B600 - 5-0 RG - 1-0 x 3 - 5-0 Point Shots x 2 - Czech U20
B600 - 5-0 RG - 1-0 x 3 - 5-0 Point Shots x 2 - Czech U20
Key Points:
Forwards must time their skating to be available for the pass from the D. D should hinge and pass up. Shoot and follow the shot for a rebound.
1. Players at the 4 blue lines and pucks about 5 metres inside the lines against the boards.
2. D1 pick up a puck and pass to D2, up to F1 who attacks 1-0 and shoots.
3. D2 get a puck, D2 pass to D1 up to F2 who attacks 1-0 and shoots F1 screen.
4. D1 go back for another puck, D to D and up to F3 who skates in and shoots.
5. D1-D2 follow the attack.
6. D2 get a puck and pass to D1 who takes a point shot.
7. D1 get a puck and pass to D2 who takes a point shot.
8. F1 screen, F2 and F3 be at each side ready for a shot pass, one timer or rebound.
9. D3-D4-F4-F5-F6 repeat the sequence on the other goal.