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Blue Practice Plan Date: 18-12-14 17:30-18:30 Venue: Blunden


Passing, timing, breakout, 5-0, middle drive Transition, 3-3, 2-2, back checking,
D join the rush, point shots, screen No ‘dusting off’ the puck on passes or shots.
Handle the puck in the triple threat position.

8’ No stickhandling on passes or shots.
B6 Chaos 3-0 Pass and Shoot

Key Points:

Give a target, pivot to face the puck all the time; use forehand passes and backhand only when passing forward.


1. Three players leave from each end.
2. Each group passes one puck in nzone.
3. On the whistle player with the puck shoot.
4. Other two players save ice and get a pass from the corner and shoot. a few seconds apart.


B6-600 Flow - Breakout 2 F Shoot - D Point Shot – Finland U20

Key Points:

Make hard passes, give a target, keep skating while making plays, follow shots for rebounds, stop at the net, screen.


Start at both ends with players on each side of the net and pucks in all four corners.

1 – D1 start by skating up an back get a puck and bank pass behind the net to D2. D1 goes to the corner.
2 – D2 pass to F1 breaking along the boards.
3 – F2 skates to the big ice between the dots and pass to F2. D2 follow then circle back to the corner.
4 – F2 skate down and shoot then skate to corner. F1 skate around the middle circle for a pass from D2.
5 – D1 bump a puck to D2 who skates between the dots and pass to F1 who skates down ice and shoots.
6 – D2 then follow the play up the ice and get a pass from F2 in the corner then drag and shoot – F1-F2 screen.


DT400 Game of Quick Transition

Key Points:

The resting players attack right away when they get a pass and the original attackers must communicate and cover one attacker each.


1. Offensive team attacks 3 on 3. It can be 1-1, 1-2, 2-1, 2-2 or 2-3 also if the coach wants to practice these situations. Up to 5-5 is possible.
2. On transition to offense the defenders pass to their teammates waiting behind the blue line.
3. Attack right away (don’t have to wait for teammates to get onside in this game.)
4. Original attackers now defend and communicate with each other on how to stop the attack.
5. After a goal the defenders is allowed to pass to the new attackers.


8’ Attack with speed and hard to the net.

B200 - Regroup 5-0 Middle Drive – Detroit

Key Points:

Everyone joins the attack. First player without the puck go to the net hard. Next two create a reverse triangle. 4th and 5th attacker join the rush.


1. Players line up on one side in the neutral zone.
2. Start with a forward passing back to a defenseman.
3. Forwards fill the three lanes.
4. Go D to D and pass up to the forwards.
5. Attack with all five players.
6. Next group of 5 repeat the other way when the rush crosses the blue line.


Box out and take sticks. Push ups if rebound goal against.

DT100 Backchecking Transition Game

Key Points:

Attack quickly and the defender tie up the stick on the rebound then look for the puck.


Full ice game with the defenders getting support. New attackers have to get the breakout pass inside their zone. This works on quick passes and attack or the backchecker catches up. The backchecker must tie up sticks on the rebound and don't allow a second shot. The attacker must be quick and follow the shot. Defender make a breakout pass to the supporting player in the high slot.


8’ We will go 1-1 and then 2-1.
DT100-D Join Attack and F Backcheck

Key Points:

This is a continuous 2-1 transition game using only one puck and no whistles. It practices situations in the nzone, teaches players who to cover in the dzone and how to support the attack.
Forwards enter the zone to support the defense and then attack and backcheck.
Defense support from the point, defend and then join the attack.
Coach can vary the number of F or D to create different situations in each zone.


1. Red F1 and F2 attack 2-1 vs blue D1.
2. Blue F1-F2 support D1, Red D1 support F1 and F2.
3. Play 3 on 3
4. On Transition Blue F1-F2 attack Red D1.
5. Red F1-F2 Backcheck and Blue D1 join the rush.
6. Blue D2 and Red F3-F4 support when puck enters the zone.
7. Play 4 on 5 and continue flow.


E1 3-0 and 3-1 One Touch-One Timer

Key Points:

Square to the passer and have the stick back and ready. Follow through at the target with the outside knee pointing at the target.



1. Shooters form a umbrella and one touch pass and shoot.
2. New puck when the puck goes out of the playing area, goal or frozen puck.
3. Rotate in and positions each new puck.


Same as the 3-0 but now there is a defender.

*Keep score team vs. team and goalie vs. shooter.


Our team dropbox with game video and some skill video. https://www.dropbox.com/sh/i2t95bi6zsdho3p/AADEwbUvBmfx4J61dqysuVmEa?dl=0

'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
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Blue Practice Plan 22-12-14 Time: 17:30-18:30 Venue: Stu PeppardLines:

Pass, shoot, transition, one timers Regroup, jokers, point shots, low play

202 Pass to All Players

Key Points:

Give and go pass. Give a target and make eye contact before passing.


1. Blues start with half on each blue line.
2. Reds weave around in the middle.
3. Red pass to each blue player.
4. Alternate sides each pass.
5. Switch every 30".
*Compete to see who makes the most passes.


B202 - Regroup 1-0, 2-0 Pass Options – Pro

Key Points:

Give a target and face the puck. Pass hard and lead the player so he doesn’t have to slow down. Shoot and rebound and either screen or rebound for the next shooter. Stay onside on the 2-0.


1. Players face each other across the neutral zone lined up with the dots.
2. Start with R1 passing ahead to B2 who passes over to B3. This pattern happens with B1 to R2 to R3 at the same time.
A. B3 make a cross ice pass to R1 who faces the play on the far wing and goes in for a shot.
B. R3 pass to B1 who mirrors the puck from the middle lane and goes wide for a shot.
C. R3 pass to R1 who mirrors the puck from the middle lane - attack wide. R2 join attack after passing across.



Defensemen Shooting with Alex.

Forwards cycle with Jim

Goalies FJ

DT5 Two Pass Regroup with Jokers and Escape Moves

Key Points:

This transition game requires on ice awareness and constant switching between game playing roles as
well as loose puck situations. Escape moves create time and space for the player. The puck carrier must
slide backward, sideways, tight turn etc.


Rules: You must regroup with a Joker to go on offense. Before passing or shooting you must make an
escape move. Jokers battle jokers but must stay behind the line. Two passes must be made before

Game One:7’

Transition to offense requires the player must regroup with the player below the goal line.

Game Two: 7’

To transition to offense the player must regroup with the point.

Game Three: 6’

Joker at the point and below the goal line must get a pass before you can score.


DT100 - 1-2, 2-3, Add Regroup - Juuso, Yursi - IIHF Symposium

Key Points:

Defenders must communicate and one play a 1-1 vs. the puck carrier. Create a defensive 2-1 vs. the puck carrier in each situation.

1. R1 attack 1 on 2 vs. B2-3.
2. R2-3 follow the play and wait in the nzone.
3. On a turn-over either B2 or B3 attack vs. R2 and R3
4. B3 and B4 follow and wait in the nzone to defend vs. either R2 or R3.
5. Continue this flow.
6. Add one attacker and one defender for a 2 on 3 situation.
7. Add a neutral zone regroup on the coaches whistle.


E1 3-0 and 3-1 One Touch-One Timer

Key Points:

Square to the passer and have the stick back and ready. Follow through at the target with the outside knee pointing at the target.



1. Shooters form a umbrella and one touch pass and shoot.
2. New puck when the puck goes out of the playing area, goal or frozen puck.
3. Rotate in and positions each new puck.


Same as the 3-0 but now there is a defender.

*Keep score team vs. team and goalie vs. shooter.



'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
'Enjoy the Game'
Registered: 06/25/08
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Location: Calgary, Canada
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Blue Practice Plan 23-12-14

Time: 16:15-17:45 Venue: Optimist


One touch, tournament, puck handle, Passing, point shots, high cycle, transition,
Low battle, puck support, dzone coverage

20’ Jim lead the Big Moves and the Fakes
A200 Russian Puck Handling – Fake Shots and Finnish with a Shot

Key Points:

The idea of stick handling is to protect the puck from the opponent or to make him/her reach or straighten their knees and then go around them.


Players are in four lines and do multiple fake shots and moves, then finish with a shot. Start with the 'Big Moves Routine' and then move to Jursi's fake shot sequence.

. Practice Faking a slapshot with a hard back swing.
. Fake a slapshot and go around opponent on the backhand side.
. Fake a slapshot and go around opponent on the forehand side.
. Fake a slapshot and then do a backhand tight turn around opponent.
. Fake a slapshot and reach out like you are going around the opponent on your forehand and then pull the puck quickly to your backhand and go around opponent.


B6 1-0, 2-0, 3-0 Small Horseshoe

Key Points:

This is a great timing drill with good flow for early in the practice. Pass hard and get your
top hand away from your body. Call for the pass. Give your stick and skates as a target.


1. Skate to the top of the circle and pass.
2. Continue and get a pass from the other end.
3. 2-0 first player passes and swings wide and second player skates into the middle
lane. Pass to the player in the middle.
4. Player in the middle one touch the puck up to the wide man. Stay onside.
5. Shoot and go for the rebound.
6. On the 3-0 the third player goes up the boards and enters as the high man. Add a
trailer pass to the high man as the first shot.


C3 Breakout-Attack-F Cycle up and Drop to D - Finland

Key Points:

This drill has a breakout at each end with a 3-0 attack 2 F and 1 D. Attackers move to the big ice when they get the puck. It ends with a high cycle and pass to the strong side D.


1. D1 drive the back of the net and pass across to D2.
2. D2 move the puck up the ice quickly to either F1 or F2 who is cutting across from the weak side.
3. F1 and F2 always carry the puck to the inside and pass to the outside and shoot at the far end.
4. Either F1 or F2 get a puck from the corner and cycle high up the boards and pass to D2.
5. D2 either shoot or pass to F1 or F2 who is skating to the net on the weak side.
6. This drill happens at each end at the same time.


4 Team Tournament – 3 Games

4 on 4

1- White
2- Blue
3- Red
4- Green

1 vs 4 D4 Two Pass
2 vs 3

2 vs 4 DT400 Low Zone Battles with Jokers at Point
1 vs 3

3 vs 4 DT400 Game of Quick Transition
1 vs 2

D4 Two Pass

Key Points:

The quicker they make the passes after regaining the puck the more scoring chances they produce


1. Players must stay inside the blueline and if they puck goes out the other team gets it.
2. Before scoring the offensive team must make at least two passes.
3. When the defenders regain the puck they must make at least two passes before a shot.
4. Make rules with skills for skating, shooting, passing or good habits.

D4 Two Pass U15

DT400 Low Zone Battles with Jokers at Point

Key Points:

Attackers must go to the net to screen, for rebounds, tips and cycle low. Defenders must talk and stay man on man unless impossible and then switch. Box out, seal sticks to the outside, tie up sticks in the slot.


1. The game is played from the top of the circles down.
2. Play from 1-1 to 3-3.
3. Players must pass to the point to go onto offense.
4. Joker at the point must take a wrist or snap shot.

* Keep score and when in the teaching mode stop the play and have player who doesn't cover someone do 5 push-ups and his teammates 1 PU.

D4 Active Jokers at Point Must Shoot - U15

D4 Active Jokers D Can Jump In - U15

DT400 Game of Quick Transition

Key Points:

The resting players attack right away when they get a pass and the original attackers must communicate and cover one attacker each.


1. Offensive team attacks 3 on 3. It can be 1-1, 1-2, 2-1, 2-2 or 2-3 also if the coach wants to practice these situations. Upt to 5-5 is possible.
2. On transition to offense the defenders pass to their teammates waiting behind the blue line.
3. Attack right away (don’t have to wait for teammates to get onside in this game.)
4. Original attackers now defend and communicate with each other on how to stop the attack.
5. After a goal the defenders is allowed to pass to the new attackers.

DT400 Quick Transition Game - U15

Alex shooting with the D. Wally technique of the slap shot deliberate practice.

Jim 2-0 delay and go part way behind the net and pass back to the short side with the F.

E1–D4 One Touch 4 on 2 – U15

Key Points:

One touch passes only. Give a target and be ready to pass and shoot. Slide into open lanes.


1. Four attackers set up in a box vs. two defenders.
2. Only one touch passes and one touch shots are allowed.
3. Move into open lanes for a pass.
4. Defenders keep sticks in the passing lanes and block shots.
5. Have a contest and keep score.

*Progression is to start with two touch and progress to one touch passes.

*Practice 4-0, 4-1 then 4-2.


'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
'Enjoy the Game'
Registered: 06/25/08
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Location: Calgary, Canada
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SAG Tournament Video Clips from Practice

We did the SAG tournament with three games last night at practice. There was a dispute about if the score was a tie or a win for one team so they did 'Rock-Paper-Scissors' to solve it and the team that claimed the win covered the rock with paper.

We kept track of the winners and the losing teams had to skate around a circle for every point they lost by. Two pts. for a win and one for a tie.

Game One Two Pass

D4 Two Pass U15

Game Two - Active Jokers at the Point

D4 Active Jokers at Point Must Shoot - U15 Boy's


We added the rule Jokers can jump in the last 5 minutes of the game.

D4 Active Jokers D Can Jump In - U15 Boy's


Game Three - Game of Quick Transition

DT400 Quick Transition Game - U15 Boy's


We finished with a one touch 4-2 shootout.

E1–D4 One Touch 4 on 2 – U15 Boy's


'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
'Enjoy the Game'
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Location: Calgary, Canada
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In Jasper National Park now doing a camp for the Jasper Hockey Association. It is a small association where younget players are needed to have enough for a team. We have one younget group of 10 boy's and 4 girl's and an older group with 13 boy's and 13 girl's. Each day they have a skating and a hockey session.

Yesterday we focused on puck handling with both groups and today, passing, Each day we do some shooting and we will work on angling with the older group on Monday. There are zero goalies, so we use 6 small nets and half of each session is modified games.

If you can skate and carry the puck with good technique then a player can be effective in games and it makes passing and shooting a lot more efficient.

Gaston is on the ice now teaching skating and Jim and I go on right after for our two sessions.

'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
'Enjoy the Game'
Registered: 06/25/08
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Location: Calgary, Canada
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Blue Practice Plan 30-12-14 14:45-16:15 Venue: Stu Peppard

Shoot, pass, rebound, power play, regroups Breakout, 1-1, 2-1, 3-3, 4-4

3’ Big Moves
B2 Transition Skate Shooting

Key Points:

Keep 2 hands on the stick and keep the feet moving. Hit the net.


B2 Transition Skate Shooting
1. Lineup on blue lines.
2. Skate to top of circle, back to blue, top of circle and shoot.
3. Next player leave when the first is going backward.
4. Each player have 3 or 4 pucks and keep shooting until they are all gone.
(got this drill coaching withTim Bothwell at the U of Calgary)


B5 - 3 Give and Go x 3 – Shoot - Rebound

Key Points:

Face the puck all of the time and keep moving in a semi circle with stick on the ice.


a. 1 exchange passes with 2 from about 5 metres skating in an arc.
b. 3 exchange passes with 4 after the second pass.
c. After 3 passes 1 and 3 shoot.
d. 1 and 3 follow shot and rebound for next shooter.


B600 Double Regroup Options

Key Points:

Regroup with each D and support from about a half zone away. Give a target and face the puck. Pass hard and always give strong side wall support and middle support.


1. Blue F1 leave and pass to F2.
2. Cross and regroup with Red D1 and D2
3. Red D1 hinge and Pass to D2.7
4. Red D2 pass to Blue F1 or F2.
5. Blue F's regroup with Blue D1 or D2.
6. Blue D's hinge and pass to Blue F.
7. Blue F's attack the far net vs either zero, one or two D.
*Options: vary the amount of F up to 3 or D up to 2. Add a dump in instead of a second regroup to work on breakouts or even a forecheck.


20’ Jim-Tom at ends. Alex passing in middle.
T2 Kingston Power Play and Team Play Rotation

Key Points:

Practice options where every player gets a shot. Begin with a rotation attacking the seam between the D and the F and read what they give. If the D forces then the low play is available, if the F forces then the point is open. If the pk box is passive then there is a 2-1 at each corner, a 3-2 on each side and seams between players to attack. Force the pace by taking a shot by a different player every 3 seconds. Coach in each zone


- Line A at one end practice attack options.
- Line B at other end practice attack options. Both walk through pp 5-0.
- Line C in middle passing practice.
- On whistle line A dump the puck to the other end and breakout returning to the original end while group C replace group B at the far end and group B pass in the neutral zone.
- Repeat with group C breaking out and back and group B switch with group A who move to the middle.


D1 One Pass in Each Zone

Key Points:

Close support, skate to open ice with the puck, give a target.


1. Play full ice either in shifts or all on the ice at once.
2. There must be at least one pass made in each zone. If not the other team gets the puck.
3. Controlled scrimmage so everyone stop on the whistle for coach input.
4. With shifts in a D100 game pass back to the goalie on the whistle.


C6 Regroup x 2, 1-1 and 2-1 – Pro

Key Points:

Defense stay between attacker and net with a tight gap on the 1-1, attack with speed, use skate and stick fakes. One the 2-1 attack with ‘one high and one low, one fast and one slow’, while the defender delay the play and take away the most dangerous shot and deny play across the middle of the goal.


A. Defenders line up at each end in diagonal corners and attacker in the other diagonal corners.
B. #1 attacker from each corner leave with a puck, skate to the blue line and pass to the #2 near the far blue line.
C. #2 make a deception move and pass to #1 in the neutral zone.
D. #1 skate back and regroup with #3.
E. #1’s on each side attack 1-1 vs. #2.
F. Change the drill and now #3 joins #1 and they attack 2 on 1 on each side vs. #2.
*With younger players stagger the start so each corner leaves after the first pass.


DT400 3-3 Perry Pearn Game Rotation

Key Points:

This game allows the coach to focus on the attack or defending deep in the zone. You can play this game in situations from 1-1 to 5-5. It is a great rotation to practice specialty teams if you have 3 lines because it gives the players some rest and they alternate between pp and pk (one F would leave the zone) The defenders have to clear the zone with control of the puck. With situations over a 3 on 3 I would move the resting players back to the far blue line.
1. Players line up within a stick length of the red line if you have 2 groups or only ½ ice; otherwise behind the red or far blue line.
2. Three players attack three defenders.
3. Defenders must carry the puck out of the zone before passing to team waiting team mates.
4. Three new players attack vs the original offensive players.
5. Keep score, implement skill (only forehand passes) or team play rules (goals originate from below the goal line).


D200 3-3 with 3-2-1 Pucks

Key Points:

-Players can only shoot when the goalie is ready.
-No empty net goals.
-Situation continually changes as goals are scored and players have to read odd and even man numbers.


1. Players line up outside the blue lines.
2. Coach shoots in 3 pucks.
3. Players race for pucks and battle to score and defend.
4. Leave puck in the net after a goal and play with 2 pucks then 1 puck.
5. Pass pucks remaining to teammates on whistle.
4. Hustle out of the zone on the whistle and play 20-30 seconds only.
6. Count the pucks in the net after to determine the winning team.
*Option is to pass to teammates on the blue line. Another option is to skate behind the nets to start.


D200, 3 on 3 Game With No Passing

Key Points:

This game demands that the puck carrier dangle and beat the opponents with dekes, fakes, change of pace, pivots while teammates screen, pick and go for rebounds.


1. Play a cross ice game of 2-2 to 5-5.
2. Extra players line up along the blue line.
3. Shifts 20-30" and pass to teammate coming on on the whistle.
4. Coach put in a new puck on a goal.
5. Rule is NO PASSING.
6. Line mates support by setting screens and picks and going for rebounds.
7. Keep score.


E1 D200 Shootout Game

Key Points:

As soon as there is a rebound or goal the defender pick up the puck and attack the other way.


1. Coach dumps the puck in and players race for it.
2. Puck carrier try to score defender defend.
3. On rebound or goal defender attack other way.
4. Shooter must get outside of the blue line.
5. When teammate onside then first player in the line backchecks.


'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
'Enjoy the Game'
Registered: 06/25/08
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Location: Calgary, Canada
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I had to change the practice from the original plan as one of the goalies was sick and they let me know just before practice.

Blue Practice Plan 01-01-15 11:45-13:15 Flames Arena

Pp, pk, puck handle, point shots, puck Protection, regroups, weave, pass, shoot, battle

10’ Jim lead
A300 Edges and Puck Handling with a Shot

Key Points:

Move the puck all around the body in two circles going opposite directions. Finish with a shot. Use all of the edges and big moves reaching as far as possible.


1. Dark group skate down half the rink with a puck and shoot from the middle and white group skate the opposite way and shoot on the other net.
2. Skate on all of the edges and use big moves by reaching the opposite. i.e. Skate left and reach as far as you can to the right.
3. The players skating down the middle finish with a shot and then get a new puck.
4. Exercises are done while zig-zagging in and out.
a. Forward skate and alternate on the front inside edges.
b. Backward skate and alternate on the inside edges.
c. Skate forward and cross-over alternating on the outside edges.
d. Skate backward and cross-over alternating on the outside edges.
e. Open hip turn each way.
f. Slalom and reach as far as possible with the puck the opposite way.


A200 Russian Puck Handling – Fake Shots and Finnish with a Shot

Key Points:

The idea of stick handling is to protect the puck from the opponent or to make him/her reach or straighten their knees and then go around them. Vladimir Jursinov is probably the most successful skills coach in the world. This Soviet and Russian Olympic coach has helped more than 65 players into the NHL from his teams. He leads a group of 15-20 years olds in a fake shot sequence.


Players are in four lines and do multiple fake shots and moves, then finish with a shot.
. Practice Faking a slapshot with a hard back swing.
. Fake a slapshot and go around opponent on the backhand side.
. Fake a slapshot and go around opponent on the forehand side.
. Fake a slapshot and then do a backhand tight turn around opponent.
. Fake a slapshot and reach out like you are going around the opponent on your forehand and then pull the puck quickly to your backhand and go around opponent.


B5 - 3 Give and Go x 3 – Shoot - Rebound

Key Points:

Face the puck all of the time and keep moving in a semi circle with stick on the ice.


a. 1 exchange passes with 2 from about 5 metres skating in an arc.
b. 3 exchange passes with 4 after the second pass.
c. After 3 passes 1 and 3 shoot.
d. 1 and 3 follow shot and rebound for next shooter.


10’ Start with Alex and Jim making sure a F posts up.
B6 3-0 Weave With D Regroup

Key Points:

-Skate with the puck to the big ice between the dots and then pass.
- Pass and follow your pass.
-Stay wide until you get the pass.


1. Half the forwards at each end in three lines behind the goal line with the D waiting at the
bluelines. Whites at one end and Blues at the other.
2. Middle player start by skating toward the strong side and pass to the wing and follow the pass
skating behind the new puck carrier.
3. Wing skate to the big ice between the dots and pass to the far wing then follow the pass.
4. Wide wing skate to the big ice and pass to the original centre who is now in the opposite wide
5. The D is skating backwards thru the middle zone and the puck is passed back to him for a
regroup the other direction.
6. On regroup one player supports on the strong side boards, one mirrors the puck in the middle
lane and one is in the wide lane.
7. D makes the pass and follow the attack into the zone.
8. The group at the other end leaves after the D passes up ice.


a. Add another D.
b. Add a second regroup.
c. Add a pass to the D for a point shot after the original rush.
d. When 2 D are used you can use 2 pucks to create and overload situation and have the forwards
take a shot followed by the D shooting the other puck.

DT400 3-3 Perry Pearn Game Rotation

Key Points:

This game allows the coach to focus on the attack or defending deep in the zone. You can play this game in situations from 1-1 to 5-5. It is a great rotation to practice specialty teams if you have 3 lines because it gives the players some rest and they alternate between pp and pk (one F would leave the zone) The defenders have to clear the zone with control of the puck. With situations over a 3 on 3 I would move the resting players back to the far blue line.


1. Players line up within a stick length of the red line if you have 2 groups or only ½ ice; otherwise behind the red or far blue line.
2. Three players attack three defenders.
3. Defenders must carry the puck out of the zone before passing to team waiting team mates.
4. Three new players attack vs the original offensive players.
5. Keep score, implement skill (only forehand passes) or team play rules (goals originate from below the goal line).


D400 Transition Game of Low Battles with Point Support

Key Points:

Great game to practice cycling, going to the net, screening, tipping, point shots, shot pass, one timers on offense. On defense you have the low zone coverage and communication skills.


1. One team is lined up behind each faceoff dot. From one to tree players leave at a time.
2. The next player in line plays the joker at the point and must pass or shoot within a second. Defenders do not check the joker as he can’t go in and score.
3. The coach dumps the puck in or shoots on net and the teams race for the puck. Whoever gets the puck can shoot right away.
4. When the defending team gets the puck they must pass to their joker at the point to transition to offense.
5. If the puck is shot out of the zone the coach passes to the non offending joker.
6. Play 20-30” and on the whistle the players pass to the coach and skate hard out of the zone before the coach shoots a new puck in.


10’ Alex with D at one end.
B6 Point Shots

Key Points:

Skate forward inside the dot before pivoting to. Shoot low for a tip in or rebound. One time the second shot in option two. Hit the net. Everyone practice this skill.


Option One
a. One pass to two and then screen goalie.
b. Two drag and shoot.
c. One go to point for a shot then opposite corner.
d. Three pass to four then screen goalie.
e. Four drag and shoot.

Option Two
f. Two stay at the mid point and get a pass from four and shoot before rotating.

B5 Driving the Net from the Corner

Key Points:

Protect the puck with your body and turn away from pressure toward the boards. This is a drill the Flames coaches used a lot to practice going to the net.


1. The player shoots a puck into the corner and protects it vs. pressure from the coach.
2. After about 5 seconds the player gets his shoulder in front to protect the puck and cuts to the net to score.
3. The progression is to add a defensive player.

E1 Gambling Shootout

Key Points:

Simulate a real shootout by placing the puck on the dot and the player starting on the whistle and the goalie not moving until the player touches the puck. Get the goalie used to shootout skating.


1. One player at a time shoots.
2. Simulate a real shootout with the same rules.
3. Players bet and go to one side if they think a goal will be scored and the other side if they think save.
4. Players who bet wrong must skate across and back.
5. Alternate ends.


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The first four months we stressed individual skills and good playing habits so all the players could get to the AA level or above. I think we have accomplished this. Now the team play will get more focus and be part of every practice while continuing to develop the individual skills the last two months. We named power play units and they practiced together today. This week is Calgary Minor Hockey Week starting Friday. We have a Monday practice, Tuesday league game and Wednesday off ice training before that.

Blue Practice Plan 04-01-15

Time: 13:45-14:45 Venue: Southland

Specialty teams, dside, one touch, 5-0 1-1, 2-1, 5-4, 4-5, 2-0, Divide players into three pp groups.

B6 Jursi Skate-Pass-Shoot

Key Points:

This is a drill that Russian Olympic coach Vladimir Jursinov used when I was coaching with him in Austria. The goal is to get players to practice passing and shooting while they skate. Puck handling-passing-shooting should be seamless.


1. A and B skate down the ice in passing while skating.
2. A is on the inside and continues on with a shot while skating.
3. B pivots facing the puck and continues the other direction passing to C.
4. B shoots and C partners with D the other way.
# This can be done in tandem on both sides of the ice.


B500 Overspeed 2-0 with a Pass

Key Points:

Players must challenge themselves out of their comfort zone. Make as many moves as possible and continue until they have shot and looked for a rebound. Take the pass and shoot right away without over handling.


1. Line up along boards on one side.
2. Players 1 and 2 start on the goal line.
3. Players 3 and 4 leave and make moves at top speed.
4. Coach whistle every 7" and they players attack the net.
5.Closest attacker give and go with 1 or 2.
6. Second closest do a tight turn then give and go with 1 o 2.
7. With only one goalie go one way only.
8. After passing return to the back of the line.


B200 - Regroup 5-0 Middle Drive – Detroit

Key Points:

Everyone joins the attack. First player without the puck go to the net hard. Next two create a reverse triangle. 4th and 5th attacker join the rush.


1. Players line up on one side in the neutral zone.
2. Start with a forward passing back to a defenseman.
3. Forwards fill the three lanes.
4. Go D to D and pass up to the forwards.
5. Attack with all five players.
6. Next group of 5 repeat the other way when the rush crosses the blue line.


30’ PP Jim PK Alex – 3 groups 10’ each. At one end
D400 Penalty Killing Practice

Key Points:

Closest player must pressure the puck in straight lines from the net out. Skate back when the puck is passed. Stick on the ice in passing lanes and stick on the puck when checking. Do not get tied up. Block shots.


1. A powerplay and a penalty killing unit at each end of the ice.
2. The coach passes in a puck from the line or from a face off dot.
3. Controlled scrimmage where everyone stops on a whistle.
4. If the puck is frozen, a goal or it is cleared put in a new puck.
5. After about 45 seconds do the same thing from the other end while the pp and pk units switch at the original end.


30’ Tom and Ron – Dside and stick on puck. 5’ then one touch 3-0, 3-1, 4-1.

B500 Cut Backs and Escape Moves

Key Points:

Protect the puck with the body on offense. Cut back turning toward the boards. Defender stay lined up with the back of the inside shoulder and stick on the puck.


1. Leave on the whistle and practice cut backs, tight turns. Go to the net on the second whistle while the next players leave.
2. Two players leave and the second player stays on the D side with the stick on the puck and gives passive resistance.
3. This is a battle and the defender tries to get the puck. On the second whistle whoever has the puck go to the net.
*Without goalies both sides can go at once and with a goalie alternate sides. Players switch sides after doing both offense and defense.


F202 - 5' Tactical skating in neutral zone.

'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
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Blue Practice Plan 05-01-14

Time: 16:30 Arena: Shouldice

3-5 pk, passing, shoot, one timers 3-0, 3-1, 3-2, 5-0, regroup, Transition 2-1, 2-2

C2 1-2-3-4-5-5-4-3-2-1 Pass and Shoot Warm-up

Key Points:

Face the puck and pass on the forehand. Stay in each zone until all
players have made a pass.


1. One then two then three then four then five players leave, one
touch in the ozone, shoot, rebound.
2. Next sequence is 5-4-3-2-1 leave the other way.
3. All players make one pass in each zone.
4. In neutral zone skate figure 8's while facing the puck and making
forehand passes.
*When there is only one player do a figure eight or touch both knees.


B5 Cross and Drop Sequence

Key Points:

Players are inside the middle circle. Two players skate around and cross and drop then 2 from the other group leave. Leave the puck when dropping and the second player skate behind. Return to line from the wide lanes to avoid collisions.


1. Two players from one colour skate around the circle and cross and drop then 2 start in the opposite direction.
2. Drop the puck on the other side of circle.
3. Stay onside and 4 shoot then both rebound
4. #3 pass to 4 who drives to the net.
5. #2 cross blueline and pass right away to #1 who one times the shot. Both rebound.


a. One, two or three players leave at a time.
b. After shooting one or two players defend the next rush, 1-1, 2-1, 2-2, 3-2, 3-3.
c. Give + go with last shooters. Etc.


15’ D 3-5 pk instruction Alex with the Backs

T4 D400 - PK 3-5 vs. a Spread PP

Key Points:

The key is to eliminate one timer shots from the point, from the player in the middle and the back door play.


1. When the puck is passed down the D in front moves to that side.
2. Weak side high player drop low to take away back door one timer.
3. Strong side high player drop down and front the middle attacker.
4. Strong side high player get in shooting lane when puck is at the point.
5. Weak side high player cover middle and take away cross ice pass with stick.
6. Low player eliminate tip ins in front but don't get tied up.
7. D to D pass everyone shift. (Right low player in last minute doesn't move out and back and many openings are created. Important to skate in straight lines from the net out to low, middle, high spots)


15’ Tom with Torpedoes

5' - DT400 Game of quick transition.
5' - D4 2" Game
D4 –Game with a Joker at the point and below the goal line. Both Jokers must get a pass. Rotate between playing the 2-2 to being a Joker.

7’ Add a regroup before entering offensive zone.
B200 - Regroup 5-0 Middle Drive – Detroit

Key Points:

Everyone joins the attack. First player without the puck go
to the net hard. Next two create a reverse triangle. 4th and
5th attacker join the rush.


1. Players line up on one side in the neutral zone.
2. Start with a forward passing back to a defenseman.
3. Forwards fill the three lanes.
4. Go D to D and pass up to the forwards.
5. Attack with all five players.
6. Next group of 5 repeat the other way when the rush
crosses the blue line.


DT100 Continuous 2-1, 2-2 – Detroit

Key Points:

Face the puck. Forwards attack with speed. D stay in the middle and deny F to F pass. Forwards make the first play near the offensive blue line to force the D to make a decision. D delay the play as much as possible.


1. F1 and F2 attack vs D1.
2. F3 and F4 support D1 as far as the hash marks.
3. D2 support F1 and F2 passively from the point.
4. D1 make a breakout pass to F3 or F4.
5. F3-F4 attack D2 in the other direction.
6. F5 and F6 support D2 and D3 support F3 and F4.
7. Continue this flow.
8. Add a D to make it a 2 on 2.

There could be active support with a 2-1 in the nzone and a 3-3 at each end. Another option is to combine active and passive support or add dump ins and regroups.


E1 Change on the Go with Pass Shootout
Key Points: Players should work on selling the fake, change of pace and making the goalie move first. The goalie must time his retreat into the net to keep good angles on shots and cover the goal line on dekes.
Description: 1. Players are in the box and one puck on each blue line for every player.
2. Player from each team leaves the box and tries to score.
3. If they score they race to the box and touch the boards and then the next player can leave.
4. If they don't score they pass to the next player who comes out of the box.
5. Losing team do something for every goal they lose by.
*To make it realistic the goalie should practice starting from the goal line and coming out.


'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
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Blue Practice Plan Date: 08-01-15 17:30-18:30 Venue: SP

1-1, 2-1, 2-2, backchecking, dzone face-off

3’ Jim big moves the 7’ drill
B6 – 3 Shots, 3 Zig zags, 3 Shots

Key Points:

3 Leave from diagonal corners about 2" apart, skate around circle then shoot, get a pass from
the other corner, skate 3 zig zags betweeen the blue line and the top of the cricles the fill the 3
lanes and shoot.


1. Make sure to leave about 2 seconds between shooters so the goalie has time to get set.
2. Follow the shot for a rebound before getting the pass.
3. Do skills while zig zagging 3 times such as;


C6 Regroup x 2, 1-1 and 2-1 – Pro

Key Points:

Defense stay between attacker and net with a tight gap on the 1-1, attack with speed, use skate and stick fakes. One the 2-1 attack with ‘one high and one low, one fast and one slow’, while the defender delay the play and take away the most dangerous shot and deny play across the middle of the goal.


A. Defenders line up at each end in diagonal corners and attacker in the other diagonal corners.
B. #1 attacker from each corner leave with a puck, skate to the blue line and pass to the #2 near the far blue line.
C. #2 make a deception move and pass to #1 in the neutral zone.
D. #1 skate back and regroup with #3.
E. #1’s on each side attack 1-1 vs. #2.
F. Change the drill and now #3 joins #1 and they attack 2 on 1 on each side vs. #2.

*With younger players stagger the start so each corner leaves after the first pass.


C6 - Low Breakout - Regroup - 2-1 and 3-2– Detroit

Key Points:

Do everything with speed. D skate between dots before passing. Attackers make the first pass early. A 2-1 is really a 2-2 with the defender and the goalie. Defender identify the most dangerous attacker.


1. D1 skate back and get the puck placed below the goal line by the coach.
2. D1 pass to F1 and follow.
3. F1 regroup with D2.
4. F2 join F1 and attack D1 2 on 1.
5. D2 go back and retrieve a new puck placed by the coach at the opposite end.
6. D2 passes to F3 who regroups with D3 and F4 join.
7. Repeat this flow.


DT100 - 2 on 2 Backchecking Game - Nzone Regroup

Key Points:

Supporting players play like wingers at the top of the circles. Give targets, face the puck and make all plays while skating. Create a 2-1 vs. the widest defender.


1. R1-R2 attack vs. B1-B2.
2. B3-B4 support at the top of the circles.
3. Goal, frozen puck or transition B1- or B2 pas to either B3 or B4.
4. B3 and B4 skate over the red line and then regroup with either B1 or B2.
5. B1-B2 hinge and pass to B3 or B4.
6. R3-R4 attack vs R1-R2.
7. Continue this flow with R3 and R4 supporting at the top of the circles.


DT100 Game with Forward Backchecking

Key Points:

The highest attacking F backcheck and backpressure the puck thru the neutral zone.


DT100 Full Ice with extra players waiting along the boards in the neutral zone.

1. Start by attacking 1-1 up to a 3-2.
2. F and D give passive support above the circles.
3. On breakout pass the highest F backcheck.
5.Waiting players can take away the puck if it comes above the circles.
6. Practice back pressure on even situations.

Dzone face-off win

E1 Rebound

Key Points:

Make quick shots and one timers and goalie read the play.


1. Players line up on both side in the slot with one shooter at the top.
2. Play games to 5 between the goalie and shooter.
3. If the goalie freezes the puck or it hits the boards behind or at the side the goalie gets a point.
4. Players get a point by scoring a goal on a shot or rebound. Only one pass is allowed.
5. Shooter stays if he scores and players rotate if there is no goal.

Meet at Geibs to watch Jr. game

'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
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Calgary Minor Hockey Week is the biggest hockey tournament in the world. There are 11,000 players participating. The rule is you get at least two games and you must win your second game to keep going.

There are about 60 indoor ice rinks in Calgary which has 1.2 million people.

Our Bantam AA (U15) has 12 teams. We lost our first game and have won the next two in shootouts. There are 4 teams left and we play Thursday evening and if we win that play in the final on Saturday.

'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
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Blue Practice Plan 12-01-15 Time: 16:00-17:15 Venue: SP

16 skaters, pass, review dzone coverage Attack from the point, attack from behind the

B2 Transition Skate Shooting

Key Points:

Keep 2 hands on the stick and keep the feet moving. Hit the net.


B2 Transition Skate Shooting

1. Lineup on blue lines.
2. Skate to top of circle, back to blue, top of circle and shoot.
3. Next player leave when the first is going backward.
4. Each player have 3 or 4 pucks and keep shooting until they are all gone.
(got this drill coaching withTim Bothwell at the U of Calgary)


5’ B6 3 lane skate and shoot from the corner

B600 Give Go Shoot x 2 – Pro

Key Points:

Shoot while skating and follow the shot for a rebound.


1. Players A and C leave from diagonal corners.
2. A pass to B and C pass to D at the far blue line.
3. B and D one touch the puck back.
4. A-C skate in and shoot, rebound and rebound for the next shooter.
5. B and D leave and repeat in the other direction.


B600 Give and Go x 3 x 2 - Shoot – Pro

Key Points:

Pass and shoot while skating, give a target, keep the hands away from the body, keep the puck in the sweet spot.


A. Leave with a puck from diagonal corners.
B. One touch pass in this order 1-2-3-4 and 3-4-1-2.
C. Next pass in the other direction in this order 4-3-2-1 and 2-1-4-3 .
D. Follow the shot and rebound.
E. Circle back and rebound for the next shooter.


5’ Instruction on making plays from behind the net. Short side pass and back door play.

B500 Defensive Zone Skating

Key Points:

Players skate according to their position in the defensive zone. You should skate as if there is an attacker in front of the net and three attackers cycling on the strong side with the middle forward covering the front of the net.


1. Players start off with a box and one in the middle.
2. Coach points to where the puck is and the players hustle to the proper defensive position.
3. Sticks in the passing lanes and a man-you-puck triangle for role 4.
4. Skate to 5 spots.
5. Straight line stop and start skating.


B600 Give and Go x 3 x 2 - Shoot – Pro

Key Points:

Pass and shoot while skating, give a target, keep the hands away from the body, keep the puck in the sweet spot.


A. Leave with a puck from diagonal corners.
B. One touch pass in this order 1-2-3-4 and 3-4-1-2.
C. Next pass in the other direction in this order 4-3-2-1 and 2-1-4-3 .
D. Follow the shot and rebound.
E. Circle back and rebound for the next shooter.


DT400 Active Jokers at Point

Key Points

Each team has two jokers at the point. Introduce the game allowing jokers to check jokers and then add that jokers can come in for one timer shots.
This transition game creates three situations. In the first part the players at the point must get open and take a shot or make a pass. The defender practices covering the point. In the second part add that the jokers at the point can come in for a one timer shot


Part One: Each team has jokers at the point.

1. When defenders regain puck they must pass to the point to go on offense.
2. Jokers can shoot or pass.
3. Jokers can check the opponents Joker.

Part Two:

4.Jokers can jump in for one timer shots.
5. Defending joker should cover the attacking joker when he jumps in.


5’ D4 Two Second Game

Players can only have the puck for up to 2”..

20’ Walk through dzone then sticks updsie down on defense. 5-5

T2-T4 Cougar Pounce System (2-2-1 or 1-3-1)

Key Points:

Constant pressure from the defensive side. Back pressure, Offensive and defensive 2-1's. Man on
box behind in Dzone. 2-2-1 forecheck when close pressure or 1-3-1 when offense has total control with skates up ice.


This system combines the left wing lock and the torpedo. There are two offensive forwards the C and RW. The left wing plays like a left wing in the offensive end and a left D in the defensive
zone and lines up on lw at the faceoff. The LW and RD stay on their side of the ice. The right D plays like a RW in the offensive zone and a RD in our end. The LD is really a middle D and is on
the puck side in the offensive end and LW the support player low in the defensive zone, always on the puck side. The RW and C cover the points in the D zone and force the puck on the attack.
They can forecheck either in a 2-2-1 or a 1-3-1 formation. There are always 4 players on the attack.


10’ Did this after the shooting drills.

B6-600 Flow - Breakout 2 F Shoot - D Point Shot – Finland U20

Key Points:

Make hard passes, give a target, keep skating while making plays, follow shots for rebounds, stop at the net, screen.


Start at both ends with players on each side of the net and pucks in all four corners.
1 – D1 start by skating up an back get a puck and bank pass behind the net to D2. D1 goes to the corner.
2 – D2 pass to F1 breaking along the boards.
3 – F2 skates to the big ice between the dots and pass to F2. D2 follow then circle back to the corner.
4 – F2 skate down and shoot then skate to corner. F1 skate around the middle circle for a pass from D2.
5 – D1 bump a puck to D2 who skates between the dots and pass to F1 who skates down ice and shoots.
6 – D2 then follow the play up the ice and get a pass from F2 in the corner then drag and shoot – F1-F2 screen.


5’ players choice

'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
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Blue Practice Plan 17-01-15 - 17:30-18:45 Arena: Southland


Compete, games, one net, full ice, transition Battle, tournament, pass, point shots, D breakout options

B Skills Warm up Finnish U17

Alex go thru breakout options and point shots, Jim Skill with F’s.

Key Points:

This is a great way to warm everyone up at the start of a practice. Defense do the various breakout options and read where the pressure is coming from. Pass the puck back to the coach and move thru everyone. Forwards pass with good technique and eye contact


A. Defense work with two doing breakout options vs one forechecker.
B. Forwards lines of 3 work in the neutral zone.
1 - Stationary pass with eye contact.
2 - Pass while moving always face puck.
3 - #8 around partners give and go.
4 - Keepaway 2-1 in four areas.
5 - Two lines move and pass to otherlines on the blue line.
6 - Two lines of 3 pass while skating on one side of the nzone.


B4 1-0 Outside-Middle Shots - Czech U17 and Two Pro

Key Points:

Keep skating, give a target and pass hard and pass while moving. Hit the net and follow the shot. Rebound for the next shooter.


1. All players and pucks are in the middle.
2. One player leave from each side.
3. Player 2 pass to player 1 who circles between the red and blue line.
4. Player 1 skate in and shoot after the third pass.
5. After shooting player 1 circle back and rebound for the next shooter.
6. Alternate sides and player 3 leaves after the first pass.
7. Circle left and right so shots come from both in the middle and the outside lanes.


B5 Czech Stretch Pass

Key Points:

Forward must read the defenseman has good control before stretching. Another F must come across the middle to give an outlet option.


1. F on each side pass to the D.
2. D do a tight turn and drive skate up ice.
3. F fly down the boards.
4. D pass to forward,
5. F shoot and follow the shot.


Tournament: 4 teams of 4 8’ Games

Game One

1 vs. 4
2 vs. 3

D4 - Goals Must Originate Below Goal Line

Key Points:

Players learn to protect the puck, pass to themselves off the boards or back of the net and use the net for puck protection. Also change the point of attack. Defenders must see the puck and the player they are covering and goalie must look over their shoulder and move side to side.


1. Play game situations from 1-1 to 5-5.
2. Situations 3 on 3 or less the players must keep the puck below the top of the circles.
3. To start an attack the puck must be moved below the goal line.
4. When the defenders get the puck they have to get it deep below the goal line before they can score.

Game Two

2 vs 4
1 vs 3

DT400 Game of Quick Transition

Key Points:

The resting players attack right away when they get a pass and the original attackers must communicate and cover one attacker each.


1. Offensive team attacks 3 on 3. It can be 1-1, 1-2, 2-1, 2-2 or 2-3 also if the coach wants to practice these situations. Upt to 5-5 is possible.
2. On transition to offense the defenders pass to their teammates waiting behind the blue line.
3. Attack right away (don’t have to wait for teammates to get onside in this game.)
4. Original attackers now defend and communicate with each other on how to stop the attack.
5. After a goal the defenders is allowed to pass to the new attackers.


Game Three

3 vs. 4
1 vs. 2

DT400 Low Battles with Jokers at Point

Key Points:

Attackers must go to the net to screen, for rebounds, tips and cycle low. Defenders must talk and stay man on man unless impossible and then switch. Box out, seal sticks to the outside, tie up sticks in the slot.


1. The game is played from the top of the circles down.
2. Play from 1-1 to 3-3.
3. Players must pass to the point to go onto offense.
4. Joker at the point must take a wrist or snap shot.

* Keep score and when in the teaching mode stop the play and have player who doesn't cover someone do 5 push-ups and his teammates 1 PU.

DT100 Continuous 2-1, 2-2 – Detroit

Key Points:

Face the puck. Forwards attack with speed. D stay in the middle and deny F to F pass. Forwards make the first play near the offensive blue line to force the D to make a decision. D delay the play as much as possible.


1. F1 and F2 attack vs D1.
2. F3 and F4 support D1 as far as the hash marks.
3. D2 support F1 and F2 passively from the point.
4. D1 make a breakout pass to F3 or F4.
5. F3-F4 attack D2 in the other direction.
6. F5 and F6 support D2 and D3 support F3 and F4.
7. Continue this flow.
8. Add a D to make it a 2 on 2.

Options. There could be active support with a 2-1 in the nzone and a 3-3 at each end. Another option is to combine active and passive support or add dump ins and regroups.


E1 Speed Scoring 2-1 to 2-2 – Finland

Key Points:

The purpose is to attack as quickly as possible and pass and shoot while skating.


1. Start from one end and when everyone is gone go the other way.
2. Attackers 1 and 2 leave from above the hash marks.
3. Defender 1 is inside the top of the circle with his stick upside down start forward and turn to back skating.
4. Defender 2 start from below the circle and back check.
5. Attacker 1 and 2 race down the ice to score and only ONE PASS is allowed.
6. Keep score.


'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
'Enjoy the Game'
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Blue Practice 19-01-15

We met at Winsport where the team met with Derek Robertson the Mental Performance coach from Hockey Canada. It is the 4th time he has had a session with the players. The theme was preparation and commitment. It was a good session with lots of player input. Derek sent these video links for the players to watch how the Navy Seals and Carey Price prepare themselves.

Here are some good videos from the Navy Seals and Carey Price.

Navy Seals


Carey Price and dealing with adversity


Following the Mental Performance session we had a one hour ice session run by the HC staff with the focus on individual defensive skills. They asked me what the team needed to work on and then planned the practice. It was helpful with a lot of details on body position and playing from the defensive side.

'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
'Enjoy the Game'
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Location: Calgary, Canada
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Blue Practice Plan 21-01-14

Time: 16:30-17:30 Venue: Shouldice

Dzone and forecheck review, 1-1, 2-1, Pass while skating, breakout, regoup

B3 Passing and Partner Practice

Key Points:

This is a great formation for partners to work together on passing or puck handling. You can even progress to one net or cross ice games and include more players. Practice shooting quickly, Use many moves vs. a passive opponent and increase the movement progressing to cross ice games.


1.Partner pass stationary and then skating. Incorporate going around each other as well. Forehand, backhand and saucer passes.
2. Skate across ice and shoot at boards.
3. Skate-give and go-deke-shoot quickly.
4. Skate-give and go-deke moving D-Shoot.
5. Give-go,defender close gap-deke-shoot.
6. Partner keep-away.
7. 2-2 keep-away


8’ Add cross and drop
B6 Jursi Skate-Pass-Shoot

Key Points:

This is a drill that Russian Olympic coach Vladimir Jursinov used when I was coaching with him in Austria. The goal is to get players to practice passing and shooting while they skate. Puck handling-passing-shooting should be seamless.


1. A and B skate down the ice in passing while skating.
2. A is on the inside and continues on with a shot while skating.
3. B pivots facing the puck and continues the other direction passing to C.
4. B shoots and C partners with D the other way.
# This can be done in tandem on both sides of the ice.


C6 Regroup x 2, 1-1 and 2-1 – Pro

Key Points:

Defense stay between attacker and net with a tight gap on the 1-1, attack with speed, use skate and stick fakes. One the 2-1 attack with ‘one high and one low, one fast and one slow’, while the defender delay the play and take away the most dangerous shot and deny play across the middle of the goal.


A. Defenders line up at each end in diagonal corners and attacker in the other diagonal corners.
B. #1 attacker from each corner leave with a puck, skate to the blue line and pass to the #2 near the far blue line.
C. #2 make a deception move and pass to #1 in the neutral zone.
D. #1 skate back and regroup with #3.
E. #1’s on each side attack 1-1 vs. #2.
F. Change the drill and now #3 joins #1 and they attack 2 on 1 on each side vs. #2.
*With younger players stagger the start so each corner leaves after the first pass.


Box Plus One – D-Zone Coverage

Walk Through the DT400 with sticks upside down.

9’ C3 - Double Regroup 3-2 Pro W

Key Points:

Snap the puck around with hard accurate passes and then regroup with each D. Work on passing to the middle into the ‘Big Ice’ where there are more options. Practice everything with speed.


1. Start with 3 forwards and two sets of D in the neutral zone.
2. Pass the puck between the 3 F and 2 D until the whistle.
3. Regroup with both sets of D.
4. Attack the original D 3 on 2.
5. 3 new F’s pass with 2 D who were on the ice while the 2 new D come on.
6. Regroup with original 2 D on the whistle then again with the other D.
7. Focus on passing to the middle to start the attack.
8. Attack with speed and focus on the middle drive and not the slower trailer play.
9. New group start passing around while the 3 on 2 is played out.


12’ Forecheck Review
D1 Full Ice 5-5 Team Scrimmage

Key Points:

Give close support to the ball or puck. Defending team create speed through the neutral zone after the breakout. New defending team identify coverage when the attackers enter the zone.


Players change on their own and coach stop the play for face-off coverage review.


E1 Two Shot Shootout

Key Points:

Players should come in and make a hard move and shoot. The general rule on a breakaway is if the goalie is out far deke and if he backs in shoot.


1. Teams lines up across from each other and the pucks are in the middle circle.
2. One player from each team leaves and shoot at opposite ends.
3. The same players turn back and get another puck from the middle and shoot at the other end.
4. Continue until all the players have shot and keep score.

You can also decide the winner by saying the most goals in a certain time or the first team to 10 or another total wins.

- Players that score no goals do 2 laps, those who score one goal skate one lap and those who score on both shots zero laps.


22-01-15 Players do off-ice training at Crash Conditioning. Lots of core work.

Friday off and game on Saturday.

The team got to the semi-finals in the 12 team Minor Hockey Week. Scoring lots of goals but giving up too many.

'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
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Played our first game in 10 days and were disjointed in a 5-5 tie. Two short for 6'. This week we again don't play til Saturday but have 3 practices. Sunday 60', Tuesday 90', Thursday 60' and dryland training Wednesday. We will focus on team play in the 90' Tuesday practice. We haven't been getting enough practices the last month and need a review of the forecheck, pk, pp.

Blue Practice Plan 25-01-14

Defense breakout-shooting review Torpedoes – offensive skills, Goalies – square to the puck. Condition and agility skate,
Transition, 1-1, 2-2, Regroup, hinge, Quick up,

B500 Overspeed 2-0 with a Pass

Key Points:

Players must challenge themselves out of their comfort zone. Make as many moves as possible and continue until they have shot and looked for a rebound. Take the pass and shoot right away without over handling.


1. Line up along boards on one side.
2. Players 1 and 2 start on the goal line.
3. Players 3 and 4 leave and make moves at top speed.
4. Coach whistle every 7" and they players attack the net.
5.Closest attacker give and go with 1 or 2.
6. Second closest do a tight turn then give and go with 1 o 2.
7. With only one goalie go one way only.
8. After passing return to the back of the line.


Tom and Ron-D, Jim-T, JF-Goalies 10’ each

B Skills Warm up Finnish U17

Key Points:

This is a great way to warm everyone up at the start of a practice. Defense do the various breakout options and read where the pressure is coming from. Pass the puck back to the coach and move thru everyone. Forwards pass with good technique and eye contact. Goalie coach work on technique and rebound control.

A. Defense work with two doing breakout options vs. one forechecker.
B. Forwards lines of 3 work in the neutral zone.
1 - Stationary pass with eye contact.
2 - Pass while moving always face puck.
3 - #8 around partners give and go.
4 - Keepaway 2-1 in four areas.
5 - Two lines move and pass to other two lines on the blue line.
6 - Two lines of 3 pass while skating on one side of the neutral zone.
C. Goalies work with coach at one end.


C6 1-1's from the Corner
Key Points:
This is a drill the Russian Olympic coach Vladimir Jursinov used. You can do 2-1 and 2-2 as well. Stay D side stick on the puck, body on body and keep a tight gap within a stick length.
1-1's from the corner
1. Defender 1 skate to the opposite corner and defend vs attacking player 2.
2. On the whistle player 2 now skates to the opposite corner and defends vs player 3.
3. Player 3 will try to score and then defend vs player 4 and continue this flow.
Move the line-up to the top of the circle and start from there.

B600 Double Regroup Options

Key Points:

Regroup with each D and support from about a half zone away. Give a target and face the puck. Pass hard and always give strong side wall support and middle support.


1. Blue F1 leave and pass to F2.
2. Cross and regroup with Red D1 and D2
3. Red D1 hinge and Pass to D2.7
4. Red D2 pass to Blue F1 or F2.
5. Blue F's regroup with Blue D1 or D2.
6. Blue D's hinge and pass to Blue F.
7. Blue F's attack the far net vs either zero, one or two D.
*Options: vary the amount of F up to 3 or D up to 2. Add a dump in instead of a second regroup to work on breakouts or even a forecheck.


10’ 1-1 and 2-1
DT400 2/3 Ice Games of Attack-Defend-Breakout

Key Points:

Attacker make quick moves and go to the net. Defender play a tight gap and stay on the defensive side always. Backchecker come hard to create a defensive 2-1 and get open for a breakout pass. Goalie fight to find the puck if there is a screen.


This is a half or 2/3 ice transition game. It can be played 1-1 or 2-1 or 2-2. The defender gets support from the line in the nzone when the puck crosses the blueline. In this example there are 2 games at one end and one game at the other. It is a college women tryout and there are 3 goalies.


C6 - Low Breakout - Regroup - 2-1 – Detroit

Key Points:

Do everything with speed. D skate between dots before passing. Attackers make the first pass early. A 2-1 is really a 2-2 with the defender and the goalie. Defender identify the most dangerous attacker.


1. D1 skate back and get the puck placed below the goal line by the coach.
2. D1 pass to F1 and follow.
3. F1 regroup with D2.
4. F2 join F1 and attack D1 2 on 1.
5. D2 go back and retrieve a new puck placed by the coach at the opposite end.
6. D2 passes to F3 who regroups with D3 and F4 join.
7. Repeat this flow.


A2-B202 Conditioning Agility Skate

Key Points:

Quick feet, shoulder leads in crossovers. Learn to turn with speed in both directions. A puck could be added.


1. Skate half circles with quick crossovers in 4 groups. Go hard to blue or red line.
2. Redline and back in 6 groups.
3. Red line-back-far blue line in 6 groups.
4. Blue to red-tight turn-back to blue.


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Blue Practice Plan 27-01-15

16:15-17:45 Venue: Optimist

Ind. Offensive skills, shoot, pass, rebound, Angle, Powewr play, penalty kill, Conditioning skate

B6 – 3 Shots, 3 Zig zags, 3 Shots

Key Points:

3 Leave from diagonal corners about 2" apart, skate around circle then shoot, get a pass from
the other corner, skate 3 zig zags betweeen the blue line and the top of the cricles the fill the 3
lanes and shoot.


1. Make sure to leave about 2 seconds between shooters so the goalie has time to get set.
2. Follow the shot for a rebound before getting the pass.
3. Do skills while zig zagging 3 times such as;
a, carry the puck with the hands and feet moving all the time.
b. carry the puck only using the forehand side of the stick.
c. only use the backhand side of the stick.
d. transition skate facing the far end forward to backward to forward.
e. skate backward.
f. 360 degree turns.


Added Jursi 2-0 skate and passfor 4 minutes. Did zig for 6 min.

D4 Two Pass Game with only Forehand Passes then Escape Moves

Key Points:

This game causes a few things to happen. Transition from puck carrier to pass support, checking the puck carrier to covering away from the puck happen very quickly. The puck carrier must use pivoting, escape moves and puck protection skills to pass on the forehand and everyone must face the puck and give a target.


1. Players must stay inside the blueline and if they puck goes out the other team gets it.
2. Before scoring the offensive team must make at least two passes.
3. When the defenders regain the puck they must make at least two passes before a shot.
4. Make rules with skills for skating, shooting, passing or good habits.
In this game the rule is that you can only pass on the forehand. If a player does a back hand pass the other team gets the puck.


15’ 2 groups for 5’ each review 4 on 5

Alex at one end and Tom at the other. Rotate active to teaching.

T2-4 D400 PK and PP Rotation-Detroit

Key Points:

PK outnumber the PP on loose pucks in the corner. PK skate in straight lines. Always one pk denying the mid point and one in front. PP change the point of attack when outnumbered. Rotate the mid point player to the middle or the back door.


1. Start with everyone in position on the pp and pk.
2. If pk gets the puck start the pplay again from a different spot.
3. On the pplay either the puck or the player moves.
4. PK always lead with the stick on the puck and in passing lanes.
5. PP always give at least two easy outlets.
6. PP give low support when puck on half wall.
7. PK cut the ice in half and force passes that must beat two defenders.
8. Work at each end 30-60" rotate on whistle.
*Game situation: defenders shoot puck to other end.


15’ 2 Groups review 3 on 5
T4 D400 - PK 3-5 vs. a Spread PP

Key Points:

The key is to eliminate one timer shots from the point, from the player in the middle and the back door play.

1. When the puck is passed down the D in front moves to that side.
2. Weak side high player drop low to take away back door one timer.
3. Strong side high player drop down and front the middle attacker.
4. Strong side high player get in shooting lane when puck is at the point.
5. Weak side high player cover middle and take away cross ice pass with stick.
6. Low player eliminate tip ins in front but don't get tied up.
7. D to D pass everyone shift. (Right low player in last minute doesn't move out and back and many openings are created. Important to skate in straight lines from the net out to low, middle, high spots)


D100 - T2-4 – Full Ice Specialty Team Practice

Key Points:

Practice the breakout, neutral zone entry, attack, forecheck and power play set up. The penalty killers practice the forecheck, and defensive zone coverage. It is great if you can get another team to practice with you and take turns with 5 min. power plays each in all situations and have a few minutes between each situation to review your systems with the players.


Divide into two teams with the extra players on the bench. If possible have someone run the score clock to make it game like.


PP-PK Game

5-5 One defender stay in nzone to make it 5-4 at each end.

A2-B202 Conditioning Agility Skate

Key Points:

Quick feet, shoulder leads in crossovers. Learn to turn with speed in both directions. A puck could be added.


1. Skate half circles with quick crossovers in 4 groups. Go hard to blue or red line.
2. Redline and back in 6 groups.
3. Red line-back-far blue line in 6 groups.
4. Blue to red-tight turn-back to blue.


E1 Shootout Race 1

Key Points

Players must have one skate on the dot at the start. No hooking or tripping. Skate to get D side and get the puck. *This is a great contest for puck protection, battling, scoring and a good anaerobic conditioning exercise. Keep score with one colour vs the other.


1. Players are lined up behind the face of dots at each end.
2. A player from each team race for the puck which the coach puts on the middle dot.
3. Protect the puck and try to score vs backchecking opponent.
4. Another puck on the dot and repeat the other way.


'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
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Last 5 games we have scored between 5-7 goals but are giving up too many. Last two a 5-5 tie and a 6-5 win. We play a very high risk team game right now. i.e. Leading 6-2 and D joing the cycle and giving up 2-1's and the score ends up 6-5. So a review of our forecheck and decision making on when to pressure and when to contain. Our games are never boring.

Blue Practice Plan 01-02-15 Time: 13:15-14:30 Venue: Henry Viney

Pass, overspeed, puck handle, compete, Battle, 1-1, 2-2, 4-4, transition, review forecheck

A200 Big Moves _ Russian Warm-up

Key Points:

Increase the size of the moves by reaching as far as possible with the puck. Separate the movement of the upper and lower body by skating away from the puck. Players must be able to handle the puck under control around and through their body.

- Skate away from the puck. Skate right reach left and skate left and reach right.
- Reach as far forward and back as you can using the top hand.
-Put the puck from the stick to inside and outside edges back to the stick.
-Move puck from behind to front through skate forehand and backhand.
-Escape moves backward with the puck and tight turns each way.
-Fake a shot and go left then right. Spin on backhand.
-Touch each knee while skating.
- Yo-yo the puck give it and take it away.
- Toe drag fake inside and pull the puck back while sliding back.
- Bring the puck from behind to in front through the skates on forehand.
- Bring the puck from behind to in front through the skates on backhand.
- Skate fake inside and go outside.


A200 Russian Puck Handling – Fake Shots and Finnish with a Shot

Key Points:

The idea of stick handling is to protect the puck from the opponent or to make him/her reach or straighten their knees and then go around them.


Players are in four lines and do multiple fake shots and moves, then finish with a shot.

. Practice Faking a slapshot with a hard back swing.
. Fake a slapshot and go around opponent on the backhand side.
. Fake a slapshot and go around opponent on the forehand side.
. Fake a slapshot and then do a backhand tight turn around opponent.
. Fake a slapshot and reach out like you are going around the opponent on your forehand and then pull the puck quickly to your backhand and go around opponent.


B500 Overspeed 2-0 with a Pass then Partner Passing

Key Points:

Players must challenge themselves out of their comfort zone. Make as many moves as possible and continue until they have shot and looked for a rebound. Take the pass and shoot right away without over handling.


1. Line up along boards on one side.
2. Players 1 and 2 start on the goal line.
3. Players 3 and 4 leave and make moves at top speed.
4. Coach whistle every 7" and they players attack the net.
5.Closest attacker give and go with 1 or 2.
6. Second closest do a tight turn then give and go with 1 o 2.
7. With only one goalie go one way only.
8. After passing return to the back of the line.


C3 Reijo 1-1 Both Sides - Gap Control

Key Points:

The defender needs to get within a sticklength of the attacker before the blueline. Attacker should try moves, dekes, fakes, change of pace, shooting beside the D's foot. Both F's and D's should take turns defending and attacking.


1. Attacker and defender both skate from the middle back to their blueline.
2. Attacker turns and goes 1-1 vs defender.
3. Done on both sides of the ice alternating direction.
4. Could do 2-1, 1-2, 2-2.


B3 Partner Passing – Saucer Passes

Key Points:

Partner pass starting standing and then skating back and forth. Wrist passes, snap passes, saucer. Go from forehand to backhand and backhand to forehand. Add tight turns. Players could also pass two pucks at once.


Players face each other in two lines skating cross ice.


D at one end with Alex. Point shots and 2 on 2 quick transition.

B2 Point Shot-Screen, Point to Low then Across – Pro

Key Points:

The key is for D1 move between the dots and hit the net. On the second play D1 must freeze the defender with a fake shot and then pass down to F1. F2 must give a target and be strong on his stick to tap a hard pass in.


1. F1 pass to D1 at the point.
2. D1 drag and shoot while F2 screen and F1 go to the net for a tip or rebound.
3. F1 get a new puck and pass to D1.
4. D1 fake a shot and pass straight down to F1.
5. F1 skate at the net to become a threat and pass across to F2 who slides back to the far post.


T at one end and D at the other.

DT400 Quick Transition Game - U15

Key Points:

Players must quickly transition between the 4 game playing roles.

Offense: Role 1. Puck carrier. Role 2. Support puck carrier.

Defense: Role 3. Check puck carrier. Role 4. Cover away from the puck.


1. Play 2 on 2 to focus on transition between the four game playing roles.
2. Extra players wait at the blue line or to create a tight area game at the top of the circles.
3. Attack and try to score.
4. On a goal, frozen puck or turn-over the defending team pass to waiting teammates.
5. New offensive players attack vs. the players who lost the puck on offense.
6. Players who passed now rest.

* Keep score and have tournaments.

* Any number from 1-1 to 5-5 can be used and move the waiting players to reduce or expand space.

* Modified rules can be used to focus on individual or team skill.



D400 Best Player Wins the Game 1 on 1 on 1

Key Points:

-Battle hard for the puck.
-Protect the puck.
-Get a shot and fight for the Rebound.


1. Players line up outside the blueline. They can be in 3 teams and keep score or just everyone vs
2. Coach fires the puck in and whoever gets the puck tried to score vs the other two.
3. If another player gets the puck he tries to score; including rebounds.
4. On whistle pass back to the coach and race out.
5. 20-30 second shifts.


DT400 Battle in Front 1-1, 2-2

Key Points:

Defender see the puck and his man. Player behind the net must keep his skates below the goal line but can wrap around score. Battle for the net side. Protect the puck, shoot quick, goalie track the puck. *Alternative is to have 2-2 with either one or two Jokers. Keep score.


1. Play 1-1 in front with a Joker behind the goal line.
2. Joker can score but skates must be below the goal line.
3. Rotation is 1 behind the net is the new defender.
4. The original defender 2 becomes the attacker.
5. Original attacker returns to the line in the corner.

Rotation Sequence:

a. on a goal,
b. the goalie freezes the puck,
c. it is passed to 4 in the corner
d. goes out of the zone.

DT100 Continuous 2 on 2

Key Points:

Forwards cover D and D cover F's. One D should join the attack to create triangles. Defenders play tight gaps and attackers create 2 on 1's on the rush.

10 sit-ups when scored on.


1. Forwards line up on one side and defense on the other.
2. Start with a 2 on 2 attack F1 and F2 vs D1 and D2.
3. When the puck enters the zone defensive F1 and F2 support D and attacking team D1 and D2 support F's.
4. Play 4 on 4 in the zone.
5. If the puck is dumped out with no possession the offensive team regroup and attack again.
6. The supporting players who joined the play now go 2 on 2 in the other direction.
7. F2 - F3 support D1 and D2 and D3 and D4 support attacking F1 and F2.


E1 Change on the Go with Pass Shootout

Key Points:

Players should work on selling the fake, change of pace and making the goalie move first. The goalie must time his retreat into the net to keep good angles on shots and cover the goal line on dekes.


1. Players are in the box and one puck on each blue line for every player.
2. Player from each team leaves the box and tries to score.
3. If they score they race to the box and touch the boards and then the next player can leave.
4. If they don't score they pass to the next player who comes out of the box.
5. Losing team do something for every goal they lose by.

*To make it realistic the goalie should practice starting from the goal line and coming out.

1 lap for every puck left on losing team.


'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
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Players told me that they really liked this practice.

Blue Practice Plan - 05-02-15

16:00-17:15 Arena: Blunden


Pass, shoot, 2-0, 2-1, 2-2, 3-3, battle, Point shots, box out, take sticks.

B202 Warm-up - Finland Pro

Key Points:

Skate and handle the puck with lots of quick turns and moves. Give a target for a pass. Follow the shot for a rebound then rebound for the next shooter.


1. Reds on one blue line and blue at the other.
2. Two reds and two blues handle the puck in the neutral zone for about 10'.
3. Leave one at a time to shoot at the end they start from.
4. Players now pass to players on the lines for 10' then skate in and shoot.
5. Rebound for the next shooter.
* Players could give and go with the next shooter after they have shot.


B600 - Regroup with D 2-0 x 2 – Detroit

Key Points:

No need for whistles as the players can see when to start. Face the puck, pass hard, give targets, shoot and follow the shot and stop at the net.


1. Forwards and defense leave from diagonal four blue lines.
2. F1 at each end pass back to D1 and mirror D1.
3. D1 skate across and pass up the far wing to F2.
4. F1 and F2 attack the net from both ends.
5. Start at the other diagonal blue lines and F3 pass to D2.
6. F3 mirror D2 across the ice and attack 2-0 with F4.
7. Keep this rhythm alternating sides.

* Option: Have the D join the rush and get a trailer pass. If there is a group less than 18 you may want to go one group at a time and then the D could join and get a pass from the corner to shoot while F's screen.


C6 - Low Breakout - Regroup - 2-1 – Detroit

Key Points:

Do everything with speed. D skate between dots before passing. Attackers make the first pass early. A 2-1 is really a 2-2 with the defender and the goalie. Defender identify the most dangerous attacker.


1. D1 skate back and get the puck placed below the goal line by the coach.
2. D1 pass to F1 and follow.
3. F1 regroup with D2.
4. F2 join F1 and attack D1 2 on 1.
5. D2 go back and retrieve a new puck placed by the coach at the opposite end.
6. D2 passes to F3 who regroups with D3 and F4 join.
7. Repeat this flow.


DT400 Transition Game of 1 on 1 and 2-1 - Yursi-Juuso IIHF Symposium

Key Points:

Defender must maintain a tight gap and stay of the defensive side. Attacker use moves to beat the defender, fight for rebounds and loose pucks. On the dump-ins the defender must read where the checker is coming from and the attacker create good checking angles.


1.Divide the team into two colours and opposite forwards and defense play against each other at both ends.
2. F1 attack vs. D1 after skating through the middle circle. 3. Fight for rebounds and loose pucks. 4. On transition pass to F2 at the top of the circle. 5.F2 skate through the middle circle and attack vs. D2. 6. Add a regroup with the forward circling back. 7. Add a neutral zone dump-in and the D and F fight for the loose puck.


T3-4 King-Kozak Defensive Zone, 3-3
Wally Kozak run the drill.

Key Points:

Defensive player must quickly close the gamp and maintain defensive side and with stick on the puck, body on body.


1. Defender or defenders start on two knees in front of the net.
2. Attacker stands waiting for a pass from the coach. If multiple attackers then spread out.
3. Coach passes to the attacker and defender stands and defends.
4. Add another attacker and defender.
6. Add a third attacker.
7. If the puck is cleared, frozen or a goal the coach quickly passes another puck to an attacker and the play re-starts.

*Option is to have uneven situations and add attackers and defenders as you go.

*To create more space the coach and waiting players move back to the blue line. You can go up to 5-5 with this drill.


DT400 3-3 Krusel Battling Game - ProW

Key Points:

Battle for loose pucks, screen the goalie, shot passes, cycle, man on man, tie up sticks, tip, low zone play.


1. Line up with the face-off dots and 1 to 3 players race for a loose puck on the whistle.
2. Pass to the point to transition to offense.
3. Point player must shoot or pass within 2 seconds.
4. If a point pass goes out the other pointman gets the puck.
5. Either leave the puck in the zone or pass to the coach on a whistle.


D200 2-2 Tight Area Game - Pro

Key Points:

Protect the puck, use fakes, escape moves, change of direction, feints, shoot and pass quickly, triple threat position.


1. Nets at each end of the circle and players start from the side.
2. Coach shoot a puck in (or player pass to teammate on the whistle.
3. Play 10-15” shifts.
4. Keep score.

*Option is to play form 1-1 to 3-3, - 1-1, 2-1, 3-2, 3-3.

In this video demo watch Red 53 Gaudreau and 63 Bennet, who have exceptional tight moves. #53 scores a few goals because he does things so quickly.


D200 – Pass to Jokers at Each End – U17 Austria

Key Points:

Players transition from Role 1- puck carrier to Role 2 – puck support to Role 3 – check puck carrier to Role 4 – defend away from the puck. Good habits like giving a target, face the puck, get open, skate to open ice with the puck are practiced.


1 – Play 2 on 2 and each team has one Joker behind each net.
2 – When you regain the puck you must regroup with the Joker behind the net.
3 – Pass to the Joker behind the offensive net before you can shoot. (Joker can pass to Joker)
4 – Rotate on the whistle from the line-up on blue line to play and after playing become the Joker and Jokers to the line-up (you could do it opposite as well)
*Option: Jokers can check Jokers and the players on the sides can be activated to also be eligible for passes.


'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
'Enjoy the Game'
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We had a really good practice on Sunday the 8th but I can't find the file. We were 6-3-1 in 2015 going into last nights game. We lost 3-1 in a really fast well played contest. We got good goaltending and they got great goaltending as he made about 10 exceptional saves. Maybe our best game of the season. We have two more league games and then the 12 teams are put into 3 groups of 4 and play a double knock out tournament. The season is basically a seeding round as the idea of U15 AA is development. We got to the semi-final of an earlier tournament with everyone. So we have a chance. The league is pretty even and 13-14 year old boy's have huge highs and lows. A great bunch to coach.

Blue Practice Plan 09-02-15

Time: 17:30-18:30 Arena: Stu Peppard

Edges, dzone review, passing, 3-0, 3-1, 3-2

A300 Edges and Puck Handling with a Shot

Key Points:

Move the puck all around the body in two circles going
opposite directions. Finish with a shot. Use all of the edges
and big moves reaching as far as possible.


1. Dark group skate down half the rink with a puck and
shoot from the middle and white group skate the opposite
way and shoot on the other net.
2. Skate on all of the edges and use big moves by reaching
the opposite. i.e. Skate left and reach as far as you can to
the right.
3. The players skating down the middle finish with a shot
and then get a new puck.
4. Exercises are done while zig-zagging in and out.
a. Forward skate and alternate on the front inside edges.
b. Backward skate and alternate on the inside edges.
c. Skate forward and cross-over alternating on the outside
d. Skate backward and cross-over alternating on the
outside edges.
e. Open hip turn each way.
f. Slalom and reach as far as possible with the puck the
opposite way.


B4 1-0 Outside-Middle Shots - Czech U17 and Two Pro

Key Points:

Keep skating, give a target and pass hard and pass while
moving. Hit the net and follow the shot. Rebound for the
next shooter.


1. All players and pucks are in the middle.
2. One player leave from each side.
3. Player 2 pass to player 1 who circles between the red and
blue line.
4. Player 1 skate in and shoot after the third pass.
5. After shooting player 1 circle back and rebound for the
next shooter.
6. Alternate sides and player 3 leaves after the first pass.
7. Circle left and right so shots come from both in the
middle and the outside lanes.

* The first video demo is the Czech National U17 Team and
the next two are with pro players.




C6 Regroup x 2, 1-1 and 2-1 – Pro

Key Points:

Defense stay between attacker and net with a tight gap on
the 1-1, attack with speed, use skate and stick fakes. One
the 2-1 attack with ‘one high and one low, one fast and one
slow’, while the defender delay the play and take away the
most dangerous shot and deny play across the middle of
the goal.


A. Defenders line up at each end in diagonal corners and
attacker in the other diagonal corners.
B. #1 attacker from each corner leave with a puck, skate to
the blue line and pass to the #2 near the far blue line.
C. #2 make a deception move and pass to #1 in the neutral
D. #1 skate back and regroup with #3.
E. #1’s on each side attack 1-1 vs. #2.
F. Change the drill and now #3 joins #1 and they attack 2 on
1 on each side vs. #2.

*With younger players stagger the start so each corner
leaves after the first pass.


15’ review
T4 Teaching Defensive Zone Coverage 2-1-2

Key Points:

Sticks upside down
Tie up sticks in the slot, keep sticks in the passing lane
and shin pads in front of the
When doing man on and box behind closest player is
aggressive from the inside to the
outside body on body and stick on the puck.


Teach defensive zone coverage by giving the offense
45 seconds to score.

A. Play a tight box and one in the low slot area.
Players can only move a few strides but
stay in a tight 2-1-2 formation.

B. Closest defender pressure the puck right away
while teammates form a box behind.

C3, 3-0, 3-1, 3-2 - Total Hockey

Key Points:

Attack with a middle drive and speed. Hit the net and
drive for rebounds. Only allow one pass on the 3-0.
Attack with speed and make plays early while
defenders delay the attack.


1. One group on each side in the neutral zone.
2. Everyone attacks and defends.
3. Play rebounds until a goal or the puck is behind the
net or outside the dots.
4. Coach pass new puck if a goal is scored.
5. One defender follow the rush on 3-0 and two follow
the 3-1 rush.
6. Keep score.


E1 Gambling Shootout

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We just picked up this 60' ice time to replace the off-ice session originally scheduled. Focus will be on doing everything efficiently. Our players shoot above the waist almost all of the time and goalies can catch or redirect these shots easily. We want to pass off the pads and crash for rebounds. I have 4 very skilled small players who could score a lot more with low shots and rebounds (at 5' and 100 lbs. you don't blow high ones past the goalies.) We also want to practice boxing out and taking sticks in the slot.

Blue Practice Plan 11-02-15

Time: 19:00-20:00 Arena: Stu Peppard

Efficient play, pass quick, shoot quickly, Pass off the pad and rebound.
Regroups, Hinge, post up.

B500 Overspeed 2-0 with a Pass

Key Points:

Players must challenge themselves out of their comfort zone. Make as many moves as possible and continue until they have shot and looked for a rebound. Take the pass and shoot right away without over handling.


1. Line up along boards on one side.
2. Players 1 and 2 start on the goal line.
3. Players 3 and 4 leave and make moves at top speed.
4. Coach whistle every 7" and they players attack the net.
5.Closest attacker give and go with 1 or 2.
6. Second closest do a tight turn then give and go with 1 o 2.
7. With only one goalie go one way only.
8. After passing return to the back of the line.
*Add 2-0 passing and and give and go then shoot.


B5 Double Cross-Drop-Pass-Shoot Options

Key Points:

Cross over skate, leave the drop pass as still as possible. Pass quickly.
Going to the net for a bang in or practicing a one timer from the high slot is also easy to do.


Option One: Double Drop-Pass-Shoot
Option Two: Pass Low and One Timer

Pass off the far pad while #2 goes for a rebound. Goalies no stick.

-Repeat as in Option One.

-After second drop B1 pass to B3 or B4.
-B3 or B4 pass to B2 who one time shoots.
-B1 and B2 rebound then wait at goal line for a pass from B5.

DT4 Jokers at the Point Must Shoot

Focus on passing off the pads.

Key Points

Each team has one or two jokers at the point. Introduce the game allowing jokers to check jokers. This is a great game to practice getting the shot through under pressure.The jokers at the point must get open and take a shot. The defender practices covering the point. Low players screen, tip and rebound while defenders box out and take sticks.


Part One:

Each team has jokers at the point.
1. When defenders regain puck they must pass to the point to go on offense.
2. Jokers at the Point Must Shoot
3. Point Jokers Check Jokers

Part Two:

4.Jokers can jump in for one timer shots.
5. Defending joker should cover the attacking joker when he jumps in.

B600 Double Regroup Options

Key Points:

Regroup with each D and support from about a half zone away. Give a target and face the puck. Pass hard and always give strong side wall support and middle support.


1. Blue F1 leave and pass to F2.
2. Cross and regroup with Red D1 and D2
3. Red D1 hinge and Pass to D2.7
4. Red D2 pass to Blue F1 or F2.
5. Blue F's regroup with Blue D1 or D2.
6. Blue D's hinge and pass to Blue F.
7. Blue F's attack the far net vs either zero, one or two D.

*Options: vary the amount of F up to 3 or D up to 2. Add a dump in instead of a second regroup to work on breakouts or even a forecheck.


C3 - Dump-Breakout 3-0 Regroup 2-1 - Continuous – Pro

Key Points:

Defense shoulder check when going back for the puck. One forward support on the boards and the other from the middle. D skate to the big ice between the dots before passing.


1. F1 or F2 dump the puck in and D1 skate back for the puck.
2. D2 follow the play.
3. D1 make a breakout pass to F1 or F2 and follow.
4. F1 and F2 regroup with D2 in the neutral zone.
5. F1 and F2 attack 2-1 vs. D1.
6. F3 or F4 dump the puck into the far end and D2 skate back for the puck-pass to F3-F4.
7. F3 and F4 regroup with D3 in the neutral zone and attack 2-1 vs. D3.

• Continue this flow.

• Vary the number of F from 1 to 3 and use either 1 or 2 D to create more game recognition situations.


E1 Speed Scoring 2-1 to 2-2 – Finland

Key Points:

The purpose is to attack as quickly as possible and pass and shoot while skating.


1. Start from one end and when everyone is gone go the other way.
2. Attackers 1 and 2 leave from above the hash marks.
3. Defender 1 is inside the top of the circle with his stick upside down start forward and turn to back skating.
4. Defender 2 start from below the circle and back check.
5. Attacker 1 and 2 race down the ice to score and only ONE PASS is allowed.
6. Keep score.


'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
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We have one goalie out with a concussion and haven't been able to get an affiliate the last two session, which takes a lot away from the practice. Tonight we will have two goalies. Two U13 top level Pee Wee players, my grandson and his friend whose dad I used to coach at university skated with us. They will be trying out for this level next season.

Blue Practice Plan 12-02-15

16:30-17:30 Arena: Max Bell

Backcheck, d join rush, dzone attack and Defend. Battle, timing, pass, shoot

8’ Pass off the pad shots and rebound.
B4 1-0 Outside-Middle Shots - Czech U17 and Two Pro

Key Points:

Keep skating, give a target and pass hard and pass while moving. Hit the net and follow the shot. Rebound for the next shooter.


1. All players and pucks are in the middle.
2. One player leave from each side.
3. Player 2 pass to player 1 who circles between the red and blue line.
4. Player 1 skate in and shoot after the third pass.
5. After shooting player 1 circle back and rebound for the next shooter.
6. Alternate sides and player 3 leaves after the first pass.
7. Circle left and right so shots come from both in the middle and the outside lanes.
The first video demo is the Czech National U17 Team and the next two are with pro players.


7’ Pass off the Far Pad
B6 2-0 Middle Drive - Czech U20

Key Points:

Attack with speed and hit the net and the middle player be in good position for a rebound. This is a drill to warm up
the goalies.


- 1 and 2 leave from diagonal corners at each end.
- 1 is in the middle and pass wide to 2.
- 1 turn and skate to the other side and turn and middle drive the net.
- 2 continue down the wide lane and shoot then rebound.
- If there is a rebound finish the play.


D4 Baggo - Czech U20

Key Points:

Face the puck. Get open for a pass and give a target. Goals on one timer shots.


1. Offensive team must pass within one second.
2. Goals must be on one timers.
3. If the puck goes outside of the zone the other team gets it.
4. On transition to offense there must be at least one pass before you can shoot.

Rotate teams half way.


C6 1-1 to 2-2 - D Join F Backcheck – Multiple Examples

Key Points:

D join the attack on the whistle and attacking forwards back check. It is a fight for inside position. No penalties. Important that the forwards touch the red line so F1-D1 are close enough to join the play.


1. Blue D1 pass to Red F1 who skates to the red line and turns back attacking 1-1 vs. D1.
2. On the whistle Red D2 passes to Blue F2 at the other end of the rink.
3. Blue F2 skates to the red line and turns back attacking 1-1 vs Red D2. while Red D1 Joins Red F1 on the attack and White F1 backchecks making it a 2-2.
4. Repeat with Blue D3 passing to Red F3 at original end.
*Situations up to a 3-2 can be practiced. You need at least 8 D and 12 F to practice 3-2 with a 5-5 at each end. With larger number the lineup needs to move into the neutral zone to leave inside the blueline free.


12’ Do 3 on 3 4-4, 5-5
T3-4 King-Kozak Defensive Zone

Key Points:

Defensive player must quickly close the gamp and maintain defensive side and with stick on the puck, body on body.


1. Defender or defenders start on two knees in front of the net.
2. Attacker stands waiting for a pass from the coach. If multiple attackers then spread out.
3. Coach passes to the attacker and defender stands and defends.
4. Add another attacker and defender.
6. Add a third attacker.
7. If the puck is cleared, frozen or a goal the coach quickly passes another puck to an attacker and the play re-starts.

*Option is to have uneven situations and add attackers and defenders as you go.

*To create more space the coach and waiting players move back to the blue line. You can go up to 5-5 with this drill.


DT400 3-3 Krusel Battling Game - ProW

Key Points:

Battle for loose pucks, screen the goalie, shot passes, cycle, man on man, tie up sticks, tip, low zone play.


1. Line up with the face-off dots and 1 to 3 players race for a loose puck on the whistle.
2. Pass to the point to transition to offense.
3. Point player must shoot or pass within 2 seconds.
4. If a point pass goes out the other pointman gets the puck.
5. Either leave the puck in the zone or pass to the coach on a whistle.


F202 Short Bursts between the blue lines in 4 groups. Defenders come return backwards.

- Red and back.
- Red back blue back.
- Red back past far blue.
- Halfway to red and back then red and back.

'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
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The affiliate goalie,who was supposed to fill in for out injured goalie didn't come, so we couldn't do some of these activities. I replaced them with the ones in this unedited 21 minute video.

Blue Practice Plan 15-02-15

Time: 15:30-17”00 Arena: Stu Peppard

Dzone, pp, pk, quick release, pass, shoot, Breakout, support, back check, d join rush,

B4-B6 Pass and Shoot ProW

Key Points:

Face the puck and give a target. Shoot while skating and accelerate in corners.


a. Start - 1 skate down the boards and shoot and follow the shot for a rebound.
b. 2 leave from corner then cross and drop to 1.
c. 1 carry the puck wide and pass back to 2.
d. 2 pass wide to 3.
e. 3 shoot and cross with 4.
f. After passing 1 go to corner, 2 to the centre circle.


B500 Overspeed 2-0 with a Pass

Key Points:

Players must challenge themselves out of their comfort zone. Make as many moves as possible and continue until they have shot and looked for a rebound. Take the pass and shoot right away without over handling.


1. Line up along boards on one side.
2. Players 1 and 2 start on the goal line.
3. Players 3 and 4 leave and make moves at top speed.
4. Coach whistle every 7" and they players attack the net.
5.Closest attacker give and go with 1 or 2.
6. Second closest do a tight turn then give and go with 1 o 2.
7. With only one goalie go one way only.
8. After passing return to the back of the line.


C6 Regroup x 2, 1-1 and 2-1 – Pro

Key Points:

Defense stay between attacker and net with a tight gap on the 1-1, attack with speed, use skate and stick fakes. One the 2-1 attack with ‘one high and one low, one fast and one slow’, while the defender delay the play and take away the most dangerous shot and deny play across the middle of the goal.


A. Defenders line up at each end in diagonal corners and attacker in the other diagonal corners.
B. #1 attacker from each corner leave with a puck, skate to the blue line and pass to the #2 near the far blue line.
C. #2 make a deception move and pass to #1 in the neutral zone.
D. #1 skate back and regroup with #3.
E. #1’s on each side attack 1-1 vs. #2.
F. Change the drill and now #3 joins #1 and they attack 2 on 1 on each side vs. #2.


12’ two six minute games
D4 Baggo - Czech U20

Key Points:

Face the puck. Get open for a pass and give a target. Goals on one timer shots.


1. Offensive team must pass within one second.
2. Goals must be on one timers.
3. If the puck goes outside of the zone the other team gets it.
4. On transition to offense there must be at least one pass before you can shoot.


T3-4 King-Kozak Defensive Zone

Key Points:

Defensive player must quickly close the gamp and maintain defensive side and with stick on the puck, body on body.


1. Defender or defenders start on two knees in front of the net.
2. Attacker stands waiting for a pass from the coach. If multiple attackers then spread out.
3. Coach passes to the attacker and defender stands and defends.
4. Add another attacker and defender.
6. Add a third attacker.
7. If the puck is cleared, frozen or a goal the coach quickly passes another puck to an attacker and the play re-starts.

*Option is to have uneven situations and add attackers and defenders as you go.

*To create more space the coach and waiting players move back to the blue line. You can go up to 5-5 with this drill.


25’ 3 Groups 10’ each. 2 at one end with Alex-Jim
T2-4 D400 Specialty Team Practice – Pro

Key Points:

Team is in two colours or four colours. Skate in straight lines from the net out when killing penalties and only laterally when checking the puck carrier. Sticks in the passing lanes, stick on the puck. Shin pads in front of the puck on shots. On the power play either the puck or player move and rotate positions away from the puck.


1. Half the team at each end and rotate between pp and pk when the play is at the other end.
2. Start with the coach spotting the puck or with a face-off.
3. The coach put in a new puck when the puck is out of play.
4. Practice all of the options with everyone getting shots.
5. Penalty killers rotate with a diamond vs. a diamond power play and a box when the puck is on the wall or low.
6. Power play create 2 on 1’s and one timer shots.
7. Penalty kill deny shots from the middle first and move to shooters on the sides.
8. This rotation can also be used to practice low zone even strength situations.


DT100 Continuous 2 on 2 D - Join Attack F Backcheck

Key Points:

Forwards cover D and D cover F's. One D should join the attack to create triangles and one forward backcheck. Play tight gaps and attackers create 2 on 1's on the rush. Play 5-5 at each end.

1. Forwards line up on one side and defense on the other.
2. Start with a 2 on 2 attack Blue F1 and F2 vs Red D1 and D2.
3. When the puck enters the zone defensive Red F1 and F2 support Red D1 and D2 and Blue D1 and D2 support Blue F1 and F2.
4. On transition Red D1 join new attack and Blue F1 backcheck
5. If the puck is dumped out with no possession the offensive team regroup and attack again.
6. Red F1-F2-D1 now go 3 on 3 in the other direction vs. Blue D1-D2-F1.
7. Blue F2 - F3 support Blue D1-D2-F1 and Red D3 and D4 support attacking Red F1-F2-D1.
8. This rotation continues with a 5-5 in each zone.


E1 Change on the Go with Pass Shootout

Key Points:

Players should work on selling the fake, change of pace and making the goalie move first. The goalie must time his retreat into the net to keep good angles on shots and cover the goal line on dekes.


1. Players are in the box and one puck on each blue line for every player.
2. Player from each team leaves the box and tries to score.
3. If they score they race to the box and touch the boards and then the next player can leave.
4. If they don't score they pass to the next player who comes out of the box.
5. Losing team do something for every goal they lose by.
*To make it realistic the goalie should practice starting from the goal line and coming out.


'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
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Blue Practice Plan 19-02-15

Time: 17:30-18:30 Arena: Blunden

Lines: Notes:
C – Geib, Brunton, Nico, Kaleb RB Max, Jake, Vern, Toro
LT – Rylee, Raine, Michael LB – Gareth, Robbie, Mitch
MB – Josh, Noah, Ryker Pass, shoot, regroup, breakout, 3-2, 5-0

D1 Full Ice All Play – Two Puck Game

Key Points:

Everyone plays shinny style.


1. All play at the same time. Coach has three pucks.
2. Use two pucks and throw another on the ice when one is scored.
3. Leave the pucks in the net. Count pucks when all three are scored.
4. When the goalie freezes the puck the attackers back up behind the hash marks.

* Only one shot at a time. If the goalie isn’t watching then a goal doesn’t count.

B6 - Shot x 3 Passes x 3 Shots x 3 – Pro

Key Points:

Shoot while skating, head up, give a target, pass hard, lead the player.


A. 1-2-3 skate around the top of the circle and shoot.
B. 1-2-3 break down the ice for a pass from the oringinal corner.
C. 4 pass to 1, 5 to 2, 6 to 3.
D. 1-2-3 take shots at each end.
* Option is to get a pass from the next player in line first.


B6 Chaos 3-0 Pass and Shoot

Key Points:

Give a target, pivot to face the puck all the time; use forehand passes and backhand only when passing forward.


1. Three players leave from each end.
2. Each group passes one puck in nzone.
3. On the whistle player with the puck shoot.
4. Other two players save ice and get a pass from the corner and shoot. a few seconds apart.


C3 - Dump-Breakout 5-0-Regroup-3-2 - Continuous – Pro

Key Points:

Defense shoulder check when going back for the puck. Forwards support on the boards middle and far wing. D practice D to D options and hinges as well as quick ups. D skate to the big ice between the dots before passing.


1. F1, F2 or F3 dump the puck in and D1 and D2 skate back for the puck.
2. D3 and D4 follow the play.
3. D1 or D2 make a breakout pass to F1, F2 or F3 and follow up ice.
4. Forwards regroup with D3 and D4 in the neutral zone.
5. F1-F2-F3 attack 3-2 vs. D1-D2.
6. F4-F5-F6 dump the puck into the far end and D3-D4 skate back for the puck and breakout.
7. F4-F5-F6 regroup with D5-D6 in the neutral zone and attack 3-2 vs. D3-D4.

• Continue this flow.

• Instead of the first regroup D3 or D4 could dump the puck in the other corner and D1-D2 break out again before the regroup and 3-2.


15’ – Team Play

Tom one end dzone skating.

Jim with two groups forecheck review.

TD400 Specialty Team Scrimmage

Key Points:

Rotation is Attack-Defend-Rest. Number the players so they know when to not defend. In even numbered situations you can require the defenders to breakout into the neutral zone before passing.


1. Power play attack vs 2 Fand 2 D.
2. Defenders ice the puck and rest.
3. Group waithing at far blue attack.
4. Original attackers now defend 1 short.
5. Goalies rotate in.
6. Create any situation by changing the number of attackers or defenders.
7. Even strength can also be practiced.

*Option is to have waiting players breakout from behind the goal line and do a pk forecheck.

E1 Speed Scoring 2-1 to 2-2 – Finland

Key Points:

The purpose is to attack as quickly as possible and pass and shoot while skating.


1. Start from one end and when everyone is gone go the other way.
2. Attackers 1 and 2 leave from above the hash marks.
3. Defender 1 is inside the top of the circle with his stick upside down start forward and turn to back skating.
4. Defender 2 start from below the circle and back check.
5. Attacker 1 and 2 race down the ice to score and only ONE PASS is allowed.
6. Keep score.


1’ Team meet in middle circle sticks in cheer.

'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
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Blue Practice Plan 24-02-05

Time: 20:30-21:45 Arena: Southland

Review 2-1-2 early season forecheck 1-1, 2-1, 3-3, 4-4, pass while skating, Shootout, transition
Meet with team about forecheck at 7:25

B6 3-0 With Multiple Pucks

Key Points:

This is an exercise to overload the nervous system.
Make eye contact before passing and make good firm passes.


1. Players are in 3 lines below the goal lines in each end.

* A good routine is to pass 3 pucks the first turn, then 2 pucks, then a 3 man weave with one
puck, then add one defense and regroup with him, then add.


B6 Jursi Skate-Pass-Shoot

Key Points:

The goal is to get players to practice passing and shooting while they skate. Puck handling-passing-shooting should be seamless.


1. A and B skate down the ice in passing while skating.
2. A is on the inside and continues on with a shot while skating.
3. B pivots facing the puck and continues the other direction passing to C.
4. B shoots and C partners with D the other way.


C3 Reijo 1-1 Both Sides - Gap Control

Key Points:

The defender needs to get within a sticklength of the attacker before the blueline. Attacker should try moves, dekes, fakes, change of pace, shooting beside the D's foot. Both F's and D's should take turns defending and attacking.


1. Attacker and defender both skate from the middle back to their blueline.
2. Attacker turns and goes 1-1 vs defender.
3. Done on both sides of the ice alternating direction.


15’ Review 2-1-2 Pinch on a Wide Rim

Forecheck in a upside down L

1 on puck
2 on other D
3 mirror puck and force puck on wall. Fill mid point on wide rim
4 support from middle point pinch on wide rim.
5 strong side slide over and support pinch

D1 Full Ice 3 Team Scrimmage

Key Points:

Give close support to the ball or puck. Defending team create speed through the neutral zone after the breakout. New defending team identify coverage when the attackers enter the zone.


Three teams play full court or full ice.
1-Red attacks vs Green at one end.
2-Green breaks out and attacks vs. Black waiting at the other end.
3-Black breaks out and attacks Red.
4-Green rests at the original end.
5-Black attack vs. Green.

They keep this rotation and play a game up to 5. Start another game at 0-0 but switch who they attack first i.e. now Green attacks Red and Red attack vs. Black and Black vs. Green. This rotation can be used to practice team play at full strength and power play and penalty kill.


DT100 Continuous 2-1, 2-2 – Detroit

Key Points:

Face the puck. Forwards attack with speed. D stay in the middle and deny F to F pass. Forwards make the first play near the offensive blue line to force the D to make a decision. D delay the play as much as possible.


1. F1 and F2 attack vs D1.
2. F3 and F4 support D1 as far as the hash marks.
3. D2 support F1 and F2 passively from the point.
4. D1 make a breakout pass to F3 or F4.
5. F3-F4 attack D2 in the other direction.
6. F5 and F6 support D2 and D3 support F3 and F4.
7. Continue this flow.
8. Add a D to make it a 2 on 2.

Options. There could be active support with a 2-1 in the nzone and a 3-3 at each end. Another option is to combine active and passive support or add dump ins and regroups.


D4 Two Active Jokers Behind the Net

Key Points:

Jokers must learn to protect the puck and make plays on their own or passes. Everyone learns to play low in the zone on offense and defense.


1. Each team has two low jokers.
2. Jokers can check Jokers.
3. Jokers can score.
4. Jokers can skate out to the face-off lines.
5. Jokers must touch the puck to score.
6. Jokers rotate on their own.
7. Vary between 1 or 2 Jokers and 1 to 4 out players.

E1 Two Shot Shootout

Key Points:

Players should come in and make a hard move and shoot. The general rule on a breakaway is if the goalie is out far deke and if he backs in shoot.


1. Teams lines up across from each other and the pucks are in the middle circle.
2. One player from each team leaves and shoot at opposite ends.
3. The same players turn back and get another puck from the middle and shoot at the other end.
4. Continue until all the players have shot and keep score.

You can also decide the winner by saying the most goals in a certain time or the first team to 10 or another total wins.

- Players that score no goals do 2 laps, those who score one goal skate one lap and those who score on both shots zero laps.


'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
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If we win the 12 team AA tournament then we will have another practice because the winner plays in the Provincial Championship March 15. If we don't come in first then this is our last official practice unless we get into tournaments. They divided the 12 teams into 3 groups of 4. The top 2 from each group plus two wildcards play tonight. We have qualified and are waiting for the last two games to finish and find out who we play.

Blue Practice Plan 26-02-15

Arena: Stu Peppard


3 groups blue, white, red in pp units. Mitch white and Gareth Blue. Team play, breakouts, regroup, pp, pk, Forecheck, dzone, puck handle, shots.

A300 Edges and Puck Handling with a Shot

Key Points:

Move the puck all around the body in two circles going opposite directions. Finish with a shot. Use all of the edges and big moves reaching as far as possible.


1. Dark group skate down half the rink with a puck and shoot from the middle and white group skate the opposite way and shoot on the other net.
2. Skate on all of the edges and use big moves by reaching the opposite. i.e. Skate left and reach as far as you can to the right.
3. The players skating down the middle finish with a shot and then get a new puck.
4. Exercises are done while zig-zagging in and out.
a. Forward skate and alternate on the front inside edges.
b. Backward skate and alternate on the inside edges.
c. Skate forward and cross-over alternating on the outside edges.
d. Skate backward and cross-over alternating on the outside edges.
e. Open hip turn each way.
f. Slalom and reach as far as possible with the puck the opposite way.


B6 Chaos 3-0 Pass and Shoot

Key Points:

Give a target, pivot to face the puck all the time; use forehand passes and backhand only when passing forward.


1. Three players leave from each end.
2. Each group passes one puck in nzone.
3. On the whistle player with the puck shoot.
4. Other two players save ice and get a pass from the corner and shoot. a few seconds apart.


C3 - Dump-Breakout 5-0-Regroup-3-2 - Continuous – Pro

Key Points:

Defense shoulder check when going back for the puck. Forwards support on the boards middle and far wing. D practice D to D options and hinges as well as quick ups. D skate to the big ice between the dots before passing.


1. F1, F2 or F3 dump the puck in and D1 and D2 skate back for the puck.
2. D3 and D4 follow the play.
3. D1 or D2 make a breakout pass to F1, F2 or F3 and follow up ice.
4. Forwards regroup with D3 and D4 in the neutral zone.
5. F1-F2-F3 attack 3-2 vs. D1-D2.
6. F4-F5-F6 dump the puck into the far end and D3-D4 skate back for the puck and breakout.
7. F4-F5-F6 regroup with D5-D6 in the neutral zone and attack 3-2 vs. D3-D4.

• Continue this flow.

• Instead of the first regroup D3 or D4 could dump the puck in the other corner and D1-D2 break out again before the regroup and 3-2.


10’ Wally run the Dzone
T3-4 King-Kozak Defensive Zone

Key Points:

Defensive player must quickly close the gamp and maintain defensive side and with stick on the puck, body on body.


1. Defender or defenders start on two knees in front of the net.
2. Attacker stands waiting for a pass from the coach. If multiple attackers then spread out.
3. Coach passes to the attacker and defender stands and defends.
4. Add another attacker and defender.
6. Add a third attacker.
7. If the puck is cleared, frozen or a goal the coach quickly passes another puck to an attacker and the play re-starts.

*Option is to have uneven situations and add attackers and defenders as you go.

*To create more space the coach and waiting players move back to the blue line. You can go up to 5-5 with this drill.


3’ Forecheck Review

7’ Three Team Scrimmage – Defenders sticks upside down.
D1 Full Ice 3 Team Scrimmage

Key Points:

Give close support to the ball or puck. Defending team create speed through the neutral zone after the breakout. New defending team identify coverage when the attackers enter the zone.


Three teams play full court or full ice.
1-Red attacks vs Green at one end.
2-Green breaks out and attacks vs. Black waiting at the other end.
3-Black breaks out and attacks Red.
4-Green rests at the original end.
5-Black attack vs. Green.

They keep this rotation and play a game up to 5. Start another game at 0-0 but switch who they attack first i.e. now Green attacks Red and Red attack vs. Black and Black vs. Green. This rotation can be used to practice team play at full strength and power play and penalty kill.


Alex and Wally with two groups going over the high press pk at one end and Jim going over the pp at the other.
5’ per group and rotate.

T2-4 D400 Specialty Team Practice

Key Points:

Closest player must pressure the puck in straight lines from the net out. Skate back when the puck is passed. Stick on the ice in the passing lane. Communicate.


1. A power play and a penalty killing unit at each end of the ice.
2. The coach passes in a puck from the line or from a face off dot.
3. Controlled scrimmage where everyone stops on a whistle.
4. If the puck is frozen, a goal or it is cleared put in a new puck.
5. After about 45 seconds do the same thing from the other end while the pp and pk units switch at the original end.


E1 Rebound Game

This is a scoring contest that seems to be loved by players of all ages everywhere in the hockey world.

Key Points:

Make quick shots and one timers and goalie read the play.


1. Players line up on both side in the slot with one shooter at the top.
2. Play games to 5 between the goalie and shooter.
3. If the goalie freezes the puck or it hits the boards behind or at the side the goalie gets a point.
4. Players get a point by scoring a goal on a shot or rebound. Only one pass is allowed.
5. Shooter stays if he scores and players rotate if there is no goal.


Since there is a 25% chance we won't be practicing anymore I am posting my updated hockey bio to give the coaches who come here an idea of where my ideas come from.

'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
'Enjoy the Game'
Registered: 06/25/08
Posts: 3535
Location: Calgary, Canada
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All 12 teams in the league were put into 3 groups of 4. The top two in each group plus two wild cards advanced. We were 1-1-1 in the group and placed second. We ended up drawing the top team who went 3-0 and won every game by 5+ goals. They have 6 players who scored a lot during the regular season. It was the only team we didn't beat during the season. Scores were 4-4 and 1-3 but always very good, fast paced games.

The score ended 3-5 for them. We outshot them 39-36 but their goalie was very good.

It doesn't sound like we will be in any tournaments. So the season is over.

This is a development league to send players to the AAA Bantam U15 and AAA Minor Midget U16 teams. We carried 7 first year players (rule 6 to 8 on each team) and 12 second year players. Only 2 players on our team had played AA hockey before. So it was a big jump for most of the team.

It was a great group to work with. The players got along with each other and improved a lot as the year went on. I have some really small players and some you could see grow as the year went on. 2 players who were pretty chunky in August really trimmed up. One must have grown 3 inches and has gone from plump to slender. Two of the youngest boy's are still 12 until next December. One defenseman weighs about 90 lbs and stands 4'11" and would be on the AAA team if he was a little bigger. He played many games for them during the season.

We put three small forwards together and they totally dominated by cycling in the offensive zone but they just aren't strong enough yet to have much zip on their shots. I remember coaching two undersized 85 born players at the same age, with similar skill sets. One grew to 6' and has played in the Stanley Cup final and is still in the NHL and the other grew to 5'6" and won the Hobey Baker and is still having a great career in Europe.

There is a lot of potential for these boy's to develop into top end players.

We chart the shots, +/- for each game and I will attach it.

'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
'Enjoy the Game'
Registered: 06/25/08
Posts: 3535
Location: Calgary, Canada
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Jim and I had an exit meeting with all of the players. We had a 75 minute ice time and then scheduled 10 minutes for each player. It took three hours and ten minutes. We asked them what they thought of their season and discussed what they can work on before try-outs next year.

It was good to get their feedback and get to talk to each player.

'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
'Enjoy the Game'
Registered: 06/25/08
Posts: 3535
Location: Calgary, Canada
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I attended a press conference the other day to be introduced by the Calgary Booster Club as an 'Honoured Athletic Leader' along with coaches from other sports. We will all be introduced at the annual Sportsman of the Year Dinner in mid April. Our names are at the bottom of the article about the woman in Synchronized swimming who is the SOY.

Sun article.


Herald article.


'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
'Enjoy the Game'
Registered: 06/25/08
Posts: 3535
Location: Calgary, Canada
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Well deserved Tom - congratulations !!

Appreciate the comment.

Just got back from our wind up party. The kid's played paint ball and then we had a barbeque at the managers house. Very positive evening.

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