B4 - 4-0 BO - Attack-Cycle-Point Shot x 2 - Czech U20
B4 - 4-0 BO - Attack-Cycle-Point Shot x 2 - Czech U20
Key Points:
Forwards skate to the big ice with the puck and pass to the outside for a wide entry into the zone. One forward screen and the other cycle high. Defense work on one timers and quick shots or high cycle options like back door plays.
1. All of the players start from the middle circle.
2. Start with a coach at each end spot a puck on the goal line and D1-D2-F1-F2 leave from each end.
3. D1 shoulder check and pass over to D2 up to F1 or F2, attack 4-0.
4. F1-F2 attack and carry the puck to the ‘Big Ice’ between the dots and pass to the outside lane.
5. Shoot-rebound.
6. F1 get a puck in the corner and cycle high and pass to D1 to D2 who shoots - F1-F2 screen.
7. F2 get a puck from the other corner, high cycle, pass to D2 to D1 who shoots, screen.
* All of the high cycle options can be practiced with this drill.
* D joining the rush can also be practiced in this drill.