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T1 - Cycle-Pass-Shoot - U20
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T1 - Cycle-Pass-Shoot - U20
Key Points:
Pass and shoot while skating. Shooter face the puck for a pass and square up for a one timer. Shoot without handling the puck, receive in the sweet spot and shoot.
1. Players leave from the mid high slot.
2. Coach dump the puck into the corner.
3. Player A get the puck and skate up the boards and bounce pass back to B.
4. A skate around the top of the circle and give a target for a pass.
5. B pass to A who shoots and follows for a rebound.
6. Repeat in the other corner with B cycling to C and B shoot.
* Option is to cycle toward the back of the net and A kick out for a pass. Pass can be made off the bottom bar of the net into the slot.

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Views 2245
Media ID 20150818214245188 
Tuesday, August 18 2015 @ 09:42 PM GMT
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Uploaded By: TomM  


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Media ID 20150818214245188  
Date Tuesday, August 18 2015 @ 09:42 PM GMT
Views 2245
Keywords cycle, pass, shoot, one timer, no dusting the puck
Uploaded By TomM