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Category: General Submitted by: TomM
Download Now!   2011-12 Finland Jr. Team Practice     Popular
Video of Finland practicing at Canada Olympic Park arenas in preparation for the World Junior Championship Tournament.
    Ver:    Date: Dec.24.11   Rating: 3.85(40)  Downloaded 730 times 730   File Size  187.49 MB  Home Page:
  • Currently 3.85/5
Rating: 3.85/5 (40 votes cast)
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Category: General Submitted by: TomM
Download Now!   TC Whiteboard Practice Template     Popular
A coach can copy and paste from the pdf drill and game files and then save as; a new title to plan and share practices.
    Ver:    Date: Jun.02.13   Rating: 0.00  Downloaded 749 times 749   File Size  73.37 KB  Home Page:
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Rating: 0.00/5 (0 votes cast)
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Category: General Submitted by: TomM
Download Now!   Drill of the Week 2011-12-14     Popular
Coaches from around the world share drills, favorite books and quotations.
This booklet has 133 submissions with 4 drills each along with the quotations and recommended books, so it is over 500 pages.
    Ver:    Date: Mar.27.14   Rating: 0.00  Downloaded 807 times 807   File Size  100.26 MB  Home Page:
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Rating: 0.00/5 (0 votes cast)
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Category: General Submitted by: peter
Download Now!   Pass & Move     Popular
This is a great kids passing drill, that teaches them to move and get into position after making a pass. Also teaches them offensive positioning.
  Ver:    Date: Dec.15.12   Rating: 0.00  Downloaded 816 times 816   File Size  26.40 KB  Home Page:
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Rating: 0.00/5 (0 votes cast)
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Category: General Submitted by: peter
Download Now!   Breakout Shootout     Popular
Will like to use this drill at the end of practice, as the cool down section of the ABC model.

Player starts in the box plus one winger postion, and on the whistle gets into postion for the breakout. Receives a pass from the D and skates towards the red line and then cuts in to go through the lines of players and in for a shot.
  Ver:    Date: Oct.23.12   Rating: 0.00  Downloaded 886 times 886   File Size  28.31 KB  Home Page:
  • Currently 0.00/5
Rating: 0.00/5 (0 votes cast)
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