Subject: Daily Drill Section Eleven

Posted on: July 24 2012 @ 05:55 PM
By: TomM


The new season is almost upon us so I will start a new section. Number ten is getting a little too big.


DT100 Continuous 2-2 With Tag-up – Pro

Posted on: July 24 2012 @ 05:58 PM
By: TomM


DT100 Continuous 2-2 With Tag-up – Pro

Key Points:
Allow the attackers to cross the red line and tag up at the blue line then follow the ploy so that there is a 2 on 2 attack first before it becomes a 4 on 4. I like the D on one side and F on the other to make it easier to talk with them. Leaving from each side also works.

1. Start with a 2 on 2 attack. BF1 and BF2 vs RD1 and RD2.
2. RF1 and RF2 and BD1 and BD2 support the play from the lineup - tag up at blue line and follow the play into the zone..
3. Play 4-4 in the zone.
4. On transition or after a goal or frozen puck RF1 and RF2 attack BD1 and BD2.

*This rotation can be done from 1-1 to 3-2. Dump ins and regroups can be added

DT400 - 2-2 One Joker Below Hash - Pro

Posted on: July 29 2012 @ 01:30 PM
By: TomM


DT400 2-2 One Joker Below Hash - Pro

Key Points:
This game focuses on Role 2 - getting open and Role 4 - covering away from the puck. The joker shoulld focus on facing the play and seeing the ice. Other players continuously battle for the inside position. Attackers give a target and defenders good sticks.

1. Play inside top of the circles in one or both ends of the ice with both teams shooting on the same net.
2. To transition to offense you must pass to the joker.
3. Joker passes back to the team that he got a pass from.
4. Joker can move anywhere below the dots.
5. Players change on their own.
6. Coach put in a new puck on a goal or if the puck is shot out of the zone.
7. Keep score-have tournaments, modify rules to focus on skills or good habits.
8. The joker can wear a different colour or rotate jokers.

B4 - Regroup 2-0 x 2 - Pro

Posted on: August 02 2012 @ 01:58 PM
By: TomM


B4 - Regroup 2-0 x 2 - Pro

Key Points:

This drill works on the wide hinge, giving targets, pass to the middle, wide entry and middle drive. Everything should be done as quickly as possible with good habits like stopping at the net for rebounds.


1. Start with the players in the middle circle with red on one going one way and blue the other.
2. Two D from each team start at the blue line.
3. F1 pass to D1 who skates to the middle and passes to D2 who has hinged wide and up.
4. D2 pass to F1 in the middle. D return to the middle circle.
5. F1 pass to F2 who enters the zone in the wide lane.
6. F2 shoot and both forwards look for a rebound.
7. This drill is done from each end.

* The coach could add tasks like Red F1 defend a 2-1 vs. the Blue F1 and F2 coming the other lane or skills like F2 shoot low to the far pad while F1 goes for the rebound.

DT100 - Continuous Game of 2 on 2 With Regroup - Pro

Posted on: August 05 2012 @ 02:41 PM
By: TomM


DT100 - Continuous Game of 2 on 2 With Regroup - Pro

Key Points:
Allow the attackers to cross the far blue line before leaving so that there is a 2 on 2 attack first before it becomes a 4 on 4. I like the D on one side and F on the other to make it easier to talk with them. Leaving from each side also works.

1. Start with a 2 on 2 attack. BF1 and BF2 vs RD1 and RD2.
2. RF1 and RF2 and BD1 and BD2 support the play from the lineup.
3. On whistle forwards regroup with the D in the neutral zone.
4. Play 4-4 in the zone.
5. On transition or after a goal or frozen puck RF1 and RF2 attack BD1 and BD2.

*This rotation can be done from 1-1 to 3-2. Dump ins to work on the breakout and forecheck can be added

Continue this flow. The coach doesn’t always blow the whistle so the defenders must be alert.

D200 - Keepaway U22 W

Posted on: August 06 2012 @ 02:06 PM
By: TomM


D200 - Keepaway U22 W

Key Points:

Role One - the player with the puck must protect it and skate to open ice.
Role Two - player without the puck must get open and give a target.
Role Three - player checking the puck carrier must have the stick on the puck and in the passing lane.
Role Four - player away from the puck must see the puck and the player they are covering. Stick in the passing lane and body on the defensive side.


1. Players line up on both blue lines. Two players from each team play keepaway in the neutral zone. They pass to each other or to the same colour on the blue line.

2. Keep score with a point for making 5 or 7 consecutive passes.

3. Rotate in from one end of the line every 30 seconds.

4. Variation is to focus on skills such as: only forehand passes, backhand, skating backwards, one on foot, sticks the wrong way, one hand only on the stick, pivot before passing, skates on the ice and skull, etc.

A2 - Crossover Basics - 5 Circles - Jasper - Gaston

Posted on: August 09 2012 @ 03:48 PM
By: TomM


A2 - Crossover Basics - 5 Circles - Jasper - Gaston

Key Points:
Skate around the five circles and change direction each circle. Upper body rotate in when skating forward.

1. Start in the corner and skate around all five circles.
2. Forward, backward and alternating directions are possible.
3. Send between 3-5 players at a time.
4. Add carrying a puck.

F-A3 - Skating and Goalie Warmup-Slovakia - U20

Posted on: August 10 2012 @ 02:12 PM
By: TomM


F-A3 - Skating and Goalie Warmup-Slovakia - U20

Key Points:

Skate with long strides to warm-up before practice and conditioning at the end. Skate forward and backward. To warm-up the goalie the coach shoots at the four corners and five hole.


1. Skate in four five man units so it is a 1 effort to 3 rest ratio.

2. Warm-up skating with long strides from the red line, behind the net to the red line.

3. End practice with everyone skating around the coaches in four groups.

4. Skate forward from the corner around the coach and then pivot to backward skating around the other coach and back to forward two laps.

5. Coaches move every rep so the ice doesn’t get broken and ruined for the next practice.

A3 - Figure Skater Edges and Balance Warm-up

Posted on: August 11 2012 @ 02:30 PM
By: TomM


A3 - Figure Skater Edges and Balance Warm-up

While the National Teams are practicin there are also elite figure skaters at the COP complex with it's four rinks. These figure skaters are doing a lot of the same balance and edges exercises as the hockey players. Notice how efficient their movement is. I took some video and then gave my camera to someone else and I am the guy in the grey outfit that comes on the last 30 seconds.

Key Points:
Skate forward and backward pivoting each way. Skate on all of the edges with good posture.

1-forward stride.

2-backward stride.

3-crossovers forward and backward.

4-inside edges.

5-outside edges.

Gaston Schaeffer incorporates these exercises in the skating warm up at our camps and with our teams.

A2 - Edges and Balance Warm up - Gaston – Jasper.

A2 - Choctaw and Tight Turns - Dr. Gaston Schaeffer

Posted on: August 13 2012 @ 01:54 PM
By: TomM


A2 - Choctaw and Tight Turns - Dr. Gaston Schaeffer

Key Points:
Skate front to back on an arc using the Choctaw pivot and then do a tight turn each way before going to the next dot.


1. Leave skating forward from behind the goal line.

2. Before each dot do this sequence.

3. Chocktow pivot front to back.

4. Open up facing forward and turn.

5. Tight turn one way.

6. Tight turn the other direction.

7. Alternate which side you do the first Choctaw turn.

Demonstration of the Choctaw front to back pivot.

Gaston Teaches Chotawc

G-Crease Skating - Goalie Camp

Posted on: August 15 2012 @ 02:06 PM
By: TomM


Goalies now go to their own camps and practice the movement and techniques. Here is a clip from a camp in Calgary. There were 3 groups of 30 goalies each. There are more youth hockey goalies at this camp than there are in many of the hockey playing nations.
G-Crease Skating - Goalie Camp

G - Goalie Training Method - Kazakstan W

Posted on: August 17 2012 @ 12:18 PM
By: TomM


G - Goalie Training Method - Kazakstan W

This is a video clip of various training methods used with goalies in Kazakstan. They are a part of the former Soviet Union and there is a big Russian influence in the coaching.

A300 - Skating and Skill Circuit - U18 W

Posted on: August 18 2012 @ 02:08 PM
By: TomM


A300 - Skating and Skill Circuit U18 W

Key Points:
Players move from station to station and do skating, shooting and puck protection skills.

1. Puck protection then walk-in, pass and shoot. Passive resistance.

2. Bungie cord skate and shoot.

3. Skip on one leg and alternate legs.

4. Pull partner across the ice on one leg.

5. Move balls to opposite pylons.

A2 - Skating Agility-Balance-Power-Coordination Circuit - U18 Camp

Posted on: August 19 2012 @ 05:36 PM
By: TomM


A2 - Skating Agility-Balance-Power-Coordination Circuit - U18 WCamp

Key Points:
Focus on good technique with the weight over the middle of the blade and using as much blade on the ice as possible. Use the Chocktow Turn in the front to back pivots and cut small S’s while on one foot.


The players rotated through these stations.

1. One leg skating while being pulled to the side with a rope.

2. Pull a partner who holds onto a strap and gives resistance.

3. Triangle agility skate with stop and turn.

4. Goalie crease skating.

5. Front to back pivots each way. (Choctaw should be learned)

A2 Skating Agility-Power-Balance U18

A2 Crossover-Pivots-Balance U18

A2 Partner Pull U18

A2 Pivot Front to Back and Goalie Crease Skating U18

A2 Triangle Pivot U18

D400 - 3-2 on 2 Nets x 2 U16 - Boys

Posted on: August 21 2012 @ 04:35 PM
By: TomM


D400 3-2 on 2 Nets x 2 U16 Boys

Key Points:
Forwards face the puck at all times and be ready for a pass. Defense skate back and forth and keep a close gap on the forwards before they attack.

1. There are two nets on the goal line.
2. Three forwards pass the puck in the neutral zone while two defense skate forward and back from the blue line to the top of the circle maintaining speed and gap control.
3. On the whistle the forwards attack vs. the two defenders.
4. Forwards can score on either net.
5. Keep score.

This game can be done at either one or both ends.

C1-C600 - 1 on 1 - U16 Boys

Posted on: August 22 2012 @ 02:01 PM
By: TomM


C1-C600 - 1 on 1 - U16 Boys

Key Points:
Defender should close the gap using lateral and back skating keeping the stick on the puck and defensive side. Attacker use moves and fakes but skate at full speed and protect the puck always when within a stick length of the defender.

1. Defense line up inside the middle circle in C1 formation.
2. Forwards line up at the four blue lines on the boards in B600 formation. White forwards get a pass from the white D and attack vs. the blue D.
3. Start with D1 at each end one touch passing back and forth with D2 at the front of each line.
4. F1 skate into the neutral zone and post up for a regroup pass from their D1 on each side.
5. After passing each D1 defends on the other side vs. the opposite team F1.
6. Finish the play with D1 maintaining D side and taking F1’s stick and F1 fighting for a rebound.

*A good habit to install is have D1 pass to a forward at the back of the line on either side, or a coach if he regains the puck. This gets them used to finishing the play.

B202 - Chaos Passing - Kazakhstan W

Posted on: August 23 2012 @ 03:50 PM
By: TomM


B202 - Chaos Passing - Kazakhstan W

Key Points:
Chaos develops split vision and the drill demands that the players pass while skating. Always face the puck and give a target with the stick on the ice.

1. Half the players line up along the blue lines while the others skate with a puck in the neutral zone and pass to the players on the blue line.
2. Move all around and not just in a circle.
3. Alternate passing to players on one side and then the other blue line.

Tasks like skating moves or types of passes can be added as well as bursts of speed or passing to one line and then the other or passing to each player. Knocking the puck off other players sticks can also be added to create puck protection skills.

B2 - Shooting Defense Rotate High - RB Pro

Posted on: August 24 2012 @ 02:53 PM
By: TomM


B2 - Shooting Defense Rotate High - RB Pro

Key Points:
Face up ice all of the time. Cross and leave. Hit the net. Quick feet.

1. D are lined up near the blue line with pylons and pucks on each side.

2. R1 skate forward for a puck and then around the pylon.

3. B1 skate around the pylon and behind R1.

4. R1 drop the puck to B1 who Shoots.

5. B1 gets a new puck and skates around the pylon while R1 skate around opposite pylon.

6. B1 drop to R1 who shoots.

7. R2 and B2 repeat on the side with B2 starting.

B2 - Defenseman One Timers - RB Pro

Posted on: August 25 2012 @ 03:08 PM
By: TomM


B2 - Defenseman One Timers - RB Pro

Key Points:

Start with easy soft passes to the wheelhouse and then give hard passes within reach that the player must adjust to. Either the coach or players can do the passing. With the players passing rotate to shooter after passing.


1. Pucks are in the middle near the blue line.

2. Coach or a player pass to a player who takes a one timer.

3. Keys are:

4. a. Windup - stick back early,
b. Force Production – bottom arm is straight and body rotate to the target.
c. Crucial instant (contact) - energy to a few inches, cm. behind the puck. Maintain contact with the ice as long as possible allowing the shaft of the stick to bend then project the puck.
d. Front knee and stick blade point to the net.

*Players can rotate pass-replace shooter-repeat the other side or else pass about 5 pucks in a row and then rotate.

B4 - 2-0 - Continuous Decision Making Breakout - U22 CW

Posted on: August 28 2012 @ 07:58 PM
By: TomM


B4 - 2-0 - Continuous Decision Making Breakout - U22 CW

Key Points:

Give support on the wall and in the middle lane. On the wall face the puck and in the middle skate laterally giving the stick and skates as a target and be about a stride behind the movement of the player making the breakout pass. Player on the wall stay there unless the middle player crosses into your lane.


1. Players line up in the middle in the C1 formation with pucks at each end in the far corner.
2. Player two leave from each end and time getting open on the wall for a breakout pass from player one.
3. Player two shoot at the far end.
4. Player one make the breakout pass and then circle back to support the next breakout from the middle.
5. Player two shoot and get a new puck behind the net and make a breakout pass to either player one or player three who has left from the line-up in the middle.
6. The coach or else the player who wasn’t passed to cover one of the forwards breaking out and force the player making the pass to recongnize who is open for the pass.

F - D100 Two 1 on 1 Games at Once – U16 B

Posted on: August 30 2012 @ 01:20 PM
By: TomM


F - D100 Two 1 on 1 Games at Once – U16 B

Key Points:
One coach should watch that the players won’t collide. It is important to look behind and for the player with the puck to skate away from oncoming players. This is a great game for 1-1 and conditioning.

1. Players line up along the boards one group on each side of the red stripe.
2. One player of each team leave every 15”.
3. Coach blow whistle each 15” and players play for 2 whistles (30”)
4. Pass to a teammate when the second whistle blows.
5. Only two pucks on the ice and get the puck out of the net after a goal.
6. After scoring touch the red line before defending.
7. Keep score.

A200 Big Moves _ Russian Warm-up - Yashin

Posted on: August 30 2012 @ 02:16 PM
By: TomM


A200 Big Moves _ Russian Warm-up - Yashin

This is a great 18 minute video with Yashin in his prime and then Finnish pro's leading the hockey school kid's in the Russian puck handling routine. Jursinov developed this routine to separate the movement of the upper and lower body, to loosen the shoulders and create big moves. Probably the easiest and best thing you can do to help players improve their puck handling skills. They can do it alone when they are at home or when they step on the ice.

Key Points:
Increase the size of the moves by reaching as far as possible with the puck. Separate the movement of the upper and lower body by skating away from the puck. Players must be able to handle the puck under control around and through their body.


- Reach each way only with the top hand.
- Skate away from the puck. Skate right reach left and skate left and reach right.
- Reach as far forward and back as you can using the top hand.
-Put the puck from the stick to inside and outside edges back to the stick.
-Move puck from behind to front through skate forehand and backhand.
-Escape moves backward with the puck and tight turns each way.
-Fake a shot and go left then right. Spin on backhand.
-Touch each knee while skating.
- Yo-yo the puck give it and take it away.
- Toe drag fake inside and pull the puck back while sliding back.
- Bring the puck from behind to in front through the skates on forehand.
- Bring the puck from behind to in front through the skates on backhand.
- Skate fake inside and go outside.
- Head and shoulder fakes,
- Exaggerate reaching back to front on each side.
- Turn with the puck.
- Quick lateral three strides on way then the other.

Video with Vladimir Jursinov teaching a puckhandling sequence to the U17-U20 morning skills group with a few pro players as well.

Puck Handling - Finland

A3 - Finnish on ice Puckhandling Skills

A200 Puck Handling Circuit - Finland

A300 - Advanced Puck Handling from Finland

A300 - Advanced Moves Finland -2

A300 - Advanced Puck Handling from Finland - 3

B - Puck Protection and Escape Moves - Finland

Latest and Greatest Ideas for Effective Puck Protection and Scoring.

T1 - Puck Fakes Using Edges

T1 - Puck Protection-Catch and Release Shot

C5 - 1-1 - 2-2 Battles - Kazakhstan W

Posted on: August 31 2012 @ 03:13 PM
By: TomM


C5 - 1-1 - 2-2 Battles - Kazakhstan W

Key Points:
Battle hard for the puck and go into the corner on an angle. Bump on the way in to get inside body position. Use fakes and cutbacks along the boards and protect the puck. Keep the feet moving.

1. Players line up in the middle near the blue line.
2. Coach dumps the puck in and the first two players race for possession.
3. First player on the puck try to score and second player defend.
4. If defender gets the puck they can score also.
5. Progress to a 2-2 with the second player on each team giving support. Play man on man defense and create 2-1’s on offense.

C1 - 1-1 - 2-2 Battles - Kazakhstan W

A200 - Russians Big Moves Puck Handling and Passing Skills Warm-up - Various Groups

Posted on: September 01 2012 @ 12:16 AM
By: TomM


A200 - Russians Big Moves Puck Handling and Passing Skills Warm-up - Various Groups

This is a pdf of the Russians Big Moves Puck Handling and Passing Skills Warm-up. It is a routine that the players do all season and all career to practice the skills for handling the puck and skating.

I posted the warm-up a few topics above this and these are the exercises plus a few more. The link for Yashin doing the exercises and then Finnish pro's leading a hockey school group during Juuso's hockey school in Mikkelli, Finland is reposted below.

A200 - Skating and Puck Handling - Yashin and Finnish HS

A200 Big Moves _ Russian Warm-up

A200 Russian Olympic Coach Teaches Puck Handling

A200 - Big Moves Led by 3 Players – Jasper Camp

G - B600 Goalie Pass and 1-0 - U22 CW

Posted on: September 03 2012 @ 04:38 PM
By: TomM


G - B600 Goalie Pass and 1-0 - U22 CW

Key Points:
Hit the net so the goalie can make the save and then make a breakout pass. Give good targets on the wall and time with the other side so goalies have time to pass between shots.

1. Red 1 and Blue 1 leave toward far end.
2. Goalie at each end pass to 2 on boards.
3. Blue 2 pass to Red 1 and Red 2 pass to Blue 1.
4. Blue and Red 2's skate to the other end for a breakout pass.
5. Blue and Red 1's shoot on net from top of circles.
6, Red 3 pass to Blue 2 and Blue 3 pass to Red 2.
7. Continue rotation and then switch side after a few minutes.

D2 - Hand Soccer - U18 W

Posted on: September 04 2012 @ 01:56 PM
By: TomM


D2 - Hand Soccer - U18 CW

Key Points:
Bend the knees and keep the head up in a strong hockey skating position. Use this game as a warm-up or the first game in a cross ice tournament.

1. Nets across from each other in one zone.
2. Use soccer footballs or pucks.
3. Have one ball or puck for every 6 players.
4. Only one shooter at a time - no empty net goals count.
5. Use this game as a warm-up and stress good skating posture.
6. Keep score.

T4 - Teaching Total Hockey in the Defensive Zone

Posted on: September 05 2012 @ 03:18 PM
By: TomM


We are in the first stages of organizing our team. I always start off with Team Play first to give a template to how we play and then we fill in the details with skill and technique drills. We did defensive zone coverage for Total Hockey - no positions once the puck drops. Everyone has a Home Position where they start on the face-off but after that it is a Read and React Game. Players home position is where they play best and most of the time they are filling that role but if a D is one of the first three players up the ice they must attack with a middle drive and a forward must cover and know how to play as one of the last two players back and have the skill set to do it.
I will try to get a video of this teaching sequence later in the season. We had a group of ten skaters at each end with different colours on.

T4 - Teaching Total Hockey in the Defensive Zone

Key Points:
The game is played 1-2-3-4-5. Players must have the skill to count to 5 and recognize where they are on the ice in relation to teammates and the zone they are in.

A. Players line up and enter the defensive zone calling out their number.

- The coach places the puck in various areas.
- Progress to all leaving in random order and calling out their number and going to that area.

B. Offensive and defensive player skate from the blue to the red line while the coach shoots the puck in.
- Players go to defensive responsibilities 1-2-3-4-5 in a combined man to man zone defense of ONE on and a BOX BEHIND.
-Blue try to score and Red defend and pass to coach on turnover.
- Alternate between attacking and defending.

T4 - Low 2-2 - Backtrack to 5-5 – Pro

T4 Defensive Zone Coverage 1-1, 2-1, 2-2, 3-2, 3-5 – Pro

T4 – Defensive Zone Walk Through - RG 5-5 – Pro

A200 Russian Puck Handling – Fake Shots and Finnish with a Shot - U17-20 RB

Posted on: September 06 2012 @ 02:17 PM
By: TomM


A200 Russian Puck Handling – Fake Shots and Finnish with a Shot - U17-20 RB

Key Points:
The idea of stick handling is to protect the puck from the opponent or to make him/her reach or straighten their knees and then go around them. Vladimir Jursinov is probably the most successful skills coach in the world. This Soviet and Russian Olympic coach has helped more than 65 players into the NHL from his teams. He leads a group of 15-20 years olds in a fake shot sequence.

Players are in four lines and do multiple fake shots and moves, then finish with a shot.
. Practice Faking a slapshot with a hard back swing.
. Fake a slapshot and go around opponent on the backhand side.
. Fake a slapshot and go around opponent on the forehand side.
. Fake a slapshot and then do a backhand tight turn around opponent.
. Fake a slapshot and reach out like you are going around the opponent on your forehand and then pull the puck quickly to your backhand and go around opponent.

DT400 - 1-1 - 2-2 - Support-Attack-Defend - College W

Posted on: September 06 2012 @ 02:59 PM
By: TomM


DT400 - 1-1 - 2-2 - Support-Attack-Defend - College W

Key Points:

Defending player stay on the defensive side. Supporitng player give a target for the pass and get into an open lane.


1.F1 attack D1 at each end.
2. Players line up on the boards with the first player in line D1 supporting the defense.
3. The coach can determine whether the supporting defender is passive or active.
4. On a turnover or a goal the breakout pass is made to the supporting defender from D1 to F2..
5. Carry the puck to the red line or if the team has a full ice practice, carry the puck to the far blue line.
6. F2 Attack vs. the original attacker F1.

T2-4 - 5-0 - BO 3v2 Attack - Erkka

Posted on: September 06 2012 @ 05:09 PM
By: trtaylor


T2-4 - 5-0 - BO 3v2 Attack - Erkka

Here is a drill taken from Erkka's transition booklet which we ran at last night's half ice practice. Our team is a USA Hockey Pee Wee B level team (U12's).
T Taylor


1. We have our team divided, half in white jerseys and half in black.
2. We have four defensemen, who wore yellow pinnies for this drill.
3. The team is divided in half and placed on the boards at the top of the blue line.
4. The D is in the front of the line and shoot the puck behind the net.
5. Two D and three F enter zone and breakout as one team.
6. The three F regroup in the neutral zone and attack 3v2

Rules we used:

1. All players must touch the puck on the breakout
2. All F must pass within 3 seconds (or shoot after all have touched the puck)
3. If goalie traps the puck, breakout 5v0 again.
4. If score within 60 seconds coach throws in another puck.

C3 Breakout Regroup Attack 3-2 - RB Pro

D100 - Specialty Team Scrimmage - Player in Neutral Zone

Posted on: September 10 2012 @ 04:23 PM
By: TomM


D100 - Specialty Team Scrimmage - Player in Neutral Zone

Key Points:
This is a game from our book. I use the games all of the time but since this site is meant to update the ABC manual I haven't posted it. It is a very good way to practice specialty teams especially if you have less that 4 sets of 5. You can create any even or odd numbered situation at each end of the ice.

In order to create the various situations that happen in a hockey game, play 5-on-5 and have players from one or both teams wait in the neutral zone. Extra players are on the bench.


In order to create the various situations that happen in a hockey game, play 5-on-5 and have players wait in the neutral zone.
- 5-4 last forward back stay in nzone.
- 5-3 last two F or one F and one D stay.
- 4-4 one from each team in nzone.
- 4-3 one attacker and two defenders stay.
- 3-3 two from each team.
Practice the stretch pass and player coming out of the penalty box by passing to the player in the neutral zone.
Have players change on their own or if you have at least 20 skaters use the whistle. This can be a free flow or controlled scrimmage.

D100 - PP Game 5-4 each end - U15 G

A3 - Skating Edges and Balance Warm-up - Kazakstan W

Posted on: September 11 2012 @ 02:28 PM
By: TomM


This is the same warm-up that the Korean teams I coached for many summers used. They brought in many Russian coaches and Kazakstan used to be part of the Soviet Union; so I am sure this routine is a standard part of Russian practices. I didn't get the entire routine on video but I know the idea is to use all of the edges, heel to heel, etc. and be in good skating posture. It is a good way to develop solid technique. Don't use the big 8 when going full speed or with huge groups that overlap.

A3 - Skating Edges and Balance Warm-up - Kazakstan W

Key Points:
Skate forward, backward, pivot, Good to just go around when backward. Full speed 8's can be dangerous. A guy I play with collided with his best friend doing the big 8 and his friend died as a result of hitting his head on the ice.

1. Player lead or the coach call out the technique.
2. Skate forward and backward.
3. Striding, crossovers, transition forward to backward, backward to forward.
4. Side to side smooth transition.

A3 Skating Warm-up Kazakhstan W

DT4 - Each Team Pass to Joker at Point - U18 F

Posted on: September 14 2012 @ 02:00 PM
By: TomM


DT4 - Each Team Pass to Joker at Point - U18 F

We did this one zone transition game and started with the rule that each team must have two jokers play the point. Before you could score you have to pass to the point. The jokers could check the opposition joker. We progressed to the rule that all goals had to come from point plays. This really caused the jokers to move so they could get the shot or shot pass through.

Key Points
Each team has one or two jokers at the point. Introduce the game allowing jokers to check jokers. This is a great game to practice getting the shot through under pressure.
The jokers at the point must get open and take a shot or make a pass. The defender practices covering the point. Low players get open and defenders cover man to man.

Each team has one or two jokers at the point.
1. When defenders regain puck they must pass to the point to go on offense.
2. Jokers can shoot or pass.
3. Jokers can check the opponents Joker.

E1 Two Goal Relay Race- U18 F

Posted on: September 15 2012 @ 02:30 PM
By: TomM


This is the same setup as another 2-0 shootout game. The difference is there are no whistles but instead it is a timed relay race. Count the number of goals in a certain time. Last night we counted the goals in 5 minutes. We had 3 goalies so they got a break. Two goalies it might be a 3 minute game. Also limit the passes to one or two before shooting. One is more game like.
E1 Two Goal Relay Race - U18 F

Key Points:
Work on shooting one timers and scoring on rebounds. Good habits like face the puck, give a target with the stick on the ice. Limit of 2 passes before each shot.

A. 1 and 2 attack 2-0 on opposite net.
B. Pass and shoot to score.
C. Get a new puck from 3 or 4 after scoring.
D. Score a second goal.
E. After the second goal race back to the blueline and touch 3 or 4 with stick on shin pad.
F. Team to score most goals in certain time wins.

This is the same race but done across ice instead of the nets on the blue lines. Benefit is that the puck stays in play on wide shots.

A200 - Four Lane Circuit - One Youth and Four Pro Examples

Posted on: September 21 2012 @ 03:08 PM
By: TomM


A400 - Four Lane Circuit - One Youth and Four Pro Examples

Key Points:
Practice skills down the lanes. Incorporate passes, shots, moves, dekes, obstacles, different pivots, jumps, multiple pucks, balls etc. This is a Howie Meeker circuit and is a great way to practice skills with large groups and use the ice efficiently.

1. Set up four lanes up and down the rink.
2. Each lane has a different task.
3. Each lane could have a shot at the end.
4. Ideal for skills or for a Mission Impossible Game. (any level can play Mission Impossible)


A4 - Skating Skills 4 Lanes - Pro

A400 - Puck Handling Skills 4 Lanes - Pro

A400 - Skills in 4 Lanes - Pro

A400 Skating and Puck Handle 4 Lanes - Pro

A400 - Skating Agility and Skills Circuit – Pro

Mission Impossible:

Mission Impossible was the most popular activity I ran in schools. The pictures are from a Kindergarten to ninth grade school, 5-14 year olds. All classes did it. We set up an obstacle course with the equipment in the gym. The kid's got 8 minutes to get to the end. Any failure and they have to start again. There was complete silence because the scenario was that they are trying to escape from a prison of war camp. Half the students were guards and half prisoners. If they touched the floor anywhere but safe places, knocked anything over, made a loud noise, were touched by a snake (dangling ropes), fell off the raft and into the acid moat (off the scooter and touch the floor) etc. They had to ring the bell at the top of the rope to finish. I built in areas where cooperation was needed to pass through.

At noon they all played together and there are pics with them in the regular clothes.

This same idea idea can be used at hockey practice by making a progressively more difficult circuit requiring individual or partner work.!1117&authkey=!qGy3MEUv!HE%24

C3 - 3-0 - 3-1 - 3-2 Contest - U18 F

Posted on: September 22 2012 @ 05:06 PM
By: TomM


This is a really good drill for pace and lines working together. It also is an opportunity to coach the offensive and defensive principles of each situation. If the F are lined on one side and the D on the other the coach can talk to them as they return to the line and not stop the drill unless it has totally gone south. Make it an ongoing contest and do it once a week or so.
C3 - 3-0 - 3-1 - 3-2 Contest - U18 F

Key Points:
Forwards create 2-1 situations with close support and speed. One player always hard to the net on a middle drive on a shooting play and a wide drive if they are open. Headman the puck and move through the neutral zone quickly and make the first pass in the offensive zone early.
Defenders must talk and identify coverage. Protect the middle of the ice and only play the puck carrier if he is vulnerable. Give the shot from the outside. Jam the trailer with legs in the shooting lane and stick in the passing lane. It is critical to have tight gaps and not just back in.

Players are lined up along the boards in the C3 formation. Have 2 colours of jerseys and play one team vs the other if you have enough players. You can have D on one side and F on the other or they can wait on the side they will be playing.

1. Three forwards take a puck and attack 3-0. The attack is over when the puck is over the goal line. (unless the coach wants a cycle and a shot).
2. Use the same puck and go the other way attacking 3-1 vs a D from the other colour (coach puts in a new puck if there is a goal).
3. Attack 3-2 in the original direction.
4. Three F from the other coloured team attack 3-0 on the vacant end.
5. Repeat sequence.
6. Coach count how many goals the team scores in 6 min. (or another time.
7. Keep a record of how many goals were scored.
8. F can score on rebounds above the goal line.
9. Next time if the F’s score less goals the G and D win and if they score more goals the F win.

This example is Total Hockey where all the players play both forward and defense. This prepares the D to know what to do on the attack and F to be able to defend when they cover the point or are the first F back on the rush.

A6 - Puckhandle and Shot - U22 W

Posted on: September 24 2012 @ 03:28 PM
By: TomM


A6 - Puckhandle and Shot - U22 W

Key Points:

Players should do many moves down the ice and learn to shoot while skating and then follow the shot for a rebound. Work on loosening the shoulders and the ability to handle the puck with big moves all around the body.


1. Players line up in diagonal corners.
2. Leave and do various puck handling moves down the ice.
3. Next player leave about 3" later so the line up keeps moving.
4. Shoot and follow the shot.
5. Circle back and rebound for the next shooter.

T2-4 - DT4 - Gaining Position in the Slot or BATTLE IN THE WAR ZONE - U18 F

Posted on: September 25 2012 @ 07:38 PM
By: TomM


T2-4 - DT4 - Gaining Position in the Slot or BATTLE IN THE WAR ZONE - U18 F

This is a slot drill then game we will do tonight at practice. Just thought of it and we need to control sticks in the slot and not just be there .I took a video of the second part where the defenders pass to the coach at the point who can pass or shoot while the players fight to take or protect their stick. I think the players got the idea of how to seal sticks to the outside and find and opponent in the slot on defense and get open and keep the stick free on offense. It looks chaotic but when you play in the WAR ZONE it is chaotic.

Key Points:
Offensive players fight for offensive side and to keep their stick free and defensive players fight for defensive side and to control the attackers sticks.

1. All players are in front of the net in two colours.
2. Start with the coach calling red offense and they try to get open and the blue cover them and control their stick.
3. Progress to 2 coaches at the point. One on each team. When they pass the players change roles o to d and d to o.
4. Play a game where the defenders must pass to their coach at the point to be on offense.
5. Offensive coach can shoot or pass.
5. Everyone stays within the dots and below the top of the circles.

We played this Battling Game after it is a DT4 (transition Game in one zone) game with each team having one of two jokers at the point. Jokers cover jokers and defenders must pass to the point to go onto offense. The point player then has to BATTLE to get the puck through with a pass or shot while teammates battle for position and give support. I have posted a video from the same practice to show how one technique game is reinforced by a SAG transition game.

DT4 - Jokers at Point and Below Goal Line-Jokers Check - U18 F

D - Games to Learn to Play - D2 - D6 Variations - Youth

Posted on: September 26 2012 @ 01:50 PM
By: TomM


D - Games to Learn to Play - D2 - D6 Variations - Youth

Key Points:
This is an example of how to use multiple nets with groups that have mixed ability levels. In this ice session we had 3 cross ice games and then moved the net for one 2/3 ice and one 1/3 ice game happening at the same time. There were 3 different modified games and each had a purpose.

Game One: D2 - cross ice game with the rules there must be at least 2 passes but you have to beat a defender before passing.

Game Two - cross ice game D2 - Only 1 pass Allowed Receiver must score.

Game Three - D6 Variation 2 - Two Passes and All Must Score before you can score a second goal.

Game one encourages passing and getting open but in order to beat a defender you must skate away from them to open ice. This is the most important habit a player can have when they get the puck.

Game Two allows one pass, so a fake pass is an effective move. Theme of the practice is stickhandling and the pass receiver must make moves, dekes and protect the puck in order to score.

Game Three passing rule causes passing, getting open, covering away from the puck to happen. All must score forces everyone to participate hard and get open so they can score. It also requires the players to get their head up and do things like screen away from the puck.

I was taking the video so no coach was enforcing the rules in two of the games. The older players are used to modified rules and were doing them. The beginner group has more trouble because they are struggling with the basic skating and puck handling but it is good to teach them how to play at the same time.

So rules must be enforced to be effective.

Here is a video of the three games.

T - Principles for Efficient Use of the Ice:

Posted on: September 27 2012 @ 02:27 PM
By: TomM


T - Principles for Efficient Use of the Ice

I go from rink to rink to run practices, play myself and coach my hockey class and see many practices before and after mine. I also sometimes go and watch elite teams practice.

The game has changed since the last NHL strike-lockout-whatever (a regular occurrence now). Here are some of the main changes.

- no more can opener, you have to be able to skate backward, transtion skate.
- teams now back pressure the puck carrier, many all the way to the net. Creates a defensive 2-1 and now that F must be able to play the low 3-3 in the zone.
- attack with 4 players - one D joins the attack and 2 F go to the net creating a low and higher triangle. This demands hard back checking and picking up the 3rd 4th and 5th attackers.
- outnumbering in the corners - when the attackers back is to the play 4 defenders will be there and the weak side F having net coverage. Demands terrific puck protection skills and defensive awareness.
- more teams pinch on the strong side and everyone pinches on the wide rim. A forward fills behind the D and will have to play the defensive 1-1.
- hooking is now called so you have to defend from the defensive side and not reel the attacker in at the end of your stick.

Given these changes I don't understand why the D would wear Black practice jerseys and take all of the defensive 1-1's and only do the passing on breakouts and not be joining in all rushes.

Transition games have been around for a long time and Erkka Westerlund wrote a booklet for HC with a video but I seldom see a transition game in practice. Still the OLD FASHION 1 on 1 with the F's attacking and the D's defending.

I watched an elite team practice yesterday in this 90's style method but I know the system they use wants the D to join the attack and they pinch on the strong side.

So I am saying that the practice methods should be changing along with the way the game is changing. Hockey is going more and more to 'Total Hockey' which is based on 1-2-3-4-5 Read-Recognize-Respond.

In Total Hockey all of the players have to develop ALL of the SKILLS. Everyone needs to be able to skate well both forward and backward. Everyone must be able to attack and defend in all situations from a 1-1 to a 5-5.

Now being designated as a Wing, Centre, Defenseman is simply stating the 'Home Position' where you start on the faceoff. A player is designated there because most of the time he/she will need those skills but at any time in any shift the defenseman #4 may end up being attacker #2 and should recognize that and have to skills and knowledge to play that situation effectively.

How should we change the way we practice.

1. Wear only two colours during practice with half the F and half the D and one goalie each colour.
2. Design the drills so that everyone attacks and defends for part of each practice.
3. Use drills to isolate technique and then turn them into transition games where after a 1-1 or 3-2 the defender must fight for rebounds and make a breakout pass.
4. Play many games that isolate specific skills and that everyone does.

Two Suggestions for Better Use of Ice Time
A - coaches don't move pucks - players simply put the pucks where they are needed next when one activity finishes.
B - only go to the board for new activities. Even many new activities can start with a simple explanation. (this whiteboard stuff started in the 80's, before that the coach simply told the players where to start, what to do and had a few of the smarter ones demonstrate) Once you have done something name it and give a 30 second reminder and get keep the practice moving - simply add tasks on the go i.e. extra passes, extra players, dump-ins.

Moving 7-12 minutes per hour is just not acceptable.

Where these coaching ideas come from.

I have been lucky enough to coach with many elite coaches, meaning Olympics, NHL, University, Pro and Minor Hockey and attended seminars or had lengthy discussions about the game. This is where I get these ideas. I also attend an international seminar almost every year to stay up with the game.

I taught PE for 34 years at almost every level. Elementary, Junior High, High School, College. About 25 000 classes where I experimented with these ideas.

I have coached at almost every level over the last 45 years. All ages of minor hockey, camps in seven countries on three continents, elite girls and boys hockey, university men, college men and women, (13 men and 9 women's teams at all 3 Calgary institutions with teams), international and women's pro,

So I have had a unique opportunity to coach with and watch and listen to many of the best coaches on the planet. The point of this website and the Facebook coaching site is to share these ideas.

Juhani Wahlsten - Finland legend. Worked with Juuso starting 1985.
Coach Peters at Bemidji who defined 'Who we are.' and that consistent message resonated in everything we did.

Vladimir Jursinov - Russian Olympic coach. Did seminars with Jursi and Juuso and coached with Jursi in Salzburg.

Reijo Ruotsalainen - Coached with Rexi in Salzburg.

Gene Reilly - Salzburg - Gene now coaches in Russia.

Willy Desjardins - NHL, Olympics -six seasons as assistant coach for Willy at U of Calgary.

Mike Johnston - NHL Olympics - coached against Mike 3 years and with him at U of C.

Terry Johnston - NHL D - coached with TJ at u of C and minor teams. Best D coach I have worked with.

Pierre Page - NHL - Salzburg HC

Mike Kennedy - NHL F - co-coached at SAIT with Mike. Author of 'Make Hockey Great Again' Now coaches in Japan.

Mike Tschumi - European Pro - 3 of his players were in the U20 World tournament this year. We coach together now.

Brent Devost - HC of men's team at SAIT. Runs really good practices and team building. I was assistant.

Jim Molloy - great with skills and team building.

Slava Lener - assistant coaches together one season at U of C. Head of Czech hockey and Olympic coach.

Tim Bothwell - NHL D - Olympic W - HC at U of C two years while I assisted.

Wally Kozak - Olympic W coach - Men's National Team - Wally and I coach together a lot.

Dr. Gaston Schaeffer - international skating coach.

Court Dunn - coaches school hockey and an expert at using 'games to teach the game.'

Deniz Ince - coach of Turkey who is a student of the game.

Lots of discussion with great coaches like Erkka Westerlund, Petr Svoboda, Curtis Brackenbury, Mike Hartman.

Lots of others not mentioned here.

DT400 - Regroup with Jokers Behind Defensive Net - Pro W

Posted on: September 27 2012 @ 03:31 PM
By: TomM


DT400 - Regroup with Jokers Behind Defensive Net - CW

Key Points:
Practice regroups and breakout options. Jokers can pass right away or go D to D, switch, counter etc.

1. Place the nets on the opposite blue lines.
2. Play from 1-1 to 5-5.
3. Each team has 1 or 2 jokers behind their goal line.
4. Defensive team transitions to offense by passing to a joker.
5. Jokers can pass to each other, switch, drive the back of the net etc.
6. Play about 30" then switch with jokers playing, waiting players become jokers 5 and 6) and active players (1-2-3) rest.
Options: After the players learn the basic game add good habits like they must move with the puck, or saucer snap passes, pivots etc. (you don’t want them standing still while passing) They could even join the rush and then return on loss of possession.

A2 Russian Puck-Handling Warm-up with Shots

Posted on: September 27 2012 @ 03:57 PM
By: TomM


A2 Russian Puck-Handling Warm-up with Shots

I am reposting this Puck Handling drill that Vladimir Jursinov uses to teach moves and then finish with a shot. There was no video link, pdf or diagram the last time I posted it. It is a great way to teach and practice moves and warm up the goalies. I have the players stagger on the start so the goalie has a little more time to get set for the next shot.
Jursi is a great guy. I was helping him with English when we coached together in Austria and last saw him in May at the IIHF coaching symposium.


Key Points:
This can be done every time players go on the ice to expand their muscle memory. The point of these exercises is to increase the size of the reach with the stickhandling moves, and to separate the upper and lower body.
This is one of the most important exercises a player can do to develop puck handling skills. All the moves can also be practice off ice with various kinds of balls and pucks.

• From the A2 formation, players skate down the ice in 3 or 4 groups; practice big moves with the puck. One player leave and the next player go when he/she gets past the top of the circle. Finish with a shot from your lane no closer than the hash marks.
. Go one way then the other and do a different skill each time.
• Reach forward while down on 1 knee, reach back as far as you can.
• Give the puck forward and take it back with the toe of the stick.
• Place hands close together and reach sideways each way as far as possible.
• Practice head fakes and shoulder drops, and move the puck quickly to the other side of your body.
• Do high step-overs, when you step with your right foot to the left, reach as far as possible to the right with the puck, step with the left foot to the right and reach as far as possible to the left with the puck.
• Reach back as far as you can with the puck, turning the upper body so you are looking behind you as you skate in the opposite direction. Do the same the other way.
• Do 3 or 4 crossovers to the left and reach as far as possible to the right with the puck, then cross over to the right and reach as far as possible to the left with the puck. Reach back as far as you can with the puck, turning the upper body so you are looking behind you as you skate in the opposite direction.
• Single fake by practicing a small fake one way, then quickly pull the puck across your body to the other side.
• Double fake by giving a small fake one way, then quickly pull the puck across your body to the other side. Immediately bring it back.
• Put the puck behind you and pass it up into your skates from 1 side, then the other.
• Have the puck in front of you and pass it back to your skates and up to your stick, then off the outside of each skate and to your stick.
• Reach back on the forehand, then quickly pull the puck across your body.
• Skate backwards with the puck after pivoting to the right and do the same after pivoting left.
• Slide sideways, pushing about 4 or 5 times with the inside skate and gliding on the outside skate. Fake passes and shots while skating like this.
• Pivot a complete circle to the left and then to the right.
. Fake a slapshot and go around opponent on the backhand side.
. Fake a slapshot and go around opponent on the forehand side.
. Fake a slapshot and then do a backhand tight turn around opponent.
. Fake a slapshot and reach out like you are going around the opponent on your forehand and then pull the puck quickly to your backhand and go around opponent.
Any move can be practiced in this method.
(Vladimir Jursinov)

C3 - 1-1 to 3-1 – Pro

Posted on: September 28 2012 @ 03:04 PM
By: TomM


C3 - 1-1 to 3-1 – Pro

Key Points:
Maintain defensive side on the 1-1. Attack with speed on the 3-1 making the first play early while the defender delays the play from the middle.

1. Start with a forward walking out of the corner and attacking vs. one defender.
2. When 1-1 is finished two new attackers start up the ice vs. one defender.
3. The original forward join the attack and the D follow making it a 4-1.

Option: To make it more gamelike the original attacker could backcheck while the D joins the play

C2 - 3-0 - 1-1 - 2-1 - Pro

Posted on: October 01 2012 @ 02:41 PM
By: TomM


C2 - 3-0 - 1-1 - 2-1 - Pro

Key Points:
Forwards should attack with speed and defense play a tight gap.

1. Start with a 3-0 attack from one corner. All attacks are on the same net.
2. F3 skate back and get a puck from the original end.
3. D1 leave line and defend a 1-1 vs. F3.
4. F1 and F2 come back for another puck.
5. D2 defend a 2-1 vs. F1 and F2.
6. Repeat from the other end.

B4 - Regroup 3-0 - Middle Drive - Pro

Posted on: October 02 2012 @ 02:13 PM
By: TomM


B4 - Regroup 3-0 - Middle Drive - Pro

Key Points:
Defense move quickly and hinge the pass up the middle. Pass hard. Centre give the stick and skates as a flat target. Middle drive hard to the net.

1. All the players are inside the middle circle.
2. Red D1get a pass from a Red F2.
3. Red D hinge and pass D1 to D2.
4. D2 pass to F2 supporting in the middle.
5. F2 pass to F1 on the strong side.
6. F1 gain blueline and pass wide to F3.
7. F2 middle drive skating hard to the net.
8. F3 shoot and all crash the net for a rebound.
9. Blue repeat in the other direction.

B5 - Regroup 3-0 - Middle Drive – Pro

B6 2-0 Wide Pass and Shot - Prospects

Posted on: October 03 2012 @ 03:24 PM
By: TomM


B6 2-0 Wide Pass and Shot - Prospects

Key Points:
Pass hard in front of receiver so he doesn't have to slow up. Keep the stick blade square to the puck. Keep the stick in front when shooting in the triple threat position.

1. Start off with R1 passing wide to R2 and R3 follow
2. R2 passes back to R1 who shoots.
3. Change directions with B1 across to B2 and follow.
4. B2 skates and passes to R3 who turned at the blueline.
5. R3 shoots and B2 rebounds.
6. R5 leaves and passes to R4 and follows.
7. R4 pass to B1.
8. Continue this flow in each direction.

3 Player Breakout with High/Cycle

Posted on: October 05 2012 @ 01:02 PM
By: RookieCoach


3 Player Breakout with High/Cycle

This drill works on small parts of the big picture. Works on different passing options for a breakout.(wall, middle lane, touch backs).
Stress positioning for Middle lane support. I like this position no higher than the winger on the breakout for support on a turnover.


Drill starts on whistle and done on both sides .
1- Coach spots a puck in corner.
2- D 's skate backwards pivot shoulder check and pick up puck.
3- F1's take board side pass option.
4- F2's Take middle lane pass option and support .
5- F'1 and F2 skate down ice passing the puck for a shot on net.
6- Shooter holds the net front for screens , rebounds etc. Passer picks up a puck in the corner and skates high circle and cycles high with D1.
7 - D1 reads the play communicates with F for the high cycle.
8- D returns pass to F for a second shot on net.

Options- Low cycle with pass back to D1 for point shot

DT4 - Pass to Active Joker Below Goal Line on Transition - U18 F

Posted on: October 05 2012 @ 02:47 PM
By: TomM


DT4 - Pass to Active Joker Below Goal Line on Transition - U18 F

Key Points:
Jokers battle behind the net to get open and make plays. Use cut backs and protect the puck with the body. This game is a SAG below the goal line and requires good technique.

1. Each team has one or two Jokers below the goal line.
2. Jokers check Jokers.
3. Play from 1-1 to 3-3 above the goal line.
4. To transition to offense you must pass to a Joker below goal line.
5. Jokers can come out as far as hash marks.

Option B:
A coach or player can be the Joker for the offensive team at the point.

DT400 - 2 on 2 with Passive Support - College W

Posted on: October 06 2012 @ 02:55 PM
By: TomM


DT400 - 2 on 2 with Passive Support - College W

Key Points:
Supporting players follow the play and position themselves as if they were covering the point and then getting open for a breakout pass. It is important that the new defenders follow the play up the ice and close the gap in the neutral zone.

1. Players line up behind the blue lines on each side.
2. Offensive 1 and 2 go vs defenders 1 and 2
3. Defenders 3 and 4 follow the play into the zone and support as wingers would.
4. Offensive 1 and 2 must attack quickly.
5. After a goal, frozen puck or breakout pass 3 and 4 skate to the far blue line, turn to attack the original offensive 1 and 2.
6. Two players leave to support the defending team.
7. Continue this flow.

DT400 - 2-2 Defenders Get Support - College W

This transition game is an example of how to coach 'Total Hockey' where all the players learn to play forward and defense. Everyone gets reps attacking and defending various situations. You can only play 'Total Hockey' if you develop Total Hockey Players". If you do this then they are capable of playing any sytem and leave your team with a well rounded 'Skill Set' that will enable them to play all over the ice in all situations. If you dress your defense in a different colour and have them take all of the defensive 1-1's, 2-1's etc. they won't develop offensively like they could and the forwards will also have limited defensive skills. So all players must learn to skate forward and backward, do transition turns, know how to break out whether they are 1-2-3-4 or 5 in any zone.

This is a big challenge for coaches to run practices that develop COMPLETE PLAYERS.

Another challenge in developing complete players is to have playing systems (forecheck, dzone, PP) that are based on the Three R's: Read-Recognize-React. We have to develop the HARD SKILLS (what, how) of good technique in shooting, passing, puck handling, skating, pass receiving with lots of reps in practice with perfect technique. We also have to develop the SOFT SKILLS of creativity, reading the game, (where, when, why) using free flow situations such as full and small area games.

BIG CHALLENGE but we wouldn't coach if it was easy.
Daniel Coyle talks about how to develop the hard and soft skills and the Three R's in his new book
"The Little Book of Talent"[/i]

T3-4 Tsunami Forecheck

Posted on: October 10 2012 @ 03:11 PM
By: TomM


T3-4 - Tsunami Forecheck

Key Point:
Attack with 4 players and create constant pressure on the puck.

In the 'Tsunami' forecheck when the D pinches on the weak side they stay in and forecheck on that side and work the triangle. When the puck goes to the other side they return to the point. We want the wing to stay on their side when the puck is moved to the other side and play high slot ready to play the mid- point if they get possession or jump down back door or to the corner if the puck comes around. They are responsible for the weak side on the rush. So if the puck starts on the left side and moves to the right side then the RW and C and RD will be low. If the RW was 3 on the original attack then stay on that side and switch with the LW and play the high slot. So whichever wing was 3 become the mid-fielder. C go to the side the puck is on.

The LD will have slid over to cover the point and the LW will be at the top of the circle. So it is like a high umbrella. If the puck is moved back to the left side the three forwards attack from there. The LD is back on the left point and RD on the right point. So once the original penetration is made and the puck moved to the other side it is basically man on man responsibility until the puck leaves the zone.

It is like having the Pounce on both sides. The Pounce has only the RD pinching and the LW as a midfielder. The Tsunami has both D pinching when the puck is moved to the weak side and the wing on the original side becomes a midfielder ready to go back, support a weak side pass or attack back door. When it is 50-50 whether we will gain the puck or not they have to fall back and play middle D. So when we have possession there are 4 on the attack.

After using the Tsunami there are some improvements that can be made to get the D more involved in the offense and use the forward who is covering the middle point from the top of the circles ready to go back or to be an offensive option either going for a back door back door pass or pass behind to move the puck to the other side. I also want the C to go to the strong side and usually the wing to stay on their side but if they were 3 and covering the strong side W then stay on that side as the midfielder and switch with the other wing.

Diagram Description:

Key Points:
The start of the forecheck is 1-2-3-4-5 and when the puck moves to the other side on a D to D or rim a wing stays on that side and becomes a midfielder and the C and Wing who's side it is moved to skate there and attack with 4 who has pinched wide.

1 - on puck inside to outside.
2 - cover weak side D.
3 - on D side of strong side W.
4 – mid-point weak side W responsibility.
5 - strong side point cover middle forward.

On a D to D or rim to weak side.
1 - C and Wing on that side pursue. If the weak side wing was 3 on the original forecheck then they switch with the other wing and stay on the weak side when puck is moved to the other side.
2 - Weak side W read play from top of circles
3 – Mid-point pinch down on weak side wing and join the low attack.
4 - Original strong side D slide across and support new strong side point.
5 - Weak side wing read back door, low outlet or play mid D on a rush.

TO SIMPLIFY THE EXPLANATION - WHEN THE RD PINCHES ON A RIM OR D TO D THE LW COVERS THE WEAK SIDE POINT. (if the puck rotates again then the 2 D are back on the points) So if the attack starts on the right side and they pass D to D or rim and the LD pinches then the RD covers the middle point.

D202 - Keep-away With Jokers on Line 1-1 to 3-3 - U18 F

Posted on: October 12 2012 @ 01:54 PM
By: TomM


The most difficult things to coach are the Soft Skills of getting open, feeling pressure one way and quickly spinning the other way to open ice. This reading-recognizing-reacting is what determines how successful a player is during games. This feel for the game and good habits like facing the puck, giving a target, pass and immediately get open compliment the Hard Skills of passing, receiving and skating. This is a great game to practice these hard skills, soft skills and good habits.
D202 - Keep-away With Jokers on Line 1-1 to 3-3 - U18 F

Key Points:
Protect the puck, use fakes and change the type of passes and the situation.
This is a great game to practice puck support, getting open, passing and puck protection.

1. Active players are in the middle.
2. Jokers are lined up along the blue lines.
3. Passes to Jokers are allowed.
4. Play even situations up to 3-3.
5. Vary the situations 2-1, 3-1, 3-2.
6. On whistle leave from one end and return to the line-up at the other end.
* Award one point for making 5 consecutive passes and keep score.

D1 - One Goal Full Ice Team Play Scrimmage - U18 F

Posted on: October 13 2012 @ 02:57 PM
By: TomM


Coaching youth hockey is very different than coaching college or in a pro organization where you usuall have at least 20 skaters. It is difficult to practice full ice team play. You scrimmage but find the players get too tired and are always changing on the go. Many youth teams only have ONE goalies or if a goalie is missing there isn't a third one to fill in. I have used this rotation line where one unit rests at the far blue after defending. Yesterday instead of waiting at the far blueline we had them wait at the far end and set up for a breakout. The defending team shoots the puck down the ice and the team that just attacked now forechecks.
This adds the breakout and forecheck to the scrimmage. If the defenders gain the puck they dump it deep and skate back to touch the red line and forecheck again. If there are two goalies the passive one can set up the puck on the dump in and rotate.
I will make this a regular part of our pre game practices or team play teaching practices.
Nest time I will try to get a video now that the players understand the rotation.


D1 - One Goal Full Ice Team Play Scrimmage - U18 F

Key Points:
Practice team play situations with 3 groups. It is best to have one colour for each group. The next group to attack waits at the far end.
Practice from 3-3 to 6-5 in a controlled scrimmage mode. Coach can give input while the players wait at the far end.

1. Red circles attack vs. Blue triangles either even or odd situation. Extra blue on the side if it is on the pk.
2. On a goal, frozen puck or turnover the blue fires it to the other end and forechecks.
3. Purple breakout and attack vs. blue and the red sets up to breakout at the far end.
4. Continue this rotation of ATTACK-DEFEND-SET UP AT FAR END.

DT400 - Kibyuk Small and Smaller Area Games at Once 1-1 to 3-3 - U18 F

Posted on: October 15 2012 @ 03:12 PM
By: TomM


My assistant coach Sean Kibyuk in charge of the defensemen designed this small area game using two nets. The game creates lots of battles and the players must transition from offense to defense and defense to offense.
DT400 Kibyuk Small and Smaller Area Games at Once 1-1 to 3-3 - U18 F

Key Points:
Set one net up on the goal line below the face-off dot facing up ice and the other net facing the corner just inside the circle. The game is continuous and thecoach shoot in a new puck on a goal.

A. Blue 1 and 2 attack Red 1 and 2 in the corner and Blue 3 and 4 attack Red 3 and 4 from the red line.
B. Coach whistles and Red 1 and 2 carry the puck out to the red line and attack the other net vs. Blue 3 and 4.
C. Coach shoots in a new puck and Red 5 and 6 attack vs. Blue 1 and 2 in the corner. Red 3 and 4 return to the line.
Option: Vary the number of players from 1 to 3 and switch up who starts on offense half way through the game.

C2 - Low 3-2 to 5-5 Rush and Backcheck – Pro

Posted on: October 16 2012 @ 03:27 PM
By: TomM


C2 - Low 3-2 to 5-5 Rush and Backcheck – Pro

Key Points:
Good way to practice low zone coverage, D joining the play and F's coming back into the zone. A good habit is to turn up ice and find your check when you see everyone in front of you is covered.

1. Red F1-F2-F3 attack low vs. Blue D1-D2.
2. Blue F1-F2-F3 wait with a puck at the top of the circles. Extra players along the boards.
3. Red D1-D2 are ready to defend the 3-2 attack.
4. On whistle Blue F1-F2-F3 attack R D1-D2.
5. B D1-D2 join attack and R F1-F2-F3 backcheck.
6. Play 5 on 5.

Alternative: Use one puck and defense pass to waiting forwards instead of 2 pucks and a whistle.

DT100 - Continuous 2 on 2 D - Join Attack F Backcheck - U18 F

Posted on: October 17 2012 @ 02:23 PM
By: TomM


We did this at practice yesterday and it worked really well. A benefit is that you practice the D joining the rush, the F backchecking and you play a 5-5 at each end but only need 8 F and 8 D. My assistant coach Sean Kibyuk ran this. I will get a video next time.
DT100 Continuous 2 on 2 D - Join Attack F Backcheck - U18 F

Key Points:
Forwards cover D and D cover F's. One D should join the attack to create triangles and one forward backcheck. Play tight gaps and attackers create 2 on 1's on the rush. Play 5-5 at each end.

1. Forwards line up on one side and defense on the other.
2. Start with a 2 on 2 attack Blue F1 and F2 vs Red D1 and D2.
3. When the puck enters the zone defensive Red F1 and F2 support Red D1 and D2 and Blue D1 and D2 support Blue F1 and F2.
4. On transition Red D1 join new attack and Blue F1 backcheck
5. If the puck is dumped out with no possession the offensive team regroup and attack again.
6. Red F1-F2-D1 now go 3 on 3 in the other direction vs. Blue D1-D2-F1.
7. Blue F2 - F3 support Blue D1-D2-F1 and Red D3 and D4 support attacking Red F1-F2-D1.
8. This rotation continues with a 5-5 in each zone.

*Various numerical situations can be practiced with this flow. A 1-1 becomes a 3-3 at each end, a 2-1 becomes a 4-4.

C600 - 2-1 x 2 - Pro

Posted on: October 18 2012 @ 02:02 PM
By: TomM


C600 - 2-1 x 2 - Pro

Key Points:
Offense should attack with speed and force the D to make a decison early by the first play near the blue line. This allows for a secon play. D should delay the attack as much as possible and defend the most dangerous player allowing a bad angle shot.

1. Red D1 pass to Blue F1.
2. Blue F1 and F2 cross in the neurtal zone and attack Red D1 2 on 1.
3. Blue F1 and F2 continue until they score or the goalie freezes the puck.
4. Red D1 defend and pass to the coach when they get the puck.
5. As soon as the puck enters the offensive zone Blue D1 Pass to Red F1 who attack in the other direction with Red F2 vs. Blue D1.

B6 3-0 - One Touch Regroup - 3 Shots - Pro

Posted on: October 19 2012 @ 02:40 PM
By: TomM


B6 3-0 - One Touch Regroup - 3 Shots - Pro

Key Points:
Face the puck and one touch two passes to start. Shoot while skating and follow the shot for a rebound. This is done out of diagonal corners at the same time.

1. F1 and F2 leave from the corner and exchange the puck twice with the D1.
2. F1 continue and get a pass from coach in the corner shoots and screens.
3. D1 pivot and Pass to F2 who shoots and screens.
4. Red F1 cycle out of the corner and pass to Blue D1 who shoots from the point.

T2 - Kingston Power Play and Team Play Rotation - U18 F

Posted on: October 22 2012 @ 08:33 PM
By: TomM


T2 - Kingston Power Play and Team Play Rotation - U18 F

I learned this when George Kingston came on the ice for one of our U of Calgary practices. He had left coaching at the U of C to start his NHL and international coaching career. I think it is a miracle working drill where you can practice the offensive options of the pplay or even strength situations along with a controlled breakout. I use this every practice before a weekend series. My teams usually are very good on the power play. We have 15 pp goals in the first 11 games and that has been the case since I started using this practice method. I combine it with requiring a shot every 3" that I picked up from Pierre Page when I was with the Red Bulls in Austria.
When you coach a long time you find that some things are real 'Keepers' and this is one of them.

Key Points:

Practice options where every player gets a shot. Begin with a rotation attacking the seam between the D and the F and read what they give. If the D forces then the low play is available, if the F forces then the point is open. If the pk box is passive then there is a 2-1 at each corner, a 3-2 on each side and seams between players to attack. Force the pace by taking a shot by a different player every 3 seconds. Coach in each zone


- Line A at one end practice attack options.
- Line B at other end practice attack options. Both walk through pp 5-0.
- Line C in middle passing practice.
- On whistle line A dump the puck to the other end and breakout returning to the original end while group C replace group B at the far end and group B pass in the neutral zone.
- Repeat with group C breaking out and back and group B switch with group A who move to the middle.

D400 - Small Area 2-1 x 2 - Jr. A

Posted on: October 23 2012 @ 02:45 PM
By: TomM


D400 - Small Area 2-1 x 2 - Jr. A

Key Points:
Defender eliminate the puck carrier crossing the midline of the net and the cross pass. Goalie and defender work together to make it a 2-2. Attackers use quick passes, quick shots, fake shots, one timers. Get the goalie moving and shoot where he came from and not where he is going.

1. Nets are at one end facing the corner.
2. Extra players wait between the two games.
3. Spot the puck with one of the offensive players to start.
4. Play 2-1 about 20".
5. Coach put in a new puck on each net.
6. Keep score.

B6 3-0 - One Touch Regroup - 3 Shots and High Cycle - Pro

Posted on: October 24 2012 @ 03:11 PM
By: TomM


B6 3-0 - One Touch Regroup - 3 Shots and High Cycle - Pro

Key Points:
Face the puck and one touch two passes to start. Shoot while skating and follow the shot for a rebound. This is done out of diagonal corners at the same time.

1. F1 and F2 leave from the corner and exchange the puck twice with the D1.
2. F1 continue and get a pass from coach in the corner shoots and screens.
3. D1 pivot and Pass to F2 who shoots and screens.

Option B:
4. Red F1 cycle out of the corner and pass to Blue D1 who passes to D2 and he passes to F1 high in the slot and F1 shoots.

B2 - 1-0 Pivot Circle - Shoot - Kazakhstan W

Posted on: October 25 2012 @ 01:51 PM
By: TomM


B2 - 1-0 Pivot Circle - Shoot - Kazakhstan W

Key Points:
Face the inside while skating around the circle. Keep two hands on the stick. Shoot and follow the shot. Back up at stay at the far post for a rebound.

1. Player 1 skate around the circle facing the end boards all of the time.
2. Shoot bottom of circle.
3. Follow the shot for a rebound.
4. Stay at the far post and back up for a rebound from the next shooter.
5. Alternate sides.

B2 - Defense Individual Skill and Partner Drills – Pro

Posted on: October 25 2012 @ 02:34 PM
By: TomM


B2 - Defense Individual Skill and Partner Drills – Pro

Key Points:
Defense do a series of drills to practice shooting, passing, hinge, breakout options.

1. Point shots while moving.
2. Keep the puck in then shoot or pass.
3. Skate to the big ice and pass.
4. Set up shots from the mid point.
5. One D breakout options.
6. D partners hinge and double hinge.

E1 - Shoot Until You Score Race 1-0, 2-0, 3-0 - U18 F

Posted on: October 26 2012 @ 04:45 PM
By: TomM


E1 - Shoot Until You Score Race 1-0, 2-0, 3-0 - U18 F

Key Points:
Players should attack quickly, pass early, shoot to score. Goalies must battle and never give up.

1. Place one puck on the bluelines for each player on the bench according to the largest team.
2. One player leaves from the bench and must keep shooting until a goal is scored.
3. Scoring player skate hard to the bench and touch the boards with the stick and a player joins him/her and they attack 2-0.
4. Repeat after a goal and attack 3-0.
5. All three players rush back and touch the boards and then repeat.
6. The team that scores all the pucks first wins.

* I adapted the rules saying you get three chances and then move on to the next phase. i.e. 1-0 to 2-0 or 3-0 to 1-0. The winner is the first team to score all of the pucks.

B6 - Breakout-Attack-F Cycle up and Scissors to D - Finland

Posted on: October 29 2012 @ 02:41 PM
By: TomM


B6 - Breakout-Attack-F Cycle up and Scissors to D - Finland

Key Points:
This drill has a breakout at each end with a 3-0 attack 2 F and 1 D. Attackers move to the big ice when they get the puck. It ends with a high cycle and pass to the strong side D.

1. D1 drive the back of the net and pass across to D2.
2. D2 move the puck up the ice quickly to either F1 or F2 who is cutting across from the weak side.
3. F1 and F2 always carry the puck to the inside and pass to the outside and shoot at the far end.
4. Either F1 or F2 get a puck from the corner and cycle high up the boards and pass to D2.
5. D2 either shoot or pass to F1 or F2 who is skating to the net on the weak side.
6. This drill happens at each end at the same time.

A300 x 2 - Skating and Puck Handling Warm-up with Shots - Finland

Posted on: October 31 2012 @ 02:13 PM
By: TomM


A300 x 2 - Skating and Puck Handling Warm-up with Shots - Finland

Key Points:
Do various moves with the puck and finish with a shot.

One group rotate clockwise and the other counter clockwise.
1. Do various skating moves with the puck.
2. Big moves all around the body, in the skates, through the legs etc.

T2 - B5 5-0 Breakout Practice - U18 F

Posted on: November 01 2012 @ 02:09 PM
By: TomM


T2 - B5 5-0 Breakout Practice - U18 F

Key Points:
Breakout from both sides and practice all the options including D to D passes.

1. Coach dumps the puck in.
2. D go back and get the puck, move between the dots and pass or go D to D.
3. Forwards break out.
4. Pass the puck to the coach.
5. Coach dumps the puck in the other corner for another breakout.
6. Do all of the options; go, counter, wheel, reverse, reverse to wing, over.

Option: do a third breakout and the forwards skate to the red line and turn back attacking 3-2.

T2 - Low Dice 5-3 Power Play - Pro

Posted on: November 02 2012 @ 01:59 PM
By: TomM


I have seen this power play set up work well but have never tried it. Last night I decided to practice it with the rules that passes should beat only one defender and a shot every 3". It is very difficult to kill vs this formation and I may even try it 5-4. Toronto tried it and scored in less than 10". I go to Flames games and haven't seen it since.

T2 - Low Dice 5-3 Power Play - Pro

Key Points:
Right shooters play on the left side and left on the right to enable quick shots and forehand passing. Quick passes and attacks spread the defensive triangle.

1. Set up with everyone on the off wing.
2. Middle player stay about the hash marks.
3. Attack rule is that either the puck or the player moves. No standing still.
4. Attack goal is a shot every 3".
5. Use passes that beat one defender.
6. Rotate the high triangle.
7. Attack with: walk-outs, one timers, back door passes. switch and pick.

T2 Spread Power Play 2 Below Goal Line
Toronto scores

DT400 - One Pass with Varying Numbers - U18 F

Posted on: November 02 2012 @ 02:21 PM
By: TomM


We ended practice with this one zone transition game. It requires players to read the numerical situation and make decisions about how to play the situation and if it is better to attack or regroup to add more players. Keep score.
DT400 One Pass with Varying Numbers - U18 F

Key Points:
Players must read the numerical situation and communicate. Attackers must quickly take advantage of either their scoring chances or the ability to pass to the line to add an attacker.

1. Teams line up outside the blue line.
2. A coach tells each team how go on the whistle.
3. Coach dumps the puck in to start.
4. On transition to offense there must be at least one pass before a shot.
5. Up to 4 players can be on one team.
6. Add players by passing to the player at the front of the line.
7. Play 30" and on the whistle pass to your line.
8. On a goal the coach shoots in a new puck.',520,680

B202 - Passing Overspeed - U18 - College F

Posted on: November 04 2012 @ 02:11 PM
By: TomM


B202 - Passing Overspeed - U18 - College F

Key Points:

Always face the puck and make as many passes as possible. On the whistle pass early to the player below the goal line. Hit the net and look for the rebound from the second shooter. Give a target.


1. Two red and two blue leave from the line.
2. Make as many passes as possible in 7".
3. On the whistle player with the puck give and go with a player below the goal line and shoot.
4. Second player get a pass from the side then give and go low and shoot.
5. On the same whistle two new players from each colour leave from the line.
6. After the shot become a passer near the net.
7. Low passers return to the line up.

T2-4 - Sequence for Practicing Team Play

Posted on: November 04 2012 @ 03:19 PM
By: TomM


T2-4 - Sequence for Practicing Team Play

This is my new favourite sequence to practice team play using a drill and then three transition games that create almost every situation in hockey in all three zones. The first drill has been around for a long time. I liked the way the American League coaches had the new 1-1 go to the red line before turning back. This allowed the original 1-1 F and D to get up into the play. This could be done as a 2-1, 2-2 as well or even a 1-2 which is seldom worked on.

The transition games create 1-1, 2-1, 2-2, 3-2, 3-3, 4-4, 5-5 situations and if you attacked with less numbers like a 1-2 more situations would be created. I still have to do the diagram for the first two transition games.

C3-C6 1-1 to 2-2 Willy-Flames

DT100 1-1 D Join F Backcheck

DT100 2-1 D Join F Backcheck

DT100 Continuous 2 on 2 D - Join Attack F Backcheck

DT100 - Continuous 1 on 1 D - Join Attack F Backcheck - U18 F

Posted on: November 06 2012 @ 04:00 PM
By: TomM


This is a great transition game where the D joins the play and the F backchecks and then they play 3-3 in the zone. There is a continuous 2-2 in the neutral zone and 3-3 at each end.
DT100 - Continuous 1 on 1 D - Join Attack F Backcheck - U18

Key Points:

Forwards cover D and D cover F's. One D should join the attack to create triangles and one forward backcheck. Play tight gaps and attackers create 2 on 1's on the rush. Play 5-5 at each end.


1. Forwards line up on one side and defense on the other.
2. Start with a 1 on 1 attack Blue F1 vs. Red D1.
3. When the puck enters the zone defensive Red F1 support Red D1 and Blue D1 support Blue F1.
4. On transition Red D1 join new attack and Blue F1 backcheck.
5. If the puck is dumped out with no possession the offensive team regroup and attack again.
6. Red F1-D1 now go 2 on 2 in the other direction vs. Blue D1-F1.
7. Blue F2 support Blue D1- F1 and Red D3 support attacking Red F1-D1.
8. This rotation continues with a 3-3 in each zone.

DT100 - 2 on 1 - D Join Attack and F Backcheck - U18 F

Posted on: November 07 2012 @ 02:18 PM
By: TomM


DT100 - 2 on 1 - D Join Attack and F Backcheck - U18 F

Key Points:

This is a continuous 2-1 with one D joining the rush and the high F backchecking.
Forwards enter the zone to support the defense and then attack and one backcheck.
Defense support from the point, defend and then join the attack.
Coach can vary the number of F or D to create different situations in each zone.


1. Red F1 and F2 attack 2-1 vs blue D1.
2. Blue F1-F2 support D1, Red D1 support F1 and F2.
3. Play 3 on 3
4. On Transition Blue F1-F2 attack Red D1.
5. Red F1 Backcheck and Blue D1 join the rush.
6. Blue D2 and Red F3-F4 support when puck enters the zone.
7. Play 4 on 4 and continue flow.

A300 Edges and Puck Handling with a Shot - IIHF Seminar

Posted on: November 08 2012 @ 05:11 PM
By: TomM


A300 Edges and Puck Handling with a Shot - IIHF Seminar

Key Points:

Move the puck all around the body in two circles going opposite directions. Finish with a shot. Use all of the edges and big moves reaching as far as possible.


1. Dark group skate down half the rink with a puck and shoot from the middle and white group skate the opposite way and shoot on the other net.

2. Skate on all of the edges and use big moves by reaching the opposite. i.e. Skate left and reach as far as you can to the right.

3. The players skating down the middle finish with a shot and then get a new puck.

4. Exercises are done while zig-zagging in and out.

a. Forward skate and alternate on the front inside edges.
b. Backward skate and alternate on the inside edges.
c. Skate forward and cross-over alternating on the outside edges.
d. Skate backward and cross-over alternating on the outside edges.
e. Open hip turn each way.
f. Slalom and reach as far as possible with the puck the opposite way.

DT400, 4-2 x 2 - Pro

Posted on: November 13 2012 @ 03:22 PM
By: TomM


DT400, 4-2 x 2 - Pro

Key Points:
Attackers either skate or move the puck right away when they get it. Defenders have one on the puck and one in front of the net with sticks in the passing lanes. Rotate every 45 seconds. I have posted this game with other groups playing. It is one of those universal games played all over the hockey world. This is a pro group playing.

1. Two nets on the goal line.
2. 4 attackers and 2 defenders on each side.
3. On a goal puck goes to other side.
4. Defenders pass to the attackers on the other side.

DT400, 4-2 x 2 – Pro

DT400 – 4-2 x 2 – C U18 W

T2 - C600 - Isolate Wide D on 2-2 – Pro

Posted on: November 14 2012 @ 03:37 PM
By: TomM


T2 - C600 - Isolate Wide D on 2-2 – Pro

Key Points:
Create 2 on 1’s on attacks when the defenders are on the defensive side.

1. Two or more attackers approach an equal or outnumbered situation such as a 2-2, 2-3, 3-3 or more.
2. Isolate a wide defender by attacking with two players.
3. Force the defenders to decide to stay man or man or switch.
4. The player without the puck cross and take the ice behind.
5. The next player over the blue line go to the net and the fourth player join the attack in the mid slot.

E1 - Shoot then Breakaway – Pro

Posted on: November 17 2012 @ 03:05 PM
By: TomM


E1 - Shoot then Breakaway – Pro

Key Points:
Skaters shoot to score. Hide the shot and use deception. Sell the fake on the breakaway. create a contest where shooters get a point for each goal and the goalie a point for each save.

1. Skaters play against each other and the goalie and goalie against the skaters.
2. Player 1 shoot from the top of the circles.
3. Player 1 take a second shot skating in on the goalie.
4. Goalie one point for each save.
6. Skaters one point for each goal.

D200 - Coach Call Options - U22 CW

Posted on: November 19 2012 @ 04:43 PM
By: TomM


D200 - Coach Call Options - U22 CW

Key Points:
Player with the puck must protect it or make plays depending on the number the coach calls. The player without the puck either gets open for a pass or sets picks and screens to support the puck carrier.

1. Play cross ice 2-2 to 5-5.
2. If the coach calls out 1 then the player cannot pass the puck.
3. If the coach calls out 2 then the player can pass.
4. Keep score and play 20-30 second shifts.

D4 - 1-1 - 2-2 - Battles - Kazakhstan W

Posted on: November 20 2012 @ 03:18 PM
By: TomM


This game is a good way to focus on low battles. Each team can score. Kazakhstan is trying to develop it's female program so they can compete internationally and they came to Calgary to train.. There is a huge difference between the top and bottom players on the team. The coaches were raised in the Russian system and they run good practices.

D4 - 1-1 - 2-2 - Battles - Kazakhstan W

Key Points:
Attacker protect the puck and make dekes and fakes to beat the defender and score. Defender stay defensive side with stick on the puck and body on body.

1. Coach dump the puck in.
2. Play 1-1, 2-1, 2-2, 3-2, 3-3.
3. Play 15-20" shifts.
4. On a goal or a frozen puck the coach shoot in a new puck.
5. Keep score and have a consequence each time a team is scored on.
6. Either team can score.

C2 - Continuous Breakout 4-0 – Pro

Posted on: November 21 2012 @ 02:53 PM
By: TomM


C2 - Continuous Breakout 4-0 – Pro

Key Points:
Forwards time their skating with the D. D get to the Big Ice between the dots with the puck and pass to F in zone one or two and not across the midline of the defensive zone.

1. Line up along the side in the C2 formation.
2. D get a puck from the corner and skate between the dots.
3. Inside the defensive zone passes to forwards are only made to zone 1 and zone 2.
4. Cross ice passes can be made in the neutral zone.
5. Attack with all 4 and a middle drive.
6. Blue group follow the reds into the zone and break out the other way 4-0.

B6 - Chaos NZ Overspeed with Regroup - Pro

Posted on: November 22 2012 @ 03:00 PM
By: TomM


B6 - Chaos NZ Overspeed with Regroup - Pro

Key Points:
Players skate as fast as possible weaving through each other in the middle. Try various moves and dekes with the head up. Whistle about every 7 seconds.

1. Players line up against the boards at the top of the circle.
2. On the whistle skate into the nzone and make moves at top speed.

A. Skate in and shoot then rebound.
B. Skate to far blue line then in and shoot.
C. Pass to opposite line then skate and shoot.

Other options:
1-Circle back for rebound.
2-Give and go with a player on the goal line.
3-Defend 1-1 vs. the next second shooter.
4-Screen and tip for next shooter.

B2 - One Timers - Pro

Posted on: November 23 2012 @ 02:26 PM
By: TomM


B2 - One Timers - Pro

Key Points:
Have the stick back early ready to shoot. Keep the stick in contact with the ice and in line with the target for as long as possible.

1. Player 1 pass to any of players 2-5.
2. Shooters try to one time the shot.
3. Shooter must adjust their position to get square to the puck.
4. Pass with different speeds and also make imperfect passes to force the shooter to adjust.

C3 - 2 -1-Shot - Regroup 3 -1 - Jr. A

Posted on: November 23 2012 @ 03:13 PM
By: TomM


C3 - 2 -1-Shot - Regroup 3 -1 - Jr. A

Key Points:
On 2-1 defender keep attacker on one side and deny the pass across making it a 2-2 with D and G. On the 3-1 attack with speed and defender delay the play cutting the ice in half.

1. F1 pass behind to F2 and attack 2-1 vs D1.
2. F3 pass to D2 who takes a shot from the point while F1-F2 screen.
3. F3 join F1 and F2 with a new puck and they skate into the neutral zone and regroup with D2.
4. F1-F2-F3 attack 3-1 vs D1.
5. D2 skate to the other net and defend a new 2-1 vs. F4 and F5.

B6 - 2-0 Pass to Corners or Moving Player – Seminar

Posted on: November 23 2012 @ 05:16 PM
By: TomM


B6 - 2-0 Pass to Corners or Moving Player – Seminar

Key Points:

Always face the puck and give a target. Pass and go for a return pass. Stick to stick passes. Hard and flat wrist passes.


1. Players are in four spots. At each blue and goal line.
2. Player 1 -2 leave and skate full speed in a circle making as many passes as they can.
3. Pass to each other and the four corners.
4. Shoot and follow the shot.
4. After a certain amount of passes or on the whistle attack the net and shoot.
5. Maximum of one pass allowed while attacking the net.


Posted on: November 27 2012 @ 03:10 PM
By: TomM



My good friend Juhani Wahlsten (Juuso) of Turku, Finland resent me this article he wrote in the early 90's. It is about his hockey background where he learned the game outside in Kuopio a little town where they had moved to avoid the bombing in Helsinki. Hockey was a new game there. Juuso went on to play 11 years with the National Team and 3 Olympics. He is in the Finnish Sports Hall of Fame and was inducted into the IIHF Hall of Fame about six years ago along with the Swede Kent Nilsson and Russian Petrov. I think the Finns view Juuso like Canadians view Gordie Howe.

When Juuso retired from playing he taught PE in the school system and hockey classes at two sports schools in Turku. Virta, Koivu, Kipprusoff, were some of his students. He also coached in Finland, Spain and Germany. Juuso speaks 7 languages. When I was with him in Vienna and we were teaching the Austrian coaches the ABC system he did the classes and I did the ice time. He taught in German, talked with me in English and with a Finn who was coaching there in Finnish. I remember him going to France to give a seminar in of course French, he spoke Spanish to the Spaniards and Swedish to the Swedes and so on. He is an INTERNATIONAL PERSON.

Juuso negotiated contracts for the first Finns to come and play in the World Hockey Association, both his sons were drafted by the NHL and had long European pro careers (Jali also played in the AHL). Scotty Bowman asked him to be his assistant coach in Buffalo and he would have been the first European NHL coach but he stayed in Finland.

I have pasted the article below and will update what he has done since the article at the end.


Link to the article:

D200 - 3 on 3 Game With No Passing - Seminar

Posted on: November 28 2012 @ 02:56 PM
By: TomM


D200 - 3 on 3 Game With No Passing - Seminar

Key Points:
This game demands that the puck carrier dangle and beat the opponents with dekes, fakes, change of pace, pivots while teammates screen, pick and go for rebounds.

1. Play a cross ice game of 2-2 to 5-5.
2. Extra players line up along the blue line.
3. Shifts 20-30" and pass to teammate coming on on the whistle.
4. Coach put in a new puck on a goal.
5. Rule is NO PASSING.
6. Line mates support by setting screens and picks and going for rebounds.
7. Keep score.

G - Post to Post-Out-Track Rebound - Finnish U20

Posted on: November 29 2012 @ 02:15 PM
By: TomM


G - Post to Post-Out-Track Rebound - Finnish U20

Key Points:
Goalie use the edges to skate laterally and then diagonally to get square to the puck. Line up the puck with middle of the backside to the middle of the back of the net.

1. Player 1 and 2 each have 3 pucks above the face off dots.
2. Goalie skate from near to far post and then diagonally out and square to the puck.
3. Take shots from alternate sides starting when the goalie is moving out.
4. After making the stop the goalie track the rebound.

G - Side to Side x 6 Shots - Finnish U20

Posted on: November 29 2012 @ 02:38 PM
By: TomM


G - Side to Side x 6 Shots - Finnish U20

Key Points:
Goalie uses the inside edge to push across the goal crease and get square to the next shooter.

1. Each shooter has 3 pucks at the face off dot.
2. Player 1 shoot.
3. Goalie make the save and then pivot and push off the inside edge to get across the crease and square to Player 2.
4. Player 2 shoot.
5. Repeat 3 times on each side.

E1 - Speed Scoring 2-1 to 2-2 – Finland

Posted on: November 30 2012 @ 04:08 PM
By: TomM


E1 Speed Scoring 2-1 to 2-2 – Finland

Key Points:
The purpose is to attack as quickly as possible and pass and shoot while skating.

1. Start from one end and when everyone is gone go the other way.
2. Attackers 1 and 2 leave from above the hash marks.
3. Defender 1 is inside the top of the circle with his stick upside down start forward and turn to back skating.
4. Defender 2 start from below the circle and back check.
5. Attacker 1 and 2 race down the ice to score and only ONE PASS is allowed.
6. Keep score.

D200 - 2 - 2 + 1 - Jokers on the Side – Finland U20

Posted on: December 01 2012 @ 02:46 PM
By: TomM


D200 - 2 - 2 + 1 - Jokers on the Side – Finland U20

Key Points:
Get open on transition to offense and cover pass receiver on transition to defense.
Goalie control rebounds.

Cross ice game of 2-2 with one Joker from each team on the side. Extra players on the blue line keep the puck in. Rotation is: Jokers activate with one new player and the second new player becomes a Joker.

- Play 15-25".
- Pass to the teammate in the middle who can only shoot or pass.
- Defense ignores joker and covers the pass receiver.

Game works on offensive (role 2) and defensive support (role 4) and has intense battles.

This game is the basic template and the coach can modify rules like only forehand passes, only saucer, only one timers, maximum 2" with the puck, only one pass, backward skating only, in other words any skill can be isolated.

B3 - Partner Passing Technique - Finnish U20

Posted on: December 03 2012 @ 02:56 PM
By: TomM


B3 - Partner Passing Technique - Finnish U20

Key Points:
Keep the hands away from the body and follow through at the target. On saucer passes the puck rolls from the heel to the middle of the stick. Receive with the stick square to the puck and hands away from the body.
When saucering the puck have the players think of throwing a frisbee. The motion across the body and then projecting the disk is the same as rolling the puck from the heel to the middle of the blade and then follow through at the target.

1. Partners pass to each other.
2. Focus on the four phases of projection.
a. wind-up - bring the puck back.
b. force production - move it forward with the stick blade rotating heel to middle.
c. crucial instant - release with a snap of the wrist.
d. follow through - the stick blade follows the direction of the puck. Receive with stick square
3. When practicing the saucer pass have a target for it to land on. In the diagram try to drop the puck onto the red line.
4. Progress to passing while skating.

C1-C600 - 1-1 - Slovakia U20

Posted on: December 04 2012 @ 03:55 PM
By: TomM


C1-C600 1-1 - Slovakia U20

Key Points:
Make crisp passes and then skate and give a target. Hard fakes and try to beat the D. D always play the attack from the defensive side and get a close gap as soon as possible. D tie up the F stick after the shot and F follow the shot for a rebound. Always finish drills with the D tying up the stick after the shot and then pass a loose puck to the line up or a coach. The forward always go for a rebound.

1. RF1 and BF1 pass to the opposite colour D1's.
2. RD1 and FD1 pass back to the opposite colour F1 and mirror their skating across.
3. RF1 and BF1 pass to the opposite colour F2 who return the pass.
4. RF1 attack vs. BD1 and BF1 attack vs. RD1.
5. Both forward and defense play the rebound. If the D get it they should pass to the last forward lined up at the blue line to finish the play.

C1 - Shot-Breakout-Regroup-2 on 1 - Czech U20

Posted on: December 05 2012 @ 03:06 PM
By: TomM


C1 - Shot-Breakout-Regroup-2 on 1 - Czech U20

Key Points:
Defense get to the big ice before making the breakout pass. On the 2-1 make the first pass early so there is a second play. If the defender gets the puck pass to the defense waiting to start the next play.

1. D1's dump the puck in and get it.
2. F1's funnel and then get open on boards.
3. F2's take a shot on the opposite net and circle back.
4. D1's pass to F1's on the wall.
5. F1's pass to F2's in nzone.
6. F1's and F2's attack original net vs. D1's.
7. Repeat with the next group.

B600 - One Touch x 3 and Shot - Slovakia U20

Posted on: December 06 2012 @ 03:56 PM
By: TomM


B600 - One Touch x 3 and Shot - Slovakia U20

Key Points:
Face the puck, keeping the hands away from the body and stick square to the puck.

1. Players are lined up at the blue lines at each end.
2. Player 1 exchange cross ice passes with player 2.
3. After the second pass player 1 skate backward into the neutral zone to receive the third pass.
4. Player 1 attack the net and shoo-rebound.
5. Player 1 either: circle back to rebound for player 2, exchange passes with player 2, screen the goalie for player 2, defend a 1-1 vs. player 2.
6. Player 2 repeat the drill with player 3.

* As in most unopposed shooting drills the shooter can then screen, circle back for the a rebound from the next shooter, give and go with the next shooter or go out and play a 1-1 wither passive or aggressive..

B4-B600 - Quick ups x 2 - Latvia U20

Posted on: December 07 2012 @ 09:04 PM
By: TomM


B4-B600 - Quick ups x 2 - Latvia U20

Key Points:
Forward face the puck and defense get between the dots before passing. Do everything with the feet moving.

1 - F1 pass to D1.
2 - F2 get open on boards and get pass from D1.
3 - F2 give and go with F1.
4 - F2 pass to D1 on the other side.
5 - F2 get open for return pass from D1.
6 - F2 attack and shoot.
7 - D1 follow for a pass to the point.
8 - F2 get a puck from corner and pass to D1.
9 - D1 shoot while F2 screen.

B6 - 2-0 Middle Drive - Czech U20

Posted on: December 08 2012 @ 03:15 PM
By: TomM


B6 - 2-0 Middle Drive - Czech U20

Key Points:

Attack with speed and hit the net and the middle player be in good position for a rebound. This is a drill to warm up the goalies.

- 1 and 2 leave from diagonal corners at each end.
- 1 is in the middle and pass wide to 2.
- 1 turn and skate to the other side and turn and middle drive the net.
- 2 continue down the wide lane and shoot then rebound.
- If there is a rebound finish the play.

A300 - One Touch Warm-up - Slovakia U20

Posted on: December 10 2012 @ 03:17 PM
By: TomM


A300 - One Touch Warm-up - Slovakia U20

Key Points:
Move the puck to everyone in the group facing he puck at all times. Goalies warm up with the coaches. Do this instead of aimlessly skating around the ice with a puck at the start of practice.

1. Players skate around in their 5 man units.
2. One touch pass the puck to each other.
3. Coaches warm up the goalies at one end.
4. Do this for about 3 - 5 minutes.
5, Blocks of 5 players could move onto 3-2 Keepaway.

* Coaches warm up the goalies.

C2 - 5 on 3 BO - 5-2 Rush - Finnish U17

Posted on: December 11 2012 @ 03:32 PM
By: TomM


C2 - 5 on 3 BO - 5-2 Rush - Finnish U17

Key Points:
D move away from pressure and pass to the middle as much as possible. C swing laterally through the top half of the circle about a stick length behind the D. W's stay on the boards. F2 middle drive.

1. Coach dump in a puck and call how many forecheckers.
2. Blue offensive team break out 5-3 or 5-4.
3. In NZ rush is 5 on 2.
4. Attack with middle drive and D1 joining the rush.
5. Play 5-2 until the rush is finsihed.
6. Coach dump in a new puck and call out whether one or two forecheckers stay in.
7. Red forwards breakout with original Red D1 and D2.
8. Next blue forward line follow the attack and wait at the blue line for the coach dump in.

T2 - PP Breakout and Rotation - Slovakia U20

Posted on: December 13 2012 @ 03:12 PM
By: TomM


T2 - PP Breakout and Rotation - Slovakia U20

Key Points:
Double swing breakout. Usually C swing to forehand side and wings stretch at far blue line or red line and far blue line. High rotation with the F and D switching.

1. Five players wait in the neutral zone and D1 dump the puck in.
2. D1 skate up the middle lane while F1 and D2 swing to each side.
3. F2 and F3 are at the far blue line on each side.
4. D1 read the play and decide to carry or pas the puck.
5. Practice the 5-0 pplay with a high rotation between F1 and D1.

T2 - 5-0 - Tomas - Breakout Options and Goalie Warm up - Slovakia U20

Posted on: December 14 2012 @ 02:48 PM
By: TomM


T2 - 5-0 - Tomas - Breakout Options and Goalie Warm up - Slovakia U20

Key Points:

This is a routine for the start of practice instead of simply skating around the ice mindlessly. Go through all of the various breakout options with D to D passes and quick ups. Rotate regroups so all four defense start the play and the three forwards get the first pass. Forwards skate to the ‘Big Ice’ when they get a pass and fill the three lanes one touch passing.

1. Start with coach warming up goalies at one end and three forwards and two defense at each end.
2. Blue line of 5 regroup with the Red D1.
3. Red D1 either do a quick up or D to D below the goal line.
4. One touch down the ice and regroup with Blue D1 or D2.
5. Blue D quick up or low D to D.
6. Repeat so each D pair gets two breakouts.
7. Red forwards follow and take their first breakout from the white D.

G - B6 Four Spot Shooting - Slovakia U20

Posted on: December 15 2012 @ 03:00 PM
By: TomM


G - B6 Four Spot Shooting - Slovakia U20

Key Points:
Shoot while moving and hit the net. Forwards screen and tip after shooting. Goalie must battle to see through the screen and control the rebounds.

1. F1 skate around the top of the circle and shoot - rebound - screen.
2. F2 skate around the top of the circle and shoot - rebound - screen.
3. D1 skate along the blue line inside the dot and shoot.
4. D2 skate along the blue line inside the dot and shoot.

Repeat with the next group.

* Option is to have a breakaway from the blue line as a fifth shooter

C3 - 1-0 - 2-1 - 3-2 - Czech U20

Posted on: December 17 2012 @ 03:53 PM
By: TomM


C3 - 1-0 - 2-1 - 3-2 - Czech U20

Key Points:
Forward see the puck at all times. Make hard passes. One forward without the puck drive hard to the net. Look for rebounds. Attack with speed and hit the net.

1. Do this in five player units or 3 F and 2 D.
2. F1 leave and pass to D1 who hinges with D2 .
3. F1 get a stretch pass from D2.
4. F2 and F3 cross and drop and attack vs. D2 in the same direction.
5. F1-F2-F3 attack the other way vs. D1 while D2 backchecks.
6. Next group of 3 F and 2 D repeat in the other direction.

C3 - Continuous 3-2 - Danish U20

Posted on: December 18 2012 @ 02:46 PM
By: TomM


C3 - Continuous 3-2 - Danish U20

Key Points:
Attack with one in each lane with speed. Two players go hard to the net and one trail making a triangle. Fight for rebounds. Defenders delay the play and protect the middle. One D take attacker to the net and other D play a 2-1 on the puck side.

1. F1 leave and pass to F2 who skates up the middle while F1 and F3 cross to wide lanes.
2. F1-F2-F3 attack 3-2 vs. D1-D2.
3. The next group of 5 wait in the neutral zone to repeat in the other direction.

A. After the 3-2 is practiced start the next rush with the defenders making a pass to the forwards waiting above the circles.
B. Then progress to a Transition Game with the Red D defending vs. blue F and the D who makes the breakout pass join the rush making it a 3-3.

B2 One Timers-Pro and International

Posted on: December 20 2012 @ 03:23 PM
By: TomM


B2 One Timers-Pro and International

Key Points:
Have the stick back early ready to shoot. Keep the stick in contact with the ice and in line with the target for as long as possible. This is a drill done all over the world. One timers are the key to a good power play and scoring on the rush.

1. Player 1 pass to any of players 2-5.
2. Shooters try to one time the shot.
3. Shooter must adjust their position to get square to the puck.
4. Pass with different speeds and also make imperfect passes to force the shooter to adjust.

International Pro

O - Split Vision Game of Soccer and Basketball - Czech Youth

Posted on: December 21 2012 @ 05:23 PM
By: TomM


This video is from a hockey camp I did 2010 in Jihlava, Czech Republic. They have been doing off ice training far longer than we have in Canada so I told the coaches to do what they usually do and I learned from them. You don't need elaborate equipment and fancy facilities. I will post other off ice workouts in the next while as examples.

O - Split Vision Game of Soccer and Basketball - Czech Youth

Key Points:
Play soccer football and basketball at the same time. Players have to have split vision and be ready to use their feet and then their hands to control the ball.

1. Play shifts of 3 minutes.
2. Rotate on the whistle.
3. Players control the basketball with their hands and soccer ball with the feet.
4. Keep score.

O - Agility Circuit Race - Czech Youth

Posted on: December 22 2012 @ 04:03 PM
By: TomM


O - Agility Circuit Race - Czech Youth

Key Points:
Create an agility circuit with tasks to be done at top speed in a competition.

4 teams race over, under, thru, around, skip, spin to challenge their coordination, agility, balance, speed, power.
This circuit works on the Skill Related Principles of Fitness.

- coordination
- agility
- balance
- speed,
- reaction time

To be a good hockey player you also have to be a good athlete.

O - Off ice Training - Czech Youth

Posted on: December 24 2012 @ 03:21 PM
By: TomM


O - Agility, Coordination Using Sticks – Czech Youth

Key Points:
Use a stick with no blade as the barrier between two players and do partner exercises with competition.

1. Partners mirror each others movements.
2. Partners fake at each other and read the body language to go the other way around the stick.
3. Partner play tag with one chasing and the free. They must run around the stick to tag and then that partner is it.

O - Agility Circuit Race - Czech Youth
Training off ice in a gym or outside. Multiple examples.

O - Agility Circuit Race - Czech Youth

O Combative Dryland Czech Youth

O - Dryland Agility Core Circuits Czech Republic

O Dryland Agility Coordination Reaction Time Czech Youth

O - Czech Off Ice Training

O - Czech Youth Hockey Off-Ice

B500 - 3 Spoke Passing - Czech U17

Posted on: January 01 2013 @ 04:41 PM
By: TomM


B500 - 3 Spoke Passing - Czech U17

Key Points:
Keep the hands away from the body and follow through at the target. The puck rotates toward the toe of the blade. Hands should be relaxed and the stick blade square to the puck. Backhands have to be taken from the middle to the heel of the blade of the blade adjusted to be square with the curve.

1. Start with stationary partner passing alternating between forehand and back hand. Use wrist passes and focus on the giving and receiving being quiet.
2. Spoke pass with two pucks in groups of 3 or 4. One player takes passes from the other players. Alternate forehand and backhand.

B4 - 1-0 Outside-Middle Shots- Czech U17 - Pro

Posted on: January 02 2013 @ 04:13 PM
By: TomM


B4 - 1-0 Outside-Middle Shots- Czech U17 - Pro

Key Points:
Keep the feet moving and shoot. Follow the shot for a rebound.

A. 1 leave and exchange the puck twice with 2 while circling wide.
B. 2 make a third pass to 1.
C. 1 skate in and shoot from the wide lane.
D. Repeat but circle inside to outside and shoot from the middle.
E. After shooting 1 circle back and rebound for the next shooter.

B4 One Touch x 3 Shoot Pro

C300 - 3 x 1 on 1 and 3 on 3 – Pro

Posted on: January 03 2013 @ 03:20 PM
By: TomM


C300 - 3 x 1 on 1 and 3 on 3 – Pro

Key Points:
Attacker use head and shoulder fakes, protect the puck to get to the net for a shot. Defender stay on the defensive side and play a tight gap and block the attacker from getting to the scoring area.


1. Players line up outside of the blue line.
2. One attacker in each corner and one in the middle at the blue line.
3. One defender starts about 3 metres in front of the attacker and they play 1 on 1.
4. Coach pass to one corner, then the other corner and then the middle player attack with a puck.
5. After the three 1-1’s the coach shoots in a fourth puck and the players compete 3 on 3.

B5-B6 - Breakout 3 Shot Czech - U17

Posted on: January 04 2013 @ 02:45 PM
By: TomM


B5-B6 - Breakout 3 Shot Czech - U17

Key Points:
Face the puck on the breakout and shoot while skating. Follow the shot for the rebound. Only have one player screen
while the other be at the side for a shot pass and rebound. After F1 passes he should spin to create space between
him and F2.

1. F1 and F2 leave from the middle and pass to D1 who was against the boards.
2. D1 pivot then pass to either F1 or F2 and follow them up the ice.
3. F1 pass to F2 (or F2 to F1) and F2 attack and shoot, rebound and screen.
4. F1 spin after passing then get a pass from the coach and shoot, rebound.
5. F1 screen and F2 move to the side for a shot pass.
6. D1 get a pass from the coach and take a shot from the point.
7. All hustle back to the line up.

C3 - Horseshoe 2-1 x 2 - Pro

Posted on: January 08 2013 @ 02:41 PM
By: TomM


This is a pretty good drill with lots of passing and a 2-1 both ways. The players are NHL and European pro's waiting for the lockout to end. The coach is an ex NHL player who is an asst. at the university. He used to play for the U of Alberta when I was an asst. at the U of Calgary. They have been getting together to practice four months now. I imagine they will have a lot more jump now that the ice times are more meaningful.


C3 Horseshoe 2-1 x 2 – Pro

Key Points:
Make good passes. Give a target and play with quick feet. Defense create a good gap as early as possible and forwards attack with speed. 2-1 Attack Rule: One high-one low-one fast-one slow.

1. D in diagonal corners and F diagonal blue lines. F1 and F2 skate across toward D1. The drill happens at each end.
2. D1 pass to F1 who one touches to D1.
3. D1 pass to D2 in line who returns the puck.
4. D1 pass to either F1 or F2
5. D1 skate across to defend vs. F1 and F2 who left from the other end.
6. F1-F2 attack 2-1 vs. D1 from the other end.
7. The drill goes at the same time from each end.

E1 - D200 Shootout Game - U18 F

Posted on: January 09 2013 @ 03:07 PM
By: TomM


E1 - D200 Shootout Game - U18 F

Key Points:
As soon as there is a rebound or goal the defender pick up the puck and attack the other way.

1. Coach dumps the puck in and players race for it.
2. Puck carrier try to score defender defend.
3. On rebound or goal defender attack other way.
4. Shooter must get outside of the blue line.
5. When teammate onside then first player in the line backchecks.

C3 - Continuous Full Ice 2 on 2

Posted on: January 10 2013 @ 03:00 PM
By: TomM


This is a drill from former NHL and European Pro Todd Elick.
C3 - Full Ice 2 on 2 F Backcheck

Key Points:
Players in the corners have to be ready with a puck to join the play and they have to think and the defense must communicate with the backchecker who to take. Forwards try to get scoring chances. Skating drill. Have to work hard and communicate.

1. Forwards in each corners and defensemen in the middle of the ice.
2. Drill starts with a 2 on 1.
3. Two forwards attack down the ice and the forward that shoots the puck is finished.
4. The forward who doesn't shoot turns to either corner.
5. The corner he chooses to go to the forward goes with him 2 on 2 the other way.
6. The forward in in the corner doesn't turn to has to backcheck to make it a 2 on 2.
7. Its continuous. Back and forth. Have to think. Defense has to pick up 2 on 2 both ways.
8. Do it for 5-7 minutes.
9. Kind of a hidden bag skate.

B500 - One Timers and Breakaways - Czech U17

Posted on: January 15 2013 @ 04:34 PM
By: TomM


B500 - One Timers and Breakaways - Czech U17

Key Points:
Scoring practice includes one timers, shots from the wing and short breakaways. Players should make moves and fakes as if they are beating a checker and then shoot. Always shoot to score. Follow a pattern so the goalies know where the next shot is coming from.

1. Take one timers, shots from the wing and point shots at one end.
2. Breakaways from just above the hash marks at the other end.
3. Focus on lots of players getting shots and the goalie stopping pucks from various angles and distances instead of just one kind of shot.

B5-B6 Breakout 3 Shot Czech - U17

Posted on: January 16 2013 @ 03:54 PM
By: TomM


B5-B6 Breakout 3 Shot Czech - U17

Key Points:
Shoot while moving and hit the net. Follow shot for a rebound and then screen. Give a target and then hustle back to the lineup on the whistle.

1. Forwards in the middle and Defense at each end.
2. F1 pass to D1 who drive skates.
3. F1 and F2 get open for a breakout pass.
4. D1 pass to F1.
5. F1 pass to F2 who attacks-shoots-screens.
6. F1 spin then get a pass from the coach and shoot.
7. D1 get a pass from the coach and take a point shot or shot pass while F1 screens and F2 is ready for a shot pass.
8. Do this from both sides.

B5 1-0 Outside-Middle Shots- Czech U17

Posted on: January 17 2013 @ 03:57 PM
By: TomM


B5 1-0 Outside-Middle Shots- Czech U17

Key Points:

Keep skating, give a target and pass hard and pass while moving. Hit the net and follow the shot. Rebound for the next shooter.

1. All players and pucks are in the middle.
2. One player leave from each side.
3. Player 2 pass to player 1 who circles between the red and blue line.
4. Player 1 skate in and shoot after the third pass.
5. After shooting player 1 circle back and rebound for the next shooter.
6. Alternate sides and player 3 leaves after the first pass.
7. Circle left and right so shots come from both in the middle and the outside lanes.

B2 - Pass x 3 Shoot - U22 W

Posted on: January 18 2013 @ 03:32 PM
By: TomM


B2 - Pass x 3 Shoot - U22 W

Key Points:
One touch the passes and face the puck all of the time. Follow the shot for a rebound and give a target.

1. Two leave from the top of the circle.
2. Exchange puck with 2 at the dot.
3. Face the puck and exchange a second time skating to the outside of the circle.
4. Skate to the inside facing the puck and get a third pass from two and shoot.

Repeat the same drill on the other side after the second pass.

DT500 - 1-1 to 3-3 Nets Back to Back - U18F

Posted on: January 21 2013 @ 03:58 PM
By: TomM


DT500 - 1-1 to 3-3 Nets Back to Back - U18F

Key Points:
Quick transition from offense to defense with puck protection the emphasis on offense and defensive side with the stick on the puck on defense.

1. Nets are back to back in one zone.
2. Extra players are jokers who are around the defensive net ready for a pass to go onto offense.
3. Start with 1-1 and progress up to a 3-3.
4. On transition to offense the defender pass to a joker who attacks the opposite facing net.
5. The offensive player defends when they lose the puck.
6. Keep score.
7. Add the option to pass to jokers.
8. Coach pass to non offending joker is the puck goes out of play or after a goal.

C3 - Total Hockey - 3-0, 3-1, 3-2 - U18 F

Posted on: January 22 2013 @ 03:53 PM
By: TomM


This is a great drill to practice all of the 4 Game playing roles and to teach the new attack triangle with a middle drive, how to play a 3-1 and 3-2 both on offense and defense. Keep score and make a contest out of it.

I was watching a NHL player who I coached in his Golden Years 12 and 13 covering the point on a pinch. He had to defend the 1-1 rush and got hooped. I thought to myself that we should have worked more on everyone skating backward and taking defensive situations instead of the D always defending and the F attacking.

I now have all of my players do all of the situations so they can become Total Hockey Players and I suggest the coaches who use this site do the same. The game gets more dynamic all of the time with the D joining the rush and positions interchanging. A team can only do this if the players have competence in all of the skills.

C3 - Total Hockey - 3-0, 3-1, 3-2 - U18 F

Key Points:

Total hockey because everyone plays all positions on offense and defense. Attack with a middle drive at top speed. Hit the net and drive for rebounds. Only allow one pass in the offensive zone on the 3-0. Attack with speed and make plays early while defenders delay the attack.


1. One group on each side in the neutral zone.
2. Everyone attacks and defends.
3. Play rebounds until a goal or the puck is behind the net or outside the dots.
4. Coach pass new puck if a goal is scored.
5. One defender follow the rush on 3-0 and two follow the 3-1 rush.
6. Keep score.

* Prepare all the players to play Total 1-2-3-4-5 Hockey.

O - Swedish Players Train with Russian Coach

Posted on: January 24 2013 @ 03:05 PM
By: TomM


O - Swedish Players Train with Russian Coach

Key Points:
Circuit training with plyometrics, strength, agility, reaction time, speed, flexibility, endurance, balance, coordination.


Circuit Training:
- Wall ladder for abdominals.
- Mats and benches for dives and rolls,
- Weights, metal hockey stick and medicine balls for resistance.
- Russian box for skating power.
- Benches and racks for weight training.

B6 3-0 Weave-Regroup at Far End – Pro

Posted on: January 25 2013 @ 03:57 PM
By: TomM


B6 3-0 Weave-Regroup at Far End – Pro

Key Points:
Principles: Pass while skating and then follow the pass and take the ice behind the puck carrier.. Fill the 3 lanes. Skate to the “big ice” between the dots when you get the puck. Pass to the outside lane, skate to the inside lane.

A. 1 pass to 2 and follow the pass.
B. 2 skate to the big ice, pass to 3, follow the pass taking the ice behind.
C. 3 pass back to one, follow the pass.
D. 1 regroup with 4 and 1-2-3 fill each lane.
E. 4 pass to 1 or 3 on the strong side.
F. 1-2-3 weave the same way and attack with a triangle and shoot at the oringinal end.
G. 4-5-6 follow and repeat the other way.

E1 2-0 Change on Go Shootout - U18 F

Posted on: January 26 2013 @ 03:41 PM
By: TomM


E1 2-0 Change on Go Shootout - U18 F

Key Points:
The main goal of this shootout is for the goalies to battle and never give up on shots. It is more realistic if only one pass per shot is allowed but if the goal is for the goalie to battle put no restrictions on the shooters.


1. Half the team in each box and as many pucks on the blue line as the number of the largest team.
2. Two players leave from the box, get a puck from the blue line and shoot until they score.
3. After scoring race back and touch the player box gate so the next two can leave.
4. First team to score all the pucks wins.
5. Losers do a chore or exercise.

E1 2-0 Change on Go Shootout

D5 Keepaway Contests to Practice Skills and Good Habits - College W

Posted on: January 26 2013 @ 04:30 PM
By: TomM


D5 Keepaway Contests to Practice Skills and Good Habits - College W

Key Points:
All 4 Game playing roles are practiced. Have rules like, only forehand passes, only backhand, an escape move before passing, 3 hard strides, one touch, 2 " only, all skate backward, hold the stick with only one hand, saucer passes. 5 or 7 passes = 1 point.

1. Groups have an area of the rink or else one group at at time has so many seconds to make as many passes as possible.
2.Good activity to warm up with if the goalies are working with a coach.
3. Use rules that include skating, passing skills, puck handling skills such as pivots.
4. Practice good habits like taking 3 hard strides when you get the puck or pass and get open.
5. Keep score and switch opponents. I point for every 5-7 passes.

Video Examples with various groups and skills being worked on.

D200 - Multiple Jokers Each Side - U18 F

Posted on: January 28 2013 @ 05:39 PM
By: TomM


D200 - Jokers Each Side - U18 F

Key Points:
Practice the 4 Game Playing Roles.
1 - Player with the puck.
2 - Player supporting the puck carrier.
3 - Player checking the puck carrier.
4 - Player covering away from the puck.

1. Play from 1-1 to 5-5.
2. Passes to the jokers on the side are allowed.
3. Jokers may pass or shoot.
4. Pass to a Joker on the whistle.
5. New players skate behind their net on a change.
6. Variations:
a. Send out uneven teams.
b. Give and go with a Joker who can join the game to either even the teams or add up to a designated number of players.
7. Keep score and use short shifts.

C3 - Continuous Backcheck 3-3 - Czech U17

Posted on: January 29 2013 @ 03:27 PM
By: TomM


The head coach is Petr Svoboda who played part of a season for Tonronto until he had to quit because of health problems. He was the only English speaking coach in Jihlava, Czech Republic when I did a camp there. They offered me a job to be coach mentor and work as asst. coach with Petr on the U20 team. He is now certified coach able to coach pro or any other level in the Czech Republic. When I did the camp I would go over everything with Petr and then he would explain it to the coaches and players in Czech.
Good guy.

C3 - Continuous Backcheck 3-3 - Czech U17

Key Points:
Attack with speed. Defenseman communicate who the forwards should cover. Quickly change from offense to defense. Tie up sticks in the slot. D join the rush.

1. Start with BF1, BF2, BD1 in defensive position.
2. RD1 skate between dots to the big us and pass to RF1 or RF2 and follow the attack.
3. Blue players F1-F2-D1 defend the 3-3 rush.
4. Coach whistle when rush finished.
5. D2 start a new attack the other way while original attacker Red F1-F2-D1 defend.
6. Continue this 3-3 flow end to end.

** This flow can be continued in a one puck transition game with no whistles starting with passive then active support.

Games to Teach the Game

Posted on: January 30 2013 @ 03:38 PM
By: TomM


I spent many hours putting a posting together about using games to teach the game. I am always adding ideas but here is the link to many-many game ideas.

DT100 Continuous 2-1 to 3-3 Passive Support - U18 F

Posted on: January 30 2013 @ 05:04 PM
By: TomM


This is very similar to the previous drill but it is a transition game which uses only one puck and the flow continues without whistles. This requires the teams to play the low 3-3 and the defenders to make a breakout pass. It also frees the coach to talk with the players instead of being like a traffic cop blowing whistles. Players also are more engaged and have to make decisions.
Transition games are NOT used by very many coaches but are the next advancement in running more effective and efficient practices.

DT100 Continuous 2-1 to 3-3 Passive Support - U18 F

Key Points:
New players give passive support above the circles but can take the puck if it is loose or the offense cycles too high, just like a F covering the point would. The key for the offense is to quickly attack and the defenders to communicate on coverage.

1. Players line up in the neutral zone with D on one side and F on the other.
2. Begin with a 3-3. Two RF and one RD attack vs. opposition two BF one BD.
3. Defending team has two BF follow and support from the top of the circles.
4. Attacking team have one RD support from the blue line.
5. On a frozen puck, goal or take away the defenders pass to one of the BF above the circles.
6. Attack 2-1 vs. the R defenseman.
7. Original two RF backcheck and original BD join the 2 F on the attack.
8. Original two RF return to the line-up.
9. Play 3-3 in the zone.
10. Two new RF from defending team and one BD from attacking team give passive support after the puck enters the offensive zone.
11. Continue this flow.

B500 - Partner Wrist Passes - Czech U17

Posted on: January 31 2013 @ 02:30 PM
By: TomM


B500 - Partner Wrist Passes - Czech U17

Key Points:
Technique practice. Stick is square to the puck, hands relaxed. Make good hard and flat passes. The puck rotates toward the end of the blade.

1. Partners work on passing in various areas of the ice.
2. Use wrist passes.
3. Load and fire: wind up, produce force, release, follow through at the target.
4. Forehand, backhand and saucer passing technique can be practiced in the same way.
If you expect good performance in games then you must pay attention to technique details.
*Goalies warm up with crease skating.

B500 - Partner Wrist Passes - Czech U17

C300 - Breakout, Double Regroup 5-2 Back Hard - Pro

Posted on: February 02 2013 @ 02:48 PM
By: TomM


When teaching team play sometimes the coach has the opposition D pass all the way to the other D in order to simulate a turn over, so the players go from thinking forecheck to getting back to support a regroup. The Finn Jalonen did the same thing off a low zone face-off in another drill to simulate a turnover where the players had to get onside and regroup in the neutral zone before attacking.
C300 - Breakout, Double Regroup 5-2 Back Hard - Pro

Key Points:
Do everything at full speed. Get to the big ice and pass wide. Face the puck always and give a target. D must read where the forecheck pressure comes from. Attack with 4 in the scoring area.

1. Extra players wait on the bench.
2. Dump the puck in and either two coaches or extra players forecheck.
3. Blue D go breakout with Blue Forwards then forecheckers leave.
4. Blue forwards pass to Red D in the neutral zone.
5. Red D regroup and pass to the Blue D.
6. Blue D hinge and regroup with the Blue Forwards.
7. Blues attack 5-2 vs. Red D with one D joining the rush.
8. Race back to the middle circle on the whistle.

B202 - Regroup 1-0, 2-0 Pass Options – Pro

Posted on: February 04 2013 @ 04:13 PM
By: TomM


B202 - Regroup 1-0, 2-0 Pass Options – Pro

Key Points:
Give a target and face the puck. Pass hard and lead the player so he doesn’t have to slow down. Shoot and rebound and either screen or rebound for the next shooter. Stay onside on the 2-0.

1. Players face each other across the neutral zone lined up with the dots.
2. Start with R1 passing ahead to B2 who passes over to B3. This pattern happens with B1 to R2 to R3 at the same time.
A. B3 make a cross ice pass to R1 who faces the play on the far wing and goes in for a shot.
B. R3 pass to B1 who mirrors the puck from the middle lane and goes wide for a shot.
C. R3 pass to R1 who mirrors the puck from the middle lane - attack wide. R2 join attack after passing across.

B202 - Regroup 1-0, 2-0 Pass Options - Pro

B6 Defense Shooting Options - U18F

Posted on: February 05 2013 @ 03:17 PM
By: TomM


B6 Defense Shooting Options - U18F

Key Points:
Move into a shooting lane and keep the eyes up so you know where the defenders are. Miss the defender coming to the block.

a. 1 pass to 2 and 2 pass back to 1.
b. 1 pass to 3 and 3 pass back to 1.
c. 1 pivot and pass back to 3.
f. 3 skate to mid point and shoot and 1 screen.
h. Rotate 1 go to point and 3 leave, 2 move to shooting point and repeat sequence with 4 passing to 1.

Sequence of Shots:
1. Shoot to score.
2. Shoot for a rebound.
3. Shot pass.
4. Shoot wide for a rebound off the boards.

B500 One Timers, Shots and Breakaways - Czech U17

Posted on: February 06 2013 @ 03:07 PM
By: TomM


B500 One Timers, Shots and Breakaways - Czech U17

Key Points:
Practice individual skills with the thought that someone is checking you. Add dekes, feints and moves before taking a shot or making a pass.

1. Breakaways from the top of the circle.
2. Point shots with movement.
3. One-timers with fakes before passing.
4. Shots from the slot but skate and make fakes before taking the shot.

B500 One Timers and Breakaways - Czech U17

A - Skating Programs from Finland and Minnesota

Posted on: February 07 2013 @ 03:20 PM
By: TomM


Lately I have been working on putting the site into a consistent format and making sure the pdf's have diagrams and video links and the videos are in the proper place and have diagrams and descriptions in the Daily Drill section. These skating videos are excellent and have been mentioned before but I want to put them together. They are an excellent resource for both beginner and advanced skating.
A - Skating Programs from Finland and Minnesota

This is a four part series of skating instruction from Finland. It is an excellent resource.

A2 - Hockey Skating from Finland 1

A2 - Skating Skills from Finland 2

A2 - Skating from Finland 3

A2 - Skating Skills from Finland 4

A2 - Skating Balance and Agility from Finland

A300 - Finnish Skating Skills

Another great resource for teaching skating was done by Minnesota Hockey. It is a 30 minute video of how to teach skating technique.

A3 - Skating from Minnesota

DT100 Continuous 1-1, D Join Attack - U18 F

Posted on: February 09 2013 @ 03:39 PM
By: TomM


DT100 Continuous 1-1, D Join Attack - U18 F

Key Points:
The defender make a pass and jump into the play right away. The new defender has to realize that it is a late developing 2-1 and the attackers must make a play early before the defenders get support.

a. Start with #2 attacking vs #1.
b. #3 support on defense and #4 support the attack.
c. After a goal or a defensive breakout #3 attack vs #4.
d. The original defender #1 join the attack (#2 return to the lineup when the puck crosses the blue line.) This creates a 2-1 in the neutral zone.
e. #5 and 6 join the play after the attack crosses the blue line and actively play a 3-2. #6 play the offensive point position.
f. After a goal or breakout continue the flow with 5 vs 6 and 4 joining the rush.

You can run this game with all players playing F and D or if you have D joining the F could line up on one side and the D on the other side in the nzone.

Starting with a 2-1 and two players supporting the D and one the attack would make a 3-3 on the original attack and a 3-1 in the nzone and a 4-3 in the offensive zone.

Starting with a 2-2 attack and the offense getting support from 2 D and the defense from 2 F it would make a 4-4 on the original attack. One D joining the rush makes a 3-2 in the nzone and a 5-4 at each end. (D stay up on the attack)

DT100 - 2 on 2 Backchecking Game - Nzone Regroup - U18 F

Posted on: February 10 2013 @ 03:55 PM
By: TomM


DT100 - 2 on 2 Backchecking Game - Nzone Regroup - U18 F

Key Points:
Supporting players play like wingers at the top of the circles. Give targets, face the puck and make all plays while skating. Create a 2-1 vs. the widest defender.

1. R1-R2 attack vs. B1-B2.
2. B3-B4 support at the top of the circles.
3. Goal, frozen puck or transition B1- or B2 pas to either B3 or B4.
4. B3 and B4 skate over the red line and then regroup with either B1 or B2.
5. B1-B2 hinge and pass to B3 or B4.
6. R3-R4 attack vs R1-R2.
7. Continue this flow with R3 and R4 supporting at the top of the circles.

Mike Johnston on using Games to Teach the Game

Posted on: February 12 2013 @ 04:27 PM
By: TomM


Mike Johnston on using Games to Teach the Game

MIke Johnston a former university, major junior head coach and NHL asst. coach does a great job in an on ice demonstration of using games to teach the game. It was at a coach seminar in Vienna. I coached one season with Mike as assistants at the U of Calgary and we were both head coaches in a men's college hockey league before that.

A200 - Big Moves - Russian Warm-up

Posted on: February 13 2013 @ 03:20 PM
By: TomM


This is such an important exercise to learn how to separate the movement of the upper and lower body as well as incorporate head and shoulder fakes. Most North Americans generally are very stiff in the upper body. Two IIHF Hall of Fame coaches, Juhani Wahlsten of Finland and Vladimir Yursinov of Russia were running the hockey school in Finland in this video. They had Yashin, who had just been the NHL player of the year demonstrating the exercises. Later in the video Finnish coaches lead young players.
If you are going to add anything from this site to your practices these exercises should be done all of the time in all levels. When I was coaching in Austria Yursinov came one week per month and led the pro's in these exercises during the morning skill sessions. There are videos on this site with showing leading some of the practices.

A200 Big Moves _ Russian Warm-up

Key Points:
Increase the size of the moves by reaching as far as possible with the puck. Separate the movement of the upper and lower body by skating away from the puck. Players must be able to handle the puck under control around and through their body.

- Skate away from the puck. Skate right reach left and skate left and reach right. - Reach as far forward and back as you can using the top hand.
-Put the puck from the stick to inside and outside edges back to the stick.
-Move puck from behind to front through skate forehand and backhand.
-Escape moves backward with the puck and tight turns each way.
-Fake a shot and go left then right. Spin on backhand.
-Touch each knee while skating. - Yo-yo the puck give it and take it away. - Toe drag fake inside and pull the puck back while sliding back. - Bring the puck from behind to in front through the skates on forehand. - Bring the puck from behind to in front through the skates on backhand. - Skate fake inside and go outside.

A200 - Puck Handling Big Moves Exercises – Finland

A200 - Puck Handling Sequence - Russian Olympic Coach – Jursinov

A200 - Skating and Puck Handling - Yashin and Finnish HS

A200 - Big Moves Led by 3 Players – Jasper Camp

DT100 - 1-1 - 2-2 - 3-3 with Turn-back - U18 F

Posted on: February 14 2013 @ 03:02 PM
By: TomM


DT100 - 1-1 - 2-2 - 3-3 with Turn-back - U18 F

Key Points:
Attack with speed and create a gap by turning back and then up. Defenders must mirror the attackers to maintain a tight gap. Only use the 1-1 to teach the technique and the flow and then move to larger numbers to achieve a good work/rest ratio. 1-1 could be done on both sides and ten full ice for a 2-2 and up.

1. R1-R2 attack vs. B1-B2.
2. R3-R4 support when the puck crosses the red line.
3. R1-R2 cut back before crossing the blue line and B1-B2 keep a tight gap.
4. R3-R4 can shoot or pass within 1" but not go in deep. R1-R2 play low 2-2.
5. On transition B1-B2 attack R3-R4 and repeat sequence.
6. B3-B4 support from the line-up.

A. R1-R2 regroup with R3-R4.
B. Vary the situations with between 1 and 3 players supporting from the line-up.

A200 - Agility Skate - Pass - Shoot - U18F

Posted on: February 15 2013 @ 03:06 PM
By: TomM


A200 - Agility Skate - Pass - Shoot - U18F

Key Points:
First player skate at full speed with the puck. Pass hard and give a target for the return pass. Hit the net and follow the shot for a rebound. Keep the head up all of the time. Players leave on their own when the player in front crosses the far blue line.

1. Leave with a puck from diagonal corners.
2. Transition skate hard around the face-off dot back to the blue line and up to the red line.
3. Stop at the red line.
4. Around the bottom of the circle while facing the far end.
5. Pass to 2 on the goal line and get a return pass.
6. Shoot.
7. Follow the shot for a rebound.
8. Skate to the goal line to give and go with the next attacker.

D100 - Scrimmage Full Ice – Alternate Ends - U18 F

Posted on: February 16 2013 @ 03:42 PM
By: TomM


D100 - Scrimmage Full Ice – Alternate Ends - U18 F

Key Points:
Take short shifts and play with good habits. Move the puck to players in better position than you. On defense play tight gaps and everyone cover an attacker.

1. Play 3 on 3 with the extra players on the bench.
2. Scoring team get the puck right away and attack the other net. Defenders must rush back to the red line before they can check the players.
3. Keep score and play games to 3 and situations like of 2 out of 3 series.
4. If you have at least 16 players play some 4-4 or with at least 20 skaters 5-5 as long as the pace of the game is intense.

T3 - Defensive Skills - Playing Without the Puck - Sweden

Posted on: February 19 2013 @ 05:52 PM
By: TomM


T3 - Defensive Skills - Playing Without the Puck - Sweden

This is a link to a Swedish presentation on playing Role 3 and 4 situations. Defensive 1 on 1's. Either covering the player with the puck or the player away from the puck. There are good game examples and I will add an attachment with drills to practice the situations.

DT100 - Read-Act to Situation 1-1 to 3-3 - u18 F

Posted on: February 20 2013 @ 04:29 PM
By: TomM


DT100 - Read-Act to Situation 1-1 to 3-3 - U18 F

This is a transition game my asst. coach Sean Kibyuk ran that requires decision making by the players and is a great example of how transition games can be used to teach the game and free the Coach to coach.

Key Points:
Transition game where the players must read the ever changing situations and act to make them even. Transition happens on a turnover, a goal or the goalie freezes the puck. The closest player support to create an even situation.

A. B1-2-3 attack R1-2-3.
B. R5-6 support the attack and B4 the defenders.
C. On transition B4 attack R4-5 and B1-2-or 3 support the attack making it 2-2.
D. Blue Coach sends B5 to support the attack.
E. Red Coach sends R6-7 to support defense.
F. On transition R6-7 attack B5 and B1 or B2 read the outnumber situation and backcheck to make it a 2 on 2.
G. Coaches continue to randomly send 1 to 3 players to support.
H. Players read the situation and support to make it a 1-1, 2-2 or 3-3 attack.

D200 - 3-3 - 3-2-1 Pucks - U18 F

Posted on: February 22 2013 @ 04:08 PM
By: TomM


D200 - 3-3 - 3-2-1 Pucks - U18 F

This is another game where players must read the ever changing situation. I posted a similar game before but the video wasn't very good and now we line up across the blue line and start by skating behind the net.

Key Points:
-Players can only shoot when the goalie is ready.
-No empty net goals.
-Situation continually changes as goals are scored and players have to read odd and even man numbers.

1. Players line up outside the blue lines.
2. Coach shoots in 3 pucks.
3. Players race for pucks and battle to score and defend.
4. Leave puck in the net after a goal and play with 2 pucks then 1 puck.
5. Pass pucks remaining to teammates on whistle.
4. Hustle out of the zone on the whistle and play 20-30 seconds only.
6. Count the pucks in the net after to determine the winning team.

* Option is to pass to teammates on the blue line. Another option is to skate behind the nets to start.

D200 - 2-2 - Shoot Either Net – U18 F - Russian U18 F - Pro

Posted on: February 23 2013 @ 04:53 PM
By: TomM


D200 - 2-2 - Shoot Either Net – U18F - Russian U18 F

I have posted the pro's doing a similar game but we added some rules like skate behind the net and passes to jokers, as well as pass to teammate on the whistle.

Key Points:
Quick reading the rush and change the point of attack. Need quick feet and quick thinking. Get defenders to commit then change direction. No reaching penalties.

1. Two teams on blue line with one at each half.
2. Extra players along the blue line are jokers and they can pass or shoot.
3. Play with only one puck in the playing area.
4. Players can score at either end.
5. Pass to teammate on the whistle.
6. Players skate behind their own net on the whistle.
7. Keep score and leave the pucks in the net after a goal. Coach shoot in a new puck.

* Alternative is to play from 1-1 to 5-5 with the same rule that you can score on either net.

D200 2-2 Shoot Either Net-Pro

D200 - Shoot Either Net RG Coach - Russian U18 F

D400 Random Reading Game Playing Roles - U18 F

Posted on: February 24 2013 @ 05:15 PM
By: TomM


This is a great drill/game that my assistant coach Sean ran at practice. (any High School College or Jr. team looking for an up and coming 30 year old Fireman coach - Sean is your man.) I did the video with the movie maker so it has descriptions.

D400 Random Reading Game Playing Roles - U18 F

Key Points:
Players must read their game playing role from: 1 - carry the puck, 2 – support on offense, 3 – closest player check the puck carrier, 4 – cover players away from the puck. Always see the puck and the player they are covering.


Situation One
1. Players are first divided into teams and one passes in the neutral zone while the other defends from inside the blue line.
2. One player attacks from the neutral zone on each coaches whistle vs. one defender. (Shoot original puck out of the zone.)
3. Each whistle produces progressively increasing situations as players stay in the zone with attackers trying to score and defenders playing man to man defense.

Situation Two
1. This progresses to half of each team in neutral zone and defending zone.
2. In the neutral zone they play keep-away and whomever has the puck when the whistle blows attacks and the opposite team must recognize they are on defense and a new defender plays the 1-1 while the players already in the zone adjust to either offensive or defensive roles.
3. Continue attacking from the neutral zone until everyone is has attacked.
4. Keep score.

D400 Random Reading Game Playing Roles - U18 F

DT100 - 2-2 with Regroup - U18 F - Pro

Posted on: February 26 2013 @ 03:15 PM
By: TomM


DT100 - 2-2 with Regroup - U18 F - Pro

Key Points:
This transition game has active support from offensive jokers at the point and then the original defenders follow the attack and there is a regroup in the neutral zone before crossing the offensive blue line. Progress to the attacking team regroup with the original defenders on a whistle. Supporting point men stay at the point and only get the puck for one second before passing or shooting. they defend the breakout. Coach may or may not whistle.
If there is a turnover the defenders attack the other way vs. the two attackers.

1. Blue 1-2 attack vs. Red 1-2.
2. Blue 3-4 support the attack as active jokers at the point.
3. Jokers can shoot or pass but not go in deep.
4. On transition Red 1-2 attack vs. Blue 3-4 and Blue and Red 3-4 follow attack.
5. Red 1-2 regroup with Red 3-4.
6. Continue the rush R1-2 vs. B3-4.
7. R3-4 support as Jokers at the point.
8. Continue this sequence with Blue 5-6 supporting and regrouping with the next rush.

Pro's regroup on a whistle.

DT100 Continuous 2-2 with Regroup - Pro B

DT400 - Multiple Situations in Small and Smaller Area - U18 G

Posted on: February 27 2013 @ 04:36 PM
By: TomM


DT400 - Multiple Situations in Small and Smaller Area - U18 G

Key Points:
This SAG goal is to practice READING Game Situations by constantly changing the situation from 1-3 on offense or defense at once. Set one net up on the goal line below the face-off dot facing up ice and the other net facing the corner just inside the circle. The game is continuous and thecoach shoot in a new puck on a goal.

A. Blue 1 and 2 attack Red 1 and 2 in the corner and Blue 3 and 4 attack Red 3 and 4 from the red line.
B. Coach whistles and Red 1 and 2 carry the puck out to the red line and attack the other net vs. Blue 3 and 4.
C. Coach shoots in a new puck and Red 5 and 6 attack vs. Blue 1 and 2 in the corner. Red 3 and 4 return to the line.

*Option: Vary the number of players from 1 to 3 and switch up who starts on offense half way through the game. 1-1, 2-2, 1-2, 2-2, 1-3, 2-3, 3-3, 3-2, 3-1

T4 - 5-2 Forecheck and Regroup - Czech U17

Posted on: February 28 2013 @ 03:26 PM
By: TomM


T4 - 5-2 Forecheck and Regroup - Czech U17

Key Points:
Teaching method for instructing the forecheck so all the players understand. This can be used to teach any forecheck.

1. Two defenders are at the top fo the circle and five attackers in the neutral zone.
2. Start with 2 D who skate forward to the blue line and then backward.
3. The coach dumps the puck in and 5 players forecheck vs. the 2 D and two coaches who are outlets along the boards.
4. When the D pass to a coach, or on a goal the puck is dumped down to the far blue line where the attackers regroup and attack 5-2.
5. Play until the attack is finished.

* Rotate so all the lines and D pairs practice.

T2 - B5 Breakout 5-0 Attack 3-2 - Kazakstan W

Posted on: March 02 2013 @ 04:13 PM
By: TomM


T2 - B5 Breakout 5-0 Attack 3-2 - Kazakhstan W

Key Points:
On the breakout either the player or the puck moves right away. Face the puck and give a target.

1. Line up at far blue line.
2. Coach pass to D who go D to D and back to coach who shoots puck in.
3. Five players break out.
4. Turn back at the red line and the three F attack the two D 3 on 2.
5. Play out the 3-3 until the whistle.
6. Next group repeat.

G-C3 - Goalie Passing-Regroup -1 on 1 - RB Pro 2

Posted on: March 06 2013 @ 03:12 PM
By: TomM


This drill is run by a Slovakian coach with the second division pro team. There aren't many players on the ice. It was targeted for the goalies.
G-C3 - Goalie Passing-Regroup -1 on 1 - RB Pro 2

Key Points:
Face the puck at all times and give a target. Forward shoot so the goalie can catch it and then make a pass.

1. D1 pass to the F who regroups with D2.
2. D2 pass to F who skates over the blue line and shoots so the goalie can catch the puck.
3. Goalie pass to D1.
4. D1 pass to F and follow the attack.
5. F attack vs. D2.
6. If D2 breaks up the rush then attack vs. D1.
7. Blue group repeat on the other side in the opposite direction when the attack is finished.

*With a large group this could be done from both sides at once and with 2 F's.

D200 - 1 on 1 - Puck Handling Game - Youth

Posted on: March 07 2013 @ 10:26 PM
By: TomM


D200 - 1 on 1 - Puck Handling Game - Youth

I just got back from my hockey skills class.

Today we had 6 beginner level players and 6 more advanced level. Half in Red and half in green. We did a lot of puck handling and skating agility and then they played this puck handling game.

- 2 small nets across ice from each other just inside the outside of each circle.
- 1 player on and the other two at the blue line.
- start with NHL touch face-off.

- if you get scored on you get the puck out of the net and pass to a team mate on the side who attacks 1-1 vs. the player who scored, who must skate to his half of the ice before defending.
- If you score vs. everyone then rotate by passing to the side.
- To score you must get at least to the face-off dot and the net is just inside the circle (no chicken shots from far out-you have to dangle to score)

Options we did.
- players on the side are jokers and you can pass to them.
- 2-2 with the same rules.

It was nothing short than a GREAT puck handling exercise. I saw them pulling moves in the games that I have recently showed them.

B600 - 2-0 – Pro

Posted on: March 12 2013 @ 02:45 PM
By: TomM


B600 - 2-0 – Pro

Key Points:
Quick hard passes, pass while skating, give a target, face the puck, stay onside.

1. Players line up at the four blue lines on the boards.
2. Red 1 leave and pass to either Blue 1 or 2.
3. Return pass is made to Red 1 or 2.
4. Reds make one or two passes and shoot.
5. Follow the shot for a rebound.

T2-4 - D400 Specialty Team Practice – Pro

Posted on: March 13 2013 @ 02:48 PM
By: TomM


T2-4 - D400 Specialty Team Practice – Pro

Key Points:
Team is in two colours or four colours. Skate in straight lines from the net out when killing penalties and only laterally when checking the puck carrier. Sticks in the passing lanes, stick on the puck. Shin pads in front of the puck on shots. On the power play either the puck or player move and rotate positions away from the puck.

1. Half the team at each end and rotate between pp and pk when the play is at the other end.
2. Start with the coach spotting the puck or with a face-off.
3. The coach put in a new puck when the puck is out of play.
4. Practice all of the options with everyone getting shots.
5. Penalty killers rotate with a diamond vs. a diamond power play and a box when the puck is on the wall or low.
6. Power play create 2 on 1’s and one timer shots.
7. Penalty kill deny shots from the middle first and move to shooters on the sides.
8. This rotation can also be used to practice low zone even strength situations.

T2 - D400 - Spread 2-1-2 Power Play 5 on 3 - Pro

Posted on: March 14 2013 @ 02:21 PM
By: TomM


T2 - D400 - Spread 2-1-2 Power Play 5 on 3 - Pro

Key Points:
Either the player or the puck moves. Set up on the off wing for one timers. Rotate positions. One touch passes, one timer shots, pouncing on rebounds produce goals.

1. Start with a face-off and allow the offense to win the draw.
2. Set up with two players just above the goal line, two at the top of the circles and one in the middle.
3. Point men can start on the strong side and cross to the off wing side to set a moving one timer.
4. The player in the middle should screen when the puck is at the point and slide back near the hash marks when the puck is low to set up for one timer and allow room for back door pass. They can stay for a quick jam is also.
5. The key is to become a threat when you have the puck and switches and screens away from the puck.
6. Some teams have the two low players below the goal line. This causes the pk. to turn their backs and is very effective for setting up one timers and walk-outs.
7. Make passes that beat one defender or through seams to the other side for one timers.
8. Outwork the penalty killers.
9. The goal when practicing the PP is for a shot every 3 seconds. It is not keepaway. The purpose of a power play is to Produce Rebounds.

T2 – D400 – Diamond 1-3-1 Power Play - Pro

Posted on: March 15 2013 @ 02:24 PM
By: TomM


T2 – D400 – Diamond 1-3-1 Power Play - Pro

Key Points:
Players on the sides be on their off wings for one timer shots. Rotate positions and create constant movement. One timer shots are most effective from the dot and lower.

1. Outwork the defenders with one extra attacker battling for loose pucks.
2. When the puck is at the half-boards the player in front should support from the goal line.
3. When the puck is at the mid-point move into a 1-3-1.
4. The player in the middle give close support to the players at on each side and the mid-point.
5. Move the puck quickly with one touch passes that beat one defender unless a seam opens for a cross-ice pass that beats two defenders.
6. Either the player or the puck moves at all times.
7. Mid-point player always look to shoot first and miss the shot blocker. Pass when there is no shot.
8. Create rebounds and then outnumber the defenders in the slot.
9. Attack in waves with constant rotation, quick passes and shots to continually create open passing and shooting lanes.

T2-4 - D400 PP and PK 5-4 – Pro

T2-4 D400 PK and PP Rotation Detroit – Pro

T2-4 D400 Specialty Team Situations – Pro

T2 4 D400 BO 5 4 PP PK Czech U20

T2-4 - D400 - 5-4 - Russian U20

T2-4 - D400 - 5-4 - Russian U20

T2-4 Power Play and Penalty Killing Philosophies

Posted on: March 18 2013 @ 05:10 PM
By: TomM


T2-4 Power Play and Penalty Killing Philosophies

Specialty Team Practices
I have made video of Detroit, Salzburg Red Bulls and the Flames practicing specialty teams. They all have a common way to practice specialty teams but have their own philosophies on the power play and penalty kill. The Red Bulls are coached by a long time NHL coach Pierre Page and the assistant coach is Reijo Routsalainen who was an offensive defenseman in the NHL for Edmonton, NY and the Devils. He led the Rangers in scoring one season.
They all start with either an overload or a slot set power play and move into a 1-3-1.

Here are some of the philosophies I see.

Power play has lots of motion and rotating positions. They always have a good screen in front of the goal and will move the puck from side to side behind the net.
Penalty killing they overload the corner with all four players if the puck is dumped in and there is a battle. A D on the puck, puck side F drops down along the wall, middle F is near the dot and the net D stays with his man. The forwards stay on their side of the ice and the middle F will go to the puck side if the pass is to that side and the weak side F will be in the middle. They pressure on loose pucks with the stick always leading and on the puck. Good sticks all of the time.

Detroit specialty team practice.

Detroit coach talking about the PK.

on ice demo

Red Bulls
The Red Bulls want to move the puck as quickly as possible and always shoot when there is an opening. On the pk the closest defender pressures with the stick on the puck and they constantly rotate, so a D could end up at the point. They skate in straight lines always from the net out and have sticks in the passing lanes.

The Flames
Flames move into a 1-3-1 diamond but don’t have as much rotation of positions or one touch passing.
On the penalty kill they try to do a fall under when the puck is at the mid-point and the forward will chase a puck sideways and get caught when the pp passes right back to the middle because the F’s are constantly switching sides. They play solid when the puck is low.

So every team has similarities and differences.

I like the way Detroit overloads the play in the corner and the weak side F covers the player in the mid slot when the puck is at the half wall. I like the way the Red Bulls skate in straight lines and pressure the puck. My view is when the puck is passed to the side for the one timer that either the F or the D on that side block and the player who covered mid point drop down to cover the middle player and take away the pass across.
So the question is: What is your philosophy and why and then ‘How do you teach it to your team.’

O - Off ice Training - Czech Youth

Posted on: May 30 2023 @ 03:03 PM
By: TomM


Quote by: TomM

O - Off ice Training - Czech Youth

Agility using Sticks

Key Points:
Use a stick with no blade as the barrier between two players and do partner exercises with competition.

1. Partners mirror each others movements.
2. Partners fake at each other and read the body language to go the other way around the stick.
3. Partner play tag with one chasing and the free. They must run around the stick to tag and then that partner is it.

O - Agility Circuit Race - Czech Youth
Training off ice in a gym or outside. Multiple examples.

O - Agility Circuit Race - Czech Youth

O Combative Dryland Czech Youth

O - Dryland Agility Core Circuits Czech Republic

O Dryland Agility Coordination Reaction Time Czech Youth

O - Czech Off Ice Training

O - Czech Youth Hockey Off-Ice

DT400 2-2 One Joker Below Hash - Pr

Posted on: July 21 2024 @ 01:50 PM
By: TomM


Quote by: TomM

DT400 2-2 One Joker Below Hash - Pro

Key Points:
This game focuses on Role 2 - getting open and Role 4 - covering away from the puck. The joker shoulld focus on facing the play and seeing the ice. Other players continuously battle for the inside position. Attackers give a target and defenders good sticks.

1. Play inside top of the circles in one or both ends of the ice with both teams shooting on the same net.
2. To transition to offense you must pass to the joker.
3. Joker passes back to the team that he got a pass from.
4. Joker can move anywhere below the dots.
5. Players change on their own.
6. Coach put in a new puck on a goal or if the puck is shot out of the zone.
7. Keep score-have tournaments, modify rules to focus on skills or good habits.
8. The joker can wear a different colour or rotate jokers.

Hockey Coaching ABCs - Forum