B5 Regroup 3-0, Middle Drive-Pro
B5 Regroup 3-0, Middle Drive-Pro
Key Points:
Defense move quickly and hinge the pass up the middle. Pass hard. Centre give the stick and skates as a flat target. Middle drive hard to the net.
1. All the players are inside the middle circle.
2. Red D1get a pass from a Red F2.
3. Red D hinge and pass D1 to D2.
4. D2 pass to F2 supporting in the middle.
5. F2 pass to F1 on the strong side.
6. F1 gain blueline and pass wide to F3.
7. F2 middle drive skating hard to the net.
8. F3 shoot and all crash the net for a rebound.
9. Blue repeat in the other direction.