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T1 - A500 - Puck Control and Protection Circuit - U17
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T1 - A500 - Puck Control and Protection Circuit - U17
Key Points:
Shield the puck with the back and inside leg. Come out of the tight turns in the triple threat position. Only cross the hands when there is no defender, instead put the bottom had down on the shaft and sit low.
1. Station A puck protection.
2. Players leave from the blue line and protect the puck.
3. One coach push them with a blocking pad and another coach give passive resistance with the stick on the puck.
4. Walk out and take a shot and stop for the rebound.
5. Station B defensemen agility skate and shoot.
6. Pivot between forward and backward skating then shoot from the mid-point.
7. Station C agility skating in the neutral zone with a puck.
8. Make tight turns both ways around pylons.
9. Protect the puck from the coach and finish around pylons.

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Media ID 20150820120805199 
Thursday, August 20 2015 @ 05:08 PM GMT
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Uploaded By: TomM  


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Media ID 20150820120805199  
Date Thursday, August 20 2015 @ 05:08 PM GMT
Views 2284
Keywords puck control, ciruit, puck protection
Uploaded By TomM