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Category: General Submitted by: TomM
Download Now!   Drill of the Week 2011-12-14     Popular
Coaches from around the world share drills, favorite books and quotations.
This booklet has 133 submissions with 4 drills each along with the quotations and recommended books, so it is over 500 pages.
    Ver:    Date: Mar.27.14   Rating: 0.00  Downloaded 807 times 807   File Size  100.26 MB  Home Page:
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Rating: 0.00/5 (0 votes cast)
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Category: General Submitted by: Admin
Download Now!   Decision Making and Transition     Popular
Make good decisions with the puck 65% of the time and you have a good chance to win the game. 60% and you will lose big and 70% you will win big.
Former NHL player and coach and European pro coach talks about Transition and Decision Making in hockey.
    Ver:    Date: Jan.28.12   Rating: 3.17(29)  Downloaded 541 times 541   File Size  61.70 MB  Home Page:
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Rating: 3.17/5 (29 votes cast)
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Category: General Submitted by: TomM
Download Now!   D6 Game Formation - Variations     Popular
D6 Game Formation - Variations
Key Points:
The ice can be divided into two halves lengthwise which creates more speed and allows full ice drills and games on each side.
B6 is the basic formation with a net on each side of the ice on the goal lines at each end.
B6 Variation One
- One net on the goal line lined up with the other net on the far blue line.
B6 Variation Two
- One net in the goal crease at one end and the other net lined up with the face-off dot at the far blue line.
-This variation allows for play in the entire zone.
- In this variation the scoring team gets the puck and goes the other way and the team scored on must touch the blue line before defending. Use either Variation A or Variation B or you could combine them. Variation B gives a full zone to attack and defend in at each end.
    Ver:    Date: Feb.10.12   Rating: 3.07(28)  Downloaded 399 times 399   File Size  5.55 MB  Home Page:
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Rating: 3.07/5 (28 votes cast)
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Category: General Submitted by: Admin
Download Now!   D4 Baggo - Czech U20     Popular
D4 Baggo - Czech U20
Key Points:
Face the puck. Get open for a pass and give a target. Goals on one timer shots.
1. Offensive team must pass within one second.
2. Goals must be on one timers.
3. If the puck goes outside of the zone the other team gets it.
4. On transition to offense there must be at least one pass before you can shoot.
  Ver:    Date: Jan.24.12   Rating: 3.16(37)  Downloaded 498 times 498   File Size  14.99 MB  Home Page:
  • Currently 3.16/5
Rating: 3.16/5 (37 votes cast)
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Category: General Submitted by: Admin
Download Now!   D200 2-2 one Joker on Sides Finnish U17     Popular
Cross ice game of 2-2 with one Joker from each team on the side. Extra players on the blue line keep the puck in.
Rotation is: Jokers activate with one new player and the second new player becomes a Joker.
    Ver:    Date: Feb.13.12   Rating: 2.70(23)  Downloaded 519 times 519   File Size  15.07 MB  Home Page:
  • Currently 2.70/5
Rating: 2.70/5 (23 votes cast)
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