T3 – Defending 1-1 From Standing Start – Youth Skills
T3 – Defending 1-1 From Standing Start – Youth Skills
Key Points:
Never lose defensive side and if beat wide turn inside and race to the near post because it is a 1/4 as opposed to a 3/4 turn. When doing any drill finish the play.
1. Start from diagonal corners.
2. Attacker start from the goal line and defender from the face-off circle.
3. Defender face the boards in an athletic stance with the lead skate turned to the inside, slightly turned toward the attacker.
4. Defender do a maximum 2-3 cross over’s and then stride backwards. (There is a trend now not to do any cross-over’s but start striding after the half turn.)
5. Keep the attacker outside the mid-line of the body and the gap within a stick length.
6. If the attacker drives wide flare back a little and turn to skate forward, then angle to the corner.
7. If beaten wide then turn to the inside and head straight to the near post to regain defensive side.
8. After a shot box out the attacker and take his stick before looking for the rebound.
9. Move the defenders to start closer to the attacker.
10. Move the drill and attacker start from the blue line with the defender at the dot.