T2-C2 - Nzone Forecheck - Turnover to D and F - Attack 5-2 – Detroit
T2-C2 - Nzone Forecheck - Turnover to D and F - Attack 5-2 – Detroit
Key Points:
Face the puck, give a target, isolate a wide defender, attack with speed, head man the puck, middle drive
1. Players are lined up on one side.
2. One set of D at each blue line.
3. F1-F2-F3 start in the neutral zone and regroup with D1-D2.
4. Defense hinge and then pass and turnover the puck to D3-D4.
5. D3-D4-F1-F2-F3 attack 5-2 vs. D1-D2.
6. F4-F5-F6 repeat and regroup with D4-D5 who turn it over to D3-D4 and they attack 5-2 in the other direction.
7. Change the drill so that the D now turn over the puck to the forwards who quickly attack 5-2.
*Focus on making a quick transition to offense and having all 5 in on the attack.