Daily Drill Section Six
This is a new drills section I will be doing diagrams and descriptions for the videos that don't have that done as yet. It will make it easier for the coaches to link to.
Yesterday I was asked to come to a practice to show the pp and pk to a jr. team. The video I post today and the ones lately are about how to practice team play. The one today is about pp and pk but the same method can be used for any situation. It is a controlled scrimmage and sometimes the coach stops the players to give instructions and sometimes he puts in a new puck to have the situation continue.
Whatever you system is the only way it can be effective is for everyone to understand their role and to buy into their role.
T2-4 - D100 Breakout PK and PP - RB Pro
Key Points
Fill the 3 lanes on the controlled breakout with one player stretching to the far blue line and the other in the middle. Always outnumber the defenders on a shoot-in.
1. Coach dumps the puck in use a double swing with two stretching.
2. Move the puck to an open player who carries in the zone or rims the puck hard.
3. Forecheckers must outnumber the pk on loose pucks.
4. The pk pressure the puck at an angle thru the net and not from the side.
5. PK rotate the diamond box always denying a shot from the middle and having one defender in front.
T4 - D400 Aggressive PK - Both Ends - RB Pro
Key Points:
Defenders skate in straight lines lined up with the net. Sticks in passing lanes and on the puck when pressuring. Shin pads in front of the puck to block shots. D pressure first when the puck is at the half boards or low, then rotate the diamond box.
1. One 5 player unit from each team at each end.
2. Rotate from pp to pk when the other end is active.
3. Start with the pk passing the puck to the pp.
4. Aggressive all the time.
5, Always deny a shot from the point.
6. Always rotate one defender in front.
B6 - 1 High 1 Low Shooting - Pro
Key Points:
Shoot with your feet moving. Go to the other corner when finished. Rebound for the next shooter.
1. One player leave from each corner.
2. One high one low on each side.
3. Shoot, follow the shot.
4. Each shooter rebound for the next shooter.
B6 High-Low-Shot then Agility-Shot - Prospects
B6 High Low Shooting with Pass - U20
C6 - 2-0 - Regroup - 2-1 Back – Pro
Key Points:
Forwards pass to the outside and skate to the middle with the puck. Face the puck all the time. D pivot with the puck. D work with the goalie and only give away poor shots. Forwards attack with speed and make the first play early. One high one low; one fast one slow.
1. F1 and F2 leave from diagonal corners.
2. D1 leave from diagonal bluelines.
3. F's regroup with D in nzone.
4. F's skate to far blue-D follow.
5. F's turn at own blueline.
6. F's attack 2-2 vs. D1's.
C6 - 2-0 - Regroup - 2-1 Back – Pro
Key Points:
The D skates hard to join the attack and get open while the forward back checks. Possible to do this up to a 3-2 or vary the situation at each end so the players have to read the rush.
This is a great flow drill to create every situation.
1. D and F in opposite corners each end.
2. D1 pass to F1.
3. F1 skate outside of dot and attack D1, 1-1.
4. On whiste F2 and D2 repeat at other end.
5. D1 join F2 attack and F1 backcheck.
C6 D Shoot, 2-1, D Shoot - Pro
Key Points:
D drag the puck inside the dot before shooting. Forwards attack with speed. D deny the middle and cover the most dangerous play.
1. Players in the corners.
2. D1 get a pass from the corner and shoot.
3, D2 in the corner pass to the forwards and follow the 2-1 attack vs D1.
4. D2 get a pass from the corner and shoot while original F's screen vs D1.
5. Repeat the other way.
B6 Italian Box-One Touch 2-0 - Pro
Key Points:
Make hard one touch passes on the forehand. Skate below the face off dots at each end.
1. Players in the corners and 3 from each group in the neutral zone.
2. Player from the corner pass to a player in the middle.
3. Players in the middle one touch the puck quickly.
4. Two players from each group skate around the far faceoff dots.
5. Pass to the skating player before he crosses the blue line.
6. Attack 2-0.
7. The contest is to see which group makes the most passes.
DT100 Erkka Continuous 2-1 with Passive Support - Pro
Key Points:
Erkka Westerlund has coached the Finnish Olympic Team and been director of Finnish Hockey development. He is more or less the Father of Transition Games. They are now the logical progression from Flow Situation drills from 1-1 to 3-2.
1. Two white F's attack one black D 2-1.
2. When the puck enters the offensive zone 2 black F's and one white D follow the play and passively support from above the circles.
3. After a goal, frozen puck or turnover and breakout pass the new 2 F's attack the new D the other way.
4. This flow continues. It can be played from a 1-1 to a 3-2 with passive, active or a combination of passive and active support.
B6 Chaos 3-0 Pass and Shoot - Pro
Key Points:
Give a target, pivot to face the puck all the time; use forehand passes and backhand only when passing forward.
1. Three players leave from each end.
2. Each group passes one puck in nzone.
3. On the whistle player with the puck shoot.
4. Other two players save ice and get a pass from the corner and shoot. a few seconds apart.
C3, 5 on 2 Attack and Forecheck - Pro
Key Points:
Practice vs 2 D and vs 1 D and 1 backchecking D or F. Always have 4 on the attack in the 60% area and 3 overload the strong side.
1. Breakout 5 - 2.
2. Four attackers in the 60% scoring area.
3. Defend with either 2 D or 1 D 1 backchecker.
4. Controlled by coaces whistle to instruct.
5. Overload the strong side on the forecheck.
6. Original defenders breakout the next attack vs new defenders.
C3-C600, 1-1 x 2 - College
Key Points:
Hard passes and face the puck always giving a target. D should get a tight gap as soon as possible.
1. F1 from each side pass to their D1.
2. D1 pass to D2 on the same side.
3. F1's swing to the other wide lane after passing.
4. D2's pass to the F1's
5. F1's attack vs D1's on the other side.
6. F2's pass to D2's to repeat drill.
B5 Full Ice Breakout-One - College W
Key Points:
Go through the various options of Go, Wheel, Wall, Middle, Counter, Reverse to the Wing.
D always drive skate with the puck between the dots and F's always face the puck and give a target. F on the boards skate facing the puck. Middle F across the ice.
1. Coach dump the puck into the corner and call the breakout option.
2. D shoulder check and drive skate.
3. Pass to either F.
4. F pass back to the D who passes to the other F.
5. F's attack 2-0 and shoot and rebound.
6. Coach pass to D at the point who skates the puck between the dots and shoot.
7. Forwards screen and tip.
B5 Breakouts With 2 D and Point Shot - College W
Key Points:
Defense practice D to D passes and communicate with each other.
1. Over - the pass from D1 is made behind the net to D2 on the other side.
2. Reverse - D1 drive skates to the back of the net and bounces it off the boards towards the corner to D2.
1. Coach shoots the puck in to one side.
2. D1 skates back to forward, shoulder checks and picks up the puck.
3. D2 skates to net front and calls over and moves to the other side for a pass behind.
4. D2 pass to a forwards on the wall or up the middle.
5. F1 pass back to D2 and D2 pass up to F2.
6. F's pass wide and skate to the middle.
7. F's attack 2-0.
8. Coach pass to D2 who followed the attack.
9. D2 shoot while F1 and F2 screen.
C600 - Timing and 1-1 - RB Pro
Key Points:
The D pivots and the forward comes back to the puck timing it so the D can make the pass. D should try to tighten the gap to a stick length as soon as possible.
1. Forwards on one side and D on the other at both bluelines.
2. D's skate across the ice back to check up ice then turn and get the puck.
4. F's circle in the nzone and come back to the puck with good timing and a target.
5. D's pass to the F's.
6. F's skate down one side each.
7. D skate to the other side and defend the 1-1 vs the forward from the other end.
8. Could also be done 2-1.
C3 Breakout, Regroup 3-2 - RB Pro
Key Points:
Forwards fill the three lanes. D move the puck quickly and F's gvie a target. One F always on the strong side boards and don't leave unless replaced.
1. Two blue D1's break out the 3 red F1's.
2. Red F1's regroup with 2 red D2's in the neutral zone.
3. Red forwards attack 3-2 vs the blue D1's.
4. Repeat at the other end with thered D's breaking out the 3 blue F2's.
C3 Breakout Regroup 3-2 - RB Pro
C1 Rexi 1-0-Shoot-D Shoot - 2-1 - RB Pro
Key Points:
pass hard, face the puck, shoot and rebound, tight gap
1. F1 pass to D1 who passes to F1.
2. F1 attack and shoot. D1 follow.
3. F1 pass to D1 from corner then screen.
4. D1 shoot from the point.
5. D1 go to the other side.
6. F2 pass to D1 who one touces to F3.
7. F2 and F3 attack 2-1 vs. D1.
8 Repeat with F4 passing to D2 in the other direction.
C1 Rexi 1-0-Shoot-D Shoot - 2-1 - RB Pro
T3 - B5 - Defensive Deflect-Steer-Angling - RB Pro
Key Points:
Gene Reilly shows the approach. Cut the ice in half with the stick in the passing lane and steer the player outside the dots. Angle toward the back of the inside shoulder so they can't turn back, then finish shoulder to shoulder and stick on the puck.
This angling drill is coached by an American Gene Reilly. He was an NCAA and American league coach and is great with the DETAILS of the game. He is working with the second division pro team. This skill is critical if your team is going to do a good job defending. Notice they aren't trying to rip the puck carriers head off by charging at him with sticks off the ice. Watch the NHL and how they angle like this and always have the Stick on the Puck. The next drill I post will be to practice that detail.
1. Offense group behind the net with pucks.
2. Defenders behind blue line in the middle.
3. Both start on the whistle.
4. Defender force the attacker wide angle and finish.
5. Alternate sides.
6. Players switch lines so they all angle.
7. Move the defenders back to the far blue line as the second step in the skill.
T3 - B500 - Stick on the Puck - RB Pro
Key Points:
Player checks from the defensive side with the stick always on the attackers stick. Keep the stick on the ice when going side to side.
1. Two players work together one of offense one on defense.
2. Half rest half active on the whistle.
3. Practice about 5" and alternate.
4. Start with no puck with offense shielding with the body defender stick on stick.
5. Progress to using a puck.
B3 - Partner Passing - Edge Skill Class
Key Points:
Partner pass starting standing and then skating back and forth. Wrist passes, snap passes, saucer. Go from forehand to backhand and backhand to forehand. Add tight turns. Players could also pass two pucks at once.
Players face each other in two lines skating cross ice.
- Start just passing.
- Skate across the ice passing as many times as possible back and forth.
- Vary the passes - forehand, backhand, saucer.
- Pass two pucks at once.
Three NHL draft picks in this group. Two first and one sixth round. All played NHL. One ROY, sixth rounder played for Canada in the 2018 Olympics.
C3 - 2 on 2 x 2 with Regroup - RB Pro
Key Points:
A 2 on 2 works on Role 3, checking the puck carrier and Role 4, covering away from the puck on D. On offense Role 1 the puck carrier and Role 2 supporting the puck. Regroup works on gap control. The second puck demands communication.
1. Goalie works with coach at one end.
2. F1 and F2 cross and attack D1 and D2.
3. IF coach blows whistle regroup.
4. Coach add another puck after the initial attack.
5. F1 and F2 attack D3 and D4 on the next rush.
6. Drill could be done in both directions if the goalie coach isn’t at one end.
D400 Two Net Game 4-2 x 2 - Pro W
Key Points:
Attackers either skate or move the puck right away when they get it. Defenders have one on the puck and one in front of the net with sticks in the passing lanes. Rotate every 45 seconds.
1. Two nets on the goal line.
2. 4 attackers and 2 defenders on each side.
3. On a goal puck goes to other side.
4. Defenders pass to the attackers on the other side to go onto offense.
6. Add skill rules such as only forehand passes.
D400 - 2 Net 4-2 Each Side - U20 M
DT400, 4-2 x 2 - Pro
T2-DT400 - 4-2 x 2 power Play Game - U15 G
DT400 – 4-2 x 2 – C U18 W
B6 Puck Handling Skills-Zig Zag - College W
Key Points:
Separate the movement of the upper and lower body by doing these exercises to loosen the shoulders.
1. Players line up in diagonal corners in the B6 Formation.
2. Skate in big arcs down the ice and perform different tasks with the puck. These are some examples but players can practice every possible move both forehand and backhand.
a. Keep the hands and feet moving quickly.
b. Skate arcs with the puck only on the forehand side of the blade.
c. Skate arcs with the puck only on the backhand side of the blade.
d. Do heel to heel glides one way then the other.
e. Fake passes then protect the puck.
g. Fake shots.
Finish with a shot at each end of the ice.
O - Off Ice Stickhandling - HS
Key Points:
Stress good mechanics of rolling the wrists, controlling the stick with the top hand.
1. The coach demonstrates good technique and the players practice.
2. Use tennis balls, hockey balls, stickhandling balls, roller hockey pucks, racquet balls, etc.
3. Handle the ball all around the body,
4. Handle multiple balls and balls with different weight and bounce.
5. Juggle the balls up and down the stick.
6. Handle while standing on one foot.
7. Handle while on a balance board or ball.
8. Keepaway, small games, etc..
F-A6 - Quick Feet Conditioning Skate - RB Pro
Key Points:
Player should keep their feet moving all the time. Coach move the pattern around the rink so you don't break the ice and ruin it for the next group.
1. Players leave in small groups with at least a 1:4 work rest ratio.
2. Skate a lateral S pattern do they turn both right and left.
3. Sprints should be less than 10 seconds.
4. Can also be done with pucks.
A Backward Skating Tag Game - Jursinov
Jursinov came to run skills practices one week a month for the Red Bulls in Salzburg. M_W for the 2 pro teams and T-Th for the U20-U17 who are in this video. Jursi was Tikonov's assistant during the Soviet domination of hockey in the 70-80's. He played for the Soviet teams on many world championships and Olympics. In 98 when NHL players were allowed in the Olympics the Russian players insisted that he coach the team or they would refuse to play. They won silver that Olympics. He was asst. coach the next 2 Olympics. Jursi and Juhani played against each other in many international games and are great friends. Jursi coached TPS for about 5 seasons which is in Turku, Finland where Juhani lives. I have done some clinics along with Jursi and Juuso (Juhani Wahlsten) and it makes me look like I am smart when I walk into an arena or presentation hall with two IIHF Hall of Famers. (you can fool the people some of the time)
The player who no one can catch when he is skating backwards is Otso Rantakari who won the ROY in Finland two years ago. Fantastic skater and really smart D.
A Backward Skating Tag Game - Jursinov
Key Points:
Backward acceleration, fakes, tight turns, back striding.
1. Players line up in the neutral zone.
2. Start with 1 and 2 skating forward chasing 3 who is skating backward.
3. When tagged #3 now becomes a chaser and whoever tagged him skates backward.
4. Go about 15 seconds.
5. The next three players repeat.
DT400 - 1-1, 2-1, 2-2 Transition Game using 2/3 ice - U16
Key Points
Defending player stay on the defensive side. Supporitng player give a target for the pass and get into an open lane.
The big left shooting adult with the u16 Boy's is Dany Heatley. He had just won the NHL ROY and I asked him to come say hi to the boy's. He was having fun so he stayed the whole practice then signed autographs and joined them in picture. Great guy.
1.F1 attack D1 at each end.
2. Players line up on the boards with the first player in line D1 supporting the defense.
3. The coach can determine whether the supporting defender is passive or active.
4. On a turnover or a goal the breakout pass is made to the supporting defender from D1 to F2..
5. Carry the puck to the red line or if the team has a full ice practice, carry the puck to the far blue line.
6. F2 Attack vs. the original attacker F1.
College W
U16 B
This game is coached by Reijo Routsalainen who was a great NHL and Finnish National Team defenseman. The players in the white helmets are from the U20 and U17 teams and the coloured helmets from the pro teams. Rejo talks with the players at the end and stresses that they must work hard on both offense and on defense.
D200 Cross Ice Game 1-1, 2-2 - RB Pro
Key Points:
Practice all 4 game playing roles in cross ice games. A 1-1 practices role 1, player with the puck vs. Role 3, player checking the puck carrier. 2-2 adds Role 2, player getting open for a pass and Role 4, player covering away from puck. Keep score use short shifts.
1. Players line-up outside blue line.
2. Coach dumps the puck in.
3. Players from each side battle for the puck.
4. Play 1-1, 2-1, 2-2, 3-2, 3-3.
5. Add modified rules to work on skills or team play skills and habits.
6. Shifts between 15-30 seconds.
E1 Gambling Shootout - U18 F
Key Points:
Simulate a real shootout by placing the puck on the dot and the player starting on the whistle and the goalie not moving until the player touches the puck. Get the goalie used to shootout skating.
1. One player at a time shoots.
2. Simulate a real shootout with the same rules.
3. Players bet and go to one side if they think a goal will be scored and the other side if they think save.
4. Players who bet wrong must skate across and back.
5. Alternate ends.
D200 With Jokers at Both Ends 1-1 to 3-3 - RB U17
Key Points:
Regroups and give and goes are stressed.
I did this with the U17-U20 morning skills group. By regrouping it gives the players awareness of the ice behind and by having them pass to the player behind the opponents net it encourages one timers and getting open. Defensive players don't check the jokers but instead work on role 4 of covering players away from the puck. I now make a rule that the jokers must either one touch the pass or skate; so either the puck or the player moves. They can also go to the other side of the net. Rotation is play, be a joker, rest.
Each team has a Joker at each end. You must regroup with your defensive joker when you gain possession on the puck and pass to the offensive joker before shooting.
A. Coach dumps in puck. Play 20-30"
1. On possession regroup.
2. Make breakout pass.
3. Pass to low offensive joker.
4. Get open for a pass.
5. Try to score.
On each turnover you must regroup.
T – The Four Game Playing Roles - Explanation
D1- Puck Dog – Jasper Camp
Key Points:
Encourage the players to use moves and fakes, change of pace and to protect the puck.
This game has the players line up at the end of the rink in the A2 formation. Each player has a
puck. One player (who is 'it') is at the blue line and calls out 'British Puck-dog.' The players stickhandle
the puck, trying to get to the end without being checked. If a player loses the puck, she
becomes 'it' and is in the middle checking. The last player with a puck wins.
T2-4 – D100 - Full Ice Specialty Team Practice - RB Pro
Key Points:
Practice the breakout, neutral zone entry, attack, forecheck and power play set up. The penalty killers practice the forecheck, and defensive zone coverage. It is great if you can get another team to practice with you and take turns with 5 min. power plays each in all situations and have a few minutes between each situation to review your systems with the players.
Divide into two teams with the extra players on the bench. If possible have someone run the score clock to make it game like.
D200 Cross Ice Uneven Situations - U18 F
Key Points:
Play 1-2, 1-3, 2-3 to work on both offensive and defensive out number situations.
Stess good habits and moving the puck to a player in better position.
The coach can also implement modified rules to create situation. i.e. goals must come from one timers.
1. Coach shoots the puck in.
2. Coach calls 2-1, 3-2, etc.
3. Alternate advantage.
4. Play 20-30 seconds.
5. Keep score.
On the whistle either.
a. Pass the puck to the coach.
b. Pass to goalie who passes to a team mate coming on.
c. Pass to team mate coming on. You could also simply leave the puck.
D400 Breakout and Forecheck Contest
Key Points:
This is a breakout vs forechecking pressure contest. Keep score and the coach can focus on any one of the 4 game playing roles.
1. Coach shoot a puck in.
2. Red #1 and #2 try to breakout of zone.
3. Purple #1 and #2 forecheck and try to score.
4. On a goal or when the puck is carried over the bluleline repeat.
5. Now Purple 1 and 2 break out vs Red 3 and 4.
6. If the puck is shot out the coach puts in another puck.
D5 - Keepaway Contest - College - Youth
Key Points:
All 4 Game playing roles are practiced. Have rules like, only forehand passes, only backhand, an escape move before passing, 3 hard strides, one touch, 2 " only, all skate backward, hold the stick with only one hand, saucer passes. 5 or 7 passes = 1 point.
1. Groups have an area of the rink or else one group at at time has so many seconds to make as many passes as possible.
2.Good activity to warm up with if the goalies are working with a coach.
3. Use rules that include skating, passing skills, puck handling skills such as pivots.
4. Keep score and switch opponents. I point for every 5-7 passes.
D5 Keepaway Contest – College M
D4 - Keepaway and Score - Mike Johnston
D500 - Four Games of Keepaway - U15 G
DT400 - Perry Pearn Game Rotation - Youth
Key Points:
This game allows the coach to focus on the attack or defending deep in the zone. You can play this game in situations from 1-1 to 5-5. It is a great rotation to practice specialty teams if you have 3 lines because it gives the players some rest and they alternate between pp and pk (one F would leave the zone) The defenders have to clear the zone with control of the puck. With situations over a 3 on 3 I would move the resting players back to the far blue line.
1. Players line up within a stick length of the red line if you have 2 groups or only ½ ice; otherwise behind the red or far blue line.
2. Three players attack three defenders.
3. Defenders must carry the puck out of the zone before passing to team waiting team mates.
4. Three new players attack vs the original offensive players.
5. Keep score, implement skill (only forehand passes) or team play rules (goals originate from below the goal line).
6. Allow offensive players to cross the blue line on transition.
DT400 - Transition Game of Low Battles with Point Support - Youth
Key Points:
Great game that I learned from Art Krusel 'RIP'to practice cycling, going to the net, screening, tipping, point shots, shot pass, one timers on offense. On defense you have the low zone coverage and communication skills. As well as individual techniques like sealing the stick to the outside, tying up sticks, boxing out, switching, all from the defensive side.
1. One team is lined up behind each faceoff dot. From one to tree players leave at a time.
2. The next player in line plays the joker at the point and must pass or shoot within a second. Defenders do not check the joker as he can’t go in and score.
3. The coach dumps the puck in or shoots on net and the teams race for the puck. Whoever gets the puck can shoot right away.
4. When the defending team gets the puck they must pass to their joker at the point to transition to offense.
5. If the puck is shot out of the zone the coach passes to the non offending joker.
6. Play 20-30” and on the whistle the players pass to the coach and skate hard out of the zone before the coach shoots a new puck in.
DT400 3-3 Krusel Battling Game – Pro W
DT400 - 3-3 Krusel Battling Game – Jasper Camp
T4 - B500 - Defensive Zone Skating - RB Pro
Key Points:
This is the easiest way to introduce defensive zone coverage. Move the puck to each corner, each point, at the half wall and behind the net. Players rotate so they have sticks in passing lanes and toe caps facing where they can have a Man-You-Puck triangle so with the head on a swivel they see their man and the puck.
1. Players start off with a box and one in the middle.
2. Coach points to where the puck is and the players hustle to the proper defensive position.
3. Sticks in the passing lanes and a man-you-puck triangle for role 4.
4. Skate to 5 spots.
5. Straight line stop and start skating.
6. Create a man on and box behind.
7. Low forward (often centre) support when puck is in corners or at point.
8. Low forward pressure puck at the hash (half wall).
9. Wings cover points and come down to hash if puck is below goal line.
10. D pressure in their corner, in front and half way to the high F3.
T4 - Defensive Zone Skating - RB Pro
B6 Building a Power Play
Key Points:
Start by practicing point shots and screens then move to one timers and the shot pass. Add a low cycle and change sides. Progress into a diamond. Practice one timers from off wing and shot passes on the proper wing.
A. Point Shots and Screen
1. 1 Bounce pass the puck to the point.
2. 1 screen and 2 drag and shoot.
3. 1 rotate to the point and 2 to the other corner.
4. Repeat with 3 pass and screen and 4 shoot. You can add a D to D one timer.
B. Create Options, One Timer, Shot Pass, Rotate into a 1-3-1 Diamond
1. #1 shoot and go to diagonal dot # 4 the same
2. Point now fake a shot and pass across for a one timer or a shot pass.
3. Progress to a low cycle and point pass where cycles attacking the seam and passing low then head to the net and #5 passes to the point.
4. We will add the weak side D into mid slot to move into a 1-3-1 diamond.
T2 - C3 Breakout to Beat the Passive Trap - RB Pro
Key Points:
Attack 5 on 2 but 3 coaches are in the neutral zone lanes to mimic the nzone trap. Get the puck deep behind the defenders. Play 5-2 in the zone.
1. C pass back to middle D.
2. F1 Stretch, F2 low middle support, F3 and D2 in wide lanes, D1 in middle.
3. Hinge wide and back to the middle.
4. Pass wide and make a wide entry.
5. Attack with 4 players in the scoring zone.
6. Repeat in the other direction.
T2 - C3 Breakout vs the Trap-RB
T2 - C3 Breakout 5-2 Regroup 5-3 - RB Pro
Key Points:
Breakout 5 vs 2 defenseman and then regroup on the whistle 5 on 3. Give support on the strong side boards and the middle. Weak side forward can stretch. Attack with 4 in the scoring area. Weak side D jump into the rush.
1. D1 and D2 shoot from the blueline.
2. Five players in the zone breakout vs D1-D2
3. Attack 5 on 2 until a scoring chance.
4. Coach whistle and attackers regroup with pass from the coach in the neutral zone.
5. Attack again 5 on 3 vs. original D and a new forward.
6. Repeat with a new group and original D the other direction.
B6 - Big Horseshoe-Washington - Pro
Key Points:
In the big horseshoe players give a target and call for the pass. Time the first pass so you are ready to pass to the player on the boards. Coaches have some pucks to give players if a pass fails. Follow the shot for rebounds. Do about 1.5-2 minutes on each side.
1. #1 leave for a pass from the other corner.
2. #2 in each corner skate inside for a pass from #3.
3. #2's skate and pass to #1 on the wall.
4. #1 attack the net, shoot and rebound.
5. #2's now skate in an arc saving ice and timing to get a pass from #3.
6. Repeat this flow.
B6 - Shots Wide and Middle - Pro
Key Points:
Shoot while skating. Hit the net. First player look for rebounds from second shooter. This is a good warm up for the start of practice.
a. #1 leave with a puck and shoot from the wide lane.
b. #2 also leave with a puck and give and go with a coach at the far blue line. Shoot from the middle lane.
c. Switch corners after1.5-2 minutes.
*Alternative is for #1 to give and go with the first player in the far corner.
C2 - 2-0 - 2-1 - Pro
Key Points:
Give a target, time skating to be available, face the puck.
-Two players rush 2-0 and attack the far end.
-The non shooting player pass to the next 2 who skate in from the lineup on the boards.
- Progress to a D making the pass then follow the play up the ice.
-The D defends a 2 on 1 and then make a pass to the next 2 F who attack the original D.
B2 - Cross and Drop Shooting - Pro
Key Points:
Quick feet. Make the cross and drop then head to the net for a rebound. Shooter must hit the net. If no shot go five hole or shoot low to the far side to produce a rebound.
1. Coach pass to the F1 on the inside.
2. F1 pass to F2 who crosses the blue line and and makes a drop pass to F1.
3. F1 skate to the top of the circle and shoot.
4. F2 go to the net for a rebound.
5. Change sides.
T - Babcock - Detroit Practice - Pro
Non game day practice. Warm up with full ice flow drills and then work on team play, the forecheck, nzone regroups, the power play, breakout and pk. After practice the players stay on and work on individual skills.
B2 Defenseman Shooting Drills-Washington - Pro
This pdf has most of the drills Washington did in their practice. I have to draw up the shooting one below.
B2 Defenseman Shooting Drills-Washington - Pro
This video shows the D holding the puck in and shooting, going D to D, working on power play shooting.
B600 - Regroup, Hinge, Quick Up-Detroit - Pro
Key Points:
Hinge and push the puck up the ice quickly. Strong side F stretch and weak side give middle support.
1. F1 skate and regroup with D1.
2. D1 skate to the middle and pass to D2 in the wide lane.
3. D2 quick up to F2 who stretches on the strong side boards.
4. F1 and F2 attack.
Repeat the other way with F3 regrouping with D3.
B600 Regroup, Hinge, Quick Up-Pro
B600 - Regroup, Hinge, Middle D Rush Detroit - Pro
Key Points:
Middle D comes late as a second wave and lead the rush.
1. F1 and F2 leave and regroup with D1.
2. D1 pass to D2 who hinges to the wide lane then pass back to D1.
3. F1 and F2 delay to stay onside while D1 crosses the blue line with the puck.
4. D2 support the attack from the mid point.
5. D1 pass or take a shot.
Repeat the other direction with F3 and F4 regrouping with D3 and D4.
B600 Regroup, Hinge, Middle D Rush-Pro
O - Tarasov Training Soviets to Music
This is a video from the Soviet Era when Tarasov was coaching. Great stuff. The players weight train and do exercises to music.
B6 - 3-0, 4-0 Pass-Regroup-Shoot, Detroit - Pro
Key Points:
Pass hard, give a target, call for the pass and fill all three lanes. Leave in groups of 3 or 4. Make sure everyone gets at least one pass in each direction.
1. Three or four leave from one end.
2. Skate to the big ice and pass.
3. Cross the far blue line and turn back.
4. Attack with a triangle or box.
5. Three or four at the other end leave when the oringinal players regroup.
Alternative is to pass and regroup with a player at the other end to practice a deep breakout.
B6 3-0,4-0 Pass-Regroup-Shoot-Pro
Comparison of practice techniques from U20 to NHL teams, to NHL prospects to European pro’s.
This is a video of a Canadian U20 Major Junior Practice.
This is a game day practice for Washington of the NHL
This is a regular practice not on a game day for Detroit of the NHL.
This is a pre season practice for NHL players a few weeks before training camp.
This is TPS a Finnish pro elite team practice in the spring session of training.
This is a NHL prospects summer camp the Flames ran a few years ago.
C2 - Regroup 5-3 Regroup 5-2 - Pro
Key Points:
Give support and the strong side boards, middle and weak side wall. F1 pressure the puck, F2 take away pass to strong side wing F3 read the play from middle and react. D2 covers the high slot attacker.
1. Forwards regroup with the D in the neurtal zone.
2. All five attack vs. two D and one F.
3. After original attack the coach whistles and places a puck inside the far blue line.
4. D goes back for the new puck and start another rush versus the two original D.
5. Next group start the same sequence in the other direction.
C2 - 5-3 Regroup 5-2 – Pro
T2-4 - D400 Team Play Situations-Detroit - Pro
Key Points:
Practice the forecheck, offensive entry wide and dump in. defensive zone coverage, breakouts.
1. Players start from the neutral zone.
2. Do some reps starting with the C dumping the puck in and forecheck.
3. Switch to the C pass to the W who gains the zone and then pass back to the point.
4. The coach can focus on any part of the attack or defense.
5. Alternate ends and the resting group switch from offense to defense for the next rep.
6. A progression into a game is for the defensive team to break out into the nzone and all touch the red line then attack the original offensive group.
T2-4 D400 Team Play Situations-Pro
I have added the forwards setting up in an I when the puck first goes to the point. I see this in the NHL with a lot of teams. The second forward goes to the side of the first pass, so the D doesn't have to come out unless the puck gets to the player on the other side. The middle forward drops down but doesn't chase sideways.
This practice formation can be used for all team play teaching situations. If you haven't enough players to do it out of both ends then you simply rotate in one end.
T2-4 D400 PK and PP Rotation Detroit - Pro
Key Points:
PK outnumber the PP on loose pucks in the corner. PK skate in straight lines. Always one pk denying the mid point and one in front. PP change the point of attack when outnumbered. Rotate the mid point player to the middle or the back door.
1. Start with everyone in position on the pp and pk.
2. If pk gets the puck start the pplay again from a different spot.
3. On the pplay either the puck or the player moves.
4. PK always lead with the stick on the puck and in passing lanes.
5. PP always give at least two easy outlets.
6. PP give low support when puck on half wall.
7. PK cut the ice in half and force passes that must beat two defenders.
8. Work at each end 30-60" rotate on whistle.
*Game situation: defenders shoot puck to other end.
T2-4 - D100 Breakout vs Nzone Trap Detroit - Pro
Key Points:
Forwards support from three lanes. Strong side forward on boards face the puck. Middle forward mirror puck movement and wide forwards be open for a cross ice pass. Give targets. Defenders try to steer the puck wide and outnumber the attack in the neutral zone.
1. Coach pass the puck to a defenseman.
2. Defense pass to D partner or any of the forwards.
3. On a D to D they should hinge to pass below the trap.
4. Offense gain the zone.
5. On the whistle repeat with the original defenders now on offense vs original attackers.
6. After one or two reps new players repeat.
DT100 Continuous 2-1, 2-2 Detroit - Pro
Key Points:
Face the puck. Forwards attack with speed. D stay in the middle and deny F to F pass. Forwards make the first play near the offensive blue line to force the D to make a decision. D delay the play as much as possible.
1. F1 and F2 attack vs D1.
2. F3 and F4 support D1 as far as the hash marks.
3. D2 support F1 and F2 passively from the point.
4. D1 make a breakout pass to F3 or F4.
5. F3-F4 attack D2 in the other direction.
6. F5 and F6 support D2 and D3 support F3 and F4.
7. Continue this flow.
8. Add a D to make it a 2 on 2.
There could be active support with a 2-1 in the nzone and a 3-3 at each end. Another option is to combine active and passive support or add dump ins and regroups.
B6 - Passing and Shooting - Youth
Key Points:
Make hard passes. Give a target and skate into the pass. Rebound by following your shot.
A. The first player #1 cut across the ice for a pass from the opposite corner. After passing #2 cut across for a pass.
1. First players #1and #2 skate parallel and pass as many times as possible before shooting from above the circles.
2. The first player #1 cut across the ice and make a drop pass to #2. #2 skate and pass across to #1 and follow the pass by crossing behind for another drop pass. Continue this and shoot before the top of the circles and rebound.
This is a drill from my morning skills practice. The goalie coach wanted long shots and only one goalie was at practice. We did these three shooting passing drills. 1. Get a pass from the opposite corner and take a long shot. 2. Exchange pucks skating down the ice and shoot. 3. Cross, drop, pass across and shoot.
B7 Face-off Practice-Washington
Key Points:
Watch the puck all the time. Read what the other player is going to do by how they hold the stick and where their team mates are. Practice winning clean and scrambling the draw.
1. Either a coach or another player drop the puck for a face-off.
2. Players compete to win the face-off.
3. Add competitions.
4. Practice both forehand and backhand.
B600 1-0 F Regroup with Both D x 3 - U20
Key Points:
Forward always give a target face the puck and call for the pass. Shoot and rebound for the next shooter. Coach could add give and goes and one timers with the original shooters. Could also add 1-1 or 2-1 with the 3rd player attacking vs original two F's.
1. F1 regroup with the D1on the strong side and get a return pass up the boards.
2. F2 regroup with strong D1 who hinges to D2 and up to F2 mirroring the puck in the middle.
3. F3 pass to weak side D2 who passes D1 who hinges wide and then passes back to D2 in the middle and up to F3 who has mirrored the original D to D.
C3 - 2-1 with Regroup - Major Junior U20
Key Points:
Pass hard and face the puck giving a good target. D pivot when they get the regroup pass. This sequence can be done in all situations from a 1-1 to a 3-2. It is probably the most common pro drill I have seen around the world.
1. F1 and F2 leave from both sides and regroup with the far D.
2. D1 pivot and pass to the forward while skating.
3. F1 pass across to the other F2 in the Nzone.
4. F’s regroup with the D2 at the other blue line.
5. D2 pivot and make a pass to F1.
6. F1 pass across to F2.
7. F’s attack 2-1 vs. D1.
8. Players leave from the other blueline and start the sequence again regrouping with D2. D3 join the play at the far blue line.
T2-4 - D100 Breakout and Forecheck - U20
Defenders funnel back from inside to outside. D shoulder check before getting the puck. Talk to each other. Attackers read if F1 can make contact then pressure. If they turn up ice with control then contain.
Key Points:
1. Each team start from their blue line.
2. On whistle defenders skate to the red line and back.
3. Attackers leave when the defenders start back to their zone.
4. Defenders breakout and attackers forecheck.
T2 - D100 Controlled Breakout Reads - U20
Key Points:
Defenseman behind net must read the forecheck and pass low if they are high and high if they are low. Forwards must move into open areas.
1. D1 skates to a puck placed behind the net.
2. Offensive team go into their controlled breakout with either one, two or zero players stretching.
3. Two coached forecheck either one, two or no one deep.
4. D1 must read to carry the puck or pass low or high.
5. Attack with 4 players and create a scoring chance.
6. Alternate directions so everyone knows the controlled breakout. This coaching technique can be used for power play or even strength.
F - B5 - Overspeed Skate-Pass-Shoot - RB Pro
Key Points:
Do everything at top speed. Pass, shoot, skate, rebound, backcheck.
1. Player 1 and 2 leave on the whistle exchanging the puck quickly.
2. Shoot and rebound.
3. On the whistle skate back over the blueline as fast as possible.
B - Checking from the Defensive Side - Sweden
Key Points:
In game playing roles 3 and 4 the player checking the puck carrier and players covering away from the puck always stays between the player and the net . Body on body and stick on the puck is the key concept.
1. When angling approach at the inside back shoulder then make contact.
2. In the corner approach under control to contain and then make contact.
3. Defend a 2 on 1 from the middle with the stick in the passing lane, Give the goalie the shooter if he is at a bad angle and deny cross pass.
4. Switch if a player goes behind the net with good puck control and no pressure.
Mike Johnston on the benefits of SAG's in practice.
Mike gave a presentation on SAG's to coaches in Vienna. At the end he summed up with his thoughts on the importance of using games in practice for skill, intensity, transition etc.
I coached against Mike in the ACAC college league for 4 years in the mid 80's. He was an asst. coach with the U of Calgary in 89 doing his coaching masters degree. I wasn't coaching at the time and he suggested to Willy Desjardins that he add me to the staff. I was there for 8 seasons. Mike went on to coach the U of New Brunswick and then the Canadian Men's National Team. He then spent many years as the asst coach for Mark Crawford in various teams. He now is the head coach and GM of the Major Jr. Portland Winter Hawks. Mike is an excellent presentor at coaching seminars.
In the next week I will post the various SAG's he demonstrated. It was in Vienna with Austrian players so sometimes they have a little trouble at the start of the games because of the language.
Mike moved on to be head coach of Pittsburg for two seasons and is now back in Portland.
D4 - Attack and Defend the Dot - Mike Johnston
Key Points:
Attacker make lots of moves and dekes, change of pace and turns. Defender keep a tight gap and stay on the defensive side blocking the way to the net.
1. Attacker starts just outside the circle.
2. Defender start a stick length away with hands against the chest.
3. Attacker try to put the puck on the dot.
4. Defender block the attacker from the dot.
5. Go until puck is on the dot or a whistle after 10 seconds.
6. Finish by sprinting to the red line and back to the blue line.
D4 Keepaway and Score
Key Points:
Make lots of moves and protect the puck with your body. Everyone must stay inside the zone.
1. All the players are in one zone.
2. Everyone but one or two players has a puck.
3. Players without a puck steal one and shoot it in the net.
4. Last player with a puck wins or else the player who scores the most goals wins.
D400 - Goalies Face Opposite Directions - Mike Johnston
Key Points:
Play all 4 Game Playing Roles with intensity.
1. Player with the puck.
2. Players supporting the puck carrier.
3. Player checking the puck carrier.
4. Players covering away from the puck.
There is constant transition of game playing roles and game situations offense, defense, loose puck.
1. Play 2 on 2 for 20 seconds.
2. Leave the puck in the zone on a whistle.
3. Players must clear the zone before the next players come on.
4. Each team shoots on only one net.
5. Keep score.
6. Add modifies rules that require certain skills to be used.
DT400 - 4 on 2 with Two Nets - Seminar and Pro
Key Points:
Attackers either skate or move the puck right away when they get it. Defenders have one on the puck and one in front of the net with sticks in the passing lanes. Rotate every 45 seconds.
1. Two nets on the goal line.
2. 4 attackers and 2 defenders on each side.
3. On a goal puck goes to other side.
4. Defenders pass to the attackers on the other side to go onto offense.
6. Add skill rules such as only forehand passes.
Mike Johnston IIHF Seminar
E1 - 2 on 0 Shootout Race - Mike Johnston
Key Points:
Work on shooting one timers and scoring on rebounds. Good habits like face the puck, give a target with the stick on the ice.
A. 1 and 2 attack 2-0 on opposite net.
B. Pass and shoot to score.
C. Get a new puck from 3 or 4 after scoring.
D. Score a second goal.
E. After the second goal race back to the blueline.
F. One point for each race won and 5 points to win the game.
D200 - Small Area Battling Game 1-1 to 3-3 - Mike Johnston
Key Points:
Transition between the four game playing roles. 1-player with the puck, 2-player supporting on offense, 3-player checking the puck carrier, 4-player covering other offensive players. They are also transitioning between the three game situations 0-loose puck, 1-offense, 2-defense.
Players always have a role to play in the transition between game situations and must think quickly and use good technique.
1. Put the nets facing each other about 10 metres apart. Play from 1-1 to 3-3 including odd man situations. Extra players wait at one side.
2. Coach pass a puck in and the players battle and try to score.
3. Take 20 second shifts,
4. Keep score.
5. Coach shoot in a new puck on a goal or if the puck is shot out of the zone.
6. Focus on the players battling with good habits and quick decisions.
7. Race out when the time is up and leave the puck in play (option is to pass to a teammate who is first in line.)
8. Nets can be close to the boards or in open ice.
D200 - Tight 2 on 2 - Pro
A2-B202 Conditioning Agility Skate - RB Pro
Key Points:
Quick feet, shoulder leads in crossovers. Learn to turn with speed in both directions. A puck could be added.
1. Skate half circles with quick crossovers in 4 groups. Go hard to blue or red line.
2. Redline and back in 6 groups.
3. Red line-back-far blue line in 6 groups.
4. Blue to red-tight turn-back to blue.
D200 - 3 on 3 Small Power Play Game - Mike Johnston - Pro
Key Points:
Battle, quick shot, quick pass, one timers.
1. Place goals across the circle.
2. Play for 20 seconds.
3. Play 1-1 in the middle.
4. Jokers on the side may shoot or pass.
5. Rotate from joker to player.
6. Keep Score.
* Extra players could be practicing in another area or rotating into the game. Game can be also played 2-2 or 1-2.
D200 - Small Power Play Game – Pro Women
F - B202 Skating for Quickness - RB Pro
Key Points:
Running start with the toes out and a deep knee bend. Burst through the neutral zone as fast as possible.
The skate in the video was to increase the intensity in the drill they were doing at half speed and is a tool the coach can use to refocus practice.
1. Players skate through the neutral zone as fast as possible on the coaches whistle.
2. Do 1 time skate a 3 times rest ratio.
E1 Rebound Game - College W
This is a scoring contest that seems to be loved by players of all ages everywhere in the hockey world. I posted this before but without a video.
Key Points:
Make quick shots and one timers and goalie read the play.
1. Players line up on both side in the slot with one shooter at the top.
2. Play games to 5 between the goalie and shooter.
3. If the goalie freezes the puck or it hits the boards behind or at the side the goalie gets a point.
4. Players get a point by scoring a goal on a shot or rebound. Only one pass is allowed.
5. Shooter stays if he scores and players rotate if there is no goal.
E1- Rebound – College W
E1 Game of Rebound - RB Pro
A200 Puck Dog and Pass Dog - Youth
Key Points:
Encourage the players to use moves and fakes, change of pace and to protect the puck.
This game has the players line up at the end of the rink in the A2 formation. Each player has a
puck. One player (who is 'it') is at the blue line and calls out 'Puck-dog.' The players stickhandle
the puck, trying to get to the end without being checked. If a player loses the puck, she
becomes 'it' and is in the middle checking. The last player with a puck wins.
Another option is Pass Dog where partners must make at least one pass in each zone and get to the other end without losing the puck.
C3 Breakout Regroup Attack 3-2 - RB Pro
Key Points:
The weak side F fill the low lane that has no D. One F mirror the puck from the middle. Strong side F stretch when he sees good possession. Forwards time their skating to be available for an easy play.
1. A blue forward dump the puck deep in the zone.
2. The 2 red D and one F go back deep for the puck and fill all three deep lanes.
3. One F give support in the middle and one on the strong side boards.
4. Breakout into the neutral zone.
5. Turn back before the far blueline and attack 3-2 vs the original D.
6. Repeat with another group of 3 F and 2 D at the other end.
C3 Breakout Regroup Attack 3-2 - RB Pro
B - Defenseman Skills - Seminar
Key Points:
Practice reaching with the stick but keep in a balanced position. Always face the play. Control the attackers stick. Defender move and don't be flat footed. Influence the attacker with the stick in the passing lane. Give the shooter to the goalie not allowing him to go across the middle but stay to the outside. Deny to pass across for one timer or a tap in.
These are video segments showing various defenseman 2 on 1 situations. There is a diagram of the three exercises and a pdf of the whole session.
Rejo Routsalainen a former star NHL and Finnish interantional player is instructing.
1. Warm up:
a. Transition skate forward to backward and finish with a shot.
2. Sideways mobility: Zig-zag 4 times and open up at the end of each rep.
3. 2 on 1 defensive technique.
a. From the corner.
b. From the corner and the point.
4. Pass to point then screen. D seal stick to outside and see the puck.
B - Ruotsalainen Defensemen Skills in Offensive Zone IIHF
D400 - 2 on 2-Jokers at Point - Seminar
Key Points:
Players learn to move the puck from low to high. When the puck is at the point skills of Role 2 of getting open, screening on offense and Role 4 covering away from the puck, controlling sticks, sticks in the passing lane are practiced. Mike Johnston is teaching the game in Austria.
1. Spray paint a box just inside the point. Joker must stay in the box.
2. Coach shoots a puck in and the offensive team must make at least one pass before shooting.
3. On a turnover you must make at least one pass before taking a shot.
4. When the joker has the puck at the point defenders cover one attacker each-not the joker.
5. 20-25" shifts and come out hard on whistle.
6. Leave puck in zone on whistle.
7. Coach put in a new puck on goals or if the puck is shot out of the zone.
B6 - Puck Protection Skills - Finland
Key Points:
Protect the puck with your body, make hard fakes, get the defender to lean one way and quickly turn the other way. Drive skate into the scoring area while protecting the puck and shoot.
1. Protect the puck from a partner who starts from behind.
2. Start in the corner and build a wall with your body, arm and leg and skull push around two players or coaches and finish with a shot. Do this both on the forehand and backhand.
3. From corner protect the puck by turning your back and slide sideways both FHand and BH.
4. Fake a cut back on two skates and go forward-protect the puck.
5. Dump puck in the corner and make a two footed skate fake one way and go the other way.
6. Walk-outs from behind the net.
a. Protect the puck on the backhand and do a quick turn to the forehand and shoot.
b. Walk out on the forehand then turn your back into the defender and shoot forehand.
c. Walk out on forehand then skull slide and shoot forehand.
d. Tight turn to the backhand behind net-walk out backhand and turn to the forehand and shoot.
e. Tight forehand turn behind the net then walk out on the Forehand and shoot.
B6 - Puck Protection Skills - Finland
This video clip is from our Monday practice when I was coaching college women. On Monday we did Role 1 - individual offensive skills. This is a circuit with moves at one end, a cross ice game in the middle with modified rules and Gaston had a skating technique group at the other end. After this practice we went to the gym and did spin class on the bikes or plyo's.
Tuesday we did Role 3 ind. defensive skills, Wednesday Role 2, team offensive skills and Thursday Role 4, team defensive skills. This enabled me to progress through the skills all season . It worked pretty well with a 71% winnig average over 5 years and in the finals all but one with 2 championships.
You will notice the girl's have trouble with the finer moves because most stick handle with the bottom hand dominant and hands too close to the body. Most of them are also too stiff in the upper body and have trouble shifting the weight and separating the movement of the upper and lower body. When you are teaching puck handling emphasis good mechanics early because it is very difficult to relearn this when you are a young adult.
B5 Puck Handling Moves All Around the Body
Key Points:
Make big moves, use fakes, keep your hands away from your body. The top hand does the finer moves and bottom hand slides up and down the stick in unison. Use all of the stick blade backhand and forehand. Hold the stick with the fingers and the little finger of the top hand makes small adjustments. Players mirror the moves the coach makes.
1.Yo-yo puck on the forehand and stick toe.
2.Toe drag puck across on the forehand.
3.Forehand toe drag + pull in, shift weight.
4.Circle in and out on the forehand.
5.Stick to skate and back all around body.
6.Back toe drag yo-yo then across body.
7.Circle the body with the puck and the stick.
8.Repeat all the moves skating around the zone and add escape moves like a tight turn and skating backward with the puck. 9.Players go full speed in chaos for 5".
B3 - Puck Handling Around the Body - Jim-College W
C3 - Breakout and Regroup Options - Sweden
Key Points:
Defense always skate when they get the puck and carry it in the triple threat position on the side. Force the fore checker to commit and then pass away from pressure.
1. Go - Dump in, shoulder check both ways fake and go.
2. Reverse – Drive skate behind the net and put it back off the boards to partner.
3. Wheel – Drive skate around the net and cut up ice near the post to protect the puck.
4. Bank – D to D off the boards behind the net.
5. Hinge – D to D who takes the puck wide then passes back to his D partner in the middle.
6. Switch – D1 to D2 then D1 crosses behind and gets a drop pass from D2 who crosses in front.
7. Double Pass - D1 to D2 and back to D1 and up to the F.
8. Regroups – F’s pass back to D who do the various D to D options and up to F’s then the middle D join the rush.
B3 - Advanced Moves from Finland
Key Points:
The idea of making moves is to force the defender to straighten his knees or lean one way while you go where he just came from. It is important to accelerate past the opponent so he can’t recover.
1. Fake a slapshot and skate to the forehand side then go around defender on the forehand side.
2. Three pylons:
A. Reach wide on the forehand and quickly across to the backhand.
B.Head and shoulder fakes.
C. Fake a sweepshot.
D. Fake a sweepshot and head fake to inside-go outside.
3. Skating down the boards:
A. Cut inside and flip the puck over the stick.
B.Yo-yo to the inside then cut inside with the Gretzky swerve.
C. Fake inside then put the puck between the legs and go outside.
D. Fake inside then a hard backhand spin and go outside.
4. Toe drag sequence:
A. yo-yo out in and out.
B. Yo-yo out- in and around the shot blocker.
DT - Transition Game Presentation
Key Points:
In a hockey game players are in constant transition from offense to defense to loose puck situations. On offense the player either has the puck or is supporting the puck carrier. On defense the player is either checking the puck carrier, double teaming or supporting away from the puck. Constant decisions have to be made concerning loose puck situations which happen about 30% of the time in a hockey game.
Transition games are the natural progression from game situation drills of 1-1 to 3-2. They simulate a real game situation because the player must go from offense to defense or from defense to offense and also battle for loose pucks.
Transition games only use ONE puck and there are no whistles during the play. This creates realistic situations that mimic the game. The games run themselves so the coach is free to isolate one individual or team play skill to focus on. Instead of stopping the game to give instruction the coach can talk with resting players to correct or compliment their performance.
This video gives an introduction to transition games.
Juhani Wahlsten (IIHF Hall of Fame Finnish Coach) and Vladimir Jusinov (IIHF Hall of Fame Russian coach, who are both former Olympic Team players) giving an on ice demonstration to coaches at a symposium in Europe.
Hockey Canada had Erkka Westerlund (Finnish pro coach, Olympic silver medal coach and former head of hockey development) prepare a video and book on Transition. It is worth ordering from them.
http://hockeycoachingabcs.com/mediagallery/media.php?f=0&sort=0&s=20090725194239373 is the video link.
What Actually Happens in a Hockey Game
Game Transitions from the IIHF World Championships
DT100, 1 - 1 Passive Support D Join Rush and F Backcheck-Juuso, Jursi
DT400 - 2 on 1 Yursi-Juuso IIHF
DT400 - 3 on 2 Jursi-Juuso IIHF
DT100 - 3 on 2 with Passive Support - Juuso, Yursi
NHL Players Training in Sweden
This is a Swedish show about some NHL players going to Sweden to train. There are a few interviews that are in english but the video shows the Swedes technique training and isolates the important skills.
The picture is from the 2005 World Championships in Austria. We were sitting by the players bench beside the Swedish Team. I have attached a pdf with diagrams from Joachim Holst of Sweden on puck handling skills.
DT400 1-1, 2-2, Support-Attack-Defend - College W
Key Points:
Defender play a tight gap and backckhecker back pressure the puck carrier to create a defensive 2 on1. Fight for rebounds. Defender tie up the stick of the attacker and attacker fight to keep stick free to shoot. Do from both sides of the ice.
1. Number 1 attack vs number 2 on both sides of the ice.
2. Number 3 support defender number 2 from the lineup.
3. Number 2 breakout with number 3.
4. Number 3 skate with the puck to either the red line or far blue line and then turn back and attack vs number 2.
5. Continue with number 3 attacking number 2 and getting support from numbe 4 at the front of the line.
DT400 1-1, 2-2, Support-Attack-Defend - College W
DT400 - Low Battles – Breakout and Pass to Playes behind Red Line 1-1 to 3-3 - College W
Key Points:
Transition happens when the defending team passes to their team mate at the red line. The players must go from offense to defense when the puck is turned over and can defend inside the blue line.
The College W example is an adaptation of the Perry Pearn rotation when the game is only at one end. I sometimes move the line up back to the far blue line and the defenders can be active when the puck crosses the red line.
1. Players line up behind the blueline in teams.
2. Offensive team attack from the red line.
3. The team tries to score.
4. The defending team must break out over the blue line then pass to their player behind the red line..
5. Continue this flow.
DT400 - Low Battles with a Pass to the Point 1-1 to 3-3 - College W
DT400 - Attack-Defend-Breakout with Three Nets 1-1 to 2-2 - College W
Key Points:
This is a variation of a previously posted transition game to show how you can use multiple nets.
Attacker make quick moves and go to the net. Defender play a tight gap and stay on the defensive side always. Backchecker come hard to create a defensive 2-1 and get open for a breakout pass. Goalie fight to find the puck if there is a screen.
This is a half or 2/3 ice transition game. It can be played 1-1 or 2-1 or 2-2. The defender gets support from the line in the nzone when the puck crosses the blueline. In this example there are 2 games at one end and one game at the other. It is a college women tryout and there are 3 goalies.
We progressed into a half ice transition game at each end from the Quick Up drill. The advanced group had 6 skaters and the lower group had 7 skaters.Goalie at each end.
DT400 - 2 on 2 Passive Support 6 Players
Key Points:
Players support from the top of the slot as if they are wingers and can steal the puck if the attackers go too high. Strong side support be on the boards and facing the passer and weak side cut across the ice giving a target
Create offensive 2 on 1's.
A. 1 and 2 attack vs 3 and 4.
B. 3 and 4 defend.
C. 5 and 6 follow and support from top of circles.
D. On a goal, frozen puck or transition 3 or 4 pass to 5 or 6.
E. 3 and 4 support defensive 1 and 2 from the top of the circles.
F. Option A. Repeat this rotation if only 6 players.
G. Option B. 7 and 8 support defense and 3 and 4 would rest. With 8 or more players have two teams.
DT400 - 2-2 Defenders Get Support - College W
DT400 2 on 2 Support from Point 6 Players
Key Points:
With the same group I rotated who the first 2 attacked against so they were attacking and defending different players. We did this last game which gave point support to the attackers. Lots of low play and fighting for net presence.
Practice began with 10 min. of individual skill work where the players chose what they wanted to work on. After the drills and transition games we played rebound and finished with a change on the go shootout race.
Attackers create 2 on 1's, get open, screen, give target. Defenders stay D side, box out and tie up sticks on rebounds.
Point players can't jump in and only get one second with the puck and can only make one D to D pass.
A. 1 and 2 attack vs 3 and 4.
B. 5 and 6 support attackers from point.
C. 5 and 6 can make one pass and only have the puck one second.
D. On goal, frozen puck or transition 3 and 4 regroup thru middle dot and attack vs 5 and 6.
E. Option A. 1 and 2 support attack from the point.
F. Option B. 7 and 8 support and 1 and 2 rest.
DT400 - 2-2 Defenders Get Support - College W
E1 10 Puck 1-0 and 2-0 Shootout - College W
Key Points:
Allow only one or maybe two passes before shooting. Place 10 pucks on the blue line or
less if you don't have much time.
1. Players are on the bench and can't leave until the scorers get within one stick length
of the gate.
2. Race back to the bench hard to simulate changing on the fly.
3. Next two players go and pick up another puck from he blue line.
4. Goalie can shoot the puck away but keep it in the zone.
5. Losing team do something like skate or push ups for each goal they lose by.
6. In the 1-0 game only allow 1 to 3 tries and if they don't score put the puck back on the blue line and race to the bench.
7. In the 2-0 game also play the variation that each player must score one goal. You can also require a certain kind of shot, tip in, rebound etc. for one or two of the goals.
E1 - Shootout Contest Below the Goal Line
Key Points:
Players must walk out from below the goal line with power moves. Protect the puck and shoot high on butterfly goalies, to the far post on stand ups or through the legs on either style. Another option on a wrap around is to jam it inside the near post before the goalie gets across the net.
1. Players line up in each corner. The coach could put a glove or cone to mark where they can walk out.
2. Players carry the puck and either walk out or wrap around to score.
3. Alternate corners.
4. The player gets 30” to score 4 goals.
5. Players who don’t score 4 goals must skate down and back.
6. If the goalie allows a certain number of players to score 4 goals then he skates down and back at the end of the contest.
7. Alternative is to go one player at a time from alternate corners and keep score.
E1 - Pass from Behind SO - U20
E1 Shootout Race 1 - U18 B
Key Points
Players must have one skate on the dot at the start. No hooking or tripping. Skate to get D side and get the puck. *This is a great contest for puck protection, battling, scoring and a good anaerobic conditioning exercise. Keep score with one colour vs the other.
1. Players are lined up behind the face of dots at each end.
2. A player from each team race for the puck which the coach puts on the middle dot.
3. Protect the puck and try to score vs backchecking opponent.
4. Another puck on the dot and repeat the other way.
E1 Shootout Race 1 - U18 B
Thanks Tom,
Here's one for the collection. We use it 2 v 0 more than 1 v 0. I have a few more that I just learned...will put them into diagrams soon and submit them.
E1 - 10 Puck Shootout Relay:
-Coaches have 10 pucks each
-Players skate around opposite net and come back to goal nearest their line.
-Both sides go at same time
-Players shoot, rebound, then pass to their line.
-Shots that miss net must be retrieved.
-New pucks handed out only after a goal
-First team to score 10 goals wins
-Can also be done 2 v 0
Dave, that is a good one and I will use it. Thanks for contributing.
T Teaching the Game on Ice
I have gone through the posting about how to teach the various playing roles during practice. This pdf combines the four game playing roles and various articles about what is important to coach and how to run effective teaching practices.
T is the code for on ice activities with a lot of instruction.
T1 - individual offensive skills.
T2 - team offensive skills.
T3 - individual defensive skills.
T4 - team defensive skills.
There are also some articles about evaluating play and how to organize the ice as well as drills and games from pro practices.
Here's another contest for end of practice. This one gets quite chaotic if you have a lot of players, and it's a lot of fun.
5 Puck Full Ice Race:
-Players take push-up position facing red line.
-Coach puts 5 pucks across red line
-On whistle teams race to score goals at opposite end
-First team to score 3 wins
-Players can defend own net too
-Only one shot at a time on goalie
-Goalie must be ready
Dave that is another good one. Last week I did a multi puck game and didn't remind them about only one shot at a time assuming they remembered that rule. They didn't. So it is important to remind them.
E1 - 2 v 0 Scoring Game:
-X1 & X2 race against 01 & 02 to score 2 goals
-After scoring the first, return to own line to get 2nd puck & regroup
-After scoring 2nd, sprint back across red line in direction of original line
-1st team to cross red line with 2 goals wins point
E1 - Stop & Start Scoring:
- Players have to score 2 goals to exit drill
- Skate to red stop, blue stop, break away
- After 1st shot get new puck from center
- After 2nd shot:
-If you scored twice head to bench & rest
-If you scored 1, back in line until you score 1 more
-If you scored 0, back in line until you score 2 more
E1 - 3 Puck Break Away Game:
- Players are on benches
- Coach puts 3 pucks each side of center circle
- After shooting:
-Scorer heads to bench, change on fly
-Non-scorer MUST return puck to center circle
-Once puck is in circle next player can leave
-First team to score 3 goals wins
E1 - Full Ice 2 v 0 Scoring Game:
-Play starts on whistle, both sides going at same time
-X1 & X2 race to score 2 goals vs O1 & O2
-After 1st goal X1 & X2 retrieve puck from far blue
-Both players must cross red line on regroup
-After 2nd goal players sprint back to cross red line
-First side to cross red line with 2 goals gets point
Great practice ideas Dman.
Any other coaches have some shootout or scoring contests?
T1-3 Skills to Attack and Defend in Low Zone - Pro
Key Points:
Attacker protect the puck by making tight turns and shielding it with the body. Defender maintain net side and stick on the puck.
1. Coach dump the puck into the corner.
2. Offensive player protect the puck for 5".
3. Defensive player stay net side with stick on the puck.
5. On the whistle attacker try to score.
6. Alternate corners.
T1 - C6 - Protect Puck on Wall - Pro
T1 - A500 - Puck Control and Protection Circuit – Pro
T1 - 1-1 Board Battle – Prospects
T1 - D Puck Protection 1-1 - Shot x 2 - Pro
T1 - Low Cut Backs - Walk In or Out - Prospects
T1 - Protect Puck in Corner-Go to Net-Prospect
T1-Cut Back in Corner Instruction-Prospects
T1-Protect Puck in Corner-Cutback-Go to Net-Prospects
T1-Take Rim-Coach Pressure-Go to Net-Prospects
T1-Walk in from Corner-Box Out-Spin-Shoot - Prospects 2
T1-3 - High and Low Cutbacks 1-1 - Russian U20
T3 - B6 Defending Player Below Goal Line - Pro
T3 - F Angle Along Boards - Stick on Stick - Pro
T3 - B6 - Hip to hip Angling x 4 – Pro
T3 - Stick on Stick – Pro
T3 - Angle - Shoot - Carry up Boards – Pro
T3 - C6 - 1-1 from Corner - 1-1 from High Slot – Pro
T3 - B6 Defending Player Below Goal Line – Pro
T3-C6 - Low 1-1 to 2-1 to 2-2 Battle – Pro
D9 - MRC Cougar Hockey School on Ice Organization.
We divided the ice using rink pads. Most of the time we divided into 4 areas with 2 nets at each. Sometimes the pads were down the middle and it gave 2 full length areas. The video had Gaston teaching little kids skating using balls and pucks to get the feel of weight transfer. John C with game reading skills playing vs 2 nets at once. I teach some skills and have the instructors demo. This is sad to see because the little blonde instructor in the grey sweats was killed in a car accident last winter.
The idea is to teach a skill with demo and drills and then put the skill or team play concept into a skill game, game reading game or transition game situation.
There is a lot of room on the ice if the coaches use their imagination. There are 35-40 kid's on the ice in this video.
D9 - 4 Teams x 4 Nets – SAG Variation
DT100 Continuous 2-1- 85er's
This is an 85 born team with Mason Raymond and Jeremy Colliton, who played in the NHL, Mason played in the 2018 Olympics and Jeremy now coaches. Ryan Duncan who won the Hobey Baker is also one of the players. Others like Aaron Lee had good pro careers in the minors and in Europe. All but one of these boy's played at least Jr. A. Many major jr. and many NCAA Div. 1.
I get chocked up thinking about these kid's because of what happened after the last tournament we played in Vancouver. I started to go around the room and shake their hands to say goodbye and good luck. Instead of shaking hands the first boy got up and hugged me and my assistant coaches and then the whole team did the same thing.
Great memory.
Key Points:
New players don't leave the line-up until the puck enters the offensive zone.
On dump outs no one change but go back and regroup with the same players. Changes occur when the puck is over the offensive blue line or controlled over the defensive blue line.
1. Attack 2-1 with D getting support from 2 F's and F's from one D.
2. Defending F1 support low to make it a 2-2 and F2 cover the point.
3. New offensive D join and play point.
4. On transition attack 2-1 thru nzone.
5. Continue flow with new O and D support.
-Continue the flow of 2-1 in nzone and 3-3 at each end.
-Dump-ins and regroups can be added.
DT100 - Continuous 1-1 - 85er's
Key Points:
New players don't leave the line-up until the puck enters the offensive zone.
On dump outs no one change but go back and regroup with the same players. Changes occur when the puck is over the offensive blue line or controlled over the defensive blue line.
1. Attack 1-1 with D getting support from 1 F and F from one D.
2. Defending F1 cover the point.
3. New offensive D join and play point.
4. On transition attack 1-1 thru nzone.
5. Continue flow with new O and D support.
-Continue the flow of 1-1 in nzone and 2-2 at each end.
-Dump-ins and regroups can be added.
- Youth teams usually have 4 to 6 defenseman, so do this once and then add players to improve the W/R ratio. 1-1 to 2-2, 2-1 to 3-3, 3-1 to 4-4, 2-2 to 4-4, 3-2 to 5-5. Also 1-2 to 3-3 and 2-3 to 5-5. Other options are to have the D join, or F join, or both a F and D join the next rush.
Here's really simple read and react drill for D.
Kai, I really like the phrase peak-deke-turn. Tom
DT400 Attack-Defend-Breakout-Rest – U.S. College Players
Key Points:
The defenders have to clear the zone with control of the puck. With situations over a 3 on 3 I would move the resting players back to the far blue line. Left handed player in black sweats and hat is Dany Heatley just after he won NHL Rookie of the Year.
1. Players line up within a stick length of the red line if you have 2 groups or only ½ ice; otherwise behind the red or far blue line.
2. Three players attack three defenders.
3. Defenders must carry the puck out of the zone before passing to team waiting team mates.
4. Three new players attack vs the original offensive players.
5. Keep score, implement skill (only forehand passes) or team play rules (goals originate from below the goal line).
DT400 Attack-Defend-Breakout-Rest – U.S. College Players
DT100 Continuous 2 on 2 to 4 on 4 - U18 M-F
Key Points:
Forwards cover D and D cover F's. One D should join the attack to create triangles. Defenders play tight gaps and attackers create 2 on 1's on the rush.
1. Forwards line up on one side and defense on the other.
2. Start with a 2 on 2 attack F1 and F2 vs D1 and D2.
3. When the puck enters the zone defensive F1 and F2 support D and attacking team D1 and D2 support F's.
4. Play 4 on 4 in the zone.
5. If the puck is dumped out with no possession the offensive team regroup and attack again.
6. The supporting players who joined the play now go 2 on 2 in the other direction.
7. F2 - F3 support D1 and D2 and D3 and D4 support attacking F1 and F2.
DT100 2-2 to 4-4 - No Positions - U18 F
DT 400 Game of Quick Transition with Attack-Defend-Rest Rotation - Mike Johnston
Key Points:
Mike Johnston demonstrates a quick 3 on 3 transition game. It is similar to the Perry Pearn game but the emphasis is on quick transition and the offside rule and gaining the blue line first isn't stressed. This rotation can be used from 1-1, 1-2, 2-2. 3-2, 2-3 3-3, 4-3, 3-4, 4o-5, 5-4, 5-5, 6-5 to practice team play, especially if you have 15 or less skaters.
Mike explains the benefits of using transition games and suggests that only two colours be used at practice to enable more game like drills and games. Put half the D and half the F in one colour each. You can have more than two groups per team.
1. Players line up behind the red line with the defending team at the front of the line. Use two colours, i.e. white and blue.
2. Three whites attack vs. Three blue defenders.
3. After a goal, a puck frozen by the goalie or the defense gains possession pass to blue team mates at the red line.
4. Original white attackers defend vs the three new blue players and the original three blue defenders rest at the back of the line.
*This is a great rotation to practice team play.
The coach can change where the resting players line up and use the same rotation. The closer they are the quicker the transition, i.e. line up at the top of the circles. If the coach wants neutral zone play then move the line up back to the other end of the ice or behind the far blue line. Waiting at the red line allows the original attackers time to close the gap when they go onto defense.
It all depends on what the coach is trying to accomplish in this transition game rotation.
DT400 - 2-2 Game of Quick Transition – U15 G
T4 - C6 - 1-2 - 2-3 in Corner - U18 M
Key Points:
Defenders must communicate who is covering who. Close quickly pm the attacker. Defender toe caps always face the attackers. Lead with the stick and stay defensive side.
T4 - C6 - 1-2 in Corner - U18 M
1. Spot one puck in the corner and one attacker ppick up the puck.
2. D1 quickly close and check attacker.
F1 support behind D1 ready to pick up a loose puck or defend if D1 is beat.
T4 - C6 - 2-3 in Corner - U18 M
1. Two attackers get the puck in the corner.
2. D1 check puck carrier and F1 support behind a stick length away from offensive F2.
3. If F1 passes to F2 then defensive F1 close and D1 fall back to a stick length from F1.
4. D2 support from inside the circle ready to defend.
T4 - C6 - 1-2 in Corner - U18 M
T4 - C6 - 2-3 in Corner - U18 M
A2 - Inside Edge - Head and Shoulder Fake - U17 M
Key Points:
Coach give instructions and two players leave working on both edges, change of direction with head and shoulder fakes.
1. Flat footed skating, no puck, push with inside edges and look each way.
2. Alternate legs weaving down the ice with the inside edge.
3. Same alternating legs but do a fake and quickly go onto the other leg.
4. Two footed skating cross the outside leg behind.
5. Cross outside leg behind then push hard.
6. Glide on inside edge then quickly change directions with cross overs.
7. Same but stick fake one way then quickly bring the stick across the body.
A2 - Inside Edge - Head and Shoulder Fake - U17 M
Hockey Coaching ABCs - Forum