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T1 - B2 - Head up Get Shot by First Man x 3 - U20
T1 - B2 - Head up Get Shot by First Man x 3 - U20
Key Points:
Shoot with the head up from the middle, left or right. Miss the shot blocker and see where teammates are screening or looking for a shot pass.
1. Coach pass from the top of the circle to the player at the point in the middle.
2. Player must do everything with his head up and know where the shot blocker is.
3. Pass one skate to the forehand side and take a wrist or snap shot.
4. Pass one skate to the forehand side and take a wrist or snap shot.
5. Pass two slap shot from the middle.
6. On the third pass skate fake going to the forehand and skate backwards and shoot.

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Views 2149
Media ID 20150818164244967 
Tuesday, August 18 2015 @ 09:42 PM GMT
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Uploaded By: TomM  


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Media ID 20150818164244967  
Date Tuesday, August 18 2015 @ 09:42 PM GMT
Views 2149
Keywords point shots, miss first man
Uploaded By TomM