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T1 - Slap Shot and One Timer Shooting Stations - U18 F
T1 - Slap Shot and One Timer Shooting Stations - U18 F
Key Points:
Strong bottom hand. Hit the ice behind the puck.
1. One touch shoot passes on each side from below the goal line.
2. Slap shot with snow behind the puck.
3. Shootout contest, keep shooting until you miss.
4. One time shot x 4. Skate forward exchange passes, backward on one timer.
5. One time forehand shot.
6. Quick shot after a pass from each side.

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Media ID 20161027103129928 
Thursday, October 27 2016 @ 03:31 PM GMT
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Uploaded By: TomM  


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Media ID 20161027103129928  
Date Thursday, October 27 2016 @ 03:31 PM GMT
Views 1901
Keywords slap shot, one timer, quick shot, stiff bottom hand
Uploaded By TomM