B6 3-0 Middle Drive C-U18
B6 3-0 Middle Drive C-U18
Key Points:
The first player over the attacking blue line without the puck skate hard through the middle lane to the top of the goal crease. Player with puck and third player skate hard toward the dots. Force defenders to cover each player.
1. Leave from the corner.
2. Player 1 skate around top of the circle and the bottom of the next circle and up the lane.
3. Player 2 skate top of the circle to below the hash and up the middle.
*Repeat in the other direction.
4. Player 3 carry a puck around the circle and up the near lane.
5. Player 3 pass to 2 to 1 and do a middle drive.
6. Ideal play is a pass across from 1 to 3 about at the hash marks for a one timer shot.
7. Wide shot or a pass to the middle are also options. Read the play.
*Repeat in the other direction.