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Tonight we have invited a different Calgary team in our league to do a team play scrimmge together. I have asked them to wear white. We have a 90 minute ice time.

10 min. warm up

12 min. Chaos 5-4
12 min. Flyers 5-4

12 min. Chaos 5-3
12 min. Flyers 5-3

12 min 5-5

6 min. Chaos 6-5
6 min. Flyers 6-5

8 min. Penalty Shots as done in a Shoot Out with the goalie on the line and starting on the whistle. (I have had goalies tell me that in a real shoot out they are not used to leaving the goal line and coming out and sometimes they get lost - so practice like it really happens.)

The time keeper resets the clock and starts each segment right away. The first 3 min. are at the bench and 9 min. to do the situation. 2 min. at the bench on 6-5. Keep score on the clock.
This gives the Chaos an extra practice and we get one when they reciprocate.

In our last scrimmage vs the Bruins we didn't do 6-5 and 5-6. We haven't done 4-4, 4-3, 3-4, 3-3 yet but have had each situation in our games so far this season. So those situations will be on the agenda the next time we scrimmage a team.

One of my players has a brother playing Bantam AAA and they want to do the same kind of scrimmage with us. I think that would be a lot of fun and really challenge the boy's to create good angles and the girl's to have perfect technique.

I have also discussed having a little Perry Pearn tournament with the Bruins coach. We would divide out teams in half and each team wear a different colour. Warm up together and then play 3 games with a ref and a score keeper.

'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
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Registered: 06/25/08
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Last night we had a team play scrimmage with another U18 AAA team and it went really well. Their coaches want to do more scrimmages.

Tonights practice will focus on D to D hinging after regroups and the D joining the play. Many of the exercises are new so I am leaving a little more time for explanation and expect the players to remember how to do the drill the next time. I will have to have 2 more F's play D so we have 8 for the drills. It is tough to do a lot of flow with only 6 D and 9 F. 12 F and 8 D make everything possible. Many times we just have everyone play all situations in the drills. It helps because with our forecheck the forward ends up being the middle D on many rushes.

We will end with a regulation shoot out. Last year my top goalie struggled in shoot outs at the start of the season and was going out too far and losing the net because we always did shoot outs where the goalie starts at the top of the crease. So to get used to leaving from the goal line we started to do shootouts like they are in a game and started with a whistle. It helped.

It is a 90 min. ice time.

Practice Plan (the pdf with links and diagram is attached.)

A200 Skating Warm up for Edges and Balance WITH A PUCK

B4 Rejo Pass and Replace

B600 Regroup, Hinge, Quick up-Detroit

B600 Regoup, Hinge, Middle D Rush - Detroit

DT100 2 on 2 with Regroup

D100 Two Second Game

E1 Regular Shoot Out

We took a little longer at the start because the goalie coach needed more time to work on some things with the goalie.

I added the little contest Dean mentioned and had 5 or 6 players around 3 circles. Three had a puck inside the circle and tried to protect their puck and knock other ones out. When a puck was lost then a new player came in.

We passed one puck around the circle with eye contact, then added pass and follow your pass, then did the same thing with 2 pucks. We finished off the skill segment with Puck Dog.

We did the 2 on 2 transition game with the attackers getting support at the blue line but didn't get as far as adding a regroup. I focused on the defending players covering one each and boxing out and picking up sticks when the puck was being shot from the point. Many of the players just follow the puck and don't cover a player, so this was a priority. We didn't get as far as the two second game but did the shootout to end practice.

At the end of each practice now the players lie on their stomach around the circle facing the middle dot and have a cheer led by the captain.

'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
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Registered: 06/25/08
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I post these on ice sessions because some coaches like to see examples of using the ABC model.

We have a one hour session and a game vs the top team in our division in two days. (3 of our first 5 league games vs the top team). It is our 4th ice session this week. The focus will be to play games that review what we have worked on. There has been a lot of instruction and I will see if they can put it into action.

We will start every practice with the balance and edges warm up until all the players can go each way forward and backward on one leg. The ice was too wet to use a puck yesterday so today it is with a puck.
Practice Plan

A200 - Balance and Edges warm up with a puck.

D4 - Two second game at each end. The players must clear the zone and then get onside before they attack. Two 5 minute games.

B6 - 3 shots, 3 zig zags, 3 lane shots.

DT100 - Backchecking game.

DT400 - One zone game 3 on 3 low and pass to the point to go onto offense.

E1 - Gambling shootout with regular shootout rules starting with a whistle.

'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
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Quote by: TomM

DT100 - Backchecking game.

Hi Tom,
Which backchecking game did you use?

Registered: 03/30/10
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Quote by: rcmat

Quote by: TomM

DT100 - Backchecking game.

Hi Tom,
Which backchecking game did you use?


Sorry I forgot to paste it onto the pdf. I have attacked the pdf.

I just got back from playing hockey and checked my email to find that one of my goalies is sick and won't be at practice so I won't be doing the end to end games and drills and will have to redo about half the practice.

'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
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I played hockey at noon and got back home to an email that one of my goalies is sick and won't be there. So now I had to redo my practice plan for a one goalie practice.

1. Skating balance and edges with a puck. Asst. coach warm up the goalie during the backward skating segment.

2. A2 Overspeed with a give and go pass to the next shooters. Whistle every 7". Go hard in the nzone for 7" the first player go in and the second player sping with the puck first. Pass to the player at the goal line who just shot, rebound then give and go with the next shooters. Stress to shoot quickly while skating without 'dusting off the puck first' (recieve pass and shoot without stick handling)

3. Perry Pearn rules for the 4 on 4 DT400 game. Keep score, call offsides. Stress covering one each.

4. Everyone gather in front of the net with a partner. Coaches demonstrate boxing out and sealing the stick to the outside. I took a puck to the blueline and move around while the whole team is in the slot and one is the defender and one attacker in the slot. After about 10" of moving around I shot and they switched roles. Then we moved to a game with the point man as jokers and defenders are responsible to box out and seal sticks and attackers to screen, tip, one time etc.

4. Art Krusel D400 game of 3-3 low battles. Pass to your point man on transition.

5. Gambling shootout. If you guess score go to one side and no goal go to the other side. Skate across and back if wrong. One shot each and officila shootout rules, i.e. leave on the whistle and goalie start from the goal line when the puck is touched by the shooter.

Yesterday I got to experience how effective the small area games are. A friend got a 75 min. ice time but only 4 skaters and one goalie showed up. We warmed up a bit skating around and passing etc. then we played games in one zone.

First game was 2 on 2 Two Pass where you have to keep the puck in the zone and make at least two passes before you can score. We play games where the first team to score 5 wins. This game took about 20 minutes.

We then played 2 on 2 half ice where you have to take the puck over the blueline to go onto offense and stay onside. We played 2 games to 5 goals with a shootout of 5 shots each between each of the three games. We went to the fresh ice for the last game.

We used 70 of the 75 minutes and one of the guys basically seezed (is that a word) up and went to the bench and stretched.

What a great workout, lots of fun, exercise and touches. Also constant switching between A-offense, B-defense and 1-carrying the puck, 2-getting open, 3-checking the puck carrier, 4-covering away from the puck.

It is good to also play when you are coaching. Things aren't as easy as they seem to be from the bench and you realize that the better players have good habits and make the play right away when it is there.

I have been playing Sunday morning hockey at 11:15 for twenty years at least and the league I am coaching in plays early every Sunday but Oct. 30. Today I will play 30 min. and then shower and leave to coach. Usually I can't even do that. This team is fun to coach because they want to get better, so it is ok. Next year If I still coach this team I will request they play Sat. (we have a lot of Saturdays off) instead of Sunday on the one game weekends, or later Sunday.

We had 4 good practices this week and play the top team again. It is a great test to see if the players improve away from the puck.
Oct. 1, 2010 I started a workout program where I decided to have a workout every day. I got 366 workouts done in 365 days. Two days I was travelling and had to double up and one day I simply forgot and realized it the next day so I doubled up with two. The hockey starts in Oct where I play M-W-F and used to Sunday. So that makes it easier. I do light weights, bike or treadmill on the off hockey days. So now I will try another year of every day.

'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
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Registered: 06/25/08
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Location: Calgary, Canada
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We have a 90 minute practice tonight. Lately anything copied and pasted only shows up when you log in. The pdf. has the plan with diagrams and links. We will teach angling from inside to outside, cutting the ice in half, approaching at the back shoulder, shoulder to shoulder and stick on the puck. We play 2 anglind games and the rest of the practice is focused on skills under pressure.

Flyers Practice - Oct. 4


-Angling from the side and straight on.
-Role one-individual offensive skills
-Nervous system overload.
-Role Three – individual defensive skills.
-Role 2 and 4 – offensive and defensive Support.


Captain Lead:
Skating warm up with a puck and finish with a shot. Move on to big moves.

D4 Two Pass at each end.

Play a game of two pass at each end.
Game one – 5 minutes only forehand passes.

Switch teams.

Game two – an escape move must be made before a pass or shot.

B5 Angling Inside to Outsde.Description:
1. Offense group behind the net with pucks.
2. Defenders behind blue line in the middle.
3. Both start on the whistle.
4. Defender force the attacker wide angle and finish.
5. Alternate sides.
6. Players switch lines so they all angle.
7. Move the defenders back to the far blue line as the second step in the skill. http://hockeycoachingabcs.com/mediagall ... 3080843840

D200 Angling Game

Pass to team mates on the whistle.
Create good checking angles and cover man to man.

D200 Straight on Angling Game

Pass to teammates on the whistle.
Create good checking angles and cover man to man.

18’ Lots of Variations:
D200 Multiple Puck Games
Key Points:
Wally Kozak ran this game with-Players can only shoot when the goalie is ready.
-No empty net goals.
-Hustle out of the zone on the whistle and play 20-30 seconds only.
-Pass extra pucks to coach on the whistle.
1. Players line up outside the blue lines.
2. Coach shoots in 3 pucks.
3. Players race for pucks and battle to score and defend.
Game Variations:
a. Shoot in a new puck on a goal.
b. Leave goals in the net and join team mates until only one puck is left.
c. Players can shoot on either net.
d. Send from 1 to 3 players to play. ie. 2 on 3 and coach put 2 pucks into play.

E1 Two Shot Shootout

0 goals 2 laps
1 goal 1 lap
2 goals 0 laps

1’ All pick up pucks and put them in the bag. 2-3 pucks each

Captain gather all the players in the middle lying down facing in.

'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
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Registered: 06/25/08
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Quote by: TomM[p
Yesterday I got to experience how effective the small area games are. A friend got a 75 min. ice time but only 4 skaters and one goalie showed up. We warmed up a bit skating around and passing etc. then we played games in one zone.

First game was 2 on 2 Two Pass where you have to keep the puck in the zone and make at least two passes before you can score. We play games where the first team to score 5 wins. This game took about 20 minutes.

We then played 2 on 2 half ice where you have to take the puck over the blueline to go onto offense and stay onside. We played 2 games to 5 goals with a shootout of 5 shots each between each of the three games. We went to the fresh ice for the last game.

We used 70 of the 75 minutes and one of the guys basically seized (is that a word) up and went to the bench and stretched.

What a great workout, lots of fun, exercise and touches. Also constant switching between A-offense, B-defense and 1-carrying the puck, 2-getting open, 3-checking the puck carrier, 4-covering away from the puck.

It is good to also play when you are coaching. Things aren't as easy as they seem to be from the bench and you realize that the better players have good habits and make the play right away when it is there.

I have been playing Sunday morning hockey at 11:15 for twenty years at least and the league I am coaching in plays early every Sunday but Oct. 30. Today I will play 30 min. and then shower and leave to coach. Usually I can't even do that. This team is fun to coach because they want to get better, so it is ok. Next year If I still coach this team I will request they play Sat. (we have a lot of Saturdays off) instead of Sunday on the one game weekends, or later Sunday.

We had 4 good practices this week and play the top team again. It is a great test to see if the players improve away from the puck.
Oct. 1, 2010 I started a workout program where I decided to have a workout every day. I got 366 workouts done in 365 days. Two days I was travelling and had to double up and one day I simply forgot and realized it the next day so I doubled up with two. The hockey starts in Oct where I play M-W-F and used to Sunday. So that makes it easier. I do light weights, bike or treadmill on the off hockey days. So now I will try another year of every day.[/p]


Several years ago, I played Smart Transitional Games with the kids and other instructors when I taught in my skill academy at Springbank High. I hadn't played hockey for years... playing these games was extremely fun (4 nets, full ice, lots of transitions... primarily King's Scoring Game) and it re-kindled my love to play. So I went out with some other guys a couple of times. They played 'traditional' hockey (no refs, honour the offsides)- attack and defend opposite nets / no transition / the game stopped when someone scored... the team scored on took 10+ seconds to dig the puck out, slowly move up the ice to centre to start attacking again... BRUTAL! I tried to get them to change into the King's Scoring Game or at least transition quickly when a goal was scored (the scoring team digs the puck out and attacks the opposite end) but it was too different for them. So I quit again. A few more years went by and I got invited out by a different group. I tried it twice, then retired for good. Same old crap. I find normal hockey boring... I will only play if we can do Smart Transitional Games or King's Scoring. I wish we could create a 3 vs 3 league using these concepts... I would play in a second!


Using my exercise physiology training, I created and started a workout program (for endurance cycling) July 25 2011. I bought a few weights, some rubber matting for the basement, a bench and already have a treadmill and wind-trainer for my road bike. I have lost 12 pounds in two months and feel like I have gained a few pounds of muscle - at least I have more definition now. I work out 4-5 times per week; lots of cardio (bike, some treadmill and running... my knees aren't great so biking is preferred), some weights, core, stretching and balance exercises. I had some back issues and chronic knee pain, so I figured losing some weight and adding muscle to the supporting structures around my knees would help. My back pain is gone and my knees feel better now. I also wanted to be in better shape to demo on and off ice and so I could be fit and healthy when I play with my kids. I used to race mountain bikes (Trans-Alps in Europe, 24 hour events) and ride long distances on my road bike (century rides = 160 kms+ in one day, for multiple days) so I want to get back in shape for those.

In 2003, I was told of the Tour Divide Race... it is a self-supported, 2800 mile race. This piqued my interest as I was in great shape and I had done some 3-10 day stage races. I didn't go for it and now that I am married (and have very little time!), I regret not doing it then. The 'old' version started at the Canadian / US border; now the 'new' and longer version departs from Banff AB (late June each year) and finishes in Antelope Wells New Mexico at the Mexican border. 99% is off-road. I want to ride my dual-sport KTM along the route first to scout it out (hopefully next summer) and then might decide to bike it (or portions of it) in 2013. It all depends on my time with a family / work, etc. Time will tell!

Dean, I just do things around here. Bike, play hockey, light weight routine. Try to take an hour each day to do something. I have an exercise bike, tread mill, elastic bands, weights, at my house.

M.Ed (Coaching)
Ch.P.C. (Chartered Professional Coach)
Game Intelligence Training

"Great education depends on great teaching."

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We've been really struggling at start of the season. It feels like we've been going backwards from the last season. But the reality seems to be that (as mentioned before we have really small group and really behind with their biological age) others have growed at summer and my kids are still waiting to grow - i hope. So it's the Laws of the physics against us. Well we have some skills issues and our game intelligense needs work.

Anyway here's two practices from this week.

031011 theme: passing and receiving, scoring, face the puck.

1. 1-0 passing drill

* pass and receive from movement
* face the puck
2. 2-0 passing
* hard passes
* face the puck
3. 2-2 transition
* when D defend - attack - forecheck - out
* when F attack - defend - break out - out
4. SAG 2v2 with jokers in dz and oz
* when you gain puck pass to joker, pass to oz joker before scoring
if win puck in oz you need pass only to oz joker
5. SAG 3v3 face the puck game (if time)
* you turn your back to puck, penalty shot to opponent

041011 theme: passing and receiving, roles 1,2. win space, create space

1. 3 player passing drill
* square blade to passer
* pass and receive from movement
2. 4-2 cooperation
* create space, win space
* support
* create areal 2vs1
3. Themed game: OZ,NZ break out 2-2(4-4)/3-3(5-5)
* D plays below blueline, D pair co-op,
* if Fs win puck below redline they must pass to their D
4.themed game: 1-1 to 3-3 / 2-2 to 4-4
* start 1v1, get help by passing
* new player must move before passing again
5.SAG 3-3 scoring (if time)
* shoot to net = 1point, score= 2points, score by one timer or deflection= 3points
Thanks Kai. It is tough when you are behind the other teams in size or talent from the start. As coaches we can't do much about that. We can only go through the process of teaching good habits, skills and game understanding.
My team is similar as we have 7 returning players; a goalie, 2 D and 4 F. At the end of the draft it was very thin of D so I have had to move 2 of my veteran F's back to D. Most of the new players played A level and not AAA last season, so they have to get used to playing vs better players and doing things at a much quicker pace. We play the top team for the third time in 4 games next Sunday. they finished first last year and have 14 returning players. Last Sunday it was 1-1 after the second then they got two in the third. It is a great measuring stick for us.
Those are good practices. I will use some of your games.


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Oct. 5

We had an off ice session and I will post a video of some of the activities. It is on a cement surfaces rink. The cement is slippery enough to be able to handle a puck.
- puck handling technique. I led while the players practiced using their top hand more and doing many moves. I stressed being able to handle the puck around the body on Both Sides.
- passing technique getting the top hand away from the body.
- snap shot
- partner one timer shots
- two groups doing one timer shots rotating between pass-shot-rest

D200 Games using small nets.

- King's Score game of 3-3.
- 3 on 3 regroup with joker below the defensive goal line on transition to offense.
- 3 on 3 with 3 jokers -one behind each net-one in the middle. Each team had a player in goal. (14 total players). Rule you must pass to a joker on offensive transition.

Oct 6 on ice practice -75 min.

- A300 - Puck Handling Skills
- B3 Partner Passing
- DT400 - 3 on 3 Game With Quick Transition
- B6 Three Man Weave Routine
- B500 Overspeed with a Pass and Shot
- D100 Game of 5-5 with Last Defender in Nzone - PP-PK and Typhoon Stretch Pass
- DT100 Continuous 1 on 1

'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
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Registered: 06/25/08
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Location: Calgary, Canada
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Todays practice was good. Kids were really into it. we didn't do any drills. we did 4 games and one 5-3 to - 5-5 transition game.

1. 4vs4 no return pass
2. 3v3 sag tight marking
3. 4v4/ 2-2 in the oz/dz
4 . 3v3 sag scoring from the reboud gives 3 points.
5 5-3 break out to 5-5


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We had a tough draw playing the best team 3 of our first 6 but it is good because the players are not allowed to make any lazy plays or have bad habits. So it makes practice full of purpose and the players pay attention because what they are doing isn't working well.

Game one was 5-0 and the shots were close but they got easy goals on rebounds or 1-1's that the defensive player focused on the puck.

Game two we dominated the first and didn't score, they dominated the second and it was 1-1 and the third was pretty even but their skilled players beat us 1-1 and scored and it was 1-3.

Game three was 0-0 after one. We acored on a breakaway with .4 seconds to go in the second and that put us up 2-1.

The shots were 6-6 in the third, no one scored and we won 2-1. I debated whether to put our top line on the last minute but decided to let the next line go on because they were playing hard and smart and they did a great job and didn't give up a 5-6 chance. Goalie was really solid.

We played with good habits. Not perfect but much better. We had a great practice on Th. with two transition games of 1-1 and then a continuous 1-1 to 2-2. Two players who have really struggled were two of our best players and one of them scored our first goal.

Fun to coach players who want to get better. We have a chance to make some noise when it all counts.

'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
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Quote by: TomM


Fun to coach players who want to get better.

Yes, it is!

John and I have our "Supergroup Project" (1999-2001 / 2001-2004) on Friday mornings before school and they really want to learn. Makes the coaches happy to be there!

M.Ed (Coaching)
Ch.P.C. (Chartered Professional Coach)
Game Intelligence Training

"Great education depends on great teaching."

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The goal of this practice was to play 1-1's on the defensive side and everyone played the first transition game both as a defender and attacker.The continuous 1-1,2-1, 2-2 is a high tempo way to review all of the situations and game playing roles. 1 hour practice.
F and D 3/4 ice while goalies worked at one end.

A200 - Edges with a puck followed by Big Moves and puck control.
B6 - Skate and shoot from 3 lanes.
DT400 - 2/3 ice transition 1-1 game of backcheck, breakout, attack, defend, rest.
DT100 - Continuous 1-1, 2-1, 2-2
E1 - Change on the go shootout.

'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
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Plan tonight for a 90 minute practice.

Goalies work at one end with Nat. One at a time.

A200 balance and edges. One way with a puck and one way without.
A2 - Puck Dog
B6 - 3-0 Regroup with D who hinge.
C3 Contest - 3-0, 3-1, 3-2. Last time they scored 7 goals in 10 min. F want to score more and D/G want less goals.
D100 - 2" game of 3-3
D200 - Game with nets back to back and must pass to a joker on transtion.
D200 - Cross ice game with half as jokers. Rule: you must regroup with joker below the defensive goal line before attacking.
E1 - Rebound
last 2' get pucks, gather in the centre circle for a cheer lying on their stomachs.

video of our last game

'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
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Hi Tom,

Playing around with a new software program. Here is last nights practice. Hope it works.

Paulie, it looks like a good draw program for hockey.

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We have had a good week so far. We played last Sunday vs Red Deer for the third time in our first 6 games and after losing 0-5 and 1-3 we finally beat them 2-1. Yesterday Oct. 15 we played the Bruins who beat us 3-2 in our third game of the season and won 4-1 outshooting them 46-19. The players are getting used to our Tsunami Forecheck but mostly are developing good habits like stick on the puck, identifying coverage, facing the puck. F1 back pressuring the puck like Boston creates turn overs and quick transition and nullifies the really good puck carriers who now have a 1 on 2.

Our D are hinging all of the time which opens up the ice for passes. We have a long way to go but we are now playing with a purpose in every situation. Our pp is averaging a goal a game and we have only given up I think 3 goals in 7 games on the pk.

We play another game in two hours - summary below.

The game went well vs Spruce Grove from the northern division, for us and we led 2-0 after the second and scored two more in the third to win 4-0. We got another pp goal. Our goalie had to make some good saves late to earn her shutout. Shots were 28-19. So that is two games in a row with less than 20 shots against.

We had two on ice and one spin class on the exercise bikes for an hour, practice this week. We had a lot of competitive situations cross ice, one zone and full ice and continue to do skills that require the players to pass and shoot with their feet moving and improve technique. We are not a talent laden team but we can skate and the players all work very hard. Pressure, pressure, pressure, on the opposition both physically and mentally to cause panic and turnovers is our mantra and the players say it in their Team Covenant. It is a hard way to play but the only way we can be successful. Our fitness, systems and effort have to enable us to do play this way and then we can compete with even the most talented teams.

In the second game after dominating the first period and leading 2-0 we started drinking our own bath water and thinking they aren't that good. Our pressure dropped to about 75% and their talented players took over and we spent a lot of time in our end being passive. Our good defensive habits and sold goaltending kept the puck out of our net. I think it showed us that if we give time and space to the opponent we are in trouble.

I have uploaded a video of the first game and it is in the files section. I want to post one game per week for the players to watch and then I delete them and update the game.


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I am going to do one week at a time from Mon-Sun because the week is basically designed to prepare for the weekend games. I will just add to the posting.

Monday - plyometrics
Tuesday - 90 min on practice
Wednesday - 75 min. team play scrimmage with the Bruins.
Thursday - 75 min. on ice
Sunday - away game vs undefeated Medicine Hat.
I think the previous games tell you what your team is good at and what you need to work at. Last weekend we had one forward who is sick so 14 skaters. 5 D and 9 F. I moved one of the F's who has been playing D up to forward and she scored in both games. In our second game I moved a different forward back to D and another who has played D in all our games back to forward. She got two goals in our second game. So maybe the best way to coach forwards is to ave them play D.
This week I am moving a big forward back to D. She played D in the exhibition games but was very nervous. Now she has played 10 games and I want to try her back there again. So I will leave the two who scored this weekend up on the forward lines.
Things we need to work on this week.

- Always individual skills at a high tempo. Harder passes, eliminate back hand passes and clears as much as possible - 90% end up as giveaways. Everything must be done more quickly and at top speed.
- We need someone going to the net without the puck to create space and get some bang ins.
- One timer shots.
- D slide and shoot missing the first checker.
- D ot D reverse, partner and regroups with hinges.
- F's facing the puck and giving targets.
- Everyone angles and establish the defensive side.
- D passing and joining the rush.
- Low zone coverage.
- High press aggressive pk with the D pressuring the wall and F denying D to D with low rotation and weak side F dropping down.
- 1-1's
- 2-1 and 3-2 the attackers should be making the first pass earlier, near the blue line, so that there is a second play. They slow down and run our of space.

Now I have to plan practices to meet these goals.

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Quote by: TomM



I think the previous games tell you what your team is good at and what you need to work at. Last weekend we had one forward who is sick so 14 skaters. 5 D and 9 F. I moved one of the F's who has been playing D up to forward and she scored in both games. In our second game I moved a different forward back to D and another who has played D in all our games back to forward. She got two goals in our second game. So maybe the best way to coach forwards is to have them play D.
This week I am moving a big forward back to D. She played D in the exhibition games but was very nervous. Now she has played 10 games and I want to try her back there again. So I will leave the two who scored this weekend up on the forward lines.


Things we need to work on this week.

- Always individual skills at a high tempo. Harder passes, eliminate back hand passes and clears as much as possible - 90% end up as giveaways. Everything must be done more quickly and at top speed.
- We need someone going to the net without the puck to create space and get some bang ins.
- One timer shots.
- D slide and shoot missing the first checker.
- D ot D reverse, partner and regroups with hinges.
- F's facing the puck and giving targets.
- Everyone angles and establish the defensive side.
- D passing and joining the rush.
- Low zone coverage.
- High press aggressive pk with the D pressuring the wall and F denying D to D with low rotation and weak side F dropping down.
- 1-1's
- 2-1 and 3-2 the attackers should be making the first pass earlier, near the blue line, so that there is a second play. They slow down and run out of space.

Hi Tom,

Good to hear your squad is progressing nicely! I will plan to come watch a game soon!

Comments about A & B:


I think we specialize positions too early (including goaltender). By giving kids the chance to play different positions, it allows them to see and experience the game from a different perspective. This will be valuable to their 'big picture' development in the long run. By this, I don't mean for a practice or period or game, but long enough for them to start to wrap their mindset around it. In your case, 10 games (and resultant number of practices) has given them an excellent opportunity to understand their 'new' position, make some mistakes and learn from it. You have positively impacted their knowledge and enhanced their confidence. Now they are feeling more confident, and confidence is a critical component of success (especially with females). If you have someone go down with injury, you will already have a choice of swing-men (women?) who can adapt to either F or D. Well done sir!


My mantra is: "Execute skills... with head up... at full speed... under (game-like) pressure... consistently." When learning a new habit (as all of what you have listed above are skills / habits), things will slow down until the brain coordinates the new requisite movements. Then one can start working on speed after technique. It is important to put these skills into game-like conditions so the girls can cope with the realities and unpredictable nature of the game! Using your games, I know this will happen and is already happening.

The girls are lucky to have you as a coach. I look forward to your updates and to see your squad in action!
Dean they are getting better all of the time. I just got back from a one hour off ice session where they did speed, leg and core work. The instructors always comment on how hard they work and how well they listen. You can't ask for any more than that. If we can keep improving our habits like good angles, stick on stick, stick in the lanes, shoot while moving and follow the shot, pass and follow the pass and all the other details of the game we can become better at the little things and compete with the teams who have more offensive talent than us. We gave up ten goals in our first 3 games and have given up six in our last 5 games and most of that result is because of the habits I just mentioned.

The goals we do get scored on us are by the stars of the other team who win 1-1's or a 1-3's one time and go in and score because it is hard to always play with good habits. The grade 12's are looking for scholarships and my goal is to have schools to want our players because they are complete players and can be relied on in all situations.

One player with a pulled groin and one who may have mono; so we are down to 13 skaters. Small rosters don't give you much wiggle room.

Our Tsunami forecheck is the most effective one I have ever used or seen and I have been around a long time. It is a combination of the 2-2-1 Page used in Austria, and an aggressive 1-3-1 press Wally Kozak showed me. It is Total Hockey and everyone has a HOME position but have the go ahead to be first on the puck anywhere. So all the players must be able to play a defensive 1-1 or 2-1, they all must know how to cycle and forecheck and they all have to be able to count to 5 because whether they are 1-2-3-4-5 in relation to the puck and ours or their net that is their position at that moment. If two players are about the same distance from the puck then the HOME position takes effect. i.e. a wing and centre come back into the end at the same time; then the centre plays the low 3 on 3 with the D. It is a logical and seamless way to play the game but requires recognizing the situation and having the skills to succeed in any situation.

M.Ed (Coaching)
Ch.P.C. (Chartered Professional Coach)
Game Intelligence Training

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This was a 90 minute session where the D went with my asst. Sean to work on hinging, shots from the point and breakout options. I worked with the F's on puck protection on the boards, cutbacks and the offensive triangle. Later we went over the high press rotation on the penalty kill. We also did games for quick thinking and movement.

A200 Balance and edgeds warm up with a puck and finish with a shot.

B500 D and F technique at each end.

B5 1-1 battles out of the corner.

C2 2 on 2 battles below the goal line.

T4 High press rotation walk thru

D400 3 on 3 quick transition game of low battles.

D100 Full ice game of 3-3 must make at least one pass in each zone.

D1 - 2 shot shootout

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This was a high intensity one goalie practice to prepare to play the first place undefeated team on Sat. We only had one goalie because our underage goalie was with Hayley Wickenheiser doing an instructional video.

I invented 2 new transiton games for one goalie and they worked very well.

We had a great game on Sat. leading 3-0 after the first and tied the second and third 1-1 for a 5-2 win. They couldn't handle the Tsunami pressure and we also got 2 pp goals.

I have attached the practice pdf. Off to play hockey now.
I have fixed up the pdf with the proper diagram of our regroup transition game with one goalie.

This week we have M-off, T-on ice, W-spin on bikes, Th-on ice, F-team play scrimmage, Sat.-team pictures morning and game afternoon, Sun.- off and I get to play my Sunday morning hockey for the last time in 2011.

Our goal this week is to continue to improve our habits and learn to play the game at a faster pace. We will do overspeed drills and games (one touch, 2" with the puck, etc.) and review angles, dside, good sticks, playing in the triple threat position.

Looking at the last two games all the lines have scored and we haven't given up a goal on the pk. We got one pp goal last week and 2 this week. Our D jumped up into the play and scored 2 goals in our last game. So the transition games are working well and the specialty team scrimmages really help to get everyone playing with the advantage and short handed.

We only get in trouble when we fail to make good tape to tape passes and try to clear the puck on our back hand. So the first few strides are critical. Jursinov wants his D to beat the first checker before passing. This causes him to move his feet and drive skate which sets up reverses etc. We will do some games where that is the rule. i.e. you can't pass until you have crossed a blue line and only one pass is allowed in the offensive zone.

The team we beat on Sunday was undefeated. We were playing games in early September before we had a lot of time to develop good habits or team play. It is better now. In the first 3 games we were 1 and 2 with 10 goals against. In our last 6 games we are 5-1 with 8 GA and have beaten all the teams we lost to earlier for a 6-3 record so far. Our GA is 18 in 9 games; so 2 against per game. Goalies have been really good and they alternate each game. We play a tough team that scores a lot of goals on Saturday.

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Quote by: rcmat

Quote by: TomM

DT100 - Backchecking game.

Hi Tom,
Which backchecking game did you use?


Check this one out too... another of Tom's... a 2 vs 2 with 2 backcheckers.

DT400 Back Pressure Game of 2-2 - it's in Daily Drill section 8. Posted Oct 24 2011.


M.Ed (Coaching)
Ch.P.C. (Chartered Professional Coach)
Game Intelligence Training

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I just finished my practice plan and we are going to have a tournament day. They will play one zone, full ice and cross ice games and finsih with a shootout. w-2, 5-1, L-0 pts. I will post the points after each game. We will have 4 teams and the losing teams skate across and back for every point behind the winners.

Each game will have skill or concept rules.

I have posted a pdf description. and here is the link to a 10 min. video of the games. I forgot to film the last one where both teams must go around the back of the net to start the play.
Tournament Practice
We played a series of games: one zone, full ice and cross ice. Each game had technical or tactical skill the players had to do. We kept score in each game and talled the winner after.

B200 Transition skate shooting warm up

B5 Overspeed with a pass and shot

18’ Skating Games of 2 Pass
Keep score in 5 min games with 4 teams.
Game at each end x 3
-snowplow skating only
- flatfooted scootering only
-skating on one foot only

D100 King’s Score Rules with 3 teams
Losing team must change on the go. Scoring team pick up the puck and go the other way.
Keep score

10’ game
D100 King’s Score game with rule-at least one pass in each zone.

Kings Score Game One pass ONLY in each zone
D200 King’s Score Rotation;
Scoring team must go behind the net with
the puck and the new team angle.

D200 Kings Score Rules
Both teams must go behind the net after a
goal. Scoring team get the puck out of the
net and go.

Shootout Race
One team on each dot. Keep score.

Calculate Standings
Losing teams skate down and back for every point behind leading team.

Win = 2 pts
Tie =1 pt
Loss = 0 pts.

'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
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I see the site passed 4 million hits last night. Pretty good for just over 2 years. I sent out both books and a flash drive earlier in the week to two coaches in the USA. The flash drive is an incredible resource with 8 GB and 1400 hockey files.

Our 5-2 win over the only undefeated team last Sunday earned us a spot in the Notre Dame tournament early December. There are always a lot of college scouts there looking for players. I attended the tournament to recruit when coaching college level and got some good players from it. That and the Mac's after Christmas will give my 94 born players a lot of exposure and put some younger players on the radar. I have a lot of girl's capable of being good college players and a few capable of being outstanding players at that level.

At tonights practice Sean will work with the D for 20 minutes while I take the forwards and do some cycling and battling. We have a specialty team scrimmage with another AAA team tomorrow and that will be good preparation for our Saturday game vs a team we lost 2-3 and defeated 4-1 earlier in the season.

Last night we did bicycle spin class and core work at the NSD training centre. I took a six minute video showing the workout for a few minutes, the facility and a boy's soccer football team doing skill work and then a keepaway game followed by 3-3 with Jokers at each offensive end. I filmed this because it is basically an ABC's practice and football is far ahead of hockey coaching in using game situations.

I gave out the reversible practice jerseys with out logo and numbers. White on one side and green the other. It took a long time to get them. Looks like I am the only one around here using them so they had to be custom made. Just seems logical to me but I am a Physical Eduacation Teacher, who coaches hockey and see things through teachers eyes most of the time.

Practice Plan Oct. 27 - 75 minutes

Agility and Balance finishing with a shot.

B6 3 shots-3 passes-3 zig zags 3lanes and a shot.

D and one goalie with Sean F and one goalie with Tom

F-s B6 angling behind the net come back 1-1 and shoot.

D and one goalie with Sean and F with Tom.

B5 Forecheck and angle

Nat with one goalie at one end.

B5 Loose Puck Battles-only one way.

All players green vs white.
Keep track of goals.

Battle for the puck take it over the blueline then attack 1-1 and 2-2

One goalie with Nat at one end.

DT400 – 2-2 with Back Pressure.

DT100 Support from Point-Defend-Attack

5’ passive support and 7’ active support.

Rebound at each end.

Finish with 1’ team gather around the middle circle.

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We had a specialty team practice with another Calgary U18 AAA team. They were motivated and we were flat and they scored a lot more than we did. It did allow some new lines and new D to work together.

Saturday we played the other Calgary team. They are ahead of us in the standings but have played 3 more games. They were 6-3-3 and us 6-3. We lost to them the second week of the season 2-3 and beat them two weeks ago 4-1. Today we won 2-1. They scored with 30 seconds left to ruin the shut-out. We worked hard and outshot them 32-28. Our goalie was very good as was theirs.

It wasn't either teams best game but we found a way to win. Encouraging that we are 6-1 in our last seven games and have only given up 9 goals in those 7 games. We started the year at 1-2 and gave up 10 goals in our first 3 games.

So the individual defensive skills such as dside, stick on the puck, stick in the lanes, angling have made a huge difference. We taught the technique in drills and then use games and transtion games to put them into realistic situations.

Two games next weekend. One vs the team who schooled us in the specialty team scrimmage and one vs. Medicine Hat who we handed their first loss to last weekend. We will be missing our captain who is a very good D, who is visiting her brother at college.

This week two on ice and one off ice session before the weekend games. The lighter week will be good for the players to get their scholl work done and recover, as we haven't had many days off in the last two weeks and we have an 11 day in a row stretch coming up. I think I will cancel one of the practices in the middle of it.

'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
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Quote by: TomM

This week two on ice and one off ice session before the weekend games. The lighter week will be good for the players to get their scholl work done and recover, as we haven't had many days off in the last two weeks and we have an 11 day in a row stretch coming up. I think I will cancel one of the practices in the middle of it.


Sounds like the team is coming together very well! Good job coach!

Coaches often overlook the importance of rest and recovery. I like the fact that you will look to cancel an ice time to give some time off. Maybe even two days off through the course of the 11 day period? (Perhaps offer your ice time to another girls hockey team so you can gain one back later when you need it?)

I will check your schedule to see when I can come out to watch. Looking forward to seeing the Tsunami in action!

M.Ed (Coaching)
Ch.P.C. (Chartered Professional Coach)
Game Intelligence Training

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This week we have 2 on ice and one practice on a hockey court. It seems like we (Flyers) have played less games than almost everyone. http://www.ammfhl-hockey.ca/ is the league website. The Bruins, who we played on Sat. have played 14 games and us 10. Total league games is 32. We played 3 ex games. The tournament at Notre Dame is about 5-6 and the Mac's after Christmas can be the same. Hopefully we have a good playoff run; so we could end up over 50 games.

This week I want to work on 'good habits' and transitioning between playing roles. In the off ice session I want to review some of the team play things and am attempted to introduce the Diamond PP that most NHL teams use but am a little nervous because we are averaging about a goal a game on the pp and 'If it ain't broke don't fix it.'

We have only given up 2 or 3 goals on the pk but a few of the players are a little confused on our rotation. We are really aggressive and everyone has to move as a unit.

So good habits. Creating 2-1's on offense and clarifying the systems is the goal. We have two hard games coming up on the weekend.
Tuesday thoughts.
I don't really like rotating on the pk as we have to when we use a high press rather than a low press. On the high press the D forces the puck up the wall and if they pass low the D in front pressures and the weak side forward comes down to cover the player in front until the D who pressured gets back and covers the front/the forward slides back up and the D's have switched sides.

A low press is similar to the 5-5 coverage where a forward pressures the puck on the boards at the hash and forces the pass low where the strong side D pressures and the weak side D has net front. The 2-1 is at the point so the weak side forward must be in the passing lane to the middle point and be ready to force the point. You can do a high switch with the F's if they go D to D or else have the D rotate out is you don't want switching.

My D always force instead of the forwards so we decided we should teach the D rotation with the F coming down (high press). It works, as does any system if all understand it and jump quickly with good sticks.

Ideally you have zero switching and skate straight lines out from the net with the box rotating to a diamond and the closest player always forcing. Never chase the pass sideways but you have to cover your man if he carries the puck.

We have 80% of the team pressuring right away and 20% still hesitate and want to stand there in a box like they have been shown in the other teams they played for. It is a process but it is coming along.

The team we play Friday has the top scorer in the league who is an underage and toe drags around everyone then shoots hard. They have 3 others in the top 30 league scoring. The other team is in first place and have at least 4 in the top 30 scoring. We have one player who is in about 15th place in the top 30.

So we have to win with 15 people (14 this weekend because my captain who is probably the smartest D in the league is visiting her brother who plays NCAA Div 1 this weekend) playing as a unit with lots of intensity and good habits.

We are trying to create physical and mental pressure on the opponents and not give them time to transition on defense and on offense to give close support and attack quickly.

Our D will be working with Sean to go D to D, hinge, skate to open ice. A problem we have is that we tend to put the puck back into the flow of the game instead of moving it away from pressure. We are working on this all of the time. Most teams in the league use a strong side pinch so it is almost impossible to breakout on the strong side. This forecheck is basically a 2 on 5 ow and 3 high and we should be able to beat 2 players.

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We have a 90 minute practice that will focus on individual and team offensive skill. I am introducing at least 4 new games to the players that all require quick decision making and skill.

November 1 Practice:

Skills: skating, shoot, pass, puck handle Team Skills: close support, D options
Decisions with the puck. Forward cycle and create 2 on 1’s

Entire practice is Greens vs Whites

A200 Edges and Balance Routing ending with a shot.
Russian Big Moves Routine ending with a shot.

12’ Two games of 6’

D4 Baggo at Each End

Rule: two touch or 1” with the puck and all goals must be on one timers.

Keep score

B600 1-0 and 2-0 but with one net at each end.
Greens leave from one side and whites from the other.

Sean work with D on moving the puck away from pressure, D to D, facing the play and gaining the big ice between the dots.
Tom with forwards. Give and go stressed.

Play 1-1, 2-1, 1-2, 2-2 quick transition game.

D100 Backchecking Game

1 on 1 x 1 rep
2 on 2 x 2 reps
3 on 3 x 3 reps

Stress attacking quickly and taking sticks in the slot on the backcheck.

Keep score

DT 100 D Join the Play and F Backcheck

Introduce the game and play 1-1 and 2-2.

Keep score

E1 One timer shot shootout from the B600 formation.

Rule: you must pass once inside the offensive zone and goals must be one timers or one touch shots.

Keep Score.

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I think last night was our best practice of the year. Natalie worked with each G for ten minutes and Sean had the D working on facing up ice, moving the puck awy from pressure. I had the F's and we cycled each way and then changed the point of attack by passing behind the net to the other side and then played quick transition 2-2 and then 3-3 from the top of the circles.

I threw a lot at them. We did the balance exercises carrying a puck and finsihing with a shot and now all but two can do the one legged lengths forward and backward. In Sept. hardly anyone could do these.

They did 2 new full ice transiton games and baggo; all which they have never done before and we thruned a timing passing drill into a shootout.

Tonight we are on the sports court which is cement with boards around it. I am alone with no other coaches and intend to review some of our team play; i.e. the Tsunami, pp and pk rotation. Both teams we play this weekend coming up use two on the point in their pp and we will review that pk.

We will also play some ball hockey.
We did this backchecking game of 2 on 2 and I posted the other transiton games with D joining the play and F backchecking in the drills section eight.

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I decided to use the court time to work on our power play. Everyone was there, so it was perfect. I don't like using ice time for a lot of instruction and that is why I got the sport court which is a smaller hockey rink on cement.

We have been using an overload to slot set power play and I added variations. I will attach a pdf.

Option One:
Set up at the hash and attack the seam between the D and F.
-If no one plays you skate thru and shoot or pass back door to the F or the D coming down.
-If the D plays you cycle low and keep going for a give and go and if that isn't there become the low option.
-Original low player attack the seam again.

Option Two:
-If the F plays you pass to the point and the low player moves in front to screen.
-If the point player can get to the middle move into a 1-3-1 Diamond and the weak side D skate down to the middle slot between the hash marks.
-In the Diamond we have 4 triangles for one timers, a middle one timer opition.
-If the puck is loose always outnumber the defenders and start the same sequence.

When you get the puck either you or the puck moves. No standing still.
If the weak side D comes down to back door the weak side F slide back. Look for defenders staring at the puck and move into the passing seams behind them.
Create 2 on 1's.
Short passes that only beat one defender.
* Progress to a high cycle.

'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
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Location: Calgary, Canada
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