really fast paced and we scored the first goal on a power play and the first period ended 1-0 with the shots 0-10. In the second we got another power play goal and then another pp goal to lead 3-0 but they got two late goals, one with 5 seconds left and the period ended 3-2 sots were 12-14. They scored early in the thrid to tie it and then got another five minutes later to take the lead. One of their players covered the puck in the crease that we scored on but the ref said the whistle blew but gave us a penalty shot and we tied it 4-4. It was hard up and down hockey but we were getting more chances and then we got a penalty with 2 minutes left. We killed it and the game ended 4-4. Shots in the third 7-7 and the game 28-31.
The official sheet is http://www.macstournament.ab.ca/division.aspx?lgid=0&did=3687&id=114183&p=gamesheet I like our sheet because the shooter is tracked as well. They have us withe 32 shots each.

If we won that game and our next we would be in the final four playoff. Now if we win Sunday we will be in the wild card mix of points, GF, GA. We need to win by a good margin to have a chance there.

I am attaching the games shots and +/-.

The official game sheets for the first three games: Shots For - 103, Shots Against - 67, GF - 6, GA - 8. 4 of our goals are on the PP and one on a penalty shot. 1 GA on the PK.

'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
'Enjoy the Game'
Registered: 06/25/08
Posts: 3549
Location: Calgary, Canada
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A Czech coach and former NHL player who I worked with in 2010 while I was in the Czech Republic asked me to put together something to explain my teams forecheck. I did this for him.

Hi Petr,

Good seeing you today. I put together some video and a diagram of the Pounce 1-3-1 Hard Trap Forecheck .

There is a video of Salzburg Red Bulls practicing it as well as me teaching it to my college women's team using a big rink outline on the floor. Then a video clip of them doing it in a game right after. I also did a two minute clip of my team playing last night and isolated the Pounce examples.


Pounce 1-3-1 Hard Trap Forecheck

I want the LW and RD to be part of the forecheck on the attack.
The LD is always on the strong side.
Usually the C plays low in the dzone with the two D using man on and a box behind.
If the LW ends up back there they switch after the initial rush. I also want back pressure all of the time.

My truth of hockey is.
Forecheck - 2 in deep
- only pinch on the strong side when positive you will get the puck.
- lock the strong side boards on breakouts with the LW on one side and the RD on the other.
- 3 forecheck on the strong side. Left side the lw, c, rw and Right side the C-RW and RD.
- Backpressure all the way to the net.
- always tight gaps. - angle off the back shoulder with the stick on the puck.
- check from the defensive side always. - always 4 on the attack. - tight 3 man triangle and a D high on the rush to the net.
- shoot when inside top of circles unless someone is wide open.
- always give the puck to someone in better position than you and keep it if you are in the best position.

Example of my college women’s team vs. U of Calgary at the Olympic Oval

– international size ice.

I now start with a 1-3-1 with either the RW or C 1 and 2 deny the pass up the middle and then force the first pass.

A video of an explanation of the system I gave to my team at the Olympic Oval 2 hours before the game.
We used white tape to make a rink on the floor and we went over the system.


Some clips of the Forecheck with my U18 Female team.


'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
'Enjoy the Game'
Registered: 06/25/08
Posts: 3549
Location: Calgary, Canada
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We played today and gave ourselves a chance in the wild card by winning 7-1. It gave us the best goals for and against but it never came to that as a Saskatchewan team won and got 6 points with a 2-0-2 record. We finished 2-1-1. Blowing the game vs the bottom team by giving up 4 goals in the first 8 minutes did us in. Outshooting them 42-5 the rest of the game would have helped but we only scored 1. We also blew a 3-0 lead to the team that won our division and ended with a 4-4 tie. So two stretches of 8 minutes of poor hockey did us in.

We outshot the opposition 140-82 in the 4 games.

Scored 5 - pp, 1 - SH, 1 SO, 2 - 4 on 4 and 4 - 5 on 5. GA 3 - pp, 6 - 5-5. So we did a lot of good things.

I think we moved the puck better than we have all season. I don't know if it was the bigger than usual crowds or what but one D pair really struggled this tournament. They are usually a solid pair.

I will attach the stats of shots etc.

'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
'Enjoy the Game'
Registered: 06/25/08
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Location: Calgary, Canada
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I missed the last two practices because of doing the camp in Jasper. Spiin and on ice. We played a northern division team and were complety uninterested and uninspired. We lost 4-1 and got outshout 42-30. Five players got all of our shots.

Need a hard practice to get back to a competitive mode.

'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
'Enjoy the Game'
Registered: 06/25/08
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Location: Calgary, Canada
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Side Note: This site passed 10 million hits last night. Between 10-15 000 a day. So even though there is little input from anyone else in the discussion board etc. the number shows that many coaches do come here each day. I know coaches aren't really interested in my season or practice plans but I want a record for future reference and it is an easy way for me to access my plans from anywhere when giving seminars etc.
We needed a conditioning work ethic practice to start our last month before the playoffs.

Flyers Practice Plan Date: 06-01-13 Time: 15:45-17:00 Crowchild Arena

Work ethic

8 min.
A300 Edges and Puck Handling with a Shot

Key Points:
Move the puck all around the body in two circles going oppositedirections. Finish with a shot. Use all of the edges and big moves reaching as far as possible. Slalom and reach as far as possible with the puck the opposite way.


6 min.
B6 3-0 Weave-Regroup at Far End

Key Points:
Principles: Pass while skating and then follow the pass and take the ice behind the puck carrier.. Fill the 3 lanes. Skate to the “big ice” between the dots when you get the puck. Pass to the outside lane, skate to the inside lane.

A. 1 pass to 2 and follow the pass.
B. 2 skate to the big ice, pass to 3, follow the pass taking the ice behind.
C. 3 pass back to one, follow the pass.
D. 1 regroup with 4 and 1-2-3 fill each lane.
E. 4 pass to 1 or 3 on the strong side.
F. 1-2-3 weave the same way and attack with a triangle and shoot at the oringinal end.
G. 4-5-6 follow and repeat the other way.

Stress the Middle Drive with an inverted triangle of F1 going to the net and F2 with puck and F3 on the other side and a little behind. If the D is involved it becomes a 4 player diamond attack with D1 joining the rush and D2 at the point.

6 min.
B6 Breakout and Regroup with Defense

Key Points:
Have the Defense practice tight turns or the hinge by skating wide then passing back to the middle. Forwards must face the puck and fill the 3 lanes.

1. Players are in 3 lines at opposite ends of the ice.
2. Three players weave down the ice and regroup with the defense.
3. Defense can pass right up or go D to D. The forwards face the puck and fill 3 lanes for a regroup pass.
4. One player must give an outlet on the strong side boards and doesn’t leave unless he is replaced. One player in the middle and one wide. Wide player decide
a.stay wide,
b. cut acoss middle lane,
c. stretch behind the D.

8 min.
A3 Quick Feet Conditioning Skate

Key Points:
Player should keep their feet moving all the time. Coach move the pattern around the rink so you don't break the ice and ruin it for the next group.

1. Players leave in small groups with at least a 1:4 work rest ratio.
2. Skate a lateral S pattern do they turn both right and left.
3. Sprints should be less than 10 seconds.
4. Can also be done with pucks.


10 min.
DT100 Continuous 1 on 1 D - Join Attack F Backcheck with Dump in at Red Line

Key Points:
Forwards cover D and D cover F's. One D should join the attack to create triangles and one forward backcheck. Play tight gaps and attackers create 2 on 1's on the rush. Play 5-5
at each end.

1. Forwards line up on one side and defense on the other.
2.Start with a 1 on 1 attack Blue F1 vs. Red D1. 3. When the puck enters the zone defensive Red F1 support Red D1 and Blue D1 support Blue F1. 4. On transition Red D1 join new
attack and Blue F1 backcheck 5. If the puck is dumped out with no possession the offensive team regroup and attack again. 6. Red F1-D1 now go 2 on 2 in the other direction vs.
Blue D1-F1. 7. Blue F2 support Blue D1- F1 and Red D3 support attacking Red F1-D1. 8. This rotation continues with a 3-3 in each zone.


10 min.
A3 Conditioning skate

Key Points:
D pivot and F start and stop.

The D skate hard to the far blue then power turn backward to the blue and mohawk to get a puck from the corner, take it to the blue line, walk the line and shoot from the point.
A. Forwards skate blue line to blue line stop and start x1 and x2, then blue to red in order x1, x2, x3. do 2 sets facing one way when they stop. Take a shot after.

10 min.
DT100 Backchecking Transition Game

Key Points:
Attack quickly and the defender tie up the stick on the rebound then look for the puck.

Full ice game with the defenders getting support. New attackers have to get the breakout pass inside their zone. This works on quick passes and attack or the backchecker catches up. The backchecker must tie up sticks on the rebound and don't allow a second shot. The attacker must be quick and follow the shot. Defender make a breakout pass to the supporting player in the high slot.


8 min.
A2 Skating for Quickness

Key Points:
Hockey requires quick feet and agility to change directions. Keep the knees bent and use the outside edges.

1. Skate hard from blue to red line-Stop-hard back over blue line.
2. Skate hard to red line-turn inside-tight turn and back to blue.
Alternate directions.

9 min.
E1 Shootout Race

1 Key Points Players must have one skate on the dot at the start. No hooking or tripping. Skate to get D side and get the puck. *This is a great contest for puck
protection, battling, scoring and a good anaerobic conditioning exercise. Keep score with one colour vs the other.

1. Players are lined up behind the face of dots at each end. 2. A player from each team race for the puck which the coach puts on the middle dot. 3. Protect the puck
and try to score vs backchecking opponent. 4. Another puck on the dot and repeat the other way.


'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
'Enjoy the Game'
Registered: 06/25/08
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I practice plan 4 plus practices a week for Pee Wee A (01) and Bantam A (99) teams in Michigan.

I check the Diary and Daily drills threads daily for new ideas. I have used more than 75% of the drills you post in our practices to our players' benefit this season. There are few drills the 01s cannot run.

The players seem to enjoy knowing what team the drills come from. The videos help my understanding of the drills immensely. Particularly, the more complex transition drills.

You seem to have a lot of NHL and European national team drills. Do you have any exposure to the Canadian national team drills?

My 99 son attended a Tier 1 practice over the holidays. I was happy to see the coach running variations of many 1 puck transition drills that I have picked up off of your site. My son was able to integrate very quickly into each drill because of his familiarity with transition drills.

Thanks for all of your efforts on this site!

Tony thanks for the kind words. I like to read that the posting help some coaches.

I have posted many drills from the Canadian national teams. In comparison to other countries national teams or pro teams they run command style with many whistles and coaches doing a lot of the passing. They still use the Drills Model of coaching. Very few transition games if any are used and if they do a cross ice game at the end it usually doesn't compliment the theme of the practice.

Registered: 10/09/12
Posts: 10
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Hey Coaches,

I agree with tony89. Tom - I copy, steal, take ALOT of your drills, coaching philosophy and bring it to my two teams. Tom, I can not thank you enough for what you do for us fellow coaches - with the website, writings, film and diary!

I love this site, I have supported this site in the past and will continue to support this site.

Thanks again,
Iceman, it is good to hear. The last year there there has been little feedback or discussion from coaches and it is nice to know that the material is helping.

I put material that I really like and agrees with the ABC philosophy of using the ice efficiently and also some material that I don't use myself because it is inefficient. I let the coaches choose what they want to use.

It would be great to break the habit of having to use the coaching board before every activity. A simple explanation and demo is much more effective and efficient use of the ice.

Assistant coaches moving pucks has to be the worst use of their time. Have players move the pucks to the next area when a drill or game is finished.

Have a theme for each practice and move from simple skills to using the individual or team skill in game situations. Do players really need a drink after doing a short drill or is a drink after every 15-20 minutes sufficient?

Have someone film one of your players for one hour and time how much productive movement they do in that time. If it is the usual 7-11 minutes then a new philosophy of practice is needed. 49-53 minutes of standing around isn't good.

This routine of drawing on the board for 2-4 minutes, Doing a drill where everyone gets a few reps. Getting a drink of water. Drawing on the board again has become the official way of practicing in Calgary and other places I go.

Develop warm up routines and call out variations. No whiteboard needed. Name drills and expect players to remember with a 30 second review and a few of the more clever players doing a demo if some are confused. Add variations to known activities.

There are many ways to use the ice more efficiently and effectively.

By: Likes:


I had a feeling your reply would be along those lines about the Canadian National coaching.

It would be great to have the drills/games cross referenced by country as well.


Tony I have been putting pro, Jr A, Major Jr, CW (Canadian Women), Sweden, Czech, Russian or Finland, etc. in the title lately. If you search the drills the ones labelled like that will come up. If you search using - pro, or - Sweden you will get the drills from that group.

Registered: 10/09/12
Posts: 10
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Quote by: TomM

Side Note: This site passed 10 million hits last night. Between 10-15 000 a day. So even though there is little input from anyone else in the discussion board etc. the number shows that many coaches do come here each day. I know coaches aren't really interested in my season or practice plans but I want a record for future reference and it is an easy way for me to access my plans from anywhere when giving seminars etc.
We needed a conditioning work ethic practice to start our last month before the playoffs.

Flyers Practice Plan Date: 06-01-13 Time: 15:45-17:00 Crowchild Arena

Work ethic

8 min.
A300 Edges and Puck Handling with a Shot

Key Points:
Move the puck all around the body in two circles going oppositedirections. Finish with a shot. Use all of the edges and big moves reaching as far as possible. Slalom and reach as far as possible with the puck the opposite way.


6 min.
B6 3-0 Weave-Regroup at Far End

Key Points:
Principles: Pass while skating and then follow the pass and take the ice behind the puck carrier.. Fill the 3 lanes. Skate to the “big ice” between the dots when you get the puck. Pass to the outside lane, skate to the inside lane.

A. 1 pass to 2 and follow the pass.
B. 2 skate to the big ice, pass to 3, follow the pass taking the ice behind.
C. 3 pass back to one, follow the pass.
D. 1 regroup with 4 and 1-2-3 fill each lane.
E. 4 pass to 1 or 3 on the strong side.
F. 1-2-3 weave the same way and attack with a triangle and shoot at the oringinal end.
G. 4-5-6 follow and repeat the other way.

Stress the Middle Drive with an inverted triangle of F1 going to the net and F2 with puck and F3 on the other side and a little behind. If the D is involved it becomes a 4 player diamond attack with D1 joining the rush and D2 at the point.

6 min.
B6 Breakout and Regroup with Defense

Key Points:
Have the Defense practice tight turns or the hinge by skating wide then passing back to the middle. Forwards must face the puck and fill the 3 lanes.

1. Players are in 3 lines at opposite ends of the ice.
2. Three players weave down the ice and regroup with the defense.
3. Defense can pass right up or go D to D. The forwards face the puck and fill 3 lanes for a regroup pass.
4. One player must give an outlet on the strong side boards and doesn’t leave unless he is replaced. One player in the middle and one wide. Wide player decide
a.stay wide,
b. cut acoss middle lane,
c. stretch behind the D.

8 min.
A3 Quick Feet Conditioning Skate

Key Points:
Player should keep their feet moving all the time. Coach move the pattern around the rink so you don't break the ice and ruin it for the next group.

1. Players leave in small groups with at least a 1:4 work rest ratio.
2. Skate a lateral S pattern do they turn both right and left.
3. Sprints should be less than 10 seconds.
4. Can also be done with pucks.


10 min.
DT100 Continuous 1 on 1 D - Join Attack F Backcheck with Dump in at Red Line

Key Points:
Forwards cover D and D cover F's. One D should join the attack to create triangles and one forward backcheck. Play tight gaps and attackers create 2 on 1's on the rush. Play 5-5
at each end.

1. Forwards line up on one side and defense on the other.
2.Start with a 1 on 1 attack Blue F1 vs. Red D1. 3. When the puck enters the zone defensive Red F1 support Red D1 and Blue D1 support Blue F1. 4. On transition Red D1 join new
attack and Blue F1 backcheck 5. If the puck is dumped out with no possession the offensive team regroup and attack again. 6. Red F1-D1 now go 2 on 2 in the other direction vs.
Blue D1-F1. 7. Blue F2 support Blue D1- F1 and Red D3 support attacking Red F1-D1. 8. This rotation continues with a 3-3 in each zone.


10 min.
A3 Conditioning skate

Key Points:
D pivot and F start and stop.

The D skate hard to the far blue then power turn backward to the blue and mohawk to get a puck from the corner, take it to the blue line, walk the line and shoot from the point.
A. Forwards skate blue line to blue line stop and start x1 and x2, then blue to red in order x1, x2, x3. do 2 sets facing one way when they stop. Take a shot after.

10 min.
DT100 Backchecking Transition Game

Key Points:
Attack quickly and the defender tie up the stick on the rebound then look for the puck.

Full ice game with the defenders getting support. New attackers have to get the breakout pass inside their zone. This works on quick passes and attack or the backchecker catches up. The backchecker must tie up sticks on the rebound and don't allow a second shot. The attacker must be quick and follow the shot. Defender make a breakout pass to the supporting player in the high slot.


8 min.
A2 Skating for Quickness

Key Points:
Hockey requires quick feet and agility to change directions. Keep the knees bent and use the outside edges.

1. Skate hard from blue to red line-Stop-hard back over blue line.
2. Skate hard to red line-turn inside-tight turn and back to blue.
Alternate directions.

9 min.
E1 Shootout Race

1 Key Points Players must have one skate on the dot at the start. No hooking or tripping. Skate to get D side and get the puck. *This is a great contest for puck
protection, battling, scoring and a good anaerobic conditioning exercise. Keep score with one colour vs the other.

1. Players are lined up behind the face of dots at each end. 2. A player from each team race for the puck which the coach puts on the middle dot. 3. Protect the puck
and try to score vs backchecking opponent. 4. Another puck on the dot and repeat the other way.



Tom, l really enjoy the Diary of a Season, thank you
I am glad it is helping you Peter.

Registered: 06/28/12
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We were missing 2 F and 1D. They are all in grade 12 and have final exams for this semester. One is our top scorer who is also having an ear surgery and will be out the next two weekends. So we had 13 skaters and 2 goalies.
The practice had a good tempo. I had to adjust a few drills to allow for enough rest between reps because of the low numbers. It looks like we will have 9 F and 5 D on the weekend. One F is driving up for the games but one D is staying home all weekend to study.

Flyers Practice Plan Date: 08-01-13 Time: 16:00-17:30 Venue: Max Bell 2
Theme: Team and individual offensive skills Shooting skills, screening, breakouts, Power play, middle drive 3-0

10 min.
5’ - A3 – Edges and balance

5’ - A2 Russian Puck-Handling Warm-up with Shots

(Vladimir Jursinov)

10 min.
B5 Murdoch Breakout Routine A and B

Key Points:
This is a good routine to use at the start of practice instead of just skating around the ice aimlessly.
- Work for 5-10 min. and get in a lot of reps.
- D shoulder check on the way to the puck.
- Forwards funnel through middle lane and watch puck before swinging up the boards.

Wings and Defense
A. Coach shoots puck in and D gets the puck and passes to the wing who times his skating from inside to outside. Go through all of the breakout options. 1 D and 2 D.

10 min.
B5 Regroup 3-0, Middle Drive-Pro

Key Points:
Defense move quickly and hinge the pass up the middle. Pass hard. Centre give the stick and skates as a flat target. Middle drive hard to the net.

1. All the players are inside the middle circle.
2. Red D1get a pass from a Red F2.
3. Red D hinge and pass D1 to D2.
4. D2 pass to F2 supporting in the middle.
5. F2 pass to F1 on the strong side.
6. F1 gain blueline and pass wide to F3.
7. F2 middle drive skating hard to the net.
8. F3 shoot and all crash the net for a rebound.
9. Blue repeat in the other direction.


10 min.
T2 Kingston Power Play and Team Play Rotation

Key Points:
Practice options where every player gets a shot. Begin with a rotation attacking the seam between the D and the F and read what they give. If the D forces then the low play is available, if the F forces then the point is open. If the pk box is passive then there is a 2-1 at each corner, a 3-2 on each side and seams between players to attack. Force the pace by taking a shot by a different player every 3 seconds. Coach in each zone.

- Line A at one end practice attack options.
- Line B at other end practice attack options. Both walk through pp 5-0.
- Line C in middle passing practice.
- On whistle line A dump the puck to the other end and breakout returning to the original end while group C replace group B at the far end and group B pass in the neutral zone.
- Repeat with group C breaking out and back and group B switch with group A who move to the middle.


10 min.
6 min. – Partner practice slap shots and one timers.
B6 Point Shots – 6 min.

Key Points:
Skate forward inside the dot before pivoting to. Shoot low for a tip in or rebound. One time the second shot in option two. Hit the net. Everyone practice this skill.

Option One
a. One pass to two and then screen goalie.
b. Two drag and shoot.
c. One go to point for a shot then opposite corner.
d. Three pass to four then screen goalie.
e. Four drag and shoot.
Option Two
f. Two stay at the mid point and get a pass from four and shoot before rotating.


10 min. B5-B6 Breakout 3 Shot Czech - U17

Key Points:
Face the puck on the breakout and shoot while skating. Follow the shot for the rebound. Only have one player screen
while the other be at the side for a shot pass and rebound. After F1 passes he should spin to create space between
him and F2.

1. F1 and F2 leave from the middle and pass to D1 who was against the boards.
2. D1 pivot then pass to either F1 or F2 and follow them up the ice.
3. F1 pass to F2 (or F2 to F1) and F2 attack and shoot, rebound and screen.
4. F1 spin after passing then get a pass from the coach and shoot, rebound.
5. F1 screen and F2 move to the side for a shot pass.
6. D1 get a pass from the coach and take a shot from the point.
7. All hustle back to the line up.


10 min.
D100 Two Second Game 5 min. Pass in each zone 5 min.

Key Points:
Players must switch right away from offense to defense to loose puck and constantly change roles from, 1-puck carrier, 2-puck support, 3-check puck carrier, 4-cover away from the puck.

1. Play a full ice game of 3-3, 4-3, 4-4, 5-4, 5-5, 6-5 with the extra players on the bench.
2. Play 45" shifts and pass back to your goalie when the coach whistles for a change.
3. Players can only have the puck for 2" and must make a play, gain a zone or shoot.
4. Possession from first touching the puck for over 2" leave the puck for the other team.
5. Encourage talking, facing the puck, always give a target.
* Keep score and losing or winning have a consequence.

10 min.
D200 3 on 3 With 3 Pucks

Key Points:
-Players can only shoot when the goalie is ready.
-No empty net goals.

1. Players line up outside the blue lines.
2. Coach shoots in 3 pucks.
3. Players race for pucks and battle to score and defend.
4. Hustle out of the zone on the whistle and play 20-30 seconds only.
5. Leave the puck in the net after a goal is scored.
6. Coach shoots in another puck when a goal is scored.
7. Count the pucks in the net after to determine the winning team.


10 min.
E1 D200 Shootout Game

Key Points:
As soon as there is a rebound or goal the defender pick up the puck and attack the other

1. Coach dumps the puck in and players race for it.
2. Puck carrier try to score defender defend.
3. On rebound or goal defender attack other way.
4. Shooter must get outside of the blue line.
5. When teammate onside then first player in the line backchecks.


'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
'Enjoy the Game'
Registered: 06/25/08
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Location: Calgary, Canada
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We only had 13 skaters. There was a blizzard and some couldn't get there. I was late with my 20 min. drive taking 75 minutes but two asst. coaches were there with only two pucks so they played a 3-3 game at the start as players drifted in. We switched the sequence around a bit and got everything but the 2-2 hinge with the middle D joining the rush. Two road games on the weekend. I have to drive to Sherwood Park instead of go with the team on the bus. I am coaching a U16 team in a Provincial selection camp and there is a meeting I have to go to before the game. At least it is in Red Deer which is half way there.
Flyers Practice Plan Date: 10-1-13 Time: 17:15-20:45 Venue: ECTAS

Individual and Team Defensive Skills

10 min.
D4 Two Pass Game with only Forehand Passes

Key Points:
This game causes a few things to happen. Transition from puck carrier to pass support, checking the puck carrier to covering away from the puck happen very quickly. The puck carrier must use pivoting, escape moves and puck protection skills to pass on the forehand and everyone must face the puck and give a target.

1. Players must stay inside the blueline and if they puck goes out the other team gets it.
2. Before scoring the offensive team must make at least two passes.
3. When the defenders regain the puck they must make at least two passes before a shot.
4. Make rules with skills for skating, shooting, passing or good habits. In this game the rule is that you can only pass on the forehand. If a player does a back hand pass the other team gets the puck.


8 min.
B6 1-0, 2-0, 3-0 Small Horseshoe

Key Points:
This is a great timing drill with good flow for early in the practice. Pass hard and get your top hand away from your body. Call for the pass. Give your stick and skates as a target.

1. Skate to the top of the circle and pass.
2. Continue and get a pass from the other end.
3. 2-0 first player passes and swings wide and second player skates into the middle lane. Pass to the player in the middle.
4. Player in the middle one touch the puck up to the wide man. Stay onside.
5. Shoot and go for the rebound.
6. On the 3-0 the third player goes up the boards and enters as the high man. Add a trailer pass to the high man as the first shot.


10 min.
B5 Forecheck Skills Deflect-Steer-Angle-Finish

Key Points:
Cut the ice in half with the stick in the passing lane and steer the player outside the dots. Angle toward the back of the inside shoulder so they can't turn back, then finish shoulder to shoulder and stick on the puck.

1. Offense group behind the net with pucks.
2. Defenders behind blue line in the middle.
3. Both start on the whistle.
4. Defender force the attacker wide angle and finish.
5. Alternate sides.
6. Players switch lines so they all angle.
7. Move the defenders back to the far blue line as the second step in the skill.

Demonstration with second league European pro’s.

Demonstration with U18 Girl’s.

8 min.
B5 Loose Puck Battles


10 min.
B600 Regroup, Hinge, Middle D Rush

Key Points:
Middle D comes late as a second wave and lead the rush.

1. F1 and F2 leave and regroup with D1.
2. D1 pass to D2 who hinges to the wide lane then pass back to D1.
3. F1 and F2 delay to stay onside while D1 crosses the blue line with the puck.
4. D2 support the attack from the mid-point.
5. D1 pass or take a shot.

Repeat the other direction with F3 and F4 regrouping with D3 and D4.


15 min.
T2-4 D400 Specialty Team Practice

Key Points:
Closest player must pressure the puck in straight lines from the net out. Skate back when the puck is passed. Stick on the ice in the passing lane. Communicate.

1. A power play and a penalty killing unit at each end of the ice.
2. The coach passes in a puck from the line or from a face off dot.
3. Controlled scrimmage where everyone stops on a whistle.
4. If the puck is frozen, a goal or it is cleared put in a new puck.
5. After about 45 seconds do the same thing from the other end while the pp and pk units switch at the original end.


12 min.
6 min.
B500 Partner shooting practice.

6 min.
A500 - Overspeed Puck Handling with a Shot - Sweden 4

Key Points:
Players should skate and make moves at full speed. If they fall sometimes that shows they are pushing themselves beyond their comfort zone, which is great. Always follow the shot for a rebound.

1. Players are lined up along the boards with one colour on each side of the red line with a net at each blue line.
2. On whistle the players skate with the puck in the neutral zone.
3. Overspeed tempo with moves and turns at a faster pace than the players usually go.
4. Shoot on one net each on the next whistle.
5. Whistle about every 7”.
http://www.swehockey.se/Hockeyakademin/Utbildning/Video/Ovningsbanken/ Puck Handling 4


10 min.
D5 In Nzone

Line Hockey 1-1, 2-2, 3-3,
Pass to jokers on the blue line who can either shoot or pass.
Keep score.


10 min.
E1, 2 on 0 Shootout Race

Key Points:
Work on shooting one timers and scoring on rebounds. Good habits like face the puck, give a target with the stick on the ice.

A. 1 and 2 attack 2-0 on opposite net.
B. Pass and shoot to score.
C. Get a new puck from 3 or 4 after scoring.
D. Score a second goal.
E. After the second goal race back to the blueline.
F. One point for each race won and 5 points to win the game.


Last night we did the relay shoot out cross ice.

'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
'Enjoy the Game'
Registered: 06/25/08
Posts: 3549
Location: Calgary, Canada
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Road trip to Sherwood Park and Spruce Grove near Edmonton. We were missing our top scorer and a top defense.

Sherwood Park we didn''t have a great first period and the shots were 11-15 but we scored to lead 1-0. We gave up too many chances in the slot. In the second we outshot them 11-10 and they didn't get any scoring chances but we didn't bury ours, so it was still 1-0. In the third they got no chances from the slot of their 5 shots and we got 3 scoring chances on our 5 shots. No goals and we won 1-0. Shots 27-30. It was an 8:45 evening games and a quick turn around with a game at 11 on Sunday morning.

Our third top point getter got in a collision and her eyes didn't look good and she didn't feel right so I sat her out as a precaution so we had 13 skaters. Again we were flat in the first but scored a goal but the ref was behind the play and by didn't see their goalie pull it out. They scored one. Shots 7-7 score 0-1. We played much better in the second outshooting them 13-9 and getting one goal. Score 1-1 after two. The third was a much faster pace and each team got 9 shots. No one scored and it ended 1-1. Shots 29-25.

So we got 3 of 4 points on the road trip. A few of the younger players are starting to really step up. We had to really adjust the lines and D pairs and one player who was a D last year went back in the third and was dominant. We only have 4 returning skaters and 9 of our 16 skaters are first year in the league so it is a constant building process. 19 players who could have played on the two Calgary teams have gone to sports schools etc., so we couldn't just pick a team but have to develop players to be AAA. Edmonton has only one team and zero sports schools; so we start the season a very different level. The idea is to get to their level in 6 months.

This week on ice practice T-Th-Sat, Spin class Wed. and a home game vs. Edmonton Sunday.

We are 13-8-6 now and second in our division. We have 5 league games left. Last game in Feb. 9. Because we have 5 in our division and 6 in the northern division we will get a bye the first round and teams 4 and 5 will play a 2 of 3 to play the first place team. We play the team now in third no matter what even if we lost all our games because 4 and 5 are too far behind to catch us. The second round is a 3 of 5 over two weekends. The task now is to get the bottom third of the team to a level where they can compete even if the opposition matches lines and puts their top players out. Everyone played in all situations this weekend and did a good job. Also the F who moved back is considering finishing the year as a D and that would make us a better team as she is a very good forward but dominating player on D. It isn't like coaching college where the coach decides because you are giving out scholarships.

It is huge if you have a D who can beat the first forechecker almost every time. Especially in a league where most teams send the first two forecheckers in on the puck.

I got an email from the mother of the player I sat out. She saw the doctor and has a concussion and will miss at least two weeks. Her mother thanked us for not playing her. It is a judgement call as she didn't have a headache in the morning but her eyes didn't look the same and she said she felt funny. Kind of disoriented.

So now we will be without our top and third scorers. Our leading scorer hasn't been able to hear out of one ear since she was 9 and last Monday they did reconstruction surgery and she will miss a few more weeks at least. So we are hoping they both get better and can play at least a weekend before the playoffs.

'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
'Enjoy the Game'
Registered: 06/25/08
Posts: 3549
Location: Calgary, Canada
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Diploma Exams are on for the end of the first semester. My 12 th graders are going to tutorial classes to prepare and the other players also have exams. So some are missing because of that. My top scorer had her ear repaired and third top scorer has a concussion. The goal of this practice is individual offensive skills. There was a lot of volume with the players skating and getting many touches and shots. Many of the first year players are improving a lot and starting to have a positive influence on the game as their skills and confidence increase.
Flyers Practice Plan Date: 15-01-13 Time: 16:00-17:30 Venue: Max Bell 2

Only 12 Skaters and 2 Goalies - I have 2 studying for term exams and 2 injured.
Slap shot, one timers, passing, individual Offensive skills.Skating, Competition

10 min.
Partner Slap Shots and One Timers
Work with a partner on shooting.

12 min.
B202 Pass to All Players and 1-1, 2-2, 3-3 Keepaway

Key Points:
Give and go pass. Give a target and make eye contact before passing.

1. Blues start with half on each blue line.
2. Reds weave around in the middle.
3. Red pass to each blue player.
4. Alternate sides each pass.
5. Switch every 30".
*Compete to see who makes the most passes.


10 min.
A300 Edges and Puck Handling with a Shot

Key Points:
Move the puck all around the body in two circles going opposite directions. Finish with a shot.
Use all of the edges and big moves reaching as far as possible.

1. Dark group skate down half the rink with a puck and shoot from the middle and white group skate the opposite way and shoot on other net.
2. Skate on all of the edges and use big moves by reaching the opposite. i.e. Skate left and reach as far as you can to the right.
3. The players skating down the middle finish with a shot and then get a new puck.
4. Exercises are done while zig-zagging in and out.
a. Forward skate and alternate on the front inside edges.
b. Backward skate and alternate on the inside edges.
c. Skate forward and cross-over alternating on the outside edges.
d. Skate backward and cross-over alternating on the outside edges.
e. Open hip turn each way.
f. Slalom and reach as far as possible with the puck the opposite way.


10 min.
D4 Two Pass

Rule all goals must be on:
5 min. slap shots
5 min. one timers.

8 min.
B600 Regroup, Hinge, Quick Up-Detroit

Key Points:
Hinge and push the puck up the ice quickly. Strong side F stretch and weak side give middle support.

1. F1 skate and regroup with D1.
2. D1 skate to the middle and pass to D2 in the wide lane.
3. D2 quick up to F2 who stretches on the strong side boards.
4. F1 and F2 attack.
Repeat the other way with F3 regrouping with D3.


8 min.
B600 Regroup, Hinge, Middle D Rush

Key Points:
Middle D comes late as a second wave and lead the rush.
1. F1 and F2 leave and regroup with D1.
2. D1 pass to D2 who hinges to the wide lane then pass back to D1.
3. F1 and F2 delay to stay onside while D1 crosses the blue line with the puck.
4. D2 support the attack from the mid-point.
5. D1 pass or take a shot.
Repeat the other direction with F3 and F4 regrouping with D3 and D4.


8 min.
DT400 Active Jokers at Point

Key Points
Each team has two jokers at the point. Introduce the game allowing jokers to check jokers and then add that jokers can come in for one timer shots. This transition game creates three situations. In the first part the players at the point must get open and take a shot or make a pass. The defender practices covering the point. In the second part add that the jokers at the point can come in for a one timer shot.

Part One: Each team has jokers at the point.
1. When defenders regain puck they must pass to the point to go on offense.
2. Jokers can shoot or pass.
3. Jokers can check the opponents Joker.

8 Min.
D200 Game with Jokers below the goal line

Key Points:
Work on give and go and getting open. Defenders intercept passes and tie up sticks on the rebounds. Goalies control rebounds.

Play for twenty to thirty seconds and the offense must pass to a joker and get a return pass before scoring. Great game to work on puck support (role 2) and defensive support.(role 4)


8 min.
D200 With Players Joining After a Give and Go

Key Points:
Pass hard and get open for a return pass.

1. Players are lined up either in two lines or along the blueline.
2. Coach dumps the puck in to start the game of 1 on 1.
3. When player with the puck give and go passes to a team mate he can join the game.
4. Play for 30-45 seconds before starting a new game.
5. Coach shoot in a new puck if the original puck is dumped out or a goal is scored.

8 min.
E1 D200 Shootout Game

Key Points:
As soon as there is a rebound or goal the defender pick up the puck and
attack the other way.

1. Coach dumps the puck in and players race for it.
2. Puck carrier try to score defender defend.
3. On rebound or goal defender attack other way.
4. Shooter must get outside of the blue line.
5. When teammate onside then first player in the line backchecks.


'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
'Enjoy the Game'
Registered: 06/25/08
Posts: 3549
Location: Calgary, Canada
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Final exams are still on and we have a player out after an ear operation and one with a concussion. 12 skaters and two goalies at practice. I changed the large horseshoe drill to a continuous 1-1 then 2-1 transition game. Gaston focused on transition turns and pivoting and then on backward skating on a 1-1 where they all took turns. I reinforced that they need tight gaps and the idea is to deflect them into the corner, angle and finish and not to get the puck.
We had a parent meeting after and I went over where we are as a team right now and how I was going to run the bench the last five games and the philosophy running the bench when we are in elimination situations.
Flyers Practice Plan Date: 17-01-13 Time: 17:00-18:30 Venue: Ed Whalen

Skating Technique, pass while moving, Shoot while moving, rebound, 1-1, 3-0, 3-1, 3-2, screen, tip.

45 min.
Dr. Gaston Schaeffer – skating mechanics.

Goalies at one end inside ringuette line if Natalie there.

8 min.
B5 1-0 Outside-Middle Shots- Czech U17

Key Points:
Keep skating, give a target and pass hard and pass while moving. Hit the net and follow the shot. Rebound for the next shooter.

1. All players and pucks are in the middle.
2. One player leave from each side.
3. Player 2 pass to player 1 who circles between the red and blue line.
4. Player 1 skate in and shoot after the third pass.
5. After shooting player 1 circle back and rebound for the next shooter.
6. Alternate sides and player 3 leaves after the first pass.
7. Circle left and right so shots come from both in the middle and the outside lanes.


8 min.
B5-B6 Breakout 3 Shot Czech - U17

Key Points:
Shoot while moving and hit the net. Follow shot for a rebound and then screen. Give a target and then hustle back to the lineup on the whistle.

1. Forwards in the middle and Defense at each end.
2. F1 pass to D1 who drive skates.
3. F1 and F2 get open for a breakout pass.
4. D1 pass to F1.
5. F1 pass to F2 who attacks-shoots-screens.
6. F1 spin then get a pass from the coach and shoot.
7. D1 get a pass from the coach and take a point shot or shot pass while F1 screens and F2 is ready for a shot pass.
8. Do this from both sides.


10 min.
C3 Horse Shoe 2-1 x 2 – Pro

Key Points:
Make good passes. Give a target and play with quick feet. Defense create a good gap as early as possible and forwards attack with speed. 2-1 Attack Rule: One high-one low-one fast-one slow.

1. D in diagonal corners and F diagonal blue lines. F1 and F2 skate across toward D1. The drill happens at each end.
2. D1 pass to F1 who one touches to D1.
3. D1 pass to D2 in line who returns the puck.
4. D1 pass to either F1 or F2
5. D1 skate across to defend vs. F1 and F2 who left from the other end.
6. F1-F2 attack 2-1 vs. D1 from the other end.
7. The drill goes at the same time from each end.


12 min.
C3 15 Goal 3-0 3-1, 3-2

Key Points:
Forwards create 2-1 situations with close support and speed. One player always hard to the net on a middle drive on a shooting play and a wide drive if they are open. Head man the puck and move through the neutral zone quickly and make the first pass in the offensive zone early.
Defenders must talk and identify coverage. Protect the middle of the ice and only play the puck carrier if he is vulnerable. Give the shot from the outside. Jam the trailer with legs in the shooting lane and stick in the passing lane. It is critical to have tight gaps and not just back in.

Players are lined up along the boards in the C3 formation.
Have 2 colours of jerseys and play one team vs the other if you have enough players
1. Three forwards take a puck and attack 3-0. The attack is over when the puck is over the goal line. (unless the coach wants a cycle and a shot).
2. Use the same puck and go the other way attacking 3-1 vs a D from the other colour (coach puts in a new puck if there is a goal).
3. Attack 3-2 in the original direction.
4. Three F from the other coloured team attack 3-0 on the vacant end.
5. Repeat sequence.

7 min.
E1 Two Shot Shootout

Key Points: Players should come in and make a hard move and shoot. The general rule on a breakaway is if the goalie is out far deke and if he backs in shoot.

1. Teams lines up across from each other and the pucks are in the middle circle.
2. One player from each team leaves and shoot at opposite ends.
3. The same players turn back and get another puck from the middle and shoot at the other end. 4. Continue until all the players have shot and keep score.
- Players that score no goals do 2 laps, those who score one goal skate one lap and those who score on both shots zero laps.


'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
'Enjoy the Game'
Registered: 06/25/08
Posts: 3549
Location: Calgary, Canada
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