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Category: General Submitted by: TomM
Download Now!   D - ABC Games July 2014     Popular
D - ABC Games July 2014
Full ice, cross ice, one zone, multiple zones, SAG, Games to Teach the Game.
Put skills and good habits into game situations and develop skilled - creative players.
    Ver:    Date: Aug.06.14   Rating: 0.00  Downloaded 352 times 352   File Size  16.28 MB  Home Page:
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Category: General Submitted by: TomM
Download Now!   DT 2014 Transition Games Booklet.pdf     Popular
DT - Transition Games Booklet - 2014
Practice game situations from 1-1 to 6-5 in a one puck continuous transition game.
    Ver:    Date: Aug.06.14   Rating: 0.00  Downloaded 2856 times 2856   File Size  18.05 MB  Home Page:
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Category: General Submitted by: TomM
Download Now!   E1 Shootouts and Contests.pdf     Popular
E1 - Shootout and Contests.
Practice scoring and compete.
    Ver:    Date: Aug.06.14   Rating: 0.00  Downloaded 647 times 647   File Size  347.87 KB  Home Page:
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Category: General Submitted by: TomM
Download Now!   Drill of the Week 2011-12-14     Popular
Coaches from around the world share drills, favorite books and quotations.
This booklet has 133 submissions with 4 drills each along with the quotations and recommended books, so it is over 500 pages.
    Ver:    Date: Mar.27.14   Rating: 0.00  Downloaded 790 times 790   File Size  100.26 MB  Home Page:
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Rating: 0.00/5 (0 votes cast)
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Category: General Submitted by: TomM
Download Now!   TC Whiteboard Practice Template     Popular
A coach can copy and paste from the pdf drill and game files and then save as; a new title to plan and share practices.
    Ver:    Date: Jun.02.13   Rating: 0.00  Downloaded 743 times 743   File Size  73.37 KB  Home Page:
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Rating: 0.00/5 (0 votes cast)
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