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Blue Practice Plan 30-09-14 Time: 19:00-20:00 Venue: Stu Peppard

Regroups, fill lanes, middle drive, Penalty Kill 3-5 vs. spread.

B6 – 3 Shots, 3 Zig zags, 3 Shots

Key Points:

3 Leave from diagonal corners about 2" apart, skate around circle then shoot, get a pass fromthe other corner, skate 3 zig zags betweeen the blue line and the top of the cricles the fill the 3 lanes and shoot.


1. Start with a pass 2 to 1 then 3 to 2 etc..
2. Follow the shot for a rebound before getting the pass.
3. Do skills while zig zagging 3 times such as;
a, carry the puck with the hands and feet moving all the time.
b. transition skate facing the far end forward to backward to forward.
c. skate backward.


10’ First Alex play D then 1 D then 2 D and hinge. Alex don’t pass unless a F on boards, in middle and far lane facing the puck.
B6 3-0 Weave With D Regroup

Key Points:

-Skate with the puck to the big ice between the dots and then pass.
- Pass and follow your pass.
-Stay wide until you get the pass.


1. Half the forwards at each end in three lines behind the goal line with the D waiting at the
bluelines. Whites at one end and Blues at the other.
2. Middle player start by skating toward the strong side and pass to the wing and follow the pass
skating behind the new puck carrier.
3. Wing skate to the big ice between the dots and pass to the far wing then follow the pass.
4. Wide wing skate to the big ice and pass to the original centre who is now in the opposite wide
5. The D is skating backwards thru the middle zone and the puck is passed back to him for a
regroup the other direction.
6. On regroup one player supports on the strong side boards, one mirrors the puck in the middle
lane and one is in the wide lane.
7. D makes the pass and follow the attack into the zone.
8. The group at the other end leaves after the D passes up ice.

12’- Rule is you must regroup before crossing the offensive blue line.

D100 3 on 3 Scrimmage with Extra Players on Bench

Key Points:

Play a full ice game with the extra players on the bench. Change on the whistle or on their own.
Pass back to the goalie when changing on the whistle.


1. Play from 1-1 to 6-5.
2. Change of the whistle or players change on the go.
3. Keep score.
4. If no face-offs then scoring team touch the red line before checking.

15’ Go over in the dressing room before with the magnetic three dimensional board.
T4 D400 - PK 3-5 vs. a Spread PP

Key Points:

The key is to eliminate one timer shots from the point, from the player in the middle and the back door play.


1. When the puck is passed down the D in front moves to that side. 2. Weak side high player drop low to take away back door one timer.
3. Strong side high player drop down and front the middle attacker. 4. Strong side high player get in shooting lane when puck is at the point.
5. Weak side high player cover middle and take away cross ice pass with stick.
6. Low player eliminate tip ins in front but don't get tied up.
7. D to D pass everyone shift. (Right low player in last minute doesn't move out and back and many openings are created. Important to skate in straight lines from the net out to low, middle, high spots)


D200 3-3 with 3-2-1 Pucks

Key Points:

-Players can only shoot when the goalie is ready.
-No empty net goals.
-Situation continually changes as goals are scored and players have to read odd and even man numbers.


1. Players line up outside the blue lines.
2. Coach shoots in 3 pucks.
3. Players race for pucks and battle to score and defend.
4. Leave puck in the net after a goal and play with 2 pucks then 1 puck.
5. Pass pucks remaining to teammates on whistle.
4. Hustle out of the zone on the whistle and play 20-30 seconds only.
6. Count the pucks in the net after to determine the winning team.
*Option is to pass to teammates on the blue line. Another option is to skate behind the nets to start.


D200 Multiple Jokers Each Side Key Points:

Key Points:

Practice the 4 Game Playing Roles.

1 - Player with the puck.
2 - Player supporting the puck carrier.
3 - Player checking the puck carrier.
4 - Player covering away from the puck.


1. Play from 1-1 to 5-5.
2. Passes to the jokers on the side are allowed.
3. Jokers may pass or shoot.
4. Pass to a Joker on the whistle.
5. New players skate behind their net on a change.
6. Variations:
a. Send out uneven teams.
b. Give and go with a Joker who can join the game to either even the teams or add up to a designated number of players.
7. Keep score and use short shifts.


E1 D200 Shootout Game

Key Points:

As soon as there is a rebound or goal the defender pick up the puck and attack the other way.


1. Coach dumps the puck in and players race for it.
2. Puck carrier try to score defender defend.
3. On rebound or goal defender attack other way.
4. Shooter must get outside of the blue line.
5. When teammate onside then first player in the line backchecks.


*have them defend the net farthest away, not like in the video.

'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
'Enjoy the Game'
Registered: 06/25/08
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We had another practice tonight. I was on my own. My asst. have missed too much school and work because we have gone every day for a long time and couldn't make it and a coach I asked to help didn't get out of his doctor appointment in time to get to practice. I didn't do anything new but reviewed angling, dside, offensive 2-1, etc. It was only 60 minutes so I didn't want to waste time teaching new drills. I went over everything in the dressing room before practice which helped.I didn't get the Swedish angling drill done so will do it tomorrow. Former NHL player/coach Rich Preston is going to come on the ice to help me with practice tomorrow. He is terrific along the boards protecting the puck and I have asked him to show my players some technique and do a drill to practice it.

Blue Practice Plan 01-10-14 Time: 17:30-18:30 Venue: SP


Angling, 1-1, 2-1, 2-1, passing

B6 1-0, 2-0, 3-0 Small Horseshoe

Key Points:

This is a great timing drill with good flow for early in the practice. Pass hard and get your
top hand away from your body. Call for the pass. Give your stick and skates as a target.


1. Skate to the top of the circle and pass.
2. Continue and get a pass from the other end.
3. 2-0 first player passes and swings wide and second player skates into the middle
lane. Pass to the player in the middle.
4. Player in the middle one touch the puck up to the wide man. Stay onside.
5. Shoot and go for the rebound.
6. On the 3-0 the third player goes up the boards and enters as the high man. Add a
trailer pass to the high man as the first shot.


10’ Defenders stick upside down until the first shot. Pat give some points on playing a defensive 1-1.

C3 Reijo 1-1 Both Sides - Gap Control

Key Points:

The defender needs to get within a sticklength of the attacker before the blueline. Attacker should try moves, dekes, fakes, change of pace, shooting beside the D's foot. Both F's and D's should take turns defending and attacking.


1. Attacker and defender both skate from the middle back to their blueline.
2. Attacker turns and goes 1-1 vs defender.
3. Done on both sides of the ice alternating direction.
4. Could do 2-1, 1-2, 2-2.


12’ All player play F and D and play situations up to 2-2

DT100 Total Hockey: Continuous 1-1 to a 3-2

Key Points:

The support can be either passive or active.
Once the new players are in the neutral zone the original players go back to line, unless a regroup is added.


1. DT100 formation along the boards in the nzone.
2. Start with a 1-1 and when the puck crosses the blue line each player gets support from the lineup on the boards.
3. Various situation up to a 3-2. i.e. A 2-1 thru the nzone with the defender getting 2 and attacker 1supporting player makes a 2-1 in nzone and 3-3 at each end.
Change the supporting players to create various situations.
Players learn to play in all situations offensive and defensive situations.
The game can also be played using designated positions.


8’ White one end and Blue other end. STICK ON PUCK AND BODY ON BODY

B5 - Angling Along the Boards – Sw Didn't do - Do it tomorrow.

Key Points:

Approach the puck carrier from slightly behind angling toward the back of the inside shoulder with the stick on the puck and body on body. Skate through the hands with the inside leg in front and pick up the loose puck.


1 - Players line up just outside the blue line near the dots, puck are in each corner. 2 - F1 leaves and picks up a puck in the corner then skates up the wide lane. 3 - F2 follows from slightly behind and steers F1 along the boards. 4 - F2 approaches at the back shoulder with 'body on body and stick on the puck.' 5 - F2 angle checks F1 with the inside leg in front then picks up the loose puck. 6 - F2 skates into the slot and shoot - rebounds. 7 - F2 picks up a puck from the opposite corner and F3 becomes the checker.

* Repeat alternating sides.


C2 Angling 2-1 Wally

Key Points:

Defender create an angle from inside to cut the ice in half, deflect the play wide, angle at the back of the inside shoulder with the stick on the puck and finish. Second checker mirror from a little behind.


1. Coach shoot the puck across the ice on the attacking teams half or dump it softly.
2. Red 1 race for the puck and attack the Blue net.
3. Blue 1 and 2 tag up at the blue line then arc slightly behind the puck carrier to cut the ice in half.
4. Blue 1 close the gap approaching toward the back shoulder with body on body and stick on the puck.
5. Blue 1 rub out Red 1 and Blue 2 pick up the puck.
6. Blue 1 and 2 attack the other way while Red 1 back checks.
7. Repeat with Blue 3 on offense vs. Red 1-2.
* This can also be done as a 1-1 drill to teach the concepts of angling - deflect-steer-angle-finish with body on body and stick on the puck.


D200 Angling Game

Key Points:

Checkers create an angle on puck carrier and take away their time and space with body on body and stick on the puck.


1. D200 lineup outside blue line.
2. On whistle carry the puck behind the net and checkers leave and create good angles.
3. Play 20-30 seconds.
4. Puck carrier can try to come out short side.
5. Keep score. Play to a certain score and losing team do something like push ups. Play a short series.


D200 Straight on Angling Game

Key Points:

Both teams go behind their net on the whistle.
Defenders close the gap and maintain the defensive side.


1. Teams are lined up behind blue line.
2. On the whistle each team skates behind their net.
3. Attackers try to score and defenders gain a tight gap and D side.
4. Play a cross ice game for 20-30"
5. On whistle pass to coach and the other team is on offense first.
6. Play from 1-1 to 3-3 also using odd man situations.


'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
'Enjoy the Game'
Registered: 06/25/08
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Location: Calgary, Canada
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Last practice before we play a high skill team on Saturday. The 'stick on puck body on body' individual defensive skill has helped us to be the least penalized team and creates lots of turn-overs. It makes it very difficult for players who never pass to be effective against us.
Blue Practice Plan 02-10-14 Time: 16:00-17:00 Venue: Max Bell 2

Theme of practice.

Protecting the puck and winning battles on Boards. Rich Preston
Passing, timing, angling, stick on puck, Angling on boards

B6 Pass and Replace x 3

Key Points:

Pass while skating then turn and face the player who is passing to you. Shoot before the hash marks and follow the shot for a rebound.


A. 1 pass to 2 and follow the pass and turn and face 5 for a pass.
B. 2 pass to 3 and follow the pass.
C. 3 pass to 4 and follow the pass.
D. 4 skate in and shoot-rebound- go to the corner.
# Do 2 or 3 minutes from each side. Alternate task by requiring backhand or saucer passes or a move before passing , etc.


B600 - Regroup with D 2-0 x 2 – Detroit

Key Points:

No need for whistles as the players can see when to start. Face the puck, pass hard, give targets, shoot and follow the shot and stop at the net.


1. Forwards and defense leave from diagonal four blue lines.
2. F1 at each end pass back to D1 and mirror D1.
3. D1 skate across and pass up the far wing to F2.
4. F1 and F2 attack the net from both ends.
5. Start at the other diagonal blue lines and F3 pass to D2.
6. F3 mirror D2 across the ice and attack 2-0 with F4.
7. Keep this rhythm alternating sides.



Puck protection demo and explanation. Rich Preston.


Rich: puck protection drill.

7’ Two groups.
B5 - Neutral zone Angling

Key Points:

Mirror the attacker from behind. Keep the attacker on the outside, approach toward the inside shoulder with the stick on the puck, shoulder in front and body on body.


1. Line up in the neutral zone with a defender following an offensive player with the puck.
2. Offensive player make moves and dekes and then turn either way to attack.
3. Defender mirror the offensive player and turn staying on the inside.
4. Defender close the gap by approaching from about a half stick behind at the inside shoulder.
5. Defender keep the stick on the puck and body on body to angle the attacker and take the puck.


7’ two groups
B5 - Angling Along the Boards – Sw

Key Points:

Approach the puck carrier from slightly behind angling toward the back of the inside shoulder with the stick on the puck and body on body. Skate through the hands with the inside leg in front and pick up the loose puck.


1 - Players line up just outside the blue line near the dots, puck are in each corner. 2 - F1 leaves and picks up a puck in the corner then skates up the wide lane. 3 - F2 follows from slightly behind and steers F1 along the boards. 4 - F2 approaches at the back shoulder with 'body on body and stick on the puck.' 5 - F2 angle checks F1 with the inside leg in front then picks up the loose puck. 6 - F2 skates into the slot and shoot - rebounds. 7 - F2 picks up a puck from the opposite corner and F3 becomes the checker.

* Repeat alternating sides.


D400 Transition Game of Low Battles with Point Support

Key Points:

Great game to practice cycling, going to the net, screening, tipping, point shots, shot pass, one timers on offense. On defense you have the low zone coverage and communication skills. As well as individual techniques like sealing the stick to the outside, tying up sticks, boxing out, switching, all from the defensive side.


1. One team is lined up behind each faceoff dot. From one to tree players leave at a time.
2. The next player in line plays the joker at the point and must pass or shoot within a second. Defenders do not check the joker as he can’t go in and score.
3. The coach dumps the puck in or shoots on net and the teams race for the puck. Whoever gets the puck can shoot right away.
4. When the defending team gets the puck they must pass to their joker at the point to transition to offense.
5. If the puck is shot out of the zone the coach passes to the non offending joker.
6. Play 20-30” and on the whistle the players pass to the coach and skate hard out of the zone before the coach shoots a new puck in.


E1 Gambling Shootout

Key Points:

Simulate a real shootout by placing the puck on the dot and the player starting on the whistle and the goalie not moving until the player touches the puck. Get the goalie used to shootout skating.


1. One player at a time shoots.
2. Simulate a real shootout with the same rules.
3. Players bet and go to one side if they think a goal will be scored and the other side if they think save.
4. Players who bet wrong must skate across and back.
5. Alternate ends.


'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
'Enjoy the Game'
Registered: 06/25/08
Posts: 3535
Location: Calgary, Canada
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Blue Practice Plan 05-10-14 Time: 13:45-14:45 Venue: Southland

Skating technique, 1-1 defensive skating Cycle, low zone coverage, screen, tip

15’ x 2
Gaston skating with half the team at one end. Switch groups at 15 minutes.

B6 Point Shots

Key Points:

Skate forward inside the dot before pivoting to. Shoot low for a tip in or rebound. One time the second shot in option two. Hit the net. Everyone practice this skill.


Option One

a. One pass to two and then screen goalie.
b. Two drag and shoot.
c. One go to point for a shot then opposite corner.
d. Three pass to four then screen goalie.
e. Four drag and shoot.

Option Two
f. Two stay at the mid point and get a pass from four and shoot before rotating.


8’ DT400 3-3 Krusel Battling Game - ProW

Jim talk to players about the cycle, screen etc. on the attack and Alex to the defenders on low zone coverage.

Key Points:

Battle for loose pucks, screen the goalie, shot passes, cycle, man on man, tie up sticks, tip, low zone play.


1. Line up with the face-off dots and 1 to 3 players race for a loose puck on the whistle.
2. Pass to the point to transition to offense.
3. Point player must shoot or pass within 2 seconds.
4. If a point pass goes out the other pointman gets the puck.
5. Either leave the puck in the zone or pass to the coach on a whistle.



Gaston defensive skating for full ice 1-1 with all the players.

'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
'Enjoy the Game'
Registered: 06/25/08
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Location: Calgary, Canada
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This is a great article on effective skill development.

Learning v Performance & Challenging Traditional Coaching

Posted on 1st June, 2014 by Mark Upton


The text below is a section from an email exchange I had with someone a while back. I thought it might be relevant (even thought-provoking?) for others to read. As always, feedback welcome!

The thing I would like to address from the Skill Acquisition field, is distinguishing between “performance” and “learning”.

It seems many coaches have a mindset that practice activities/drills must contain a high level of success and mistakes are “bad”. So to achieve this, it is only natural that activities and drills are used that almost ensure that players have a high level of success (and lots of “blocked” repetition too). In this case the players “performance” in a drill could be very good – and coaches are interpreting that as “learning” that will translate into match conditions. This is flawed and hence leads us to the notion of “pseudocoaching” (a term brought to prominence by @innovatefc).

Digging deeper into “learning” - you cannot directly measure or observe learning per se (although advances in neuroscience may change that in the future by telling us how the brain is changing based on long-term exposure to different kinds of practice activities). Instead it can be inferred by 2 principles – “retention” and “transfer”.

Retention is concerned with how well I can perform a task some time after an exposure to practicing that task. For example, I do a drill working on receiving and controlling the ball. Towards the end of the drill I successfully control the ball 90% of the time, but what is really important is how well I can control the ball 1 week later. So 1 week later I do a “retention” test where I have 5 reps of trying to control the ball. Suddenly I can only successfully control 2, so 40% success. This is the idea of retention – how do we best design practices that result in a higher retention rate. What research tells us is that if practice tasks of controlling the ball were done in a more variable way (ie not all to feet but using different parts of the body, different length/speed/trajectories of passes), or even interspersed with other skills, is that retention rates will be higher. So whilst my performance in practice might be less because I am having to deal with more variability (my success rate might drop to 70%), in the retention test 1 week later my success rate will be higher, say 60%. This is obviously a paradox – lower performance in practice (90% v 70%) can result in higher retention rates (40% v 60%). So it is this retention rate that we should be focusing on.

The 2nd principle is “transfer” – how well does my performance in a practice task transfer to performing tasks required of me in a “real match”? Most skills in a range of human performance domains rely on practice tasks being “representative” (similar) to “real” tasks for high rates of transfer to occur. As I have tweeted/blogged about many times, this brings in the saying…

“transfer from practice to match conditions depends on the extent to which practice resembles those match conditions”

In essence humans get good at the tasks they do – evolution didn’t really have in mind doing one task to get good at doing another task! For example, dribbling around cones a lot will help us get better at dribbling around cones, not necessarily dribbling around a “live” defender. If we want to get good at the task of beating a defender, practice tasks where you are required to beat a defender! Where this principle of transfer is most violated is in the separation of ‘technique” from “perception” and decision making. Coming back to the coaches mindset of needing success in drills, incorporating decision making (via introducing opposition for example) does not align with it – “those damn defenders keep stuffing up my drill!”. As a consequence of this mindset, far too many drills are used that remove the decision making component. But now we are doing a task that is different from that required in a match, hence transfer is reduced. Reduced transfer = reduced learning (assuming our objective is learning of skills for the match environment).

So when talking about long-term player development, a major focus needs to be learning, rather than short-term performance in a drill (although there is a place for that still – depending on the individual player and their needs, and the psychological aspects like confidence and self-belief. These things need to be taken into account still).

Hope all that makes some sense?

Other evidence from the Skill Acquisition field also challenges the notion of high levels of prescriptive instruction & feedback from coaches. There is also an increasing awareness of the important role that movement variability plays when learning a skill – this is particularly important for young players. Rather than trying to drill/instruct a “textbook” technique/movement, it is potentially better to let players “explore” subtle variations in a technique/movement to find one that is best suited to them and “feels right”. Allowing young players this “exploration” can ultimately lead to development of a high level of stability AND adaptability in the technique/movement. In a dynamic game such as soccer, this is the ultimate mix that the best players possess.

So with some of the above Skill Acquisition theory in mind, I’m sure you can see a conflict – primarily that the research/evidence either refutes, or at least questions, many of the “traditional” coaching methods. This is not restricted to soccer either by the way. All team sports seem to have the same “traditions” and even Martial Arts (here is a recent blog post written on Martial Arts teaching & learning – it outlines exactly the issues I see in team sports).

Why have these traditional methods not been challenged? Well largely because coaches fall back on tradition and the “passing down” of knowledge/methods between coaches. This has been occurring for so many decades that it has become an unbelievably powerful socio-cultural force (and there are positives to come from that dynamic). Other reasons that Skill Acquisition and evidence-based methods have struggled to make an impact could be….

practice design is “core business” for coaches – not as likely to hand over/collaborate with specialists like other Sport Science disciplines

coaches usually lack a science/pedagogy background

Skill Acquisition is often absent in Coach Education

challenging to understand & apply principles within context of “real-world” practice sessions – need mentoring, hard to up-skill coaches at one-off workshops

perceptual-cognitive skill (decision making, anticipation) was long thought of as genetic or “natural talent” that could not be enhanced by practice

lag in being able to evaluate effectiveness of certain approaches used in practice (long-term nature of acquiring skill)

need more robust research (longitudinal, sport-specific)

Mark Upton holds the role of Coaching Science Manager at the English Institute of Sport. He has extensive experience applying Skill Acquisition and learning principles in the design of on and off field environments for player development. If you would like to discuss the consultancy and mentoring services Mark offers, please get in touch -

mark at sportsrelations com au

…or on twitter @uppy01

…or LinkedIn

This entry was posted in Coaching Science, Skill Acquisition by Mark Upton. Bookmark the permalink.

'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
'Enjoy the Game'
Registered: 06/25/08
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Location: Calgary, Canada
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Blue Practice Plan Date: 09-10-14 Time: 17:30-18:30 Venue: George Blunden


Face the puck, give a target, escape moves Go to the net, pass on the rush, 1-1 battles
Become a 270 degree player, puck handle Fake shots

Russian Warm up with Shots

Yursinov Progression to Ovechkin move.

1. Fake the slapshot with a convincing fake and finish with the stick hitting the ice.
2. Fake the slapshot and accelerate around the defender on the forehand.
3. Fake the slapshot and move like you are going around on the forehand but quickly pull the puck across to the backhand.
4. Fake a backhand pass or shot and rotate the body in a convincing manner.
5. Fake the backhand and pull the puck across to the forehand.
6. Fake the slapshot and pull the puck to the backhand, fake a backhand and pull the puck to the forehand.
7. Fake a wrist shot and spin on the backhand.
8. Fake a wrist shot and spin to the forehand.
9. Fake a backhand shot-across to the forehand then fake a wrist shot and across to the backhand.
10. Combine the moves.


B6 Shots

1- turn inside
2- turn outside
3- third shot wrap around.
4- Start 1-0 then 2-0

6’ 3 on 3 and 4 on 4

One zone game with the rule that everyone must always face the puck and give a target.

6’ 3-3 and 4-4


One zone game with the rule that everyone must touch the puck before scoring but ONLY FOREHAND PASSES can be used.

Full ice game. Everyone plays.


D100 Two 1 on 1 Games at Once

Key Points:

One coach should watch that the players won’t collide. It is important to look behind and for the player with the puck to skate away from oncoming players. This is a great game for 1-1 and conditioning.


1. Players line up along the boards one group on each side of the red stripe.
2. One player of each team leave every 15”.
3. Coach blow whistle each 15” and players play for 2 whistles (30”)
4. Pass to a teammate when the second whistle blows.
5. Only two pucks on the ice and get the puck out of the net after a goal.
6. After scoring touch the red line before defending.
7. Keep score.


E1 Two Goal Relay Race

Key Points:

Work on shooting one timers and scoring on rebounds. Good habits like face the puck, give a target with the stick on the ice. Limit of 2 passes before each shot.


A. 1 and 2 attack 2-0 on opposite net.
B. Pass and shoot to score.
C. Get a new puck from 3 or 4 after scoring.
D. Score a second goal.
E. After the second goal race back to the blueline and touch 3 or 4 with stick on shin pad.
F. Team to score most goals in certain time wins.


This is the same game but the nets are cross ice instead of at the blue line. Bnefit is that the wide shots stay in play.

This was a very good practice. The focus is on good habits and how to 'play the game.' My players who were injured the first tournament game a month a go were there. The boy with the broken collarbone skated for the first time and did the warm up and shootout. The boy with the injured spine watched and his MRI showed no structural damage to his neck. He was leaking fluid from his spinal cord and he needs four more weeks before coming on the ice.

We were 3-1-2 in six pre season games and are 2-2 in the league so far. We could have won all five but we do a lot of high risk plays in our end and that causes goals against that shouldn't happen. So if we clean up these things and get everyone used to the pace we will be ok. Only 2 of our players played this level before so we are still adjusting. Good habits like facing the puck always, stick on the ice on both offense and defense, defensive side, get to the big ice between the dots, and come back deep on defense and go to the net on offense will make us a top level team.

It is a process to teach young boy's how to play.

'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
'Enjoy the Game'
Registered: 06/25/08
Posts: 3535
Location: Calgary, Canada
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Blue Practice Plan 11-10-14 Time: 13:00-14:00 Venue: Max Bell


Terry Johnson (former NHL defenseman and university coach) breakout skills and reads. Forwards offensive skills individual and team. Stick on puck, escape moves, drive the net
Pass while moving, good habits, quick Attack,

B6 Jursi Skate-Pass-Shoot

Key Points:

This is a drill that Russian Olympic coach Vladimir Jursinov used when I was coaching with him in Austria. The goal is to get players to practice passing and shooting while they skate. Puck handling-passing-shooting should be seamless.


1. A and B skate down the ice in passing while skating.
2. A is on the inside and continues on with a shot while skating.
3. B pivots facing the puck and continues the other direction passing to C.
4. B shoots and C partners with D the other way.
# This can be done in tandem on both sides of the ice.


B202 Passing Overspeed

Key Points:

Always face the puck and make as many passes as possible. On the whistle pass early to the player below the goal line. Hit the net and look for the rebound from the second shooter. Give a target.


1. Two red and two blue leave from the line.
2. Make as many passes as possible in 7".
3. On the whistle player with the puck give and go with a player below the goal line and shoot.
4. Second player get a pass from the side then give and go low and shoot.
5. On the same whistle two new players from each colour leave from the line.
6. After the shot become a passer near the net.
7. Low passers return to the line up.


20’ TJ and Alex with D. Tom and Jim with F’s for 20’

B Skills Warm up Finnish U17

Key Points:

This is a great way to warm everyone up at the start of a practice. Defense do the various breakout options and read where the pressure is coming from. Pass the puck back to the coach and move thru everyone. Forwards pass with good technique and eye contact. Goalie coach work on technique and rebound control.


A. Defense work with two doing breakout options vs one forechecker.
B. Forwards lines of 3 work in the neutral zone. First 10’
1 - Stationary pass with eye contact.
2 - Pass while moving always face puck.
3 - #8 around partners give and go.
4 - Keepaway 2-1 in four areas.
5 - Two lines move and pass to other two lines on the blue line.
6 - Two lines of 3 pass while skating on one side of the neutral zone.
C. Goalies work with coach at one end.


6’ Forwards while D does BO.
B500 Cut Backs and Escape Moves

Key Points:

Protect the puck with the body on offense. Cut back turning toward the boards. Defender stay lined up with the back of the inside shoulder and stick on the puck.


1. Leave on the whistle and practice cut backs, tight turns. Go to the net on the second whistle while the next players leave.
2. Two players leave and the second player stays on the D side with the stick on the puck and gives passive resistance.
3. This is a battle and the defender tries to get the puck. On the second whistle whoever has the puck go to the net.

*Without goalies both sides can go at once and with a goalie alternate sides. Players switch sides after doing both offense and defense.


7’ Forwards while D does BO.
DT400 Game of Quick Transition

Key Points:

The resting players attack right away when they get a pass and the original attackers must communicate and cover one attacker each.


1. Offensive team attacks 3 on 3. It can be 1-1, 1-2, 2-1, 2-2 or 2-3 also if the coach wants to practice these situations. Up to 5-5 is possible.
2. On transition to offense the defenders pass to their teammates waiting behind the blue line.
3. Attack right away (don’t have to wait for teammates to get onside in this game.)
4. Original attackers now defend and communicate with each other on how to stop the attack.
5. After a goal the defenders is allowed to pass to the new attackers.


15’ TJ and Alex with Defense
T1-2 - Breakout Options – Wheel, Go, Counter

Key Points:
Principles for the Wheel, Go and Counter, with Terry Johnson a former NHL Defenseman. The key is skating hard to force the checker to commit and then choosing the option.


1. Coach shoot the puck in and the D skate to the puck and then at a 45 degree angle to force the checker to cross over.
2. Wheel behind the net, cut up near the far post and pass to the point for a shot on net.
3. Critical point is to make the checker do what you want them to. If you skate to where you are going to pass first then the checker can get a good angle and steal the puck.
4. Go by skating hard one way and then tight turn away from pressure. Pass to the point for a shot.
5. Counter when the checker doesn’t chase behind the net.
6. Coach shoots the puck in and the player drive skates behind the net and then tight turns to come back the original way.
7. Pass to the wing who skates out and passes across to the point for a shot on net.


5’ Everyone with TJ and Alex
B T1-2 Tight Turn-Quick up 2-0 –TJ

Key Points:

The key is to drive skate at a 45 degree angle toward the net and then do a tight turn to the outside when the forward crosses over.


1. Coach pass to D1.
2. D1 drive skate at 45 degree angle to net and the coach pressure from the inside.
3. D1 tight turn outside and pass to F1 on the boards.
4. F1 pass across to F2 and they attack 2-0.
5. Repeat with the coach passing to F2 on the other side.


5’ Everyone with TJ and Alex
B T1-2 D to D and Up - 2-0 – TJ

Key Points:

The key is to drive skate at a 45 degree angle toward the net and then do a tight turn to the outside when the forward crosses over. Read the forecheck which is the best play.


1. Coach pass to D1.
2. D1 drive skate at 45 degree angle to net and the coach pressure from the inside.
3. D1 pass across to D2 who hinges behind.
4. D2 pass to F2 who passes across to F1 and they attack 2-0.
5. Repeat with the coach passing to F2 on the other side.
6. Add the D read the play and either tight turn outside and pass up if D2 is covered or pass D to D.


5’ B T1-2 Breakout D to D 5-0 – TJ

Key Points:

Both D join the attack to make it 5-0.Centre must mirror the D from the middle skating parallel and give a target. Stay behind the D so he can skate into the puck. D must drive skate when they get the puck.


1. Coach pass to D1 who drive skates at a 45 degree angle to the net.
2. D1 pass across to D2 who hinges up ice.
3. D2 pass to the C.
4. Forwards attack 3-0 at the far end.
5. Add D1 to D2 back to D1.
6. Add coach cover one of the D so they either go D to D or tight turn and up to the wing.


C3 - Dump-Breakout 3-0 Regroup 2-1 - Continuous – Pro

Key Points:

Defense shoulder check when going back for the puck. One forward support on the boards and the other from the middle. D skate to the big ice between the dots before passing.

1. F1 or F2 dump the puck in and D1 skate back for the puck.
2. D2 follow the play.
3. D1 make a breakout pass to F1 or F2 and follow.
4. F1 and F2 regroup with D2 in the neutral zone.
5. F1 and F2 attack 2-1 vs. D1.
6. F3 or F4 dump the puck into the far end and D2 skate back for the puck-pass to F3-F4.
7. F3 and F4 regroup with D3 in the neutral zone and attack 2-1 vs. D3.

• Continue this flow.

• Vary the number of F from 1 to 3 and use either 1 or 2 D to create more game recognition situations.


E1 Speed Scoring 2-1 to 2-2 – Finland

Key Points:

The purpose is to attack as quickly as possible and pass and shoot while skating.


1. Start from one end and when everyone is gone go the other way.
2. Attackers 1 and 2 leave from above the hash marks.
3. Defender 1 is inside the top of the circle with his stick upside down start forward and turn to back skating.
4. Defender 2 start from below the circle and back check.
5. Attacker 1 and 2 race down the ice to score and only ONE PASS is allowed.
6. Keep score.


We didn't do the last two drills but instead continued with the breakouts and added 5-0 from deep in the zone. TJ worked so hard forcing the D on every breakout. Barclay Plager coached him in St. Louis and would always tell the D that 'forwards are so stupid they will go wherever you take them.' That is why the first strides are at a 45 degree angle towards your net. This causes the forward to cross-over and deny the middle. When he does this you tight turn the other way and beat the first forechecker. I think our forwards are catching on to the middle drive. Whoever is second over the blue line goes to the net and not just the middle guy. He can easily fill the wide lane. Also funneling back to the slot until you are sure your team will get the loose puck instead of just skating along the boards for a reakout pass.

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Blue Practice Plan 12-10-14 Time: 13:45-14:45 Venue: Southland


Regroup, 2-1, 3-2, power play, forecheck Penalty kill
Skate to the big ice


C1-B4, 2-0 Skate Inside and Pass Outside

Key Points

Skate to the big ice between the dots with the puck and pass to the outside. Pass and follow the pass taking the ice behind.


1. Line up in the C1 formation at the bluelines.
2. Two players leave from the front of each line and get a puck from the corner.
3. The first player skate inside the dot with the puck and pass to the second player on the outside.
4. First player follow the pass and cross ‘taking the ice behind.’
5. The second player receive the pass and skate between the dots.
6. The second player now passes wide to the first player and follows the pass.
7. Shoot and rebound after one pass in the offensive zone.


7’ Alex and Jim dump and forecheck one end each.
C3 - Dump-Breakout 3-0 Regroup 2-1 - Continuous – Pro

Key Points:

Defense shoulder check when going back for the puck. One forward support on the boards and the other from the middle. D skate to the big ice between the dots before passing.


1. F1 or F2 dump the puck in and D1 skate back for the puck.
2. D2 follow the play.
3. D1 make a breakout pass to F1 or F2 and follow.
4. F1 and F2 regroup with D2 in the neutral zone.
5. F1 and F2 attack 2-1 vs. D1.
6. F3 or F4 dump the puck into the far end and D2 skate back for the puck-pass to F3-F4.
7. F3 and F4 regroup with D3 in the neutral zone and attack 2-1 vs. D3.

• Continue this flow.

• Vary the number of F from 1 to 3 and use either 1 or 2 D to create more game recognition situations.


C3 - Dump-Breakout 5-0-Regroup-3-2 - Continuous – Pro

Key Points:

Defense shoulder check when going back for the puck. Forwards support on the boards middle and far wing. D practice D to D options and hinges as well as quick ups. D skate to the big ice between the dots before passing.


1. F1, F2 or F3 dump the puck in and D1 and D2 skate back for the puck.
2. D3 and D4 follow the play.
3. D1 or D2 make a breakout pass to F1, F2 or F3 and follow up ice.
4. Forwards regroup with D3 and D4 in the neutral zone.
5. F1-F2-F3 attack 3-2 vs. D1-D2.
6. F4-F5-F6 dump the puck into the far end and D3-D4 skate back for the puck and breakout.
7. F4-F5-F6 regroup with D5-D6 in the neutral zone and attack 3-2 vs. D3-D4.

• Continue this flow.

• Instead of the first regroup D3 or D4 could dump the puck in the other corner and D1-D2 break out again before the regroup and 3-2.



Each group on pp for 5’ two groups at far end review of forecheck.

T2 Kingston Power Play and Team Play Rotation

Key Points:

Practice options where every player gets a shot. Begin with a rotation attacking the seam between the D and the F and read what they give.
Jim pp and Alex/Jim forecheck.

12’ 6’ on 5-5 and 6’ on pp/pk
TD400 Specialty Team Scrimmage

Key Points:

Rotation is Attack-Defend-Rest. Number the players so they know when to not defend. In even numbered situations you can require the defenders to breakout into the neutral zone before passing.


1. Power play attack vs 2 Fand 2 D.
2. Defenders ice the puck and rest.
3. Group waithing at far blue attack.
4. Original attackers now defend 1 short.
5. Goalies rotate in.
6. Create any situation by changing the number of attackers or defenders.
7. Even strength can also be practiced.

*Option is to have waiting players breakout from behind the goal line and do a pk forecheck.

D400 The Best Player Win Game

Key Points:

-Battle hard for the puck.
-Protect the puck.
-Get a shot and fight for the Rebound.


1. Players line up outside the blueline. They can be in 3 teams and keep score or just everyone vs
2. Coach fires the puck in and whoever gets the puck tried to score vs the other two.
3. If another player gets the puck he tries to score; including rebounds.
4. On whistle pass back to the coach and race out.
5. 20-30 second shifts.

E1 Change on the Go with Pass Shootout

Key Points

Players should work on selling the fake, change of pace and making the goalie move first. The goalie must time his retreat into the net to keep good angles on shots and cover the goal line on dekes.


1. Players are in the box and one puck on each blue line for every player.
2. Player from each team leaves the box and tries to score.
3. If they score they race to the box and touch the boards and then the next player can leave.
4. If they don't score they pass to the next player who comes out of the box.
5. Losing team do something for every goal they lose by.
*To make it realistic the goalie should practice starting from the goal line and coming out.


We didn't get the 1-1-1 game done but instead spent more time on the 3 team game to practice the forecheck, breakout vs. pressure and the power play. I will include that game, speed scoring and whatever else we missed the last two ice sessions in our next practice. We play Tuesday and only have a Thursday practice before our Sat. game.

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This is an early practice plan. I want to do the drills and games we didn't get done the last two practices. Team play always takes longer than you plan and I asked TJ to do the 5-0 breakout. We will review the sequence as it takes about 3 times through before it transfers well to a game. We will focus on battles in the slot and contests this session. Backchecking and tying up sticks are two skills that win games.
Blue Practice Plan 16-10-14 Time: 16:00-17:15 Venue: George Blunden


Battles, take sticks, back check, identify Coverage, 1-1, 2-1, 2-2, 3-2, 3-3, game
Situations, passing, breakout reads, Puck handling

10’ Jim A200 with a shot.

A200 Big Moves _ Russian Warm-up - Finish with a Shot

Key Points:

Increase the size of the moves by reaching as far as possible with the puck. Separate the movement of the upper and lower body by skating away from the puck. Players must be able to handle the puck under control around and through their body.


- Skate away from the puck. Skate right reach left and skate left and reach right. - Reach as far forward and back as you can using the top hand.
-Put the puck from the stick to inside and outside edges back to the stick.
-Move puck from behind to front through skate forehand and backhand.
-Escape moves backward with the puck and tight turns each way.
-Fake a shot and go left then right. Spin on backhand.
-Touch each knee while skating. - Yo-yo the puck give it and take it away. - Toe drag fake inside and pull the puck back while sliding back. - Bring the puck from behind to in front through the skates on forehand. - Bring the puck from behind to in front through the skates on backhand. - Skate fake inside and go outside.


10’ Jim with F, Alex with D, JF with G

B Skills Warm up Finnish U17

Key Points:

This is a great way to warm everyone up at the start of a practice. Defense do the various breakout options and read where the pressure is coming from. Pass the puck back to the coach and move thru everyone. Forwards pass with good technique and eye contact. Goalie coach work on technique and rebound control.


A. Defense work with two doing breakout options vs one forechecker.
B. Forwards lines of 3 work in the neutral zone.
1 - Stationary pass with eye contact.
2 - Pass while moving always face puck.
3 - #8 around partners give and go.
4 - Keepaway 2-1 in four areas.
5 - Two lines move and pass to other two lines on the blue line.
6 - Two lines of 3 pass while skating on one side of the neutral zone.
C. Goalies work with coach at one end.


D400 The Best Player Win Game

Key Points:

-Battle hard for the puck.
-Protect the puck.
-Get a shot and fight for the Rebound.


1. Players line up outside the blueline. They can be in 3 teams and keep score or just everyone vs. everyone.
2. Coach fires the puck in and whoever gets the puck tried to score vs the other two.
3. If another player gets the puck he tries to score; including rebounds.
4. On whistle pass back to the coach and race out.
5. 20-30 second shifts.

DT400 Kibyuk Small and Smaller Area Games at Once

Key Points:

Set one net up on the goal line below the face-off dot facing up ice and the other net facing the corner just inside the circle. The game is continuous and thecoach shoot in a new puck on a goal.


A. Blue 1 and 2 attack Red 1 and 2 in the corner and Blue 3 and 4 attack Red 3 and 4 from the red line.
B. Coach whistles and Red 1 and 2 carry the puck out to the red line and attack the other net vs. Blue 3 and 4.
C. Coach shoots in a new puck and Red 5 and 6 attack vs. Blue 1 and 2 in the corner. Red 3 and 4 return to the line.
Option: Vary the number of players from 1 to 3 and switch up who starts on offense half way through the game.


DT 400 Two Net Game - Joker at Point

Key Points:

Players constantly transition from offense to defense and defense to offense. They must fight to get on the defensive side.


1. Start with the players racing for a puck dumped in by the coach.
2. To be on offense the team must pass to the Joker at the point.
3. Joker can pass or shoot but must stay at the point.
4. Players race across to get open on offense or gain defensive side.
5. Players take turn being the joker.

C3 - Continuous 2-0, 2-1, 3-1, 3-2 - Pro

Key Points:

Make plays early - create 2-1's - attack with speed - middle drive. Start 2-0 and shoot at one end, one defenseman follow.
1. Start 2-0 and one defenseman follow.
2. Attack 2-1 the other way and one defenseman follow.
3. One forward join with a puck and attack 3-1 the other direction, two defensemen follow.
4. Attack 3-2 the other way.
5. Start with a 2-0 with another group.
*Options: Make a contest one colour vs. the other to see who can score the most in a certain time or else D and G vs. F’s and count the goals scored in 8 minutes and next time see if there are more or less goals scored.


DT100 Backchecking Game 2 on 2 then 3 on 3

Key Points:

Attack quickly and the defender tie up the stick on the rebound then look for the puck.


I am using the Dukla example. We will only have one game going at once.

DT100 Game with F Backchecking x 2 Dukla

Key Points:

The original attacker backcheck and tie up the attacker stick if there is a shot.
Great game to work on speed in the attack and good defensive habits.

1. Start by attacking 1-1.
2. New player give passive support above circles.
3. On breakout pass to supporting player while original attacker backcheck.
4.Supporting player can take away the puck if it comes above the circles.
5. Backcheck hard and tie up the stick on rebounds.
7. Battle for loose pucks.
8. Backchecker make sure there is no second shot and goalie clear the rebound.


E1 Speed Scoring 2-1 to 2-2 – Finland

Key Points:

The purpose is to attack as quickly as possible and pass and shoot while skating.


1. Start from one end and when everyone is gone go the other way.
2. Attackers 1 and 2 leave from above the hash marks.
3. Defender 1 is inside the top of the circle with his stick upside down start forward and turn to back skating.
4. Defender 2 start from below the circle and back check.
5. Attacker 1 and 2 race down the ice to score and only ONE PASS is allowed.
6. Keep score.


Team pictures right after practice.
Last game we came out really flat and fell behind 4-1 to a very fast team. We came back and in the third allowed them only 2 shots and ended up with a 4-4 tie. We need to go over the two short pk as we were totally confused and got scored on. We have only worked on 3-5 once and it takes at least 3 times before everyone understands and remembers how to rotate properly, especially 13-14 year old boy's. We put together our 3 forwards who all weigh under 100 lbs. 41 kg. and two are under 5; tall. They are all really fast and have top end skills. They totally dominated the second half of the game and got two of our goals. To do this we had to put a player on his off wing and he really struggled there. So now we have one line with chemistry. The player with a broken collarbone is back on the ice. It is 5 weeks now and he can probably play next week. He is one of our more skilled players who competes really hard and that will give us 10 F. The boy with the injured spine can skate tonight with no contact and is about a month away from playing. MRI has shown no permanent damage.

Yesterday I met with the new Mount Royal University men's team coach, Bert Gilling, he was asst. coach for Bemidji the last 15 years. We had a good talk about his vision for the program. It is nice to listen to someone who wants to connect to the tradition of Mount Royal Hockey which started in 1911. They joined the CIS a couple of years ago and already have established themselves as a top team and have defeated the U of Calgary 3 times already this year. I gave him a flash drive with 1200 short clips of drills and 800 pdf.s. He runs really good practices already.

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Blue Practice Plan 19-10-14 Time: 10:15-11:15 + 30 Venue: Stu Peppard


Passing thru neutral zone, one timers Screen, tip, fake shot, skate inside pass outside,
30’ Team Play meeting in dressing room Right after ice time.

C1 2-0 Skate Inside and Pass Outside

Key Points

Skate to the big ice between the dots with the puck and pass to the outside. Pass and follow the pass taking the ice behind.


1. Line up in the C1 formation at the bluelines.
2. Two players leave from the front of each line and get a puck from the corner.
3. The first player skate inside the dot with the puck and pass to the second player on the outside.
4. First player follow the pass and cross ‘taking the ice behind.’
5. The second player receive the pass and skate between the dots.
6. The second player now passes wide to the first player and follows the pass.
7. Shoot and rebound after one pass in the offensive zone.


B6 Breakout 3-0 Point Shot x 2 – Pro

Key Points:

Defense make the pass while skating between the dots up ice. Forwards give a target and do everything while skating.


1 – D1 at each end skate from the goal line to the top of the circle and back then get a puck.
2 – F1 and F2 leave from the blue line and come back for a breakout pass. F2 mirror the puck across.
3 – D1 pass to either F1 or F2 and D1 follow the rush up the ice.
4 – F take the ‘big ice’ between the dots and then pass wide.
5 – F make a wide zone entry and shoot-rebound.
6 – Non shooting F get a puck from the corner and pass to D1 at the point who drags and shoots.
7 – F who passes either go to the net or cycle high as a passing option for D1.
8 – Repeat with D2-F3-F4 at each end.



B600 Regroup, Hinge, Quick Up-Detroit

Key Points:

Hinge and push the puck up the ice quickly. Strong side F stretch and weak side give middle support.


1. F1 skate and regroup with D1.
2. D1 skate to the middle and pass to D2 in the wide lane.
3. D2 quick up to F2 who stretches on the strong side boards.
4. F1 and F2 attack.

Repeat the other way with F3 regrouping with D3.


DT100 Continuous 2 on 2 – Passive Support

Alex and Jim play D.

Key Points:

The two attacking forwards play attack 2 on 2 and then play a low 2-2 vs. the two defenders.


1. Forwards line up on one side and defense on the other.
2. Start with a 2 on 2 attack F1 and F2 vs D1 and D2.
3. When the puck enters the zone defensive Red F1 and F2 give passive support from the mid-slot area and attacking team Blue D1 and D2 support F's.
4. Play 2 on 2 low in the zone.
5. If the puck is dumped out with no possession the offensive team regroup and attack again.
6. The supporting players who joined the play now go 2 on 2 in the other direction.
7. F2 - F3 support D1 and D2 and D3 and D4 support attacking F1 and F2.


D100 Scrimmage with Extra Players on Bench

Rules-at least one pass per zone and one touch goals.

Key Points:

Play a full ice game with the extra players on the bench. Change on their own.
Whistle if no pass is made in the zone. Other team gets the puck.

1. Play from 5-5.
2. Change on the go.
3. Keep score.
4. Scoring team touch the red line before checking.

9’ Shootout – Keep track of goals.
A500 - Overspeed Puck Handling with a Shot - Sweden 4

Key Points:

Players should skate and make moves at full speed. If they fall sometimes that shows they are pushing themselves beyond their comfort zone, which is great. Always follow the shot for a rebound.


1. Players are lined up along the boards with one colour on each side of the red line with a net at each blue line.
2. On whistle the players skate with the puck in the neutral zone.
3. Overspeed tempo with moves and turns at a faster pace than the players usually go.
4. Shoot on one net each on the next whistle.
5. Whistle about every 7”.



Team play review with magnetic board in dressing room.

Totally dominated 75% of the last game and outshot opponent 36-21 but gave up 3 goals on either high risk plays with the D trying to beat two forecheckers deep in our zone and one where we pinched on the strong side (which we don't do) and everyone ended up near the puck. It hit the refs skate and they got a 3-0 and won the game 3-2 on their only scoring chance in the period.
We have to work on head man the puck instead of carrying it through the neutral zone. The supporting players need to break. Right now many are watching the puck carrier. Great effort, puck possession, etc. Poor decisions.

'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
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Blue Practice 21-10-14

This is a 90' practice with lots of game situations. Focus on puck support, D join the attack, one timers.

I will just post the pdf. for now.

The players were on the ice for a skill session with Hockey Canada instructors and our coaching staff. They did a lot of puck handling. The extra ice time is always a bonus.

'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
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Blue Practice Plan 23-10-14 Time: 17:30-18:30 Venue: G Blunden

Team play review, one touch scoring, Puck support, pass, puck handling, shooting Power play, forecheck, one touch goals

B5 Cross and Drop Sequence

10’ Jim skills with F. Alex review Hinge and Breakouts.
B Skills Warm up Finnish U17

12’ D100 Full Ice with Extra Players on the Bench
4-4 Scrimmage Rules – Minimum of One Pass Per Zone and One Touch Goals

15’ Jim review pp with Ron helping. Alex Tom review forecheck 5’ each line.
T2 Kingston Power Play and Team Play Rotation

TD400 Specialty Team Scrimmage

E1 Two Shot Shootout
The defense has had a tough time learning how to hinge, so in the Warm-up section I invented a drill rotation to practice taking the forechecker with you then passing back or up to your partner. Switching sides is an advanced option. I posted a diagram of the drill and I think they caught on. Many of the players have never been taught a lot of the team play concepts that you would assume they know after playing since they were 5 or 6 years old. It seems that the skills are pretty good and with some are excellent by 'how to play the game' is what we have to add to the skill work. I guess if they knew everything then they wouldn't need coaches.

A hockey curriculum with a 'scope and sequence' of skills, habits and team play concepts is needed. Right now they only thing available from the federations is 'how to teach skills', which is great but doesn't develop complete players who have the skill and know where and when to use them.

The ABC program does this but it is basically ignored and that is why I have this site.

'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
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Registered: 06/25/08
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Blue Practice Plan 27-10-15 Time: 17:00-18:30 Venue: Max Bell

Point shots, back check, shot pass, 2-1, 3-2, 3-0, 5-0, 2-2, 3-3, 4-4, skills

B5 - 3 Give and Go x 3 – Shoot - Rebound

Key Points:

Face the puck all of the time and keep moving in a semi circle with stick on the ice.


a. 1 exchange passes with 2 from about 5 metres skating in an arc.
b. 3 exchange passes with 4 after the second pass.
c. After 3 passes 1 and 3 shoot.
d. 1 and 3 follow shot and rebound for next shooter.


B6 Chaos 3-0 Pass and Shoot

Key Points:

Give a target, pivot to face the puck all the time; use forehand passes and backhand only when passing forward.


1. Three players leave from each end.
2. Each group passes one puck in nzone.
3. On the whistle player with the puck shoot.
4. Other two players save ice and get a pass from the corner and shoot. a few seconds apart.


D4 - Goals Must Originate Below Goal Line

Key Points:

Players learn to protect the puck, pass to themselves off the boards or back of the net and use the net for puck protection. Also change the point of attack. Defenders must see the puck and the player they are covering and goalie must look over their shoulder and move side to side.


1. Play game situations from 1-1 to 5-5.
2. Situations 3 on 3 or less the players must keep the puck below the top of the circles.
3. To start an attack the puck must be moved below the goal line.
4. When the defenders get the puck they have to get it deep below the goal line before they can score.

DT4 Must Pass to Joker at the Point

Key Points

Each team has one or two jokers at the point. Introduce the game allowing jokers to check jokers. This is a great game to practice getting the shot through under pressure.
The jokers at the point must get open and take a shot or make a pass. The defender practices covering the point. Low players get open and defenders cover man to man.


Each team has one or two jokers at the point.

1. When defenders regain puck they must pass to the point to go on offense.
2. Jokers can shoot or pass.
3. Jokers can check the opponents Joker.


13’ 3-0 and 5-0
C3 - Dump-Breakout 3-0 Regroup 2-1 - Continuous – Pro

Key Points:

Defense shoulder check when going back for the puck. One forward support on the boards and the other from the middle. D skate to the big ice between the dots before passing.


1. F1 or F2 dump the puck in and D1 skate back for the puck.
2. D2 follow the play.
3. D1 make a breakout pass to F1 or F2 and follow.
4. F1 and F2 regroup with D2 in the neutral zone.
5. F1 and F2 attack 2-1 vs. D1.
6. F3 or F4 dump the puck into the far end and D2 skate back for the puck-pass to F3-F4.
7. F3 and F4 regroup with D3 in the neutral zone and attack 2-1 vs. D3.

• Continue this flow.

• Vary the number of F from 1 to 3 and use either 1 or 2 D to create more game recognition situations.


6’ Add double D to D passes.
C3 - Dump-Breakout 5-0-Regroup-3-2 - Continuous – Pro

Key Points:

Defense shoulder check when going back for the puck. Forwards support on the boards middle and far wing. D practice D to D options and hinges as well as quick ups. D skate to the big ice between the dots before passing.


1. F1, F2 or F3 dump the puck in and D1 and D2 skate back for the puck.
2. D3 and D4 follow the play.
3. D1 or D2 make a breakout pass to F1, F2 or F3 and follow up ice.
4. Forwards regroup with D3 and D4 in the neutral zone.
5. F1-F2-F3 attack 3-2 vs. D1-D2.
6. F4-F5-F6 dump the puck into the far end and D3-D4 skate back for the puck and breakout.
7. F4-F5-F6 regroup with D5-D6 in the neutral zone and attack 3-2 vs. D3-D4.

• Continue this flow.

• Instead of the first regroup D3 or D4 could dump the puck in the other corner and D1-D2 break out again before the regroup and 3-2.


10’ Add Shot Pass Option
B6 Point Shots

Key Points:

Skate forward inside the dot before pivoting to. Shoot low for a tip in or rebound. One time the second shot in option two. Hit the net. Everyone practice this skill.


Option One

a. One pass to two and then screen goalie.
b. Two drag and shoot.
c. One go to point for a shot then opposite corner.
d. Three pass to four then screen goalie.
e. Four drag and shoot.

Option Two

f. Two stay at the mid point and get a pass from four and shoot before rotating.


10’ 2 on 2 and 3 on 3 keep Score
DT100 Transition Game of Support, Defend, Attack, Rest

Key Points:
This is a great full ice transition game to practice offense and defense in all three zones. I have
done this the last 2 practices with my team and my skills group. The coach can decide what to
focus on each time you do it. Instead of stopping the game talk to the players when they come
back to the line. You can do this from 1-1 to a 3-3. I will put a modification that adds other
nuances to the game at another date.
Point men only get one second with the puck to shoot or pass. Defenders cover the low players
and ignore the pointmen.


A. 1 and 2 attack vs a and b and are supported on the blueline by 3 and 4 The pointmen cannot
go farther than the top of the circle. When the puck goes to the point a and b control te sticks of 1 and 2.
Attackers cycle, screen, tip, drive the net. Defenders work on low coverage and B.O.
B. When a and b breakout over the blueline 1 and 2 are finished and there is a 2 on 2 in the
nzone with a and b attacking 3 and 4.
C. After the puck crosses the blueline c and d support a and b from the point.


DT100 Backchecking Transition Game

Key Points:

Attack quickly and the defender tie up the stick on the rebound then look for the puck.


Full ice game with the defenders getting support. New attackers have to get the breakout pass inside their zone. This works on quick passes and attack or the backchecker catches up. The backchecker must tie up sticks on the rebound and don't allow a second shot. The attacker must be quick and follow the shot. Defender make a breakout pass to the supporting player in the high slot.


DT400 3-3 Krusel Battling Game- ProW

Key Points:

Battle for loose pucks, screen the goalie, shot passes, cycle, man on man, tie up sticks, tip, low zone play.


1. Line up with the face-off dots and 1 to 3 players race for a loose puck on the whistle.
2. Pass to the point to transition to offense.
3. Point player must shoot or pass within 2 seconds.
4. If a point pass goes out the other pointman gets the puck.
5. Either leave the puck in the zone or pass to the coach on a whistle.


E1 Rebound Game

This is a scoring contest that seems to be loved by players of all ages everywhere in the hockey world.

Key Points:

Make quick shots and one timers and goalie read the play.


1. Players line up on both side in the slot with one shooter at the top.
2. Play games to 5 between the goalie and shooter.
3. If the goalie freezes the puck or it hits the boards behind or at the side the goalie gets a point.
4. Players get a point by scoring a goal on a shot or rebound. Only one pass is allowed.
5. Shooter stays if he scores and players rotate if there is no goal.


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Blue Practice Plan Date: 31-10-14 Time: 16:30-19:00 Venue: Optimist

One hour video session on decision making. 16:30-17:30 Watch game video and the players give a + or a - to decisions with the puck. Do a review of the forecheck on the magnetic board.
Focus on good playing habits. 1-1, 2-1, 2-2 4-4.

B5 Murdoch Breakout Routine A and B

Key Points
: Chip out over the blue line.

This is a good routine to use at the start of practice instead of just skating around the ice aimlessly.


- Work for 5-10 min. and get in a lot of reps.
- D shoulder check on the way to the puck.
- Forwards funnel through middle lane and watch puck before swinging up the boards.

DT 2-4 Gaining Position in the Slot

Key Points:

Offensive players fight for offensive side and to keep their stick free and defensive players fight for defensive side and to control the attackers sticks.


1. All players are in front of the net in two colours.
2. Start with the coach calling red offense and they try to get open and the blue cover them and control their stick.
3. Progress to 2 coaches at the point. One on each team. When they pass the players change roles O to D and D to O.
4. Play a game where the defenders must pass to their coach at the point to be on offense.
5. Offensive coach can shoot or pass.
5. Everyone stays within the dots and below the top of the circles.


DT400 2 on 2 at Each End - Perry Pearn Game Rotation

Key Points:
Focus on getting the puck out and in.

This game allows the coach to focus on the attack or defending deep in the zone.


1. Players line up within a stick length of the red line if you have 2 groups or only ½ ice; otherwise behind the red or far blue line.
2. Three players attack three defenders.
3. Defenders must carry the puck out of the zone before passing to team waiting team mates.
4. Three new players attack vs the original offensive players.


We added a 10' controlled 4-4 scrimmage and I stopped the play when high risk decisions were made near the blue lines.

C6 Regroup x 2, 1-1 and 2-1 – Pro

Key Points:

Defense stay between attacker and net with a tight gap on the 1-1, attack with speed, use skate and stick fakes. One the 2-1 attack with ‘one high and one low, one fast and one slow’, while the defender delay the play and take away the most dangerous shot and deny play across the middle of the goal.


A. Defenders line up at each end in diagonal corners and attacker in the other diagonal corners.
B. #1 attacker from each corner leave with a puck, skate to the blue line and pass to the #2 near the far blue line.
C. #2 make a deception move and pass to #1 in the neutral zone.
D. #1 skate back and regroup with #3.
E. #1’s on each side attack 1-1 vs. #2.
F. Change the drill and now #3 joins #1 and they attack 2 on 1 on each side vs. #2.

*With younger players stagger the start so each corner leaves after the first pass.


DT100 Continuous 2-1, 2-2 – Detroit

Key Points:

Face the puck. Forwards attack with speed. D stay in the middle and deny F to F pass. Forwards make the first play near the offensive blue line to force the D to make a decision. D delay the play as much as possible.


1. F1 and F2 attack vs D1.
2. F3 and F4 support D1 as far as the hash marks.
3. D2 support F1 and F2 passively from the point.
4. D1 make a breakout pass to F3 or F4.
5. F3-F4 attack D2 in the other direction.
6. F5 and F6 support D2 and D3 support F3 and F4.
7. Continue this flow.
8. Add a D to make it a 2 on 2.

We played with active support so F1 followed the play from the line-up in the nzone and backchecked to make the 2-1 a low 2-2 and F2 covered the supporting D at the point to make it a 3-3 in the zone.One the 2-2 the new D played the point and the supporting new forwards covered one point each to make it a 4-4. So it is a good way to practice recongnizing who to cover on the backcheck.


E1 2-0 Change on Go Shootout

Key Points:

The main goal of this shootout is for the goalies to battle and never give up on shots. It is more realistic if only one pass per shot is allowed but if the goal is for the goalie to battle put no restrictions on the shooters.


1. Half the team in each box and as many pucks on the blue line as the number of the largest team.
2. Two players leave from the box, get a puck from the blue line and shoot until they score.
3. After scoring race back and touch the player box gate so the next two can leave.
4. First team to score all the pucks wins.
5. Losers do a chore or exercise.


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The original plan is to have Gaston come and work on skating but there was a snow storm last night and he is going to see how the highway is before driving into town. So this is a contingency practice. We played last night and won 5-4 but some players are struggling with defensive zone coverage, especially the wingers who are going low into the corner and leaving the points open. So a good review is in order. Jim will do the power play which has been good. Three of our our 5 goals came on the PP but that is something that usually comes and goes. We have to get our GA to two or less a game. Monday we have a 75 min. ice time at one rink and then go to Canada Olympic Park and have a one hour skill session with the HC coaches. I may be on my own for the first session, so I want to get the team play done now. My player who got the broken collarbone played in his first two games this week and the player who got the spinal injury is practicing and can play in about ten days.

Blue Practice Plan 02-11-14 Time: 10:15-11:15 Venue: Stu Peppard

Review good habits and team play. Power Play, defensive zone coverage, clear the
Zone, skate to the big ice, defense footwork.

C1 Flow with Breakout Timing 1-0, 2-0

Key Points:

Players taking the pass must face the puck and give a target. Player passing should get between the dots with feet moving then pass. On a 2-0 only allow one pass in the offensive zone before shooting.


1. Players are lined up down the centre of the rink in the C1 formation. Pucks in the corner.
2. The first player at each end, 1 and 2 leave, pick up a puck, skate down the ice, shoot and rebound.
3. Next player in line leave and time the support from either the boards or the middle lane and give a target for a breakout pass. Then go down and shoot.
4. Progress to 2 players giving support from the boards and middle lane.
5. Regroups can be added by having the passer follow the attack.

* 1-1 and 2-1 can be created by another player leaving the line and defending.


C1 2-0 Skate Inside and Pass Outside

Key Points

Skate to the big ice between the dots with the puck and pass to the outside. Pass and follow the pass taking the ice behind.


1. Line up in the C1 formation at the bluelines.
2. Two players leave from the front of each line and get a puck from the corner.
3. The first player skate inside the dot with the puck and pass to the second player on the outside.
4. First player follow the pass and cross ‘taking the ice behind.’
5. The second player receive the pass and skate between the dots.
6. The second player now passes wide to the first player and follows the pass.
7. Shoot and rebound after one pass in the offensive zone.



Forwards at one end and defense at the other end. Goalie with each group.

Alex – Footwork with defensemen.

Jim – Ron - Cycle in a triangle.

T2-4Kingston Team Play Rotation

Rotate each 7’

Jim and Ron one end with the power play one group of 5.

Tom and Alex other end with 2 lines. Dzone coverage with sticks upside down.


D100 5-5 controlled scrimmage.

T2 T4 D100 Controlled Scrimmage

Key Points:

Work on team play concepts with the coaches on the ice. Description: Play full strength or any situation from 3 on 3 to 6 on 5. The extra players are on the bench. If the whistle goes everyone must stop where they are so the coach can give input on what he/she wants.

http://hockeycoachingabcs.com/mediagall ... 0123912842

Freeze on the whistle. Offending team 1 push up and offending player 5.

Offenses on coverage and decisions.
Gaston ended up coming and was an hour early because of the Daylight Saving Time change over. He did the forward stride, Choctaw transition turn and a 1-1 drill. It was very worthwhile. I will do most of the above practice plan tomorrow.

'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
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Sharpen your skates, reserve your room, buy your bear spray and get in shape for a lot of hiking and biking.

Because the Jasper Skating and Hockey Camp - Starts Aug 10, 2015

This is three weeks later than the usual start in July.

I will post last years brochure. Highlight is 7.5 hours of skating with former Olympic coach Gaston Schaeffer and 7.5 hrs. of hockey skills and game sense in 5 days with me. The figure skaters have three on ice sessions per day with Gaston. There is an optional white water rafting trip on Wednesday morning and plyometrics and stretching for both hockey players and figure skaters just before dinner. Good technique in skating, puck handling, passing and solid playing habits are the themes of the camp.

Here are last years prices so add about $50 to each.

H Power Skating & Hockey or Figure Skating
Day camp (no meals)
$375 + GST

Day camp w/ two meals
$480 + GST

Day camp w/ accommodation and meals
$780 + GST There are dorm rooms with bunk beds below the recreation centre. The rec. centre has a new fitness facility and a pool that the kid's usually go swimming after dinner.

'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
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Taking the cancelled practice from yesterday and changed it a bit as just Jim and I are there. After practice the players take off their skates and drive up a mile or so to Canada Olympic Park for a skills session by their staff.

Blue Practice 03-11-14

Practice is posted in the pdf. below. I have get ready to leave for the arena.

'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
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Blue Practice 06-11-14

After working on defense the Monday practice we played Tuesday and won a game 11-7. There goals were all on transition from turn overs and not from breaking down our dzone coverage. We had a one hour session at Crash Conditioning last night and they did a lot of core work.

Today's practice works on D to D and D to D to D, breakouts, regroups, passing, quick decisions, stick on puck, angling, escape moves and puck protection, edges, puck handling. We have Friday off and play onSaturday.

Next week is;
Sunday - practice
Monday - practice
Tuesday - no practice - arenas closed for Remembrance Day.
Wednesday - Crash Conditioning
Thursday - Practice
Friday-Sat-Sunday - leave for a tournament in Cranbrook, British Columbia, We will play 4 and maybe 5 games.

My player who got the spinal injury two months ago will probably be cleared to play when he sees the doctor on Nov. 10. He has been practicing for a few weeks now. The player who got a broken collarbone in the same game vs. the unsportsmanlike team has been back for two weeks.

Team picture really shows the size difference at this age. Biggest 6'2" 207 lbs. (we got measured a few weeks ago, so the pre season sizes have changed. Smallest 4'11" and 90 lbs.

'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
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Another crazy game on Saturday night. We were awful in the second period and fell behind 5-2 and then dominated the third with 22 shots. Tied it 5-5 with three minutes left then they scored with one minute left and we tied it with 3" left. We are scoring a lot but are giving up way too many goals. The problems range from giveaway's on high risk decisions, weak goals, not taking sticks in the slot. Our specialty teams are really good. So 3-0-1 in our last four games but we can't bank on scoring 5+ goals a game. We don't take very many penalties.

Players take turns being good on defense. In the 13-7 game it was one set of D were on for 6 GA. In the last game one line was on for 5 GA and that set of D played ok. The key is for them to get the good habits that take the highs and lows away, especially the lows. We are just rolling lines, so benching isn't an option right now. One player who was our weakest forward the first 8 games is now playing well and that is the key. To get everyone to the point that they can make a positive contribution and they can't get better sitting on the bench. The last five minutes is the only time we bench manage and only if they game is on the line.

This practice works on defenseman footwork, cycling in the offensive zone, good habits with the puck and covering away from the puck, angling and tight gaps. We go to a tournament on the weekend where we will play 4-6 games depending on if we are winning or not.

We have another practice tonight, off-ice on Wednesday, practice again Thursday evening and leave early Friday morning for the weekend tournament.

The player who got the spinal injury at the start of September sees the doctor today and we are expecting that he will get clearance to play.

I get the shots and the +/- charted for each period and then put together a summary for the coaches. I have attached the last game as an example. We chart where and who took each shot for each team and circle the goal scorer and put the +/- on the same sheet. I get a sheet after each period.

'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
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Blue 10-11-14 Practice

We started with figure eights in each zone and the players had to do exercises to loosen the shoulders while crossing over.
1. Puck only on the forehand side of the stick.
2. Puck only on the backhand side of the stick.
3. Face the far end and agility skate, then take a shot and go the other direction.

Small horeshoe that requires good passing and receiving and the 2-0 requires timing.

Double regroup options. This has lots of passing and timing and we had the D go D to D to D. Dump ins were added and then the middle D joined the rush to make it 3-0 and the D took the shot.

Full ice 4-4 two second game and goals only count on one touch shots. This game causes close puck support and the players to pass and follow the pass. The one touch shot rule encourages one timers and players going hard to the net. It was a lot better than the first time we did it.

The D did agility skating-shooting and then worked on breakout options, while the F's did a 2/3 zone low battle 2 on 2 game where they had to regroup with a Joker who had to shoot while the attackers tried to screen, tip and rebound and defenders to box out, tie up sticks and the goalie had to fight to see the puck and control rebounds. We will do this more.

Wally Kozak did battling and puck protection exercises and some quick start skating.

'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
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Blue Practice Plan 13-11-14 Time: 17:45-18:45 Venue: Stu Peppard


Skate, pass, shoot, rebound, agility Attack the net, play tough defense in slot,
Puck support, go to the net, point shots Screen, tip, rebound, timing, stay on side
Regroup, breakout, 2-1, 3-2, 2-2. Angling, battling

B6 – 3 Shots, 3 Zig zags, 3 Shots

Key Points:

3 Leave from diagonal corners about 2" apart, skate around circle then shoot, get a pass from
the other corner, skate 3 zig zags betweeen the blue line and the top of the cricles the fill the 3
lanes and shoot.


1. Make sure to leave about 2 seconds between shooters so the goalie has time to get set.
2. Follow the shot for a rebound before getting the pass.
3. Do skills while zig zagging 3 times such as;
a, carry the puck with the hands and feet moving all the time.
b. carry the puck only using the forehand side of the stick.
c. only use the backhand side of the stick.
d. transition skate facing the far end forward to backward to forward.
e. skate backward.
f. 360 degree turns.


7’ Focus on Timing and staying onside
B6 1-0, 2-0, 3-0 Small Horseshoe

Key Points:

This is a great timing drill with good flow for early in the practice. Pass hard and get your
top hand away from your body. Call for the pass. Give your stick and skates as a target.


1. Skate to the top of the circle and pass.
2. Continue and get a pass from the other end.
3. 2-0 first player passes and swings wide and second player skates into the middle
lane. Pass to the player in the middle.
4. Player in the middle one touch the puck up to the wide man. Stay onside.
5. Shoot and go for the rebound.
6. On the 3-0 the third player goes up the boards and enters as the high man. Add a
trailer pass to the high man as the first shot.


C3 Double Regroup 3-0 to 2-1and 5-0 to 3-2 - Pro

Key Points:

Give a target for the passes, face the puck, pass while skating, make the first pass early on the 2-1, D co-operate with the goalie to make it a 2-2 and don't allow a second play late. Slide outside the post if a pass across is the only play.


1. Players line up along the boards on both sides in the neutral zone.
2. Start with F1 and F2 one touch passing with D1.
3. F's skate through the neutral zone and regroup with D2.
4. F's attack 2 on 1 vs. D1.
5. F3 and F4 repeat by one touch passing with D2 and regrouping with D3. *If there are at least 8 D you could use this sequence and have two 1 on 1's at the same time in opposite directions.


12’ Half F and half D at each end. 2 on 2 focus on dominating the slot on offense and defense.
DT400 Low Zone Battles with Jokers at Point

Key Points:

Attackers must go to the net to screen, for rebounds, tips and cycle low. Defenders must talk and stay man on man unless impossible and then switch. Box out, seal sticks to the outside, tie up sticks in the slot.


1. The game is played from the top of the circles down.
2. Play from 1-1 to 3-3.
3. Players must pass to the point to go onto offense.
4. Joker at the point must take a wrist or snap shot.

* Keep score and when in the teaching mode stop the play and have player who doesn't cover someone do 5 push-ups and his teammates 1 PU.

B6 Point Shots

Key Points:

Skate forward inside the dot before pivoting to. Shoot low for a tip in or rebound. One time the second shot in option two. Hit the net. Everyone practice this skill.


Option One

a. One pass to two and then screen goalie.
b. Two drag and shoot.
c. One go to point for a shot then opposite corner.
d. Three pass to four then screen goalie.
e. Four drag and shoot.

Option Two

f. Two stay at the mid point and get a pass from four and shoot before rotating.


C2 Angling 2-1 Wally

Key Points:

Defender create an angle from inside to cut the ice in half, deflect the play wide, angle at the back of the inside shoulder with the stick on the puck and finish. Second checker mirror from a little behind.


1. Coach shoot the puck across the ice on the attacking teams half or dump it softly.
2. Red 1 race for the puck and attack the Blue net.
3. Blue 1 and 2 tag up at the blue line then arc slightly behind the puck carrier to cut the ice in half.
4. Blue 1 close the gap approaching toward the back shoulder with body on body and stick on the puck.
5. Blue 1 rub out Red 1 and Blue 2 pick up the puck.
6. Blue 1 and 2 attack the other way while Red 1 back checks.
7. Repeat with Blue 3 on offense vs. Red 1-2.
* This can also be done as a 1-1 drill to teach the concepts of angling - deflect-steer-angle-finish with body on body and stick on the puck.


D100 Scrimmage with Extra Players on Bench

Key Points:

Play a full ice game with the extra players on the bench. Change on the whistle.
Pass back to the goalie when changing on the whistle.


1. Play with the rules there must be at least one pass made in each zone and goals only count on one touch shots.
2. Change of the whistle or players change on the go.
3. Keep score.
4. If no face-offs then scoring team touch the red line before checking.

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This is the first practice in about a week. We have had 6 games in the last 5 days. 5 games in 50 hours at a tournament in Cranbrook. We implemented the 1-3-1 Torpedo at the tournament and walked through it in the lunch room. We have really cut the shots against down and are getting a lot of scoring chances. Today we will walk through it on the ice.

Blue Practice Plan 19-11-14

Time:17:45-19:00 Venue: Stu Peppard


Puck handle, pass, shoot, 3-0 attack options 1-1, transition D join rush and F backcheck, Torpedo 1-3-1, puck support, give and go

'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
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Blue Practice Plan Date: 24-11-14 Time: 17:00-18:30 Venue: Max 2


3 lines, forecheck, pp, pk, one touch, Regroup, 1-1, 2-2, 2-1, 2-3, 3-2, 3-3, 4-5, Read the rush, transition, shootout

B6 One Touch x 3 and Shoot

Key Points:

One touch pass. Firm stick and follow through at the target. Both line move all the time.


B6 from diagonal corners down each side of the ice. Start with one player at each line and one extra behind.

A. 1 skate and give and go with 2.
B. 1 give and go with 3.
C. 1 give and go with 4.
D. 1 go in and shoot-rebound and become 5.
E. 2-3-4-5 keep moving forward after each pass.

Continue this flow from each side and then move to the other side and change directions.


B6 Regroup-Breakout-2-0 x 2 – Pro

Key Points:

Face the puck, give a target, pass while skating, shoot while skating, follow shot for a rebound.


A. 1 skate and pass across to 2.
B. 2 pass to 3 at the far end.
C. 3 skate and regroup with 2.
D. 2 pass to 1 and 1-2 attack and shoot.
E. Repeat the other way; 4 pass across to 3.
F. 3 regroup with 5 at the far end.
G. 5 pass to 3.
H. 3 and 4 attack the opposite end.


C6 Regroup x 2, 1-1 and 2-1 – Pro

Key Points:

Defense stay between attacker and net with a tight gap on the 1-1, attack with speed, use skate and stick fakes. One the 2-1 attack with ‘one high and one low, one fast and one slow’, while the defender delay the play and take away the most dangerous shot and deny play across the middle of the goal.


A. Defenders line up at each end in diagonal corners and attacker in the other diagonal corners.
B. #1 attacker from each corner leave with a puck, skate to the blue line and pass to the #2 near the far blue line.
C. #2 make a deception move and pass to #1 in the neutral zone.
D. #1 skate back and regroup with #3.
E. #1’s on each side attack 1-1 vs. #2.
F. Change the drill and now #3 joins #1 and they attack 2 on 1 on each side vs. #2.

*With younger players stagger the start so each corner leaves after the first pass.


DT400 1-1, 2-2, Support-Attack-Defend

Key Points:

Defending player stay on the defensive side. Supporitng player give a target for the pass and get into an open lane.


1.F1 attack D1 at each end.
2. Players line up on the boards with the first player in line D1 supporting the defense.
3. The coach can determine whether the supporting defender is passive or active.
4. On a turnover or a goal the breakout pass is made to the supporting defender from D1 to F2..
5. Carry the puck to the red line or if the team has a full ice practice, carry the puck to the far blue line.
6. F2 Attack vs. the original attacker F1. Practice various situations. The big left handed player with the sweat suit is Dany Heatley. It is just after he won the Calder trophy. He came to say hi to the players but because we were playing transition games participated in the whole practice and then stayed and posed for pictures with each of the players.


DT100 Read-Act to Situation 1-1 to 3-3

Key Points:

Transition game where the players must read the ever changing situations and act to make them even. Transition happens on a turnover, a goal or the goalie freezes the puck. The closest player support to create an even situation.


A. B1-2-3 attack R1-2-3.
B. R5-6 support the attack and B4 the defenders.
C. On transtion B4 attack R4-5 and B1-2-or 3 support the attack making it 2-2.
D. Blue Coach sends B5 to support the attack.
E. Red Coach sends R6-7 to support defense.
F. On transition R6-7 attack B5 and B1 or B2 read the outnumber situation and backcheck to make it a 2 on 2.
G. Coaches continue to randomly send 1 to 3 players to support.
H. Players read the situation and support to make it a 1-1, 2-2 or 3-3 attack.


15’ each line 5’ in zone. PP one end PK at other.
T2 Kingston Power Play and Team Play Rotation

Key Points:
Practice options where every player gets a shot. Begin with a rotation attacking the seam between the D and the F and read what they give. If the D forces then the low play is available, if the F forces then the point is open. If the pk box is passive then there is a 2-1 at each corner, a 3-2 on each side and seams between players to attack. Force the pace by taking a shot by a different player every 3 seconds. Coach in each zone


- Line A at one end practice attack options.
- Line B at other end practice attack options. Both walk through pp 5-0.
- Line C in middle passing practice.
- On whistle line A dump the puck to the other end and breakout returning to the original end while group C replace group B at the far end and group B pass in the neutral zone.
- Repeat with group C breaking out and back and group B switch with group A who move to the middle.


10’ 3’ each review dzone and forecheck

T2-4 Team Play Practice Rotation

Key Points:

Practice various situations at each end. One vs. pressure and one no pressure. Switch roles when the puck goes to the no pressure end. Review any team concept.


1. Practice game situation at one end.
2. Shoot the puck down on a turn over or after a certain time.
3. Practice 5-0 for 60".
4. Shoot puck down to first group who have rotated.

D1 Full Ice 3 Team Scrimmage

Key Points:

Give close support to the ball or puck. Defending team create speed through the neutral zone after the breakout. New defending team identify coverage when the attackers enter the zone.


Three teams play full court or full ice.
1-Red attacks vs Green at one end.
2-Green breaks out and attacks vs. Black waiting at the other end.
3-Black breaks out and attacks Red.
4-Green rests at the original end.
5-Black attack vs. Green.

They keep this rotation and play a game up to 5. Start another game at 0-0 but switch who they attack first i.e. now Green attacks Red and Red attack vs. Black and Black vs. Green. This rotation can be used to practice team play at full strength and power play and penalty kill.


E1 Change on the Go with Pass Shootout

Key Points:

Players should work on selling the fake, change of pace and making the goalie move first. The goalie must time his retreat into the net to keep good angles on shots and cover the goal line on dekes.


1. Players are in the box and one puck on each blue line for every player.
2. Player from each team leaves the box and tries to score.
3. If they score they race to the box and touch the boards and then the next player can leave.
4. If they don't score they pass to the next player who comes out of the box.
5. Losing team do something for every goal they lose by.

*To make it realistic the goalie should practice starting from the goal line and coming out.


Last game we tied with about 10' left and the goalie pulled. Outshooting teams by 10-20 shots most games but making bad decisions when last man with the puck or pinching on the strong side. I will post the stats I get on shots, goals and +/-.

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Blue Practice Plan 27-11-14 Time: 17:30-18:30 Venue: George Blunden

Focus on individual defensive skills Stick on the puck, body checking, taking
Hits on the boards, puck protection Poke check, stick slap, offensive bump
Get the puck out, battle on boards Battle in front, fronting

10’ 3 hard stride skating first 3'
B500 Overspeed 2-0 with a Pass

Key Points:

Players must challenge themselves out of their comfort zone. Make as many moves as possible and continue until they have shot and looked for a rebound. Take the pass and shoot right away without over handling.


1. Line up along boards on one side.
2. Players 1 and 2 start on the goal line.
3. Players 3 and 4 leave and make moves at top speed.
4. Coach whistle every 7" and they players attack the net.
5.Closest attacker give and go with 1 or 2.
6. Second closest do a tight turn then give and go with 1 o 2.
7. With only one goalie go one way only.
8. After passing return to the back of the line.


15’ - Tom with all the players
B – Intro to Contact: Shoulder check - Tom


B - Taking a Check on the Boards – Sw - Tom

B - Stick on the Puck – Sw - Tom

15’ One end Alex the other end Tom

Alex 5’each skill

B - Shoulder Check – Sw - Alex

B - Poke Check - Alex

B - Open Ice Shoulder Check – Sw - Alex


Tom Wally 5’ each skill

B5 - Neutral zone Angling – Pro - Tom

B - Angling – Sw - Tom

A - Chip and Spin Escape Move – Sw - Tom

Tom and Wally one end Alex the other – switch 10’


C300 1-1 Race for a Dump in the Corner – Sw


C300 - 1 on 1 Battle in Front – Sw

Key Points:

Attacker battle to keep his stick free and defender keep the defensive side and tie up the stick when it is exposed. Attacker shoot and go for the rebound and defender keep the stick on the puck and box out after a shot.


1. One attacker and one defender in the slot.
2. Extra players on the side to keep the puck in and restrict the playing area.
3. Coach passes from the top of the circle.
4. Offensive player battle to keep his stick free and gain the offensive side and shoot.
5. Defender battle from the defensive side and box out the attacker with stick on the puck.
6. Coach pass a new puck when the a puck is out of play.
7. Compete 15-20 seconds and keep score.
8. Battle without taking penalties and stress good technique.


We had an awful game with no intensity. It was only the third time this season that we were outworked and outshot but it was ugly. I am attaching the shots. We played very soft and are working on body checking and battling today. We have another practice Sat. and play Sunday.

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Blue Practice Plan 29-11-14 Time: 17:30-18:30 Arena: Stu Peppard

Full team and 3 affiliates
Battle, take sticks, pass to point, screen Tip, 1-1, 1-1-1, 2-2, 3-2, 2-1, 2-0, 3-0
Race, agility, big moves, edges, Backcheck, rebounds

A300 x 2 Skating and Puck Handling Warm-up with Shots

Key Points:

Do various moves with the puck and finish with a shot.


One group rotate clockwise and the other counter clockwise.
1. Do various skating moves with the puck.
2. Big moves all around the body, in the skates, through the legs etc.


B6 – 3 Shots, 3 Zig zags, 3 Shots

Key Points:

Leave from diagonal corners about 2" apart, skate around circle and get a pass from the corner then shoot-rebound, get a pass from
the other corner, skate 3 zig zags betweeen the blue line and the top of the cricles the fill the 3 lanes and shoot.


1. Make sure to leave about 2 seconds between shooters so the goalie has time to get set.
2. Follow the shot for a rebound before getting the pass.
3. Do skills while zig zagging 3 times such as;
a, carry the puck with the hands and feet moving all the time.
b. carry the puck only using the forehand side of the stick.
c. only use the backhand side of the stick.
d. transition skate facing the far end forward to backward to forward.
e. skate backward.
f. 360 degree turns.


B600 Double Regroup Options 2-0, 2-1, 3-0, 3-2

Key Points:

Regroup with each D and support from about a half zone away. Give a target and face the puck. Pass hard and always give strong side wall support and middle support.


1. Blue F1 leave and pass to F2.
2. Cross and regroup with Red D1 and D2
3. Red D1 hinge and Pass to D2.7
4. Red D2 pass to Blue F1 or F2.
5. Blue F's regroup with Blue D1 or D2.
6. Blue D's hinge and pass to Blue F.
7. Blue F's attack the far net vs either zero, one or two D.
*Options: vary the amount of F up to 3 or D up to 2. Add a dump in instead of a second regroup to work on breakouts or even a forecheck.


10’ 2 on 2 at each end
DT400 Low Zone Battles with Jokers at Point

Key Points:

Attackers must go to the net to screen, for rebounds, tips and cycle low. Defenders must talk and stay man on man unless impossible and then switch. Box out, seal sticks to the outside, tie up sticks in the slot.


1. The game is played from the top of the circles down.
2. Play from 1-1 to 3-3.
3. Players must pass to the point to go onto offense.
4. Joker at the point must take a wrist or snap shot.

* Keep score and stop the play and have player who doesn't cover someone do 5 push-ups and his teammates 1 PU.

DT100 Backchecking Transition Game 3-3 If attackers score on the rebound 5 push ups.

Key Points:

Attack quickly and the defender tie up the stick on the rebound then look for the puck.


Full ice game with the defenders getting support. New attackers have to get the breakout pass inside their zone. This works on quick passes and attack or the backchecker catches up. The backchecker must tie up sticks on the rebound and don't allow a second shot. The attacker must be quick and follow the shot. Defender make a breakout pass to the supporting player in the high slot.


D400 Best Player Wins the Game 1 on 1 on 1

Key Points:

-Battle hard for the puck.
-Protect the puck.
-Get a shot and fight for the Rebound.


1. Players line up outside the blueline. They can be in 3 teams and keep score or just everyone vs. everyone.
2. Coach fires the puck in and whoever gets the puck tried to score vs the other two.
3. If another player gets the puck he tries to score; including rebounds.
4. On whistle pass back to the coach and race out.
5. 15-20 second shifts.

E1 Shootout Race

Key Points:

Players must have one skate on the dot at the start. No hooking or tripping. Skate to get D side and get the puck. *This is a great contest for puck protection, battling, scoring and a good anaerobic conditioning exercise. Keep score with one colour vs the other.


1. Players are lined up behind the face of dots at each end.
2. A player from each team race for the puck which the coach puts on the middle dot.
3. Protect the puck and try to score vs backchecking opponent.
4. Another puck on the dot and repeat the other way.


Played Sunday afternnon and had our whole line-up for the first time in a league game. The competitive practices seemed to really pay off and we won 9-1. The back pressure was great and we forced them to turn the puck over and quickly went on offense. Our goalies made the first save and we controlled the slot and tied up sticks and didn't allow second shots. Overall a great game for us. I have attached the game stats.

'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
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I just updated my Hockey Biography and am posting it here.


Tonight did the Hockey Canada skills at Winsport.but got there 90 minutes early to meet with the sports psychologist the our association contracts. He did a good session on preparing themselves to play. The skills session had skating edges and agility, wrap-arounds, point shots, screening, and two games for competing in various situations. Have a game Tuesday evening.

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Blue Practice Plan 04-12-14, 17:45-18:45 Stu Peppard


Puck handle, shoot, 1-1, 2-1, regroup, D to D hinge, dzone, PK rotation, battle,
2-2 transition, shoot-out

B6 or B4 Crossover Skating and Puckhandling

Key Points:

This is a great skating and puck handling warm up drill. Many variations can be used with the puck or in skating tasks.
Do a different skill in each zone. Keep the feet moving it is crossover in large #8's and not tight turns. You can also do as a B6 and start out of opposite corners.


Cross Overs and Puck Handling Skills

Do figure 8's in each zone.

1. Quick hands and quick feet fwd
2. Skate backwards
3. Face the far end transition skate
4. Carry puck using only the forehand
5. Use only the backhand.


B600 Double Regroup Options

Key Points:

Regroup with each D and support from about a half zone away. Give a target and face the puck. Pass hard and always give strong side wall support and middle support.


1. Blue F1 leave and pass to F2.
2. Cross and regroup with Red D1 and D2
3. Red D1 hinge and Pass to D2.7
4. Red D2 pass to Blue F1 or F2.
5. Blue F's regroup with Blue D1 or D2.
6. Blue D's hinge and pass to Blue F.
7. Blue F's attack the far net vs either zero, one or two D.
*Options: vary the amount of F up to 3 or D up to 2. Add a dump in instead of a second regroup to work on breakouts or even a forecheck.


C6 Regroup x 2, 1-1 and 2-1 – Pro

Key Points:

Defense stay between attacker and net with a tight gap on the 1-1, attack with speed, use skate and stick fakes. One the 2-1 attack with ‘one high and one low, one fast and one slow’, while the defender delay the play and take away the most dangerous shot and deny play across the middle of the goal.


A. Defenders line up at each end in diagonal corners and attacker in the other diagonal corners.
B. #1 attacker from each corner leave with a puck, skate to the blue line and pass to the #2 near the far blue line.
C. #2 make a deception move and pass to #1 in the neutral zone.
D. #1 skate back and regroup with #3.
E. #1’s on each side attack 1-1 vs. #2.
F. Change the drill and now #3 joins #1 and they attack 2 on 1 on each side vs. #2.
*With younger players stagger the start so each corner leaves after the first pass.


12’ Ron-Tracey 2-2 battling game with Torpedos.

DT400 Low Zone Battles with Jokers at Point

Key Points:

Attackers must go to the net to screen, for rebounds, tips and cycle low. Defenders must talk and stay man on man unless impossible and then switch. Box out, seal sticks to the outside, tie up sticks in the slot.


1. The game is played from the top of the circles down.
2. Play from 1-1 to 3-3.
3. Players must pass to the point to go onto offense.
4. Joker at the point must take a wrist or snap shot.

* Keep score and when in the teaching mode stop the play and have player who doesn't cover someone do 5 push-ups and his teammates 1 PU.

12’ Tom with Backs. Dzone and Pk review. 3-3 low and pk rotation.

DT100 Continuous 2 on 2

Key Points:

Forwards cover D and D cover F's. One D should join the attack to create triangles. Defenders play tight gaps and attackers create 2 on 1's on the rush.


1. Forwards line up on one side and defense on the other.
2. Start with a 2 on 2 attack F1 and F2 vs D1 and D2.
3. When the puck enters the zone defensive F1 and F2 support D and attacking team D1 and D2 support F's.
4. Play 4 on 4 in the zone.
5. If the puck is dumped out with no possession the offensive team regroup and attack again.
6. The supporting players who joined the play now go 2 on 2 in the other direction.
7. F2 - F3 support D1 and D2 and D3 and D4 support attacking F1 and F2.


E1 Gambling Shootout

Key Points:

Simulate a real shootout by placing the puck on the dot and the player starting on the whistle and the goalie not moving until the player touches the puck. Get the goalie used to shootout skating.


1. One player at a time shoots.
2. Simulate a real shootout with the same rules.
3. Players bet and go to one side if they think a goal will be scored and the other side if they think save.
4. Players who bet wrong must skate across and back.
5. Alternate ends.


'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
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Greatest Hockey Comeback I have Ever Seen.

We played Tuesday night and were behind 2-4 and with 1:52 left they took a penalty. We pulled the goalie and had a 6-4 pp. We scored about 30" in to make it 3-4.

Pulled our goalie aganin for a 6 on 5 and scored with about a minute left.

Played 5-5 and scored to go up 5-4.

They pulled their goalie and we scored into an empty net with 3" left to win 6-4.

I have played for over 50 years and coached for 40 and have never seen that happen before.

A video of the last two minutes is below.

Blue vs Stamps 4-2 to 6-4


Our Monday night practice is attached befow.

'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
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Blue Practice Plan Date: 11-12-14 Time: 16:00-17:15 Venue: Optimist

Breakouts, regroup, slap shot, passing, Play behind the net, power play review
D to D to D, back checking, agility Parent meeting follows.

10’ Start with 2’ of Big moves and a shot.

B6 – 3 Shots, 3 Zig-zags, 3 Shots Slap Shots Only on Rush

Key Points:

3 Leave from diagonal corners about 2" apart, skate around circle then shoot, get a pass from
the other corner, skate 3 zig zags betweeen the blue line and the top of the cricles the fill the 3
lanes and shoot.


1. Make sure to leave about 2 seconds between shooters so the goalie has time to get set.
2. Follow the shot for a rebound before getting the pass.
3. Do skills while zig zagging 3 times such as;
a, carry the puck with the hands and feet moving all the time.
b. carry the puck only using the forehand side of the stick.
c. only use the backhand side of the stick.
d. transition skate facing the far end forward to backward to forward.
e. skate backward.
f. 360 degree turns.


D4 - Jokers Behind the Net

Key Points:

Move when they get the puck. Try to make passes for one timer shots. Either the puck or the player moves. Game works on Role One with the puck and Role Two supporting the puck.


1. Play with teams of from 1 to 5 players.
2. Each team has a joker below the goal line.
3. No one checks the joker.
4. All goals must come from plays started by the joker.
5. Play both even and odd man situations.
6. Keep score and play tournaments.
7. Progress to jokers can check jokers.


B600 Double Regroup Options

Key Points:

Regroup with each D and support from about a half zone away. Give a target and face the puck. Pass hard and always give strong side wall support and middle support.


1. Blue F1 leave and pass to F2.
2. Cross and regroup with Red D1 and D2
3. Red D1 hinge and Pass to D2.7
4. Red D2 pass to Blue F1 or F2.
5. Blue F's regroup with Blue D1 or D2.
6. Blue D's hinge and pass to Blue F.
7. Blue F's attack the far net vs either zero, one or two D.
*Options: vary the amount of F up to 3 or D up to 2. Add a dump in instead of a second regroup to work on breakouts or even a forecheck.


5’ using Spread, 5’ Diamond, 5’ Overload 5’ explanation before each.

TD400 Specialty Team Scrimmage

Key Points:

Rotation is Attack-Defend-Rest. Number the players so they know when to not defend. In even numbered situations you can require the defenders to breakout into the neutral zone before passing.


1. Power play attack vs 2 F and 2 D.
2. Defenders ice the puck and rest.
3. Group waithing at far blue attack.
4. Original attackers now defend 1 short.
5. Goalies rotate in.
6. Create any situation by changing the number of attackers or defenders.
7. Even strength can also be practiced.

*Option is to have waiting players breakout from behind the goal line and do a pk forecheck.

C3 Double Regroup 2-1 - Pro then 3-2

Key Points:

Give a target for the passes, face the puck, pass while skating, make the first pass early on the 2-1, D co-operate with the goalie to make it a 2-2 and don't allow a second play late. Slide outside the post if a pass across is the only play.


1. Players line up along the boards on both sides in the neutral zone.
2. Start with F1 and F2 one touch passing with D1.
3. F's skate through the neutral zone and regroup with D2.
4. F's attack 2 on 1 vs. D1. 5. F3 and F4 repeat by one touch passing with D2 and regrouping with D3.
*If there are at least 8 D you could use this sequence and have two 1 on 1's at the same time in opposite directions.


E1 Speed Scoring 2-1 to 2-2 – Finland

Key Points:

The purpose is to attack as quickly as possible and pass and shoot while skating.


1. Start from one end and when everyone is gone go the other way.
2. Attackers 1 and 2 leave from above the hash marks.
3. Defender 1 is inside the top of the circle with his stick upside down start forward and turn to back skating.
4. Defender 2 start from below the circle and back check.
5. Attacker 1 and 2 race down the ice to score and only ONE PASS is allowed.
6. Keep score.


We did off ice conditioning at Crash on Wednesday.

Parent meeting after practice.

'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
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Blue Practice Plan 14-12-14

Time: 16:15-17:30 Arena: Southland

Game play with rules, weave, passing Point shots, screen, tip, transition
1-1, 2-1, 2-2, 4-4, 8-8, D breakout options F puck handling and passing

10 min
B6 3-0 Weave-Regroup at Far End – Pro

Key Points:

Principles: Pass while skating and then follow the pass and take the ice behind the puck carrier.. Fill the 3 lanes. Skate to the “big ice” between the dots when you get the puck. Pass to the outside lane, skate to the inside lane.

A. 1 pass to 2 and follow the pass.
B. 2 skate to the big ice, pass to 3, follow the pass taking the ice behind.
C. 3 pass back to one, follow the pass.
D. 1 regroup with 4 and 1-2-3 fill each lane.
E. 4 pass to 1 or 3 on the strong side.
F. 1-2-3 weave the same way and attack with a triangle and shoot at the oringinal end.
G. 4-5-6 follow and repeat the other way.


NHL Players.


D4 Game where players must get onside.

Three games of 6’

Game one – goals only on slap shots or one timers.

Game two – 2” and only one touch goals.

Game three – only forehand passes and one touch goals.

DT100 Continuous 1-1, 2-1, 2-2

Key Points:

New players don't leave the line-up until the puck enters the offensive zone. On dump outs no one change but go back and regroup with the same players. Changes occur when the puck is over the offensive blue line or controlled over the defensive blue line.


1. Attack 1-1 with D getting support from 1 F and F from one D.
2. Defending F1 cover the point.
3. New offensive D join and play point.
4. On transition attack 1-1 thru nzone.
5. Continue flow with new O and D support. -Continue the flow of 1-1 in nzone and 2-2 at each end. -Dump-ins and regroups can be added.


10’ Jim F’s Alex D
B Skills Warm up Finnish U17

Key Points:

This is a great way to warm everyone up at the start of a practice. Defense do the various breakout options and read where the pressure is coming from. Pass the puck back to the coach and move thru everyone. Forwards pass with good technique and eye contact. Goalie coach work on technique and rebound control.

A. Defense work with two doing breakout options vs one forechecker.
B. Forwards lines of 3 work in the neutral zone.
1 - Stationary pass with eye contact.
2 - Pass while moving always face puck.
3 - #8 around partners give and go.
4 - Keepaway 2-1 in four areas.
5 - Two lines move and pass to other two lines on the blue line.
6 - Two lines of 3 pass while skating on one side of the neutral zone.
C. Goalies work with coach at one end.


B6 Point Shots

Key Points:

Skate forward inside the dot before pivoting to. Shoot low for a tip in or rebound. One time the second shot in option two. Hit the net. Everyone practice this skill.


Option One

a. One pass to two and then screen goalie.
b. Two drag and shoot.
c. One go to point for a shot then opposite corner.
d. Three pass to four then screen goalie.
e. Four drag and shoot.

Option Two

f. Two stay at the mid point and get a pass from four and shoot before rotating.


D1 Full Ice All Play

Key Points:

Everyone plays shinny style.


1. All play at the same time.
2. Use a puck or multiple pucks, ball or balls.
3. When the goalie freezes the puck the attackers back up behind the hash marks.
4. When a team scores they must touch the red line before checking.

'The Game is the Greatest Coach'
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Location: Calgary, Canada
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