B2 Point Shot-Screen, Point to Low then Across – Pro
B2 Point Shot-Screen, Point to Low then Across – Pro
Key Points:
The key is for D1 move between the dots and hit the net. On the second play D1 must freeze the defender with a fake shot and then pass down to F1. F2 must give a target and be strong on his stick to tap a hard pass in.
1. F1 pass to D1 at the point.
2. D1 drag and shoot while F2 screen and F1 go to the net for a tip or rebound.
3. F1 get a new puck and pass to D1.
4. D1 fake a shot and pass straight down to F1.
5. F1 skate at the net to become a threat and pass across to F2 who slides back to the far post.