DT100 Continuous 2-2 Passive Support - Pro
DT100 Continuous 2 on 2 – Passive Support - Pro
Key Points:
The two attacking forwards play attack 2 on 2 and then play a low 2-2 vs. the two defenders.
1. Forwards line up on one side and defense on the other.
2. Start with a 2 on 2 attack F1 and F2 vs D1 and D2.
3. When the puck enters the zone defensive Red F1 and F2 give passive support from the mid-slot area and attacking team Blue D1 and D2 support F's.
4. Play 2 on 2 low in the zone.
5. If the puck is dumped out with no possession the offensive team regroup and attack again.
6. The supporting players who joined the play now go 2 on 2 in the other direction.
7. F2 - F3 support D1 and D2 and D3 and D4 support attacking F1 and F2.