C1-C6 Pass Regroup - 1-1 and 2-1 x 2 – Pro
Key Points:
Attack with speed and go hard to the net. On the 2-1 make the first play early so there is a second play. Defend with a tight gap and ox the shooter out on the 1-1. On the 2-1 keep the puck to one side and take the stick of the wide player after the shot.
1. F1 at each end pass to D1 coming out of the corner.
2. D1 make a pivot and pass to F1 and follow the play.
3. F1 turn back at the far blue line and attack 1-1 vs. D1.
4. D1 mirror F1 and skate backwards to defend the rush.
5. F2 and D2 at repeat at each end.
6. Change the drill to a 2-1 with F1-F2 attacking vs. D1 at each end.